Prologue: The Return

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It has been days now since the raid, the battle and since you left the Planet as everything is like as if it's back to normal. Well, not as normal as you would obiviously know. All Might announced that he has retired, the guardians can be seen appearing to help in the wreckage to find more victims trapped in the debris, and many other issues that happened on scene at Kamino Ward.

The following days, U.A. High scheduled teachers to go home to home and have a talk with every student's parents to reassure them that their child will be safe in U.A. while having more security to be covered around the school and making sure there won't be any complications through the terms and years. It wasn't easy for the teachers but eventually, they have succeeded in convincing the parents that their child can still carry on their Curricular Activities in U.A. High.

As the teachers outside the school are busy doing their rounds at each household, Mr. Nezu can be seen overseeing the view of the entire Dormitory System from the window as he spoke to himself that due to numerous altercations and interactions with the villains, the students will be assigned to specific Dormitories for specific years and classes where they'll be living there until they graduate for the sake of their safety.

Mr. Nezu: The New Dorm system we put in place isn't just to ensure the safety of our students. It's also how we're addressing one of the threats we've have to take care of. The leak. To help alleviate that, we'll be holding a private behind-the-scene investigation. It pains me to suspect not just the teachers, but the students, as well. Unfortunately, right now, I have no other choice. We've lost the Symbol of Peace. And I have no doubt that this will have big ramifications on us as time passes. What U.A. needs right now is positive energy revitalization. We must remind the children that there's a bright future ahead of them.

He said. 

As he said that, numerous police cars and S.W.A.T. vehicles and some from the Tartarus can be seen pulling over in front of the school, for Mr. nezu to take notice of this.

Mr. Nezu: Oh? What's with the Police Officers?

He wondered when a phone call came to him, for him to pick it up.

Mr. Nezu: Nezu speaking?........ Mr. Tsukauchi. What do I owe you the pleasure of?..... Now?!....... but who ordered them to come here?!

Mr. Nezu questions as he's talking to Mr. Tsukauchi on the phone.


At Class 1-A Dormitory,

The entire class of 1-A except for (Y/n) and Mr. Aizawa can be seen standing in front of the building as they began to listen to what their homeroom teacher is going to announce when it comes to the Dormitory System Arrangement.

Sero: So, we all got the go ahead to move on-campus.

Toru: sighs It took a lot of convincing for my parents.

Jirou: I was pretty concerned about mine. 

Ojiro: It make sense. You got the worst of the two gases from the gas attack. But luckily.... um... (Y/n) came by to cure you from that.

Tsu: We're glad to see the teachers got to come back, too. I was afraid you wouldn't be allowed. The people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys.

They said, with Tsu to imply this to Mr. Aizawa.

Mr. Aizawa: I suspect it was easier for administration to let the teachers return instead of revamping the faculty. 

Mr. Aizawa said in annoyance, scratching his head.

After scratching his head, Mr. Aizawa lowered his arm as he began to announce about the arrangement in the dormitory.

Mr. Aizawa: Now, then. I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly. claps hand First, however...  We haven't forgotten about the Provisional Hero Licenses you were supposed to get during the Training Camp.

Mr. Aizawa said before going over the dorm assignments.

Sato: Oh yeah! That's what we were there for.

Mina: So much has happened it totally slipped my mind.

Sato and Mina said.

Mr. Aizawa: This is important. Listen well. looks at a few particular students Kirishima. Yaoyorozu. Todoroki. Midoriya. Ida. You five are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Bakugo that night.

Mr. Aizawa said, stating the serious note.

Tsu: ribbit...

Everyone looks at the five with concern.

Silence filled the atmosphere of the scene until Mr. Aizawa spoke again.

Mr. Aizawa: Based on your reactions, I assumed the rest of you were at least aware of their plan. So, I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this. If it weren't for All Might's retirement from the Hero scene, I would expel everyone here except Bakugo, Jirou and Hagakure. The five of you who went, of course.

Tokoyami: Pardon me, Mr. Aizawa. Why didn't you included (Y/n) into this, as well? 

Uraraka: Oh yeah... he... broke the rules, too...

Mr. Aizawa: I'll get to that part, thank you, Tokoyami. Anyway, the remaining twelve who didn't stop them. You betrayed our trust. Even if it was to keep your friends from getting into trouble. In order to regain our confidence, you'll have to obey every rule to the letter, and live as model students. And about (Y/n), according to All Might, his team have rescued him. If anything, he should be further away from our star system by now. Sorry, but... he's out of the picture and spotlight in this society and in U.A., understandably from what he told us according to our first meet-up with him when we were having a meeting.

Mr. Aizawa said, for everyone's heart to sink when they heard the news that you're long gone by now.

After hearing the news, Mr. Aizawa turned around as he made his way into the Dormitory designated for Class 1-A while speaking to them on a lighter note.

Mr. Aizawa: That's all. Now. Look alive. Enjoy your new home. 

Mr. Aizawa said.

Sero & Kaminari: Uh... we're supposed to get excited after that speech?

They both said.

After the class is dismissed, Bakugo couldn't help but notice Kirishima looking down, for him to drag Kaminari off somewhere.

Bakugo: Come here.

Kaminari: Uh--huh? Wait. For what?

Just as he asked that, Kaminari got pulled in front of the hedge for everyone to notice Kaminari's electricity sparking, for everyone to see, wondering what did Bakugo do to him.

After that happened, Kaminari can be seen emerging from the front of the hedge as he made his way back to his classmates with his thumbs up while having a goofy-like look on his face, for Jirou to laugh at this while covering her mouth.

Sero: Dude. What'd Bakugo do to you?

Sero wondered.

Wondering what Bakugo did to Kaminari, Bakugo can be seen walking up to Kirishima with a lot of money in his hand as he passed it to him.

Bakugo: Kirishima! hands him my money

Kirishima: shocked WHOA, did you shake him down for cash?!

Bakugo: No! This is my money, you idiot. holds my money up to him To replace what you spent.

Kirishima: Uh. How'd you know I bought night vision goggles?

Bakugo: places the money on Kirishima while walking pass

Kirishima: catches and accepts it

Bakugo: walks further Don't say I never gave you anything. Now I'm not in your debt. Kaminari, show'em your dumb side.

Bakugo said.

Saying that, Kaminari did just that for everyone around Kaminari began to laugh at this to lighten up the mood, with Jirou to laugh the most. Kirishima kept looking at Bakugo as he made his way in.

Kirishima: Thanks, man.

He said.

Looking at the Class, Mr. Aizawa can be seen in front of the door of the Dormitory as kept his eyes on his students.

Mr. Aizawa: sighs Sometimes blowing off steam is the best thing to do, I guess.

He said.

Then, just as he was about to go in, his phone began to ring as he fished his phone out to take the call.

Mr. Aizawa: Hello?...... Mr. Nezu?..... w-what?!

Mr. Aizawa said while being on the line with the Principal.

Hearing this, everyone looked at their homeroom teacher, wondering what was up.

Mr. Aizawa: I... I see........ Is it really necessary to have my class to be there, too?...... sighs I'm not paid enough for this....... Alright, I'll inform them. Thank you, Nezu.

Mr. Aizawa said as he and Mr. Nezu both ended the call in unison.

Toru: What's going on, Mr. Aizawa?

Ojiro: Yeah, that call sounded serious....

Mr. Aizawa: I know.... which is why I want you all to make your way in front of the school, immediately. Not sure why but... apparently there are police cars, S.W.A.T. Teams and Tartarus personnel there, as well.... That includes some News Reporters.

Class 1-A: WHAT?!?!

Sero: Dude! That's hardcore!

Kirishima: So manly!!!

Ida: What has happened to our school?!

Mr. Aizawa: Relax.... uuuugh.... nothing's wrong with the school. Just make your way there and await for further instructions.

Class 1-A: Yes, sir!

The Class said.

At U.A. High,

In front of the School,

The teachers, the principal and Class 1-A can be seen standing in front of the school with a lot of police, S.W.A.T. and Tartarus personnel, and vehicles to be in front of them as they all waited something to happen.

Mina: I wonder what's going on.

Uraraka: Yeah....

The two girls said as the entire class began to discuss about what is happening.

While discussing, All Might in his buff form turned to look at Tsukauchi.

All Might: Tsukauchi? Did the caller or notification said something else?

Mr. Tsukauchi: Well.... he did mention that he'll be landing here when we arrive.

All Might: Landing? 

Mr. Nezu: Hmm.... what kind of landing?

Mr. Tsukauchi: Well.... a ship-like kind of landing.

The detective said.

When All Might heard this, the info made him realize what he was talking about, for Mr. Nezu to notice the look on All Might's face.

Mr. Nezu: Is something the matter, All Might?

All Might: I know what Tsukauchi is talking about.

Tsukauchi: Oh? So, you do know what ship it is.

All Might: Yes. It's related to Young (Y/n)! Our young Cerebro, to be precise. The ship's name, is called the Space Pendragon.

All Might said.

Just as he said that, a huge ship can be seen flying as it appeared from above and behind the school as it just arrived, revealing itself to be the Space Pendragon itself.

(A/N: Space Pendragon. ENSURE to include the Dragon Speeders on it.)

Seeing the huge ship above them, Class 1-A looked in shock as to see that there's a ship above them right at this moment as they witness it slowly coming to a stop in front of the School, slowly descending in between the faculty, students and the authorities. Just as the ship has finally landed onto solid ground, engines from the ship can be heard slowly powering down while a door located at the back of the ship began to slowly open, for the faculty and 1-A to prepare themselves for whoever is coming out, only for All Might to stand in front of them.

Deku: A-All Might?

All Might: Trust me.

All Might said.

Upon seeing the ship's doors fully open, a shadowy figure with claws can be seen about to walk out, revealing himself or herself, for the faculty to be ready for anything.

When the person in armour emerged out, his face mask opened up as he revealed himself to be you with a smile on your face.

(Y/n): Don't worry, everyone. It's just me!

You said.

Seeing and hearing your voice, everyone looked in shock while having smiles on their faces, seeing that you have returned.

Class 1-A: (Y/N)!!!!!

They exclaimed your name out happily.

All Might: Young (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hey, All Might. walks down from the ship to solid ground Surprised to see me?

All Might: Indeed I am. I thought you said you'd be leaving once your Team from the Space Pendragon rescued you and pick you up?

(Y/n): Originally, yes. pats the ship by its folded cargo attachment Space Pendragon is truly my home, yes, bu-


(Y/n): Heheh... I can tell you thought Space Pendragon is something else.

Sero: Originally, yeah....

Tsu: But what brought you back, (Y/n)? We thought you were further away from our planet by now from what Mr. Aizawa told us.

(Y/n): Well, I was gettin' to that. Yes, this ship is my home. But.... my Team noticed that I'm a little bit too attached to this Planet. So, they had an idea. A very great and brilliant idea which has been done by a matter of a few days. So, it's a surprise.

You said.

Momo: Huh? I wonder what that surprise is?

(Y/n): Oh you'll see when you notice that I'm absent in one of the classes. I'll arrange that later.

Mr. Nezu: I'll personally see that your absence is being looked into.

(Y/n): Nevermind then, thanks, Mr. Nezu.

Mr. Nezu: walks up to (Y/n) Oh, don't mention it. And also, it's good to have you back.

(Y/n): Thanks. Oh yeah! Since I'm back here for this idea I mentioned, I thought of returning a little present.

Mr. Tsukauchi: And speaking of which, about the villain you took into your ship.

(Y/n): Ah, yes. That's the present.

You said.

So, you clenched your hand into a fist as you banged on the ship a few times, for the doors of the Pendragon began to slowly open, for everyone to look inside of it.

While looking inside, you look at Mr. Nezu with a cautious look on your face.

(Y/n): I'd suggest you call in the S.W.A.T. Team and the Tartarus Personnels just in case anything happens.

Mr. Nezu: Of course. Mr. Taukauchi?

Mr. Tsukauchi: Of course. looks at an officer and nods

After getting a green light, several personnel and S.W.A.T. Memebers surround the back of the ship.

As soon as the ship is surrounded from behind, Officers Haruna and Kumano can be seen emerging out from the ship with All for One wearing some kind of cuffs, unable to do anything as they made their way out and towards the Personnel to be escorted to the Tartarus.

Noticing All for One not doing anything, All Might turned to look at you, wondering what is happening to him.

All Might: Young (Y/n)? Why isn't All for One saying anything? Or... doing anything?

(Y/n): Police and Tartarus Elementary, All Might. These cuffs we have on him, aren't just any ordinary Power-Suppression Cuffs or in your terms, Quirk-Suppression Cuffs, they're called the 20-Point Acupuncture Quirk-Suppression Cuffs. It not only prevents you from using your quirk, but also.... it stops you from moving that much besides walking.

Mr. Aizawa: So... in other words, you not just erased his quirk with those cuffs, but you also erased his movement on his arms and prevent him from moving his mouth. Can he see?

(Y/n): I made sure he doesn't. Just in case. You see those Points sticking out from the cuffs by a tiny bit?

Mr. Aizawa: yes?

(Y/n): That controls the acupuncture points. Those two that are jutting out a bit, those are for the legs so he can only walk and not do anything funny. The rest that are closed in completely, are basically... well.... you get the picture.

Mr. Nezu: A smart move indeed, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Tango Yankee. (Translation: Thank you)

You said.

As soon as All for One is in front of the personnels, Captain Hyuga can be seen walking towards Haruna and Kumano as he commanded them to hand over All for One to them.

Hyuga: Haruna. Kumano. Hand over the package to them with upmost caution.

He said with seriousness.

They nodded as they carefully handed the villain to them. Seeing the villain being handed over to them, the S.W.A.T. and Tartarus personnel can be seen taking over thing from here as they began to grab hold of the villain as they escorted him to a vehicle.

Prepping to leave, the personnels began to secure the Tartarus Prisoner in place inside the vehicle while one personnel can be seen making their way towards the ZAP Team Members.

Tartarus Personnel: Excuse me, Sir? Miss? Since these cuffs on him are yours, one of you are required to come with us so that when we uncuff him and recuff him back to our issued Quirk-Suppression Cuffs, we'll return your cuffs to you.

The personnel said.

Haruna and Kumano turned to face you, earning a nod from you, for you to summon Alien Sran before everyone as it stood in front of the personnel, to his surprise.

Tartarus Personnel: I see. V-Very well.

Alien Sran: I was mainly the one, along with a few others, who built these cuffs, specially for him. So, it is by all means, it will be returned to my hands as soon as you uncuff him.

Tartarus Personnel: Ah. Very well. Then, right this way.

He said as he left, for Alien Sran to follow him from behind.

As soon as everything is in order, everyone watched as the S.W.A.T. Team and Tartarus Personnels are beginning to pack up with the villain inside the vehicle, and soon leave after everything is set and in order, leaving several NEWS Reporters to remain behind as they recorded and filmed everything that has been going on.

With the S.W.A.T. and Tartarus Personnels now gone, the NEWS Reporters soon turn their attention to the Space Pendragon, you and your Team, the Faculty of U.A. High and Class 1-A.

Mr. Nezu: Anyway, you said you have plans here on this Earth, yes?

(Y/n): Yep. And I'm planning on making it a reality in a matter of progress. Days, Weeks, Months, you'll know soon enough when I call you guys for a grand tour of the place.

All Might: Oh?

(Y/n): I can't wait for you guys to have a look at the place.

Mr. Tsukauchi: (Y/n), I don't mean to interrupt, but looks like you got news reporters looking for you. And fans, too.

The detective mentioned.

Hearing this, you tilt your upper body a little bit to see many reporters and fans waiting for you, causing you to smirk at the sight of them.

(Y/n): Hey, guys. Feel free to talk to our friends while I entertain our fine reporters.

You suggests.

Your team nods at you as they made their way to your class and faculty to have a nice chat with them while you made your way to the reporters and the fans.

(Y/n): Greetings, ladies and gentlemen.

You greeted the crowd.

News Reporter: And a good greeting to you too, Reionics Hero: Cerebro.

(Y/n): I see you have some questions in store for me?

News Reporter: Indeed we do. Tell us. Are those people conversing with the Faculty of U.A. and your class your Team you mentioned back at the Sports Festival?

(Y/n): Yes. They're my Teammates, hand gestures to point at my ship And this is my ship, the Space Pendragon.

News Reporter: It seems to be some kind of warship? Is it not?

(Y/n): Oh no. The Space Pendragon isn't a Warship. It's a Cargo Ship to transport cargo and people to different planets and different locations. These weapons you see on the ship and our Lil' Speeders are there to blast any kaijus and asteroids that are coming close to us. And our main cannon is my favourite. It's called the Hyper Omega Pedanium Launcher. Perfected and Designed by me. It is able to destroy mega asteroids and beat the toughest of villains as you saw with my fight against All for One.

News Reporter 2: So that beam from the ship, that's its main cannon?

(Y/n): Yes sir. That's our main cannon, along with our Anti-Asteroid Cannons and our Wyvern Missiles.

News Reporter 3: That must be some Cargoship.

(Y/n): It really is something huh, my good sirs and ma'ams?

News Reporter: Anyway, everyone has been asking when you left. Why did you leave this Planet when you are still a Student here at U.A.?

(Y/n): Well.... sighs I had to because if I don't, people are gonna ask questions.

News Reporter 4: And why would you think that?

(Y/n): Well, I'm from a different world. That means on this planet, even if I'm human, i'm still an alien to people's point of view with my Reionics Powers and my Quirk. And even better, I'm born from a kaiju itself named; Bullton. So, I just left out of fear, worried that people might think of a different impression of me.

You explained.

The Reporters looks at each other, then looks back at the crowd and then looks back at you.

News Reporter 2: I think.... the crowd behind me says otherwise.

The Reporter said.

Hearing this, you look at the crowd and the fans cheering for you loudly with several number of fans and people are seen holding banners and fans with your name on it and your face on it.

Seeing this, you look in shock as you were expecting some critics, but instead you are being showered with praises and cheers.

News Reporter 5: And even better, shows phone filled with comments on an annonymous sight people are surprised and glad you came back, too.

One reporter said.

You looked at the phone to see countless comments welcoming you back and is still ongoing.

(Y/n): They.... sniffs guys.... wipes tears off

News Reporter: I can tell you're happy to see them too, from the looks on those eyes.

(Y/n): Yes, indeed. And it is also good to be back.

You said.

This caused the crowd to cheer and scream louder, for you to giggle at the sight.

???: Anyway, back to our question, Cerebro. When you defeated the villain back at Kamino Ward, I don't mean to question you but, was this fight and his defeat personal? Or something else?

(Y/n): Well..... it's hard to say. So.... by the way, what's your name, since you already know mine?
(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): I can tell she's a villain. So, let's try this.

???: Well, I'm Chitose Kizuki. I'm an executive director of Shoowaysha Publishing.

(A/N: Chitose Kizuki.)

(Y/n): Ah. I see. Well Ms. Kizuki, that fight and his defeat.... honestly, it was for revenge at first considering he and his mad doctor experiemented on me, placed many quirks in me and many other torturous deeds that has fallen upon me by them.... but eventually, when I came to U.A., that goal changed from Revenge, to Retribution, then eventually, became Justice, Truth and a lil' Bucket List that has been done calmly as a Hero.

Chitose: A Bucket List, you say?

(Y/n): Yes. As a matter of fact, if you want, I can fill you in with some others in that list, with you being one of them in it~.

Chitose: blushing O-Oh! Ummm... r-r-really?

(Y/n): Mhm.

Chitose: Well, I uhh.... my apologise. P-Polite pass, heheh...
Chitose (Inner Thoughts): W-Whoa.... why am I feeling the urge to love this man all of a sudden?!?!?

(Y/n): Are there any other questions, my friends?

Reporter: Yes. After the villain's defeat, back in the Sports Festival, when you said that your chant was a message, did you really meant it when you say that?

The reporter ask.

(Y/n): Well, don't mind my language and my tone here as this is part of my answer so brace for it.

News Reporter: um. okay?

(Y/n): Now, to say things like how the Rock and Stone Cold does it; When I said before  that chant back in the U.A. Sports Festival was a message to the Villains, you bet your rat's ass that the Cerebro says that he means it that the Cerebro Chant is really a message to ALL OF THE VILLAINS ACROSS THE GLOBE!!!! And that's all I have to say about that!

News Reporter: I see.

(Y/n): And this is a message to all villains around the World, too. Villains, if you come and do your trash work in front of the Pro Heroes, or come by at U.A.'s doorstep, Cerebro will be waiting around here or around the city, to give you some of these Knuckle Sandwiches!!

You said whule showing your fists and your knuckles.

(Y/n): What?! Did you understand me?! What?! Villains, when I kicked your boss's candy ass across the World, when I said in the chant that I'll fight any villain till they're U.A. black and blue, you bet your ass that I mean every word I said, and I landed a can of whoop ass until he's U.A. black and blue! And just to be sure, if you villains don't listen to me, you bet your sorry and candy asses that I'll fight you till you're U.A. black and blue, and if you have a weapon on ya, I'll turn you sideways!!! And stick your weapons straight up! Your CANDY ASSES!!!!

You said.

This statement made the crowd shocked but they still cheered you on that you are going to do what you said you will do in the chant.

News Reporter: Wow. Strong words, Cerebro.

(Y/n): I love things strong.

News Reporter: So, any last words before we end off?

(Y/n): Oh yeah, I do. A few actually. So, Villains around the globe, your roll, know it! League of Villains, your mouths, shut it! All for One! I know your ass is in jail, so here's this! Your llama's anus, lick it! Tomura Shigaraki! Your little "Cloud Bulter" by your side and your dirty underwears, WEAR IT!!!!! AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE.......... CAUSE' THE REIONICS HERO, SAID SO!!!!!

You said while doing a moonwalk backwards with your arms raised in the air as your hands did peace signs, causing the crowd to cheer even louder for you.

As you went further away, you smiled, knowing that your prediction of them thinking otherwise was wrong. It was just in your head.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Perhaps it is just my self-doubt.... that is in the way. Well.... at least I know now... they appreciate me.

You said.

After awhile, you swiftly turned back as you made your way back to your team who're talking to your class and the School's Faculty.

(Y/n): I'm back guys! And I see you all are well acquainted with my class and the School's Faculty.

Hyuga: Ah, (Y/n). places hand on (y/n)'s back Yes, very well acquainted. Your Homeroom, Mr. Aizawa and I also had time to talk, as well. And he has told me promising things about you while you weren't with us.

Oki: Yeah! Who would've thought you would get along so well with your friends and teachers.

(Y/n): Oki...... stop.... but still, you have a point there.

You said.

Haruna: We can also tell that you made a friend who's also like Oki.

(Y/n): O-Oh!!! You mean, Deku... y-yeah.

Kumano: He's been asking a lot about our ship, so that's how we know.

Oki: You also made friends with someone who's hot-headed like Haruna. giggling

Bakugo: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Just as Bakugo exclaimed, Haruna slowly looked back at Oki, for the latter to look at her confused until she landed a punch in his face, knocking him out for a moment, for thr Faculty to watch this, surprised.

(Y/n): Don't worry about it. It's normal.

Snipe: R-Right....

Class 1-A (Inner Thoughts): Don't ever mess with Haruna when she's around...

Bakugo (Inner Thoughts): Heh! She's got quite the punch. Glad he got what's coming through that strong girl on my behalf smirks

Mr. Nezu: Well, now that All for One and the Press are out of the way, why not we continue our nice chat in my office, shall we?

Hyuga: Of course.

(Y/n): I'll come with. Then after that, I'll go to uuuuhh...

Mr. Aizawa: We have a dorm system so I'll have your Class Rep. to escort you there once you're done.

Ida: Just leave it to me, (Y/n)! raises my hand

(Y/n): Thanks.

Mr. Aizawa: Alright, Class. Now that this.... unexpecting turn of events is over, we may go back to the dorms so I can brief you on what we'll be doing there. So, let's go.

Class 1-A: Yes sir!

And so, Class A began leaving.

Mr. Aizawa: And (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yes, sir?

Mr. Aizawa: ..... Welcome back. And I'm glad you're back in one piece.

Mr. Aizawa said before he left with the class.

You nod at Mr. Aizawa while he's leaving together with the class as you watched them go back to a particular building. As soon as the class is out of view, you ran to catch up with with your team and the school's faculty.


Inside Mr. Nezu's Office,

Mr. Nezu: Again, it's so good to see young (Y/n) finally reunited with you all, Hyuga, Oki, Kumano, Haruna and Rei. And judging from Mr. Aizawa, you had a very nice cheerful chat with him, Captain.

(Y/n): It was both Mr. Aizawa and my idea, Mr. Nezu. You see, during my Training Camp, I was doing my Log as per usual, when Mr. Aizawa came in. So, I saw that opportunity and he saw his.

Mr. Nezu: I see. Well, that's an understandable statment.

Hyuga: Your Faculty Teacher, Mr. Aizawa has told me all about this Hero Society and this School. So allow us to thank you again, for looking out for our Team Member.

Hyuga said as they bowed in gratitude, then rises back up after a while.

All Might: Oh, P-Please! It was nothing, really. If anything, we should be thanking you for teaching our Young Cerebro here good manners and good heroism.

Ectoplasm: All Might's correct, Captain. You all taught this young man very good things to think about. Our Scars back at the Sports Festival, Trust and Sacrifices, and many others.

Midnight: If anything, this young handsome man is a full package in this one lil' body~ He's even a teacher when he needs to be.

Hound Dog: As much as I want to tell you to control yourself, Nerumi.... but you still have a point. He's not just a very good Hero... but he'll also make a good counsellor if you were to ask me.

He said, wagging his tail a bit.

Rei: We saw in his Logs.

Haruna: And we're happy to see and hear him shape you guys to be great heroes while he's studying.

Hyuga: It is through our jouneys he's been taught well. And I'm glad that his journey with you guys has been and still will be a fruitful one while we are still here.

Kumano: Pendragon wasn't the same without (Y/n). But we're glad that you've looked after him while we made our way here.

They said.

Mr. Nezu: It is not a problem, really. Though, I must ask. How did, you guys come here???

(Y/n): O-Oh! I can answer that.

Mr. Nezu: Oh?

The teachers began to look at you.

(Y/n): One day while I was doing some private training on my own, when Alien Mefilas came to me to assist me with my former situation.

Rei: It was the same Mefilas who got possessed by the Dark Armour. And it is revealed to us-

(Y/n): And me, too... that he was the one who gave my team a free path to Reiblood's domain to assist me, Rei and Grande. You can say that he's been a great help in sending Logs and in the Training Camp, as well.

Mr. Nezu: He was there at the Training Camp?

(Y/n): Yes. He and I worked together to fight against Pestilence, one of the Four Kaiju Horsemen that the League recently recruited.

Mr. Tsukauchi: So one of them turned up at the Training Camp, I see.

(Y/n): Yes sir. And it was on the verge of landing the killing blow when he showed up just in time. And let me tell ya.... he dreads Reiblood too for possessing him.

Mr. Nezu: Well, that makes many of us to have a common enemy now.

Mr. Tsukauchi: And you sure you can fully trust him?

(Y/n): He has been keeping his word when we finally met. As after all, how else did my Team manage to get here? So, Sir! Sir, Yes Sir.

You said.

Mr. Tsukauchi: nods Very well, then I'll leave him in your hands.

(Y/n): nods

Mr. Nezu: Well, now that this question is out of the way, now it's time we go to the next topic in our hands. Well, a few of course. Which is why everyone is here.

(Y/n): Oh?

Mr. Nezu: From today onwards, you'll be assigned to your dormitory and your dorm room. Reason being is that we want to make sure the safety of our students ever since Bakugo and Ms. Zona were kidnapped, and we ensured the press that we promised that we will keep all pur students safe.

(Y/n): Zona? You mean Zona and Grey are here?!

Recovery Girl: Yes. I took the liberty to check on them while I patched them up.

Mr. Nezu: In the process, they'll be joining us in our School. I believe they'll be in your class.

They said.

Hearing this news brought some relief, knowing that they are safe, but with a cost.

(Y/n): I'm glad.... they're safe... but Zona... she has a...

Mr. Nezu: We are aware of it. And we'll be sure to find out what that quirk does overall.

Recovery Girl: She'll be under observation time to time due to it but other than that, she'll be fine.

(Y/n): Thank you. back in topic, about the news part.... I can tell that they wanted to be on your bad side.... I kinda watched the whole thing and were disgusted by their questions.

Vlad King: Thank you for your concern, young (Y/n). Believe me, it was difficult bit eventually, we managed to keep our cool.

(Y/n): I could tell from Mr. Aizawa's expression...

Mr. Nezu & Vlad King: nods

(Y/n): So, I assume where I saw Class A was going is where my Dorm is?

Mr. Nezu: That's correct. Guess that saves us the trouble on telling you on how the Dormitory Systems are being alocated, yes? I'll let Mr. Aizawa do the rest.

(Y/n): Noted, sir. And yes, sir.

Mr. Nezu: Now. Onto the next topic.

Mr. Nezu said.

You can already tell the seriousness on his face, for you to know what's the next topic is going to be.

Mr. Nezu: Reiblood.

(Y/n): Sir. He's back. And he's allied himself to the League of Villains.

Mr. Nezu: I can tell. We all did. Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Seikijiro and I saw the whole thing on Television on that very day.

All Might: So have I... I... saw up close in person how he helped All for One by taking over his body while cladding him in armour to go against young Cerebro, young Rei and Grande in battle.

Vlad King: From what we could tell, Reiblood seems to be a powerful being... a powerful villain.

Rei: He's not just powerful. He could command every kaiju and alien in existence like how (Y/n) could.... like how I could before.

Mr. Nezu: Oh?

(Y/n): I can fill you on that. Rei, may I?

Rei: nods

(Y/n): Thanks, dude. looks at All Might All Might, sir? Remember back in the USJ, I turned into Belyudra? That gigantic kaiju made of kaijus?

All Might: Oh yes! How could we all forget that? You effortlessly defeated the League and that Nomu like it was nothing to protect our students and classmates.

(Y/n): nods, then looks at Mr. Nezu Well,.... when we were in the brink of defeat by Belyudra controlled by Belial, Rei was in close proximity to the Giga-Battlenizer, for me to have a theory that if you can control two to three kaijus, why not the entire Army of Kaijus via the Giga-Battlenizer itself. So, when Rei gave it a try, Belial's gigantic fusion kaiju began to revolt against him, giving our allies, Rei's EX Gomora and my EX Kaiju the opportunity to destroy it while it was at its vulnerable. That, was the only time Rei had control of a large number of kaijus, you see.

Mr. Nezu: I see.

Rei: it was a risk we were willing to take. Thanks to that said risk, we thankfully won. With our new ally who joined us. Ultraman Zero.

Ectoplasm: Ultraman?

(Y/n): He and they are the said Allies that I'm referring to, Ectoplasm sir. Like All Might used to be quotes, they have a time limit until they have to either return to their human forms for some, others otherwise die. Thankfully they have an Ultra who revives them.

All Might: Like me they have a time limit?

(Y/n): There's a reason. Earth's atmosphere doesn't do well for them. That's why the 3 minute limit. If it is in space or in their home planet, their time limit lasts even even longer.

All Might: I see. That's very interesting.

(Y/n): Thanks, All Might sir.

Ectoplasm: So, Earth Atmosphere: Time Limit to maintain Ultra or to sustain themselves are 3 minutes. Space, Planetary or Home Planet: Time Limit to maintain Ultra is longer. Is that right?

(Y/n): A way to sum it up, yes.

Mr. Nezu: That's a very interesting topic to talk about. How do they manage to last longer in their home planet, if you don't mind us asking?

Mr. Nezu ask out of curiosity.

Rei: They had a Tower of Light to maintain their form called the Plasma Spark Tower. That's how they maintain their Ultra forms. Its power and energy helps them.

Hyuga: Our Team were the first Humans to ever set foot on their Planet, as well.

Oki: It was still amazing and bright, too.... aw man... I wish I could stay there a bit longer.

Mr. Nezu: That's History in the Making, I can tell from that.

Oki: it really was...

(Y/n): It really was.

You said, for you to hear slight giggles from your team, for you to giggle, as well.

After a moment, you began to shift back in topic about Reiblood.

(Y/n): Right! Now, back about Reiblood.

Mr. Nezu: Ah, yes. After hearing what you said, I can tell that Reiblood can be even more powerful than All for One himself... more powerful than All Might too, now that the Four Kaiju Horsemen are still on the loose, with you surviving Pestilance, (Y/n) thanks to your alien ally.

(Y/n): Yes. Since All for One and the League have signed their souls to the Reiblood, getting away from him won't be as straight forward as they think. Even if Reiblood is destroyed, he will always come back at anytime to what I can tell already from when we fought Reiblood and All for One.

Midnight: So what you're saying is that Reiblood is an eternal threat until stated otherwise?

(Y/n): Yes... clenches fists Reiblood.... has brought me and my friends suffering when we were at Hammer..... I will never forget that fateful day... that his presence... his drive to fight like monsters.... coursed through our veins.... it.... almost, COSTED us... everything... but... someone else has permenantly costed.... my Love....

Mr. Nezu & Midnight: Oh?/Oh~?

Rei: places hands on your shoulders

Hyuga: I'll fill in for him, Mr. Nezu. You see, through our journeys, he has been our greatest asset along with Rei. While (Y/n) and Rei were training their kaijus, a new and unknown kaiju appeared. And it was a kaiju, that we have never seen before. That was when, he met her. They were enemies and rivals at first, until,.... they began to open themselves up to each other and slowly... they got into a relationahip for sometime now, (y/n) and the girl who turned out to be an alien, as well. Until one day on Hammer,.... we were about to pronounce them until.... (y/n) "lost" her... by the hands of Yapool and his reclaimed Chojus that rampaged. He wasn't himself back then.... but we all have supoorted him through those dark times and eventually, he's back to his own self.

Hyuga explained on your behalf.

Snipe: by "lost".... you mean...

Haruna: slowly nods

Mr. Nezu: I see.... I am sorry for the loss of your fiance who was soon-to-be your wife, young (Y/n)....

(Y/n): T-Thank you, sir....

Midnight: I assume that other devise you have on you in red that is identical to yours, pokes it gently belonged to her?

(Y/n): Yes, Ms. Midnight. I recently reclaimed it back from the Yapool during my Internship.

Mr. Nezu: Ah, we saw that on the News on the very night when we saw you during your time of your Internship. I congradulate on reclaiming back what was stolen from you and her.

(Y/n): Thank you, sir... Reiblood and the Yapool aren't just normal people or aliens or villains to be messing around. Even if they come back... they must be stopped.... no matter the cost.

You said.

The Faculty in the room nods at what you said, for Mr. Nezu to think of something.

Mr. Nezu: Correct that these two beings aren't your average villains to deal with. Which is why I came up with a Solution.

(Y/n) & Rei: Oh?

Mr. Nezu: You see. Ever since you arrived in U.A., Mr. Aizawa noticed he couldn't Erase your kaiju factor of your quirk. And when I overheard that you have cuffs specifically to immobilize a part of your body to nullify the usage of quirks and powers, I thought we could give this a try. holds out a folder

You went up and accepted the folder, opening it up for your team to look at it, as well.

Inside, you see a solution to better suppress Reiblood and any kaiju or alien in existence, for you to realize what the principal is up to.

(Y/n): I see. looks at Mr. Nezu you're trying to suppress Reiblood, Yapool and any kind of kaiju or alien in some kind of cointainment room to what I'm seeing here?

Mr. Nezu: Exactly right.

(Y/n): Hmm... this can actually work, as well for my secret plan my team and I are planning. So,...

Mr. Nezu: hmm?

(Y/n): May I have this file for a moment? Perhaps the Police Force and my Team can work together on this and make some upgrades.

Mr. Nezu: By all means. Anything for my student. Tsukauchi? If they need any help, they'll call you.

Mr. Tsukauchi: I'll be of service. I'll give them my contacts.

(Y/n): Will that be all, sir?

Mr. Nezu: That's it. You may leave whenever. I'll have Mr. Aizawa to send Young Ida over to pick you up.

(Y/n): Thank you, sir.

Hyuga: Thank you, sir.

The Captain, Hyuga walks up as he offers his hand, for Mr. Nezu to happily accept and shakes it. After awhile, they broke the handshake as the Space Pendragon Team began to take their leave when Mr. Nezu called out.

Mr. Nezu: And (y/n)? Everyone from Space Pendragon?

(Y/n): Yes? hears your team looking at Mr. Nezu

Mr. Nezu: bows Again, thank you for assisting us. And it is good to have you back, young (y/n).

Mr. Nezu said.

Bowing, the faculty bowed as well soon after, for you to smile at this.

(Y/n): It's no problem, sirs, ma'am.

You said.

After that, you all soon left the office, leaving the faculty and Mr. Nezu in the office as they stood back up.

Ectoplasm: His Team are an.... interesting bunch.

Hound Dog: I have to agree. The more we learn from him, the more knowledge we have about him and his worlds.

Snipe: Yeah. Not to mention his allies known as the Ult... Ultr-

Midnight: Ultraman, Snipe. looks up I wonder if they're also Ultrawomen, as well~

Mr. Nezu: Well, Midnight. If there are Ultramen in his World, that means they should be Ultrawomen, too.

All Might: Interesting they have a time limit like I do when they arrive on Earth to fight for peace. But when they're elsewhere or on their home planet, the limit has changed.

Thirteen: nods I do find it very fascinating that his allies known as Ultraman came from space.

Mr. Tsukauchi: Interestingly, I have the same fascination as all of you. To think that (Y/n) has a lot of allies watching over him, means that he is being protected by not just us, but those from above, too.

Thirteen: Fascinating. thinking about space

Mr. Nezu: It is true that Ultraman is a fascinating topic to uphold. But let's not forget what (y/n) said before. There are bad Ultramen, as well.

Mr. Nezu mentioned.

Ectoplasm: Yes. We need to be wary of those two. Belial and Tregear, I believe.

Hound Dog: Yes.... don't get me started with Tregear after what we heard from (Y/n) on what Tregear did to Taiga's host's long lost friend..... *growls*

Mr. Nezu: Yes. That is why the Containment Facility specialized for not just Reiblood, but for those two, as well.

Thirteen: Come to think of it, what is (Y/n) and his friend going to do with that file? Isn't that suppose to belong to the HPS-

Mr. Nezu: I'm aware of that. That is why they have already been aware of it.

Everyone: huh?

Mr. Nezu: fishes out a phone Did you get all that, ma'am?

??? [HPSC] (By via Phone): Yes, Mr. Nezu. I've heard everything. I'll be meeting them and approve on its construction at their Build Site.

She said.

To be Continued....

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