Chapter 1: Internship at Ryukyu Agency

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TIMESKIP after your train ride which stopped close to the Agency you were offered at:

A few Minutes later,

You are walking in the busy streets with your Hero Case in hand, looking for the Agency you accepted due to the fact that it was highly recommended and highlighted, but to no avail as there are a lot of high rise buildings everywhere where ever you turn and walk.

As you were walking, some passers by which included some kids, commuters, workers and mostly ladies noticed you as they began to greet you and encourage you to keep doing your best, for you to greet them by waving and obliging to their encouragements and their greetings.

While finding your way to your designated Agency as you greet and wave to the people to reply their greetings and encouragements, you notice a familiar periwinkled-hair girl walking the same direction as you, for you to figure out that it was the same girl from before when you saved her and a dragon from a villain before you went to U.A. High to seek assistance. You smiled at the sight of her that you hurriedly made your way there.

Once you almost reached the girl, you called out to her.

(Y/n): Ummm, excuse me?! Hello!

You called out.

Hearing you call out, the girl stopped as she turned around to see you hurriedly make your way to her.

(A/N: This girl.)

???: Huh? sees (Y/n) Oh, hello.

(Y/n): Hey! stops in front of her Two things. I'm looking for Ryukyu Agency and I'm wondering if you know where it is.

???: Well, I'm actually going there myself, as well. So, you may follow me.

(Y/n): Super! Thanks.

???: No problem. So, what's the other thing?

(Y/n): Ah, yes. The other thing. I believe we've met before.

???: Did we?

(Y/n): Yeah. It's me. The kaiju from before when you and Dragon Woman were fighting against a strong villain.

You said as you transformed your free arm into Alien Dada's arm as a demonstration, then revert it back to your original arm again, for the girl to gasp as she now recognized you.

??? (Inner Thoughts): gasps He's here.... right before my eyes....

???: So you're the one who saved us. And I see you got my little fine detail.

(Y/n): Yep, that's me. I'm (Y/n) (l/n) from U.A. Hi- wait wait, did you say fine detail?

???: Well~ you see~ I was the one who actually highly recommended you to take up the Internship with Ms. Ryukyu~ nervous giggle

(Y/n): So that highlighted and "Highly Recommended" letters was you?

???: Guilty~ Basically, After you rescued us and watched you fight at the Festival, both Ms. Ryukyu and I decided and thought that maybe you should come Intern with us. And now, here we are.

The girl said.

You nod at what she said, understanding what's going on.

(Y/n): I see.

???: yeaaaaah. Heheh, sorry. Because, I didn't know where you were so, I thought having Mr. Aizawa look for you after his Homeroom Class about Internships and Hero Names, since he has a specialty in doing that and know some people who can find people, you see

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Mr. Aizawa and some people who know him can do that?!?!?

(Y/n): Oh, no no. No. It's fine. Either way, you no need to worry about doing this and finding me next time.

???: Oh? Why so?

(Y/n): Well, because if you see me in the Sports Festival, that means I'm in U.A. High School. And yes, thanks to the Principal, Nezu, I'm in U.A. High in person.

???: No way! Me too!

(Y/n): eyes widened Wait, you too?!

???: Yeah, I am. Along with two of my oither friends! One of them has the same quirk as you do.

(Y/n): Wow!!! Small Universe!

???: Yeah!

(Y/n): Yeah!

??? & (Y/n): Yeah!

As you both replied at each other in unison, you and ??? looked at each other silently before bursting in laughter for a few seconds.

After a few seconds of laughter, the both of you stopped laughing and began to introduce yourselves.

(Y/n): So anyway, now that we know which schools we are from since we are in the same School, time for introductions.

???: Oh! Yeah, introductions. Sorry.

(Y/n): No, it's okay. It's my fault as I was the one who spoke up first.

???: Aww~ Thanks. Anyway, my name's Nejire. Nejire Hado of Class 3-A at U.A. High, and I'm one of the Big 3.

(Y/n): And I am (Y/n) (l/n). A Human Reionics of Class 1-A at U.A. High, as well. I'll be doing my Internship at Ryukyu Agency.

Nejire: Internship, I see? Then, it's nice to meet you, (Y/n).

(Y/n): You too, Nejire.

You said.

After introducing yourselves, you both began to shake hands for a bit.

(Y/n): So, ready to get to work at Ryukyu Agency... if that's what we're doing once we get there?

Nejire: Yup! Let's get going before we're late.

(Y/n): Yeah. Let's!

And with that, you and Nejire began to walk together to Ryukyu Agency as she led the way to the Building where Ms. Ryukyu works at.

As you both walked, you two began to talk about each other on your way there.


Outside of Ryukyu Agency,

You looked at the building with your eyes widened to see what her actual building looks like with a Billboard on it, featuring herself advertising her clothing line, Dragoir on the building.

(A/N: Ryukyu Agency building.)

(Y/n): W-Whoa!

Nejire: This is it.

(Y/n): That's really her in human form?

Nejire: Uh-huh.

(Y/n): I see. 

(Y/n) (Inner Thought): Ah, right. Like Momo, Tsu, Deku and Uraraka did say, she can transform into a Dragon and back to human. Almost slipped my mind, actually.

Nejire: So, come on! Let's go in so I can introduce everyone to you.

Nejire said, rushing in while pulling you along by your wrist being grabbed by her hand.

(Y/n): Okay okay, take it easy, Nejire. Slow down! We're still early by 2 minutes and 43 seconds.

You said.

Once you two are inside, you see that the interior of the building is spacious as it does not have interior walls, and the reddish color predominates. The design style and decoration is in a markedly Chinese, with columns decorated with golden Chinese dragons and statues of Guardian Lions, in addition to other decorative elements. It has office tables for paperwork, several shelves between some of the columns and a plasma TV where they can watch the news, to your surprise.

(Y/n): Whoa.... 

Nejire: I know right? Pretty nice place to be for your Internship, am I right?

(Y/n): Yeah.... beautiful. So, traditional-like and... authentic place. Traditional.

Nejire: giggles On behalf of her, thanks.

(Y/n): No problem.

???: So this is what you look like without using your Quirk~?

A feminine voice called out.

You heard someone calling you out for you and Nejire to turn to the direction where the voice came from, for Nejire to smile as she made her way to her and for you to see the person who called you making her way out, seeing a smile on her face.

(A/N: Ryukyu.)

???: I thought you'd be taller and narly the last time Nejire and I met you~

(Y/n): I thought you'd be more gorgeous and scaly since that day. So you must be, Ms. Ryukyu. A pleasure to meet you.

Ryukyu: Yes, and you must be (Y/n), the Human Reionics. Hero Codename, Reionics Hero: Cerebro. 

(Y/n): Yes, Ma'am.

Ryukyu: We've saw and heard a lot about you from the U.A. Sports Festival and from your Homeroom Teacher.

Nejire: We also heard about your friend, Dail from the Festival, too.

Ryukyu: Our Agency and others around the World have about him after you introduced him to everyone whilst your Interview about yourself with Midnight. You have our Agency's deepest sympathies.

(Y/n): nods Thank you, Ms. Ryukyu, Nejire for your condolences, I really appreciate them. Dail would've appreciated this, too.

You said.

Ryukyu and Nejire nods at what you said.

Ryukyu: Right! Now that we know each other to what I can tell and hear, let's get started.

She said.

You bowed in respect.

(Y/n): Looking forward to working with you.

You said.

Ryukyu: Again, I've heard a lot about you from your Homeroom Teacher, Mr. Aizawa, and the U.A. Sports Festival when Midnight Interviewed you. You have a fair share of Hero Work, Experience and Combat back in your World. And I know you have your sidekicks to help you, as well from what I can tell of your Trinkets I saw at the Festival and what I was informed by your Teachers.

(Y/n): That's correct, ma'am.

Ryukyu: I'm impressed of the work I've heard and impressed on your actions showed at the Sports Festival. However, being a hero is not as easy as you think and you can't rely on brute strength of your Quirk alone. So this week, you'll learn from me and Nejire's experiences.

(Y/n): I'll be sure to be attentive to your work, and treat this Internship as if it is my own work on the Pendragon.

Ryukyu: Good! Now let's begin.

Ryukyu (Inner Thoughts): blushing Well now~ Have to admit, he has resolve~

Nejire: Ms. Ryukyu? 

Ryukyu: Eh?! called back to reality Oh! ahem... Now, (Y/n). First, we must talk about why we're here. Pros receive wages from the Government so we're Civil Servants. So, our responsibilities are different from Regular Workers. 

(Y/n): Understood, ma'am!

Ryukyu: nods Now, regarding our actual duties, basic hero work controls crime. When a crime occurs, the police will contact us. Requests and dispatches will come in all at once filtered by the District.

(Y/n): Like distress signals and non-distress signals to sum it up?

Nejire: That is correct.

Ryukyu: Yes. After that, we file those reports on the services we provided assisting with arrests, rescuing people to name a few and so much more. Special Agencies look at our work and decide on how much we should be paid.

(Y/n): So it is like back at my World where jobs have to be paid, but the rules of hero work here are different. Understood, ma'am.

Ryukyu: You catch on pretty quick like what your Teachers said you'd do due to your experience. Then, it is safe to say that we'll get along just fine~

(Y/n): Yes, ma'am. 

Ryukyu: Anyway, in addition to what I have just said, heroes are allowed to have side jobs. Yes, there were a lot of debates and arguments when the World of Pros was first being established, but the Heroes ended up being popular that the Members of Public demanded it. For example, we'll be going out for patrols. If we see any activity, we go for it.

Nejire: Also, when it comes to hero work, Heroes like us and yourself must train and practise constantly. 

(Y/n): I'll keep that in mind, ma'am. Nejire.

Ryukyu: Good. Then let's head out for our patrols.

(Y/n) & Nejire: Yes, ma'am!!!

Nejire and you said with energy.

Ryukyu smiled at our enthusiasms.

Nejire: But first, let's see what's on the News for today?

Nejire said as she made her way to the table, grabbed the remote and turned the Television on, for the three of you to see two villains at work stealing things and wrecking some damage on some buildings, for you to realise something.

(Y/n): Uh, ladies?!

Ryukyu and Nejire looks at you.

(Y/n): Didn't I just passed that District before Nejire and I arrived here?!

You ask.

Just as you said that, Nejire looks at the TV screen again and realized that you're right.

Nejire: Yeah, you're right! Come to think of it, I passed by that area, too before we bumped to each other!

(Y/n): That location is not far from here, yes?

Ryukyu: Yes, it isn't far.

(Y/n): Good, then before we go, Nejire. Our hero costumes.... looks at Ryukyu If you approve, Ms. Ryukyu.

Ryukyu: You may get dressed, but hurry.

(Y/n): Alright, Nejire. Let's go.

Nejire: Yeah!!!

Nejire said while you and her took off to get dressed.

And so, you and Nejire took off to the designated restroom as you both began to change into your hero costumes to start your Internship with Ms. Ryukyu and your new friend you made, Nejire.

A few seconds later,

Ryukyu waited for you two until the doors of both restrooms burst open for you and Nejire to emerge from there in a hurry.

(A/N: Nejire's Hero Costume.)

(Y/n): Nice Costume.

Nejire: Thanks. Like your ZAP Uniform and your Jacket. It brings out the colour on your Outfit. And I even love the neck piece. Does it help you with something?

(Y/n): Heheh. Thanks. It was formerly a support breathing system, but now, it's a neck crown piece that connects to my head and the bit of my lower jaw. 

Nejire: So, it's a Protection Item.... nice.

(Y/n): Thanks.

Ryukyu: Good to see you are all ready. Now, let's go!

Outside the Agency, Nejire is seen flying to the scene, for you to stop and stand in front of the doors of the Agency as you transformed.

(Y/n): Beast the One wings. Dark Alien Baltan growth manipulation.

You said.

After saying two kaiju names, you began to grow giant while conjuring a pair of Beast the One's wings. After obtaining two powers, you lowered your hand beside Ryukyu.

(Y/n): We're not gonna do this job without you so, save your strength. Hop on.

You said.

Seeing this, Ryukyu obliged by getting onto your hand. After that, you raised your hand to your chest level as you began to take flight to the said and seen District where the accident is happening now, to kick start your Intership.

To be Continued....

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