Chapter 1: Powerful & Unique Quirks

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Inside Dr. Garaki's Laboratory,

Dr. Garaki can be seen working on a Nomu as he is seen finishing one up right at this moment. While finishing one Nomu up, footsteps can be heard, causing the Doctor to stop as he looked at where the sounds of footsteps are coming from.

Looking at the direction, he began to see you emerging out from the shadows while dropping your backpack at a place where no one can find it, for him to smile at the sight of you appearing while coming to see him.

Dr. Garaki: Ah~ Kaiju! My dear boy.

(Y/n): Doctor...

Dr. Garaki: What brings you here? And why so glum?

(Y/n): None of your concern, that's one. And two, I'm here for the usual. And three, what's that you're working on?

You said while asking a question.

Dr. Garaki turned to look at his creation about to be finished while you made your way to stand beside the Doctor.

Dr. Garaki: Ah, my dear boy. This is one of my High-End Nomus I'm working on. This one including the other there points at one other High-End Nomu have unique quirks that I have created, infused and implanted.

(Y/n): Unique quirks, huh?

Dr. Garaki: Indeed. So unique that no hero or villain has ever seen before. Thus, Like you but different, I have called them; The Near Exceed-End Nomus.

Dr. Garaki said.

Hearing this, you had a small smirk planted on your face as you began asking about the quirks.

(Y/n): Near Exceed-Ends, huh? Interesting. Anyway, those Unique Quirks, what are they?

You ask.

Dr. Garaki: Those quirks? Well, the one I'm done has three quirks including Super Regeneration which makes four quirks inside of it. holds out my papers and documents to read out the quirks Those first three Unique Quirks you want to know are called; ET Booster, Magiro Magica and Primal Berserker. ET Booster increases levitation to flying with unfathomable high-speed almost as if the user is teleporting.
(A/N: Do note that ET Booster is based on UFO-X, Magiro Magica is based on X Magician and Primal berserker is based on X-Rex. So in a way, these quirks are based on the powers of these three Chemies from Gotchard.)

(Y/n): Interesting. So you can fly while you disappear.... go on.

Dr. Garaki: Magiro Magica is a Quirk Enhancer that gives the user magical empowerment to repel any form of attack that endanger the user, giving user knowledge of all forms of magic from different worlds even the forbidden ones.

(Y/n): Forbidden magic? Now that's something I'd use against powerful heroes.

Dr. Garaki: I can tell you're impressed and that quirk has caught your interest. Wait till you hear this one.

(Y/n): Primal Berserker?

Dr. Garaki: Yes. This quirk enhancer is a dangerous and uncontrollable Quirk Enhancer that enhances and tap into the user's aggression and power to the maximum, or perhaps even higher. The user will enter a berserker state with an immense strength to pommel and annihilate any target in vicinity be it fellow allies or enemies. And enhances all the powers of all Quirk Enhancers.

Dr. Garaki said as he explained about the three quirks that is inside one completed High-End.

You nod at the completed Nomu hibernating inside the tube, impressed at how strong it is. After being mesmerized by the Nomu, you turned to the nearly done Nomu.

(Y/n): How about the one that you are about to finish?

Dr. Garaki: This one has five powerful quirks including super regeneration which makes six quirks that it has inside of it. picks up another set of papers and documents Those other five Unique Quirks are; Hardshell, which gives the user an enhanced speed, flying, and to ram opponent with great strength and remain unfazed due to high defense, Subjugation Roar which gives the user with a tremendous and menacing aura just by roaring or glare at the enemy, even to the point of full domination before the fight can even begin, Free Bird to summon projections of aerial vehicles designed for air strike, grants a vision similar to a radar to locate enemies and can command the summoned aerial vehicles to attack with special weaponries suited for the environments, Fortress of Ultimate Absolute Defense gives the user a holographic projection of a castle wall with cannons and weaponries, giving the user a space that gave protection while also assaulting nearby enemies dare to approach and can recognize allies since this ability also accessed the user's memory, and finally Tree of Life.... True to the name, this quirk gives the user to heal his allies within his range, and possibly to restore fauna, flora, or beings that have been corrupted and etc. And being based on the Yggdrasil it allows the user to travel to Nine Realms.
(A/N: Do note that Hardshell is based on BeetlX, Subjugation Roar is based on LiXion, Free Bird is based on EXceedFighter, Fortress of Ultimate Absolute Defense is based on X Fortress and Tree of Life is based on Xeggdrasil. So in a way, these quirks are based on the powers of these five Chemies from Gotchard. So in a way, This Nomu will have the power of X Assemble.)

Dr. Garaki explained.

After listening to this, you nod at what you heard, impressed on what quirks those two Nomus have within them.

(Y/n): Not bad, Doctor. You certainly outdone yourself today.

Dr. Garaki: Indeed, my dear boy. turns my chair around So, seeing that you are here for the usual per your alliance agreement with me, what quirks would you like to have?

Dr. Garaki asks, wondering.

Hearing the doctor's question, you smirked and answered.

(Y/n): That's easy. I want those unique quirks.

Dr. Garaki: oh? You wish to utilize my works of art?

(Y/n): Yes and No.

Dr. Garaki: oh?

(Y/n): .... I not only want them inside of me. I also want to experience.... and bare witness, to what these eight powerful quirk enhancers have to offer me.

You said.

Doctor Garaki couldn't help but smile at this.

Dr. Garaki: And you shall have'em.... Once I'm done with my Nomu, of course.

(Y/n): By all means, Doctor. So, take your time.

Dr. Garaki: Oh. And also, would you like two more quirks to make it ten as to what you said before? Each visit, Ten Quirks?

Dr. Garaki asks.

(Y/n): Hmmm.... Well, I guess it wouldn't harm to have two more. I would like to have two more quirks that allows me to... augmentate my muscles and manipulate metal.

Dr. Garaki: Done. Let me finish'im up, and I'll fetch them. For the muscle augmentation quirk, I got the best one. Since you introduced to me an example idea on my little friends, I have this one just for you.

(Y/n): Intriguing. Go right ahead, doctor.

You said.

And so, Dr. Garaki went back to work, finishing up his High-End Nomu before he attends to you.

A few minutes later,

As soon as Dr. Garaki was done with his High-End Nomu, he immediately rushed to get some containers and jars containing quirks and organs and/or muscle tissues containing quirks as he gets them ready in his brand new machine.

Sorting them out in order, you made your way towards the machine as you took a look at them.

(Y/n): Are these it?

Dr. Garaki: Yes, my boy. Now to explain about this new muscle augmentation quirks right here pats on a container. Thanks to you from before, I combined every muscle augmentation quirks that I know of from here and in my lab. Now, you will have the power to grow your muscles, use your muscle fibers as shields, tentacles or anything you like, enhance your muscles to become stronger and make yourself look big.... and many more.

(Y/n): I see.

Dr. Garaki: You want to be more powerful than Master, right? So, I'm doing all of this for you, dear boy.

(Y/n): Good. Very Good. And I thank you for your cooperation.

Dr. Garaki: It's the least I could do for you and Master, Kaiju. Now, you know the procedure. Back in the tube.

Dr. Garaki said.

You nod as you did what you are told to get the infusion started.


After a long while of infusing and injecting the new quirks and organs into you, for your body to merge with them with your organs and other quirks, Dr. Garaki soon drained the tube from the same liquid while opening the hatch at the top for you to get out when you awaken.

Sensing the hatch above you is open, you opened your eyes while summoning a runic circle as it slowly levitates down to you, making you disappear. Once the runic circle has completely made you disappear, the circle slowly disappeared, to the Doctor's shock.

Dr. Garaki: Well now.... that is interesting coming from that Magiro Magica Quirk Enhancer I created.

He said.

(Y/n): Interesting indeed, Doctor~

You said.

Hearing your voice, the Doctor swiftly turned around to see the same runic circle moving upwards to make you appear before Dr. Garaki, standing before him. Once you have materialized completely, the circle above you slowly disappeared after a few seconds.

Dr. Garaki: So, how do they feel?

(Y/n): Good question, Doctor. Thanks to your Primal Berserker quirk enhancer,....

Stopping halfway, you tested out your combined muscle augmentation quirk as you buffed your right arm up with more muscles and muscle fibers enveloping your buffed-up arm as they grew bigger with numerous muscle fibers to act as moving tendrils thanks to your new Berserker quirk enhancer.

(Y/n): .... I can tell Master has got nothing on this. deactivates quirks As either way, he hasn't been stockpiling on quirks as of late,... but I have.... for a good reason.

Dr. Garaki: It's true he hasn't been stockpiling on more quirks. But, it would be a pleasure to see that you and Tomura will be taking his place if he's ever defeated. Though I must ask, why come here in request for more quirks so soon?

Dr. Garaki wonders.

Hearing his question a second time, you slowly made your way to the Doctor as you placed a hand on his right shoulder.

(Y/n): I have my reasons. When I said I'd take Master down, it is for a good cause. As after all when I hinted to you back then, the Old... must make way, for the New.

You said.

Dr. Garaki: And by taking him down, that means you'll betra-

(Y/n): Not betray! You can say he has lived long enough... too long, to terrorize this Planet. So now, it is up to me, and Tomura to take on the reigns to take his place.
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): I hope he buys this....

You said.

The Doctor gave this a thought as he knew that his Master is growing weaker at this moment and he is also wasting majority of his resources in helping his master recover from his previous fight which took years to heal up.

(Y/n): Doctor, I can sense your doubt. But understand that I'm not doing to betray the League~ This is only.... to carry on his duties when he gets his sorry ass in the Tartarus, where everything will be all supplied to him.

You added.

After listening to what you have added in, the Doctor sighed while nodding to himself, knowing that you are right that his Master's health is depleting inspite of him growing stronger while healing up nicely.

Dr. Garaki: I guess.... you're right about that point. However, inspite of his condition depleting, he seems to be regenerating just fine and he's as fit as a fi-

(Y/n): Oh, I'll take care of that. Remember... I'm the new and improved All for One who's been stockpiling quirks from villains and anyone who stand in the League's way or my way, and from your hardwork.

Dr. Garaki: I am thankful that my hardwork and contribution has benefitted you, my boy.

(Y/n): And it has. walks into the darkness while grabbing my backpack from a hidden location in the lab

Dr. Garaki: So, with these new quirks what will you do?

(Y/n): Simple, really. I'm going to take care of something, which you already know what I'm going to do. But before that, I'm gonna go somewhere to meet and ask a favor from an alien friend of mine.

You said.

And with that, Dr. Garaki watched as you slowly disappeared into the darkness at the far end of his laboratory, for him to smile to himself.

Dr. Garaki: sighs I'm glad he has come to his senses before me.

He said, before getting back to work on the next Nomu.

To be Continued....

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