Chapter 2: Formation Reionics Wave & A Visitor from Another World

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At a particular District,

All was quiet in town until a large number of civilians began to run for their lives while many projectiles can be seen flying pass the running civilians, with some missing them as they struck numerous buildings, walls and roads around them as they ran. While the civilians are running, Nejire can be seen using her Quirk as she blasted a spiral motion beam at the villains while I was on the ground backflipping backwards continuously to dodge all the villains' shots and blasts.

After keeping both your distances, Nejire blasted another beam while I blasted a combined beam of Maga Tano Thunderclap from my mouth (Maga Tano Orochi) and Genesis Requiem from my chest (Leugocyte) in the attempts to stop the villains from advancing, but to no avail as the pair kept slowly making their way to them.

Nejire: They're strong!

(Y/n): Yeah! looks at Ryukyu The Krakken Brothers! Friends of yours, ma'am?!

Ryukyu: No! We've never seen them here before! So, I could simply say that they're new in town! But last we heard, they are a two-gang crew who loves to steal and start fights like this! Most cases we heard were from Asia and the United Kingdom!

(Y/n): I see, ma'am!! That means that this must be their next target!!

Ryukyu: It would seem that way, good observation and hearing!!

Nejire: Heads up, guys!

Nejire said.

You and Ms. Ryukyu looked up ahead to see the Krakken Brothers tossing their empty weaponry aside as they readied themselves to do something while protecting their stolen goods inside a getaway van.

Krakken Brother 1: Not bad when you made us use up all our ammunition, Heroes!!!

Krakken Brother 2: But here is something that we didn't run out! Brother, the Kraken Spin.

Krakken Brother 1: Yeah... Our Tornado and Tentacular Attack...

Krakken Brothers: We're gonna show you Heroes why we are both capable in this Two-Gang Heist and always get away with it!!! BEHOLD, KRAKEN SPIN!!!!!! 

The Brothers said as they stood in front of each other while using their arms to hold themselves together.

After using their arms to hold themselves together, the three of you see that they are using their feet tentacles to slowly spin faster and faster until they became a living tornado surrounding them with the tornado and their tentacles they have to be their protective shield. Slowly, a lot of cars and civilians are being sucked into the Kraken Spin Attack, for you, Ryukyu and Nejire to hold onto something sturdy helplessly as they watch everything around them getting sucked in.

Seeing this, Nejire had a determined look as she flew high in the sky where the tornado wouldn't catch her as she began to use her Quirk.

(Y/n): Nejire!!! What are you doing?!?!

Nejire: Trying to stop!!! Full Charge Output Level 30!!! Spiralling Surge!!! NEJIRE WAVE!!!!!!!!

She yelled while firing a huge Spiralling Surge at the tornado, only for her beams to be absorbed by the tornado, to her shock.

Then, after absorbing her attack, numerous tentacles emerged as they whipped Nejire, sending her flying, for Ryukyu to quickly turn into her Dragon form as she flew and catch her in a nick of time. Seeing this, you blasted Maga Tano Thunderclap at the tornado to try and stop it, only for you to see that it got absorbed, as well while numerous tentacles emerge from the lower part of the tornado as they whipped you, only for you to jump backwards to dodge them all.

After dodging them, you stopped at a further distance where the tentacles can't reach you for Ryukyu to see you there as she lands beside you.

(Y/n): Ms. Ryukyu! Nejire?

Nejire: I'm fine. Just surprised that the combo attack absorbed my Nejire Wave, though.

Ryukyu: Yeah.... Those two really are strong.

(Y/n): Strong but not strong enough, actually.

Ryukyu & Nejire: Huh?

(Y/n): Look at them.

You said.

Both Ryukyu and Nejire looked at the Krakken Brothers' direction as they notice that the tentacles are trying to reach them to whip you three while spinning along with the tornado, but to no avail.

(Y/n): It would appear that I've found their limit of distance their tentacles can go, by chance.

Nejire: Wow, so that's why they kept advancing. So they can get in range so they can whip us.

(Y/n): Correct.

Ryukyu: Excellent. Now, we must finish them off while we have the chance. 

Nejire: Only question is, how though?

Nejire and Ryukyu said.

While the Kraken Spin is about to get closer, you began to think on how to defeat someone like this, when you thought of a Reionics Battle back on Hammer, for you to look at the tornado and then slowly turn to look atboth Ryukyu and Nejire donning their defensive poses.

(Y/n): Nejire!

Nejire: Huh?! looks at you Y-Yeah?

(Y/n): I need you to use the most powerful attack that you have, and keep firing at the tornado.

Nejire: Huh?! Why?

(Y/n): I have a plan. looks at Ryukyu Ma'am! Think you can try slowly reverse and negate their tornado by blowing their spinning motion to the opposite direction?

Ryukyu: I can, why?

(Y/n): I have a plan that just hatched. But I need to be at the right distance.

Nejire: How far, exactly?

Nejire ask.

(Y/n): Well, all I can say is.... trust me.

You said.

Then, you summoned a pair of Beast the One's wings again as you took to the skies again, for you to slowly disappear in the clear blue sky, making Nejire and Ryukyu to look up at where you flew off to, then looks back down to look at each other.

Nejire: I hope this plan works....

Ryukyu: I feel the same way. But if he says that it works and to trust him, we must take it.

Nejire: Then let's do it. I;ll be on the left, you will be on the right.

Ryukyu nods as she went to the right while Nejire went to the left.

As they are in position, Ryukyu began to flap her dragon wings to send a gust of wind to try and reverse the Kraken Spin's tornado's wind direction while Nejire can be seen charging up her most powerful attack she can muster.

Nejire: Full Charge Output Level 100!!! Spiralling Surge!!! NEJIRE FLOOD!!!!!!!!

Nejire yelled.

Then, Nejire blasted a powerful beam directly at the tornado, for it to be absorbed by the tornado while the wind speed of the tornado is slowly decreasing thanks to Ryukyu's wings blowing a gust of wind at its opposite wind direction. While the two are doing their best to slowly stop the Krakken Brothers' Kraken Spin, Nejire began to think about the plan, with concern.

Nejire (Inner Thoughts): I hope (Y/n) knows what he's doing.... so please, (Y/n).... hurry... my stamina is about to reach its limit....

Nejire said.

While the two are trying their best, the Krakken Brothers were infuriated about what they're doing as they began to lash their tentacles at them to stop them.

However, just as their tentacles were about to reach both Nejire and Ryukyu,-

Krakken Brother 2: Yo, Big Bro!

Krakken Brother 1: What is it?

Krakken Brother 2: Isn't there suppose to be a lucky young kid who was hanging out with these ladies?

Krakken Brother 1: Wait! Now that you mention it, you're right! So, where is he?!

- one of the brothers noticed that you were missing, for the other brother to start figuring out where you were, but they figured it out a little too late because up in the sky, you can be seen diving down while free falling towards the center of the Kraken Spin in a form of a blue energy ball as you came flying down towards the Brothers' combo attack like a meteroite.

Just as you were close enough-

(Y/n): Now, my Fire Lord Twin-Headed Fusion Kaiju, Maga King Pandon NEO! Twin-Head Flaming Hell and create a tornado around you, the same direction as Ryukyu's wind direction that she's blowing on the Krakken Brothers' Tornado to not only slow it down, but to nullify it!!!!

You yelled.

- you commanded your own customized fusion kaiju you created secretly before you left to the skies as Maga King Pandon NEO began to spew streaks of flames from each of their mouths while spinning in circles, slowly getting faster as it created a tornado below the Brothers' Kraken Spin.

While Ryukyu and Nejire are trying to stop the Brothers' advancement, the ground below them and the tornado slowly heated up as a fire tornado erupted from the ground, engulfing the tornado from within, to the Brothers' surprise. After that surprise attack, the blue energy ball which is you could be seen diving inside as you struck the brothers, forcing them to let go for the tornado to burst while you flew out from the fiery flaming tornado created by your customizable kaiju, to both Ryukyu and Nejire's surprise as they watched the energy ball fly pass them.

After that attack, Ryukyu and Nejire heard groans for them to turn back to see the Krakken Brothers were on the ground after that surprise attack that they never anticipated while Maga King Pandon NEO can be seen emerging from the ground as it began to walk away from the two while turning into three blue balls of light, flying inside your energy ball and back into the Giga-Battlenizer. The girls looked back at the energy ball as they see it slowly dissipated, for them to see you in your unique kaiju form.

(A/N: This unique kaiju. Basically it's you donning Zegan's full body like your Neosaurus + Neomegas Fusion and Neo Geomos + Sphere Geomos Fusion in previous episodes but, with some add-ons. Your Zegan pincer arms, the lower legs (Shin area) and your side of your head will have Bazanga's spear-like forearms, legs and antannae-like fillers. Your back will be armoured up by Bazanga's shell armour, too and ends off at the tail.)

Nejire: (Y/n)! You're...

(Y/n): A person combined with a Crustacean and a Fish, too? Yep! That's Zegan combined with another Crustacean Kaiju known as Bazanga. I also combined Gargorgon's travel sphere into the mix, which explains why it's blue.

Nejire: I see.

(Y/n): nods Anyway, good plan, right? Now they're too weak to even use that combo attack.

Ryukyu: We may discuss this later. Right now, we still have villains to take care of.

(Y/n): Yes, ma'am.

Nejire: Right!

You and Nejire said.

So, the three of you don your defensive stances while the Krakken Brothers can be seen slowly and struggling to get up as they readied their tentacle arms for battle.

Krakken Brother 1: I don't... believe this.... they had this plan all along!

Krakken Brother 2: What now, bro?

Krakken Brother 1: Now.... we fight like our lives depended on it! While we run!!!

Krakken Brother 1 said as the both of them began to flee.

Nejire: They're getting away!

(Y/n): I got this!!!

I said in a hurry as I used Horoboros Speed to reach their car first, stopping the two in the process, to their surprise.

(Y/n): Going somewhere, my Octopi Friends?

Krakken Brother 2: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The second brother yelled as he lunged his tentacles arms at you, only for you to grab them by using only your right spear-like Bazanga arm, to his shock.

The first brother saw this as he did the same, for you to grab his by using your left free arm. Seeing that their tentacles arms are being grabbed, you pulled them closer to you, for you to do an attack that spears while jabbing them, making them fall while being sent flying until they reached in front of Ryukyu and Nejire as they have frowns on their faces.

Krakken Brother 1: oh no....

The first brother said.

(Y/n): Hey ladies. Got a present for you. Some Takoyaki and sushi for breakfast. 

You said.

The two ladies look up at you, smiling at the job well done you did. Unknowing to them, they began to blush, for you to notice this, but you brushed it off, thinking it was nothing.


After the Police have taken the Krakken Brothers away and the whole incident has been settled, Ryukyu, Nejire and you began to have a short debrief on what happened back inside the Agency, but instead, you bowed as you apologized, keeping your head and your upper body into that bowing position, shocking them.

(Y/n): I request for your forgiveness, Ms. Ryukyu. Nejire.

Nejire: Huh? W-Why so suddenly?

Ryukyu: We didn't see you do anything wrong, (Y/n). So, why apologize?

(Y/n): It was the plan that I have executed with you, Nejire and my Kaiju, Ma'am. I was laying out the possibilities of all my strategies and thought maybe this Formation would work. After seeing the results, I knew it was by chance from that possibility, that this plan had worked flawlessly to negate the Krakken Brothers' combo attack known as the Kraken Spin.

Ryukyu: So that's what this is all about? I see.

(Y/n): It... It was not my intention to deceive you. All I knew after seeing that attack, is to basically keep your enemies busy while someone would have to negate the enemies' tornado or spin by doing a counter clockwise version of their spin motion, and after that, that's when I come in to strike them down, to stop them from carrying out their destructive capabilities. This wouldn't have been possible, if it weren't for that possibility and plan I came up with. And now you know, Ma'am.

Nejire: Wow~...! So, you already knew how to stop it by just looking at it?

(Y/n): Yes, and no.

Ryukyu: Explain. And please, be at ease as you explain yourself.

Ryukyu said.

So, you reared yourself back up to your standing position as you spoke up again.

(Y/n): Well, not only did I know how to defeat it by just observing it, but there were some, as well who managed to stop these similar instances before and after I came up with this plan with Rei and his Kaijus. Now, you both already know that I came from a different World. Well, I think it's time that you will be the first to know who my allies are. In my World, my allies, they are known as the Warriors of Light, called Ultraman. Simply put, Ultramen are Warriors of Light who protects the Peace throughout the universe, where ever there are unspeakable evil that lies around every corner of the Galaxy.

Ryukyu: And I suppose this Alien Bat Gurashie is one of them from your World, yes?

(Y/n): Correct, Ma'am. Zero, who's known as Ultraman Zero, was the one he's after and wanted me to be as bait to lure him out back then, but due to his failures, he didn't get the job done. Anyway, back to the subject at hand! When I saw the Krakken Brothers do their Spin tornado-like attack, it reminded me of the two kaijus that destroyed one of the Ultras' Planet.

Nejire: Who, particularly?

(Y/n): The Great Leo Brothers from the Leo Constellation; Ultraman Leo and Astra. Their Planet was destroyed by Two kaijus. Like the Krakken Brothers... those two Kaijus are brothers, too called; The Giras Brothers. Black Giras and Red Giras.

Ryukyu: I see. So, how are those two familiar to the Giras Brothers?

(Y/n): Good question, Ma'am. They're similar as they have a similar combo attack, but their attacks are different. The Krakken Brothers is known as Kraken Spin. The Giras brothers, is called Giras Spin. By locking their bodies together in a hug, the Giras Brothers can conjure an electrified forcefield around them by spinning around. And in stead of a Tentacle Attack while spinning, both Giras Brothers can actually fire blue bolts of energy from their horns during the Spin.

You explained.

Nejire: .... whoa....

Ryukyu: Interesting. So then, how did your Ultraman Leo defeat the Giras Brothers?

(Y/n): Well, it's quite similar to mine, but for Leo's instance, he didn't dive straight in like I did, he did one of his Finisher Kick known as the Corkscrew Kick, defeating them in an instant.

Nejire: Then what about the Tornado part? 

(Y/n): Ah, another good question. Well according to Oki's Files that were updated, it was said that a same instant like this happened before, but it was averted by a new Ultraman that was mentioned to me, Ultraman Blu in his Wind Form. He was inside a tornado at that time fighting against a kaiju known as, Guebassar along with his brother, Ultraman Rosso. He, accelerated at a great speed, fast enough that he is able to negate Guebassar's tornado by countering its tornado by spinning in the opposite rotation.

Ryukyu: Then what about Nejire, where does her plan fall in under?

(Y/n): It is under one of my Reionics Battles in Hammer with one Alien who had an enhanced Salamandora, a Regeneration Kaiju. It was well enhanced as its weakspot at its neck has been armoured up and its attacks were enhanced, as well. My Zeppan created a distraction for Salamandora by Zeppan firing a Mega Fireball at it, for Rei's Gomora to take the finishing blow.

Nejire: So that means I was the distraction to keep them busy while Ryukyu and your fire bird tried to reverse the tornado by spinning at another direction?

(Y/n): That's right. The Plan is actually a formation, known as; Formation Reionics Wave. I actually came up with that name after that plan was successful before I came to this world, you see.

Ryukyu: I see...

Ryukyu said.

Then, you see Ryukyu walking towards you, to Nejire's worry.

Nejire: Umm... Ryukyu?

Nejire called out.

Ryukyu stopped in front of you, for you to bow, once again, only for you to end up getting a pat on a head, to your confusion.

Ryukyu: Don't worry over a small matter, okay (Y/n)?

(Y/n): eh?

Ryukyu: The Formation worked perfectly, didn't it?

(Y/n): Well,... yes.

Ryukyu: Then, you need not worry. In fact I was going to praise you before your sudden apology. You handled yourself well out there. Your World's working strategy was well implemented into this Internship. If it wwasn't for your Formation Reionics Wave, we wouldn't have apprehended those two after you explained about your allies and how your strategy came to be. Now, we have our own Combined Attack based on Formation Reionics Wave which can be implemented in this World. And, with that, we should all be grateful.

Ryukyu said.

So, you slowly straightened up your back while Ryukyu lowered her hand, for you to notice Nejire smiling to indicate she's proud of you, for you to smile at her, and then smile back at Ryukyu.

(Y/n): I thank you, for your praises, Ma'am.

Ryukyu: Your welcome, (Y/n). But don't get too cocky, though. You're still in your week's Internship Programme.

(Y/n): Right!

Nejire: Yeah!

Ryukyu: Alright then. It was a dramatic start, now, if you're all ready, we'll be going out for Patrols.

(Y/n) & Nejire: Yes, Ma'am!

You and Nejire said, with you doing your ZAP pose.

Seeing this, Ryukyu smiled and began to walk out to begin her patrols, with you and Nejire to follow behind.

Nejire: Yay! I'm so proud of you....!!!

(Y/n): Thanks. Honestly... I thought I stepped out of line. But I didn't. Well... at least I followed the rules as what Mr. Aizawa said. looks at Nejire Also, you did good out there. Sorry if I kept you waiting.

Nejire: Oh that's fine. I was almost out of my stamina after using much of my quirk, anyway. So, it's okay. At least you came in a nick of time. But really, your Formation Reionics Wave is well executed. And I can agree with Ms. Ryukyu. She, you and I, we can make that formation possible.

(Y/n): We can. And other people can also make it possible, too. It's just needs the right Quirk and we're good to go, with Ms. Ryukyu's and your quirk to be two of the many.

Nejire: Really?

(Y/n): Yeah.

Nejire: Now that rocks!

Both you and Nejire kept discussing about their Formation Reionics Wave for the first few minutes.

After awhile of discussing, you both stopped as the two of you started patrolling while following behind Ryukyu. 


While patrolling, you looked around for any suspicious activity, with Nejire and Ryukyu doing the same when suddenly, you stopped in your tracks as you sensed something. Noticing you are not following, Nejire stopped to look at you.

Nejire: (Y/n)? You okay?

Nejire ask, for Ryukyu to stop and turn to look at you, as well.

At first you thought it was nothing, but next thing you know, you sensed something was following you. When you turn to your right at the dark alleyway, you see that it was nothing. So, you rushed to catch up with the two.

(Y/n): My apologize. I thought I sensed something following us. Turns out it was nothing.

Nejire: I see. Okay. Let's keep patrolling.

(Y/n): nods

And so, you all continued your patrols.

HOWEVER, unbeknownst to you, you actually indeed saw something in the dark alleyway, but it was too dark to see. That something, has a huge sword and its appearance looked more like a prehistoric humanoid fish, walking into the deepest parts of the alleyway. And unbeknownst to you three, there were someone watching this happening as he has a concern look on his faces.

???: This.... not good. I better tell my grace the News that I saw since he was formerly the Producer....

A person said.

Then, he fished out a phone as he called someone.

???: Hello??? .... Your Grac- Uh! I mean, Producer?.... Yes, it's me, Kamen Rider Griz.... We have a problem.... a very very Big Problem....

In a very Different World,

Inside a Huge Room,

An Arena-like Room in a form of a Throne Room, is shown located in a different World from yours as there is now someone seated on the Throne, taking a call of someone in the World you are in.

??? 2: I see..... So, there are still some Jyamatos still alive.... that's not good..... a Dunkleosteus?! .... are you sure?!

The person on the Throne ask, getting confirmation from a person from the other end known to be as Griz.

After getting the confirmation, the person stood up from his Throne as he turned around, revealing himself to be Shadow Wrath.

Shadow: Yonezawa. Where is the Dunkleosteus Jyamato that you've been tracking???

He ask in a serious tone, knowing that this is an emergency when it comes to this Jyamato.

To be Continued....

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