Chapter 5: A Friend and Teacher in Trouble III

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Just as the Jyamatos were gonna take you on, You lowered your hand holding the Raising Sword and fired two projectiles from his Shoulder Cannons (Tron Cannons) directly at the Jyamato, killing them in an instant, to your shock at how powerful these back shoulder cannons are.

(Y/n): Now, about time I get to do some "REAL" Action! Oh Yeah~~!!!!!

You yelled as you began launching a lot of shots from your shoulder Cannons at the Jyamatos, for Yonezawa to see that you're having some fun shooting away.

Yonezawa: Well now, he's having fun.

Yonezawa said, looking at you shooting away while knocking one Jyamato out by simply punching the lights out of it.

Back at your side, you kept blasting away while slashing the Jyamatos that were close to you as you sent them exploding backward constantly, not allowing them to get closer to you, but when some did evade and get close, you simply slash them by using the Raising Sword. After awhile of blasting and slashing, you decided that this had to end now for you to push forward and pull back the lever on the Command Cannon Buckle, utilizing its finisher.

-Lock On!-

(Y/n): Time to blow you away like my Former Master's Shock Air Cannon.

You said.

As you took aim, the Jet Wings thrust themselves on the ground so that you won't have to experience the recoil that this form has, as it readied itself to fire.

-Command Twin Victory!-

Once ready and locked on, you thrust the Raising Sword on the ground, holding onto its handle like a Knight (A/N: Something like what Optimus Prime from the Age of Extinction would do while he addresses the Dinobots aka, Legendary Warriors.) as the Cannons began to fire a huge pair of lasers, striking down all the Jyamatos that were around your area.

After watching you han dling yourself out there while you're still firing your Finisher, Yonezawa smiled at your progress as he too, began to use his Buckle's finisher to finish his remaining Jyamatos off.

-Tank Strike!-


Yonezawa yelled as he launched a huge barrage of Tank Rounds and the side flaps below at both sides of your armour began to open up to launch a barrage of Missiles while you aimed Raising Gatlinger as you fired many Gatling Tank Rounds at the remaining number of Jyamato.

At the Shane Fusion and Buck's side, Buck is in his Powered Builder Zombie form, still wielding his same pair of Zombie Breakers as he pushed down the lever on his Feverslot Buckle while pushing and pulling back the Deadly Pumps that were on his swords, acquiring both finishers.

Buck: Jyamato... you're mine...

Buck said.

Just as he said that, the mechanical arms on his Powered Builder form opened up as they grabbed his Zombie Breakers, for him to summon in another weapon in hand by just a glow in his eyes. 

-All Mighty! Gigant Sword!-

-Gigant Almighty!-

Once the Sword is summoned, Buck pushed down the lever on his Feverslot Buckle again and twist the switch on his Zombie Buckle to acquire his Finisher.

-Hyper Powered Builder Victory!-

-P-Poison Charge! Ta-Tactical Break!-

-Gigant Finisher!-

-Hyper Powered Builder Victory!-

-Zombie Strike!-

While waiting for the right time, the Shane Hunter Incarnation Fusion inserted the Laser Raise Riser back onto the Desire-Driver as it pulled and turn up the Cross Alternator Mk II while revving up the Boost Throttle Mk II Buckle, acquiring the form's finisher.

-Finish Mode!-

-LaserBoost MkII Victory!-

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): Just like old times, right Buck?

Buck: Oh, just like old times. And just another day in the Desire Grand Prix.

They both said as they don their attack poses.

Once their attack poses are donned, the Fusion split into six LaserBoost MkII with one LaserBoost MkII being in the center with Buck surrounded by its identicals. Then, all the LaserBoost MkII forms did a powerful Roundhouse kick around the area, striking the Jyamatos. Once their attack is done, they went down on one knee immediately as Buck spun around in circles, using his three swords to slash the struck Jyamatos while spinning around twice in a gold, yellow, purple energy.

After their attacks are done, the fusion slowly stood up while five of its clones vanished as the Jyamatos got destroyed in the process. Seeing that mission is done for now, the fusion and Buck gave Yonezawa a thumbs up, for you and him to do the same.


Back in the Colosseum,

The Colosseum doors open up for the Shane Hunter Incarnations, Buck, Yonezawa and you to walk in after you see it opening for all of you to enter. While entering, you were seen talking about the form you took out of excitement.

(Y/n): -This Command Form is like really really awesome, guys!!! I was like, "Now, about time I get to do some "REAL" Action! Oh Yeah~~!!!!!", and then I began firing away like a lunatic being a Hero and when I was doing my finisher, I was like, "Time to blow you away like my Former Master's Shock Air Cannon." and just blasted and annihilated the Jyamato just like that and also saw you guys in action all! It was so superb and-

You kept talking out of excitement for your group to also talk to you about it while being watched and listened in by Shadow.

At the center of the Throne Room, Shadow can see the group coming back from their first half of the final round, happy as they spoke to you about the fight they fought and also tried to calm you down, for you to smile at this as you spoke to Tsumuri.

Shadow: If only Desire Grand Prix was like this back in the day,... when we can open up and talk aloud like this...

Tsumuri: bows I know and understand, New Producer.

After awhile of watching them talk while making your way to the center, he stood up for him and Tsumuri to make their way down from the Throne.

Tsumuri: By the way, we should also tell them that we found their nest, their hideout.

Shadow: Yes, we shall. Furthermore.... we also have a problem in our hands, too.

Tsumuri: Yes. The Jyamato has two hostages. 

Shadow: Correct.

Shadow said while he and Tsumuri made his way to the group.

While you and the group were talking about their battle just now while being praised by you learning fast on how this Prix works, Shadow can be heard clapping while making his way to you all, for everyone to look at Shadow and Tsumuri.

Seeing them arriving, they kept quiet as they began to hear what Shadow is about to say to them in brief.

Shadow: Excellent work out there, my friends.

Tsumuri: You've all done a super job!

They said.

Shane: They're stronger...

Niram Hunter: But we're BETTER!!!!

Buck: They never stood a chance, anyway.

Yonezawa: Even if they evolve, they won't be able to overpower us like last time.

Suiko: Yeah! We took them down like bringing the house down in a party.

The group said.

You smiled at their remarks they said about their results and their enemies. Shadow smirks while nodding, then he turned to you.

Shadow: And excellent work out there, too, (Y/n). Not bad too, for a beginner.

Haisha: Yeah! Now that you mentioned it, he handled himself perfectly out there against his share of many Jyamato.

Katsu: I gotta agree with my brother. (Y/n) is like a natural for a newbie.

Buck: Heh!! As much as I want to crush anything in my path,.... they do have a point. looks at you You handled yourself good out there.

(Y/n): Awww... thanks, guys.

Shadow: Really, (Y/n). The only people that I know who has used the Command Twin Buckle at ease were Ukiyo Ace, Keiwa, Michinaga, the Shane Hunter Incarnations, Buck and Yonezawa. You (Y/n), you just used the Command Twin Buckle in a whole different level.

(Y/n): Oh, please... I don't wanna gloat. I was just overexcited.

Niram Hunter: You call that overexcited?! Dude, you were in overdrive with dem Buckles! 

Yonezawa: Yeah. No one has ever blasted two powerful beams and live to tell the tale before. Usually when it's too much, there will be tons of recoil and explosion. After that, you revert back to your Entry Form. But you didn't.

Hunter: Yeah. How did you do it?

They all ask while praising you.

(Y/n): Well... it's a Quirk thing from the World I currently station myself there after I was kidnapped and after I escaped, you see. After freeing myself from being experimented, I thought evening out the scores by... well... taking the Quirks of their many Experiements aka, Nomus. Few of the many had very good Quirks, known as Recoil Absorption; Allows me to absorb all recoil from strong weapons, and Shock Absorption; Allows me to absorb the shockwave a weapon emits while rapid firing and I can absorb energy of an impact.

Buck: Recoil and Shock Absorption? Neat.

Shadow: Wait, you said you stole a Nomu's Quirk? Multitudes of different types of Nomus?

(Y/n): Yes... it was only for a cause to even things out with the League of Villains. They experimented on me, I experiment on them back they taking out their arsenals.

Shadow: I see. Very well, then. I.... trust U.A. High has taught you what to do and are doing something about this?

(Y/n): Yes. Which I did implement it here, as well.

Shadow: Oh?

(Y/n): Mr. Nezu... adviced me to keep this villain Quirk under wraps by integrating it with my Reionics Quirk. So, why not integrate it here so I would be able to use the Command Twin Buckle at ease.

Shadow: So that means you can use any buckle or your own quirk while using only one or two of All for One's quirk stored within it so that you won't stand out. Clever.

(Y/n): Thank you. I'm glad you are pleased.

Shadow: That, I am.

Tsumuri: Ahem!

Shadow looks at Tsumuri, knowing that he's getting sidetracked, for him to clear his throat.

Shadow: Now. Since all praises and Pre-Congradulations are already in order, we've got some news for all of you regarding the Jyamato.

He stated.

Hearing this, everyone including you began to listen attentively. Then, Shadow looks at Tsumuri.

Shadow: Tsumuri? If you would?

Tsumuri: nods then looks at the group The Jyamato are still growing in numbers. Fortunately, the Desire Grand Prix has found their Nesting Grounds to be at the Warehouse after the Dunkleosteus Jyamato slipped inside the Alleyway.

Yonezawa: So that means it navigated itself to the warehouse itself.

Tsumuri: Yes. And there are more pressing matters now. Not only it has a new Jyamato fighting alongside it, it also has created Jyamato Riders.

Suiko: Jyamato Riders.... what a pain in the ass...

Katsu: Wait, new Jyamato?

Katsu ask.

Tsumuri turned around to put a screen up in front of them as they look at the screen to see the New Jyamato, for the Ukiyo Brothers to say in unison.

(A/N: Marrella Jyamato aka, The Trilobite Jyamato.)

Katsu & Haisha: Marrella Jyamato.... also known as the Trilobite Jyamato.... our life.... long.... Sandman.... Nemesis....

They said in unison, ending the word 'Nemesis' with a long hiss to emphasize the last letter, 's'.

Tsumuri nods when she heard them.

Tsumuri: Furthermore, they have a hostage. Two, to be precise.

She continued. 

Hearing this, everyone's eyes widened.

Shane: WHAT?!?!

(Y/n): Who?!?!

Buck: So suddenly?!?!

Tsumuri: Thus, your new Objective is to eliminate all Jyamato, reclaim the stolen Drivers and Raise Buckles, and save the Hostages to clear the Final Round of the Desire Grand Prix.

Haisha: Whoa whoa whoa! Before we go, we need to know, who is the hostage? Is he or she-

Shadow: Both females.

Haisha: Okay.... they, as in SHE important???

Shadow: As a matter of fact they are.

Shane: How so?

Shadow: Well, Spy Cams. have assessed the area and we've gotten their identities tagged as hostages.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, Tsumuri pressed a few buttons on her tablet, to show the interior of the warehouse where the hostages are kept. Everyone including you looked at the interior of the warehouse real carefully to study it when they noticed the hostages. Upon seeing the hostages, despite the Cams. showing them further away, you immediately recognized those two covered in vines, for your eyes to widen with shock and terror.

Buck: Okay... we got two hostages caught in their vines for Prisons like the previous Prix. Let's-

(Y/n): They're.... not just any two hostages....

You said.

Everyone looks at you.

(Y/n): I know their hair styles from anywhere.... and their outfits.... they're my friend... and my Teacher who're taking me for my Internship....

You said with a worried tone in your voice.

Hearing this, everyone looked with worried hearing that this fight has become more complicated than they thought.

Yonezawa: You're.... kidding...

(Y/n): No.... they're names are Nejire and Ms. Ryukyu. Not sure if there are other sidekicks who works with Ms. Ryukyu but still... together, they run Ryukyu Agency.

Shadow: Then that's not good.

Niram Hunter: Things just got more complicated... but the plan still remains the same right, your grace?

Shadow: Yes, your Final Mission for your Last Round remains the same as stated by Tsumuri. Priority One, you must make sure Ryukyu and Nejire are freed from the Jyamato at all cost without harm while you take out every last Jyamato in sight. Make sure no traces of them are left behind.

Everyone: YES, SIR!!!!

Everyone said at the top of their voices.

Then, Shadow made his way to you with concern.

Shadow: (Y/n). I know Ryukyu and Nejire are both your friend and teacher. But remember, in the Desire Grand Prix, yes it may be a Game, but this, is not a Game when lives are on the line, like those two for instance, understand?

(Y/n): Yes. Understood.

Shadow: Good. Now, be careful. Dunkleosteus and Marrella Jyamato are both Extinct and Powerful Jyamato we have ever fought so far, with the exception of both the King and Queen Jyamato who're even more powerful.

(Y/n): I don't even want to know what the King and Queen Jyamato look like. So, thanks for the advice, Shadow.

You said.

Shadow nods at this.

Shadow: NOW, there's no time to lose as there are hostages on the line right now!!!! Your last mission starts now!!!

Shadow yelled.

Everyone: YES SIR!!!!!!

Everyone yelled.


At the Dark Alleyway where Yonezawa spotted the Dunkleosteus Jyamato sneaking into before,

You and your fellow players arrived as you all readied yourselves to transform and proceed inside their lair to defeat the Jyamato while freeing Nejire and Ms. Ryukyu. As everyone were looking at the alleyway, you all began to have one last conversation before they move out.

Shane: So, any last requests before we go in?

Buck: Just one. Let there no longer be Jyamato in this World so (Y/n) can live peacefully here.

(Y/n): Heheh. Thanks Buck.

Buck: thumbs up

Suiko: I'm sure you have one, do you? (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Oh, I have one in mind. When we win this, I'mma treat you all to a restaurant that I went the first time in this World that I like. The entire place is on me for Lunch.

Shane: Then it's settled then. Ready?

Everyone: Yeah!

(Y/n): Then all together now.

Everyone: HENSHIN!!!!

And with that, everyone transformed into their specific forms they turned into in the first half of the Final Round. 

After transforming, the four began to proceed inside the Alleyway which will then lead them to a warehouse where the Jyamato's lair is located, and where Ryukyu and Nejire resides to be in need of rescue.

To be Continued....

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