Chapter 1: Summer Training Camp (DAY 1)

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The Next Day,

At U.A. High,

Everyone in Class 1-A can be seen standing in front of the school as Mr. Aizawa can be seen giving you all a debrief on today's Summer Camp.

Mr. Aizawa: Now that you have finished your First Semester at U.A. High, it's time for Summer Vacation to officially begin. However... DON'T think these will be months of rest for you Heroes-in-the-Making. At this Camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become 'Plus Ultra'.

Mr. Aizawa said.

Class 1-A: YES SIR!!!

You all said.

Mr. Aizawa: (Y/n). Come with me for a moment, please. I need to talk to you regarding your Reionics Quirk and your Power before you got that Quirk, and.... his quirk.

(Y/n): nods Yes sir.

You said.

And so, you followed Mr. Aizawa to the corner of the school. When you both reached, you and Mr. Aizawa began to discuss about something important.

Mr. Aizawa: Now, before you get started on your Summer Camp, first: I'm well aware that you have years and months of experience. But that doesn't mean you can be over complacent on your surroundings, got it?

(Y/n): thumbs up

Mr. Aizawa: Good. At least we're getting somewhere. Second: Regarding y-

(Y/n): My Reionics Quirk? I'm.... well aware on what you're about to say, sir. I know every quirk has their unlimits and their limits, mine included. That's why we're going to this camp to go beyond and beyond our limits, plus ultra style. Not only that, I'll also be there to discover my limitation/s and others, regardless. Which is why in this Camp, I'll do my best to discover them and negate those limitations so I can efficiently use my quirk at ease... going beyond, Plus Ultra Style without those limits when this camp is over.

You said.

Mr. Aizawa: nods Correct. And Thirdly: Regarding your toher quirk that was given to you through experimenting. We'll be also be touching on that, as well. We need to work on each quirk you have that was transfused into you. Yes, I'm already aware on what Nezu said about you going undercover for them, but that doesn't mean you should use those quirks as and when you please. You have yet to discover their limitations, too. That's why we have this Camp, to go beyond those limits for our next assessments after the Training Camp: Ultimate Moves and your Provisional License Examination.

(Y/n): I see.... Noted with thanks.

Mr. Aizawa: good. Now Lastly: Telling you that your quirks have limits, I'm not trying to pull you down to your lowest. This is to teach you and help you to discover more about your quirks. Like you said; Every Quirk has their limitations and their unlimits and their limits. So use this opportunity to discover not just your unlimits, but also your limits to both your All for One and Reionics Quirks. See through them, and I'm sure you'll be able to use your quirks without limits. 

(Y/n): Understood, sir.

Mr. Aizawa: nods Now that this discussion is out of the way, I guess it's time to head to the bus. By now they should be on board.

(Y/n): Then after you. Teacher's first.

Mr. Aizawa: Mmmm. Thanks.

And with that dsicussion settled, both you and your homeroom teacher made your way to the bus.

Seeing that everyone is already in, you both immediately made your way to the bus, boarding it to take your seats while the bus began to take its leave to their destination where the Training Camp is located.


Inside the Bus,

Mr. Aizawa can be seen seated in front as he turned back to give everyone a debrief to prepare themselves while they still have the time left.

Mr. Aizawa: Okay, here's the deal. We'll be on this bus for about an hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focused.

He said.

However, just as he said that, he was soon introduced by Class 1-A being rowdy and not listening to his instructions, only for you to give him a thumbs up at what he said, causing Mr. Aizawa to have a pretty disgusted look on his face before turning to look back forward.

Mr. Aizawa: why do i bother.... well, I guess this is the only time they'll have to fool around...

Mr. Aizawa said to himself quietly.

An Hour later,

Outside the Bus at their First Stop,

At the first rest stop, everyone alighted the bus while beginning to stretch for a moment after sitting down for so long inside the bus.

Kaminari: Finally, I needed off that bus.

Kaminari said.

Mineta: Let me get through I gotta pee!!!

Mineta frantically yell as he tried finding a private spot to do so.

Ojiro: Hmmm. This isn't much of a rest area.

Jirou: I know. And where's Class B?

Both wondered

Mr. Aizawa: You don't really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, do ya?

Mr. Aizawa said.

Some of Class A look at their Homeroom Teacher whereas Mineta stopped in front of his teacher, begging for a toilet.

Then, a black car can be seen at the left as both the front doors open up for someone to greet Mr. Aizawa from inside the car, to everyone's confusion.

???: Heya, Eraser.

Mr. Aizawa: bows Long time no see.

Mr. Aizawa greeted.

Then, two women wearing a cat-like costume emerged from the car as they introduced themselves to the Class.

???: Your feline fantasies are here. Say, "Meow".

??? 2: Purrfectly cute and cat-like girls!

Both Women: You can call us, the Wild Wild Pussycats!

They greeted and said while doing a pose, acting it all out.

(A/N: Wild Wild Pussycats.)

Class 1-A looked at them speechless at what they're doing.

Mr. Aizawa: These are the Pro-Heroes you'll be working with at the Summer Training Camp.

Mr. Aizawa said to the class.

Suddenly, Deku came up as he began to talk about their track record of heroism.

Deku: They're a Four-Person Hero Team who specializes in Mountain Rescues! The Pussycats were founded when we were kids like forever ago! This year marks their 12th Year working as a--

Just before Deku could finish, a tracted paw firmly grasp Deku's face as the woman in a blue cat costume spoke to him to say that his math is wrong.

??? 2: I'm pretty sure your math must be off. I'm Eighteen at heart.

Deku: ...understood....

Deku said with his voice muffled by her cat glove.

Kirishima & Kaminari: that's so sad...

They both said at the background.

Mr. Aizawa: Everyone, say hello.

Class 1-A: Hello! Nice to meet you.

Class 1-A greeted.

After greeting the two members of the Pussycats, ??? began to point out the stretch of land and green while pointing at a certain area as she explained.

???: We owned this whole stretch of land out here, everything you can see. points The Summer Camp you're staying at is there at the base of the Mountain.

(A/N: This scene.)

She explained.

Class 1-A: That's far!

They said.

Then, some students began to realize something.

Uraraka: Uuuh? Then, why did we stop all the way up here instead?

Tsu: I'm afraid we both know the answer to that.

Sato: That can't be right... 

Sero: nervous laughter Well.... back in the bus... quick.... let's go...

Kaminari: Good idea... load up!

Koda & Mina: nods

They all said and agreed.

???: The current time is 9:30 in the morning~ If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon.

??? said as if having a murderous intent, for some of the Class A students to notice this.

Kirishima: No way. Guys! 

Mina: Holy crap!

Kirishima: SAVE YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!

Kirishima yelled.

???: Kitties, if you don't make it there by 12:30 there won't be any lunch~

She said.

Everyone ran towards the bus while passing Mr. Aizawa.

Mr. Aizawa: You should've guessed, students. The Training Camp...

??? 2 stopped everyone from boarding the bus by jumping above them, landing in front of everyone with a wide smirk on her face, for Class 1-A to look at her out of fright.

Mr. Aizawa: Has already begun.

He said.

Then, as if on cue, ??? 2 activated her quirk causing her to manipulate the ground to toss everyone into the forest below, much to everyone's surprise and shock while they're screaming due to the fact that they're being tossed to the forested area by the blue cat woman's quirk.

After the entire class are being relocated by the blue catgirl's quirk, the red catgirl went up to the fence as she looked down to inform the class about the usage of quirks.

???: Good news! Since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to. You've got three full hours. You should be able to make it to the facility in that time. That is, if you can get through the Beast's Forest.

She said.

As soon as she was done, ominous roaring can be heard coming from the forest below as the students of 1-A began to fight against the stone golems that are created by the blue catgirl controlling them as they got started defending themselves from the golems while making their way towars the Campsite.

While the blue catgirl can be seeing controlling the stone golems from where she now stands, the red catgirl can be also seen talking to Mr. Aizawa, speaking her concerns to him being too hard on them.

???: Don't you think you've got them on a pretty crazy schedule, Eraser?

She wondered.

Mr. Aizawa: yeah. We're hoping to get an entire second semester's worth of knowledge in them here. That's going to take an intense amount of work. But the rewards'll be worth it. They'll get permits to use their quirks if there's ever an emergency. And Provisional Licenses that will allow them to work as Heroes. Most importantly, with all the villainous activity we've been tracking, they need to be able to defend themselves.

Mr. Aizawa explained.

??? 2: Oh, speaking of which.

Mr. Aizawa: Hmm?

??? 2: You said there's 21 of them here. Why do I only see 20?

???: looks at Eraser We're short of one, Eraser?

Mr. Aizawa: No, you just missed one.

Mr. Aizawa said.

Saying this, the Pussycats, Mr. Aizawa and a kid can hear a slight chuckle on the roof on the bus, for them to look up to see you on top of the bus, getting up from your small little nap, hopping off as you prepared yourself to get down there, not before noticing the Pussycats.

(Y/n): Ah, hey there, Mandalay. Been a long long time.

Mandalay: Huh? I-It's you.

??? 2: You're the one from before! Monster Kitty~!

Mr. Aizawa: I see you three knew each other?

(Y/n): Yes, sir. They were rescuing some people while a fight between a powerful villain and Mount Lady pursued. If I didn't reach there in time, the people, the Cats, they wouldn't be here today. This villain has a..... gigantic quirk with a powerful drill quirk, to state about him in basic.

Mr. Aizawa: oh yeah. I heard about that Villain from All Might. And it was all over the news before you came and enrolled to U.A.

(Y/n): Yes, sir. SO!!!! Mandalay, Pixiebob! Where's Ragdoll and Tiger?

You wondered.

Pixiebob: They're at the other side. They're taking care of Class 1-B while Mandalay and I decided to take care of you kitten~!

(Y/n): Ah, I see. 

You said, walking to the barricade, pointing at where Mandalay was pointing.

(Y/n): Our campsite's all the way there, right?

Mandalay: More like your Training Campsite, yes.

(Y/n): Cool cool coolio. Since I know where this is going. Well, in that case. Let's create some damage... Wild Wild Pussycat style.

Mandalay & Pixiebob: . . . eh? . . .

They wondered while being confused.

(Y/n): Horoboros full body, Metsuboros Full Body Syncronization, Galactron Mk II Faceplate, Gilbaris claws, Galactron lower legs! Metsuboros Mk II! STAND!!!!

You said.

Calling them out, you began to feel the changes all over your body as you began to morph into a hybrid of a human and Horoboros. After the transformation process, your face, forearms and lower legs began to be equipped with Galactron's legs, Galactron Mk II's faceplate and Gilbaris's claws, completing the transformation and configuration.

After transforming into the form you require, you let out a roar that sounded like a lion, for the four to look surprise at what you have become. Finished, you make your way to Mandalay and Pixiebob, placing your robot claws on their shoulder.

(A/N: Metsuboros Mk II. In basic, (y/n) aka, you will have Horoboros's features along with Gilbaris Claws and Galactron Mk II's faceplate. It's like Metsuboros but its lower legs which are your lower legs are upgraded to Galactron's lower legs. Now you can run even faster than a regular Horoboros and Metsuboros.)

(Y/n): I'll see you real soon at Camp.

You said to the girls.

Then, looking at the Beast's Forest, you took off as you jumped over and down to the forest, joining your class as you got started taking down all the stone golems in sight. After you left, Mandalay and Pixiebob couldn't help but let out a slight blush, before shaking themselves back to their senses as Mandalay went back to talking to Mr. Aizawa and Pixebob to create more stone golems. As for the kid, he had that frown and angry look on his face, having a grudge on the people that have entered the forest below.

After seeing you off, while Pixiebob can be seen controlling her stone golems, Mandalay can be heard calling the young boy, letting him know that they're leaving.

Mandalay: Kota! We're leaving!

She called out.

Hearing this, Kota began to talk to himself before he took his leave.

(A/N: Kota.)

Kota: idiots....
Kota (Inner Thoughts): how pointless, to wanna be a hero...

Kota said.

After watching the class training against stone golems in the forest for a while, he then took his leave to follow Mandalay.

Mandalay: Sorry we have to leave so soon, Eraser. You see, we'll also be having two more people joining us in this Training Camp. They'll also be joining the Hero Course, as well.

Mr. Aizawa: Ah. You mentioned that those two are from the Freelance Hero Service Group, right?

Mandalay: Yes. I'll let you hear the details in brief while we make our way there.

Mandalay said as they began to use their transports to drive their way to camp while they talked about the other two who'll be joining Classes A and B in this Summer Training Camp.

Meanwhile down at the Beast's Forest, you and Class 1-A began to use their quirks as they fought hard against the Stone Golems while making their way through the forest all the way to the Training Camp. With every Golem they faced, the Class will use their quirks to take them all out one by one. While fighting against the Golems, you notice one speaking up behind Deku, for you to rush in as you claws the Golem by its claw, ripping it apart while grabbing Deku aside to saftey.

(Y/n): You okay?!

Deku: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. This must be Metsuboros?

(Y/n): Not just Metsuboros. It's Metsuboros Mk II, combining Horoboros with Galactron, Galactron Mk II and Gilbaris.

Deku: Wow, I see.

(Y/n): nods, then looks at Momo after she blasted a cannon round at the Stone Golem VIC CLASS REP!!!!

Momo: Yeah?!


Momo: Got it!!!

Momo said, aiming the cannon directly at the Stone Golem that you cut its claw off.

Seeing her aiming her created cannon aiming directly at the Golem, you went on your mechanized claws and legs while charging a partical beam in your mouth, also aiming direcctly at the Golem you severed its claw from reaching Deku. Once fully charged,--

(Y/n): Vice Class Rep?!?!

Momo: Yeah?!?

(Y/n): .... FIIIIIIIRRRREEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- you yelled while launching a charged partical cannon and for Momo to fire another round from her cannon, for both attacks to destroy the Golem completely.

As soon as the Golem has been taken down, you went in front of everyone as you pointed directly at the deepest area of the forest.

(Y/n): We're suppose to get to the Camp this way!!!!! So, the plan is simple!!! While we take these Golems down, FOLLOW ME!!!!!

Class 1-A: RIGHT!!!!

The class said with determination.


Time: 5:20pm

At the Summer Camp,

Mandalay, Mr. Aizawa, Pixiebob, the two others and Kota who is standing away from them can be seen waiting for Class A to arrive. As soon as Pixiebob notices some shadows coming closer from within the forest, she began to smile knowing that the entire class is almost here.

Pixiebob: The litter is almost here.

Pixiebob said with with a smile.

Mandalay: That too a lot longer than I expected it to.

Mandalay said, glad that the class is arriving.

And so from the depths of the Forest, you began to emerge first from the forest, along with the others, exhausted, weakened and extremely out of it after over using all of your quirks beyond their limits. Everyone you knew have overused their quirks, everyone but you of course as you kept walking without any sign of weakness inspite of you sweating profusely.

(A/N: Everyone tired.)

(Y/n): Heheh. I said I'll see you kitties around. And I always deliver, with the Class.

Pixiebob: I can tell~

Sero: Y-You said it would only be, like, three hours!

Mandalay: I guess we timed it based on how long it'd take us. Sorry.

Sato: Now you're braggin' about how much better you are? That's so mean.....!

Sato complains.

(Y/n): That's not mean, Sato. There was a miscalculation. And a bit of.... a little test on how fast we can go. It means she wanted us to be faster than them. But in the end, they're faster cause' they have transport. So, it's not their fault.

Sato: O-Oh, right. Sorry.

Kirishima: I'm starving... This is HELL!!! 

Kirishima complains, as well.

Pixiebob: MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW~!!! I thought it would take you kids even longer! But you did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would. You guys were seriously great.

Pixiebob said and meowed excitedly.

Then, she soon points and turns her attention to the five of you, Deku, Todoroki, Ida and Bakugo.

Pixiebob: Especially~ The five of you! It seems like you have quite a bit of experience!

She said and added.

Suddenly, she lightly licks her lips before pouncing at them, beginning to groom them in open arms.


She said as she got started.

Watching this, the rest of Class A looked in shock at what Pixiebob is doing, even the two newcomers looked shocked to see what she is doing, for Mr. Aizawa to ask if she is always like that.

Mr. Aizawa: Mandalay... points Has she always been like this?

Mandalay: It's gotten worse lately. She's at the age to take a mate. And seeing (Y/n) back, that would eventually get her going wild.

Mandalay said.

Mr. Aizawa listened as he watched you using your Gilbaris Claw as you used it to hold Pixiebob back away from grooming you by using her lips.

While Pixiebob is trying to find an opening so she can groom you, Deku began to ask something.

Deku: Uh, speaking of people's ages--

Just before Deku could finish, he was introduced by a tract paw glove in the face again by Pixiebob, for the rest of the four to look at him.

Pixiebob: choose your words carefully, boy.....

She said with a somewhat murderous intent to scratch the life out of Deku.

Deku: I've just been wondering since we got here earlier. Who is that kid? What is he doing here? And who're those two?

Deku asks, pointing at Kota and the two standing next to Mandalay.

Mandalay: Oh! This little guy? looks at Kota He's my Cousin's son. he lives with us now. looks at the two And these two? They'll be joining you and Class B in this Summer Camp. They're names are Zona and Grey. Don't be shy you three, say hi to everyone. You're going to be around them for the next week. 

(A/N: Zona Lagrey.)

(A/N: Grey.)

Mandalay said.

Zona & Grey: Hey.

Kota: ...

And so, Deku went up to Zona and Grey, shaking their hands while greeting each other.

Deku: Hey there. My name is Midoriya. I'm from the U.A. Highschool hero Course. It's nice to meet you, Zona and Grey.

Zona: Nice to meet you, too.

Grey: Yes.

Zona: We're from the Freelance Hero Service Group so, you kinda haven't heard much about us. So, we'll gladly share with you guys on what we do.

Grey: And we can teach you stuff that we learnt from there.

Deku: Wow, that's great. Looking forward to it, and if anything... you can learn somethings from us, too!

Grey: Well, now we're even. Heheh.

Zona: Yeah~!

Deku: nods then makes his way to Kota Hey there. My name is Midoriya. I'm from the U.A. Highschool hero Course. It's nice to meet you--

Just as Deku could offered out his hand for a handshake, Kota immediately did a low blow with his fist, striking Deku below the belt hard, to Mandalay's shock.

Seeing everything unfolding, you watched Ida helping Deku out while replimanding Kota, only to get some negative words out of the child, for you to figure that something isn't right about the boy and began to think hard about it.

(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): Hmmm.... this child... this soul... he seems to hate heroes.... like as if he has a personal grudge against them. I wonder why.... looks at the two members of the Pussycats, Mr. Aizawa and Class A We barely even know him and he's already making a statement... I guess one way to find out what's wrong with him is to go have a nice chat with him.

You said in thought.


Kota: The last thing I want is to hang out with some wannabe heroes!

Kota said out loud.


(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): Hmmmm.... Looks like I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, whether he like it or not.

You said.

Mr. Aizawa: Enough playing around.

Mr. Aizawa said.

Everyone in Class 1-A looks at their teacher, for you to do the same while his train of thought was soon halted by hearing Mr. Aizawa's voice.

Mr. Aizawa: Get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the Cafeteria. After that, you can bath and sleep. Tomorrow, your training starts in earnest. you better get a move on.

Class 1-A (Except (Y/n)): awwwww.....


After getting their stuff from the bus and placing them down into your rooms, everyone of you made your way to the cafeteria and began to enjoy the food cooked up by the Pussycats for some of your classmates to frantically eat extremely fast like there is no tomorrow, enjoying the meal really really much. While enjoying your meals, you and some of your classmates began to talk to Zona and grey about their work in theirFreelance group, for them to explain it while informing them that they're quirkless, but it was okay as they both partaken this group to show many other people that even when you're quirkless, you can still make a difference, for Deku and you to smile at their resolve, thus figuring out why they wanted to be heroes.

Soon after everyone was done with their meals, you and the class began to go into the baths separated by gender as you all relaxed. As you got yourself ready to head to the baths, you notice a quiet spot, for you to rush into the rooms to get your devices as you began to start recording on what has happened today.

(Y/n): This is Member (Y/n) (L/n) of the Space Pendragon. Log ****** , Day ** , Date **/**/****. Captain, everyone, Rei. Again, I hope you got all of my logs, messages and reports about this World I'm at in this present moment as today, is Day One of my Summer Training Camp.

You said.

(Y/n): We kinda were on the bus for hours till we reached our destination. So, no complaints there. When we arrived to see the view of the Training Camp, I got to see Mandalay and Pixiebob again, two of the four-person Team known as the Wild Wild Pussycats. In case you're wondering where Tiger and Ragdoll are, they're at the other side, overseeing the same thing that happened to me and my Class today. Probably they were being thrown over the edge by different means while being engaged by many dirt stone monster golems, HAHAHAH!!!!! Anyway, I kinda saw this coming since I knew Pixiebob's quirk can manipulate the earth and she can make dirt monsters when I first met her in accordance to the previous log... so... it was no biggie.

You nervously said while scratching your head.

(Y/n): Once we arrived at the Camp, Ida, Todoroki, Bakugo, Deku and I got groomed by Pixiebob for doing well against her monsters and Deku got low-blown by a kid. Not sure why but.... I'm sure I'll get answers from him tomorrow. So at this moment, I have finished my meals, unpacked with the rest of the class, and I've yet to join them in the baths once I finished my Log Report that i'm currently making for you guys so you can keep track on what I do.

???: (Y/n)?

Someone called.

Hearing his voice, you shot up to see Mr. Aizawa peeking in.

(Y/n): Oh! Mr. Aizawa.

Mr. Aizawa: walks to (Y/n) What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the Baths?

(Y/n): Yes, sir. But I thought doing a Log Report for my Team first so they can catch on to what I have been doing while I was M.I.A. for so long, sir.

Mr. Aizawa: Oh. I see.

(Y/n): Actually, since you're here, why don't I introduce them through my Log Report. I don't mind you making a statement about me so, it's all and good.

Mr. Aizawa: You're sure about that?

(Y/n): You're not prying since you're a teacher, yes?

Mr. Aizawa: Hmm. Good point. Well, it wouldn't harm to say a few words.

And with that, Mr. Aizawa joined in the recording as you both sat in front of the devices.

(Y/n): So umm, Guys. Boss. Rei. hand gestures politely at Mr. Aizawa This is Mr. Aizawa, my Homeroom Teacher of Class 1-A that I spoke of. He would like to say a few words before I sign out.

You said.

You turn to Mr. Aizawa and nods. Seeing this, Mr. Aizawa began to speak.

Mr. Aizawa: ... Ahem... If I'm saying this right. Space Pendragon of ZAP? This is Mr. Shota Aizawa. Erasure Hero: Eraserhead. Pro Hero. Your crew member, (Y/n) (L/n) is in safe hands in this Earth and in our School called; U.A. High. We have heard a lot of positive and promising things about your Team, and we've heard about Dail. As such, you have our Hero Society's sympathies on the loss of your friend and ally. To get straight to the point, (Y/n) has been doing well in classes. If anything he has been adapting very well to this world after being Experimented on by the League of Villains for the entire Three Years of his life. Rest assured, we will do everything in our power to bring them in to put your stresses at ease. He has been focusing in classes, passing exams and encouraging people to keep going and think positively, he also, tends to keep the class in order when he's needed.... which I could guess you guys are the ones who taught him that, in which, I'm thankful he's been taught well. With all honesty, I hope we could all meet in person so we can get acquainted. And hopefully share some advice and guidelines as to how to defend ourselves in any dire situations. I wish you all safe travels to our Earth, where ever you all are. We can talk more when we meet face to face.

Mr. Aizawa said.

Mr. Aizawa: looks at (Y/n) and nods That's all.

(Y/n): nods and looks back at the device Well, again. This is just Day One of my Training Camp, and hopefully, things will not be as heptic as today. I'll see you all soon when you get here and rescue me. This is Member (Y/n) (L/n), Log ******. Signing Out.

You concluded.

As soon as you concluded, the device deactivates, for you to grab it while stopping your Teacher from leaving.

(Y/n): Sir.

You called out.

Hearing you, Mr. Aizawa looks back to face you again.

Mr. Aizawa: yes?

(Y/n): Ummm... is it... i-

Mr. Aizawa: I know what you're going to ask.

(Y/n): O-Oh?

Mr. Aizawa: .... I meant it, when I said you are in the best of hands in U.A. High. So far, you have already proven that to me, everything that I've said. Now, you have to prove it to me again here.

Mr. Aizawa said.

Hearing this, you bowed down while standing.

(Y/n): Thank you, sir.... for believing in me....

Mr. Aizawa: Mmm. nods Now, go on. Enjoy the bath with your friends. I'm sure they'll be wondering where you were.

(Y/n): Ah! Of course. Then excuse me, sir.

Mr. Aizawa: nods

And so, you placed your device back inside your backpack that is inside the room that you unpacked your stuff in before you head to the Baths to join your friends.

When you arrived at the baths, you see a commotion between Mineta and Ida going on while you made your way to join with your friends.

(Y/n): Hey guys.

Sato: Oh hey, (Y/n).

(Y/n): So.... what's going on with those two and why is Mineta scaling up the wall with his Balls?

Deku: Well.... you know....

Kaminari: Our fantasies...

Grey: Mhm...

(Y/n): .... of freaking course....

You said.

Then, you notice Mineta stopping midway as you see Kota stopping him and slapping his hand off, making Mineta slip from climbing as he fell, not before hearing what Kota said about being a good human first before becoming a hero.

Just as Mineta is about to land on Ida, you leaped forward as you grabbed Mineta, saving the two of them from falling onto each other, to their relief.

Ida: Thanks, (Y/n).

Mineta: Yeah.... thanks.

(Y/n): No problem, guys. looks at Mineta Now, Mineta?

Mineta: looks at (Y/n) Yeah? 

Mineta wonders.

As if on cue after Mineta wondered what you want, you turned your arms into EX-Red King Knuckles as you began to-

(Y/n): why you lITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled.

- strangle Mineta extremely hard, as if strangling the life out of him. While you were strangling Mineta super hard, you began to hear a child screaming, for you to stop for a moment to look up, watching Kota falling from the top as he is about to reach the ground.

(Y/n): DEKU?!?!?

Deku: Got it!!!!

Deku yelled as he swiftly used his quirk as he dashed to catch Kota in his arms.

As soon as Deku caught Kota, you sighed in relief knowing that Kota is now safe, though he had a little nosebleed from seeing the girls naked at the other side for you to walk up to Deku carrying the unconscious Kota.

(Y/n): We better get him to Lay and Pixie.

Deku: Right, le- wait, Lay and Pixie?!

(Y/n): LONG STORY, let's get him to them.

Deku: R-Right! Sure.

And with that, you cloned yourself as you and Deku made your way to the Building Manager Office while your clone continued to strangle Mineta for his perversive actions.

At the Building Manager Office,

After placing the unconscious Kota on a sofa and placing a wet towel on his forehead, Mandalay began to talk to both you and Deku while being seated on her office chair.

Mandalay: The rush from the fall likely caused him to faint. Thank you. There are many people in our society who don't approve of us. If he'd had a normal childhood, maybe he would've admired Heroes like you did growing up...

Mandalay said.

(Y/n): Hmm... looks at Mandalay What happened to him, Lay?

Deku: Yeah?

Pixiebob: It was Mandalay's Cousins. 

Pixiebob said while coming in with some drinks.

You, Mandalay and Deku see Pixiebob come in.

(Y/n): Pixie...

Pixiebob: nods Anyway as I was saying.... Mandalay's Cousins. Kota's parents, that is. They were Heroes, too. But they were murdered. 

Pixiebob said.

Hearing this, Deku gasp in shock while you look in shock while suddenly having an instant recap about your past when your lover was murdered by Yapool's Chojus.

Mandalay: It was a villain. Two years back. Kota was still so small. They were killed while protecting citizens. Perhaps the most respectable way for any hero to die. But..... How do you even begin to explain to a child that his parents died honourable deaths? They were his entire world. Everything. But to him, his parents had left him behind..... And all the while, they were being praised. Because.... theirsacrifices was such a noble one. And honestly, he doesn't seem to like us that much, either. We're Heroes like they were. I'm sure he feels like he's stuck here because he has nowhere else to go. Heroes just.... don't make any sense to Kota. After all, if his parents hadn't been Heroes, they would still be here.

Mandalay said.

After listening to what happened to Kota, you and Deku looked down as they began to think back about the time when Shigaraki spoke with Deku at the Mall before you came to your rescue, and you to think back about the time when Yapool spoke with you before and after your lover had perished by the hands of Yapool's Chojus.

Thinking back, you both didn't know what to say that you both kept quiet while you watched over Kota with Mandalay and Pixiebob out of both of your concerns.

To be Continued....

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