1st Anniversary Episode 1: Meeting at the Amity Colosseum

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At the Colosseum,

Three portals open up for you to emerge from one portal, Monika, Deku, Wraith, Raijin, Godfist, Proteus, White Nova and Anubis to emerge from the other, and Shadow, Enoch, Dante, Ullr, and EX Machina to emerge from the third.

As soon as everyone are out, all three portals closed behind them as the other Izukus notice some familiar faces and new faces while looking around the Colosseum.

While they looked around, Shadow began to speak while pointing his finger upwards for a large table and several chairs surrounding it to slowly ascend up at the center of the Colosseum.

(A/N: Amity Colosseum.)

(A/N: Where everyone is now inside the Colosseum. Include the Table and Chairs.)

Shadow: Canon Deku and the Ten Izukus from Ten different Dekuverses; Wraith, Raijin  Godfist, Proteus, Anubis, White Nova, Enoch, Dante, Ullr, EX Machina... as well as Cerebro and Monika. Welcome, to my World and to my Amity Colosseum. Please also take your seats as we are about to begin. ushering them to their seats

Shadow said while gesturing his hand pointing at the large table so they may have a seat.

The Ten and Deku looked around in awe around the interior while they slowly made their way towards their seats, sitting on each individual chair, for you, Monika and Shadow to walk to their seats as they sat themselves down.

As soon as everyone have been seated, Shadow initiated the meeting to begin.

Shadow: Now, before we start, let's call ourselves by our codenames considering there are eleven of you Izukus here. So, Deku, Wraith, Raijin, Godfist, Proteus, Anubis, White Nova, Enoch, Dante, Ullr, EX Machina, Monika, Cerebro and Shadow. Agreed.

Izukus: Agreed.

Monika: Agreed.

(Y/n): Aye Aye, Cap'n.

Everyone responded.

Shadow: nods Now, do you know why I have called all of you here?

Shadow questions.

Godfist: Is it because we have another convention?

Raijin: Perhaps a feast of all dragons?

Anubis: Tattoo Competition?

Shadow: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh.... no.

Monika: snickering

Shadow: Haha! Yeah, get it out of your system, Monika.

Raijin: Anyway, jokes aside. Is it because of that threat Monika mentioned before?

Shadow: Yes. That you're correct. And as what Monika did say as a comparison, this threat is far more dangerous than Architect. And it is also revealed by an annonymous tip of mine, that it has also fused itself with the Omega Device, meaning, if you die, it's permenant.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, everyone looked at him in shock  as it is now revealed that the enemy they'll be facong is more powerful than Architect.

Raijin: Who or What is this fiend we are going to fight against?

Wraith: And what does it want with us?

Along with Wraith and Raijin, few others began to ask their own questions.

Shadow: The threat, is a Void Monster called Greeza.

Deku: Greeza?

Shadow: Yes. The reason why it is a threat because in a specific universe, this Greeza defeated All for One, absorbed him and fused with him. And now, it has the power to do what All for One does. Thus! Calling it now, The Number One Void Monster; All for One Greeza.

Anubis: Yikes.

Proteus: Now that's bad.... r-really really bad.

Shadow: Currently, it has destroyed several Dekuverses, and y'all including Canon could be next.

Monika: It almost took my Dekuverse along with my Zuzu... but a vision from me and Zuzu forced it to flee, delaying the inevitable.

Godfist: Crud! You okay???

Monika: So far everyone back in my Dekuvserse is fine, along with my Zuzu.

Wraith: Well, thank the gods, then.

Deku: Wait. If this, All for One Greeza is extremely powerful, what are its quirks or powers?

Shadow: Same quirks but just loads more of them that we can't name them for a moment there as there are too many stored inside it. For its powers, here it is.

Shadow said, pressing a button on a remote to show everyone a hologram at the center of the table, revealing Greeza's powers in its first form to its third form, to everyone's shock.

Dante: fer fuck sake..... is this kaiju for real....????

Monika: From what he told me in which the way I see it now, yeah.... its power is no joke... literally.

Enoch: So how do we come to defeating it? Even if we get closer, it'll just dodge it at ease.

Wraith: hmph! Like the few villains I have encountered before who does that so, I can tell this guy will be a bigger pain in the ass.

Godfist: A pain in your ass? I can already tell that thing which is also All for One is on another scale from the All for One and Tomura Shigaraki  that I fought. That includes Overhaul, as well.

Raijin: That being said, Fry-Man.... the fact remains, he must be stopped at all cost.

Shadow: Those pointers are valid and agreeable to those who spoke up.

Shadow said.

Then, a portal appeared behind Shadow, for everyone to take notice of this. Sensing their presence, Shadow smiled as he calmed everyone down.

Shadow: People people! Hold your horses. They're friends.

Raijin: Oh?

Raijin wondered.

Then, three individuals emerged donning their uniforms as they stood by Shadow's side.

Shadow: looks at (Y/n) I suppose introductions for you are already in order.

(Y/n): nods

Shadow: looks at everyone Everyone, allow me to introduce to you, Daichi Ozora, hand gestures to the Gold X-Devizer Ultraman X, Asakura Riku and Haruki Natsukawa.

(A/N: Daichi, X, Riku and Haruki.)

Izukus & Monika: Hello.

Daichi: Hi.

Riku: Hello.

Haruki: Nice to meet you.

Shadow: Gentlemen, we'll be calling them by their codenames so, these are Deku, Wraith, Raijin, Godfist, Proteus, Anubis, White Nova, Enoch, Dante, Ullr, EX Machina and Monika. They are from different Dekuverses.

Haruki: Whoa.... similar people from different worlds and powers?! Nice to meet you!!! bows

Godfist chuckled for a moment.

Godfist: What persona. Reminds me of my dad. Still, nice to meet you.

Izukus & Monika: Yeah, nice to meet you.

They all said.

Raijin: Young God. May I ask. I don't mean to question your wisdom but, why bring them here to our quarters?

Shadow: Good question. These three individuals, fought Greeza before and stood victorious against it, inspite of the costs.

Deku: Wait... WHAT?! They defeated Greeza?!

Daichi: Yeah, the three of us did.

Riku: And we have our own experiences to share.

Ultraman X (via X Devizer): Not only that, the story behind Greeza.

Raijin: Hmm?

Ultraman X (via X Devizer): Correct. There is a history behind Greeza, Raijin.

Raijin: Then reveal thy secrets to us, four of thee so we could defeat this unusually distorted fiend that is Groot.

Shadow: Greeza.

Raijin: Yes, Greeza.

Ultraman X (via X Devizer): Well, to start things off; In my Earth, Greeza targets the life energy on Planets, and leaves nothing in its wake.

Anubis: So, it erases lifeforms.

Ultraman X (via X Devizer): Correct. Back then, after it destroyed three Planets rich with life, I followed him to my Earth's solar system. When Greeza had set its eyes on Earth, I was able to push it into the sun. Back then, it all happened 15 years ago which was a long time ago, and eventually due to its defeat, it caused the Ultra Flares to take form. Back then, I thought I had finished it, but it came back.

White Nova: So, incinerating it is then out of the question.

Ultraman X (via X Devizer): Yes. Greeza targets lifeforms most abundant with life energy, in my case back then, were kaijus. But take notice of this, all of you. Greeza is on a different scale than any other kaiju. You won't be able to beat it unless you work together.

Daichi: We tried the first time but.... Greeza absorbed us and is on the verge on killing the both of us.

Ullr: Then how did you manage to survive?

Ullr asks.

Daichi: Well, it's simple. We have support from our Team, friends, the kaijus, fishes out Gomora Spark Doll And Gomora.

Shadow: smiles

Ultraman X (via X Devizer): Thanks to them, the kaijus converge with us and with the support of the kaijus and our friends, we managed to defeat Greeza when we came back out from being absorbed.

Daichi: Honestly, I thought I was going to die.... but they never gave up on me... Asuna, never gave up on me.

Daichi said.

Dante: Awwww~ I can tell you have feelings for Asuna. Have you twitches bang her yet?

Enoch: Dante! Hush!

Raijin: A noble story from the both of you, Dice and X.

(Y/n): Daichi.

Raijin: Yes. I'm touched with your resolve and I can tell you want to befriend with kaijus back in your Earth. A noble goal you have.

Daichi: Thank you.

Shadow: Now, let's go with Riku and Haruki next and last.

Haruki: Well.... none of us knew how that happen, really. But according to Riku-senpai and Alien Spikey, after STORAGE, Ultraman Z and I fought a Fourth Dimensional Kaiju; Bullton, it somehow brought Greeza through my Earth I'm protecting as Ultraman Z.

Riku: Because of that, I had to come back to his Earth quickly. As soon as I came back, Haruki and I fought against Greeza, but it was too much for us to handle. Not even a kaiju can even land a ddnt on it.

Haruki: Five King can't even overpower Greeza, too.

Riku: Yeah. And so, I did what I could to stop him... which led me to end up like Daichi and X.

Haruki: But before he got absorbed by Greeza, Riku-senpai gave me this Ultra Medal shows Geed Medal which gave Z a hint that in order to defeat Greeza, we require a power beyond logic.

EX Machina: Power beyond logic?

Haruki: Yeah. At first we didn't have that power because we require a dark ultra to work that, but if it weren't for Alien Spikey, shows Belial Medal we managed to get our hands on it and turned into Delta Rise Claw.

Raijin: Delta Rise Claw? Hmm... sounds powerful.

Haruki: Oh, it is! Its power managed to free Riku-senpai from Greeza, and we even landed a hit on Greeza. Furthermore, we got something from Greeza that helped us win our fight against it.

Riku: A needle, that is meant to sew close the blackhole which is Greeza, too. That needle that is Belialok, did a massive damage and eventually,-

Haruki: We stopped it!

(A/N: Accessories shown.)

Anubis: Belialok as the needle to close up that walking blackhole? Interesting.

Wraith: That means the being and kaiju we are about to fight is basically.... nothing?

Shadow: Yes.

Deku: That means we'll be seeing nothing even though we can see it?

Shadow: Yes.

Wraith: And it'll take many of us to stop it due to its mysterious powers it has yet to unlock but due to its new found power and quirks, that's why we're here?

Shadow: Yes.

Godfist: So, how do we even land a hit when it's gonna just keep moving?

Shadow: We'll train.

Proteus: Train? I don't think there is time for that. Nothing personal, Shadow.

White Nova: The Magician here is correct. We won't have time to train as All for One Greeza is still on the loose.

Shadow: Oh, but there is still time.

Anubis: How so?

Shadow: Allow me.

Shadow said, fishing out the God of Light, God of Darkness, Forever After and New Generation Gauntlets as he snapped his fingers, for all the Dekus including you to disappear, leaving Monika, Daichi, Riku and Haruki behind, to Monika's confusion.

Monika: Uh?! Where are they?

Shadow: Fear not, Monika. They are in a special dimension Zero and I love to call it; Shining Field.

Monika: What is that?

Daichi: According to X, it is a dimension between Worlds, created by Ultraman Zero. Time flows differently there.

Monika: How different?

Shadow: Time flows normal out here and Time flows extremely slowly in that Field, which gives them more than enough time to train and be ready for Greeza.

Monika: whoa. This field must be really powerful.

Shadow: It is, indeed.

Shadow said.

Riku: So, Shadow.

Shadow: Hmm?

Riku: Greeza is back, huh?

Shadow: Yes. And now this Greeza is targetting the Dekuverse, to go after everyone's quirks.

Haruki: That's bad..... 'KAY!!! In that case, since we're here, let us help you.

Daichi: We've beaten Greeza before, by all means,....

Ultraman X (via X Devizer): We can do so again.

Riku: With them. With all of us.

They said.

Hearing this, Shadow shed a tear due to this touching moment and hearing that they are volunteering themselves to help him beat that kaiju again.

Shadow: Thanks, guys.... you're the best.

You said.

Monika: So, how long are they gonna be in the Field for?

Shadow: That depends on them, honestly. When they're ready, you'll know by seeing them emerge out from the field before you.

Shadow replied.

Monika couldn't help but nod at what she heard, trusting on Shadow fully at what is happening at this moment.


Inside the Shining Field,

All the Izukus including you were surprised and shock to see that they are in another pocket dimension.

Proteus: Whoa... where are we?

Raijin: Must be some kind of pocket dimension magic of some kind.

White Nova: mhm....

Shadow: It's called Shining Field.

Shadow said, answering their doubts while appearing before them.

Godfist: Shining Field?

(Y/n): Basically it's a dimension created by a powerful Ultra, in which time flows differently here.

Shadow: correct. Right now, outside of this Field, time flows normal. But in here, time flows like so as if we have been in here for years, but outside, it would be a few seconds or less. Thus! It would give us more than enough time to train.

Anubis: Huh? That's.... something and, useful.

Shadow: Now, duplicates myself each of you tag with your individual mes, so we may get started on our special training. That means you too, (Y/n).

Izukus & (Y/n): Yes sir!!

Everyone of you said as they did as they were told.

Just as everyone scattered to tag along with Shadow's duplicates to begin their training, the original Shadow called out for Wraith and Ullr.

Shadow: Wraith! Ullr! I shall be your trainer so, a word, please?

Hearing their names called, Ullr and Wraith made their way to him, wondering what he needs.

Shadow: Now, you two maybe wondering why I called you. Well to give you two a hint, Ullr? Remember when I said you had silver eyes?

Ullr: Yes?

Shadow: nods I noticed, as well that Wraith has one silver eye so, that can work, too.

Wraith: Okay???? How is that related to training?

Ullr: I... share the same question as he does. Sorry, Shadow.

Wraith and Ullr wondered.

Shadow: No pressure guys. Since you guys asked, allow me to demonstrate.

Shadow said, conjuring a golem made of Dust Crystals as it began to run towards the three of them.

Shadow: Now, stay calm. This is a demo.

Shadow said.

The two nod, observing what Shadow is about to do. Just as the Golem is about to get closer, Ullr and Wraith began to witness Shadow unleashing a bright silver light from his eyes, engulfing the crystal golem in his blinding light, to their shock, causing them to use their arms to shield their eyes from the light's brightness.

After a while, both Heroes notice the brightness slowly dimming, for them to lower their arms. With the light no longer illuminating the field, Wraith couldn't help but look in shock at the sight first before nudging Ullr to look at what he was looking at, for the two to look in great shock to see that the golem has been turned to stone.

Shadow: Oh that's not all.

Shadow said as he utilized his silver eyes again as he blasted a pair of silver beams from his eyes, blowing the golem to bits.

After the demonstration, Wraith and Ullr couldn't help but look in shock at the display Shadow did.

Wraith: I... I can't... I... didn't know my Judgement/Despair quirk was... capable in doing that!!!

Ullr: M-Me neither.

They said, still in shock.

Shadow: I don't blame you two. The power of the Silver Eyes are a Scarce Trait due to those with silver eyes being hunted down for them.

Ullr: But... why are they being hunted down for????

Ullr ask, for Shadow to notice that Wraith is also curious about people with Silver Eyes, as well.

Shadow: Well, my friends. To keep it short, allow me to tell you what People with Silver Eyes are capable of.

To be Continued....

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