Prologue: Preparing for War

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At the Kingdom of Atlas,

You and Shadow can be seen on board a Manta as the airship can be seen arriving at the Kingdom of Atlas, to your greatest shock.

(A/N: Atlas.)

(Y/n): WWWWWHHHOOOOOOOOOAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You exclaimed.

Shadow: Whoa indeed, (Y/n). You see, the Kingdom of Atlas is one of the Four Kingdoms that comprises the entire World called; Remnant.

(Y/n): still mesmerized by what I'm seeing

Shadow: The Huntsmen Academy of Atlas was known as Atlas Academy is part of the entire Kingdom, along with the City of Mantle that resides down below of Atlas. Unlike most Kingdoms, Atlas' Government, Military and the Academy functioned as a single entity and made it a military state. It was also the location of the Schnee Dust Company headquarters, as well as my Brother's Company known as W.R.A.T.H. Co.. The notable cities of the Kingdom are its Capital, Atlas, and the former Capital which I have already stated, Mantle.

(Y/n): Dude, this is some hardcore shit you have in store here in this World.

Shadow: Thanks,... though.... it was once destroyed. But eventually once the war is over, we began to rebuild, and so far, we managed to rebuild everything back in order while doing some renovations and some upgrading in all the Four Kingdoms.

(Y/n): I see. looks at Shadow So, we're off to your brother's Company, right? 

You ask.

Shadow: Yes. Luckily for you, Yusei's still attending to a few of my compatriots who are willing to help you on your Support Items, Weapons and your Costume.

(Y/n): Cool. Um, hey. Thanks for doing this for me. It really means a lot after what I have explained just now along the way here, Producer.

Shadow: Oh, it's no problem, really. I'm just doing my job. So, how's your new world working out for ya?

(Y/n): Oh! well... had, a lot of fans. heheh.

Shadow: I can tell. And if you want, why not drop in for another game next time, yeah?

(Y/n): Sure. Next time. I wanna try something and make it a reality.

Shadow: Cool.

Manta Pilot: Uh, sir!

Shadow: Go ahead, Pilot ma' man!

Manta Pilot: We're getting close to W.R.A.T.H. Co.! Prepare for a landing!

The pilot said.

Shadow: Thanks! looks at you Alright, (Y/n) this is it. This is our stop. So sit tight, and enjoy the window view.

(Y/n): Oh, I definitely will!

You said as you both sat down as you looked outside, for your eyes to be widened so much out of excitement as you see Shadow's bother's Company before him while the ship is about to land.

(Y/n): DUUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR BORHTER'S RICH!!!!!!

Shadow: Heheh!!! Tell me about it.

Shadow said with a smile, knowing your reaction is the same like the others.

As the Manta is about to land, the airship is slowly descending while getting closer towards the Company building before it.

(A/N: W.R.A.T.H. Co.. Ensure there are huge letters that says the Company Name at the center of the building, and there are Airships flying, too to add the view to the entire place (NOTE: I don't own this art.).)

Descending, the Pilot notices a cleared runway as he began to descend the Manta towards it, for you both to watch its descend towards it. Once landed, the Manta slowly slowed down while it made its way towards a group of people with a vehicle waiting for you and Shadow. As soon as the Manta has come to a complete stop beside the vehicle and crowd after a while of cruising, the doors of the Manta Airship opened, for you and Shadow to be introduced by numerous number of W.R.A.T.H. Co. Variants of Guardians standing in two lines with a red carpet in the center as they all saluted to Shadow. Even the four Hard Guardians surrounding the limo did the same.

(A/N: W.R.A.T.H. Co. Guardians. Instead of an 'X' Symbol on the face and chest, let them have 'W' Symbols with a sword pointing upwards on the face and chest.)

(A/N: Hard Guardians. Have their colour scheme replace from green to blue, and from yellow to cyan.)

Shadow: Welp, our ride is here. Come on now.

(Y/n): Okay.

You replied.

And so, you both made your way towards the limo while being mesmerized by how rich Shadow's brother is in owning these cool-looking robots. When you both arrived, one Guardian came up as it helped open the door of you two as Shadow went in first, followed by you. Once inside, the Guardian closed the vehicle door shut, for the limo to soon drive off as soon as all the doors are closed.

(A/N: The limo you'll be sitting in.)

(A/N: Inside the limo.)

Inside the limo, you and Shadow can be seen seated inside, waiting for what's to come while you admire the view. While waiting, a hologram can be seen pixelating before the two of you, causing you to get startled, for Shadow to assure you that it's fine.

Shadow: It's okay, it's a hologram so it's fine.

(Y/n): O-Oh! A hologram. Like Mons-Ahgar's planet that it was on when someone made its artificial air and view. 

Shadow: Mhm.

(Y/n): Right. Right.

You said, assured that everything is fine by Shadow.

Once the hologram finally pixelated and materialized by itself, the hologram revealed itself to be Shadow's brother, Yusei Wrath as he could be seen in hologram form sitting  before you and Shadow.

Yusei (Hologram): Greetings and Salutations, guys. looks at Shadow Little bro.

Shadow: Big Bro Yusei. Thanks for having us.

Yusei (Hologram): It's no problem, brother. looks at you So you must be the new guy little bro has been talking about just now?

(Y/n): Y-Yeah. I'm... I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Reionics Hero: Cerebro.

Yusei (Hologram): Greetings, Cerebro. I'm Yusei, Yusei Wrath. CEO of W.R.A.T.H. Co. and the elder brother of Shadow.


Yusei (Hologram): 0_0 wow, we're starting with that, heheh.

(Y/n): I'm sorry, that came out wrong a-

Yusei (Hologram): chuckling It's okay. I get that a lot so, it's fine. Well, I do own a company so, you can say I'm loaded.

(Y/n): Duuuuuuuude.

Yusei (Hologram): Anyway, you said you needed help for your Costume, your Support Items and stuff, right?

(Y/n): Yep!

Yusei (Hologram): Don't worry about a thing. I got it covered. Just come to my Research & Development Room 5 and we'll get started.

Yusei said.

Shadow: Orighty, bro. We'll meet you there.

(Y/n): Yeah, Yusei.

Yusei (Hologram): Can't wait to meet you again, lil bro. And I can't wait to meet you too for the first time, Cerebro.

Yusei said while the hologram slowly pixelated itself as it deactivates.

After talking to the hologram version of Shadow's brother, Shadow smirked as he spoke.

Shadow: Well, Welcome to the World of Remnant, (Y/n).

He said.

(Y/n): Well, I'm liking your World, already!

You said.

Enjoying the ride, the limo drove its way towards the building where you both will be going.

Once you two have arrived in front of the building, you and Shadow made your way into the Lobby of the Building as you two walked towards the Customer Service Counter.

Shadow: Excuse me, Ma'am. May I know where is R & D Room 5 is located?

Female Customer Service Representitive: Of course, sir. Take the elevator to the 3rd Floor, turn right, go straight pass the auditoriums and then turn left. That's where you'll see all the R & D Rooms.

Shadow: Thank you, Ma'am.

The representitive bows to your thanks.

After getting the directions, you both made your way up by via the elevator, reaching the specific level and followed the directions. Once you two arrived, you went pass four R & D Room until you arrived at the Room where you are suppose to go.

(Y/n): This is it.

Shadow: Yeap.

Shadow replied.

Finally arrived, you were hesitant at first but with a boost of courage, you managed to knock on the door. As soon as you knocked, you hear an exact same voice from the limo calling out.

Yusei (Inside the Room): Who is it?

Shadow: It's us, bro! We're here!

Yusei (Inside the Room): Cool! You may come on in!

Yusei said.

Hearing him saying you both could enter, Shadow opens the door for you to usher you in. So, you entered first, followed by Shadow.

(A/N: Music starts here at 0:25. Title: Be the One aka, Kamen Rider Build Opening theme.)

Once inside, you couldn't help but widened your eyes like you have never widened them before while your irises began to grow bigger to show stars in them as you look around inside the room like a fanboy.

(Y/n): DUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like Mr. Power Loader and Mei's Development Studio but... but.... GIGANTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You exclaimed excitedly.

Then, within a split second, you immediately zoomed pass everyone to look around inside the Room. Seeing you zooming pass to look around, both Shadow and Yusei giggled at what you're doing knowing the similar reaction that Shadow had once when Yusei showed him around.

(Y/n): Whoa! So many tables with so many hydralic arms on them at the center of the room...

Yusei: That's for.... construction and deconstruction, you see.

(Y/n): zooms to another area Another set of tables and tons of equipment over here, too! With a FLAT SCREEN FOR COMPUTERS AND A HOLOGRAPHIC KEYBOARD!!!!!!!!

Yusei: That's for small things and for 3D Printing and many more.

(Y/n): zooms to another area A Room to test what you have made!!!

Yusei: Well, it is. We have these glass paneled walls here to protect us from anything that happens, like explosions, sharpnel scatters and much more.

(Y/n): So... it's fully resistant... cool... Wow... there is literally so much to see.... HOLY CHEEZITS!!!!! It's like being in a Cave... zooms to sit down on a chair to look at a piece of armour with a spring attachment inside it (A/N: RabbitRabbit Form's Arm Armor.) Like a bat cave.

Yusei & Shadow: looks at each other A Justice League reference. Heheh!

While looking at each other, you couldn't help but lifting up a piece of armour to inspect all around it.

(Y/n): Whoa.... are you working on something here, Yusei?

You ask, pointing at the piece of armour in your hand.

Yusei: Yes. Shadow and my Compatriots are working on creating something for Shadow's Mirko from his Academia World,-

(Y/n): Oh yeah, I heard about that from Producer.

Shadow: nods

Yusei: - working on RabbitRabbit Armour MkIII on both her legs, her right shoulder and her right arm, and TankTank Armour MkIII on the left arm and shoulder. Basically, we'll be implementing the Power of Batta's power from the Batta Core Medal and implement it on the Leg armour, and for her Tank arm, we'll be implementing a rapid fire blast thanks to our Autobot friends and our late Tony Stark's power of nano-technology.

(Y/n): Whoa..... that must be some hardcore upgrade you're doing.

Yusei: Right. looks behind you Right, Sento?

(A/N: Be the One Music ends here.)

(Y/n): Eh? Sento?

You wondered who Yusei was talking to.

Then, you felt a tap on your shoulder, for you to look back to see this guy behind you, for you to realize that you're sitting on him instead of an empty chair.

(A/N: Kiryu Sento.)

Sento: Yo.

Sento greeted.

(Y/n): WHOA SHIT!!!!!! gets off him out of fright HIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!

You exclaimed out of fright while you accidentally threw the armour piece upwards, only for Sento to catch it at ease, to everyone's relief.

After catching the armour piece, Sento walked towards you and stops in front of you.

Sento: Kiryu Sento. Kamen Rider, Build.

(Y/n): U-Uh... Hi... again. (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)... K-Kamen... Rider... C-Cerebro?

Sento: smiles It's nice to meet you.

(Y/n): You too. 

Sento kept smirking as he went back to work.

After the whole episode, Shadow and Yusei walked to you for a proper introduction.

Yusei: Well, that was an eventful start.

(Y/n): Phew! It sure is.

Yusei: Anyway, you must be (Y/n) aka, Cerebro?

(Y/n): Yes.

Yusei: Yusei, in the flesh.

(Y/n): Well, it's nice to meet you. 

Yusei: Ditto on that. ahem! Anyway, going back on track, you said you need to improve on your Costume and Support Items, right?

(Y/n): Yes.

Yusei: Why?

Shadow: Uuuuh, Big bro?

Yusei: Relax, bro. I just wanna hear it from him.

Shadow: Okay. looks at you Well, the floor's yours.

Shadow said.

You nod at what he said as you proceeded to explain.

(Y/n): I'm taking down my former Master, All for One.... once and for all... for taking Bakugo, Doll as in Ragdoll, and Zona away from us. He has.... he has done so much suffering to the World I'm stuck in...

Yusei: Explain.

Yusei said.

So, you began to explain everything from beginning to now in short. After a while of explaining, Yusei nods at what he is hearing, for him to turn to Shadow as he did the same. Seeing this, the CEO of the Company turned back to face you as he spoke.

Yusei: Alrighty then. Take out your Hero Costume and Support Items, place it on the huge table at the center of the room, then we'll see what we can do from here.

Yusei said.

Listening to him, you dropped your backpack as you fished out your Hero Costume and your Support Items, placing them neatly on the table, for Sento to look at it in awe.

Sento: Fascinating....

Sento said, picking up one of your Gauntlet Support Items, for you, Shadow and Yusei to look at what Sento's doing.

Sento: Morphinite Geode Crystals. A fascinating jewel that I have never seen.

Yusei: Morphinite Geode Crystals? looks at Shadow Those kinds of crystals are scarce. So that means having these is like-

Shadow: Finding a very rare Grimm Termite Geode underground?

Yusei: Precisely. But, thanks to our cloning technology, we can actually clone the Geode so we can get more. 

Sento: Nice Boots with five-toed claws for toes on yer feet.

(Y/n): Some kaijus have specific number of toes so that's why I had them make it like so the design is that.

Sento: Nice nice. A fascinating work of art, as always by yours truly, Mei Mei....

Sento said.

When everyone heard this, everyone turned to look at Sento.

(Y/n): Uh? Mei Mei?

You wondered.

Sento smirked at you while showing something on his finger, revealing to be a ring.

Sento: We're engaged. You can say, we have much in common.

He said.

Hearing this, everyone's mind was blown.

(Y/n): S-Sento! Congrats.

Shadow: I did not expect that, Sento. Congrats, dude!

Sento: Thanks, guys.

Yusei: Alright alright! Congradulations will be in order. For now, (Y/n)? Is it alright if we take a sample of that Geode Crystal so we can clone it?

(Y/n): Sure.

Shadow: Yusei. If it helps, I can call my Teammate Tenka to help us, and also Georgie, and Houtaro.

Yusei: By all means. claps hands alright! Let's make it count! We have All for One to defeat in (Y/n)'s world! Let's upgrade his Suit UP!

And so, everyone got started when the doors open to see a Humagear come in.

(A/N: Izu.)

Shadow: Izu. Good to see you.

Izu: Your grace. bows It is good to see you again visiting your brother.

Shadow: nods (Y/n), this is Izu, Hiden Aruto's Assistant, Rider Code: Kamen Rider Zero-Two. Izu, this is (Y/n), Cerebro.

Izu: bows Nice to meet you, (Y/n). Cerebro.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you too, Izu. bows

Shadow: Izu, we need your help linking up with ZEA Satellite so we can duplicate some Geodes and Replicate some heavy-duty stuff that are as light as a feather. Can you do that?

Izu: At your service, your grace.

Shadow: Excellent. The Costume and Items are on the table, look at them closely and analyze them so you may get started.

Shadow said.

As instructed, Izu went up to take a look at your Hero Costume and Support Items as she began to use her eyes to scan it, before making her way to a 3D Printer Machine and a Replicating Machine to get started. After scanning you suit and support items, Izu gingerly took off a geode crystal from one part of your gauntlet as she makes her way to both machines to begin her work.

Seeing Izu getting to work, Sento can be seen looking at your mask support item for your head, for him to have an idea.

Sento: I have an idea for this mask support item you have.

(Y/n): R-Really?

Sento: Yeah. looks at Shadow hey, Shadow?!

Shadow: on the phone with a few callers Hmm?! whispering hang on a sec, will ya? lowering my Scroll Sup?!

Sento: Is it alright if you could pass me a Power Stone-based Stone that you have?

Shadow: Sure, why?

Sento: If it's All for One we're talking about again, we're not just gonna sink'im with these sharp sets of teeth. We need to make sure we make'im burn and cry.

Sento suggested.

hearing this, Shadow nods at what he's thinking.

Shadow: Oh I like the way you think. In fact, I can give you something even better Carmeara found while resting in peace with her two Dark Giants at a far away Planet. Will that help?

Sento: As long as it counts, sure.

(Y/n): And that is?

Shadow: Another Reiblood Sacred Item.

(Y/n): Which one?

Shadow: This one.... Came out from the jaws and teeth of a Wild-Raging Genegarg. When I saw it first, it was as if Genergard needed this as "Dentures".

Sento: snickering

Shadow: But when Carmeara mentioned its powers, I think we can use it. fishes out an item in a form of a golden jaw with sharp sets of teeth on them

(A/N: The image above is an example on what it looks like. The metal bar at the center and the pressure trigger will be excluded in this example. Ensure the teeth are sharper, the item is gold in colour and there are a pair of Reionics Symbols at each teeth with loads of decorations all over the Jaw Relic.)

(Y/n): Whoa...

Sento: Sharp.

Shadow: She said that their called the Jaws of Pure Agony. So, I suppose it would fit your requirements.

Shadow said, passing it to Sento.

Holding it in hand, Sento smiles, knowing that he has everything he needs.

Sento: Well now, the Laws of Victory has been set.

Sento said, getting started on your Mask Support Item.

Seeing everyone getting to work, Shadow placed his hand on your shoulder while smiling.

Shadow: Don't worry. With our help, All for One in your World is gonna wish he didn't do that to you and your friends.

Shadow said.

(Y/n): Thanks, Producer. For helping me...

You said, giving your gratitude to Shadow for helping you.

Shadow: Likewise, kid. Likewise.

Shadow said.


It wasn't long since you all got started with Tenka, George and Houtaro pitching in to help improve on your costume and support items when they arrived, for you to be grateful that there are people in other Worlds who are willing to help you against your greatest foe back in your World of Academia.

(A/N: George Karizaki.)

(A/N: Houtaro Ichinose. He'll be wearing his usual Alchemist Uniform from the Gotchard Series.)

Watching on, you watched Shadow, Yusei and their friends work on upgrading your Hero Costume and Support Items as you could see that the upgrades are being slowly and gradually implemented onto your Costume, for you to be in awe at the sight of the process.

As you are still witnessing the upgrades, Shadow and Yusei came up to you as they watched the process taking placed before you three, while the two smile.

Shadow: Like the New Look on your Costume and Support Items?

(Y/n): Oh yeah. I bet when I wear this, they're gonna feel awesome.

Yusei: Heheh! Even better. It's gonna feel like you can take on literally anything.

(Y/n): Wicked.... looks at Shadow and Yusei So guys! What do these new babies do?!

Yusei: They'll take it from here. Sento! Izu! If you would?

Yusei called out.

Hearing their names being called, they turned their attention to you as they began to explain.

Sento: To start off first with that Mask Support Item you have. As you have already know, I have upgraded your Mask while infusing it with that Item Shadow got for me to infuse into its jaws and teeth to make them sharper and scarier. Plus,-

Sento activates a hologram of a head while pressing a button, for the jaws of your mask support item to open up while it also opened up sideways for the two halves of the upper jaw to slide sideways to the side of its face to act like it has a second pair of ears or it have a pair of horns, and the lower two halves of the lower jaw to slide sideways as they lowered themselves to your actual lower jaw of the hologram as protection.

(Y/n): Whoa....

Sento: You have a Manual and Auto function to open up your Mask. I kept the design as it is but as you can tell, the jaws are different as it can open up like as if you are biting something, or you can open up while splitting its jaws into four. I added some spikes around the outer rim as a little decoration thanks to Izu. Izu? It's your turn.

Izu: We have replicated and duplicated a sample of the Morphinite Geode Crystals. As you can see on your gauntlets, boots and your Costume, we have placed more of those crystals on them and on the edges of your claw fingers and the claws of your boots' toes. After analyzing the material of the suit, I also replicated the material and metal on them so that Sento could implement it onto the suit. Though, there is an DNA sample inside it.

Shadow: It's his DNA and some kaiju material, Izu. It's part of the material fused with it so the costume can regenerate and feels cool when the user wears it.

Izu: I see. 

Yusei: I did clarify with you on that so I did tell you to still keep going.

Izu: Yes, CEO Yusei. nods Continuing on, after replicating the material inside and outside of the suit, this is the final product.

Izu said, ushering you to have a look.

At the table, your eyes widened to see this.

(A/N: This suit that is upgraded. Ensure that there's Morphinite Geode Crystals on the suit.)

(Y/n): You really did a whole house makeover on my costume.... sweet...

You said in awe.

Izu: Thank you, Cerebro. And a take note.

(Y/n): Hmm?

Izu: George Karizaki recommended me to implement some port devices on your armour behind your back and behind the suit where your tail bone is located. He shall give you the details.

(Y/n): Okay-

George: Hey, Hey, HEY!!!!

(Y/n): H-Hi. You must be George?

George: GREEEEEAAAAAT!!!!!! You've been listening. George Karizaki, Kamen Rider Juuga. poses his Juuga pose Nice to meet you.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you, too.
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): All riders pose like that? Hmm.... perhaps I should come up with my own.

George: I had Izu to implement armour ports behind your suit for a reason. A: Your quirk allows you to sprout wings and tail. B: With these ports, they have the ability to sprout any number of wings you like when you command your powers to. And finally, C: With these ports, you don't have to damage your costume while you're at it when using your little quirk, inspite your costume to have a super regeneration capability.

(Y/n): Huh? Wow.... I uhh.... never actually thought of that.

George: You can say it's an intuition that I had that must be implemented onto your suit. So, your welcome, my man!

(Y/n): Heheh! I see, thanks.

Yusei: Furthermore, we made your suit like so when it gets damaged, your DNA and the Nano-Technology that we have implemented onto your suit can regenerate at ease. Why? It's because we have infused your blood inside your suit with the Nano-Tech like so, it has a special capability in doing so.

(Y/n): Sweet!

Sento: We also implemented some things on your gauntlets and boots. But, it's a secret so I'll let you have a looksee on'em. You can thank Houtaro for his special alchemy and secret within your Support Items.

(Y/n): Well, I can't wait to try them in battle. Thanks, man.

Houtaro: No problem! Just make sure you GOTCHAAAAAAA the villain. And make sure you bring smiles back on your world's faces.

(Y/n): That I will certainly do.

Houtaro: Also, about the Items you and Shadow have been collecting, I did have izu implement some ports on your chestplate so your cloak can go on and connect itself onto the ports at the front. For the other items, they have been infused onto your Costume and your Support Items, already. Though, those items did went onto your Costume and Items by themselves but, we still did our part to weld them in, anyway.

Houtaro said.

Tenka: Aaaaaaand, I also made sure this suit is stable enough and compatible for you so that ONLY you, can wear it. If anyone else uses it, it'll lock itself in place, and only you can remove it. And, I also added some tweeks in the suit.

Tenka said.

Hearing this, you grabbed your gauntlet as you see the wristbands and bangles merged into one onto your gauntlets.

(Y/n): Fascinating.

You said.

Yusei: Are the Costume and Support Items done?

Sento, Izu, George, Tenka & Houtaro: Yes/Yes, CEO Yusei/YEEESSS!!!/Haii bows/Gotchaaa!!!!

Yusei: Excellent. looks at you (Y/n). Go change your outfit and see how it feels.

(Y/n): Oh, this I gotta have a go!!!

You exclaimed in excitement as you immediately grabbed your costume and dashes to the changing room that you saw while looking around the entire room.

Shadow and yusei giggled at the sight of this.

Yusei: Kinda reminds me of you when you first came to my Company and first met after many years.

Shadow: Heheh, yeah. What will I do without you, bro? placed arm around Yusei's neck What will I do without you?

Yusei: smiles

A few Minutes later,

After a few minutes went by, everyone look to see you emerging out from the changing room as you displayed your costume and support items donned upon you, swirling around in a circle with your Cloak on, for everyone to smile in acceptance that the costume looks way better now, along with the Support Items that are on you.

(Y/n): So? How do I look?

You ask.


George exclaimed out of excitment.

Sento: Looks like you can take All for One head on.

Tenka: I agree with him on this one.

Izu: It suits well on you, Cerebro.

Houtaro: This form reminds of Kamen Rider Dread, but scarier, and cooler.

They said.

Looking at your costume that you're wearing, you notice a glow on each of your fingers and claws.

(Y/n): Huh? What's with the glow?

Yusei: Wanna test it on a dummy in the test room?

(Y/n): Why not?

You said as you made your way there.

Once inside, you see a dummy in front of you as you look back at the group, for everyone to nod at you. Seeing them nod, you turn back while you clench your fist as you punched forward, for a blazing fist to strike the dummy, to your shock.

Then, Houtaro's voice can be heard via the P.A. System.

Houtaro (Via the P.A.System): As you could tell, the glow is when you're charging up one of my form's attacks. Tenka and I made a gimmick that when you start fighting, you can use the forms' attacks that I have used in my Gotchard forms. The attack you did just now, was based on BurningGorilla.

(Y/n): That means I can use that for my fire-based kaijus and aliens. Cool.

Tenka (Via P.A. System): And it gets better. The other secret I placed inside your support item is that, your Support Item can morph into any weapon you please, thanks to the power of Nano-Technology and your World of Academia's technology that you're in.

(Y/n): Now that's badass. Now I can make a better version of Black King Drill Custom, Legionoid's arsenals and King Joe's Launcher.

Tenka (Via the P.A. System): If you want, why don't you try one of your kaiju quirks and see.

(Y/n): Oh, that... I shall! King Joe SOTRAGE Custom! LAUNCHER!!!!!!

You yelled, continuing the test.


After settling what you needed to do in Shadow's World at W.R.A.T.H. Co.,

You are back in your casual wear as you are carrying your backpack on your back, turning around as you look at those who have helped you.

(Y/n): Guys. I... I can't thank you enough for doing this for me. Really, it means a lot.

Tenka: No pressure. We all hated All for One just as badly as you do.

Everyone: nods

(Y/n): I can tell.

Shadow: So, what will you do now when you return?

Shadow asks.

(Y/n): Well... before I start going to fight All for One, there is something I must do first.

Yusei: Then we wish you good luck when you begin your perilous journey to fight this Demon.

George: Kick his ass.

(Y/n): Oh that I will.

You said while opening a portal.

(Y/n): Welp, I'll see you guys. 

You said, waving farewell.

Everyone did the same while they watched you enter your magic runic circle as you disappear through it, back to your World.

After watching you leave, Shadow smirked, knowing he wanted to do something else, for his brother to notice this.

Yusei: So, you gonna help him, huh?

Shadow: Yeup.

Yusei: You need some help?

Shadow: I've thought about it. And I know who I'm gonna bring along.

Yusei: smiles Heheh! Go for it.

Yusei said.

And so, Shadow fished out his Scroll as he patched two people through.

Shadow: Kieron Prime? Jet Storm? ....... Remember the time you guys said you wanted to take All for One down so badly? ...... welp. Your opportunity just arrived.

He said.

To be Continued....

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