1st Anniversary Prologue: Gathering of the Ten & The Source

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(A?N: NOTE: This Prologue and the ENTIRE 1st Anniversary Crossover will take place in between the End of Volume 3 and the beginning of Volume 4 of My Hero Academia.)

In the World of Remnant,

At the Colosseum,

Shadow can be seen with his wife and kids as they could be seen training with their kids, and their Semblances they just activated a few days ago when someone or something can be seen glitching before them.

Seeing the glitch, Shadow moved Ruby and his kids behind him while utilizing the Remnant Aegis Armour, aiming its blades at the glitchy area, ready to strike whoever or whatever that emerges from it, waiting patiently for someone or something to emerge out.

After a short while of waiting, a girl can be seen glitching out from the glitch as she notices Shadow having his god-like weapon aimed at her, to her surprise with Shadow to begin asking questions.

Shadow: Identify yourself. Friend.... or Foe?

Shadow asks.

???: Friend.

A feminine voice said with her voice being distorted.

Shadow: And how should we believe tha-

???: The Valak Incident. We spoke. I only spoke with Audio only. And I allowed you to have Enoch to assist you and Dante in that mission.

She answered.

Hearing this, Shadow lowered his arm blade while relaxing himself from his defensive stance, knowing that a friendly is in front of him.

Shadow: A believable answer considering we spoke recently. And so I see, you've finally graced me with your presence. Again, my name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath. You are?

???: sighs Very well. I guess introductions are required due to your family behind you and for me to appear out of nowhere. My apologies.

Shadow: Forgiven.

???: Thank you. Anyway, I'm Monika. My quirk allows me to glitch in and out reality and different realities.

Shadow: You're from another Dekuverse, I take it?

Monika: Yes. I'm sorry I had to come here at this time but, we have a problem. A dire problem. Also, Nice to meet you officially, Shadow and Family.

Ruby: Umm, I'm Ruby. These are Nillious and Amber.

Amber & Nillious: Hiya!/Hey.

Monika: Hi hi. So, Shadow? What quirks do they have?

Shadow: Well, they both have two quirks and semblances. Amber's semblance is PIXEL Rose after my wife's Semblance and my Genius Gamer Semblance, Nillious's semblance is Silver Thunder after my wife's silver eyes and my thunder capabilities from my Maiden Powers' semblances. Amber and Nillious's quirks are Sword Dragon for Amber and Super Sonic for Nillious as their Primary Quirks. Their secondary Quirks are.... you won't believe this and you're gonna love this. One for All are their Quirks, too.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, Monika looked in shock at what she heard.

Monika: WOW!!!! I honestly did not expect to hear two new users of One for All.

Shadow & Ruby: Neither did we.

Shadow: And now, they'll have their own quirks to go with Gearshift, Fa Jin, Danger Sense, Black Whip, Smokescreen, Float, Winter's Glare and Season Manipulation in One for All (A/N: In case you wonder, Season Manipulation manipulates the four seasons considering, you know? Shadow utilized the power of the four Maidens.) along with Deku's smarts and All Might's strength, probably.

Monika: Nice nice.

They said.

After a while of discussing with introductions already in order, Shadow and Monika began to talk serious business.

Shadow: Now, with all pleasantries out of the way, I don't suppose you're here to say hi, right? As you did say before then that you needed my help with a dire problem. What is it?

Shadow asks.

When Monika heard this, her head slowly lowered, for him to notice this.

Shadow: Hey... what's wrong?

Monika: ..... the Dekuverse.... is dying.

Monika answered.

Hearing this, Shadow's eyes widened upon hearing the news and began to ask more questions.

Shadow: H-How? What happened?

Monika: He.... well, It... came out of nowhere from who knows where. It... sniffs it.... destroyed several Dekuverses....

Ruby: Wait.... Several?

Monika: nods I've went beyond.... ummm...

Shadow: If you're gonna say it, it's cool. Due to these circumstances, I will allow you to break character and the 4th Wall.

Monika: Thank you... you're too kind...

Shadow: nods

Monika: Anyway, I've went beyond Shadow's (ShadowInkling's) Dekuverse because I sensed a powerful presence at one Dekuverse, making its way towards the others including ours and those that were created by him.

Shadow: Go on.

Monika: That was a few weeks ago. It was nothing at first..... until one day in my Dekuverse that I belong.... h-he arrived....

Shadow: He?

Monika: .... All for One.

Amber: Dad... isn't he the man you spoke to us about? Stealing quirks and nicknamed, Demon King?

Shadow: looks down at my daughter Yes, I'm afraid so. looks back at Monika What happened next?

Monika: My Zuzu and I... along with many others fought him, but to no avail... and what's surprising is, he killed our Dekuverse version of All for One at ease. He was coming close to killing my Zuzu and me but....

Shadow: But???

Monika: .... it fled, for some reason.

Ruby: Well, through our experience, Salem fled, too after she was about to kill my beloved, but she didn't.

Shadow: Meaning that this All for One knows that something might kill him when he saw through you and Izuku. Something.... and I mean something, must have spooked him. That's why he fled.

Monika: So, you're saying when he was about to kill the both of us,... he saw his own death, too?

Shadow: That would be the case.

Monika: B-But how? Why? He was going to overpower us with his sound-like powers, energy balls and his space time distortion that we couldn't even to-

Shadow (Demonic Voice): STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!

Shadow roared dragonically, for everyone to look at him in shock.

After being silenced, Shadow looks at Monika with daggers in his eyes.

Shadow: say that again.....

Shadow said.

Monika: .... S-Space-Time... D-Distortion?

She said.

Upon hearing this, Shadow used his two fingers to rub the bridge of his nose, knowing that this is happening again.

Shadow: my.... fucking.... Oum and the Gods....

Monika: What?! What is it?

Shadow: Monika.... this All for One.... is All for One.... but it's not him entirely..... not anymore. I once fought against it with my allies.... a few times already, in fact.

Monika: Wait! What?! Y-you fought against it?! Many times?!

Shadow: Yes. And after adding everything up that you said just now, I know who you're dealing with.

Ruby: No.... n-not that thing....

Shadow: yes..... Codename: Void Kaiju.... Greeza. It is a kaiju like no other... the Dark Lord..... an omnipotent being. It feeds on planets in different worlds filled with life and it would destroy anything in its path to get it.

Monika: So.... it's worse than Architect....

Shadow: Architect?

Shadow ask.

Monika briefly explained who Architect was with six Dekus from six different Dekuverses and a Canon one to defeat him back then. Hearing her explanation, Shadow nods at this, understanding what is going on.

Shadow: I see. Well, then you can say that. If anything, this Greeza is powerful than Architect and One for All.... and even All for One.... considering it has absorbed and fused with All for One himself in a different Dekuverse.

Monika: So it would appear.

Shadow: Anyway, continue please?

Monika: nods After it fled, I immediately gave chase after we all recovered... only to see a horrible sight of several Dekuverses already being destroyed. And to make matters worse, it also absorbed everyone's quirks and powers to make himself powerful while utilizing All for One and his very being.... while he is at it.

Shadow: Which Dekuverse are already destroyed?

Monika: ..... Regad Omega Deku (Kamen Rider Regad Omega), Ingenium Deku, Flash Deku, Pokemon Deku, Reaper Deku,.... and a few others... I.... lost count....

Monika said, listing them knowing that there will be more.

Shadow clenched his fists upon hearong the destroyed Dekuverses while seeing Monika still standing, trying her might not to go on her knees from listing the destroyed Dekuverses. Seeing Shadow almost enraged, Ruby and the kids to notice this causing Amber, and Nillious to walk over to him as they grabbed his legs, causing him to calm down as he looked down to see their worried looks on their faces.

Looking down at them, Shadow thought of an idea, for him to look back at Monika.

Shadow: Monika. You said All for One Greeza fled because she saw something in your eyes, right?

Monika: Y-Yes?

Shadow: Did you see what it saw through you?

Monika: No, I didn't.... but....

Shadow: But?

Monika: That's also why I'm here. To seek help from you because there was a man in gold and black armour who told me to come to his.... ummm.... "Younger Self"? I'm not sure what he was implying but after he left, I decided to come to you.

Monika said.

This made Shadow chickle a bit when he heard this.

Monika: Oh? You know something about him?

Shadow: Monika, my Dekuverse friend. That person, was me, as well. The Younger Self he was referring to, was me.

Monika: Wait?! Really?!

Shadow: Yes. He calls himself Ohma Zi-O II. And he is an Older version of me, in the future.

Monika: W-Wow. That explains how I felt a similar and familiar presence of him through you.

Shadow: Make sense. So anyway, did he say anything else?

Monika: Yes. He mentioned something and a warning. He said... "Gather the Ten strongest and the Source. Only then, this greater threat will be defeated". That is the something. The warning is; "Protect the Source, or the Multiverse will be, no more".

Shadow: Then I know what he means.

Monika: Oh yeah?

Shadow: But first, we must gather the Ten.

Monika: And the Ten would be?

Shadow: Ten strongest Izukus from Ten different Dekuverses. And the warning is pretty much simple. We MUST, protect, Canon Izuku.... failure to do so,... will doom the entire dekuverse across the multiverse.

Shadow said.

Monika: Okay! You're definitely him from the future.

Monika said.

Shadow chuckled at her comment.

Shadow: I'll take that as a compliment. But anyway, who defeated this Architect person back then?

Monika: Well, there's the Canon Zuzu, followed by Wraith, Godfist, Raijin, Anubis, White Nova and Proteus. Why?

Shadow: We'll need them. Bring Deku from the Canon Dekuverse over, too.

Monika: Right.

Shadow: I'll recruit Cerebro, Dante and Enoch.

Monika: Very well. Plus, that'll only make Eight including Canon Izuku.... though, I have two more that I am willing to have a try out.

Shadow: Who?

Shadow asks.

Monika fished out her phone and sends two of the names from different Dekuverses to your Scroll, for you to read their Dekuverse Profiles.

Monika: EX Machina and Ullr are their names. EX Machina has a Train Quirk and Ullr has a snowy-like Winter Quirk. Hopefully this will do.

Monika said.

Shadow read their particulars while smiling and nodding at what he's reading.

Shadow: Oh yes, indeed. They'll do nicely. And EX Machina to have a Train Quirk, eh?

Monika: Yes. Why?

Shadow: Send me the six others' particulars including Enoch and Dante's. I have just the thing for them.

Monika: Sure. While I'm at it, I'll go fetch them.

Monika said.

Shadow nods at her while she left to go fetch the seven other Izukus. After she left, he dialed on his brother's number, to call his brother at Atlas while Ruby and the kids watched this happen.

Yusei (By via Scroll): Bro~! What's up?! Whatcha need?

Shadow: Yusei, my brother. I need your help with a few things. Will you help me?

Yusei (By via Scroll): No problem. Just say what you need and I'm there.

Shadow: Cool cool coolio. And another thing.

Yusei (By via Scroll): Yeah?

Shadow: Ready Projects DenLiner, ZeroLiner, KingLiner and TenLiner. EX Machina is gonna love this.

Yusei (By via Scroll): No problemo, ma' bro. I'll have them over in a jiffy. And just give me a greenlight on what you need, and I'll have them over, as well.

Shadow: Thank you, brother.

Shadow thanked before hanging up.

As soon as he hung up, he went up to his family and hugged them tightly.

Shadow: I'm sorry, my family. But I must go, for now.

Ruby: No worries, Shadow. Just as long as you return home safe, okay? For me and the kids.

Nillious & Amber: cute puppy eyes mode

Shadow: smirks I shall. That's a promise.

Shadow said, kissing Ruby in the lips, for Ruby to do the same.

After that, Shadow kissed Nillious and Amber before breaking the hug, standing up to turn around and heading out by opening a portal to take his leave with the help of the Remnant Aegis Armour.

Ruby (Inner Thoughts): Be well... my love....

Ruby said in thought.

Inside the Portal,

Shadow can be seen flying through it as he can be seen making his way to Enoch's World first. While he's at it, he suddenly got a call from someone for him to pick up his scroll to find out who it is.

Shadow: Hello, Shadow Wrath - God of Remnant speaking?

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): Shadow. Thank goodness I got through to you.

Shadow: Tenma Sanchez! The Zi-O Rider who uses Ride Armour from different Anime crossovers, what a surprise.

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): Welp, you oughta believe it.

Shadow: Heheh! So, Young Sanchez. What's up?

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): Uuuuuhh.... a monster, that's what's up?

He said.

When he mentioned a monster, Shadow's heart sank when he heard this.

Shadow: what.... monster, is it?

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): Well, to put it simply, this monster is helluva like Thanos, Electro, Malware and the glitch entity from Date A Live combined, but powerful. It came to my World for something and it got it. Worse is that.... well, not exactly worse for me but it may be worse for you is that, again, it took it and it killed Rick Prime, the Prime version of my dad that he fucking loathed so much.

Tenma said.

Hearing what he said, Shadow knew what kind of monster Tenma was talking about, for him to explain what monster that is.

Shadow: Young Sanchez?

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): Yeah?

Shadow: That monster is no ordinary monster. It is a Void Monster name; Greeza. It is a very powerful being thus far.

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): Whoa fuck.... And I even used my Divine Xross Zi-O, too.

Shadow: WAIT!!! YOU FOUGHT IT?!?!?

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): Fought it and survived it.

Shadow: Are you okay?!

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): So far so good.

Shadow: Thank Oum....

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): I know right? It almost killed me. But I did an UNO Reverse and a Karate Kid reference to kick its ass away from my Planet.

Shadow: pppffffffffff.... well, good you did that.

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): heh! Yeah.

Shadow: Anyway, you said it took something, right?

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): And absorbed it. Along with Rick Prime's corpse.

Shadow: Right! What did it take, besides Rick Prime's corpse?

Shadow asks.

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): Dunno. But I may have a clue what it is. According to my files, it says that it can annihilate any individual from the multiverse.... permenantly.

Shadow: whoa....

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): This thing it took, is known... as the Omega Device. Sounds sinister, right?

Shadow: ........ shit.....

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): OH! I forgot one other thing. The Omega Device it took was actually in its prototype phase. The perfect version is not yet been made yet. But!!!! I still feel that it's still dangerous.

Shadow: Even in its prototype phase, IT'S STILL VERY DANGEROUS!!!!!!

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): I know that. Anyway, do you have an idea how to stop it?! Cause' right now, my Portal Gun is a bit damage so I can't do much. Maybe if I dig into something for you, I can fix my Portal Gun in the mean time.

Tenma suggests.

Shadow: Yes I do. For now, I need to go and hurry over to pick them up.

Tenma Sanchez (By via Scroll): Do that! Inform me if you need anything.

Shadow: Will do.

Shadow said.

And so, the two hung up while Shadow immediately increased speed so thT he could get to the first Dekuverse as soon as possible before it's too late.


In another World of Academia,

Enoch's World,

Izuku Kayama and Mina are at the Gym in, Sachi on her Acid Wing when they suddenly hear clapping noises from the entrance of the Gym, causing the three to turn and look at whoever's clapping.

Izuku was defensive at first until a familiar voice called out.

???: I can sense that you have grown stronger after our last mission, Enoch. I'm proud of you.

The voice called out.

Hearing his voice, Izuku's expression turned to relief and delight to see him again as he ran to greet him.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Shadow!!

He called out to him.

Shadow smiled at he walked to him. As soon as the four gathered, Izuku and Shadow exchanged greetings.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Shadow! It's been quite sometime.

Shadow: Indeed it has. looks at Mina and Sachi They must be your fam? looks at Mina Mina.

Mina: O-Oh, hello.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Don't worry, Mina. Remember the time the Class, you, Sachi, Sister and Mom were notified that I'll be out for awhile and I met an amazing friend and a few others?

Mina: Yeah, it was back then on our hallowe- gasps So that's your friend in front of us???

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Y-Yes.

Mina: Well, in that case. offers out hand Mina Kayama. You may call me Mina. Though, you already knew that, haha!

Shadow: accepts and shakes Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kayama.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Ya-huh! This is our daughter, Sachi. Her quirk is Acid Wings.

Shadow: Now that's cool. looks at Sachi Sachi, nice to meet you.

Sachi: Nice to meet you too. Dad told me a lot about you. On how powerful you were when you and him combined, and how you worked together before.

Shadow: Heheh! I'm sure he's taught you well and told you everything about our first mission together, young one. So, your quirk is Acid Wings correct?

Sachi: Yes! sprouts out a pair of wings made of acid

Sachi said, displaying her wings, to Shadow's approval.

Shadow: Nice. Y'know, if you were to keep training on your quirk, not only can you shoot acid from your hands, feet and your wings, you can also manipulate acid. Stuff in my World, I would like to call; Acid Manipulation.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Wait! So that means,... she can conjure weapons like swords, guns and what not, like you do?!

Shadow: Yes. And even better. Sachi can conjure more than a pair of wings in her freewill.

Sachi: Whoa~!!! I didn't know I can do that?! looks at Mom Could we do that, Mum???

Mina: I didn't know we could.

Shadow: It's understandable that you don't know about it, yet. But with enough training, I'm sure you and Mina will more than capable to do so.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): You really must know a lot about Powers, Shadow.

Shadow: Through teachings, yes. Mainly from Senseis Wu and Garmadon. They once said in their World's terms that; those who harnesses different Elements besides Fire, Earth, Ice, Lightning and Energy, are the descendants of the Original Elemental Masters. EACH, of them are the First Spinjitsu Master's Guardians, each endowed with an Elemental Power that has been passed down through generations. Elemental Powers lies in all of us. It just needs to be awoken. There are other elements out there that are yet to be awoken by one such as, the element of Speed, Gravity, Hardening, Water, Magma, Sound, Shadow, and many others.

Sachi: So, that means my Acid and Mom's acid are like,... an Element?

Shadow: Yes.

Mina & Sachi: Whoa.....

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Welp, it's more training then.

Mina: But don't train too hard, though, sweety.

Sachi: Awww....

Shadow watched as the three of them began to discuss about Sachi's quirk further and how to go about this after being revealed that more of her quirk is yet to be awoken, for Shadow to smile at this, making him think of the good times back in his birthright world in his own World of Academia.

Getting back on track, Shadow began to slowly walk towards Izuku (Enoch), for the Angelical Hero to notice this as he too, knows that Shadow isn't just here to say hello to him and his family.

Shadow: Ummm, Enoch?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): looks at Shadow Yeah, what's up? And also, I suppose you're not just here to say hello, right?

Shadow: You read my mind, Enoch. Yes. I didn't come here to say hello. I'm here to recruit you on an important mission. The fate of this world and the Dekuverse is at stake. We need your help.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Those circus freaks are back?

Shadow: No. It's much worse than that. If we don't stop this threat now, this world and the other dekuverses will be destroyed. And the others that you knew from different dekuverses, will be gone forever.

Shadow said.

This made Sachi and Mina worried, for Enoch to notice this.

Shadow: Enoch, will you help us? offers hand

Shadow asks.

Enoch look at his hand for a moment, then back to Mina and Sachi, for him to go to his family as he hugged them. His embrace eventually led to Sachi and Mina to embrace him back tightly, before breaking the embrace after a few good minutes.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Mina, I...

Mina: Don't worry, honey. You just come back to us when you're done, okay? And after that, we're gonna plan more on how to unlock Sachi's quirk further after hearing that from Shadow.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Thanks, Hon. looks at Sachi Look after your mother and behave yourself at school.

Sachi: hmph! I'm not a kid....

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): giggles

Sachi: giggles

After a while, Enoch turned his attention to Shadow as he grabs Shadow's hand, accepting his invitation to help him.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): We've came along way since that Circus Incident. So, count me in.

Enoch said.

Shadow: nods Thank you, for lending a helping hand. looks at Mina and Sachi Rest assured Mrs. Kayama and Young Sachi; Masters of Acid, that Enoch shall return once this mission is accomplished.

Shadow said.

Both Mina and Sachi nods at what he said while smiling.

Shadow: Now, let's go get the rest.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Wait! Dante's coming, too???

Shadow: Oh yeah, he is.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Sweet!

Shadow: Or should I say....

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Hmm?

Shadow: .... Hell yes.

Shadow said.


In another World of Academia,

Dante's World,

Izuku Kayama (Dante) and Reiko can be seen taking an afternoon nap with Izuku to wake up from it as he readied himself to prepare dinner, when a portal opened before him as it blocked his way to the kitchen while Shadow and Enoch can be seen emerging from the portal, for Dante to immediately recognize them.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Shadow! Enoch!

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Hey, Dante. It's been awhile since our group meet up and the Circus Incident with Valak.

Shadow: How are you coping now with Reiko, Eri and the Kid?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Phew.... extremely better. It's like.... a gigantic burden has been removed from my shoulders. And HEY!!! I-I'm almost used to seeing red doors around me now with no incident.

Shadow: That's fantastic news.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Yeah!

???: Oh! Hello, Uncle Shadow. Mister. Enoch.

A voice called out.

The three of them turned and tilt their bodies to see Reiko awake with Eri by her side.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Oh, Reiko dear.

Reiko: nods Hello, Shadow. Enoch.

Shadow: Mrs. Kayama. Eri. So, where's the kid?

Eri: He's sleeping. But don't worry. He's heard about you because I told him.

Shadow: Heheh. How sweet of you.

Shadow said, earning a smile from Eri.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): A-Anyway, what brings you two here?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): We're here to recruit you on a very important task. Fate of the Dekuverse is at stake.

Shadow: thumb points at Enoch Like what he said. So, will you help us? offers hand

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Well,... looks at Reiko

Reiko: Go on. We just woke up a bit too early for dinner so, it'll be alright. I'll fill you in until you come back. I'll inform Mr. Aizawa about it, too.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Thanks, love. pecks her lips

Reiko: pecks back

Izuku Kayama (Dante): looks at Shadow I'm in. accepts and shakes Shadow's hand

Shadow: Great. Now, we need to pick up three more people.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): And by three more, I suppose Cerebro is coming along, too?

Shadow: Oh yes, he is.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch & Dante): SWEET!!!!

Reiko: Shadow.

Shadow: Hmm?

Reiko: Give (Y/n) my regards.

Shadow: I shall, Reiko. As after all, Payback and Karma are a Bitch.

Reiko: Thank you.

Reiko said.

Shadow nods at her while opening a portal.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): So, where now?

Shadow: Now, we're gonna pick up an Ice Wielder, and a Freight Train.

Shadow said as the three of them made their way into the portal.


In another World of Academia,

Ullr's World,

Back in UA at Inko's House in U.A. High,

Izuku Midoriya can be seen practising his archery at the range, striking a round target at the center again, to his relief.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Phew! Still got it.

He said.

Then, he conjured out another Ice Arrow as he began to take aim and shoot at his round target again. Once ready, he released the string to let his arrow fly while hearing another arrow being launched in the process, for him to notice his arrow hitting his target at the center and a silver cross to hit another target next to his, go his shock.

Seeing the silver cross hitting the target's center next to his, Izuku turned to face the person who shot that cross to see that it was Shadow utilizing Kaizoku Hassyar in bow form as he lowered his weapon. After shooting that silver cross, Shadow turned his attention to Izuku Midoriya while in his Winter Maiden form.

Shadow: Izuku Midoriya. Hero Name: Ullr. Quirk: Ullr. The Power of the Winter Season, at the palm of your hands. Nice to meet you. You..... have Silver Eyes.

Shadow said in summary.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Uuuuuuuhh.... t-thank you?

Shadow: My name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): umm, Hi. Izuku Midoriya. Ullr as you already know.

Shadow: nods I apologize for coming in at such short notice. But I need your help. Fate of the Dekuverse is at stake. And right now, Monika and I are recruiting some of us to take the biggest threat of the Dekuverse down, no matter the cost. Cause' if we don't, our loved ones, the Dekuverse, and those we know as we know it, will be as good as gone.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Wait! Gone?! That means-

Shadow: Yes. Your family, parents, grands, teachers, friends and everyo-

???: Dad?

Someone called out from the entrance, for Shadow and Izuku to turn around and look to see Izumi and Hina there.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Izumi, dear. Hina dear.

Izumi Midoriya: Is everything alright? And.... who's that?

She asks.

Hearing her question, Shadow and Izuku looked at each other as they spoke again.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Perhaps we should talk about this with my family around.

Shadow: nods It's for the best.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Right. I'll,.... call Ochako.

Shadow: Uraraka? Why?

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): whispers to Shadow about it

Shadow: pffffffffff.... giggling okay okay. Go ahead. Let's go.


After Izuku's parents, Yui, Uraraka, Izumi, Hina and Eri arrived, Shadow began to explain what is going on and why their Izuku is being recruited for this task, for everyone to look in worry about the situation that they are in.

Seeing their worried looks, Shadow sighed at this, knowing and understanding their situation.

Shadow: Look, Midoriya Family. I understand that this is a lot to take in. But if we don't do something now, everyone and the Worlds we know it, our foe will destroy them and us all. But fret not, I'll be around to protect your son and father while we carry out this perilous mission that Izuku is and I will be partaking. looks at Izuku Ullr, will you join us. I understand you won't due to your family endeavors. As after all, family comes first. So, I'm giving you a second thought on this.... with the same question.

Shadow said, holding out his hand.

Seeing this, Izuku went into a deep thought about what he has heard. In a train of thought, he looked at his parents, his daughters, wife, Eri friend and his dogs, knowing that their lives are at stake right at this very moment.

After a while of thinking, Izuku began to speak.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): places both hands on each of my dogs' heads It's.... true, that family comes first. But if there's a threat threatening my World and many others, including my own family,... my dogs... my friends... my WIFE... my child.... I'll do what I must to protect them from whatever the threat is.

Uraraka: Izuku?!

Yui: Mm??

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Ochako, Honey, listen. If I don't do this, this World can be in grave danger. He said that he requires the strongest Izukus around the Dekuverse to stop it. They're not sure if it's enough to stop it in its tracks but, it's worth trying. I have to do this.

Yui: Mm?

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Mm.

Yui: Mm.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Mmm.

Yui: Mm?

Shadow: Mhm.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr) & Yui: looks at Shadow !!!!!

Uraraka: Wait, you can understand them???

Shadow: Yes, Yes I do. In my World, we have these kinds of humming as different feats of sign language. So, I can understand Yui's worried. So, rest assured, your husband will be in the best of hands.

Yui: Mm?

Shadow: Mm. thumbs up

Uraraka: oh man.... looks like we have more macrowaves spreading throughout the Dekuvserse.....

Uraraka said.

This caused Shadow, Izuku and Yui to laugh for a brief moment before Izuku spoke up again.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): Anyway, anyway. If my family and my children are being threatened by whatever this threat is along with many other Dekuverses that I know of from Monika, you can count on me to help you on this mission.

Shadow: So.....

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): It's a yes for me. No seconds thoughts.

Izuku said as he accepts and shakes Shadow's hand.

Accepting his offer without any second thought, Shadow shook Izuku's hand after he accepts Shadow's hand.

Shadow: Thanks. I'm surprised you didn't take a second thought.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): I'll do anything for my family, and my parents... and my friends, as well. If.... Hina were to be around.... she would've agreed, heard and done the same thing.

Shadow: nods Very well.

Inko Midoriya: Mr. Shadow?

Shadow: Yes, Mrs. Midoriya?

Inko Midoriya: Take care of our son.

Heikkar Mäkinen: Yes. And do protect him. Our son means everything to us all, including to Izumi.

Shadow: Have no fear, Mr. Mäkinen and Mrs. Midoriya. Rest assured he is in the best of hands. And once it is over, he shall be returned to you all.

Both parents nod at Shadow with thanks.

Yui: Take care of yourself, dear.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): i will for all of us.

He said, for the couple to kiss each other for a moment.

After a while, Izuku broke the kiss and looked back at Shadow to ask another question.

Izuku Midoriya (Ullr): So, when do we leave?

Shadow: We leave immediately. While we are at it, we'll be picking up two more people.

Izuku Midoriya(Ullr): huh? Cool. Wonder who they are.

He wondered.


In another World of Academia,

EX Machina's World,

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Thanks dad. closes the door and lies onto my old bed and sighs Man... finally some down time. I really need to figure out how to take care of this Muscular guy fast as if he gets more of those Triggers, who knows... he will be unstoppable...

He said while lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Well... hopefully, my babe has something for my Costume and Support Items to combat his strength as his new strength in his quirk is no joke.

???: Muscular problem?

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): You have no idea, man. Muscular escaped and he overdosed himself with some Triggers and other drugs to make his quirk powerful. And the- realizes something W-WAIT A SECOND!!!!!!!

Izuku Maijima said, swiftly getting up while turning to face a person sitting down on a stool with a person's clean shoes propped up on his dressing table, to his surprise.

???: You, are not just a very unique person with a very unique quirk. But, you... are also, one difficult person to find until now.

The person said.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Sorry???

Shadow: Forgiven. My name's Shadow, Shadow Wrath.  A friend of Monika's.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): O-Oh. So, I guess we're allies, then?

Shadow: We are. And in case you have doubts. Here.

Shadow said, showing his Hero License.

Izuku looks at it carefully, then eyes widened in shock to read that Shadow is a Pro-Hero and a Number One Hero, as well.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): You're a Pro and the Number One Hero????

Shadow: From a different world, yes.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Whoooaaa....

Shadow: I know right?

As they briefly spoke, the bedroom door opened up, for Power Loader to come in as he heard his son speaking out loud.

Power Loader: Son? I heard you screaming and speaking out loud, everything.... all..... right????

Power Loader ask while slowing down his sentence when he notices Shadow.

Shadow: Perhaps we should talk it out outside at the living room. Pro Hero to Pro Hero to Pro Hero.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Ah! Y-Yes. That's sounds like the best option right now since Power Loader already saw you.


Power Loader: So, you're the New Number One Hero and a Pro Hero from another World?

Shadow: Yes, sir.

Power Loader: And you're here to help us and make sure this World is safe?

Shadow: Yes, sir.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Speaking of helping us, what are you saving us from?

Izuku Maijima wondered.

Shadow: Well, that's when you come in, EX Machina. I'm here to recruit you on a mission. The fate of all worlds and the Dekuverse is at stake. If we don't do something now, your worlds and many others will be destroyed. Will you help us?

Shadow said and ask.

Hearing what Shadow just said, both father and son looked at Shadow in shock at this.

Power Loader: So.... what you're saying is that, we'll be erased?

Shadow: Yes. Not just that, but consumed, fused and eradicated, with your quirks being used for evil.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Used for.... that sounded like that villain All Might defeated.

Power Loader: Yeah....

Shadow: Indeed it is. Truth is, the threat is actually him, but not this one who is still in the Tartarus. It's the other one from a different Dekuverse.... but powerful. A tip came to me from my World that he has recently absorbed and fused with a powerful device that can literally destroy you and a Dekuverse in an instant.

Power Loader: And that is?

Shadow: .... the Omega Device.

Power Loader: What's that?

Shadow: In short to my perspective, it's a device that annihilates Multiverses.... permenantly.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): WHAT?!?! H-He can't do that to us!!

Power Loader: A device like that is highly dangerous!

Shadow: All the more reason we must defeat this villain at all cost. If you are in, EX Machina... and if you approve it, Power Loader, sir.

Shadow said.

When they heard this, Power Loader and Izuku looked at each other worriedly as they began discussing about this.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): I.... I don't want to lose you... or Mei...

Power Loader: You won't, son. 

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): But how??? W-We heard from Shadow how strong that villain is. How can we defeat him when he has all the quirks in different Dekuverses and that device inside of him?

Power Loader: The quirk part is not an issue if he can surpass their limits. But the Omega Device part is a different story. If it is as dangerous as what Shadow says, we need something that will be able to counteract the device.

Power Loader said.

Izuku Majima (EX Machina): Like a support item?

Power Loader: Something like that.

Shadow: places two fingers on my chin hmmm... an interesting idea.

Power Loader: Hmm?

Shadow: IF!! We were to create a Support Item that is the complete opposite of the Omega Device, that means we will also be creating a device that is the complete opposite to Annihilation.

Power Loader: Hmmm. Creation.

Shadow: Exactly. So, when there's an Omega, there's always an Alpha.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Right... that means we'll be making a failsafe to stop the Omega Device inside of that villain. 

Shadow/Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): The Alpha Device.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): ..... w-wow.... when did I become so smart???

Shadow: We literally just made a good plan for a whole good solid few minutes, Machina. So, guess that's when. BUT that aside, Exactly, Machina.

Power Loader: I'll see what I can do. I'll also contact Mei and Hiroka to help me with that. Does your friend have the details and the schematics on the Omega Device?

Shadow: Certainly. I'll call Young Sanchez and I'll send you the goods.

Power Loader: Thanks.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Well, in that case then, since we are all on board on this, I'll come with to help you stop this threat.

Shadow: Thanks.

Power Loader: Look after him, okay Shadow?

Shadow: I shall.

Shadow said while giving a thumbs up.

With that settled and done, Shadow immediately opened a portal for him and Izuku to enter through it, for Power Loader to watch them take their leave. Once the two have left, he soon fished out his phone to contact Mei and Hiroka.

Inside the Portal,

Both Shadow and Izuku can be seen flying inside and through the portal as they made their way to Shadow's World. While they're making their way there, Shadow launched two balls of light to different locations for Izuku to notice this.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): Shadow? What was that?

Shadow: Those are Ultra Signs. I've sent them to two specific locations to meet us at the Colosseum in my World.

Izuku Maijima (EX Machina): So.... where did you have them go?

Shadow: My ally's World, and a Planet that I trust.

Shadow said.


At (Y/n)'s World,

It is now night time and (Y/n) can be seen hanging out with his classmates in the Class A Dormitory.

While hanging out at the Common Area, you looked at your watch to see that it is getting late.

(Y/n): oh... it's getting late guys so, I have to hit the hay.

1-A: Okay. Have a goodnight, (Y/n).

The class said.

(Y/n): G'night, guys.

You said.

After bidding everyone goodnight, you walked your way towards the Elevator to make your way back to your Dorm Room, when a portal opened up in front of the Entrance Door of the Dormitory, for everyone to notice this and for you to swiftly turn to look at it when you heard it open up by itself.

Seeing the portal before you all, an energy ball emerged as it opened up to show an ultra sign, to everyone's confusion.

Jirou: Uhh... what's that?

Sato: Some kind of signiture...???

Tokoyami: mmm... revelry of the dark.

Deku: Hey, (Y/n). Do you have a clue what that is?

(Y/n): Oh yes, I do. This isn't just any signiture. It's an Ultra Sign. This one in particular, belongs to Producer.

Deku: Shadow?!

Todoroki: My Elder Cousin sent an Ultra Sign?

(Y/n): Yes. Usually when we see this, means we are dispatched to a mission, urgent call and many more.

Tsu: If what you say is true, do you know what's in this encoded Signiture?

(Y/n): Lemme take a crack at it.

Class 1-A nods at what you said as you began to look and focus attentively on what message Shadow's Ultra Sign lingures within it.

As soon as you finally decoded the message inside the Ultra Sign, your eyes widened with shock while you took a few steps back, for your classmates to notice this.

Ida: (Y/n)?? What's wrong?

(Y/n): This.... this is an Urgent Dispatch Message from Producer...

Bakugo: Well? What does the Future Guy want???

(Y/n): He needs my help to save the Dekuverse.

Mina: What's a-

(Y/n): No time! There's more. If we lose.... the entire multiverse.... including ours. Will be destroyed....

You said.

After saying that, this made some of your classmates worried upon hearing this, for you to walk towards the portal.

Ida: (Y/n)?! Where are you going???

(Y/n): I need to go! turns to look at Ida Let Mr. Aizawa know that I'll be back in a while. Tell him Shadow came in a form of a message to pick me up for a dire mission and will be back once we are done.

Kirishima: What do we tell Mr. Aizawa if he asks what mission was it?

(Y/n): Tell him, it's the same Mission as Kamino Ward.... but extremely worse! I'll explain everything as soon as I return!!

You said while entering the portal.

As soon as you entered, the portal closed upon itself, for the entire class to look at where the portal used to appear at, with worry.

Mr. Aizawa: What all that noise?!

Mr. Aizawa questioned.


At the Land of Light,

Ultraman and Ultraman Ace made his way out from the Spark Tower when he notices Shadow's Ultra Sign.

Ultraman: Hmm?! An Urgent Emergency Dispatch from Ultra Infinity??? And he wants Ultramen X, Geed and Z?

Ultraman Ace: My Godson? Hmmmm.... something's amiss. This dispatch says he wants them to explain about their experiences against a certain powerful kaiju.

Ultraman: mmm. If this is an emergency dispatch, we musn't ignore it. Let's call them.

He said.

And with that agreed, they began to utilize their Ultra Signs to dispatch Ultramen X, Geed and Z to Shadow's location ASAP.

To be Continued....

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