Chapter 1: Kaiju Powers for Quirks

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5 hours after your escape,

At another undisclosed location,

You smashed through a wall that was in your way, only to see that there is a rocky wall in front of you behind the wall. Fortunately for you, you didn't even have to use your strength to bash the rocky wall in as there is a lot of space in between that and the destroyed wall you punched in.

So, you immediately entered inside the wall as you began walking towards the rocky wall, climbing upwards for uou to figure that you are now climbing up a mountain instead of a wall. After climbing, you noticed a pathway going up to the peak of the mountain and a cave in front of you as you decided to take shelter in the cave for the night.

(y/n) (Inner Thoughts): What.... is this World? It's like the Earth that I saw back on mine but.... different..... fishes out and looks at Battlenizer I hope we could see our Team soon, guys.... as i'm starting to feel lonely day after day.... after my escape from my tube-like prison....

You said, talking to your kaijus/monsters that are inside your Battlenizer.

As you look at it, you began to doze off and slowly, you fell asleep in the cave you took shelter in.


The next day,

In the same cave, you were still sleeping in your lying down position on the rocky grounds when you heard something is about to appear before you for you to open your eyes and immediately get up from that sudden sound.

As soon as you got up, a blackish red portal slowly opened up for a weapon to levitate out from it and towards you. When it reached in front of you, it stopped moving as it kept levitating while the portal closed on itself, for you to recognize the weapon.

(A/N: Giga-Battlenizer.)

(y/n): Th-The Giga-Battlenizer?! H-How?! Rei and I destroyed it when we used our Battlenizers to retort Belyudra. So... I thought I destroyed you already?

You said.

Then, a small beam struck you at the forehead for you to see the Giga-Battlenizer's intentions, only for you to see that after it got destroyed, it somehow cloned itself to find you off-world while the rest are scattered throughout the cosmos, with some being scattered to nearby planets who are in need of its technology (A/N: Which you can guess where I am going with this to bring Ultraman Geed's Movie into this.). After revealing its current status of being scattered despite being destroyed, it revealed to you that it wants you to harness the powers of every kaiju and alien (Seijin) that is now stored inside the weapon (A/N: Basically the kaijus and aliens from Ultra Q all the way to the current Ultra series.) as it now shows you that there are two of a kind in each slot, with one of either to be at your disposal for power.

(y/n): Two kaijus of a kind at each slot? With one to remain in it and for the other to be as my other powers to combine with my quirks I have? wide smirk Oh, I see what this thing wants me to do....

You said.

As you said that, the Giga-Battlenizer turned for a moment as it thrusts itself onto the ground, awaiting for you to do your thing, for you to use your quirk to absorb and take one of every monster and alien out of the battlenizer, utilizing their powers.

(A/N: Remember, there's two of a kind of each monster and alien inside. Seeing that you have absorbed one kaiju, the other of the same kind will still be in the battlenizer. Take note, guys.)

While you were still absorbing the powers of every kaiju and alien, you felt a tremor coming from outside, indicating to yourself that this so called, "Master" and his lackies must have found you or they are up to something closeby.

So, you calmly rushed yourself as you have almost completed the absorption while you heard footsteps coming at you at the entrance getting louder. You smiled at what you are hearing, knowing that whoever is coming your way, have now fallen into his trap even if the absorption process is completed or not.

Suddenly, several people popped up running in front of the entrance of the cave as they notice you doing something as they charged towards you with their quirks.

???: HEY!!! We have one hero hiding there!

??? 2: LET'S GET HIM!!!!

They yelled as the group rushed in towards you.

As soon as they got close enough,-

(y/n): mefilas palm shocker, zarab deceive beam, temperor tempera-death heat.

You whispered to yourself.

- you released your right hand from using your quirk on your right as you lunged your right hand in front, causing a combined electric beam to hit the group, stunning and making them fall down unconscious, to your amazement on what the aliens' powers can do as you looked at your right palm.

While looking at your right palm, you felt the absorption finally finished as you stopped using your absorption quirk while using your left hand to briefly grab the Giga-Battlenizer off the ground. Then, you used your right hand to grab it, shrinking it down to its deactivated mode, sheathing on your right side like how your personal Battlenizer is being sheathed on your left (A/N: Something like how Rei keeps his Battlenizer.). As soon as you're ready to roll, you used Zetton's ability to teleport away from the cave, knowing that more maybe coming.

At the top of the Mountain,

You appeared once again at the peak of the mountain in a sitting down position to see that you're not just in some undisclosed location, but also a Training Facility aka, U.S.J. (A/N: Not Universal Studios Japan.) aka, Unforeseen Simulation Joint.

(A/N: U.S.J.)

(y/n): So.... you mean to tell me.... that I took shelter,.... in another facility??? But it's a Training Course? Hmmm.... better than being in a tube....

You commented and scoffed.

As you looked around to check out what's going on, you hear a commotion below the mountains for you to look down and have a look.

???: Nice try... think you can distract me that easily?!

(y/n): Hmmm? looks down to see the commotion Well, ain't that a hostage takeover.

Down at the scene,

A villain can be seen holding a yellow-haired boy hostage and two girls can be seen raising their hands in surrender as thr villain kept talking.

Villain: Big mistake, sweetheart~ I'm not some dumb thug who can just be outsmarted by a couple of kids. You need to take hostage situations seriously. So here's the new deal. Either this idiot's going to die, or you are!! How about that?

Back to you,

You sighed at this predictament while getting up.

(y/n): The usual hostage situation like back then with Zarab~ Oh well~ might as well step in. Maximum Effort.

You said as you did a light jump forward as you began to fall down towards the commotion. While falling, you began to activate something else.

(y/n): Gan-Q eyes, Gan-Q tentacles, Five King Gan-Q arm. Bemzeed arm.

As you said that, your left arm is now covered and infused with the arm combined with two monsters despite being of the same kind and your right arm became the right arm of Bemzeed.

(A/N: Gan-Q eyes, Gan-Q tentacles, Five King Gan-Q arm (left arm), and Bemzeed arm (right arm). Basically for the Gan-Q part, you'll have Five King's Gan-Q arm with tons of eyeballs all over and a lot of tentacles all over it, too with eyeballs on them. Bemzeed Arm is basically the arm of bemzeed.)

Looking at both your arms, you smirked as you teleported away from falling flat on the ground.

Back at the commotion,

The villain was walking towards the girls, awaiting for their decision.

Villain: Now, what's it gonna be, girlies~?

He asked.

While looking at the girls menacingly while holding his hostage, a tail appeared out of nowhere from behind him as it wrapped around the hostage, pulling him away from the villain, for everyone to notice this including the villain.

Momo & Jirou: ?!?!

Villain: WHAT? HEY!!! I WA-

Just as he was about to finish, he stopped midway after turning to see who that was who took his hostage to see you in front of the three now, with the specific kaiju arms and Eleking's tail equipped behind, too, to his horror.

(A/N: Eleking's tail from Eleking.)

Villain: Y-You....

(y/n): Yes, villain whom I took your first stolen quirk away from you because it is not yours.... "ME".

You said.

The villain looked in fear as he is now facing you, with the girls noticing what is going on.

Jirou: What's- Who's that?

Momo: I don't know.... a villain???

Jirou: I'm not sure....

They discussed.

Then, the villain blasted an electric blast at you, only for you to use your right arm to absorb it and shoot it right back by using your tentacle eyeball-like arm, barely missing the villain to merely scare him, to the villain and the girls' shock. After that small assault, this happened.


The villain yelled as he took off to make a run for it.

(y/n): Uuuuuhhh.... dude? you do know you're running towards a-

But it was too late, the villain ran over the cliff midair, for him to notice it too late as he began to fall down to the ground below, for you to sigh that villains maybe dumb sometimes.

(y/n): cliff.... sighs can villains be this dumb???

You asked yourself.

Then, you look at the girls while surrendering the boy back to them.

(y/n): Oh! A-Are you okay? And I do believe he's yours.

You said and asked.

You extended out your tail to the girls, returning the boy to them, for them to receive him safely. They look at you and thanked you.

Momo: Thank you.

Jirou: If you didn't arrive here in time, we would've been through even worse.

(y/n): No problem. And I could tell. So, there's more of them anywhere?

Momo: Yes. There are more villains all over. There is even a huge villain by the fountain with two others. We heard a crash so we knew All Might's there, too.

(y/n): All... Might?

Jirou: Yeah. He's... the Symbol of Peace??? You mean you don't know?

Jirou ask.

You slowly deactivate your powers to revert back to your normal human state.

(y/n): Sadly no.... I was brought here against my will three years ago.

You said, shocking the girls.

(y/n): But worry not. I'll deal with your big friend of a villain of yours.

You said as you look far at the fountain to see a battle going on to see this big villain fighting against this person named, All Might while you began to activate your quirk/s.

(y/n): Luganoger Arms, Alien Temperor Arms.

You began to feel your arms becoming Luganoger Arms in a form of Alien Temperor's Pincer Arms as you look at them.

(A/N: Luganoger Arms and Alien Temperor Arms. Ensure that their arms are fused together.)

(y/n): Not bad.... now,.... Choju Interdimensional Travel.

You said.

Then, a crack formed in front of you as the view shattered like glass when the dimension appeared. Once appeared, you entered in, for the shattered view slowly fixed itself back as the cracks disappear, leaving the girls to see the view of USJ, once again, to their shock.

(A/N: Choju Interdimensional Travel.)

Jirou: What.... was that?

Momo shrugged at this as she was as confused as Jirou.

At the scene where All Might and the Nomu fight is currently playing out,

The students watched as they see the Nomu fighting against their teacher who is also the Symbol of Peace known as All Might. During the fight, everyone watched as All Might did a suplex on the Nomu as the thing took a hit, only for Kurogiri to summon two portals for the Nomu to enter inside and emerge from the other below All Might, grabbing his sides, injuring him while making him bleed.

Watching this, Izuku began running towards All Might to help him, only for a black with purple-outlined vortex to be created as Izuku was about to run into for the villains' attempt to stop him from helping the Number 1 Hero.

Just before Izuku could even stop, a similar crack shattered, appearing in between the vortex and Izuku, to Shigaraki, Kurogiri and Izuku's confusion.

Izuku: Huh?!

Kurogiri: What's this?!

Shigaraki: What???

The three look in confusion until,-

???: Baraba portal, Gijera Vine arms, Monera Queen tentacles, Kutuura tentacles, Daron tentacle arms, Gatanothor tentacles, Megalothor tentacles, Guyros tentacle arms.

- bolts of light purple-coloured energy combined with Luganoger and Alien Temperor's beams and energy beams emerged from the portal as it struck the vortex, causing Kurogiri to feel hurt as the vortex is apart of him, while numerous tentacles emerged in front of Izuku as they wrapped around him, putting him to a safe distance while several tentacles went up to wrap the Nomu's hands as they ripped the Nomu's hands off clean, for the Nomu to shriek in pain, giving All Might the opportunity to break free, only for the tentacles to do the same they did for Izuku as they carried him to safety next to Izuku.

While Izuku and All Might were carried to safety at a safe distance, Shigaraki looked in shock and confusion as he noticed Kurogiri feeling hurt.

Shigaraki: Kurogiri? What's wrong?!

Kurogiri: I.... d-don't.... KNOW!!! Someone's.... electric quirk.... seems to b-be-.... somehow taking effect on m-me....

Shigaraki: T-That's impossible!! Who woul-

???: I would!

An echo boomed out for everyone to hear it.

Then, as if right on queue, the heroes and villains looked at the crack where the echo boomed as the villains and the Nomu which is currently regenerating its hands notice someone emerging from the cracked portal while reverting its arms back to human.

As everyone watched, a person who turned out to be you slowly emerged from the crack as you exited from it. Upon reaching solid ground again, the crack repaired itself and disappear on its own, for the heroes to see a person standing before the villains on his own.

After emerging from the crack, you turn to look at the injured heroes and students, including the boy who's with this "All Might" person they wanting to get rid of so badly, then turns back to face the villains after a while.

(y/n): So, this is why you kidnapped me and transfuse me with all those powers for the past three years? To bring down this one muscleman blonde you guys want me to get rid of so badly? All Might? Hmhmmmmm~ idiotic.

You said.

Upon hearing this, Izuku's eyes along with the students' eyes widened as you said that aloud.

Izuku: That person... created to kill All Might?

(y/n): And don't think I don't recognize you from somewhere, boy! And portal-boy. I saw you both while I was in my tube. And I'm aware, of your master's intent. As after all, I've overheard everything thanks to my Reionics Superhuman Hearing.

You said, talking to the villains before you as you notice the two having their eyes widened.

(y/n): Your master aka, my former Master has a quirk that rivals against All Might. And he gave his blood to me so I can rival and overpower All Might with a snap of a finger- snaps finger -so that he doesn't have to do the job in killing All Might himself. I believe that is work of a coward.

Upon hearing this, All Might looked in shock as he knew what you meant.

All Might (Inner Thoughts): Wait!!! Is he... talking about.... All for One?!?!?!

He asked in his own mind.

Shigaraki: You don't talk trash about master like that!! Besides the quirks he has that is now inside of you should have deteriorated your health! How are you still standing?!

(y/n): Let's just say,... I have been given a gift to suppress and destroy the countermeasures that your master gave me if I step out of line.... and don't even track me down. As I already destroyed it. And thanks to this gas mask tubed-like collar-like system that I found before I escaped which is meant for master for his breathing issues, too, I had some aliens to perfect its design so I can use it as... you can say a crowning device for I could be any kaiju and seijin I think of. Even better... to fuse them together in a way I see fit.

You said, showing a tracker in his hands, destroyed.

(y/n): So here's what i'm going to do. I have stolen your league's quirks, majority of them. I'll be returning those stolen quirks to the victims. But before that, i'm going to use your master's quirk, kick your villain ass, steal your hunk's quirk, kill it  keep them, then i'm gonna go and leave to do what I said I was going to do.

Shigaraki: Sorry.... scratches his neck for a moment but you're not going anywhere. You're coming with me once this is over.... and in fact, you're not going to be returning any quirks to anybody. Nomu, take him and bring him with us!

Shigaraki commanded.

The Nomu roared as it dashed towards you. When it reached in front of you, it began to deliver a flurry of punches and kicks, only for you to block and deflect them while you began to fight back against him, delivering your own punches and kicks.

Shigaraki: Oh, did I actually tell you? This Nomu has Regeneration and Shock Absorption. So,.... good luck with him as you'll need it.

The Nomu grabbed your wrists as it headbutted you, for you to stagger back. Then, it did a left hook for you to get struck in the face, causing you to almost hit the ground, but your legs were still strong enough to keep you standing.

However, what put you off was that the Nomu punched you so hard, blood spewed from your mouth and onto the ground, for everyone to notice this as you hear a slight gasp from everyone.

(y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Oh, you've done it now.....

Shigaraki smirked behind his hand mask, seeing that you have spilt some blood. But  his expression changed when he notices you emitting an extremely dark aura while he slowly turns to face the Nomu, Kurogiri and him as he sees you smirking back.

Shigaraki: What's this???

(y/n): You three have done it now... as now, i'm going to turn your pet, into monster food.

You said.

Then, a tremor could be felt all over the facility for everyone to feel it as you whispered something to yourself,-

(y/n): belyudra... full body...

- causing an unknown eruption to happen behind you as molten magma began to slowly encase you while your body turned into something horrifying before everyone.

The heroes and villains watched as the magma is turning the boy aka, you into something out of this world, something that is forced to be reckoned with as it began to tower everyone, for it to go as high as a three-storey building. Once the transformation is complete, everyone looked in fear as the molten magma began to infuse with the body, revealing its true form to be you infused with many many monsters, even the Nomu looked in fear of the sight.

(A/N: Belyudra Full Body and some views of its body. Exclude Belial from this as you're in control of it as you and belyudra are fused due to the quirk.)

Uraraka: That.... a-and th-

Tokoyami: D-D-Dark... L-Lord...???


Mineta screamed in fear.

Back to you, you look down at Kurogiri, Shigaraki and the Nomu as they too were looking in fear, as you began to crack your monster-like fingers, ready to subdue anyone insight.

(y/n)(Demonic Voice): My turn....


The Nomu shrieked as it jumped towards your face, only for it to get overpowered by your numerous eye beams and attacks by the monsters on your horns and by your own eyes, causing it to fly back to the ground, hitting its head.

After falling back down to the ground, the Nomu quickly got back up, only to be grabbed by your tentacles as it ragdolled by bashing it to the ground several times. After ragdolling it, you flinged him up into the air as you immediately grabbed it by your monster-like hand, as you began to steal the Nomu's quirk.

(y/n)(Demonic Voice): Now, to take them from you so you inflict no harm anymore!

You roared as you began to steal the Nomu's quirk.

Shigaraki and Kurogiri saw this and decided that this must stop now.

Shigaraki: Kurogiri.... stop this beast! I'll stop him from below!

Kurogiri: Understood!

Both villains began to climb on you in the attempts to stop you, only for them to be grabbed by numerous kaijus and aliens as they brought them down easily by beaming and lasering them down by their specific attacks, for them to land back onto the ground, wounded.

Just as they've already landed onto the ground, they also notice the Nomu as well has fallen to the ground as they see him trying to get up to fight some more.

(y/n)(Demonic Voice): Still have that fighting spirit after I took your two powers, I see? How futile!

You said, raising your right fist.

Then, you lunged it down, creating a crator with the Nomu in it, for a huge 'THOOM' to be heard and felt throughout the facility's grounds.

After sometime, you released your fist to show what is left of the Nomu which was literally almost nothing left, to the villains' shock. The two then kept watching as you grabbed the remains as you began to consume it for the monsters and aliens to take their fills, too.

Once that was done, you revert back to your human state as you look at the villains with a serious look on your face.

(y/n): Give these three messagee to your master; First! If he want me, he has to fight for it himself! Second, he's tainted the phrase that I also and always use when working together with my team. One for All and All for One should be working together, NOT against! And Third,... how ironic, Master. You gave that one quirk that can take other people's quirks away, and used them for your own sick twisted dillusions. And now that you gave your blood to me,.... i'm going to use his cursed quirk, and i'm going to do good things with it, and I'm going to kill you with it to rid of this evil which is your master.

You said to the two villains.

(y/n): Oh, one more thing which links with my third message.

Shigaraki & Kurogiri: ???

(y/n): It's the same thing. But this time it's a little different. As i'm starting with you, first! Pandon fireball, Zetton Trillion Degree fireball.

You said raising my palms at them as two different fireballs began to charge up at each palm, for Shigaraki to be in a state of panic.

Shigaraki: K-K-Kurogiri... We'r-W-We-We're leaving! NOW!!!!

Kurogiri nods as he teleported himself and Shigaraki away by using its entire body as a portal, disappearing to nothing as its black and purple body slowly faded away to nothing.

Seeing that they have retreated, you deactivated Zetton and Pandon's ability by lowering your hands while you calmed yourself down.

(y/n): Well... that was intense. At least my Neck gear device is able to withstood all of that. But enough about that, it's time to go.

You said.

You look up while sprouting Melba wings as you immediately take to the skies and fly out of the facility to do who knows what you'll be doing, for the heroes and students to look in shock at his departure.

(A/N: Wings of Melba.)

Izuku: What... even was that?

All Might: ... he is.... forcefully created... to kill me?? Hmm....

All Might thought about this, knowing this is All for One's doing.

Mineta: WHAT EVEN WAS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

Mineta yelled in panic.

To be Continued....

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