Chapter 2: Human Reionics -vs- Villains & The specific "Someone" (PART 1)

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After the U.S.J. incident and the fight, you are seen flying in the air, still donning your pair of melba wings as you look at the view of the Earth below you.

You observed that this Earth is like the Earth you knew, but it is different as people in this Earth have powers. You even observe that people are using their powers to do their everyday life, to your amazement.

(y/n): Amazing.... people use their powers named "quirks" to do jobs, heroic duties and other everyday lives.... intriguing Earth, really it is....

You said, smiling.

Soaring in the sky, you continued to observe the unknown world you are still in as you notice some people known as heroes doing hero work as you notice them having small fights with people using powers for evil and apprehending them. You smiled at the sight, knowing that there is a world besides him still maintaining peace and order.

While looking at the Earth in midair, you heard an explosion for you to notice smoke further up ahead of you, for you to take notice of this.

(y/n): Alright.... time to get a change of scenery, as I'm going in....

You said as you activated Gazort's powers, for you to feel yourself swooping at high speed towards the commotion ahead with your melba wings.

At the scene,

A dragon is seen fighting against a villain at its size as it is seen trying to hold down the villain, but to no avail.

(A/N: Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu in Dragon Mode.)

???: You think you can take me down this easily?! You are mistaken!!

The villain said as he grabbed the dragon as he threw the dragon away to get it off him, crashing into a building.

The Dragoon Hero immediately slowly got back up after being thrown while someone flew by to ensure the hero was okay.

(A/N: Nejire.)

???: You okay, Ms. Ryukyu?!

Ryukyu: I'm alright, Nejire... that got me by surprise. I never thought he would be this strong....

Nejire: I see....

Villain: Now, allow me to show you my opinion on what you said about me being under arrest? cracking knuckles

???: Then allow me in return give you my personal second opinion to go with your first opinion!!

Villain: huh-

The villain turned around to see who said that, only to be introduced by a powerful punch right in his face, causing him to be sent flying to the side, to the girls' confusion.

When they look at who was the one who intervened, they see a person aka, you having monster features of two different monsters while still having your eyes still intact and hair still present as a mane. Your body is covered in spikes from body to your ankles with a frill-like spine leading from head to tail (A/N: Something like Neosaurus's, not Neomegas's.).

(A/N: What you turned into is a fusion of these two kaijus shown above. Neosaurus and Neomegas. Something like Ryukyu, but in this form of a fusion. Short description of your kaiju form is stated above.)

You look at the girls as you helped the Dragoon Hero up.

(y/n): Are you okay?

Ryukyu: Y-yeah. I'm good, thank you.

Nejire: Wow, you gave that villain a heck of a punch~!

(y/n): It's.... nothing special.... these kaijus were specialized to pack quite the punch and the kicker.

Ryukyu: I see...

(y/n): But fret not! As your villain of target shall be taken care of.... by me and my companions.

Nejire: Companions?

You walked off to deal with the villain who is currently getting up from his daze after that punch.

Once he's back up, he turned to face you.

Villain: Hey now! Who are you?! You're not a hero i've seen before!!! Nor any villain I've ever seen!

(y/n): You can say, i'm new to this World...

You said.

Then, you fished out the Giga-Battlenizer as you raised it up in the air.

(y/n): Let's go! Giga-Battlenizer - Monsload! GUTS SEIJIN!

You yelled.

As if right on queue, a blue energy ball emerged from one of the slots of the Giga-Battlenizer as the energy ball flew up, and then down in front of you, revealing Alien Guts.

(A/N: Alien Guts.)

The alien turn to face you as you gave a plan to it telepathically.

(y/n)(Inner Thoughts): You saw those tall building in front of you just now?

Alien Guts (Inner Thoughts): Yes.

(y/n)(Inner Thoughts): Use the top of those buildings as pillars. Hold him there when I give you the word. While you hold him, I'll finish him, understood?

Alien Guts (Inner Thoughts): Understood.

Suddenly, Alien Guts disappeared out of sight, to the citizens, heroes and villain's confusion.

Villain: H-Hey! Where did that Bird Brain go?!?!

(y/n): Don't worry about him. Worry about what's in front of you.

You said.

This made the villain smirk at what you said.

Villain: Okay. Well then, buddy. Fine by me and you. It's your funeral, anyway as you look simple to take down

(y/n): come on, then.

The villain dashed towards you, delivering a powerful punch at your chest, in the attempts to make you gasp for air, only for that to not happen, to the villain's confusion.

You look at the villain, smirking at him while grabbing his fist as you move his fist away, for the villain to struggle to break himself free from your monstrous grip, but to no avail. After moving the villain's fist out of the way, you did a claw slap in the villain's face, causing him to stagger back.

Seeing the villain is still staggering, you went up to him as you grabbed his head, throwing him to the ground, causing the villain to completely fall onto the ground, to everyone and the two heroes' shock at the strength you have in your kaiju form.

You took a few steps back to wait for the villain to get up. After a few minutes later, the villain got back up on his feet, only for him to get charged and rammed by your monster-like head, causing the villain to stagger back some more.

Seeing this,-

(y/n): Capture him! Bind Beam!

You yelled.

The villain looked in confusion when you said that, only for him to feel something around him, immobilizing and binding his entire body, to his shock that he was lead into a trap.

He kept struggling to break free, but to no avail as the blue energy bolts for binds were holding him good despite the struggle. You look up at the tall buildings to see several numbers of Alien Guts using their Beam Binds to hold the villain in place, giving you the opportunity to charge your attack while the villain's immobilize.

So, you motioned your hands in front of your chest. Then, you circled your hands in an opposite direction, with your left arm to circle around once in an anti-clockwise motion and your right arm to circle around once in a clockwise motion, circling back in front of your chest while your mouth and your crystal-like organs on your chest began to glow.

Once fully charged, you moved your arms out of the way, launching beams from your crystal-like organs on your chest and a huge beam from your mouth. Launched in target, they converged together to form one beam as it zoomed towards the villain, only for the villain to move out of the way, for the beam to zoom pass him, despite being binded by Guts' Bind Beams.

Villain: HUH?! You missed!!

(y/n): Did I?

Villain: huh? looks back oooooh f-

Then, the villain heard something coming in fast from behind, for him to turn his head to see the same beam coming back, striking him from behind as he fell to the ground unconscious.

The bind beams unbind the villain as the Alien Guts knew that the villain has now fainted, for them to deactivate their abilities. You smiled at this, knowing that using Neosaurus and Neomegas is a good idea for a villain like him and a cocky villain like him.

(y/n): Gotcha, bro....

You said.

Then you look up to give your subordinates a thumbs up, for it and its illusions to do the same. After which, you raised your Giga-Battlenizer before me as Alien Guts and its illusions began flying back into the weapon by a ball of blue fame.

Once returned, you reverted back to your human state while you sprout out the same type of wings as you took off immediately, with everyone and the heroes still in shock at what just happened.

In the air, you suddenly sensed several activities around the globe as you began to take down most of the villains in sight that were closest to you, in range. With one villain to be taken down in Florida which was simple as you need only Alien Sran's super speed and its electric beam-like ability, Egypt which was drastically simple as you transformed yourself into a sphinx (the choju from Ace) while having a sickle arm based on Baraba to take down a simple villain, San-Fransico was no straight forward but you managed to use multitude of aliens' abilities to take that villain down and finally somewhere in Japan, the villain however surrendered due to the fact they were too overpowered by you utilizing Alien Magma's weapons and head mask, with Maga Tano Orochi and Metsu Tano Orochi being summoned to deal with the villains who surrendered.

There were several countries and cities, as well that you have ventured about to fight the villains without using your kaiju quirks, stealing the stolen quirks from them while apprehending them and heading to hospitals to return the stolen quirks to the victims whose quirks were stolen.

The last country which is currently unknown can be seen with a villain being brought down, but rised back up again slowly as the villain is seen struggling to get up, when-

(y/n): Villain... stand down!

You said.

- you are seen beside the villain while in your Snake Darkness form with EX Red King Knuckle on your left arm as you lunged in for a swift powerful punch with your left and powerful knuckle, knocking the villain out while delivering a knuckle sandwich on his face, with the screen turning black, as well (A/N: Fourth wall break, lol.).

(A/N: Snake Darkness. Ensure you add EX Red King Knuckle on its left arm. Its face and other body features will be replaced by you fused to it like the fusion stated above.)

After several fights, apprehending villains, stealing and giving back stolen quirks, you soared back high up in the clouds while you relaxed yourself in the sky.

(y/n): sighs Man.... that's a lot of work... good thing I managed to reclaim the victims' quirks to their rightful owners. Now at least, they will never have to worry about their quirks being stolen by that mad man, ever again.... but if it happens again,.... I can always do it again... but the issue here is.... he has them. Which means there will be a time I have to confront him and take them out by force.... hopefully now won't be the time....

You said to yourself.

Around the World,

NEWS Reports began to show on Television screens to show an unknown hero who's been doing hero work behind the scenes. They even show several hospitals and several countries around the globe that he has ventured to fight off the villains and apprehending them.

News Reporters (On Televisions in different parts of the globe in english translation): In other News, an unknown man with a quirk wearing a neck gear has appeared out of nowhere, appearing to be assisting heroes around the globe to apprehend numerous villains. There were also reports saying that he has also appeared in hospital, creating many miracles to patients who's quirks got mysteriously stolen, from being quirkless, to having their quirks back. It would also appear that this young man also has the quirk to conqure up any creature on each of his limbs or he could turn into any creature he calls upon to himself and summon creatures from his support items to subdue any villain or criminals in sight. And this just in, reports are saying despite the negative impressions, majority are saying that they are thankful that this unknown boy is a hero. And now, they... including we are asking, "Who is this unknown hero and person?", "Where is he now?" and "What will he do next?". Stay tuned for other news.


A few days later,

At U.A. High,

Several students were seen walking into the School as they began to talk about that person who fought the villains by using his quirks and his support items.

(A/N. U.A. Highschool.)

Student 1: You heard about that unknown hero? Heard he appeared out of nowhere to use his quirk and support item to defeat some villains at ease.

Student 2: Yeah, man. Wonder what quirk he has? His quirk or quirks must be strong.

Student 3: Strong? I wouldn't just say that. He's dreamy, too from the looks of that image on the news~

Student 4: Wonder where he comes from....

Students and many more students kept gossiping about this as they made their way in.

Further behind, Izuku aka, Deku can be seen pondering about the unknown hero as he gave it a thought on his quirk.

Izuku (Inner Thoughts): His quirk.... it looked so powerful... and the way he turned into that.... whatever that creature was, was powerful enough to defeat and consume that thung that tried to kill Mr. Aizawa and injure All Might. Well, I do share their similar fascination.... who is, this person....

He asked himself in his thought.

While in a train of thought, he felt someone giving him a pat on a shoulder, for him to knock himself back to reality, turning to who it was to see Uraraka beside him.

(A/N: Deku and Uraraka.)

Uraraka: Hey, Deku.

Izuku: UH! URARAKA?! H-Hi.

Uraraka: What are you thinking about?

Izuku: Oh, it's nothing. It's just about that unknown hero, that's all.

Uraraka: Oh, tell me about it! The whole school literally knows about him, too.

Izuku: Oh, I see.

And with that, they walked in together while they talked about it and about school things, unbeknownst to them and the students, you were actually above the school, flying pass as you could see the students gossiping.

(y/n): Hmmmm... so they know me and my work of justice, eh.... tch... so they have News Reports here, too? I see.... looks at the particular boy and girl ah, the two from the U.S.J. Facility. I see they are doing well.... hmmmmmm.... I wonder.... maybe I can find that specific someone that can help me with my issue....

You said.

Then, you sensed and acquired a scanner ability to scan for whoever and whatever you are looking for in the school, for you to manage to find it at ease at a particular floor and found the particular person you are meant to find.

(y/n): There he is. Small for a person in charge.... but it'll do. So in a way, Found ya. Maybe you can help me solve my problem....

You said as you began to slowly fly downwards to the particular floor that he's found that particular someone currently taking a sip of his drink.

To be Continued....

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