Chapter 10.5: Secret Alliance Trap

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Somewhere in the Building,

In the Nomu Factory,

Dr. Garaki can be seen creating more powerful Nomus with even powerful quirks stored in them as he worked effortlessly and tirelessly to make them like so they can combat against the Pro Heroes and All Might. Unbeknownst to him, there is someone familiar sneaking around the factory during his work.

As he worked, he began to hear something being pushed over, for the Doctor to swiftly turn back to see who it was behind him, only to see that there is no one there, for him to feel unease as he knows someone is certainly there because how else would something this heavy be pushed over to the ground, where ever that heavy object is within the Factory. And so, he began to look around to see who it was, abandoning his Nomu-Creating Machine.

A few Minutes Later,

After a while of searching, Dr. Garaki assumed that no one was there and to think that his ears are playing tricks on him, for him to return to his post to continue his work.

However, just as he was about to return to his post after taking the last turn, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, beginning to feel terrified as he is now staring face-to-face with a familiar face he had experimented on for three whole years who is now sitting on his work station while gently caressing the two little Nomus, Mocha and Johnny.

???: It has been a while since you experimented on me, and my my~ what adorable little friends you created to greet me, Doctor~.

The familiar voice said.

Dr. Garaki looked in horror while feeling terrified that his escaped experiment has returned, probably to have his revenge as the person now has burning dagger staring at the Doctor's eyes.

Dr. Garaki: N-Nomu Codename: Kaiju..... (Y-Y-Y-Y/n)?!

(Y/n): In the flesh, Doctor.

You said.

Hearing this, Dr. Garaki began to run in the opposite direction, trying to get away from you, only for you to use Zomborg's right arm and power to catch him by the back of his collar of his uniform as you brought him back to his work station. While, doing so, Mocha and Johnny began to become hostile, only for you to assure them that he won't kill him.

(Y/n): Oh relax, I shan't harm him. That's not why I'm here.

Mocha: ?

Johnny: ?

(Y/n): I'm here because I want him to do something for ME, in return he shall live another day.

You said.

Saying that, the little Nomus looked at each other before slowly calming down as the Doctor has now stopped in front of you while being hoisted up by your Zomborg arm from the back of his collar.

Dr. Garaki: I... I thought you said you'll let me live?! Wh-w-why are you here?!

(Y/n): I'm here because I want to have a "Secret" temporary alliance with you. Hate to say this but.... I want you to do something for me,... in return I shall let you live. And for the record there, this little gig will last.... very very long until I say so.

Dr. Garaki: A-A secret alliance?

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): I better make this convincing.... otherwise he'll suspect something.
(Y/n): Yes. I must admit. looks at your hand The quirks you put inside me and All for One's quirk has done wonders for me since my escape to now. However, I can sense some quirks revolting against me, which I can understand why (A/N: In case you wonder, you are faking it to make it real. In fact, you have no problems with all your quirks you have. You just have a plan set in motion to bring Dr. Garaki in when Season 6 comes to play.). Which is why I am here, to start a secret temporary alliance and of you to infuse more quirks inside of me. Isn't that why you took me away for?

You said and ask.

Dr. Garaki: I see. So in a way, you have finally come to your senses but just that you're acting on your own, is that right when I say that?

(Y/n): Yes.
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Please buy it, please buy it....

Dr. Garaki took a moment to stare at you, for you to stare back, hiding your nervousness inside.

After a while of staring at each other's eyes while glaring, Dr. Garaki sighed at this.

Dr. Garaki: sighs Well, considering you have acknowledged my genius and have returned, then allow me to personally welcome you back to our Ranks as one of our Highly and Newly Experimented Exceed-End Nomu, Kaiju.

(Y/n): Oh, I appreciate the welcome back, especially when these cute little guys welcomed me back with open arms.
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Phew.... he bought it...

Dr. Garaki: Oh, Mocha and Johnny? They're my little companions in case of any emergencies like, Hero Raids for example.

(Y/n): I see~ hold the two up with your hands What are their quirks?

Dr. Garaki: Johnny's quirk is Warping. Mocha's is Double.

(Y/n): I see. Two little ones with Two strong quirks? If combined together, you can actually duplicate Warping so many time that you can warp people to many different locations at will by the use of many individual warp of ooze. Did you not know that?

Dr. Garaki: Huh? I.... never knew that can work. Perhaps I can make a quirk of those two quirks in future. Thank you in advance for giving me an insight on what happens when combining Warp and Double together.

Dr. Garaki says his thanks while sorting his machine and his papers out on the counter.

(Y/n): Likewise.

You said.

After a while of talk, Dr. Garaki turned his attention to you.

Dr. Garaki: So, what Quirks would you like me to infuse you with?

He asks.

Hearing his question, you grinned while you answered.

(Y/n): I want some quirks that can boost my stamina, speed and agility. I'll also want to include some powerful quirk enhancers, as well so there won't be any limitations,... well, at most.

Dr. Garaki: Hmmm.... I may have something for you but.... It's going to take some ti-

(Y/n): Don't worry about time.

Dr. Garaki: Oh?

(Y/n): You shall infuse me with those quirks within a few minutes tops, and we shall be done by today.

Dr. Garaki: What?!?! But the Nomu-making process and their quirk infusions take a long long time! How am I suppose to get this done by just a few-

(Y/n): MY accosiates will help with that.

Dr. Garaki: Oh?

Curious, you fished out your battlenizer, calling out few of your best.

(Y/n): Go! 100 Monsload! Alien Bat! Alien Mefilas! Alien Nackle! Alien Fanton! Alien Fantas! Alien Pedan!

You yelled.

As such, blue balls of fire emerge from thr Giga-Battlenizer as it summoned forth the aliens you called out, kneeling before you.

(Y/n): Use your technology and upgrade his quirk-infusion and nomu-creating machine like so the duration will be shortened. I must go prepare for my own conquest of world domination.... SOONEST!
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts while using telepathy on them): Play along. Mr. Nezu, Tsukauchi and I have a plan. This is to get closer to the Doctor.

You yelled and commanded.

Following those instructions, the summoned aliens wasted no time as they began to give the doctor's machine a little upgrade, to his surprise as they seem them doing a quick job at it.

Dr. Garaki: You don't waste time. Them included.

(Y/n): Yes. I want things done quicker. Soonest if possible. That is why they'll help you boost your little making machine so instead of days or hours, it'll be minutes. Consider this as an act of.... making up after that little stunt, if you remember.

Dr. Garaki: frowns yes yes, you.... did a huge number in the factory back then.... but, at least you're making up for it by upgrading the nomu and quirk infusion making machine so, it is forgiven.

(Y/n): I appreciate it.

You said.

The doctor nods at what you said while holding out some sheets of paper, passing them to you.

Dr. Garaki: I've got some quirks, suitable to your specifications. Hopefully they're to your liking.

The doctor said.

You accepted them and began to read them.

A few minutes went by as you can be seen reading these notes on the sheets of paper, for you to nod at each and every one of them.

(Y/n): Sonic Speed so I can run extremely fast, Copy so I may copy other quirks, Power Storage to turn damage I get inflicted into strength, Light & Darkness Control so I can control both powers and quirks based on these two elements, Elemental Control so I may control the elements, Time Control to control time, Ageing to control the ageing process to make myself or others older or younger, Anti-Quirk so I can weaken the person's quirk and user too, Imaginary so I can imagine anything I want, and finally Reanimation to revive the dead to be normal or become zombies. Those are very interesting quirks, Doctor.

Dr. Garaki: Indeed, Kaiju. Anti-Quirk is my personal best I created, just for you. Now you have the ability to weaken anyone with or without a quirk, to bring forth fear upon the world like Master have. Now, you will have that indomitable will like Master has, but two time better with that quirk. Reanimation included as you can bring people back from the dead, either back alive, or as a zombie.

(Y/n): I see. Then you have outdone yourself, Doctor.

Dr. Garaki: I live to please, Kaiju my boy. smiles

(Y/n): nods and then looks at the machine Ah, looks like they're ready.

You said, looking at the machine.

The doctor look at where you're looking at as he sees the machine that creates Nomus is now new and improved, for the aliens to walk towards you as they knelt.

(Y/n): Well done, all of you. Return.

You said, raising the Giga-Battlenizer in front of you, for them to return into it in a ball of fire.

Once they are back inside, you look at Dr. Garaki as he has a determined look on his face, for you to smirk at this.

(Y/n): Let's begin.

Dr. Garaki: Yes, of course.

Dr. Garaki said as he made his way back to his improved and upgraded work station, while accidentally dropping a folded paper without his knowledge, for you to notice this as you used your All for One quirk to pick it up to have a look at it while you unfold it.

While preparing the liquid inside the giant empty tube, Dr. Garaki turns around, only to see you reading something that dropped from his pocket, for him to gasp for a bit.

Dr. Garaki: short gasp I dropped it by accident!!!

(Y/n): Doctor? You shouldn't worry about small things and being clumsy. So! Who's this person who's like.... Master and me? 

You ask.

Hesitant, the doctor wasn't going to answer you, but due to this truce, he sighed and began to answer your question.

Dr. Garaki: Well.... he's.... he's known as Nine.

(Y/n): Nine, huh? And it says he wanted All for One's quirk because of his health due to his.... destructive power of his weather manipulation quirk, it says.

Dr. Garaki: Yes. However this quirk is a weaker version to yours and Master as he can only take in eight different quirks.

(Y/n): Air Wall, Scanning, Bullet Lasers and Hydra are the only quirks you gave him? Including All for One. Powerful god-like quirks, I must say~

Dr. Garaki: That's right. He has yet to gain these five quirks from me. I'm soon going to do an interview with him once I receive a word from him.

Dr. Garaki said.

Hearing this, you grin widely to yourself, knowing that this could further bring the doctor in, for you to accelerate his plan.

(Y/n): Doctor? Are those quirks ready and waiting, as well?

Dr. Garaki: Ummm... yes? W-Why?

(Y/n): looks at the Doctor What do you think, Doctor?

You said, wanting the Doctor to figure out what he wants.

When Dr. Garaki figured about what is going on, his eyes widened while grinning widely at this.

Dr. Garaki: Ohhh.... I see what you're doing.... but putting too much powerful quirks inside of you will kill you a-

(Y/n): Initially, yes. Why else would I want some quirk enhancers and quirks that can boost my stamina?

Dr. Garaki: True but, if the power is too much for you, then the quirk will eventually go agai- ............... w...wait a minute... Boost of stamina.... quirk enhancers.... what does this all mean...??? ...... realized what you wanted..... !!!

(Y/n): It's about time you figured it out.

Dr. Garaki: Y-You want to evolve and fuse those quirks that are inside of you?!

(Y/n): Like I said, Doctor. This bitch for an All for One Experiment.... is the New and Improved. And I believe....

You paused, making your way to the Doctor as you placed your hand on his shoulders.

(Y/n): You can make that happen. Think about the glory. The fame that you have created something far more powerful than a High-End, known as an Exceed-End Nomu. The recognition that you'll get from those who wanted to make the impossible. The praise that Master will give you knowing you made something to surpass him, surpass Nine, surpass.... Tomura.

You said.

Pondering about this, Dr. Garaki nods his head knowing that you are right. He is creating the impossible to surpass his master so it could defeat any hero including All Might. Perhaps if he were to give you more quirks to further perfect it, it can surpass anyone and anything, unknowing to him that he is falling for your plan (A/N: Yes, you influenced the Doctor to go with your plans. Too bad for him in secret, he's going to fall for it in the long run.).

So, the Doctor smiles while looking at you.

Dr. Garaki: You're right, my boy~! This, can change everything. 

(Y/n): nods Now, I suppose you want me to go in there, now. Right?

Dr. Garaki: Yes! Yes! Go on, now. As we're now making history!

Dr. Garaki said with joy.

And so, you made your way up while wearing an oxygen mask to breath as you went inside the gigantic tube filled to the brim with a liquid of some kind while the doctor can be seen grabbing several small containers being labelled to tell which quirks are in them with some containers having just liquids in them and some to have something inside of the containers which contains its quirks. As soon as he arrived back to his work station and the containers of the said quirks are gathered, the Doctor began pressing buttons on the machine to close the lid above you.

Once everything is all set with you giving the doctor a thumbs up, the doctor began to get the quirk transfusion on the road as he began to place the containers inside the new parts of the machine upgraded by your aliens, for the organs, liquids and bones to soon be extracted out by the machine as numerous small hosing with needles at the end began to pierce all over you again and claw-like hands began to conduct a painless procedure inside as they began to give you new quirks and a new body inside the container, for the Doctor to be mesmerized by this as he watched.

Dr. Garaki: The equipment.... is fusing the organs with his organs.... I've never seen such technology like this before. Maybe experimenting him so soon three years ago might be a mistake.... sighs I could've learnt something from you before we did what we did back then...

Dr. Garaki said while watching the procedure and the quirk transfusion happening.

While the process is ongoing, you began to feel yourself undergoing the procedure while feeling something odd that is happening to your All for One quirks, for you to think about this while the transfusion is still in progress.

(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): I know I promise myself I wouldn't come back here again but.... this is something I must do to get enough of evidence to bring him in, in accoerdance to Nezu and Tsukauchi's plan... senses something within you Hmmm... interesting. These Stamina Quirks and Quirk Enhancers.... when they are tranfused into me and the organs containing quirks are fused with mine, I can feel... all the Quirks that are inside All for One slowly breaking down and fusing with a few others to go well with each other, creating new quirks. This is.... bizzare.... perhaps when I keep doing this, I can create new quirks, without Doctor realizing that he's falling into my trap.

You said in thought while progress is still ongoing.

A few minutes later,

The machine indicates to the Doctor that the quirk transfusion is nearly complete for him to look surprise by this.

Dr. Garaki: Huh? There is also an indicator to tell me that the tranfusion is almost complete? Interesting. And it says here that it is.... tapping on the keyboard ..... 99% completed. Perfect.... looks at you It won't be long now, my beloved Nomu, Codename Kaiju.

He said.

Watching the transfusion about to be completed, the doctor sees that your eyes shot wide open while the machine began to slowly deactivate, for him to tap on the keyboards (A/N: Almost forgot to mention, the machine has extra keyboards now due to upgrades.) on the machine. After tapping on several keyboards to drain the liquid, to complete the transfusion process and to wake you up, the machine began to drain the glass tube of the liquid inside, letting it leak out on the floor from the holes below the machine while the hoses and the claws from inside that were injecting you and transfusing you with quirks began to pull out of you as they lower down into the base of the tube.

After the machine slowly deactivates by itself by the Doctor deactivating it, he then pressed a button for the lid to open up from above. Seeing it open, you removed the oxygen mask as you used a combined quirk of air walk, levitation and many other levitation-like quirks to levitate out from the tube and lands in front of the doctor, to the doctor's shock.

Dr. Garaki: A-Are you, okay? Kaiju?

The doctor asked out of concern.

You nod at his question.

(Y/n): I'm fine... well.... more than fine.

Dr. Garaki: Oh? Explain, please?

(Y/n): Well, for starters, when the quirks you transfused me with are inside of me, I.... can feel most of the quirks stored in All for One being broke down and then combined the next with other quirks, creating new ones. Even those Nomu quirks I stole were broken down and combined, as well. I even...

Dr. Garaki: Yes?

(Y/n): I even sense All for One being combined with the Copy Quirk I asked you to transfuse me, along with a few others. Making it into something.... newer? Or a better version to the original All for One.

You said, amazed by this new power you sense in All for One.

Hearing this, the Doctor couldn't help but laugh with joy after what he has heard, for you to look at him in confusion.

(Y/n): Uuuh? Is there something f-

Dr. Garaki: No No, my dear boy! This is good news!

(Y/n): Explain.

Dr. Garaki: All for One takes away and Gives quirks, right?

(Y/n): Yes?

Dr. Garaki: Copy copies other quirks, right?

(Y/n): Yes?

Dr. Garaki: Then you have other quirks that allows you to manifest quirks, generate quirks and so on and so forth, right?!

(Y/n): Yes? Now that you mention it, I haven't used those quirks yet.

Dr. Garaki: GOOD!!!! That means you have been training yourself to get used to them. That's why they broke down and combined together, to make one entire new quirk.

Dr. Garaki explained.

Hearing this, you began to realize what this means.

(Y/n): So... you mean to say that,.... since I have been training my quirk or... quirks, even without using them, they still grew stronger? And when you transfuse me with these new quirks just now, it not just combine to make new quirks, but also a BETTER version of All for One? 

You said.

Dr. Garaki: Exactly, my boy! Now, you have a quirk far more powerful than Master's! Exceeding his design that we wanted you to become!

The doctor said.

Hearing this, you look at your hands while you smiled, knowing that the plan is going well.

(Y/n): finally.... FINALLY!!!!!!! I CAN TAKE MY MASTER'S PLACE AS THE NEW DEMON KING!!!!!! A NEW NUMBER VILLAIN... KNOWN AS, ALL FOR ONE- ..... no.... even better.... As,... ULTIMATE... ALL FOR ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Garaki: Ultimate All for One??? Oooooh, I love the sound of that!! Now that you have what you came for, must we tell Master the good news?

Dr. Garaki ask.

(Y/n): No. 

Dr. Garaki: Oh?

(Y/n): Don't tell him. This experimentation, this meeting... remains between the both of us. Besides, I want to surprise my Master, the next time we meet. And I want to surprise him with my new Super Regeneration Quirk which I call it... Super Immortal.

Dr. Garaki (Inner Thoughts): He sure knows how to play with words. Still, a good name to call his newly combined Super Regeneration quirk after it combined with other regeneration and healing quirks, Ageing and Reanimation.
Dr. Garaki: nods Right. I will not tell Master about this, or any soul about our interaction. This.... stays between us.

(Y/n): Good. Do that, and maybe on our next meet, I'll let you live.

Dr. Garaki: R-Right.... Then I p-promise that I won't tell anyone.

(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): Good. Now, to get out of here and let Mr. Nezu and Mr. Tsukauchi know about what I discovered.
(Y/n): nods while smiling Excellent. Now then. Until our next meet up.

You said, disappearing from existance through the wall.

Seeing you leave, Dr. Garaki smiled while getting back to work in creating more Nomus at ease with Mocha and Johnny to hop onto the machine as they sat down in front of the doctor smiling.

Dr. Garaki: My beloved Exceed-End Nomu. You have grown up~ I never knew you'd left, only to become stronger. You are so filled with surprises that it makes me really really happy. And it also makes Mocha and Johnny happy, too to see him grow and return to us.

Doctor said.

To be Continued....

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