Chapter 4: DesiGra Academia Co-op II

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Outside Ryukyu Agency,

You, the Shane Incarnations, Buck and Yonezawa are now teleported back to your World where you are doing your Internship as you all are now outside and in front of Ryukyu Agency, to your relief while you also notice a note you stuck on the window from inside, which was another indication that you're back.

(Y/n): So, how long before the Jyamato knows that we're here?

Buck: I was part of the Jyamato Grand Prix before. So, I can answer that for you. Make no mistake.... they already know we're here once they smell and sense our presence and our ID Cores.

(Y/n): Why, exactly?

Yonezawa: Because dead or alive, damaged or not our ID Cores are..... Riders like us... are their food so they can evolve physically and mentally. 

(Y/n): So that means they can use human disguises of us if we're retired by them, then...

Buck: You're learning fast, (Y/n). Now be ready and act fast as I could see some Pawn Jyamato coming in up ahead.

Buck said.

At another district up ahead and in front of your group, a small group of Jyamato can be seen walking out from the dark alleyway when they noticed your group up ahead, for them to slowly advance towards you all with their swords or clubs in hands.

Seeing this, you noticed everyone fishing out their Buckles as they placed them onto their Drivers while noticing the Shane Incarnations can be seen activating their Buckles as they put them together in the middle, combining themselves into one Buckle for Shane Hunter to use. After that, he inserted the Buckle and a some kind of gun to his Driver.


-Revolve On!-




Yonezawa: Hey, (Y/n)!

(Y/n): leans a bit forward to look at Yonezawa ???

Yonezawa: Sharing's caring.

Yonezawa said as he threw a Buckle at you.

You caught it as you see that he has loan you a Command Twin Buckle.

(A/N: Command Twin Buckle.)

Seeing it in hand, you look at Yonezawa and nods at him.

(Y/n): Again, thank you.

Yonezawa: Not a problem.

(Y/n): And also, the Shane or Hunter Incarnations... does this happen a lot?

Yonezawa: Nah, it only happens to them.

(Y/n): Ooooooh.... I see.

Shane Hunter: Alrighty, guys. They're getting closer so, let's ready to Rumble!

Buck: And ready to make them Tumble!

(Y/n): And make our Ideals and Desires come true!

You said as you placed your loaned Buckle into your Driver.


Once everyone's buckles are on everyone's Belt, you all readied yourselves while the Jyamatos are seen getting closer and closer. Watching them advancing, Shane and his Incarnations, Buck and Yonezawa began to activate their Buckles.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): Henshin!

Buck: Henshin!

Yonezawa: Henshin!

(Y/n): hmmm... H-Henshin?!

Just when you all said that, you all immediately went into to your Rider Forms as pieces of Armour went onto all of you.

-Dual On! GEATS! Hyper Link! Super Mode! LaserBoost Mk II!-

-Ready! FIGHT! Laser Full Throttle!-

-Zombie! Hit Fever! Zombie!-

-Ready! FIGHT!


-Ready! FIGHT!-


-Ready! FIGHT!-

Once you all are in your Rider Forms, you looked side to side at your friends to see their forms.

(Y/n): whoa.... Shane and his Incarnations combined... and are a Fox? Yonezawa's a Bear and Buck is a Bull with a cape and golden horns??? Nifty.....

Buck: Heh! Yup! You're not bad yourself, (Y/n).

Yonezawa: Yeah.

(Y/n): Wait, really?!

You said, surprised as you went to a window in front of the Agency.

As you looked at the reflection, you see what your Raising Form actually look like, for you to look amazed by it.

(A/N: Your Rider Form in its Raising Form. Bacially it's your Rider form but instead of GEATS's top head piece, it'll be Reimon's top head piece combined with GEATS's Raising Form's Visor. Ensure Buffa's Audit Signal is added on the Visor and there is another Antenna on the right side of the side of the Raising Form's Visor. Do ensure to add Reimon's arm blades on the Entry Form's Entry Gloves and both the form's Entry Gloves and Boots are Red to give it the Reionics Form vibes that you have, as well like Rei's.)

(Y/n): whoa... you guys are right... and looks at the group What's with the Visor on my eyes and the Sword?

You ask as you point at the Visor on your face while raising up a Sword he has held onto his hand.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): OH!! The Visor and Raising Sword, it comes with the Entry and Command Mode Forms, you see. Basically, when you transform, you will intend to have some weapons or some changes around you like.... Take Buck for example. When he turns into his Jyamashin Form in a form of his Zombie Fever form, he has a Gold skirting added onto him. And he's also given a Zombie Breaker.

Buck: Yup.

(Y/n): I see. Well, good to know. 

You said.

Then, you notice the Jyamato getting even closer, for you to walk back to the group as you spoke out loud.

(Y/n): We defend this World and Ryukyu Agency at all COSTS!!!!

You said with determination.

Your friends nod as they began to advance, as well towards the oncoming Jyamato who're also advancing towards you all.

As soon as the two parties are in front of each other during their advancement, the fight for this World's survival against the Jyamato began. At Yonezawa's side of the Battlefield,-

(A/N: Yonezawa's Kamen Rider Griz - Tank Form. Combine these four images above. Ensure there are no lines on Griz's Top head piece. The Head Guard of Tank Armour based on Powered Builder's Head Guard will remain as the Head Guard armour is based on a Armoured Vehicle-Launched Bridge. Tank Armour on Griz will be based on Powered Builder with different modifications on it. This form will have its mechanical arms removed and replaced by armour based on a tank shown above to be implemented on both arms. The chest armour will be based on Command Twin Modes' chest armour with the sides found on the lower parts of the armour (A/N: The parts with holes at the sides.) to be based on a TOS-1A Solntsepek Rocket Launch System Tank, whereby the lower sides of the armour will open up to immediately launch five heavy duty missiles at each side. The Shoulder Armour will be replaced by Tank Cannons with the body of a tank combined together to form Tank-Mounted shoulder armour. The Back Armour will have a pair of Tank Threads which leads down to his calves like Build's TankTank Form (A/N: Do ensure his armour on his arms have threads, as well for combat purposes. Something like Build, actually.). The Buckle known as the Tank Buckle will have a Military Barracks with a Tank on it as the means to activate it to transform and use finishers with it. Finally, the colour scheme of the Tank form and the Tank Buckle will be based on Forest Camo as shown in the image above. And yes, Your Tank form utilizes Three different types of Tanks. One Heavy-Duty Tank, Tank Bridge System and Heavy-Duty Rocket System Tank.)

- he is seen punching the Pawn Jyamatos one by one. Then, one of the Pawn Jyamatos can be seen raising its sword behind him, for him to block it while activating his arm threads as he destroyed its sword by cleaving it in half due to the speed of the threads. After destroying the Sword, Yonezawa immediately slammed his arms onto the swordless Jyamato while increasing the Threads' speed on his arms, destroying that Jyamato.

After taking down one, Yonezawa looked at the Pawn Jyamato surrounding him, as he sighed.

Yonezawa: sighs At least make it interesting, will you?

He said as he summoned his Raising Gatlinger while his Tank-Mounted Shoulder Cannons began to aim at the Pawn Jyamato as he began blasting them away.

(A/N): Raising Gatlinger. Combine these two images together. Ensure the Barrels of the gun are slightly longer by 5cm. Ensure the weapon has a Hop-Up Assembly so it may be compatible to insert Raise Buckles onto it for Finisher Purposes. There is a interesting gimmick to the finisher. Ensure the colour scheme of the weapon is Forest Camo like the form Yonezawa takes in his Tank form.)


At Buck's side of the Battlefield, Buck is seen donning his Zombie Fever in his Jyamashin form as he began slowly walking towards the numerous Jyamato which were taking many steps back with a pair of Zombie Breakers in hand.

Buck: Good. You're staggering backwards because you know what I'm capable of... DesaShin and JyamaShin...

He said.

Then, some of the Jyamato from the staggering crowd began to charge towards him as he began to utilize his weapons' finisher.

-Poison Charge!-

-Tactical Break!-

Utilizing their finishers, Buck began slashing the charging Jyamatos one by one while dashing forward as he instantly killed them by just one swing of his sword at each hand, slashing the Jyamatos down one by one as they blow up behind him.

Seeing this, the Jyamatos watched in shock that their brethren were killed by Buck's dangerous attacks inflicted on each of them. After taking care of one of the several many waves of a handful of Jyamato, Buck began to flip the switch on the Feverslot Buckle as he acquired another Jyamashin Fever Form.

-Monster! Hit! Monster!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Buffa Jyamashin - MonsterZombie Form.)

After acquiring this form, Buck taunted some Jyamatos to come at him, for several number of them to do so as they inflicted punch after punch, slash after slash by using their weapons, only for them to not only bounce off him, but their attacks are also making him stronger for Buck to intantly punch the Jyamatos that are attacking him away, sending them flying while being destroyed in mid-air.

Taking care of the last Jyamato, Buck caught his breathe for a moment while turning his attention on the many remaining Jyamato that are now charging towards him, for him to push the lever down again while slowly advancing towards them head on.

Buck: Bring it on, buttercups....

He said while having Ninja Dueler in its Twin Blade variant in hand.

After acquiring a new form aka, NinjaZombie Jyamashin form, he soon increased his speed as he began to dash towards the Jyamato to slice 'n' dice them up.


At the Shane Hunter Fusion's side of the Battlefield, the fusion in their LaserBoost Mk II form can be seen in their Beast Mode as it began dashing all over the place, inflicting numerous slashes, hits, kicks, rams and bites upon the Jyamatos it has at its corner, taking a huge number of them down.

After taking some Jyamatos down, it soon transformed back into its humanoid form-


- while removing the Laser Raise Riser from the Desire-Driver as he began to shoot every last Jyamato in its sights.

While firing at the Jyamatos in sight, numerous of them began to overpower you, for you to acquire your finisher as you dashed out of the predictament and did a electronic fiery push, pushing the Jyamatos away while destroying some of them. Seeing that the Jyamatos are preoccupied by slowly and struggling to get up, the Incarnations from within the fusion began to speak in the fusion rider's head.

Suiko (In Shane Hunter's Mind): That's a lot of Jyamatos for one strong Jyamato to make...

Haisha (In Shane Hunter's Mind): Then that could mean one thing! The Jyamato that we're hunting... it's built itself a nest...

Shane: Then we better think of something before the folks wake up to see this!

Shane said, for the incarnations to agree with him.

And so, their combat resumed once again as he blasted numerous times at the oncoming Jyamatos that were charging at the fusion rider.


At your side of the Battlefield, you are seen slashing the Jyamatos one by one by using the Raising Sword that you were given by the powers of the Command Twin Buckle as you kept constantly slashing away, taking down eeach Jyamato that is charging towards you.

(Y/n): Man!!! Even though it's my first time... have to admit, it's kinda fun if you were to think of it in the fun way like as if you are in a video game. Only difference is that the video game is real!!

You said.

Then, a Pawn Jyamato jumped on you from behind as it pinned you to the wall, for you to use your quirk to deliver a electic slash by using Elelking's power combined with the Raising Sword. After taking that Jyamato down after that jump surprise attack, you swiftly advanced by running pass the Jyamato while slashing them to destroy them.

After taking down most of them, another Command Twin Buckle on the Raising Sword glowed, for you to have a look to see that it's indicating to you that it's fully charged, making you smirk at this as you pulled the trigger initiating the Sword's Finisher.

-Raise Charge! Full Charge!-

-Tactical Raising!-

After activating its finisher, you held the sword like how you held Seven's Eye-Slugger back on Hammer as you threw it forward, for the Sword to start spinning while it flew like a boomerang towards the Pawn Jyamato. Watching this, the sword began slicing a dozen of the many Jyamatos down that were at your side of the Battle, destroying them.

Watching the sword coming back to you, you caught it at ease while slashing and destroying a pair of Jyamatos that were charging close at you, to your relief that you still got it.

(Y/n): That Eye-Slugger attack that Rei and I learnt... still got it....

You said to yourself, smiling.

While smiling to yourself, you notice there are some Pawn Jyamatos remaining surrounding you, for you to look down at the Buckle on the Raising Sword, figuring out on what to do with it, when Yonezawa can be seen blasting his own Jyamatos away closeby as he notice this happening.

Yonezawa: (Y/n)!!!!

He called out.

You looked up at Yonezawa quickly.

Yonezawa: Remove the Buckle from the Sword and insert it onto the Driver! You can choose whether to use Jet or Cannon Modes once you activate them both!!!

Yonezawa stated.

(Y/n): Wait?! Seriously?!?! looks down at the Buckle connected to the Sword Now I really want to try it and pry it out!

You said excitedly.

Then, you pull the lever on the other Command Buckle aka, Command Cannon Buckle in the hopes of removing it. After pulling the lever, it happened as the Buckle disengaged from the Raising Sword, indicating that you have successfully removed the Buckle from the Sword.

(Y/n): Sweet. Now let's see what this baby can do...

Yonezawa: That's good! Now, slot it into the left side of the Driver and activate it!! If you want, press the Button to change Modes!!!

Yonezawa explained while yelling as he is now pre-occupied with the group of Jyamato who're with him.

You nod at what he said and inserted the other Buckle onto your Desire-Driver, initiating another transformation when you push it.

-Twin Set!-

After that, you pressed the Button for the Driver to rotate as the Command Cannon Buckle is now on the right. After changing the configuration on the Driver by revolving it, you immediately pushed the Lever front and pulled back, initiating the Transformation.

-Revolve On!-

-Take Off Complete! Jet & Cannon! Ready! FIGHT!-

Once the Transformation is complete, two sets of armour, one for your upper half (Upper Torso & Arms) and the other set for your lower half (Lower Torso & Legs) appeared on your left and right as they converged onto you, earning you the power of Command Cannon Mode, to your shock as you look down to look at your armour.

(A/N: Command Cannon Mode. Implement Cannon Mode's Head Guard, Upper Armour and Lower Armour onto your Raising Entry Form.)

Seeing this, you smiled behind the mask as you looked at your armour. After awhile, you look at the Jyamatos surrounding you as you prepared yourself to fight again, readying your Shoulder Cannons and your Raising Sword.

(Y/n): Awright.... Jyamato... aliens or not... man or not.... all I'm gonna say is simple...

You said, pointing your Raising Sword at your enemies.

(Y/n): All of you, Jyamatos. You're all now a Dead man, because I am Here!

You finished off with a smile still on your face behind the mask

To be Continued....

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