Prologue 2: Reionics Hero Costume & Endurance Training Before Summer Camp

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A few Days prior,

Mr. Nezu: So it seems, Dr. Daruma Ujiko aka, Dr. Tsubasa is Dr. Kyudai Garaki, the servant of All for One and the Creator of the Nomus. And he was the one who did this to you?

(Y/n): Yes, Mr. Nezu. The very same.

Mr. Tsukauchi: hmmm... nods ... then it all makes sense now. There are come at times he changes his own name so he can blend in with the public, namely the hospital he works in, as well.

(Y/n): Yes, sir. And furthermore, he has numerous Nomu Factories from what I've read in his notes. The one I've been into earlier, was the main Factory. However, there was one I read that is below the hospital where he works in

Mr. Tsukauchi: Jaku General Hospital?

The detective asks.

You nod at his question.

(Y/n): nods According to the notes, though I've yet to read the rest but I didn't want to make myself too obivious and get caught so.... that's all I could tell you for now.

Mr. Nezu: It's alright, young (Y/n). We know you've done your best.

(Y/n): Also,....

Both: Hmm?

(Y/n): I know how the Doctor has been making these Nomus....

You mention.

Hearing this, both detective and principal looked at each other as they have serious looks on their faces. Then, they look back at you.

Mr. Nezu: Explain.

(Y/n): To what I promised myself. I... never wanted to experience it again. But something hit me when the Doctor explained it to me. So, I had to be experimented again to see if my suspicions were correct. And true enough.... I was right. The Doctor.... he's using quirks from organs from other people to make Nomus out of people that are either dead or alive.

You said.

When you mention this, both higher ups look in shock when they heard what you have discovered and what you did when you discovered this.

Mr. Tsukauchi: My god....

Mr. Nezu: Are you still okay? After the surgery and experimentation you have experienced?

(Y/n): So far, I feel okay. Well, not just okay... like... as explained to the Doctor, my quirks that are stored inside All for One and All for One itself have underwent a lot of changes, in terms of combining other quirks together.

Mr. Nezu: I see.... Then I could safely say that you are still in control?

(Y/n): Positive, sir.

Mr. Tsukauchi: Well, that's a relief for sure.

Mr. Nezu & (Y/n): Indeed.

Mr. Tsukauchi: And once your experimentation was done, you also managed to snag another Support Item from there, like that Life-Support Mask you took when you escaped, right? From what I'm seeing here. looks down on the floor looking at the bodysuit

Mr. Tsukauchi said.

You and Mr. Nezu looked down on the floor to see the suit you snagged without anyone knowing.

(Y/n): Yes. Apparently this helps heal the user when the user uses too much of his or her quirk excessively, according to the notes I have on these two with a note stuck on one of them. Yes, there were two of dem suits so, I had to snag this one.

You said.

(Y/n): I thought it would come in handy for your investigation or your little detective work there, Mr. Tsukauchi.

Mr. Tsukauchi: Hmmmm....

Mr. Tsukauchi ponders for a moment while looking at the suit.

Mr. Tsukauchi: .... it indeed does help in my investigation on All for One and his other followers. Dr. Garaki included. However, it won't help much when no one is using it.

(Y/n): I can understand what you mean by that. You need a body recognition to know who wears it so you can detain and get answers from the user.

Mr. Tsukauchi: Correct. Seeing that this is new, we can't get anything from it. All we could do is detain this suit as evidence. But, it does help give us a lead that the League of Villains are up to something big. Really big.

Mr. Nezu: And we must stop the League of Villains before they start it.

(Y/n): Thoughts exactly.

You agree.

Looking at the suit, the detective began whispering to the Principal's ear for them to discuss something important, for you to notice this as you waited till they talk again. After sometime, they spoke.

Mr. Nezu: Mr. Tsukauchi and I discussed this. Regarding the suit. We understand the two of us have led you to go through such lengths, and the sacrifice you have to endure to go undercover for us, to uncover how they made these Nomus which we are both thankful for the information you have given us. So, we've decided, that you can have the suit for your usage.

(Y/n): R-Really? Are you sure about this?

Mr. Tsukauchi: It's alright, (Y/n). We have our reasons why. Though, if you could lend us a hand by snagging another one from the League and the Factory, that would be good, as well so we can take it in as evidence and as a lead.

(Y/n): I see.... then very well then. I shall use this to benefit us, heroes. And take All for One down, where ever he lies. And help you both in this investigation.

You said.

Mr. Nezu: nods And we're thankful that it is now in the right hands. Well, with enough information you have given us, I think that's all for now. You may enjoy your break and prepare for your Summer Camp.

Mr. Nezu said.

(Y/n): At once, sir. Thank you, sir. looks at Mr. Tsukauchi Have a good day, sir.

Mr. Tsukauchi: Likewise, (Y/n).


Scene changes with you being inside the Development Studio, wearing the Bodysuit and Support Mask you took from the League and the Nomu Factory, seeing that it has undergone some upgrades, for you to look in amazement by the new look the Support Items had underwent thanks to the Development Team from the Support Course.

(A/N: Insides of the Development Studio.)

(Y/n): Wow.... this is amazing.

You commented.

???: Well, you did mention you want these Support Items to be in this kind of set up so, Hastume and I did just that.

(Y/n): Well, I can tell you and Hastume have shown promise, Mr. Power Loader.

(A/N: Power Loader.)

Power Loader: I appreciate the praise, (Y/n).

Power Loader said, smiling behind his mask.

(Y/n): Alrighty. Let's cut to the chase. What does my new suit and battle mask do?

Power Loader: Ah, right. Now, from what I was informed by the Principal, you took these Life Support Items and plan to alter it like so it is used for combat, yes? And also make the mask like so it doesn't show your.... well.... you know who I'm about to talk about, right?

(Y/n): That's right.

Power Loader: nods So, we did pretty much just that while we followed the alterations stated in the notes you have given to us. We removed the top part of the mask to eliminate the scary look and altered the mask covering your nose and your mouth like so the mask acts like not just a mask, but as a jaw, as well.

(Y/n): R-Really?! tries it for your mask covering your nose and your mouth to open up like a mouth Now that's just cool. It's like as if I have another set of teeth now. Wicked.

Power Loader: We've read your profile and are well aware you can change your parts into any kaiju you see fit. That's why we eliminated the top part of the mask that covers your entire head so that there is space for you to do that, and changed your mouth guard mask like so it acts like you have another set of teeth and mouth so you can do just that, as well. And, after hearing what you said in the Sports Festival, we made a few exceptions. points at the other set of teeth for a mouth guard

Power Loader said and explained, pointing at what's on the mouth guard.

You went to a mirror to have a look at what he's pointing at, for you to see two similar Z.A.P. logos at each side, for you to shed a small tear.

(Y/n): Mr. Power Loader.... you shouldn't have. But still, thank you.

Power Loader: Likewise. Now that the Mask is out of the way, let's begin with your suit, shall we? Have to tell ya. The Mask is a load of work than the suit, really.

(Y/n): Yes. Heheh. The mask was a pain when it always keeps on helping me breath which I don't want... Anyway! Hit me what you have on the suit, sir.

Power Loader: Now, we have altered the suit like so it doesn't have to be a life-support item. It is now like so it is a hero costume for you. Those tubes at the back are now replaced with those uhhh....

(Y/n): shows a hologram of the kaiju by using the Giga-Battlenizer Beast the One spikes at the back.

Power Loader: Yes. Furthermore, we are aware of your super regeneration capabilities, thus we used some of your DNA to infuse it with the suit. That way you just only regenerate, but your suit does regenerate, as well. I have to say, when we looked at your blood through the microscope, we both can tell that you are mostly human and part alien. How did that happen?

(Y/n): Oh uh, that I can answer. I was born from a kaiju. A fourth dimensional kaiju in another world and planet named, Bullton. shows hologram on what it looks like

Power Loader: Uh huh. That explains it. Your teachers have informed me that you're part alien so I guess we can tell where those traits come from.

(Y/n): nods

Power Loader: Anyway, back on topic. We didn't do much to the bodysuit as all we needed to do is remove the life support system within it and replace them with as stated, your blood and a cooling layer based on.... looking at the notes again ... Snowgon's fur as the interior layer. Whereas the outer layer, you may notice it is a bit thinner yet bulky, that's because we used our vibranium metal combining it with Mons-Ahgar's scales and Grozam's regenerating factors and body armour. It wasn't an easy mix considering the Mons-Ahgar's scales are indistructible, so, we instead mixed your DNA, Grozam's factors and the vibranium metal with the scales like so it becomes more indestructible.

(Y/n): I see. Cool. Though, forgive me for not informing you about Mons-Ahgar's scales. Mons-Ahgar was created to have an indestructible body, with its crystal on top of its head to be its only weakness, shielded by the same alloy created on its body.

Power Loader: Oh no no, it's alright. At least we get to learn something new from each other. So now that the suit is done, let's go through the Suppo-


Mei interrupted as she zoomed right in front of you while holding onto some support items.

Power Loader: Ah, Hatsume. I assume his Support Items are done?


Power Loader: Alright, then. In that case I'll leave the rest to you.

Mei: Thank you~~~ looks at (Y/n) So, (Y/n)! Ready to see what BABIES I HAVE~?!

(Y/n): Sure, why not. Go on right ahead.

You said.

And so, Mei holds up the Support Items she's carrying as she began to explain to you about them.

Mei: Now, these babies right will be your support items! I call them Babies Number 243-1 and 243-2, the Kaiju Gauntlets and Kaiju Boots, since they are made together!

(Y/n): I see.

Mei: These gauntlets here are to your specifications made of the same materials implemented onto your bodysuit, with morphing crystals at the tip of your claws! You may also notice some of these Morphinite Geode Crystals on your suit, as well, meaning you will be able to turn any part of your body into any monster or alien as you see fit! These Boot Leggings, as well included with these crystals.

(Y/n): Interesting.

Mei: Oh, By the way, I also added those bangles onto your kaiju gauntlets and something odd happened.

Power Loader: Oh yeah, talking about that, I should also raise this issue with you.

(Y/n): Oh?

Power Loader: When Mei was going to weld them together into those gauntlets, she noticed them doing them all by themselves, melting themselves onto the gauntlet as you can tell here. Is there anything you want to inform us about?

(Y/n): Ah, yes. I did tell you these items might be a bit.... "Iffy". So I guess that's what you saw.

Power Loader: Iffy? Oh yeah, you did mention that. Right. So in that case they're somewhat like.... alive?

(Y/n): In a way, yes. But you don't have to worry about them. They chose me to be their wielders so, if we play nice with each other, i'm sure they'll play nice with you guys by helping you at anyway possible.

Power Loader: Huh? I see. Then I suppose a thank you is in order.

(Y/n): Heheheh, don't mention it, Mr. Power Loader. Anyway, continuing on.

Mei: RIGHT!!!!! These boots here, I made it like so they have five sharp pointy feet to give it the monster look that you have! BUT DON'T WORRY!!! I made them like so that they're as light as a feather~ Same goes with your gauntlet babies~!!! GO AHEAD! TRY-EM ON~!!!

Mei said.

So, you placed your Giga-Battlenizer on the table as you received your support items from Mei, putting them on in front of Mei. 

As soon as you placed them on, you got a little carried away as you let out a loud roar which caused your mouth guard mask support item to open up to emit out the roar you're roaring at the top of your voice, scaring Power Loader a bit while Mei simply just watched unfazed. After roaring, your arms did some stretching to get some grip on your Hero Costume and Support items then, you twirled your neck a bit, allowing Mei and Power Loader to hear you cracking your neck while you're at it.

(A/N: Much like this scene above from 8:13 - 8:22.)

After getting use to the Costume, your own Cloak of Levitation began to fly towards you as it lay itself behind while configuring itself to make itself look bigger and longer, to suit the design as drawn in your notes, for you to smile behind the mask, knowing that the Development Studio has done wonders in making this costume and support item for you.

Power Loader: Heh! I see you're used to it already. Glad you're enjoying it, (Y/n). But don't enjoy it too much until you damage it.

(Y/n): I won't. Plus, why do I have the feeling that my scream was different when I got carried away a little bit.

Mei: OH~! I CAN ANSWER THAT!!! I placed a Voice Alterator inside your Support Mask so you may change it from your normal voice to your Combat Voice!!! I thought it will come in handy when you fight strong and powerful villains while it suits your Hero Costume~! 

Mei explained.

(Y/n): Ah, I see. Now that's just rad. Cool, gurl. Thanks.

Mei: Ah that's no problem. At least your cloak is feeling comfortable on my Babies~!

(Y/n): It sure is.

Power Loader: Well, again. If you want us to put anymore modifications on your Hero Costume and your Support Item, don't hesitate to come on over with your instructions or your notes, okay?

(Y/n): Will do. Thanks Mr. Power Loader. Thanks Mei.

You said, taking your leave while using your quirk to levitate your Giga-Battlenizer back to your hand.


Outside the Men's Locker Room,

You exited out from the locker room, taking your leave in your casual wear as you have already settled your hero costume and support items in your locker. Just as you were about to leave, you notice Deku, Kaminari and Mineta making their way somewhere, for you to brisk walk your way to the three of them.

(Y/n): Deku, Kaminari, Mineta! HEY! Deku, Kaminari, Mineta!

You called for them.

Hearing you calling them, the three stopped for Deku to turn around to see you making your way to them.

Deku: Oh hey, (Y/n). What brings you here?

(Y/n): I was gonna ask the same thing with you three. Well, since you asked first I can answer that. Well, I was at the development studio to check up my New Hero Costume and Support Items. They're pretty awesome that my Cloak agrees with me on it.

You said, for your cloak to give a thumbs up.

Kaminari: Huh, cool. Can't wait to see them in action.

Mineta: Yeah!

(Y/n): nods So, what brings you three here?

Deku: Well, Mineta and Kaminari requested to use to pool for Endurance Training. So, I tagged along and we were granted permission to use it by Mr. Aizawa.

(Y/n): Endurance Training, huh?
(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): This is probably another one of their perversive schemes.... But for now, I shall play it by ear.
(Y/n): Sounds like a great idea. Good thinking you guys. 

Kaminari: Thanks!

(Y/n): So, what time till we leave the pool?

Deku: 5pm.

(Y/n): Well, let's make haste. Let's get to the pool. LET'S MAKE THE TIME COUNT!!!!!

Deku, Kaminari & Mineta: RIGHT!!!

The three said.


At the Pool's Men's Locker Room,

The four of you donned your swimming trunks as you all got yourselves ready to begin your endurance training. Preparing yourselves, Deku closes his own locker while talking to his classmates.

Deku: So, we're using the pool to improve our stamina? That's a great idea, Mineta. Plus if we're at school, we can use our quirks. It'll be a perfect way to train.

(Y/n): closes your locker Yeah. A perfect strategy yet before our Summer Camp.

You both said.

Then, Kaminari and Mineta smirked as they pose in front of you both.

Kaminari & Mineta: Heh heh heeeeh.

Kaminari: Just what you expect from us, heroes.

Mineta: You know what we're gonna do! GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA~!!!!

Mineta said, for him and Kaminari to pose with their fists shooting forward for a Plus Ultra pose.

Deku: does the same pose as them Ultra!!

(Y/n): does a Spacium Beam pose then does the same pose the three are doing, as well PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!!

You both said and posed with Kaminari and Mineta.

Kaminari (Inner Thoughts): It was a smart choice to invite Midoriya. He's a great cover.

Mineta (Inner Thoughts): If it is just been us, we wouldn't have gotten permission to use the pool, I bet.

Kaminari (Inner Thoughts): This works, and it can be the defining moment of our lives.

Mineta (Inner Thoughts): Don't jinx us! I told you what I heard the girls say. It is right after the Finals were over.

Mineta and Kaminari discussed in thoughts as if telepathically communicating with each other.

Then, they briefly had a flashback in their classroom where Mineta can be seen laying his head on the table, overhearing what the girls say when they dicussed about their summer vacation being limited due to villain attacks, which means no one can take any long trips for Summer. That's when Toru had a great idea and mentioned about using a pool as a make up for not going to any long trips for the Summer due to circumstances, for Mineta to smirk to himself.

Apparently, Mineta and Kaminari wrote a proposal first before the girls could do anything for their little schemes, for the two of them to smirk while thinking back.

Mineta (Inner Thoughts): ALL THE GIRLS IN THEIR SWIMSUITS!!!


Mineta (Inner Thoughts): Just imagine how voluptuous the girls are gonna be outside their uniforms!

The two began to imagine what the girls are like in their swimsuits.


They said, rushing their way to the pool in excitement while drooling, for you to figure out their schemes.

Then, just as they arrived out, they were greeted by Ida who's also in his swimsuit, along with all of their classmates who prepared themselves for Endurance Training also.

Ida: There you are, slowpokes.

Ida said with a smile.

This caused Kaminari and Mineta to skid pass Ida out of shock, wondering what he and the others are doing here, too.

Mineta: No no no! What are you guys doing here???

Mineta wondered.

Deku: walking out with (Y/n) Since we're doing Endurance Training at the Pool, I messaged everyone to see if they want to come with us.

(Y/n): Huh. Smart.
(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): Heheh! Their plans foiled by one whole class called upon by Deku~.

Deku said, for you to comment that it is a smart decision.

Kaminari: Did what?! whispering Now all our plans are ruined!

Mineta: whispering Don't lose hope yet! There will definitely still be girls splashing around the water.

Mineta said.

Hearing this, both Kaminari and Mineta nods at each other with determination.

Kaminari (Inner Thoughts): I'll burn the sight into my brain!!!

Mineta (Inner Thoughts): I can't wait to see those skimpy suits!!!

They exclaimed in thought.

But then, all they see are the girls wearing their swimsuits as well, warming up before taking a dip into the pool.

Tsu: Oh hey. Hi, Mineta.

Tsu greeted.

Jirou: I didn't know you guys would be here.

Jirou said.

Seeing them in their swimsuits instead of their skimpy suits, Kaminari can be seen turning away as he frowned.

Kaminari (Inner Thoughts): I can't believe there's not a single bikini. Foiled again....

Mineta: smiles You know. School suits are still pretty hot.

Kaminari (Inner Thoughts): looks at Mineta Have some standards, dude!

As they knelt there in front of the pool, Ida can be seen making his way to them with open arms.

Ida: Kaminari. Mineta. Nice work! I'm proud of you for suggesting more training, you're an asset to our class. Let me thank you. Now, don't just sit there. It's time to come sweat with us!

Ida said.

Both boys look at Ida, wondering out of worry on what they'll be doing when he meant sweat with them as they were grabbed by the class rep, carrying them to the group as they got started whiel Ida began laughing out of joy, can't wait to get started.

Kaminari: You're choking me!

Mineta: No, wait. Not cool!

Kaminari & Mineta: THIS WASN'T THE PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

They exclaimed for the entire pool to hear.

(A/N: This scene.)

While the scene is still showing the entire pool complex after both Kaminari and Mineta exclaimed to complain, you came in as you took care of that problem.

(Y/n): Well Kaminari, Mineta. smiles Plan to THIS!!!

You exclaimed as you went Homer Simpson mode as you began using both hands to choke the life out of Kaminari and Mineta tightly, for them to gag in your clutches of both your hands as their gags can be heeard throughout the pool complex.

(Y/n): I'll teach you!!! To spy on these ladies!!! Without their school-issued swimsuits!!!

You yelled, still strangling them, Homer Simpson style while shaking them like a ragdoll in mid-air, following what Shadow has taught you.


After a long while of hardwork and training, you and the guys began to rest as Ida announced that you will all now be having a fifteen minute break to relax.

Ida: Alright! Let's have a fifteen-minute breather! I've brought these for everyone. Please, drink up!

Ida said, placing a blue cooler onto the floor, opening up to see some drinks inside covered in water and ice to keep them cool for a long time.

Sato: Nice!

Ojiro: Thanks a lot class rep.

Sero: This is just what I needed.

(Y/n): Sweet. Thanks, Class Rep.

You all said as you all began to grab one and started drinking.

During their fifteen-minute break, the guys can be seen talking amongst each other whereas the girls can be seen playing in the pool playing with a beach ball. Watching them play, you can be seen eyeing on the girls with a smile, keeping and eye out on them so that no one would disrupt them, specifically Kaminari and Mineta. As you did, Ida and Deku can be seen making their way to you as they wanted to start a conversation with you.

Ida: Hey, (Y/n). 

(Y/n): looks at Ida Oh. Hey, Ida. Deku.

Deku: Looks like you could use a break or two.

(Y/n): Heheh! Yeeeeeeaah. You're right. Thanks, guys. Come, sit and talk with me.

You said.

And so, you, Ida and Deku sat in a circle as you three talked it out while drinking their beverages ida brought.

(Y/n): So, what's up guys?

Ida: Oh no. Nothing's up. This is just funny, that's all. looks at you and Midoriya At the Entrance Exams and at the U.S.J., I couldn't imagine the three of us getting along, much less become such good friends.

Deku: Oh?

(Y/n): Explain.

Ida: I guess if I'm being honest, I didn't think that much of you back then. And yet, during the Practical Exam,... you did put Uraraka ahead of yourself. Even though saving her meant you might not pass. 

(Y/n): looks at Deku You passed somehow by saving someone? Well, that's should be commended.

Ida: And you did put everyone ahead of yourself even though saving us meant you might not survive, (Y/n).

(Y/n): mhmm. Point taken. But in the end, everyone got out okay as I predicted. Right, smiles Ida?

Ida: smiles Yeah.

Deku: smiles yeah... I'm so happy. 

(Y/n): looks at Deku Hmm?

Deku: It had always been a dream of mine to attend All Might's home almar mater someday. Even though I knew it was a long shot. And then,... when Mr. Aizawa said the person in last place for the Fitness Test would be expelled, I was sure that I would be going home.

(Y/n): Wait really? Mr. Aizawa was that hardcore with his own rules?

Deku: Well, not exactly, but I thought that was the case.

Ida: Well, you may have thought that.

(Y/n): But look at you now. If you have been expelled, you wouldn't have met me. That means you have never gave up. 

Ida: (Y/n)'s right, Midoriya. Even during Combat Training, either.... stands up you weren't perfect. indeed your methods were reckless. But I can feel the tenacity and drive you brought to each test. I believe that's the reason Bakugo and I lost to you at our Training Round. 

Deku: Thanks, Ida. I'm only here because so many people helped me get here. And that's why stands up I'll work even harder from now on!

The three of you discussed, looking back at the times during the Entrance Exams, theCombat Training, the U.S.J. incident and the other events, when someone yelled out.

???: You damn better!!

Someone exclaimed.

You, Ida and Deku turned to the person who was yelling to see Bakugo and Kirishima coming in with Bakugo storming towards the three of you.


Deku: Ka-Kaachan!

Kirishima: slipping in to hold Bakugo back hey, I got your message. Sorry I'm late. Took a while to convince bakugo to come out.

Deku (Inner Thoughts): That's not very surprising...

Bakugo: SO, Deku!!!

Hearing his voice, Deku flinches a bit.

Bakugo popped some explosions, but not too much due to both of his and your agreement.

Bakugo: You wanna settle who's the best between us, right now?!?! HUH?!?!?!?!

Bakugo exclaimed.

Deku: N-No, that's not it....

Ida: Actually, you know what? We could make this training a contest.

(Y/n): Oh?

Deku: Huh?

Hearing this, Ida raised his right hand as he addressed what he has planned.

Ida: Hey, everyone! I propose that we see which of the boys can swim 50-meters the fastest! A friendly Race! 

Ida suggested.

Kaminari: Oh yeah! 

Sero: That sounds fun.

Sato: Let's do it!

Some of the boys said.

Momo: Ida!

Momo called out.

Ida turns to face the girls who have also gathered to hear ida's proposal. 

Momo: Why don;t you let us help you out in the Race?

Momo suggested.

(Y/n): Hmm... that would be a good idea, Class Rep.

Ida: nods at (Y/n) and looks at Momo Yes, please.

Ojiro: And quirks? Can we use them?

Ida: looks at Ojiro We're in school so, there shouldn't be a problem with that. However, we cannother cause damage to your classmates or the building.

Ida said.

Hearing this, Bakugo smirked widely while making his way to Deku. As soon as he is in front of him, the two looked face to face with each other.

Bakugo: I'm gonna annihilate you, Deku! 

Deku: looking at Kaachan in determination

Bakugo: looks down at Icy Hot And you too, Icy Hot!! You bastard!!!

Todoroki: stares at Bakugo ... hmmmmm....

Bakugo: looks at (Y/n) And you too, Monster Wizard. I know we are under an agreement and we have some respect with each other but don't you ruin it by holding back.

(Y/n): This is endurance Training so, I wouldn't be holding back for anything like this.

Bakugo: smirks Then let's see how strong you have become, the last time you went for that Unholy Mission of yours with that New Number One from that Alternate Reject!

(Y/n): cracks knuckles Oh, I can't wait to display it.

You said, hyping up the mood.

And so, all of you guys made teams of four as the first team consisting of Mineta, Tokoyami, Koda, bakugo and Kaminari went first.

Momo: Alright now, everyone on your Marks. Get Set!

The first group of five got to their positions. 

As soon as they heard Momo blowing the whistle, they took off, as they used their quirks to swim, only for Bakugo to use his explosions to fly across the pool, all the way to the end, for Sero and Kirishima to complain that it wasn't swimming, amking Bakugo to spark some explosions while insisting that it was free-style swimming.

The next group consists Sero, Aoyama and Todoroki went up next as they took off once they heard the whistle, only for Todoroki to reach the end first as due to Aoyama's tummy issues, he held back and bumped into Sero using his tape quirk, for kaminari and Mineta to exclaim that they're suppose to be swimming.

The next group consists you, Kirishima and Koda went up next as you three took off when you three heard the whistle. As you three began to swim, you began to use Arigera's arms and its back boosters to swim faster while using All for One's Element Mnipulation to push you forward by using air cannon and water manipulation. As soon as you reached the end, you jumped out of the water, raising your Arigera arms in the air.

After your group, the last group consists of Ida, Deku, Ojiro and Shoji came up as they took off when the whistle is heard. Using their quirks to swim, you all saw both Ida and Deku are going all out as they raced their way to the end, only for Deku to reach the end first, for everyone to cheer for the four winners who got to the end first.


Time: 4:59pm

As soon as the four races have finished, the four winner began to have their breaks before the final race. 

Then, it began.

Ida: It's time for the Final Race. Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, (Y/n), as winners of each team, you'll fight for first place. Understand?

Deku: Got it.

(Y/n): Understood, Class Rep!

Bakugo: Remember what I said. Got it?

(Y/n): thumbs up while smiling

Bakugo: looks at Icy Hot Listen up, Scar face! Bring everything you have, understand?! Give it everything you've got!!!!!

Todoroki: I will.

Todoroki said.

Bakugo: looks at Deku You too!!! Fight to win!!!!

Deku: Yeah, I will. I promise.

Deku said.

And so, the four of you went onto your individual diving podiums as you four prepared yourselves.

Ida: In the 50-Meter Freestyle Final Race will now begin!!!

Ida said.

Everyone at the side began cheering the four of you on as you all prepared for the final swim for this endurance training. Then, Ida raised his hand as he is about to start the race.

Ida: Now, on your Marks!

Bakugo sparked some explosions.

Bakugo (Inner Thoughts): A single blast is all it will take....

Todoroki (Inner Thoughts): covering my arm with ice I'll slide pass them.

(Y/n) & Deku (Inner Thoughts): charging up One for All I can win this with one for all./charging up All for One and Reionics I can win this with my kaiju quirks and All for One.

You four said in your heads.

Ida: Get Set!!!! blows the whistle after a few seconds

As soon as the whistle is blown, the four of you began to take off as you all used your quirks, only for you four to end up plunging into the pool, to everyone's confusion.

Kaminari: Huh? What happened?!

Sero: Why aren't they using their quirks?

???: It's 5pm. 

Someone said.

Everyone turned to look who spoke up, to see their homeroom teacher making their way to his class while using his Erasing Quirk.

Mr. Aizawa: Your authorized pool time is officially over. Hurry up and go home.

Mr. Aizawa said.

Kaminari: Come on, just one second!

Sero: We were finally getting to the good part.

Kaminari and Sero complained.

But then, Mr. Aizawa's eyes glowed brighter red, showing a very stern look on his face.

Mr. Aizawa: Are you questioning me....???

He asks.

Class 1-A: Not at all, Mr. Aizawa.

The class said.

Then, at the other end of the pool, you burst out of the water as you landed at the other end of the pool complex, raising both your Gedos hands while donning on Gedos's body to swim a bit faster, yelling at the top of your voice.

(Y/n): WINNER!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled.

Hearing this, the class and Mr. Aizawa looked in shock as you somehow got to the end first, while Mr. Aizawa to figure why, remembering the Practical Exam.

Mr. Aizawa (Inner Thoughts): Right.... I almost forgot I can't erase his Reionics Quirk....
Mr. Aizawa: Hey, (Y/n). Your authorized pool time is over!

(Y/n): turns around and points at Mr. Aizawa Yes, sir! Heard you from underwater!

Mr. Aizawa: nod Good. Now go home and prepare for Summer Camp.

Mr. Aizawa said.

(Y/n): Yes sir! 

You said.

And with that, everyone soon left as they returned home to prepare for the upcoming Summer Camp.


At Dagoba Municipal Beach Park,

(A/N: Dagoba Municipal beach Park (Entrance Area).)

You and Deku can be seen overseeing the view of the Beach that Deku cleaned while treating this as his exercise routine until the entire beach is completely cleaned up and sparkly as seen during your training with him before the Sports Festival. While you both are looking out at the view, you two began to hear a familiar voice.

???: Young Midoriya? Young (Y/n)?

Someone called out.

You two turned around to see All Might in his skinny mode walking towards the both of you.

Deku: All Might.

(Y/n): All Might, sir.

You both greeted.

Deku: What are you doing here?

Deku asks.

All Might: I could ask you the same.

All Might said as he stopped beside the both of you.

Deku: I'm here....

Deku stopped halfway as he thought of the time when All Might first introduced One for All to him and when he passed it on to him.

Deku: I'm here, because this is where my journey began.

(Y/n): I'm with him on this, too. When I arrived here and started saving people, I know this World, is where I began, too.... to become a Hero.

You and Deku said.

Hearing this, All Might smiled at the two odf you, before looking out at the view with you and Deku.

All Might: Young Midoriya. Young (Y/n). Summer Training Camp will be tough. Try your hardest.

All Might said.

(Y/n): Hooo, we will.

Deku: And we'll do our best together.

You and Deku said with determination.

To be Continued....

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