Chapter 3: A Secret Side Job w/ DesiGra I

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It has been an entire day since your patrols, fight while catching bad guys, and of course having some meals like our lunch, tea and dinner. You got along well with Ryukyu and Nejire that,... they began to get close to you.... really close. 

When it came to night time, you volunteered yourself to remain at Ryukyu Agency so you may watch over the building, in which Ryukyu and Nejire allowed you to as they passed you the keys to the whole building, for you to get started in locking all the doors and windows after they left. After locking everything up from inside and outside the Agency Building, you looked at your watch to see it's almost 11pm in the evening, for you to put three chairs together, align your jacket on them as bedsheets and lay down on the chairs as you began to slowly fall asleep.

After less than three minutes, you began to fall into a deep sleep, as you slept silently, readying yourself for a new day of Internship while holding onto the Keys of this entire building.

A Few Hours later,

While you were silently asleep, a shadowy figure somehow managed to penetrate through the building silently as he slowly made his way to you. When he got close, the person stopped in front of you while you were asleep as he slowly and silently reached out his hand.

Just as he was about to grab you, the person was grabbed by Eleking Tail, King Crab Tail, Neo Geomos Tail, Sphere Geomos Tail and Luganoger Tail with each tail grabbing the person's wrists, ankles and waist, to his surprise as they threw him into the wall. As soon as he made contact with the wall, he slumped onto the ground, while you shot your eyes open, for you to get up as you made your way to the person with a killer's intent with your tails raised up while summoning and conjuring four more tails consisting of Demagorg Tail, Hellberos Tail, Black End Tail and Maga Orochi Tail, showing its individual powers on all nine tails as you walked towards him.

Once you were in front of him, you stopped and began to speak with him.

(Y/n): Give me one good reason why I either shouldn't kill you or haul you up to the Police right now?!

You sternly said.

???: Dude, you don't understand! Your World, is in grave danger!

(Y/n): Like I have not heard of that before.... charging my tails' power


The person said frantically.

When you heard this, you stopped charging up your powers, for you to look at him with a surprise look on your face.

(Y/n): How did you know what I was thinking and what I saw?

???: I was there, behind the scenes. Before you arrived at that spot, I saw something making its way in the alleyway to rejuvenate itself. When you were there, you weren't able to see it. I wasn't sure how to tell you but this was the only option!

(Y/n): You were trying to kidnap me....!!!!

???: Wait... Kidnap you? Heck No! I was going to tap you to wake you up to warn you about this threat.

Hearing this, you were dumbfounded when you heard that he was only waking you up, instead of kidnapping you.

(Y/n): ..... oh..... 

???: yyyyeaaaahh....

(Y/n): But anyway... enough of this, what threat are you talking about?!

You ask out loud.

A few minutes of explaining later,

You and the person are on the table as the person has just finished explaining what the threat was. Turns out, it was some fishman thingy that escaped from their Prix to rejuvenate itself, thus using this World as its rejuvenation and breeding ground and much much more.

(Y/n): I see.... So, this.... Dunkleosteus Jyamato you speak off, escaped your little Game Show and came here to patch itself up while to breed here, is that right?

???: .... I'm afraid so.... And by right...

(Y/n): Hmm?

???: By right I'm not suppose to tell you all this as the Desire Grand Prix is meant to be a discreet kind of gig. If I were to let any information about it leak out which it has, I'll surely retire or drop out from the Prix for sure.... but! Since you've stumbled upon the Jyamato by chance but you didn't know about it as you thought it was nothing, I guess.... the Prix will probably make an exception of things.

(Y/n): That sort of Game Show has these kinds of hardcore Rules?

???: sighs You know it... but so far, most of the rules have been lightened up since the Producer took it over.

(Y/n): Oh yeah?

???: mhmm. ANYWAY! We're getting sidetracked here.

(Y/n): Ahem!!! Right right!

???: So!!! Since you saw that Jyamato, I need your help. If he keeps making more Jyamato with the Core IDs he has, he will be unstoppable as last I also checked, he has numerous of Jyamato Buckles on him and stolen Desire-Drivers at its disposal. We really need your help. This world needs your help.

He said.

After listening to him, you fished out your Neo Battlenizer and Giga-Battlenizer as you looked at them closely while being in a train of thought. After awhile of thought, you look up at the person with determination.

(Y/n): I don't know much about the.... Desire Grand Prix or... the Jyamato... or whatever those hardcore rules are and what you said--

???: Understandable.

(Y/n): --... but still, I'll do what I must to protect this World from evil like that Dunkleosteus Jyamato and All for One. So, if anything... count me in.

You said.

The person nod as he stood up.

???: Excellent. The Producer aka, Your Grace will be glad to hear about this.

(Y/n): Your.... Grace??? stands up, as well

???: It's a long story. Heheh. Anyway, I'm Yonezawa H. Hagakure. Toru Hagakure's brother from another World. You are?

(Y/n): I'm (Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n). A Human Reionics like my friend, Rei.

Yonezawa: Nice to meet you. Plus... you don't look surprise when I said I'm Toru's brother from another World. Why?

(Y/n): Rei and I... saw our past selves.... worked together and.... saved the World from a Mechanical Ultramen Invasion... that's when it sparked that the Multiverse,... is real.

You mentioned.

Yonezawa: I see.

Yonezawa said.

You nod at his reply.

Yonezawa: Well then, since you're on board at this, it's time I should give him a call to let him know that you're coming in.

(Y/n): Okay?

You said, confused as you see Yonezawa now on the phone with someone while he's slowly walking away while sticking around.

While he's on the phone, you began to write a small note in case anyone wants to come in, saying that you are out and be back in a few minutes due to errands and stuff. After writing that small note down, you paste it on the doors and went back to where you were standing when Yonezawa came up to you.

Yonezawa: Okay, (Y/n). I got the greenlight from him, we can go now.

(Y/n): Alrighty. Let's get this done so I may have a goodnight's rest in no time. I'm sure you do need the rest, too.

Yonezawa: Yup. We all do...

(Y/n): Then let's get this done fast.

Yonezawa: Agreed.

And with that, you notice and both you and Yonezawa are slowly disappearing in a form of pixels and glitches, for you to worry about this, making Yonezawa to assure you that this is normal.

Yonezawa: Oh, don't worry about it. This is.... what happens when you are being transported into the Prix. It happens all the time without pain.

(Y/n): O-Oh, I see. 

You said, no longer feeling so tensed up and worried as you both have completely disappeared from the Agency and to another World.

At the World of Remnant,

In the Colosseum which is now a Throne Room,

In the Throne Arena Room, both you and Yonezawa in a form of glitches and pixels appeared before the throne in front of them to see that it's lighted up all over, like as if you both are being summoned, which in fact you both are ebing summoned by, "The One".

(Y/n): WHOA!!!!

Yonezawa: My same reaction when I first saw this place. So, I get the idea.

(Y/n): Are ya kiddin'? This place is a Palace, a Colosseum and a Stadium, all in one?! Cool...

???: Heheh! I get that a lot. So believe me, it's not bad.

A voice called out.

When you and Yonezawa heard the voice echo and boom despite it being gentle, you began to see Yonezawa going on one knee as he bowed beside you with his direction of his bow to be in front of you, for you to see someone making his way to the both of you.

Yonezawa: Your Grace... the person who can turn into any kaiju upon command and also saw the Dunkleosteus Jyamato, I have brought him.

Yonezawa said.

???: At ease, Yonezawa... my friend. You have done well.

Yonezawa: Thank you, your grace. stands back up I tried recruiting others, some are on the way, some are running their missions for now, your grace.

???: Let the some come. For those who couldn't make it, it is understandable. We're still rebuilding after what happened back then.

Yonezawa: Very well. I thank you.

???: nods to Yonezawa then looks at you So, you're the Hero who Yonezawa has spoke of? Nice to meet you, (Y/n). I am Shadow, Shadow Wrath. The New God of this World, Remnant.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you, too, Shadow. Like Rei, I'm a Human Reionics, A New Hero in the Quirk-like World, and a wielder of... a Villain's quirk.

You said.

When Shadow heard this, he began to feel curious and began to ask questions.

Shadow: Really? May I know what Quirk is it?

(Y/n): .... A-All for One....

You named the Villain's Quirk.

When Shadow heard this, you suddenly felt an ominous sense of dread around him, for Yonezawa to speak.

Yonezawa: Wait... All for O- Wait! I apologise for overstepping, your grace but, is he talking about the "SAME" All for One responsible for-

Shadow: Yes... he's talking about the same one... but from a different World...

(Y/n): Uhhh... what's going on?

You wondered.

Shadow: sighs In a different world like where you're in now.... All for One.... killed my Parents in their past lives while trying to stop him.... before they reincarnated and reunited here and made me....

Shadow said.

This shocked you when you heard what's going on.

(Y/n): My gosh, I'm so sorry...

Shadow: It's fine. I... managed to get some Justice, twice by defeating him and Tomura.... One day, you'll be doing the same thing, too.

(Y/n): I see...

Shadow: So, All for One. How did you get it?

(Y/n): I... was kidnapped from my original World....

Shadow: Original World?

(Y/n): Yes.... I was meant to be in a World with Rei and the Team in the Space Pendragon... when the League of Villains came and kidnapped me... took me to their master who's formerly my master.... experimented on me... infused many quirks.... He even infused his own blood and quirk into me so I can become his lap dog, servant and next successor to All for One when he dies which I don't know when that would happen!!!

When you said that, this made Shadow fuming made as he slammed the bottom part of his trident known as the Relic of Unity onto the ground, causing the Colosseum to shake for a moment.


Shadow yelled.

You and Yonezawa looked in shock at this.

Yonezawa: whispers You really do not wanna know what happens when he gets really pissed off... so... my advice is... DON'T.

(Y/n): whispers Thanks for the advice. I'll keep this in mind...

Shadow: I apologise for that outburst. All for One... has caused nothing but suffering and grief....

(Y/n): I understand, Shadow. That's why I'm using this Quirk to do good things. Just before I enrolled to U.A. High, I went around the World with my Kaiju Quirk called Reionics to return the stolen Quirks to the people. Most of them accepted them back, some were reluctant and some remained with me as the people I tried looking... were no longer around. But that doesn't stop me from doing that one objective. To stop my former Master, and defeat him!

You said.

Hearing this, you were shocked and surprised about your resolve and smiled at what you said.

Shadow: Then I'm glad that you have risen above yourself so you may overcome him soon. I wish you luck in advance when you fight against your Former Master, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Thank you, Shadow.

Shadow: Now, with that out of the way for now, you said your Quirk is Reionics, yes?

(Y/n): Uh huh.

Shadow: Did you get it during your experimentation or...

(Y/n): Actually it was given to me after I escaped.

Shadow: Oh?

(Y/n): Yes.

And so, you fished out the Giga-Battlenizer, showing it to you and Yonezawa that it came to you and gave you the Quirk that you have now, to Shadow's surprise.

(Y/n): This Giga-Battlenizer came to me. It showed me a vision that I'll do great things with it, and even told me to grab it so it can give me its kaiju powers to me. That's how I got it.

Shadow: A Doomsday Weapon that holds 100 over monsters that communicated with you and gave you its kaijus in form of one quirk to you.... remarkable... I've.... never heard of anything like what you said before.

(Y/n): So,... it's the first time?

Shadow: Yes! It's the first time I heard of a weapon giving its kaijus in a form of powers and quirks to someone worthy like you.

Yonezawa: Maybe the Giga-Battlenizer thinks that he can perform something that no one and not even Belial could do since you know... he got his ass kicked?

Shadow: That... is a possibility.

(Y/n): Wait, what do you mean by that?

You wondered.

Shadow: Oh! Then I guess you haven't heard. Have you ever sensed that Belial has returned and gone the next before, but this time, he's really gone?

(Y/n): Hmm.... as a matter of fact... yeah. I was wondering to myself why so. Even Rei, as well.

Shadow: Well, I have the answer to that. Geed aka, Belial's son. Like you, he wants to do good things despite of his relation with Belial. He is the one who defeated his own father. I can assume the Ultras from your Universe will have the same chronological timeline on things like mine but just, different.

(Y/n): So.... Rei and I.... we're finally free from Belial..... thank goodness.

Shadow: Indeed, it is good news.

Shadow said with a smile.

You smiled with him as you heard the good news from the God of Remnant.

While having a nice conversation about your quirk and your background, Shadow sensed numerous of footsteps coming this way, for him to stop as he looked at the direction where the footsteps are coming from.

Shadow: We may need to pick this up for another time. It's mission time on the Jyamato you found by incident.

(Y/n): Oh, sure! N-No problem.

You said.

Then, a group of people can be seen walking in, heading your way as they're all geared up with some kind of identical belts around their waists, for you to notice this.

(Y/n): Uhhh.... what are those belts they're having around them?

Shadow: They're called Desire-Drivers. They're Transformation Devices issued to participating Riders of the Desire grand Prix, Jyamato Grand Prix and Desire Royale.

(Y/n): So those are Desire-Drivers Yonezawa spoke of that were stolen? I see....

Yonezawa & Shadow: nods

Seeing this, you see the group of people stopping in front of you three as they were ready for Battle.

???: We got the call, your grace. What's up? Another Jyamato Attack around Vale?

??? 4: Another comeback of Beroba that we need to take care of and kick her ass?

??? 3: Huh? Hey, your grace. Who's the kid right here?

Some asked.

Shadow: I'll, keep this in brief, as your Producer and Game Master.

??? (Everyone who just arrived) & Yonezawa: Yes, your grace!

(Y/n): whispers Producer and Game Master? When did that happen?

Yonezawa: whispers He.... was offered by the Executive Producer, Supporter and Game Master to try all options to see if he's compatible like they said he is through the Driver that he used that turn into a different Driver.

(Y/n): whispers I see..... then in this World, it must be fate that he's got it?

Yonezawa: whispers To what he told me and the others with these particular Drivers, yes.

(Y/n): whispers wow.... he's like me, but different.

Yonezawa: whispers You know it, my friend.

Shadow: (Y/n). Stand beside me, please.

Shadow called out.

You heard him as you immediately went up beside him as he began.

Shadow: Now, before we begin, let's begin with introductions. Now this hand gestures to you is Mr. (Y/n) (l/n). Like the others, he's from another World. And, like Rei from this World, he's a Human Reionics.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you. bows

???: A Human Reionics from another World, huh? So that means you have your Rei from there, too?

(Y/n): Yeah. That's correct. 

???: Nice. Name's Shane Hunter.

??? 2: Niram Hunter.

??? 3: Suiko S. Hunter

??? 4: Katsu Hanta Ukiyo. Just call me Katsu, this is my brother, Haisha.

Haisha: Haisha Emono Ukiyo. Nice to mee you.

??? 6: Call me H.

Shane: Together, these five along with me are Shane Hunter of different Incarnations, with me being the original.

(Y/n): Wow. That's interesting.

??? 7: Buck Taurus. Like you, I came from another World, but when it comes to Desire Grand Prix or other stuff, I'm here to crush it.

They introduced and said.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you all.

You said.

Shane Hunter: So, Your Grace? What's up? That message sounded urgent.

Buck: And is there a reason why he's here? Nothing personal.

(Y/n): None taken.

Shadow: Yes. It is. After having Yonezawa snoop around to find the escaped Jyamato, we can now confirm that the Jyamato known as the Dunkleosteus Jyamato is the one who escaped from being destroyed, break in and stole some Desire-Drivers and ID Cores and somehow created the Jyamato Buckles with its own bare hands. And now he's in (Y/n)'s world to rejuvenate and breed more Jyamato and Jyamato Riders to increase its numbers. Now, the reason why (Y/n) is here is because in the morning close to noon in his World where the Jyamato has escaped to, he incidentally spotted the Jyamato, but it was too dark for him to see due to the darkness of the alleyway it slipped into during the Jyamato's escape, thus for him to assume that it was nothing. Thankfully, Yonezawa saw the whole thing and contacted me, which brings me to call all of you here as now, we can finally initiate the Final Boss and Final Game so we initiate the Next game soon. And that's.... to take down the Dunkleosteus Jyamato.

Shadow stated.

Buck: Finally...!

Suiko: So, when do we Rock 'n' Roll out?

Katsu: What're the rules for this Round?

Yonezawa: Hold on, guys. I can tell a catch is in this Round.

They said and ask.

Hearing this, you look at your new friends and back to Shadow as he began to answer them.

Shadow: Yes, Yonezawa is correct. There is a catch to this Round. And it's this; This Round won't just bee an ordinary Final Round. It will be a SPECIAL Bonus Final Round.

Haisha: Meaning?

Shadow: Meaning, due to the "Exceptions" of stolen ID Cores, Desire-Drivers stolen, the Jyamato escaping and the time of you all waiting till the last round starts, you will all be compensated.

H: Wait!!!! So that means-

Shadow: Yes. When all of you including (Y/n) defeat that Dunkleosteus Jyamato and its newly created followers if it's made any, each and everyone of you will have their Desires granted.

Everyone: 0_0 WHAT?!?!?!?!?! REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Shadow: I said in exceptions so, yes.

Everyone: ALRIGHT!!!!!!!! FREE DESIRES FOR TODAY!!!!!!!!

(Y/n): Uuuuhh.... does this happen a lot?

Yonezawa: Nope. Only now.

(Y/n): I see.

Shadow: Okay okay, let's calm down for a moment there.

Shadow said.

Everyone began to stay silent after hearing Shadow say to let's calm down for a moment. Just as he said that, you began to see a woman walking up to everyone with cards.

(Y/n): Who's that? 

Yonezawa: Our Navigator, Tsumuri. She's the Game Navigator of the Desire Grand Prix.

(Y/n): Oh.

As you and Yonezawa spoke, Tsumuri began handing out Desire Cards to each of the Riders, including Yonezawa and you. Once she came over to you, she smiles and greets you. 

Tsumuri: Greetings. And welcome to the Desire Grand Prix's Final Bonus Round.

(Y/n): Thank you, Miss.

You said as you held onto the card and feathered pen that you've been offered.

(Y/n): So... what should I do with them?

Tsumuri: Write you Desires that you desire. Once written and once you win, you'll be crowned at the Desa-Shin and the World shall change to a World where your Ideals will come true. To put it simply, your Desires will come true, your Wishes will be granted.

(Y/n): So that means... I can go back to my Crew?!

Tsumuri: nods

Hearing this, you smiled as you look down at the Desire Card while Tsumuri walked away and back to Shadow's side while everyone including Yonezawa can be seen writing down their desires excitedly.

Seeing this, you began to write down your desire. Just as you are about to write your desire on the card, a thought hit you.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): No.... wait.... if my ideals of going back come true..... then... what will become with my friends when I leave them....??? What about my Internship... As what the Navigator said.... if I write down my Desire.... and win this Prix.... my Desire in returning home... will come true.... and that will make my newfound friends sad.... but,... if I were to write something else... it will make my crew sad and will still keep looking for me... TSSSSS... what should I do....

You said in thought.

While you are pondering about this, Shadow placed his hand on your shoulder.

Shadow: Write what's in your mind, (Y/n). Yes, you may have a choice, but you can only choose one instead of both. So, write whatever you think it's the right thing to do, my Reionics Hero friend.

He said.

You nod at what you heard as you began to quickly think about what you want to write. After awhile, your eyes widened as you have decided what to write as you began to write your Ideals down for your Ideal World.

After everyone is done, Suiko noticed something about you as she raised her hand to declare it.

Suiko: Uuuh, your grace???

Shadow: Yes?

Suiko: I just realized. (Y/n) doesn't have a Desire-Driver or an I.D. Core.

Yonezawa: Oh yeah, you're right.

Shadow: Ah. Observant like always. Thank you. Tsumuri. snaps finger

Tsumuri: Yes.

Tsumuri said.

Then, a Mission Box can be seen appearing on her hands as she made her way to you (A/N: It wasn't much of a walk since you are also beside Shadow but at another side of where Tsumuri is. So in a way, Shadow is in between you and Tsumuri.). Stopping in front of you, she offered the Mission Box to you.

Tsumuri: This Mission Box shall help you transform into a Kamen Rider. I bid you, Congradulations.

Tsumuri said.

You look at the Box as you accepted it, opened it to see a Desire-Driver inside it.

(Y/n): Thank you.

You said.

And so, you removed the Driver from within the Box as you place it around your waistline where you belt usually goes, for it to attach itself on you. After it is on you, Shadow went up, for Tsumuri to take a few steps back as he held his hand up in front of you, showing a special I.D. Core with a your Reionics Form's face on it.

(Y/n): That's-

Shadow: Yes. Your own I.D. Core based on your Reionics Form. Just... try not to lose, it okay? It holds all your memories about this place.

Shadow cautioned.

Hearing this, you reached out for it as you gently grab it from Shadow's hands. After which, Shadow went back to where he was standing as he begins to start the games.

Shadow: Now, all of you have written your Desires. Now, there is no time! We leave immediately. The Final Bonus Round to defeat the Dunkleosteus Jyamato begins, now!

Everyone: YES, SIR!!!!

And with that, everyone in one shot got teleported to your World to look for the Jyamato, and kill it, all but you as Shadow needed to tell you one last advice.

Shadow: (Y/n). One last advice before I teleport you to the others.

(Y/n): Yeah?

Shadow: Do not... die. Trust me. If you do, you'll retire, and your Ideals will not come true.

Shadow cautioned.

You nod at his advice.

(Y/n): I won't.

Shadow: nods while snapping his fingers

With a snap of his fingers, you got teleported out and back to your World with the others to deal with the threat that is lurking in your World that you're training to become a Hero.

Shadow: Good luck, (Y/n). You're gonna need it for your first game, for your first and final round.

You said while smiling.

To be Continued....

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