Season 2 OVA (Halloween SPECIAL): An Alternate Returning Nightmare

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In the World of Remnant,

Inside the World Colosseum,

Shadow can be seen talking with someone on a huge screen that shows '[AUDIO ONLY]' on it as someone seems to be telling him something in a rush and something extremely urgent, for him to clench his fist as he listened.

Shadow: And you're sure she's getting even stronger after absorbing several holy relics?

???: Positive.

Shadow: Where is she?

Shadow ask.

When the person via audio on screen heard this, the person was suddenly silent, to Shadow's confusion.

Shadow: Uuuuhhh... where is she?

He ask again.

After hearing him a second time, the caller replied worriedly.

???: She's in..... a different world.... a World with quirks bu-

Shadow: You don't have to worry about it. I have a reliable ally who can take care of'er.

???: No, that's not it.

Shadow: Oh?

???: It's a different one.

Shadow: How different are we talking here?

???: This world, Izuku is different. Very different.

Shadow: How so?

???: Apparently she and a band of freaks created him. And was adopted by Midnight.

The caller said.

Shadow: I see.... so it's a different alternate world to the one I went to deal with the Jyamato threat in his World?

???: Correct.

Shadow: And she's only there because???

???: Her target is Dante.

Shadow: Dante?

???: That's Izuku's Hero Name.

Shadow: I see. So, she's after Izuku because???

???: He was the band of freaks and her creation. He and his lover, Reiko, the Teachers and his 1-A and 1-B friends may have taken down the entire circus.... but not everyone. She's left. And she's there to seek vengence on those who killed off her associates.

Shadow: And the villains?

???: Yes, the villains, too. Arrested and some Dead. Shigaraki.... he wasn't lucky.... Anyway, apparently she and this particular person had dealings together. He calls himself.... the... "Boogeyman"? And for some reason, the Boogeyman according to what Izuku said in the files, this person takes and gives quirks.

Shadow: Then I know who you're talking about and who he is. What's his status?!

???: As usual to your birthright, he's in the Tartarus.... I think.

The caller said.

Shadow nods, hearing this.

???: So, about this, Unholy Nun.... what are you gonna do with her, now she's looking for Izuku, Hero Name: Dante?

The caller ask.

Hearing this question, Shadow lift both his hands as he looks at the two Holy Relics that can combat the Nun, then looks back at the screen.

Shadow: We'll fight her... even if it is a nightmarish fight. Besides.... I have with me, two important Relics that can stop her in my possession, so I am a few steps ahead of her when it comes to grabbing relics.

Shadow said.

???: smart. But, now the question is, how do we stop her?

The caller said.

Shadow: hmmmm.... hey. You said this World is based on Demon Izuku, right?

???: yeah?

Shadow: Good. So what's the opposite of Demon?

???: realized what Shadow meant Okay. Now that's smart.

Shadow: I live to please. Then I assume you know what I'm about to ask?

???: Yes. There is an Angel Izuku from a different world. Hero Name: Enoch. Adopted by Midnight. Different twisted past. But, he shows promise. Huh? His girlfriend is interesting. It's Mina. Why?

The caller mentions and ask.

Then, Shadow soon snapped his finger for a person to emerge from the darkness as he knelt before Shadow from behind.

??? 2: I am at your begging call, your grace.

Shadow: Roland Arcadia. I have recruited you on a task, a task that only you, your Eyecon Spirits and I could do, along with a few others that we are going to recruit and fetch for this dire mission. Will you do it?

Roland: I will lay down my Eyecons and my life for you bows head down and to those who I'm allying with alongside you.

Shadow: smiles Excellent. Do you still remember the World of Academia?

Roland: stands back up Of course, your grace. That world is where you reclaimed your birthright as the Number One Hero. Where your parents first met in a different world. You had me and our League known as the Remnant Defense League to end the war and, defeat All for One and Shigaraki. You even had those heroes who retired to come out from retirement due to shame no thanks to the villains. Why?

Shadow: Because we will be venturing to two different Worlds of Academia. One for pick up, and the other to save.

Roland: Save? From what?

Shadow: .... Valak.

Hearing the entity's name, Roland was taken aback from what he heard.

Roland: Valak? I thought that entity was-

Shadow: No. It is real. The new wouldn't know about this as this all happened many years back. Most probably in that world, especially. It is an ancient evil and evil incarnate itself.

Roland: And our task is to defeat it? The one from that said world. Why?

Roland wonders curiously.

So, Shadow and the caller decided to give Roland a debrief on what had happened in that World with Demon Izuku aka, Izuku Kayama. Listening to the story, Roland couldn't help but feel bad, but also relieved that he and the other took down the entire circus of freaks for good, except for their ringleader.

After listening, Roland nods in understanding on where the caller is coming from.

Roland: I see. Then we must make haste. The longer we waste our time here, the sooner the Nun will find him.

Shadow: Took the words out of my mouth, Roland. But first, we must go to the Angel Izuku World of Academia to pick Enoch up.

Roland: I'm with you, at every step of the way, your grace.

Roland said with pride.

Shadow nods as he created a portal, for Roland to enter in first. Seeing him enter, Shadow turned to face the screen.

Shadow: Rest assured, unknown caller. The Nun will NEVER lay its hands and claws onto Izuku Kayama aka, Dante.

Shadow said with determination.

After that, he soon entered the portal as it began to close upon itself as soon as the two entered, leaving the caller online to hear this.

???: I pray for your safety.... Shadow Wrath.... Roland Arcadia. Trust me. You're gonna need it.... for Izuku Multiverse sake.

The caller said before she hangs up the call.

In another World of Academia,

Enoch's World,

A few Minutes ago,

(A/N: This took place while Izuku Kayama aka, Enoch is doing his duties as UA's Warden.)

Izuku Kayama (Enoch) (Inner Thoughts): OOOOHH, I can't wait for our Halloween Reunion Party tonight. I wonder what Mina, Eri and my daughter wearing.

Izuku wonders to himself.

Izuku Kayama can be seen keeping a close eye of UA High, keeping the villains out from stepping foot onto school grounds while thinking about the Halloween Reunion Party that is about to throw down tonight.

As he was carrying out his duties while thinking about the party when a phone call came for him. Looking at his phone, it was the Principal Nezu who's calling him. Smiling, he took the call.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Nezu?

Principal Nezu (By via the Phone): Enoch, my friend. May I trouble you for a moment to please come to my office, please?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Hmm? What's wrong?

Principal Nezu (By via the Phone): Nothing is wrong. There is someone here who wants to see you and to recruit you on a mission. He mentioned that only specific others and you are suited for this.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): I see. Okay, I'm coming up.

Principal Nezu (By via the Phone): Thank you.

And so, Izuku hung up the phone with the Principal as he quickly made his way up to the Principal's Office.

Inside the Principal's Office,

A minute or so flew by as everyone is waiting inside when a knock on the door can be heard, for the Principal to allow Izuku to enter the office.

Principal Nezu: You may enter.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Thank you. I-I'm coming in.

Izuku said as he entered.

When he entered the office, he sees not just the Principal, but All Might and two new people whom he has never seen before.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): All Might. Nezu. Who're they? And what's the mission?

He asks.

All Might: That's why you're here and they're here. looks at the leader

Shadow: nods, then looks at Izuku Izuku Kayama, Angelical Hero: Enoch. I've heard so much about you.... promising things about you from your Principal and from a reliable source.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Oh? Ummm... face turning red a bit Th-Thank you?

Shadow: giggling It's no problem. My name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath. Hero Name: Shadow. Pro Hero. Number One. shows license while hand gesturing to point at Roland
This here is one of my trustworthy compatriots, Roland Arcadia. Hero Name; Arcadian Hero: Roland.

Roland: bows It is an honour to meet you, Enoch, the Angelical Hero.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): I see. It's nice to meet you.

Principal Nezu: To bring you up to speed since we are here privately Izuku, these two fine gentlemen here are from this World. But just not ours. Which leads to the reason why he's here.

Principal addressed.

This surprised Izuku as sparkles began to appear in his eyes as he looked at Shadow and Roland in shock.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): So there's many other mes in different worlds??? Woooowwww~~

Shadow: There are.

Roland: A simple way to sum it up, yes.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): So, what brings you here, Shadow? Roland?

Shadow: Ah yes. brings out a folder and passes it to Izuku Son, a different World, an alternate you and an opposite of you needs you.

Shadow said.

Roland: But, before you read it, we understood what you had to go through in the past. But seeing that you're doing fine now and you have grown your quirk stronger, we have selected you and a few others for this task, me included. The past is the past.

Shadow: And the future, is the future.

Roland and Shadow said.

Hearing this, Izuku nods at what they said as he accepts the folder and took a look at the contents inside it, reading it. While reading it, Shadow turned to face All Might and Nezu while Roland looked at Izuku reading as the three began to talk about Izuku's quirks.

Shadow: So, All Might. Nezu. What quirk does he have?

Nezu: Actually, quirks would be a better word for it.

Shadow: Quirks? Well that's new. So, what're they?

Nezu: clears throat Well, his quirks are called; Fire Ring, Omniview, Raptor and Eldritch.

All Might: Basically, Young Kayama can summon Fire Rings from his head. That's fire ring, Omniview allows him to see his surrounding through his eyes or dots on his summoned fire rings, Raptor is basically his wings of different birds he has, and finally Eldritch makes people go nuts through fear when he forces them to look into them. That's.... the short version of things if I said that correctly.

Nezu: You are correct, All Might. And he even used all of his quirks at once to.... well.... release the burden of his captives.

Shadow: Omniview and Eldritch? And all Quirks, at once?! Interesting. I've seen many Omniview and Eldritch Semblances and Quirks in my time.... but I never seen a person utilize them all singlehandedly to make one quirk. Young Kayama here is very unique.

Nezu: We thought exactly like you, Shadow.

Nezu said agreeing with what Shadow said.

While discussing, you turned around to see Izuku done reading the folder as he returned it back to him, beginning to ask questions.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Sir? About this... other Izuku from another World, is he really in danger by this entity? This Thing?

Shadow: Yes, Enoch. He is in danger as it is going after him for vengence for killing all her associates. All but her.

Roland: Not just him, but his friends who were partaking in the raid, as well.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): How p-powerful is she, exactly?

Roland: According to what I was informed, she can literally lift you off the ground and send you flying like a ragdoll.

All Might: Wait a minute. This entity you speak off.... why is it-

Roland: One simple word, All Might. Vengence. It wants revenge.

Shadow: Considering the Izuku from another world was created by the circus, it was meant to be under them and the League of Villains. But since the Heroes swayed him to the hero side, she's fuming mad. Fuming that they are dead, thanks to him. We must hurry there so that we can get there first, before the it gets to him first.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Then, I'll go.

Izuku Kayama said.

Both Shadow and Roland turn to look at Izuku when they heard an answer.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): I'll go with you. I don't want the other me to be tortured further like how I endured.... I-I read further into him as you were talking.... and to tell you the truth, he's like me... experimented.... tortured...

Roland: We... understand, Izuku.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): So, I'll go with you to stop this entity. You said this entity is something unholy, right?

Shadow & Roland: Yes.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Then recruiting me will give you a holy advantage to stop it. And save the other me who is an experimented demon version of me.

Roland: looks at Shadow Your grace, since he's in, what he says is correct. Not only we'll have a holy advantage, we'll also have a holy and unholy advantage to take on this powerful demon.

Shadow: nods while smiling Very well, young Kayama. You have spirit which I must commend you. So, welcome to the Club to defeating the Entity while freeing your demon version of you from his returning nightmare, Enoch.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Thanks, Shadow. Roland.

He said.

Hearing him acknowledging them, both Shadow and Roland nod at each other before Shadow opened a portal to another world to pick up one more person as Izuku and Roland entered inside.

Nezu: I trust he will be safe in your hands, Shadow?

Shadow: stops midway, turning to see Nezu and All Might Yes. Rest assured he will be safe under my care! Oh! And let his family and loved ones know that he will be out for a while and I'll be dropping him off as soon as we're done!!

Nezu: Will do!!

All Might: Just hurry back! You know how Mina is!

Shadow: Yup! I can tell she'll be worried if he's gone for that long.

Shadow said.

And so, after that short conversation, Shadow walks into the portal, for it to close by itself, disappearing from existance, leaving the pro and Principal inside the office. After watching the portal disappearing on itself, they soon look at each other.

All Might: I'll go let the family, Eri and his friends know about the situation. Besides, they did say they wanna host a Halloween Reunion Party here tonight.

Nezu: Ah yes. And I'll let Hound Dog, Helena and Midnight know about this, too.

They both said as All Might took his leave, leaving Nezu to inform Hound Dog and Midnight about what went on in his office.

Inside the Portal,

Roland: Your grace. Now that Enoch is with us in this mission, who else do we have to pick up before we head for Dante's World?

Roland asks.

Shadow: Roland, did Yonezawa give you a debrief on where he and I went before?

Shadow asks.

Roland: Why yes. You went to the an Academia World where the Jyamato attack happened?

Shadow: Yes. We're going there to pick up a friend and a trusted ally I made. After that, we'll have introductions as soon as we arrive to Dante's world and pick him up.

Roland: bows head By your word, your grace.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Ummm, sorry Shadow, Roland. Who are we picking up next?

Roland: looks back at Izuku We're going to pick up another person Shadow said is a trusted ally to him.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Another Izuku?

Shadow: Not exactly, but I'll introduce him to you once we reach Dante first, okay?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Okay! smiles

Roland: Hoo, that bright!

Shadow: At the meantime, you two go on ahead. I'll go fetch him.

Roland & Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Right!/Yes sir!

They said.

So, they flew pass Shadow as he created another portal inside a portal, entering it as he went to another World, the World where he went to before with some of his League and Riders.

In another World of Academia,

In Class 1-A,

Mr. Aizawa can be seen sleeping in his sleeping bag while Class 1-A can be seen talking amongst each other on what they think they're going to do in Summer Camp when a portal opened in front of the class and above the teacher's desk, to their surprise.

Seeing the portal before them, Mr. Aizawa shot up from sleeping as he went in front of the class while unraveling his scarf while they levitate around him, donning his fight stance. While everyone is looking at the portal, everyone heard the classroom door opening, for everyone to see you entering the classroom after a visit with Mr. Nezu.

(Y/n): Hey guys, I'm back from Mr. Nezu's office. And why are you all standing oveeewwwhaaaaaaat????

You stopped as you turned to look at the portal.

Seeing the portal, you noticed some similarities for you to realize who's here, causing you to go in front of the class and your homeroom teacher.


Class 1-A: Huh?

Mr. Aizawa: Hmm???

Hearing this, Deku, Ida and Todoroki went up to you as they just realized who has arrived.

Deku: Wait a minute! I know that portal!

Ida: Me too!

Todoroki: Same.

They said.

Then, as if right on cue after they said they recognized it, Shadow gracefully emerged from the portal, landing onto solid ground as he began to address the matter to you.

(Y/n): Producer?!

Deku, Ida & Todoroki: Shadow?!/Elder Cousin?!

Shadow: Hey guys, Sup, (y/n). Anyway, there's no time. I need your help with a mission.

Class 1-A (except the four): WHAT, PRODUCER?! WHAT, SHADOW?!?! WHAT, SHOTO HAS AN ELDER COUSIN?!?!?!?!?!

They exclaimed.

Hearing this, Shadow noticed Mr. Aizawa in front of him as you realized one thing.

Shadow: Am I...... interrupting something???

Shadow ask.

Mr. Aizawa: sighs No, we just finished homeroom, and for the time being, they're just talking about Summer Camp.

Shadow: Aaaah. looks at you and the three Then congrats for.... passing your Finals, the four of you.

Deku: Thank you.

Ida: Speaking of which, Shadow! chopping my arms What are you doing here?! I thought you are finished with your mission here with the alien invasion and after you and Endeavor saved us from the Hero Killer?!

Class 1-A (except the four): WHAT?!?!?! HE WAS THERE, TOO?!?!?!

Mr. Aizawa: yeah.... I have the same question as they do.

Shadow: Well, as much as I want to answer your questions, all of you... but I need to hurry. It's urgent that I need (y/n)'s help at this time of need. looks at (y/n) (Y/n), I'm recruiting you on a mission, only a few specific others, you and I could do. Fate of a World is at stake.

(Y/n): Whoa, what happened? And what's going on?

Shadow: Have you watched The Nun, The Nun 2 and The Conjuring 2?

(Y/n): Well, I did, why did y- realized what the mission is N-NO!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!

Shadow nods.

Shadow: Oh yes way. And she's currently on the move to hunt someone down. This, unholy entity the thr deadliest villain there is, and your kaiju quirk may give us the edge in defeating it. Will you join us, my friend?

Mr. Aizawa: Hold on. Why is he going with you? If anything he should have a pro hero go with him.

Deku: Uuuuuuhhh, about that, Mr. Aizawa....

Mr. Aizawa: Hmm???

Deku briefly explained about Shadow's status and where he came from to get to where he is now.

After the brief explanation, Class 1-A except for those who know looked at Shadow with surprise as they except for Mr. Aizawa exclaimed what they heard.

Class 1-A (except the four): YOU'RE THE NEW NUMBER ONE HERO FROM A DIFFERENT WORLD?!?!?!?! AND YOU'RE A PRO, TOO?!?!?!?!

Mr. Aizawa: I share the same shock and surprise as they are.

Shadow: Understandable.

Mr. Aizawa: Anyway, considering you're a pro... according to what Young Midoriya has said that you are,... I should treat this situation as professionally as possible so.... sighs What can I do for you, Shadow? What business do you have with us?

Shadow: I'm here for my trusted ally, (Y/n).

Mr. Aizawa & (Y/n): Why do you need one of my students, Shadow?/What's this all about, Producer?

Shadow: looks at (Y/n) Son, a World and a planet needs you. And it involves to what I said in brief. passes folder to you

Shadow said.

You then take the folder as you began to open it, reading its contents. Reading it, you nod your head several times, understanding why you are needed, for you to close the folder and hands it back to Shadow.

(Y/n): When do we leave?

Deku & Uraraka: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Deku, Uraraka. Listen. This mission, can be very dangerous. Heck, even more dangerous than Tokoyami's dark relics he has in his room.

Tokoyami: Even darker?!

(Y/n): SO! Regardless, you guys don't have to worry about me and trust me. I'll be alright. turns to look at Shadow You'll bring me back here, right?

Shadow: nods

(Y/n): Cool. turns to your classmates There. See? No need to worry about it. As soon as I'm done, i'll be back here as what he assured. Plus, he's a pro.

You mention.

Bakugo: Hey!

Bakugo called out.

You look at Bakugo walking up to you.

Bakugo: If you're leaving for this dangerous mission, you better come back alive you got that?! You may have earned my respect for you but that doesn't mean that our rematch is off!!

(Y/n): Heheh! Wouldn't plan on running from any match or rematch.

Bakugo smirks upon hearing this.

Bakugo: Then you better become even stronger when you get back! I'll be looking forward to see how strong you are when you return!

Bakugo said.

You smirk at what Bakugo said.

(Y/n): I'll look forward to how strong you've become when I come back.

You said for you and Bakugo to exchange smirks with each other.

Ida: Make sure you be safe where ever the place you're going!

Ida said while chopping his arms.

Meanwhile with Aizawa and Shadow.

Shadow: I know, Mr. Aizawa. Trust is fragile. But rest assured (Y/n) shall return unharmed when the mission is done.

Mr. Aizawa: nods Very well. I'll give the teachers and faculty a debrief on what transpired today. I would also inform Nezu about this.... which may or may not be surprising that he has already informed him about you, did he?

Shadow: shrugs

Mr. Aizawa: sighs I don't get paid enough for this....

Shadow: giggling

(Y/n): Producer? I'm ready to role.

You said.

Hearing this, Shadow turned to face you, nodding his head at you while opening a portal up, for you to enter into it.

Seeing him going in head first, you immediately went in, as well. When the two are inside, the portal slowly close upon itself and disappeared.

After the portal disappeared, everyone looked at each other, still wondering what is going on when-

Mineta: (Y/n) is gone for just a while due to a mission... smirks this will be a perfect opportunity to take some upskirts on the girls here~ heheheheheheee~

Mineta said to himself.

Suddenly, a portal opened back up, for everyone to look at it as you emerged out to lunge towards Mineta.

(Y/n): I'LL UPSKIRT YOU!!!!! starts strangling Mineta WHY YOU LITTLE!!!!!

You yelled as you began lifting Mineta off the ground, strangling him, to everyone's surprise again.

While strangling, Shadow emerged out and stopped you.

Shadow: (Y/n), no! This is not how you do it.

(Y/n): eh?

Shadow: THIS, is how you do it, my style. Learn from it.

(Y/n): Oh?

You release Mineta, for Shadow to-

Shadow: UPSKIRT TO THIS!!!!!

Shadow yelled.

-take over strangling Mineta as he raised him up, strangling him while shaking him about wildly like a ragdoll, for you to see that Shadow's acting like Homer Simpson.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): I have so much to learn....

You said in thought.

While pondering, you hear Mineta trying to catch his breath while being strangled by Shadow.

1-A Girls: I'm liking this Shadow guy already.

They said.

Mina (Inner Thoughts): Teeeeaaaaa~~~~~~

Mina said in thoughts thinking about herself with Shadow.


Inside the Portal,

You and Shadow can be seen travelling through the portal while having smirks planted on their faces. While making their way to catch up with the others, you began to talk to Shadow about what he saw.

(Y/n): You choked your Mineta in your World, too?

Shadow: Heck yeah, I did.

(Y/n): what did he do to start all this?

Shadow: Talk about my girlfriend. So I gave it to him hard.

(Y/n): Nice.

Shadow: What did yours do to start all that?

(Y/n): He went into the vent to try get pics of all the girls including Midnight. I stopped him in the vent and it all started in there.

Shadow: HAHAHAH! HAH!!!! Nice!

(Y/n): I know right? Put'er there, to Mineta Stranglers!

You said, showing a fist at Shadow.

Seeing this, Shadow returned it by doing a fist pump with your fist. After that brief bro moment, you and Shadow began to see someone further up.

Shadow: Oh! Here's our company waiting for us.

Shadow said.

There, you see two individuals, for you to follow Shadow as you both made their way to them.

Shadow: Hey, guys.

Roland: Your Grace! I see you have brought him. In case we're doing any introductions, now it's not the time. We have a problem.

Shadow: What is it?

Roland: The entity's has mobilized some of her manifestions in a form of faceless Nuns, they're closing in towards Dante. Worse of all, he has his classmates with him..... and Eri....

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): There's no time, sir! We need to get there now!

Shadow: Then let's go! On the double! (Y/n)! Follow us and you'll learn a bunch of things.

(Y/n): Roger that!

And with that, the four of you proceeded towards the end of the portal so that you can reach Dante first, before the manifestations.


A few minutes later,

In another World of Academia,

Dante's World,

Izuku Kayama can be seen with his lover, Reiko, Eri and his classmates as they can be seen making their way back to their Class, Class 1-B. Walking towards their class, Izuku noticed that Ibara can be seen stopping at her tracks, for her classmates to notice this, as well.

Worried, they went up to her as they ask if she is okay, only for them to see that she's slightly pale.

Kendo: Hey. Ibara? Are you alright?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): yeah. You look really really pale.

Ibara: I-Iz-I-Izuku....

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Yeah?

Ibara: points at something What in... i-....i-in christ name is that?

Ibara ask, afraid.

Izuku and the others slowly looks at where Ibara is pointing, for them to see a group of black-cloth-like faceless nuns standing at the end of the corridor, for everyone to stand really still, not knowing what they are.

(A/N: Faceless Nuns.)

Seeing them, Reiko slowly began to use her quirk and for Izuku to do the same without his whip as they readied themselves to fight.

Eri Kayama: Izuku? Th-They're... s-s-scary...

Reiko: Izuku dear? Do you know these guys?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Unfortunately.... N-no...

Setsuna: Me and Kuro will go get the teachers.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): G-Go. We'll hold them.... if they do anything.

Izuku said as they used their quirks to get the teachers over to them.

A few minutes later,

When the teachers arrived, they began to see what everyone is seeing as the faceless Nuns are still at the same positions as before, to their surprise and confusion.

Midnight: Izuku honey. We came as soon as we heard what was happening from your classmates.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Mom. Who are they?

Midnight: I... I don't know...

Hound Dog: looks at them I don't know either.... but whatever they are, they're not welcome here! growls And on top of that, they smell off...!!

Eraserhead: I thought we beefed up the security after what happened back then?

Vlad King: You there! The bunch of you! Who are you?! How did you get in here?! And what do you want with us?!

There was no answer from them as neither of them have mouths to speak.

Eraserhead: They don't seem to be talking...

Midnight: So, we detain them?

Present Mic: I think that would be the best o-

Just before Present Mic could finish, the Nun immediately lunged forward, charging towards the group while their emit an ear-defeaning roar, for them to don their fighting stances.

Eraserhead and Midnight tried using their quirks to knock them out and erase their quirks, but to no avail as they kept advancing forward, to their surprise.

Midnight: My quirk doesn't work on them?!

Eraserhead: Mine either?!

Just as the faceless Nuns were about to lay a finger on them, numerous rounds and fire rings can be seen blasting them to dust and ash, causing them to crumble before them, to everyone's surprise.

After the last shot was fired, the faceless Nuns are now nothing more but dust and ash on the ground, for the students and the teachers to look ahead to see Shadow, Roland, Izuku (Enoch) and you aiming their weapons at them before placing them back on their sides, head and back for safe keeping, for Shadow to sigh in relief on this.

Shadow: sighs in relief Damn!!! Glad we are just on time!!

(Y/n): Anymore than a minute, they wouldn't have survived....

Roland: Speaking of. points at them

Pointing at them, Shadow looks ahead to see Class 1-B and some teachers looking at them, for Shadow and his group to look back at them.

(Y/n): Is ummmm.... Everyone okay?!

You ask.

Tetsutetsu: Well!! No one got hurt so, we're fine!!

Shishida: We're just surprised about what just happened, that's all.

Eraserhead: Anyway! Who are you?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): And good question. Why does he look like me but.... an angel?

Izuku wondered.

Shadow smirked as he went up to them, speaking up for his group.

Shadow: All in good time, my friends. For now, it's not safe here. Can we all go inside the Meeting Office so we may talk?

Eraserhead: we can, but that doesn't answer the point on w-

Shadow: We'll answer that when we get there. All you need to know is, good you all have taken down the circus, BUT! It's not over yet.

Shadow said.

Reiko: Wait! NOT . over?!

Yosetsu: I thought we took down all those circus freaks with 1-A?

Pony: Yeah. Those Circus Rejects!

Roland: You have, but not the one who formed the Circus, yet.

Roland mentioned.

This caused Izuku to hold onto his tail.l while shivering.

Shadow: Let's go to the room. We'll be safe there to talk.

Shadow said.

And so, everyone made their way to the Meeting Room where they started talking and explaining. The teachers who are involved including Principal Nezu and Recovery Girl were also present to hear you all out as you all explained what you all have read and saw in the folder as Shadow can be seen handing out the same folder for everyone to take a look and read of it.

Everyone in Class 1-B, the teachers and the Principal can be seen on the table and standing around as they read the folder, reading about what is going on and what those are, to their shock. And to make things worse, a few images inside the folder show that The Circus was even involve in this, because of its Ringleader behind the scenes.

Principal Nezu: So it seems. Our fight against the Circus is not over yet.

Midnight: How did we even not see this?!?!

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Yeah? I always thought that the Ringmaster or.... the Crooked Man was always the Leader.

Reiko: And now it's back....

Tetsutetsu: GAH!!!! SERIOUSLY?!?!?! This is unmanly and NOT COOL, at all!!!!

They said.

The rest agreed that this is something uncalled for, for Shadow to step in.

Shadow: I understand how you all feel, believe me, I do. It took a reliable source that I had a lot of time to track their Ringleader down until recently, that is today.

Hound Dog: And why now? Why not when we raided the place back at the abandoned area where the village was, according to the Pros?

Shadow: Because it was observing all of you behind the scenes without getting caught. And it would seem it has done a very good job at it.

Setsuna: But why fight us?

Roland: Simple. Vengence. Let's not forget. The Circus's Ringleader formed the Circus and had them create Dante here.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Don't remind me...

Roland: And since he was made to do, you know what, you saved him just in time from them and the LoV, sway him to join your side, and took them down. However, what you all did not know is, it has been watching your activities. Every single one of you.

Eraserhead: why? It doesn't make any sense.

Roland: Because it is another simple fact. You're its play things. And you all fell for it. And now it's here to go after not just all of you, but Izuku, as well.

(Y/n): I.... would have to agree with Roland here. Now that it knows what you are capable of, now its here to f*%k us. Literally in a killing way. So, if you think you are safe in U.A., you're wrong.

Shadow: BUT the good news is, I found where the entity is hiding. More good news, I have the means in possession to stop it.

Present Mic: And what's the bad news, little listeners?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Bad news is, it'll require a team effort to take this entity down. A "particular" team-up.

Shadow: That's why we are here to recruit Dante, to stop this blight and end its reign, once and for all.

Midnight: Well, even if you have people to stop it, how are you going to stop it from getting all of us if you all are taken down?

(Y/n): You don't have to worry about that, Ma'am. I was told by the leader of this mission that he has something that can combat the entity.

Vlad King: looks at Shadow And those are?

Shadow: The Blood of Christ and the Eyes of St. Lucia.

Ibara: Impossible!!! They're a myth.... aren't they?

Present Mic: Even if they do exist, they must be further away from where we are now.

Shadow: Oh, really? If they don't exist, are a myth and far away, then might I ask, why do I have them with me in my possession?

Shadow questions as he showed everyone the relics, fishing them out from his pockets, placing them onto the table to everyone's shock.

Ibara: It... it cannot be....
Ibara (Inner Thoughts): I take back what I said.

Class 1-B: Whoa....

Midnight: Interesting~

While everyone is mesmerized by them, Eri can be seen trying to reach out for one, for Shadow to carry her and place her on Midnight's lap.

Shadow: Sorry, Eri. You're too young for this kind of power.

Eri: Aww... pouts

Principal Nezu: Power? What power do they possess?

Shadow: The blood of christ has the ability to send the entity back down to hell. It also has the power to repel it away from us being possessed. Even if you are possessed, you can be exorcised out by using it. For the eyes, it's pretty much like those people with enhancing-based quirks where their quirks will make them stronger. But this case, these eyes will make someone even stronger from their normal strength.

All Might: So in other words if someone uses those eyes their strength would probably be on parr with my strength?

Shadow: Exactly, All Might.

Ibara: um, excuse me.

Shadow: Yes.

Ibara: forgive me for just now.

Shadow: Don't worry about it.

Ibara: So, if god can protect us in this mission as you said and show that it can, what are our chances that you and Izuku will win this?

Shadow: I don't want to think too big in the picture. So, for now... 50/50.

Ibara: Okay. Then by God's grace and protection, we'll be protected.

Reiko: Excuse me?

Shadow: Yes?

Reiko: If my Izuku is coming, then I'm coming, too.

Kendo: But, Reiko! It's dangerous! You saw what it was about to do and read the folder. So-

Shadow: Done.

Class 1-B & Teachers: What?!

Principal Nezu: Young Man. Explain, please?

Shadow: Basically if we want to face the entity head on, we need a holy and unholy advantage, a strong believer in god and someone skill with a very strong telekenesis quirk to combat this unholy entity. We have everyone except for the two. In case you are about to question, we understand the risks when we take on this unspeakable evil. That's why we are categorizing these advantages so we can fight this threat. To end it Izuku's suffering, once and for all. I won't force any of the two of you to join us. It is your call.

Shadow explained and said.

Hearing this, everyone began looking at each other as they are concern about the unholy threat that has been hidden all this time and no one even noticed it. Even Nighteye did not anticipated this. This caused Izuku to hold onto his tail tightly as he tried to forget about what the circus did to him.

While everyone was looking at each other while pondering about what Shadow said, Reiko stood up.

Reiko: I'll still go. Izuku means everything to me. If this entity is the one who formed the Circus.... it's going to wish that they haven't created that bitch who raped him...

Shadow: nods I.... heard about what happened. I'm sorry.

Togaru: Whoa whoa! Don't have to be sorry. You aren't at fault. It was the Circus.

Kuroiro: Yeah. We knew something wasn't right when it got too quiet, so we stepped in.

Jurota: Yeah!

Shadow: And we're very thankful that you three did and managed to save him in a nick of time.

Shadow said, praising the three.

Togaru, Kuroiro & Jurota: smiles

Shadow: Anyway. Reiko, if you insist on joining us, then I won't stop you. As after all, Izuku could use some comfort throughout our mission, if you know what I mean when it comes to therapy.

Reiko: I know. Hound Dog taught us about those.

Shadow: looks at Hound Dog and nods

Hound Dog: nods back

Ibara: stands up Umm... excuse me?

Shadow: Yes? Ibara?

Ibara: When you mention strong believer in god, does that mean we need god by our side? Is that why these relics are here?

Shadow: Yes.

Ibara: I see. Then, I'll devote myself to help you. Izuku has been through a lot when he first joined us. So, by god's grace I'll do what I can to help him on this mission.

Kendo: Not you, too

Shadow: smiles That's... noble of you. Ibara. You have my thanks.

Ibara: I'm looking forward to fighting alongside you along with the power of christ. bows

Shadow: Feelings mutual.

Shadow said.

Kendo: Welp, can't stop them now.

Kendo said, smiling nervously.

But then,

Shadow: OH! And to inform you also, these relics here.... they are the entity's weakness, and its strength, as well.

Monoma: What?

Rin: How can these Relics be the entity's strengths, when they're its weakness, too?

Monoma: that doesn't make sense.

Eraserhead: I find that odd, as well.

All Might: Mhm.

Roland: Well to put it simply, last we heard, both weaknesses, the entity will be sealed and will be weakened. Weakness for Eyes, Sealing for Blood. For strengths, it's.... really bad. Once she gets those relics, she'll be even more powerful while regaining her original strength from the past, since the time of the Duke of Saint Carta.

Roland explained.

Hearing this, everyone looked at him with worry when they heard about the strength side of it.

Kuroiro: Is there a way to counter this?

Shadow: Yes. That's why the relics are here so we can temporarily infuse them with the chosen people who'll be joining us with Dante, Enoch and Roland, which I can see that the Relics have chosen their rightful users temporarily. looks down to see the relics resonating at the specific two then looks at Roland Roland? One of your forms allows you to manipulate liquids like blood, right?

Roland: Yes?

Shadow: grabs the blood relic and toss it to Roland I'm putting you in charge of this. You know what to do. Takeru and his friends taught you how to infuse, bless and exorcise anyone and anything so, put this to good use. looks at Ibara Ibara?

Ibara: Yes?

Shadow: Go with Roland. He'll instruct you on what to do when you're with him.

Ibara: Okay.

And so, Ibara followed Roland out of the room as they went somewhere within the school.

Once that was settled, Shadow gave the eyes to you, for you to look at Shadow curiously.

(Y/n): You want me to put these in Reiko, huh?

Shadow: Yeup. I assume your quirk would be able to do that.

(Y/n): Well yes. Of course.

Shadow: nods, then looks at Reiko Reiko, you will follow my trusted ally outside for a moment.

Reiko: Yes sir.

Reiko replied.

She stood up as she followed you outside. Once you both are outside, you began to give Reiko a debrief on what is about to happen.

(Y/n): Okay, now Reiko. I'm gonna tell you something really carefully. And you must ensure to yourself that you don't take this personally.

Reiko: Okay.

(Y/n): I'm about to infuse you with these eyes. Once the mission is done, I'll take them out. Did your babe mention anything about that?

Reiko: I think I overheard from Midnight, something about the Boogeyman who can take and give quirks. Why?

(Y/n): Because I have the same quirk as the Boogeyman's. BUT, don't blame me, I didn't ask to have this quirk.... like your demon friend, Dante.... I too, was experimented and tortured.

Reiko: My gods....

(Y/n): I.... was given his quirk forcefully through experimentation to surpass All Might. But eventually I escaped, and decided to use his powers for good, and to go against him in due time.

Reiko: .... that's a noble and a spooky thing that you're doing. Hope you'll beat his ass up like how I killed that bitch.

(Y/n): Oh yeah. I would. And about that.... I hope you don't mind.... I read that part about you and Himiko. It must've been extremely hard and heavy on you. But you know what they say; "Payback, is a Bitch!".

Reiko: snickering Yeah. At least she had the payback she deserved.... and I'm happy that my dear no longer has to endure her.

(Y/n): nods So anyway, you ready?

Reiko: .... Spookily,... Yes....

Reiko answered.


It has been a few minutes since you, Roland, Reiko and Ibara left the meeting room to prep the chosen two for this mission as Shadow and the Izuku from another World can be seen introducing themselves to the class and the teachers while you and Roland are preparing Ibara and Reiko for the upcoming mission.

Questions were asked, questions were answered. Everyone in the Meeting Room have shocked, surprised and amazed looks planted on their faces when they heard about Shadow and Izuku (Enoch)'s stories in their worlds and past while preparations were ongoing outside and somewhere within the school's vicinity. Izuku (Enoch) even got to know this world's Midnight and Eri, telling them about his version of Midnight and Eri, for the two to tell him about their own Izuku aka, Dante, for the two Izukus to soon get along pretty well while Izuku (Dante) got a bit too comfortable in Izuku (Enoch)'s fluffy wings, for the other classmates to do the same. After awhile of talking about their stories about their different worlds, a knock can be heard for Shadow and Izuku (Enoch) to turn around, seeing the doors opening to see that the four have returned from undergoing preparations a few minutes ago.

As the four returned, Class 1-B and the teachers noticed that Ibara's hair is a bit glossy (A/N: It means shiny. So in a way, it is a compliment.) with a tiny tint of red that is coated all over her hair which could either be noticable or not by her classmates and teachers. For Reiko, there isn't any changes except for her eyes glowing for a brief moment but, she did feel a bit stronger like as if her quirk has doubled up in power after the eyes were placed inside her.

Midnight: Are you two alright?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Y-yeah.

Midnight and Izuku (Dante) ask.

Reiko: Yeah, Ms. Midnight, Izuku dear. I feel... more than fine like.... my quirk has been doubled in power after the eyes are being placed inside. massaging my temple

(Y/n): Don't worry, Reiko. The side effects are temporary so, it'll go away in a few minutes. Don't worrry about it.

Reiko: nods Got it. Thanks.

Ibara: I'm alright, thank you. This gentlemen here simply used his charms, rituals and prayers to infuse my hair with the Blood of our Lord.

Midnight: And that works how?

Shadow: It works like Eraserhead's scarf to keep it simple. If it's too powerful to be sealed, why not immobilize it to gain the upperhand.

Eraserhead: So you will find other means to defeat it. Smart move, Shadow.

Shadow: Indeed. That's why I have already hatched out a few plans in mind if one or a few doesn't work.

All Might: Planning ahead. thumbs up I like that.

Shadow: mhm. So, Ibara, Reiko. All set?

Ibara & Reiko: nods

Shadow did a thumbs up.

Shadow: Then let us finish this, once and for all. Before it's too late. I'll debrief you on what we'll be doing along the way there. Dante, let's finish this.

Ibara, Izuku Kayama (Dante) & Reiko: Yes, sir.

Midnight: Shadow?

Shadow: looks at Midnight Hmm?

Midnight: Look after them,.... and my son, okay?

Eri: Look after Izuku.... okay?

Shadow: giggling while ruffling Eri's hair Don't worry, Ms. Midnight, Eri. I'll look after Ibara, Reiko, your son and brother. That's a promise.

Shadow assured.

Hearing this, Midnight and Eri smiled at Shadow. After that, Shadow soon look at the other students and teachers.

Shadow: Class 1-B, Teachers, Principal. Do rest assured, as well that they'll be safe under my watch. looks at Recovery Girl Recovery Girl, I want you to be on standby when we come back, if we have any injuries.

Recovery Girl: Whenever you are ready, I'll be at where I am. I trust you have been to my office from your world a few times or so. So, it should be no trouble finding me, right?

Shadow: Yes. It will be no trouble. Thank you.

Recovery Girl: smiles and nods

Eraserhead: Shadow. Last thing before you all go.

Shadow: Yes?

Eraserhead: This entity you explained and I read from your folder. Be careful. From the way things are according to what is stated in the folder, it can be far more worse than those circus freaks we and Kayama fought before. If anything, it could be extremely worse than the Ringmaster, also known as the Crooked Man. Sorry if the Quirk-Erasing Bullet is no longer our asset but, at least I sincerely hope those two relics will be your assets to take it down. So be careful. All of you including those who are joining them in this mission.... be safe.

Vlad King: And look out for each other. Try not to separate from each other.

Vlad King said.

The group nods as the portal was opened up by Shadow, for the group to enter through it. When Shadow is about to go through, Vlad King called out.

Vlad King: Shadow!

Shadow: stops and looks back Yes?

Vlad King: Izuku Kayama is our treasured student in my class, our Class of 1-B. Look after him.

Kendo: And keep him safe. Reiko and Ibara, especially.

Setsuna: Yeah.

Shadow: I shall fulfill your requests. That's why I had Recovery Girl on standby in case we run into any trouble while I do so. So fear not. Again, they'll be safe with me.

Shadow said.

After a brief talk, Shadow turned around as he slowly walked through while holding out a thumbs up gesture to everyone, telling them that his group will be fine before the portal closes onto itself and disappears.

Inside the portal, the group can be seen levitating as they can see themselves flying through the portal, making their way to their destination. While making their way there, Shadow began to introduce each other.

Shadow: I believe we haven't introduced ourselves to you guys. So, why don't we start as we make our way there?

(Y/n): Sounds good.

You said.

Shadow: My name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath. The God of Remnant and the World of Academia. Pro Hero. Rank, No: 1.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch), Izuku Kayama (Dante), Ibara & Reiko: You're the Number One Hero from another World?!

Shadow: Yes. My quirk is OFA and AFO. Those who don't know about it, you'll understand it soon enough in your futures.

Reiko: You have the Boogeyman's quirk, too I see?

Shadow: Eh?

(Y/n): Ummm, Producer? What she meant is All for One in Dante's World is the Boogeyman. We talked earlier before I gave her the power of the eyes.

You explained

Shadow: I see. nods Well, to answer your question, yes. But like (Y/n), we're using AFO quirk for good. But for my case, I was given this quirk through birth and a mission to reclaim my birthright back in my world.

Reiko: I see. Did you manage to succeed?

Shadow: Yes, with a cost but.... we won. And... blush for a bit you... kinda kept bugging me to show off my Orochi kaiju form after that halloween incident years back. And you still haven't gotten over it.

Ibara: God bless you, Shadow.

Reiko: Oh? Why?

Shadow: Well.... you said it was terrifying, scaly, powerful and spooky. And you even can't stop caressing my tail in my Berserker Form due to its piercing, talk whipping and electrocuing capabilities. giggling

Reiko: spooky...~

Shadow: Aw great.... looks like I have entice another Reiko from another World to get attracted by my Berserker Form.... sorry about that.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): snickering Don't worry about it.

Shadow: Heheh, thanks.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Anyway, I'm Izuku Kayama. Hellish Hero: Dante. Quirk, Infernalis; it give me demon traits and I can conjure fire, Sinful Blessing allows me to heal when I kill, do wrong doing and... well, you get the picture. Anyway, Shy Siren, I have two set of vocal cords. One normal and one female. There was one time I used two voices at once, and lastly is the Eye of Interference. It's simple really. When I open my third eye, it causes disruption to any electromagnetic devices.

Shadow: I see. Strong quirks, strong quirks.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Thanks. hand gestures to Reiko My girlfriend, Reiko.

Reiko: Hey. You can call me Reiko, or my Hero Name; Onryo. Quirk, Poltergeist.

Ibara: My name is Ibara. Call me by my Hero Name; Vine. Quirk, Vines.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Izuku Kayama. I'm from another universe when Shadow picked me up for this mission. Angelical Hero: Enoch. Quirks; Fire Ring, Omniview, Raptor and Eldritch.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): You're like me, Enoch.

Reiko: Two Izukus with four different quirks for each? Spooky.

Ibara: Angelical Hero? Praise Jesus!

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Yup. And yes, Ibara, Reiko. Btw, Dante.... I.... saw a case file in that same folder about your twisted past. I'm.... sorry you had to endure that.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): It's alright. After the Circus was gone, I'm already over it. What about you?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Experimented by Overhaul. Almost crucified and burnt at the stake by the Father and his Cultists....

Izuku Kayama (Dante), Ibara & Reiko: My gods....

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): The only person good there was Sister. She was good to me. If it weren't for her and my Wife, Mina, I would've given up all hope.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): I see.

Ibara: Your wife is Mina?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Yup!

Shadow: smiles at their conversation Anyway, who's next?

Roland: I believe it is my turn. Pardon the interruption, my friends.

Ibara: You're forgiven.

Roland: nods I am Roland Arcadia, the Last of the Arcadians. I stand in defense to Shadow. Arcadian Hero: Roland. Quirks; Psychokinesis, pretty much similar to Reiko's quirk, and Mugen Specter allows me to summon or unleash my Damashii ghost spirits in my own freewill.

Reiko: spooky.

Roland: I have very good ones and holy ones, in case you ask, Young Ibara.

Ibara: Well, I can't wait to be acquainted with our holy brethren when we begin.

Roland: smiles and nods

(Y/n): Looks like I'm next.

You said as you cleared your throat, beginning to introduce yourself.

(Y/n): Hey guys. My name is (Y/n) (L/n). Reionics Hero: Cerebro. Quirks; looks at Reiko As you already know Reiko which I'll address it nonetheless, I hold AFO due to the LoV experimenting on me. My other quirk which was handed down to me by this weapon fishes out and shows the Giga-Battlenizer to everyone is Reionics. It allows me to summon or utilize monster and aliens' limbs as weapons or power. There were come to times that some of my kaijus will adapt to some heroes and villains like Ace Killer and IF for example. My other Ace Killer became Hero Killer Ace and my IFs became IF Ultra, 1-A and 1-B.

You introduced and explained.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): That's a very interesting quirk you have there, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Nah, it's nothing. If anything, I'm like the both of you and Dante combined.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): I can tell considering you have an arsenal of monsters at your corner.

(Y/n): Monsters and Ghost Monsters, too. Even the noble and holy ones, too. Demonic ones at that, as well.

Reiko: Spooky....

Ibara: Well, I'm glad your arsenals are on the hero side, (Y/n). Instead of the villain's.

(Y/n): Thank you.

You said, acknowledging Ibara's positivity on your kaijus being on your side and the hero's side.

And with that, the six of you began talking about what the two Izukus, Ibara and Reiko did in their own worlds and freetime. They even talked about their crushes, Reiko who is with them and Mina who currently is preparing for a party with her daughter.

They even started discussing and complimenting on each other's Hero Costumes as the two Izukus, Roland and you began to explain about their costumes and how they work. They even showed off their weapons and lockpicking equipment and explained how they worked, as well.

As they talked and discussed while flying through the portal from within, Shadow began to sense that they are getting close to their exit as he prepared everyone once they exit.

Shadow: Alright, Onryo, Vine, Roland, Dante, Enoch and Cerebro! We're about to arrive. Once we exit the portal, our mission begins.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, everyone disrupted their conversation as they don their defensive stances while levitating inside the portal.

Ready and prepared, Shadow looks back at Dante and Onryo.

Shadow: Dante, Onryo. Before we exit and enter to hostile territory, I want to give you a heads up, that we'll be going to familiar territory. Why? Because a reliable source has informed me that the entity went through to one of the doors. Fortunately, we managed to sense every door through our universe and targetted a particular door. Now, we'll just have to see if there are any changes to its presence.

Shadow cautioned.

When Izuku (Dante) heard this, he began to hold onto his tail while slowly getting nervous, knowing exactly what Shadow meant by that.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): S-Shadow? Familiar territory? Does that mean we all are...???

Shadow: Yes.... our start point is there. But don't worry and don't forget. You, Ibara, your dearest, your classmates from 1-B and A, and your teachers have taken them down, permenantly. So, you have to worry about them no more. We just have to worry about their leader who's been running things behind the scenes.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): O-Oh.

Then, Reiko placed her hand on her lover's shoulder, for Izuku (Dante) to look at her.

Reiko: He's right. When we go back there, there's going to be nothing there. Remember, we've killed all of the Circus freaks already. So don't worry. We'll be fine.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): .... nods .... I understand, Reiko my dear.

Reiko: smiles


The portal opened, for you all to jump out of the portal, looking around at the empty room of doors and curtains where Izuku (Dante) fought against the Ringmaster aka, The Crooked Man in the final showdown.

Once everyone is out, the portal closes and disappears, for your group to start slowly looking around to see if anyone or anything is about to jump at them out of nowhere. Thankfully, nothing has happened ever since the occupants were slain by the heroes, to everyone and Dante's relief, knowing that Shadow was right, the entire place is now empty ever since they raided the place.

Seeing and hearing that the coast is clear, Shadow nods at Roland, for Roland to walk ahead of the group, raising his right hand to sense the doors, to your confusion.

(Y/n): What's..... he doing?

Shadow: Ah, since this is the first time meeting Roland I'll explain, (Y/n). Since Roland has Psychokenisis and the ability to control spirits that are in him, he also has the ability to sense spiritual beings and spikes. What he is doing now is to see that the presence of the entity is still lurking and spilling throughout a particular door, you see.

(Y/n): Ah.... I see. Like Lorraine and Ed and their daughter, Judy. They can sense the unexplain.

Shadow: .... well,.... tilts head left and right, then nods ..... yyyyyeeeaaaaahh. In a way, yes.

Ibara: So in other words, Roland is our tactical advantage in finding the entity's presence, yes?

Shadow: Correct.

Ibara: That's good! Br-brilliant! It's like god has given the Arcadian a gift to sense any presence of spirits. He truly has been gifted by the hands of god!

Shadow: Roland truly is.
Shadow (Inner Thoughts): Mhm! Ibara is still religious here, too. That's what I like about her when it comes to this situation now and other situations less worse and more worse than this.

Shadow said in thought.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Ummm, Shadow, sir? U-umm...

Shadow: looks at Enoch It's alright, Enoch. Don't hesitate to ask anything. I'll not hesitate to answer them.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): O-Oh! Umm, okay. So, Shadow sir? I was wondering, what is this entity we're getting rid off?

Izuku (Enoch) wondered.

(Y/n): Huh. Yeah, I was wondering about it, as well, Producer.

You said, having the same wonder as Enoch.

Shadow: Well, to answer both of you and those who are wondering, as well. This entity, formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky. And whatever the man called the demon creature that was its name. The entity's name.... Valak. The Defiler. The Profane. The Marquis of Snakes. Valak is a Demon with unspeakable power and is Evil Incarnate. looks at Ibara And worse of all.... she also has a distinctive form. A form, of a Nun.

Ibara: My gods....

Shadow: True all Nuns are good. But this one.... this one is pure evil. Valak, also known as the Nun, was born in the Abbey, the Castle,... built by a Duke in the Dark Ages. The Duke of Saint Carta. He wrote countless texts on Witchcraft and Rituals, in which to call upon the forces of Hell.

(Y/n): Hell? Then that means-

Shadow: Exactly. The real Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as well...

Shadow & (Y/n): .... and Moloch./And the real Moloch.

Shadow: nods at (Y/n) Anyway, looks back at everyone Hell used him to open a Gateway so that an unspeakable Evil would walk amongst us. But...

Ibara: But?

Shadow: The Church stormed the Castle and they sealed the Gateway, by using an Ancient Relic that is now washed on your hair, Ibara which contains th-

Ibara: The Blood of Christ...

Shadow: Yes. After they halted the Duke's plans, the Church claimed the Castle for their own and Pepetual Prayers began when the good Nuns began to pray, concealing this Blight that is, the Gateway of Hell, to secure the Abbey and contain this evil. It worked for Centuries, but the Bombs of War shook the castle, causing the unspeakable evil to find another way to reopen the Gateway, through the aftershocks of the bombs. This evil has been defeated a few times now, no one has heard about the Evil aka, the Nun, also known as Valak. Until, now.

Shadow said explaining everything about the entity.

Reiko: Spooky~

Ibara: By Christ....

Ibara said with shock.

Shadow: Valak, the Nun, she's like all Nun but not like them. It's something unholy. It takes on different forms to decieve us and prey on our weaknesses. It appeared as a nun so it can hide among the Nuns and the Cloister back in the days when they were trying to secure her, unknowing that she is there amongst them until it can corrupt them all, and corrupt us all. Ibara, even if you believe in God which is fine. But when you come face-to-face with this Demon..... God cannot protect us and save us unless a miracle happens, which I pray there will be a miracle if we believe in God to the core.

Shadow said.

Everyone tried to process on what they have heard about Valak through Shadow's intel when Izuku (Dante) said something.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): This thing... Valak? I'm not sure but.... I believe I have stumbled upon her before....

Izuku (Dante) mentioned.

Everyone looks at Dante.

Shadow: WHEN???

Shadow asked with worry.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): I.... I don't know.... b-but... I believe it was a few days or a week plus before I was auctioned to the LoV. I... don't know much about it until now so... what happened was, I was running through the maze.

Reiko: The one you said you learnt all of their tricks already, right dear?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Yes. Right before I was taken back into my cage, I saw this.... Nun, right in front of me and a glass wall. It was a few minutes that we stared when it roared a deafening scream, causing the glass to shatter and causing me to get thrown back. Next thing I knew... she was g-gone.

Izuku (Dante) said, gripping his tail tightly.

Shadow nodded at this while Reiko looked at her lover in shock as to hear his brief encounter with the Nun aka, Valak, for her to hug him to comfort him.

Reiko: You poor thing....

Ibara: The poor child. Thank God you survived your brief encounter with her through God's grace.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): It-It was scary, scarier than the Ringmaster but.... at least I never had to see her again... until now.

He said.

Hearing this, Izuku (Enoch) placed his hand on Izuku (Dante)'s shoulder, for him to look up at the angel version of him, seeing him having that bright smile.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Don't worry, Dante. We'll get her. And we'll defeat her.

Everyone: So bright!

(Y/n): Whoa, that's bright!

Izuku Kayama (Dante): squinting his eyes while smiling Bright. But still, thanks, Enoch.

Roland: Your grace?

Roland called out.

Shadow looks at Roland while standing up, making his way to him.

Shadow: Yes?

Roland: We got good news and bad news. The good news the presence is still at the particular door.

Shadow: Great, the bad news?

Roland: .... it's... at where the Crooked Man made his appearance before Dante. So, we have to be very careful when entering that door.

Roland said.

Hearing the news, Shadow placed his fingers onto the bridge of his nose, rubbing on it, thinking about this deeper.

(Y/n): Producer? Is there.... something wrong?

You ask.

Everyone of you gathered around him, awaiting for his reply.

After awhile, Shadow sighed as he turned around to convey what Roland has informed him.

Shadow: We.... things have gotten more complicated. And honestly, I never anticipated this.

(Y/n): What is it?

Shadow: The good news is, her presence is still there at a particular door.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): And.... the bad news?

Shadow: The presence that is leaking out, is at the very door where the Crooked Man emerged on your final showdown with the ringmaster aka, Crooked Man.

Shadow said.

Reiko, Ibara and Izuku (Dante) looked at Shadow in shock that the place where they need to go, lies beyond the door where the Crooked Man emerged before.

While feeling worried that something bad may happen, Roland steps in.

Roland: But fret not. Allow me to ensure that we can safely pass, so we will not worry about anything happening as we trek through this red crooked door.

Roland recommends.

You look at Roland seeing that he is well prepared for whatever that lies beyond, for Shadow to nod as he spoke.

Shadow: Very well. You shall have it. Cerebro. Utilize your powers so that if anything goes wrong, you can pull him out.

(Y/n): With pleasure, sir.

You said, going to the center of the room as he stood there, staring at the crooked door.

Shadow: Enoch. How many fire rings can you conjure?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): So far, more than three or five if that counts?

Shadow: I need you to conjure one so you could give us a full tilt around the place with Roland.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): D-Done.

Izuku (Enoch) said.

As everyone got ready, Roland transformed into his Ghost default form, as he slowly and carefully made his way towards the door. When he reaches it, Roland slowly opens up the door as he opened it wide open, entering inside with a fire ring to follow him from above.

Waiting outside, Izuku (Enoch) kept an eye on Roland while looking at their surroundings while the rest of you and Shadow waited until the coast is clear, when the Angelical Hero sounded off.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Roland! Faceless Nuns from Dante's school! Two of them! Behind you!

He warned.

Then, two gunshots were heard, for everyone to look at Enoch and the opened door. After taking care of the two stated by Enoch, he began telling Roland of more company that are coming at him and the fire ring, including one that looked like a demonic goat, for everyone to hear a lot of gunshot noises and slashing noises from the other side of the room, to Ibara's worry.

Ibara: Is Roland going to be okay?

Shadow: Fret not, Vine. Roland has a lot of experience in dealing with entities and spirits far more worse than this one. One of them was named Extremer. He was the strongest he has ever fought.

Ibara: Then by God's hands, I pray for his safety.

Shadow: nods Thank you. Roland would really need it.

Shadow said as they kept waiting out.

After a while of listening to gunshots and slashings, a loud can be heard, followed by something rolling, then silence began to loom around the room they are in and the other side, for you to look at Enoch.

(Y/n): Coast clear, Enoch?

You ask.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): I'm still with Roland. The coast is clear, for now. But either way, they're probably not alone. He just turned back into his base form after using his so called Grim mode.

(Y/n): Good to know. Producer, you got all that?

Shadow: Yup. I got it. Thanks, Enoch, Cerebro. Let's go in. But first, a word of caution.

Shadow said, turning his attention to the group.

Shadow: As stated by Vlad King, don't separate from each other, whatever you all do. And as said in the Abbey.... God,.... Ends beyond that point when we enter through the crooked door. So, mind each other and look after each other. Alright?

Everyone: Alright, sir.

Shadow: Great. OH! Dante, Enoch. I almost forgot one more thing for you.

Izuku Kayama (Dante & Enoch): Oh?

They wondered.

Wondering what Shadow almost forgot, the two notice Shadow fishing out something as he tossed something fast at them, for the two objects to plant themselves onto both their chests as they transform and merge with their Hero Costumes, giving them an extra layer of armour, with one to be an Angelic set and the other to be a Demonic set, to their surprise.

(A/N: Fantasy Gamer (Demonic Armour Set) & Legacy Gamer (Angelic Armour Set).)

Izuku Kayama (Dante): W-Whoa! Whe-where did that come from?

Shadow: It's nanotech, you like'em?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): This.... is so, COOL! And looking at Dante's extra armour, I think I know what I'll be wearing for halloween.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): It sort of suits me. What do they do?

Shadow: For starters since you ask first, Dante. To keep it simply, it's called Fantasy Armour, a Demon King-Based Support Item which allows your quirk to be doubled with the Demon King's powers. Me and few of my best tinkered with it a bit so it can conjure up some armour for your arms and legs to give it the demonic look. Plus, it's fire resistant and freeze resistant. Resistant to water counts in freeze resistant, as well.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Cool.

Shadow: Enoch, similarly to Dante's yours is called the Legacy Armour, an Angelic Paladin Support Item which allows your quirk to also be doubled with the Angel Paladin's powers. Same tinkering and same resistants. Only difference is, instead of horns, you have wings for armour on your mask and chestplate. And, you'll have a pair of silver swords on your sides of the chestplate. Don't worry, these armours are still in progress of upgrading so fret not, Dante.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): thumbs up No sweat. I have a fire whip so, it's no trouble.

Shadow: Okie dokie.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Now that's Angelic Power.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Nice digs

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Thanks.

Shadow: nods Now that we are ready, let's advance. Swiftly.

Shadow said.

And so, the group began walking as they went through the crooked door, with Reiko holding onto Izuku (Dante) tightly due to his past fears of red doors, entering into enemy territory to catch up with Roland and a fire ring that is conjured by Enoch.

As they trekked forward, you and the group see that there are many piles of dust and ashes all over the floor, including a beheaded goat demon that is on the ground, motionless, for Shadow to notice that the group except you didn't show any sign of disgust and cringe for you to ask about their calm reaction out of curiosity.

(A/N: Specifically this goat demon from the Nun 2 that Roland and Enoch's Fire Ring fought and slain.)

Shadow: Vine, Onryo, Enoch, Dante. You four.... don't seem to be bothered by this? I'm curious.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Oh! U-um! Dante and I, we had a fair share of killing villains for the right cause.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Reiko and Ibara, too. For Ibara... I only think, really.

(Y/n): I heard from Reiko when she mentioned it.

Reiko: Mhm.

Ibara: H-Hey! I only did so with my Vine Armour because it was right! The circus has done enough damage to Izuku! And I had help to take down one of them who was a tree!

Shadow: I understand, the four of you. So no need to be defensive. I just.... needed to make sure your hearts are in the right place, is all.

Reiko: My heart is always at the right place with Izuku.

Ibara: I see. Then forgive me for being so.

Shadow: It's alright. It's understandable.

Shadow smiled, assuring them that it is alright.

When they arrived in front of Roland and the fire ring above him, you all see that he is now standing in front of a locked door, for him to wonder what is up.

Shadow: Roland?

Roland: Her presence is beyond this locked door. And I also sense that she has warped the room someplace else so we all could make our way to her easily.

Reiko: Then that means the Evil Nun knows that we're here.

Shadow: Make no mistake, Onryo.

Reiko: Mm???

Shadow: Ever since we arrived here,... she already knows that we are here. Why else would she brought forth company to expel us? That's why I always caution you all to be careful and make no mistakes in this mission.

Shadow cautioned.

Ibara: So, what happens now?

(Y/n): Now, we'll just have to figure a way to open this locked door.

You mentioned, still knowing from Roland that the door is still locked.

Reiko: I believe my Izuku and I can do that.

Shadow: Great. Dante, Onryo. This door and keyhole requires two people to pick the lock. See if you can use your quirk and your lockpicking equipment to unlock it.

Izuku Kayama (Dante) & Reiko: Yes sir.

They said.

And so, Izuku (Dante) fished out his lockpicking equipment as he got started, with Reiko to help her lover along as she used her quirk to assist him. A few minutes went by as everyone hears a lot of clicking noises from within the keyhole, for Shadow to know that this may take a while since this is a very old door and keyhole they're dealing with.

Seeing this, Shadow assured them to take their time as he knew the door is old and it'll be some time before they unlock it.

Shadow: You both may take your time, Dante, Onryo. This door and this keyhole is really really old, dated for a long time. It'll be sometime before the door will be unlocked so, it's understandable.

Shadow said, to ease the tension on Dante and Onryo, for them to nod at what he said.

After some time as they watched, (Y/n) began to sense that something isn't right, for him to use Eleking tail on both his arms as he wrapped them around Reiko, for her and Shadow to look back at you, confused.

(Y/n): Sorry.... I sensed something extremely bad coming to her... so I had to.

You said.

Reiko looked at Shadow, for him to nod at her to tell her that things will be fine. So, Reiko carried on. While they Izuku (Dante) and Reiko picked the lock, Shadoe made his way to you as he began to ask what he sensed.

Shadow: What's up, (Y/n)? What did you sense?

(Y/n): .... I.... sense, a presence on Reiko. Like, someone wantd to take her. Not because of the eyes but, because she is powerful.

Shadow: Okay....

(Y/n): And plus.

Shadow: Hmm?

(Y/n): The presence is leaking from the keyhole. Not sure why but.... it's grabbing Reiko for some reason....

You said.

When Shadow heard this, he thought hard about it until his eyes widened in shock as he turned towards Izuku (Dante) and Reiko, stopping them as what they are about to do is a mistake.

Shadow: GUYS WAIT!!!! IT'S A TRAP!!!!

Shadow yelled.

Hearing this, Roland rushed forward while telling the two to stand aside.

Roland: Reiko! Izuku Dante! Get to the side!!

Roland yelled while transforming into his Ghost Billy the Kid form.

Reiko and Izuku (Dante) heard them as they stopped what they are doing and stood aside, for Roland to forcefully kick the door open, breaking it. Then, he utilized Persona Gunslinger as he began to fire many shots in an empty room.

After blasting his weapon, he stopped and returned to the group as he saw nothing inside.

Roland: There... there's nothing inside the next room. But I still sense her presence there.

Shadow: nods I see. looks at everyone Alright, things are about to get trippy when we go into the next room so-

Just before Shadow can finish, Reiko was suddenly being pulled by an unknown force into the other room, for you to get pulled in as well, to your shock as you held your ground to try and pull her out, in the attempts to get her back to your group from whatever is pulling her into the room, for the two Izukus, Ibara, Roland and Shadow to hold onto your Eleking tail arms as thdy too pull to get Reiko out of there.

As they kept pulling, Izuku (Dante) tried to reach out for Reiko in the attempts to use her hand to pull her out, as well, but he couldn't reach her.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): REIKO!!!!! TAKE MY HAND!!!!

He yelled for her.

Reiko, still being held by (Y/n)'s eleking tails tried reaching out, but to no avail as the two tried reaching each other's hands.

But as soon as they were about to grab each other, the force used enough power and strength to pull Reiko into the room while releasing your grip on her, for the remaining group to fall back onto the ground.

Seeing that Reiko has been taken, Ibara and Izuku (Dante) look at the opened broken door with horror as the presence began to grow stronger.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): REIKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow: Guys! Sometimes it takes recklessness to do something right! So, everyone! Advance with extreme caution!!!

Shadow said.

And so, everyone utilized their weapons and quirks as they immediately went inside the room where Reiko was pulled in, for everyone to aim their weapons around the room and for several Fire Rings to fly around the room, looking for Reiko. Izuku (Dante) used his fire to illuminate the room as everyone kept looking.

(Y/n): Crap crap crap! How didn't we not see this?!

Shadow: We can't! But it is very obivious that the Nun is after the girl because she knows that her creation is in love with her. Which in due time she'll use her to her advantage to defeat us all!

Izuku Kayama (Dante): If she wants to kill us, she might as well take it out on me! It's obivious I'm the one she wants here!

Shadow: That maybe true, Dante! But don't you sacrifice your life in vain like that! We'll get your love back. Besides, we have a secret weapon with us that can combat the possessed.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Umm... g-guys?

Izuku (Enoch) called out.

Everyone slowly turned to him.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): I found her. But something's not right with her.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Where is she? Where's my Reiko??

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): She appears to be.... here.... up ahead. But this room,.... it's an abandoned castle.

Ibara: Abandoned?? C-castle??? That's odd.

(Y/n): What? What's Odd???

Ibara: The abandoned castle? There isn't any castle in Inunaki Village. When we were at the village, there was nothing but houses and a torn down church.

Ibara mentioned.

When Shadow heard this, he soon realized something after looking around the area, for him to also notice something similar about the places he looked for Reiko.

Shadow: ..... oh no......

He said with regret and dread.

Everyone looked at Shadow as they are worried when they heard him say that.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): What? What oh no???

Shadow: Oh no!!! looks at Dante Dante.... illuminate the entire room for a moment, please?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Well, s-sure.

He said, engulfing himself in flames, as bright as the sun as the entire room is illuminated for a moment, for everyone to look around, then he extinguishes the flames to regain his strength for a while.

After illuminating the entire room for a brief few seconds, Shadow soon answer Enoch's question, in fear.

Shadow: .... w-we're in the Abbey..... she brought us all here in this castle so she could kill us all....

Shadow said.

Ibara: My god.... if you can hear us, protect us all....

Ibara said to herself.

Hearing this from Shadow and Ibara, everyone began to worry for a moment until you called out to them as you notice Reiko sitting on a chair.

(Y/n): GUYS!!!! I GOT HER!!!!!

You yelled.

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to where you were shouting as they rushed towards you and the seated Reiko.

When they all arrived, they soon stopped in front of Reiko as Izuku (Dante) slowly walk towards his lover.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): R-Reiko?

He called out for her.

But there was no answer. So, Izuku (Dante) slowly reached his hand out to her slowly, hopefully she could reach out to him. Just as his hand was about tocreach her shoulder, Reiko opened her eyes while she used her quirk as she pushed her lover away to the other end of the room, to everyone's shock.

Seeing this, everyone stood back as Reiko can be seen staring at everyone with yellow glowing eyes, for Shadow to understand that Reiko has been possessed by the Nun herself.

Ibara: R-Reiko?!

Shadow: That's not Reiko anymore, Vine!! Not now unless we use your vines to get the evil out of her!

Ibara: Huh?! How does that work?!

Shadow: The Blood of Christ had the ability to exorcise demons out of the possessed!!!

Ibara: O-Oh! Right, you mentioned that.

(Y/n): Dante and I'll draw her attention! helping Dante up You okay?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Yes, I'm fine. W-We must get that Demon out of Reiko.

Shadow: Yes, we must. At all costs!

Shadow said with determination.

And with that, a brief fight with Onryo began as Reiko (Onryo) lifted numerous sharp objects around her, throwing them directly at the group, for Izuku (Dante) to use his fire whip to deflect some of them away and for you to utilize Armoured Darkness's armour and Darkness Trident as he spun his trident repeatedly in an anticlockwise rotation to also deflect the sharp objects from hitting anyone behind them.

While deflecting sharp objects launched by the possessed Reiko, you thought of an ingenius idea for Izuku (Dante) to use his whip effortlessly, for you to summon forth Gina Spectre's Bat Whip using your free hand, tossing it to Izuku (Dante).

(Y/n): DANTE! CATCH!!!

You yelled.

Izuku (Dante) saw something being tossed to him for him to catch it, seeing that it is another whip.

(Y/n): For a better angle! Go for it!

You said, grasping onto your weapon as you spun backwards to block the sharp objects by using the armour, allowing Izuku (Dante) to gain the spotlight as he used both whips to whip the objects away by using its flames and dark powers, to the Possessrd Reiko's shock as she launched more and sharper objects at him.

This caused you and Shadow to use your weapons to shoot several of them down so that Dante could get an opening to hold her in place. Once there is an opening, Izuku (Dante) soon used both of his whips as he wraps them around Reiko, tying her torso and arms together while pulling her back down to the seat where she sat.

Seeing that the Hellish Hero has her tied and onto the same seat where they found her, he called for Ibara to do her thing.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): IBARA!!!! Whatever you need to do, you have to do it now for Reiko!

Izuku (Dante) called out.

Hearing him, Ibara clasp her hands together in a praying kind of manner as she began to pray while activating her quirk.

Ibara: Dear god, let my friend be freed from this tainted evil that wretches her soul! Cast it out!

She said.

Then, her vines on her hair rose up as they lunged in towards the chair where Reiko is seated while being tied down as they wrapped around her, causing the possessed Reiko to scream demonically in pain as Ibara's hair infused with the ancient relic is doing its thing.

While holding her in place, a black mist began to emerge out of Reiko from behind and from the back of her head as the evil is being casted out. However, just as the evil is already out, Reiko let out a even louder scream, causing Ibara and Izuku (Dante) to get repelled backwards, for you to catch Izuku (Dante) and Izuku (Enoch) to catch Ibara by using his fluffy wings.

Ibara looked around and then looks at the Angellic Hero, relieved that he's caught her in a nick of time before she hits the wall.

Ibara: Th-Thank you, Spawn of Christ.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): I'm gonna take that as a compliment, Ibara.

Ibara: giggles and smiles Don't worry. It is a compliment. And may I add, your wings are fluffy and soft.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Heheh! That's what you said in my world, too.

Izuku (Enoch) said.

The both giggled for a brief moment until they heard the Hellish Hero calling for Reiko.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): REIKO?! REIKO!!!

Izuku (Dante) called out for his love.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch) & Ibara: !!!! RIGHT! REIKO!

They said, realizing that they are still on a mission.

So, the two rushed back towards the group as they see everyone checking on Reiko to see if she is alright.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Reiko?! My dear?! Are you okay?!

Izuku (Dante) called out.

Then, Reiko opened her eyes while she shot up from lying down, gasping for air, for Izuku (Dante) and Ibara to hug her tightly, consolling her that everything is alright now.

Seeing this, you, Shadow and Roland sighed in relief to see that Reiko is no longer possessed.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Reiko... I'm so glad you're okay....

Ibara: We were worried when you were taken over by the demon!!!

Reiko: .... it's.... it's alright now. I know you all will break me free from its hold. It was.... spooky, that's for sure. But it was a heck of an experience to be possessed by something powerful.

Ibara: Reiko!!!

Izuku Kayama (Dante): now it's not the time for praise. All it matters is, you're fine and that's what matters most.

(Y/n): Uuh, guys?

You interrupted the moment as you see something.

The group looks at you, wondering what is going on.

Shadow: Yes, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): S-S-Scary Nun. points at what you're seeing

You said whils pointing.

Everyone looks at where you're looking and pointing at as they see a very tall figure in Nun's clothing towering over everyone, with her eyes opening to reveal the same glow as seen in Reiko when she was possessed.

(A/N: Valak - The Nun. Ensure she's taller like the one from the Nun 2 Movie.)

Seeing the Nun before them, everyone readied their quirks and weapons as they readied themselves to fight the supernatural beyond comprehension. Watching the Nun standing there, you, Shadow and Roland transformed into their specific Rider forms as they turned into Kamen Rider Zein (Shadow), Kamen Rider Ghost Specter Mugen Grateful Damashii (Roland) and Fantasy Fever form ((Y/n)). Once you three are ready, you all don your weapons as you all are ready to fight with the others.

With an evil smile, the Nun smirked at all of you, for Izuku (Dante) to point his personal whip at her.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): YOU!!!! Y-You did this to me! You made me a demon to be hated. To do evil deeds that I don't want to do. You forced me to regret everything that I did and did not do! And furthermore, you had the Circus come after me for betraying them and their buyers who bought me.

When he said that, the Nun soon roared at him for his treachery, causing him and also Enoch to be sent back to a wall while destroying the chair that Reiko was sitting at when she was possessed, for everyone to see this happening.

After that happened, Reiko immediately used her quirk to levitate some furniture above her while Ibara used her hair vines to wrap the Nun in place while delivering the power of christ upon her, causing the Nun to shriek in agony for a moment. While being held down, Reiko motions her hand forward for the furniture to fly towards her, striking the evil nun down, with the last furniture to be grabbed by Izuku (Dante)'s whips as he swung it around and onto the Nun's face.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Here's a little three times the payback!

Izuku (Dante) yelled.

Swinging th furniture with his whips, Izuku (Dante) swung it down, striking the furniture into the nun's face, disorientating her for a moment, giving Reiko the opportunity to levitate herself towards the Nun's utilizing her knife as she lunges in toeards her.

Reiko: This is for giving my dear HELL for his entire life with the Circus!!!

She said, thrusting the knife into the Nun, only to be repelled back by the Nun's unholy powers, whiched caused Ibara and Izuku (Dante) to be repelled back, as well.

Seeing this, Roland, Izuku (Enoch) and you began to attack next as you used your powers and the powers of the Reiblood Items to blast an ice and fire attack onto the nun, only for the nun to repel them by using its telekinetic supernatural powers, giving Enoch the opportunity to launch his fire rings at her, delivering numerous cuts on her while unsheathing his silver swords from the sides of his chestplate as he swung them down onto his enemy, slashing the evil nun's body.

Roland went to a distant as he aimed Gan Gun Hand and Gan Gun Catcher in their Gun Modes as he blasted them onto the Nun, delivering some hurt on the unholy being. Izuku (Enoch) can be seen conjuring up fire rings as he threw six of them at the Nun, for them to fly about as he looked for an opening to deliver some slashes while unsheathing his swords from his sides of his chestplate. Seeing an opening, the rings flew in delivering cuts, for the Nun to groan from this, giving the Angelical Hero the opportunity to fly in with his swords, delivering some slashes onto her. The three of you kept delivering attacks with Ibara, Reiko and Izuku (Dante) to join them, for Shadow to use a card as he used it to scan it by using the Driver itself instead of shredding the card when inserted into the Driver.


-Justice Order!-

-Final Attack Ride! De-De-De-Decade!-

Reclaiming the used scanned card back (A/N: Yes, for Shadow's Zein-Driver, the cards won't be shredded this time, it'll be simply scanned to acquire the finisher on the specific Rider Card.), Shadow utilized Decade's weapon in gun mode as he began to deliver numerous powerful shots with everyone contributing to attacking the Nun at every corner.

During the onslaught of attacks, the Nun began to slowly have a wide grin on her face as her presence and aura began to grow even stronger while the attacks were being inflicted on her.

Then, with enough of aura and power built up within her, the Nun soon looked up as she let out an ear-piercing scream which caused everyone to be repelled backwards, causing some of the group to crash through the walls of the church.

Dazed, everyone slowly while struggling to get up from that surprise attack, only to be introduced by chains wrapping around Ibara, Roland and you, for Shadow to see this as he tried making his way to them to free them, only for the Nun to use her powers to lift him up while having him lifted up in a 't' formation  as if being crucified.

Seeing this, Izuku (Enoch) immeidately flew up in front of Shadow as he used his Eldritch quirks against the Nun, forcing her to release Shadow, in which she did, giving Izuku (Dante) the opportunity to use his quirk to distract her by showing her defeats as her worse nightmares.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Please don't do this!!!

Izuku (Dante) said in a pleading kind of way with both his voice and his feminine voice.

Hearing this, the Nun turned towards Dante for him to use his whip to whip her face, giving the Angelical Hero the other opportunity to use his swords to stab the Nun from behind, causing it to roar in pain. To add on to the pain, he conjured two fire rings as he stabbed it where the swords were stabbed, for the Nun to shriek even louder.

While Izuku (Enoch) is stabbing his blades and Fire Rings into the Evil Nun, Izuku (Dante) used his whips to wrap them around her neck, setting it on fire as he tried to burn the heck out of her.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): I don't want to be like you or them.... but,... since you tortured me to create me like this,... HEH!!! New word I learnt from my Teachers and friends! What Irony! I'm going to do exactly what you did to me....

He said, increasing the whips tightness.

While the two Izukus can be seen keeping the Nun in place, Reiko began to levitate even more heavier objects and larger furniture above her head as she threw them towards the Nun, only for the Nun to roar extremely loudly, louder than before, causing everyone to be repelled backwards once more along with the very heavy objects that were used in the attempts to weigh the Nun down.

Hearing that extremely loud roar, Shadow looked up to see that everyone is being repelled away and noticed that the two Izukus are about to hit the wall extremely hard, for him to transform into a flurry of snow a he flew towards them as he uses his power to catch them before crashing through, being a human shield for them.

After crashing through the wall that leads the group to the entrance from where they entered from, you look back to see thst Shadow has caught them and saved the Izukus from crashjng through, for him to turn his attention towards the evil Nun who is seen revealing its true self as a demon behind that Nun disguise.

(A/N: Valak in demon form. She'll have wings in accordance to the books and the looks in both Conjuring and Nun Movies.)

(Y/n): So, finally showing your true face, aren't ya? Well, I'm gonna show you a REAL face of power!!

You said while donning Fever Fantasy and Armoured Darkness Armour all at once.

Preparing yourself, Valak roared at you, causing a powerful force to push you back, only for you to use your trident to hold you in place so you won't move much and your cloak to levitate to counter the demon's power.

Once the demon is done roaring, you took this opportunity to advance towards it. Just as you were about to get close to the demon, it raised its claw, for spikes made of the ground and some water emerged, for you to stop advancing an inch away from them as you slashed them away so you may advance once again. The demon did the same trick only for you to keep slashing the spikes to pieces while they emerge shooting up from the ground in the attempts to impale you, but to no avail.

As soon as you are close enough, you levitate in the air as you-

-Golden Fever Victory!-

-began to impale the demon with your trident combined with Fantasy swords and its power, for the demon to see this coming as it smirked at you while summoning some chains to coil around the trident, to your dismay, but you kept advancing.

(Y/n): Tough luck! Thanks to these trinkets, I have the power to see the possibilities and levitate. By you to use chains on my trident, it's a very VERY Bad move!!!

You said, twirling your trident with the chains as you used them to strike the demon, causing it to stagger backwards.

As soon as you landed a hit, you landed on two spikes gracefully and carefully with your trident in hand coiled by chains, smirking at the face of the demon.

(Y/n): A word of advice.... THINK!!! I'm sure demons such as yourself can do that!

You said, mocking the demon.

Then, you began twirling your trident with the chains still coiled around, using them as an extention to your weapon, with Roland, Ibara and Reiko to join you soon after to deal with the unholy beast.

Meanwhile, while the others are fighting against the demon, at the other side of the room where the three crashed through after Shadow caught the two Izukus to save them from crashing through the wall hurting themselves, Shadow, Izuku (Enoch) and Izuku (Dante) slowly got up as they dusted the debris off them, with Izuku (Enoch) to flap his wings to get the dust and debris off each of them.

After getting themselves together, Shadow's Zein form dehenshins while he looks ahead from where the hole was they crashed through as he sees the battling unfolding with you, Reiko, Ibara and Roland against the demon that he and the group are aimed to take down. Seeing that you all are not going to last long, Shadow looks at the two Izukus, knowing that desperate times, calls for desperate measures.

Going up to them, he made sure the two are okay before he does the "thing".

Shadow (Inner Thoughts): Dang.... Decade's Powers weren't strong enough for this thing... and I even had to use my Winter powers and Zero-One's Metal Cluster powers to save them from a pair of concussions.... glad this is useful. holds out Zero-One Metal Cluster Hopper Rider Card
Shadow: Are you guys okay?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): We're fine, thanks.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Yup. Thanks for the save with that Ice Quirk.

Shadow: Yeah, no problem. By the way, it's one of the feats of magic in my power, not quirk. I can explain it later.

You said and mention.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Umm, s-sir?

Shadow: Yeah?

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): V-Valak.... it's too strong...

Izuku Kayama (Dante): I know what Enoch means, Shadow.... my Creator.... a-and the creator of the c-cirus... holding onto my tail shaking in fear she's... too powerful.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): We all saw what she's capable of.... we could barely touch her unless she's distracted....

Shadow: that's true.... the original plan was to directly take her down when we see her. Never thought she would possess one of our own in the team and go all out on us.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Well, that plan just went up in smoke...

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): You, have another plan in mind, do you?

Shadow: Yes. I do. As desperate times, calls for desperate measures.

Izuku Kayama (Dante & Enoch): Huh?

Shadow: Dante, Enoch. What I'm about to do is going to help us tip the battle to our favour. We're going to do the thing.

Shadow said.

When they heard this, the teo Izukus looked at each other, then back to Shadow, confused.

Izuku Kayama (Dante & Enoch): T-The thing?

Shadow: perhaps I should how you. holds out my hand for the hands in the middle teamwork gig Take hold my hand in the middle for a second.

Izuku Kayama (Dante & Enoch): sees this Umm, okay?

They said, still confused.

Hesitant, they slowly placed their hands onto Shadow's hand and each other's, for a glimmer of light to shine when their hands are in contact. Seeing this, they swiftly pulled their hands back, looking surprised at what just happened.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Okay! What was that?! It felt...

Izuku Kayama (Dante): We were about to become one or something. I... I don't know what that is but... that felt something interesting.

Shadow: That is part of my power. Enigma of Combination. It allows me to combine with anyone temporarily while in the process, combine their powers, too.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): S-So, that means if we do that, our quirks can combine, as well as our traits?

Izuku Kayama (Dante): And if we do t-the thing, we can take Valak down for good?

Shadow: Ending her reign and The Circus's reoccuring nightmare, once and for all. It's possible.

Shadow said.

Just as he said that, a roar can be heard at where the battle is taking place and an ominous growl can be heard behind him, for the two Izukus and Shadow to slowly look back to see many faceless Nuns walking towards them, slowly surrounding them.

Seeing this, Shadow looked at where the fight is as he sees Valak having chains coiled around the four of you as she raised you four mid air, to Shadow's worry. He even saw you using your kaiju powers to break free, but to no avail as Valak added more chains to coil around you to immobilize you. Looking at this, you also see many of Valak's manifestations heading out from the church, knowing where they are going.

Shadow: okay..... i know where they're going....
Shadow (Inner Thoughts): they're heading for U.A.. We need to rap this up fast!

You said and said in thought.

Surrounded, the two Izukus wielded their whip, swords and fire rings as they prepared for a fight with Shadow transforming back into Zein again, this time, fishing out Parablade and his elemental coat to wear, readying himself to fight against a horde of Valak's manifestations surrounding them with the two Izukus while scanning a card.


-Justice Order!-

-Spade Ten! Jack! Queen! King! Ace! Royal Straight Flush!-

Armed and ready, the three of them began to use their support items and weapons as they began to take down all of her manifestations that were charging towards them after a brief moment of standing still and staring at them.

Meanwhile, Valak in her demon form can be seen tightening the chains around you, Reiko, Ibara and Roland. Unbeknownst to her, you had an ace in your sleeve as you can be seen looking at the demon, talking to it.

(Y/n): HEY!!!! You!!!

Valak looked at you with a hiss.

(Y/n): Yeah, you! Question. Why do what you do and mess him up?! Huh??? There has to be a reason why you made Dante, huh?

Ibara: (Y/n)?! What are you-

(Y/n): looks at Ibara, whispering I have a plan so play along!

You said silently while the Demon stopped in front of your face.

Seeing the demon before you growling at you, you soon began to hear the unthinkable. It spoke to you and the rest.

Valak: It's simple, really.

(Y/n): Oh! So you speak? And here I thought you're just gonna roar at us all day like in your Nun form.

Valak: My Nun form is a disguise to influence my victims and walk amongst the living. You know I have to admit, for someone who wanted to take me down, one, you all are powerful. And two, you all remind me of a few people. And I'm surprised you managed to recover someone who was possessed so quick.

(Y/n): Well, we live to please. So, answer my question about Dante aka, Izuku, will yeah? Humor us?

You said.

Hearing this, Valak smiles at you, showing her sharp teeth ate you, then walks backwards.

Valak: Simple. To kill a few "particular" people. And you bunch,.... especially with my creation, are included.

(Y/n) & Roland: "Particular" people?

Valak: You see? I was born here by a Dark Duke who used to summon me from the Gateway of Hell. But it was halted by the people of the Church... and looks at Ibara the Holy Relic they used to keep me and the others out... but what they didn't know was, some of them got out before the church could even seal the gateway away, possessing the people of war to bomb the surroundings of the church to again unseal the gateway, allowing us to get out.

Ibara: And you- you took that opportunity to get out?!

Valak: Yes. This place was my prison... my home... but no thanks to several Nuns, they had to reseal it again, unknowing that I'm walking amongst them.

(Y/n): Which explains the disguise part? Clever.

Ibara: You atrocious fiend! I shall punish with the Power of Christ that is now bestowed upon me and Reiko!!!

Valak: You think that will work? I'm already at my strongest! And you all barely land a blow on me. Even they couldn't land a single hit on me... Except one.

(Y/n): They?

Roland: One?

Valak: The very people who brought me.... sent me down to hell!!! One who spat in the face of the devil to seal me!!! Purged me down there!!!! A Nun, who was the descendent of St. Lucia, the Priest who I killed off, that Frenchman, and those two paranormal investigators for exorcists! They were the ones who defeated me.... I was at my lowest when I was down in the deeper depths of Hell until.... an idea dawned upon me. So, I went to find the Crooked Man, and when I found him, we emerged out Hell together, to carry out our plans. We created the Circus, every single members. My personal favourites were the Fire Spitter, Dabi and one of my knife throwers who's a Contortonist, Himiko Toga. Thus, we formed the Circus.

Reiko: You.... made Toga?! fuming mad

Valak: Correct. After we made the Circus, I went on my way but before that, a thought came in mind, if I want revenge on St. Lucia's descendents and those two, why not create something that is as powerful as me with no weakness, to do the job for me. So, the Crooked Man and I did one more creation before I let him take over the reigns. This creation, I gave the Crooked Man my blood, and it worked wonders, thus the birth of-

(Y/n): The Demon aka, Izuku Kayama. Interesting. So this entire life, you simply created Izuku out of spite and revenge on those who sent you down to hell.

Valak: You're catching on? Good for you~ Honestly,.... it was never going to be given to the League, but since the Boogeyman and I are partners before, I suppose a little transaction was in order so he can use him to kill all the Pro Heroes.

Reiko: YOU'RE MAD!!!!! That's why he was very violent in our practise when we first sparred with him and the time in the Sports Festival with Aoyama! It was because of you!! YOU DID THIS TO HIM!!!!

Valak: Heheheh! So, you must be the one who swayed him to the light and became his significant other? I forgot to mention.

Reiko: I... did not do this alone.... the Pros and his adopted mother and sister swayed him from the dark side. YOUR dark side!

Valak: Yes, my creation made his own legion of heroes to go against me... but that won't do much at all. As what you saw before, I led my legion somewhere, and you can already guess where.

(Y/n): You sent... your unholy army.... to their school?!

Valak: Exactly.

Reiko: N-No....

Valak: And since I could see you are a powerful host with the eyes within you, I shall possess you once again, so I can use your quirk, and destroy that miserable school, once and for all!!! And when I'm done with all of you.... the saint's other descendants and those two are next!! He, is perfect! A perfect meld of Humanity and Hell! A perfect Creation that we have ever made!

Roland: We'll not let that happen!!

Valak: not really your choice now that you are under my bindings!

(Y/n): Perhaps not, Demon.

Valak: Oh? And how do you intend to escape from this when you are chained from the shoulders down???

(Y/n): I have a particular way in mind. And it's this! Moguison Buzzsaw Comb!

(A/N: Moguison. (Y/n) will have the kaiju's buzzsaw comb at the back of (Y/n)'s head.)

You yelled for a spiked mane to form on the back of your head down to your neck as you head tilted your head in a 360 clockwise motion while the spikes on your head began to move as fast as a chainsaw, cutting the chains off you.

Seeing this, Valak roared at you freeing yourself as you proceeded to free the others, as well. Once everyone is freed, Reiko used her quirk in its strongest as she began lifting even heavier things, heavier and bigger boulders, and objects that can pin the demon down. Valak saw this as she flew towards Reiko, only for Ibara and Roland to stop her by using her hair vines and his burning lasso (conjured from his own power from Toucon Billy the Kid form) that were wrapped around her wrists, for her wrist to burn agonizingly due to the blood of christ infused to Ibara's hair.

Seeing this opportunity, Reiko swung her arm forward, pointing at Valak as the levitated objects Reiko levitated by using her quirk flew to Valak, striking her down to the wall. Seeing Valak at her weakest,-


(Y/n): Deltandal Flight! Deltandal Mach Speed! EX-Gomora Arm Claws! EX-Gomora Rolling Attack!!!

(A/N: Deltandal. (Y/n) will have Deltandal's Flight and Mach Speed.)

(A/N: EX-Gomora. (Y/n) will have its claw arms and will have its rolling attack ability.)

You yelled while Roland turned into his Mugen Grateful Damashii as he did an ultimate flying dropkick.

While Roland's attack is at play, you immediately flew through the ceiling, gaining thr momentum you require as you zig zag in the air, increasing speed with each passing direction you zig zagged. Once gaining the speed and momentum you required, you immediately flew down, curling into a ball as you crashed through the ceiling, creating another hole as you joined with Roland, inflicting damage to the demon, causing debris to fly all over while sending the demon flying.

Ibara saw this as she used her hair to form a layer of armour all over her while wrapping the demon's neck with her vine hair, pinning the demon at every corner of the destroyed abandoned church known as the Abbey. Once that was done, Ibara threw the demon to a wall, for Reiko to use her quirk to keep her levitated in mid air, showing vengence in her eyes.

Reiko: Now that the table have turn.... let's see how you like it when you are in chains, just like how we all were.

Reiko said as she levitated some chains, chaining the demon from the shoulders down, chaining her wings at the process.

Once that was done, Reiko floated towards Valak, placing her knife at the demon's neck.

Reiko: Any last words before we send you back down to hell?

Reiko ask.

This caused Valak to smile the same smile at Reiko.

Valak: Send me back down? A child like you... and all of you?! I.... disagree, and I disagree with your idiot for a leader.

Valak said, letting out a loud roar, louder than before.

Roaring at the top of her voice, you and the other three covered their ears, disorientated by the roar. Roland looked at the demon while being disorientated when he noticed spikes protruding out from the ground, for him to push Ibara and you aside so that the spikes don't pierce you two and himself.

While the spikes are protruding out, Valak broke her arm free from the chains while grabbing Reiko by her neck, throwing her away to the spikes below, only for Roland to use his powers to levitate her towards him, catching her, to his relief that he caught her just in time before she landed on the spikes that were about to pierce her.

Managed to save everyone, the four of you looked up to see Valak unravelling the chains that were binding her as she walks towards them.

Valak: Why don't you accept your fate and die?! And be my next experiments?! My creations?! Once I kill your schoolmates, your teachers, make them as my other creations, I'll kill the seven of you and turn you all into creations. And maybe, turn your little school as my secondary home and castle! Maybe your entire world!! After that, I'll reclaim my perfect creation, contort him to what he once was, and have him kill the other descendants and the Warrens I wanted to kill this badly!! Heh! To think I can kill the ones you love most and treasure as friends! Now that's what I call many lines of symmetry.... Symmetry, my friends!

Reiko: .... spooky.... yet, go to hell!!

Valak: Oh, my friend begs to differ! Wouldn't you say, Crooked Man???

Valak ask.

Then, footsteps were heard, for the four of you to look where the sounds of footsteps come from, for Ibara and Reiko to look in shock and terror to see someone has returned, revealing himself to be the Crooked Man himself.

(A/N: The Crooked Man.)

The Crooked Man: Yes indeed, Valak! I, beg to differ! And I see our creation's crooked friends and lover have come to face their fates?

Valak: Not yet. But for now, I'll let you have the girl who has the levitating abilities.

The Crooked Man: Done. She owes me her life, anyway.

The Crooked Man said.

Reiko looked in fear as the Crooked Man slowly made his way towards her while holding onto his crooked and pointy tip Umbrella as he now and still has the killing intend to kill ever since the last encounter with Izuku (Dante) and the others in their last showdown.

Close enough, the Crooked Man used his umbrella to swat Reiko away from you and your friends, to their shock. Before they could do anything, the Crooked Man opened his umbrella and swung it at them, pushing them back and for Valak to conjure more spikes to protrude from the ground, trapping them in a cage of spikes.

Seeing you three are trapped, the Crooked Man walks towards Reiko for her to use her quirk to levitate some glass as she have them flew towards the Crooked Man, only for them to be swatted away by his umbrella, to her shock to see that he is now powerful than before.

Valak: Oh? If you must know.... he is now more powerful than last time, thanks to the Book of the Dead, also known as the Black Book of Anubis that is now within me.

Valak mentioned.

Hearing this, Reiko couldn't help but watch helplessly as her former enemy is getting closer.

Just as the Crooked Man stopped in front of her, he immediately thrusted his umbrella forward, in the attempts to stab Reiko where she is now cornered, only to be halted by a white light suddenly shines from the other room in front of the two entities, blinding them with the Crooked Man to stagger backwards due to the eye-blinding light before them. Seeing this, the four of you slowly turned back to see what is happening.

Ibara: What's happening?!

(Y/n): Looks like Shadow's doing the thing.

Reiko: Thing? What thing?!

Roland: Combining the Two Izukus together with him. AND, hopefully it will stop them and their legion of darkness.... once and for all.

Looking on, everyone began to see the light dimming down, to reveal someone in the center shining brightly.

Ibara: Glorious...

Reiko: Spooky...

Both the girls said.

Valak: Who ARE you?!

Valak demanded.

Hearing the question, the being covered in light slowly walks towards the halted fight, leaving a trail of blue flaming footprints after every step.

??? (???): I maybe the Number One Hero: Shadow from another World, the Angelical Hero: Enoch from Another, the Hellish Hero: Dante. But in the end, the three of us as one, WE are all, the Angelical Hellish Hero: Daimon.

The person said.

Introducing himself, the light illuminating the person's entire body faded, revealing the features on the person known as the Angelical Hellish Hero: Daimon.

Unravelling his hood with his mask and mouth guard based on Dante's mask opening up, everyone could see that the fusion is mainly Shadow with some traits of the two Izukus with his head to have longer horns (A/N: Along the lines of Hellboy's long horns.), his left eye is based on Dante's eyes and the right to be Enoch's.

The fusion's Hero Costume is based on Dante's Hero Costume combined with Shadow's elemental white outfit and Enoch's Hero Costume. Along with the combined Hero Costume, Shadow has a cloak and hood coloured red based on Dante's hood and Hero Costume with white and gold outlines all over to give off Enoch's angelic vibes on it combined with the Legacy Armour and Fantasy Armour's colour scheme.

His armour will also have Fantasy and Legacy Armour donned on but this time, they are fused together and on the Hero Costume to give the Angelic and Demonic vibes.

For his weapons, on the sides of the chestplate armour, there are two silver swords as per usual, and more holes around the armour containing magnesium powder in them. Finally, Shadow has a tail based on Dante's tail, but thia time, it doesn't have a pointy end, instead it is replaced by white fluffy feathers that can become as sharp as daggers when in combat based on Enoch's wings and his support items (swords).

Everyone looked in shock at Shadow's new fusion look as he began to walk towards the two demons before him, for Izuku (Dante) to recognize him.

Izuku Kayama (Dante) (Inner Thoughts): I-Is that, the Ringmaster....???? I thought he's-

Shadow (Daimon): nods

Reiko: Valak revived him!

Shadow (Daimon): looks at Reiko

Reiko: V-Valak... brought him back by using one of the relics she absorbed to make her powerful. She also made him powerful, too.

Reiko said.

Hearing this, Shadow turned his attention to the two unholy demons, now wielding his two swords while ten fire rings began to conjure by themselves as they readied themselves.

Shadow (Daimon) (Mix of Izuku (Dante)'s voice): Then we'll make sure... HE DIES FIRST!! After all the experimentation and torture he has done to me!!! To us!!!!

Shadow said and Izuku (Dante) said in Shadow's mind.

Hearing this, the Crooked Man began walking fast towards Shadow as he immediately thrust his umbrella at him, only for Shadow to sharpen his feathers while the rings went onto his tail to add more edge as he tail whipped the Crooked Man's umbrella away and swayed his tail swiftly to another direction, for some feathers to be shot out of his tail and for three rings to be swung out to deliver some cuts onto the Man, piercing him at its arms and torso, for the Crooked Man to shriek in pain from this while staggering back.

Staggering back, Shadow jumped as he tried stabbing the Crooked Man, to end this quickly, only for the Crooked Man to roll to the side as he reclaimed his umbrella. Seeing this, Shadow thrusts his sword into the ground, engulfing his hands in blue flames as he blasts numerous fireballs at him, for the Crooked Man to open his umbrella to block them all, only for the fabric on the umbrella to melt, to his shock.

With the umbrella to no longer act like a shield, Shadow did Izuku (Dante)'s smirk as he picked his sword back up as he slammed them onto the ground while pressing a button on each swords, for them to turn into whip swords while engulfing into a normal flame on one sword and a blue flame on the other. Seeing this, the Crooked Man roared at Shadow, only for him to jump up towards him as he began whipping around his whip swords. Knowing that Shadow would simply lunge in like what Izuku (Dante) did before, the Crooked Man used the handle of his umbrella as he hooked him at his waist as he flunged him away, only for Shadow to land on his feet onto the wall as he ran towards his enemy he said he'll take down first.

(A/N: An visual example on what Daimon's silver swords will look like in both sword and whip sword modes.)

As he got close, the Crooked Man thursted his umbrella towards Shadow, only for him to jump to the side, dodging it while whipping his whip swords around while the remaining rings flew about as they too slice the umbrella, causing the umbrella and its hand holding onto the umbrella to be sliced into pieces while burning into nothing but charred metal and flesh.

The Crooked Man screamed in pain while holding onto his severed hand. Seeing this, Shadow smirked at the sight of Izuku (Dante)'s creator screaming in pain. Enraged, the Crooked Man lunged his other arm to grab Shadow with his good working hand, only for chains to wrap around his good working arm and hand. The Crooked Man looked at who did it, to see Reiko using her quirk as she used the chains to bind the Man's arms in place.

Reiko: Not this time.... looks at Daimon GO!!!

Shadow (Daimon): nods

Nodding at what Reiko said, Shadow jumped high, free falling towards the Crooked Man as he started whipping his whip swords about and skillfully like what Izuku (Dante) was taught through videos and Midnight teaching him, striking his whip swords at the immobilized demon while using his tail to slash, whip and launch some feathers at the Crooked Man.

After whipping away and using his tail to melee and range attack all at once, Shadow landed onto the ground with his back facing the demon not moving after many attacks inflicted on him. Once done, Shadow reverted his weapons back into their Sword Modes, placing them back onto the sides and his rings flew back on top of his head, disappearing on themselves, his tail relaxed as the feathers slowly closed up from being sharp as they began fluffy and soft again, for the Crooked Man to shriek, then fall motionless onto the ground with its own blood spewing out with some fingers and limbs to come apart, as well, to everyone's amazement and shock.

Ibara: W-Whoa...

Reiko: Sp-Spooky... and terrifying speed.

(Y/n): Does... looks at Roland Shadow know he can do that?

Roland: Who knows... but I like it.

The four discussed.

Taken care of the Crooked Man, Shadow looks at Valak, pointing his finger at her.

Shadow (Daimon): You're next.

He said.

Then, as if right on cue, a flash of lightning illuminated the sky and a roar of thunder can be heard outside. After that, came the rain that poured down through the holes (Y/n) have created to increase his speed and attack on the demon.

Hearing this, Valak began to roar at Everyone, only for Shadow to open up his three pairs of large wings and a pair of large demon wings as he shielded his team from the demon's power of its roar while coating his feet with ice to be stuck on the ground so he won't get repelled away. After the roar, he fold and closed his wings, looking back to his group while he used his tail to shoot out several feathers that struck Valak in its eyes and torso, for the demon to stagger back as the feathers that went into its eyes were blindingly painful for the demon.

Preoccupied to remove the sharp knife-like feathers from its eyes, Shadow took this opportunity to talk to his team.

Shadow (Daimon): Are you all okay?

Ibara: We are thanks to you and God's grace.

Reiko: I'm fine, thank you.

(Y/n): We are.

Roland: nods

Shadow (Daimon): smiles I'm glad to hear that.

Reiko: Shadow? 

Shadow (Daimon): Hmm?

Reiko: Is... Izuku in there, in this Daimon form?

Reiko asks.

After a short pause, Shadow nods at her question, for Reiko to hug him, knowing that Izuku (Dante) can sense her hugging him from inside, for Shadow to hug her back, knowing that Izuku (Dante) has taken over for a moment to hug her tighter.

Shadow (Daimon) (Mix of Izuku (Dante)'s voice): It's okay, Reiko, my dear. I'm alright. And I'm here.

He said with Izuku (Dante)'s voice in a mix of it.

Soon after, they both broke the hug, for Reiko to look at Shadow aka, Daimon.

Reiko: H-How did you three...???

Shadow (Daimon)(Mix of Izuku (Dante)'s voice): It's Shadow's so called "Power", darling. It... helps by combining more than two people at once, combining our costumes, our features on each of us, our support items, and our weapons.... doubling or tripling our powers and our quirks, or maybe "Go Beyond" its capacity to make powerful fusions, according to what he said. Thanks to his power, it got rid of the horde we were fighting in seconds.

Shadow (Daimon)(Mix of Izuku (Enoch)'s voice): Yeah! Have a look! I have literally swords at the sides of my chestplate now! Which can turn into Dante's whips combined with it! And I can likely summon more than ten rings right now!

Shadow said with Izuku (Enoch)'s voice cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood.

Hearing this, you and the rest began to snicker a bit before Shadow released Reiko from holding onto her shoulders, looking back at Valak.

Shadow (Daimon): Okay, Enoch, Dante. looks back to you four Cerebro, Onryo, Vine, Roland. Let's get this mission done.

Shadow said.

Everyone: Yes sir!

The four said and the two Izukus said in Shadow's mind.

As such, the five Heroes stood tall as they went head to head against the demon, once again, for Valak to roar at them causing spikes to emerge, aiming at the five of you when they got closer. Seeing this, you stood in front of everyone as you turned your Fantasy Arms into EX-Skull Gomora Arm Claw Knuckles while in your Fantasy Fever form, smashing both fists down onto the ground, causing an Oscillatory Wave and Fire Road to to clash with Valak's spike road, maintaining this power struggle, utilizing the Greezocyte Eye to emit a pulse that causes your attack to slowly overpower Valak's.

Maintaining the strength of your abilities and the Eye's power's assist, Shadow looks at Roland for him to summon all his Eyecon Ghosts and Rider Eyecon Ghosts as they flew at the Demon, striking every attack that was mustered by Roland as the demon ended up getting distracted by them, causing Cerebro's attack to zoom in towards her while destroying the spike road attack in the process. Seeing this, Valak flew to the side, avoiding the attack, only for the same attack to strike her in the air inspite of the air having no ground, to her confusion.

(Y/n): heheh! I guess you have questions, Valak!!! To put it simply, the Greezocyte Eye not only allows me to manipulate things and see numerous possibilities, but thanks to the power of Greeza that also resides in the eye, I can also manipulate and glitch when I launched my attack, so that it strikes you! So in a way, I can manipulate time space and greeza's glitches so that to change my attack's trajectory, to you!!

You explained.

Roland looks at you, amazed on your utiliziation on The Greezocyte Eye.

Roland: Really now?! That's smart. Much like the Eye of Agamotto but, even better.

(Y/n): Yes!

Valak: The Eye.... of Agamotto?.... the... Greezocyte Eye..... the Left... grabs one Eyecon Ghost and tosses it away and Right Eyes.... of Space Time.... swats some other Eyecon Ghosts away Continuum.... I WANT THEM!!!!!!!

Valak said, lunging towards you.

But then, just before she could grab you and the Eye, she was soon halted when her body glowed of Reiko's quirk. Seeing and feeling this, Valak turned back to see Reiko using her quirk to her maximum capacity thanks to the eyes within her as she held Valak in position, to the demon's surprise.

Reiko: It just dawned upon me. Relics are Objects. So, why not use my quirk on them so that to grab you, immobilizing you completely.

Reiko said, moving her arm to the side swiftly, flinging the demon to the wall while the ghosts kept attacking the demon.

On the ground, Valak slowly got back up, only to see Ibara covered in her Vine armour all over as she rushed towards the demon.

Ibara: Repent, and Kneel to the Mercy of GOD, Demon!!!!!

Ibara yelled.

Yelling this, she land a punch on Valak, send it through the wall, leaving a hole into it and a burn mark on Valak's face. Landing another punch, Valak grabbed Ibara's vine fist inspite of her hair encoated and infused with the holy relic burning her, raising Ibara up, only for the Vine Hero to use her vines to engulf the demon's hand grabbing her, causing Valak to scream in pain as the vines' grip grew tighter and sharper with the vines' thorns to grow sharp impaling the demon's hand.

In pain, Valak pulled Ibara off from grabbing her arm, throwing her away to see that her hand is burning and pierced by many thorns. Seeing this, Shadow flew up to Ibara, grabbing her as he landed down safely while carrying Ibara in his arms.

Shadow (Daimon): You good?

Ibara: I am, thank you. Thank the gods you came just in time.

Shadow (Daimon): nods You did good, Vine. And I'm guessing those punches were personal, weren't they?

Ibara: nods to both Oh! I took something from Valak. holds it out in hand in front of Shadow It's her Nun diguise Rosary. I'm not sure why it's still on her but, most likely why is because of that light on the cross.

Shadow (Daimon): Oh? takes it and looks at it

Shadow looks at it carefully and began sensing it.

After awhile, Ibara and the two Izukus in Shadow's mind notice Shadow's eyes can be seen widening in shock, indicating to them that he knows what is on the Rosary.

Shadow (Daimon): no... t-that's impossible...

Izuku (Dante): Uh... Shadow? You know something about this rosary?

Ibara: It looks like as if you know something about it.

Shadow (Daimon): Yes, and No. It's not the Rosary that Valak is using that I know of. It's the shiny thing you mentioned, Ibara.... that I know of.

Shadow said.

Then, a loud roar can be heard as Roland, Cerebro and Reiko can be seen using their telekinetic powers to keep her in place while Shadow and Ibara notice that Valak seem to be as tall as everyone of them than just now, for Ibara to question about this.

Ibara: Uhh, why is she... shorter now? Like... she's as tall as us, probably?? And a bit weaker, this time?

Shadow (Daimon): it must be the power of what's on the Rosary.

Shadow said, removing the shiny object on the rosary.

Shadow (Daimon): CEREBRO!!!

(Y/n): looks back to Shadow

Shadow (Daimon): USE THIS!!!!! throws it at you

Seeing this, you ran for it as you leaped forward to grab it.

Valak notice the shiny object being tossed to you, for her to look in shock to see that somehow someone stole one of the holy relics she stole and was using which explains how she is somehow getting a bit weaker.

Valak: NO!!!!! That Relic... IS MINE!!!!!

She roared, sending a shockwave at Reiko and Roland, for the two to use their telekinetic powers to levitate, avoiding themselves from being sent back to the wall once more.

Meanwhile, you were going to reach for the object, only for Valak to grab you as she pulled you away. Seeing that the relic was about to reach her grasp, Shadow used his wings to blow a strong wind against valak so she won't be able to gert close to it, for you to use your Belyudra powers as you grabbed it by elongating your arm, before Valak could grab it, causing the relic to shine brightly inside your clenched fist grabbing hold onto the relic which made Valak to be repelled away by a pulse created by you grabbing it tightly. The pulse dispersed throughout the castle, for Shadow to brace himself by using his wings and tail to cover his front and for the rest to use any means to protect themselves by using their powers and quirks. As soon as the pulse subsided, everyone relaxed for a bit.

With the relic now lost to her, Valak used her wings to fly, levitating in place from crashing through a wall as she looked at you with disgust for stealing what's hers. But in all reality, it is actually yours as what she was holding onto without Valak's knowldge, was another one of Reiblood's Sacred Item.

Valak: Dammit to the pits of hell!! Looks like I have to make do with what I have!!! Thus, I shall drag him to hell, fi-

Just before Valak could finish, she looked in shock to see you holding a shiny bright orb, twice the size of a basketball in hand. And since the orb is activated, your eyes began to glow white flaming streaks of light.

(A/N: In case any ultra fans ask, the orb (Y/n) is holding onto is the same orb that Reiblood was holding in the Ultra Galaxy Movie.)

Looking at it, you soon turn to look at Valak, for her to hiss at you. Hearing this, you grinned widely as you began to raise the orb above you, summoning kaijus and aliens that are based on the supernatural. Witnessing this, Valak watched as two powerful creatures emerged from the orb, Isiris and Bishmel as they bowed to you.

Bowing, you too bowed to them, as well, then points at Valak.

(Y/n): Destroy this devil who haunts Dante, so!

You commanded.

Heeding your command, Isiris and Bishmel turned as they launched their beams at her, for Valak to dodge them as the four began to fight with you watching the fight unfolding.

Seeing what is happening, Shadow gently puts Ibara down while Reiko and Roland gathered around him.

Roland: Shadow? What is happening now?

Shadow (Daimon): I don't know honestly. But whatever this relic is that Cerebro is holding that Valak was using to make her taller and stronger, it seems to be going against Valak instead of us, this time.

Reiko: Is that... good?

Shadow (Daimon): It is when it is in the right hands. But in evil hands, it wouldn't be.

Ibara: So, what now?

Shadow (Daimon): Now, we still stick to plan B.

Reiko: And that's?

Shadow (Daimon): Weaken her with any means necessary.

Shadow said.

The three nod as they activate their quirks and powers again, immediately advancing towards the fight, yet again.


(Y/n): Gladly!!!! Isiris!!! Bishmel!!! My friends will be helping us!! So keep up what you're doing while you help them!!!

You said.

And then, the fight continued with Reiko using her quirk to launch some debris at Valak and for Ibara to use her vines to immobilize the Valak while burning her in the process.

Roland used his Gan Gun Saber in blade mode as he delivered a flurry of slashes at the immobilized demon. After awhile, Roland swiftly dashed past her, inflicting a slash in the process, cleaving its wings off, for Valaka to shriek in pain from this.

Seeing that the demon is incapable of flight, Ibara released the demon as she delivered some whiplashes and slashes by using her vine hair while protecting herself from Valak's claws trying to claw Ibara out from her vine armour with both of them to exchange blows with each other, for Isiris to use his energy sphere attack to strike the demon from behind.

Valak stopped clawing as she turned to look at Isiris, only for her sight on him to be averted by another attack caused by Bishmel's metal manipulation caused by her finger bolts to strike the demon in an instant, for Valak to stagger to the side. Seeing the opportunity before her eyes, Ibara used her vine hair from her armour to bash the demon away from them, catching Valak by surprise.

In the wall, Valak can be seen emerging form crashing into it, having had enough of all of this, only to see Shadow swiftly flying toward her, for Valak to grab his shoulders and for Shadow to do the same.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch)(In Shadow's Mind): She still strong but not as strong as just now.

Izuku Kayama (Dante)(In Shadow's Mind): E-even then, we can't let our guard down when facing her.

Shadow (Daimon): Then let's let loose! Enoch, unleash all of your four quirks. Dante, unleash your fire and your third eye when I give the command. If she wants to take you, she'll have to go through all of us!

Izuku Kayama (Enoch & Dante)(In Shadow's Mind): Yes sir!!

They said.

And so, Shadow used his foot as he kicked himself away from Valak, leaving burnt foot marks on Valak's chest, while conjuring two Fire Rings from his head, throwing them at the demon while launching numerous tail feathers from his tail, only for her to swat them all away by using her hands, causing the feathers to fall onto the ground hard and for the rings to fly back and towards Shadow, for him to catch them at ease.

Catching them, Valak then lunged her hands forward as she blasts streaks of flames at him. Seeing this,- 

Shadow (Daimon): Guys, Now! MASK!!!!

You yelled.

-your eyes shine brightly of Enoch and Dante's eyes, causing two trails of fire, blue fire and the other two to be made of six different elements to take shape around his head as halos, increasing in size as the rings began to circle around Shadow as he flapped his angel and demon wings, hovering in the air.

The six halo rings spun in different direction, larger than before as shiny dots open up into several eyes, looking at Valak while angel wings can be seen appearing on the right and outside of the rings and demon wings on the left.

(A/N: This is what Daimon looks like when Shadow, Dante and Enoch's quirks are mostly and/or all activated. He will be at the center to replace the giant eye and there will be angel wings and demon wings outside, and at the sides of the rings. Description is as stated above.)

Witnessing what is before him, Valak began to see the nightmares that were unfolded in her past flowing back to her and into her mind once again, for her to roar at Shadow, to repel him away from showing her past defeats to her, but to no avail due to his fusion's powerful might of Izukus' quirks and his power, and quirks combined while rain poured down onto the demon from a large hole above her.

Seeing everything unfolding, Ibara notice several huge puddles of water, for her to realize something.

Ibara: r-rain....???


Ibara listened attentively on what Shadow said as he continued.

Shadow: It doesn't have to be wine to make it work. It can also be water, rainwater, tapwater, or even our own sweat.

Roland: I... I see. Then what abo-

Shadow: DON'T go there.

Shadow said with a stern tone in his voice.

Ibara: covers her mouth

Izuku Kayama (Enoch & Dante): snickering

Roland: Okay. Not going there.

Shadow: Anyway, once you see a pool of water anywhere that trails to valak, say the words; ...


Ibara: "This is the Cup of my Blood".... looks at Reiko, (y/n) nd Roland Reiko! (Y/n)! Roland! I need your help.

Ibara called out.

Hearing her calls, you, Reiko and Roland looked at Ibara kneeling down in front a large puddle of water tailing from in front of her towards Valak as she clasp her hands together.

Ibara: I need you to immobilize this demon so I can call upon God's grace!

Roland: That we can do! Guys! Let's do this!

(Y/n): Got it! Isiris! Bishmel! You heard the lady!!!

Reiko: Alright.

The three said as they used their telekinetic powers, once again to this time immobilize her, with Reiko to use several poles to pierce through Valak's hands and feet in a cross formation, as if crucifying the demon on the wall.

Valak struggled to move as she almost got her hands freed, only for Ibara to use her vines from her hair to bind her onto the wall as the vines went through, hooking them in place and for Shadow to throw numerous Fire Rings at the demon, binding the rings over the demon's body and limbs immobilizing the demon while his Eldritch attack is still on.

Immobilized, Shadow looked at Ibara as he spoke to her.

Shadow (Daimon): We have her immobilized! Whenever you're ready!!!

He said.

Ibara nods as she separated her hands from clasping together as she places them into the puddle of water while closing her eyes, praying and thinking about god.

Ibara: this is the cup of my blood....

Ibara said.

As she said that, she began to gain memories of the past when Valak was born all the way to the times when she was defeated by the two investigators. After awhile, she finished her sentence.

Ibara: ... Amen....

She finished.

When Ibara finished saying those words, everyone watched as the rain began to grow heavier while noticing that Valak is starting to burn up, causing her to scream in agony.

Reiko: What is happening?!

Shadow (Daimon): looks at Reiko What it's suppose to happen, Onryo! Vine called upon god to bless the rain to make it become his blood, thus taking effect on the demon for a disguised Nun!

Roland: And it would appear that it is working!

Roland said.

Watching on, Valak can be seen being burnt all over while slowly engulfing into flames from within as her skin begins to melt all over and internally.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the Crooked Man can be seen slwoly getting up as he slowly sneak up behind Shadow to inflict a surprise attack, only for Shadow to see this coming as he unsheathes his swords, turning them into flaming whip swords as he cleaved the Crooked Man's head off his body and conjure a fire ring to cleave the Crooked Man's body into half, killing him for good.

Hearing this, everyone turned to see the Crooked Man has fallen again and Shadow having his whip sword wielded and fire ring conjured again.

Shadow (Daimon): It's okay, my friends! I got him! For good!

He said.

Reiko: What do we do now?! We're about to be at our limits!!

Reiko mentioned.

Shadow (Daimon): I KNOW!!! looks at Valak Now, everyone!!!! REPEAT AFTER ME!!!! IF WE SYNC IT RIGHT, WE CAN SEND HER BACK TO WHERE SHE CAME FROM!!!!

He said.

Everyone: YES SIR!!!!

Shadow (Daimon): Before that, Enoch! Crank your Eldritch quirk to eleven! We're dragging her down, literally!!

Izuku Kayama (Enoch)(In Shadow's Mind): Yes sir! It'll be a strain but, I'll do my best!

Izuku (Enoch) said.

Shadow (Daimon): Dante! Open your third eye! We're comvining that with Eldritch!

Izuku Kayama (Dante)(In Shadow's Mind): Yes sir!!!

Izuku (Dante) said with determination.

Hearing this, it began as a third eye opened up while Enoch's Eldritch quirk began to grow even more powerful than just now.

Shadow (Daimon): Dante. If you want to say your last words to this demon, now it's the time.

Shadow (Daimon) (Mix of Izuku (Dante)'s voice): Thanks.... Valak!!!!!

Hearing Izuku (Dante)'s voice, Valak turns to look at Shadow.

Shadow (Daimon) (Mix of Izuku (Dante)'s voice): You have caused eternal suffering on my friends, my teachers, my dear Reiko and me... for the last time!!! And now, it is time that we'll send you back to where you came from!!!! So you and the Circus, will never ever bother us ever again!!!

Valak roared at what her creation said to her, sending pulses of shockwaves at Shadow.

Shadow (Daimon) (Mix of Izuku (Dante)'s voice): I may have been created by you and the Ringmaster who's the Crooked Man!!! But here's a thing about creations!!! They can turn against their masters for the good or bad cause! For this case,... IT'S FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!!! NOT FOR THE CIRCUS!!!!! BUT FOR MY FRIENDS AND MY FAMILY!!!!

Shadow said, allowing Dante to speak his mind through him.

Izuku Kayama (Dante)(In Shadow's Mind): Shadow, whenever you're ready!!!

Shadow nods hearing this.

Shadow (Daimon): EVERYONE!!! REPEAT AFTER ME!!!!

Shadow yelled.

Then, it began...

Everyone: Your name gives you dominion over you, demon!!! For we do know your name!!!

Valak roared once more, sending spikes at us, for Shadow to command the eyes on the rings to blast beams of elemental energy to destroy them at ease. Then, they continued.


Hearing this, the walls behind Valak began to turn black as skeletons protrude out, grabbing Valak all over, for the demon to struggle while she burns profusely.


Just as they are about to finish, Shadow fished out his golden Trident known as the Relic of Unity, as they finished the sentence.


They said, finishing it off at the top of their voices.

Just as they finish the line, Shadow immediately threw the trident directly at Valak while yelling and emphasizing on the last word (Hell), impaling her at the heart, for Valak to shriek at the top of her voice while being dragged down to ths depths of hell to whence she came while bursting to flames as more skeleton-like hands began to emerge as they drag her down to hell, thanks to Enoch's eldritch quirk being cranked up to its powerful scale that Valak's nightmare turned real.

After a while, everyone watched as Valak is now dragged to hell completely, not before she tried to reach out, for more hands to emerge to pull her back in, for the darkness on the walls to fade out and the trident re-emerged as it fell onto the ground, along with the relics the Nun aka Valak has stolen and absorbed.

With everything settled and set in motion, silence filled the entire castle church ruins of the Abbey with the heavy downpour to still rain down through the holes on the ceiling.

Then, Shadow can be seen deactivating his combined ultimate quirk ability, landing gracefully onto the ground, walking towards where Valak was dragged down to hell as he reclaimed his Trident. While doing so, he notice a severed finger on what's left of Valak, for him to pick it up.

Ibara: Shadow?

Reiko: Is it..... finished??

Ibara and Reiko asked.

Hearing this, Shadow smiled and turned around, looking at everyone while holding out the remnants of what's left of Valak.

Shadow (Daimon): Everyone. It is finished. The Entity.... Valak.... is finished.

Shadow said, crushing the finger into dust and ash, scattering it down onto the ground.

Just as Shadow said that, shadow began to defuse his Angelical Hellish Hero form, reverting back to normal, seeing Izuku (Dante) and Izuku (Enoch) before him while the armour slowly detaches from them, making their way back to Shadow's palm, knowing that their mission is done.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Is it true? S-She's gone?

Izuku (Dante) asks.

Shadow nods at him while smiling.

Shadow: Yes. She's gone. As of this moment now, and forever. You, Reiko and U.A., this World, you are all free from her grasp!

He announces to everyone.

Hearing this, Izuku (Dante) rushed him into a hug as he cried with joy.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Th-Thank you... thank you....

He said.

Shadow hugs back as he pats his head. Seeing this, he looks at Reiko as he offered his hand out, for her to levitate towards them as Shadow brought her into a hug, as well.

Reiko: Like what my Izuku did say.... thank you, for freeing him, freeing us from this returning nightmare....

She said.

Shadow: it's no problem, Reiko.

Shadow said.

Ibara can be seen clasping her hands together as she praised god for protecting them from what transpired moments ago. you, Izuku (Enoch) and Roland did a high five, for their hands to clap, causing an echo of their claps to be heard throughout the castle's surroundings.

After awhile, the three broke the hug as he began to speak again.

Shadow: Ladies and Gentlemen. I thank you, all of you. Without you all standing by each other's side, Valak would've been the biggest villain and threat this world has to ever encounter. Because of all of your efforts, we have finally sent the greatest evil back down to hell to where she came from. And, with these stolen relics, shall be returned to their proper Museums, as soon as possible. So, if there is any questions any of you want to ask, I'm all ears before we head back.

Shadow stated and said.

Hearing this, Ibara raised her hand.

Shadow: Yes, Vine?

Ibara: What was that shiny thing that you gave Cerebro?

Ibara ask.

Shadow: Glad you ask. That shiny thing.... wasn't suppose to be in your World. But somehow, it ended up here which I don't know why. THAT, is one of the Sacred Items, belonging to Alien Reiblood. The Sphere of Control. It allows you to conjure armies and control them, like how Reiblood controlled an army of kaijus millions of years ago.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, everyone looks in shock when they heard this.

Roland: Y-Your grace!! If that item belongs to Reiblood, why is it in this World like those in Cerebro's World?!

Shadow: To tell you the truth, i'm not sure. According to the story, when Reiblood said he scattered them across the universe, he meant it when he did it, but I never anticipated for him to scatter it across the multiverse, other universes and the Metaverse.

Shadow said.

Reiko: Spooky.

Ibara: so, what will you do with that relic now?

Ibara asked another question.

Pondering for a moment, Shadow thought it would be wise that you keep it, for Shadow to announce it.

Shadow: For now, it will be under Cerebro's watch. He will be using them to fight off the threat in his world. Knowing Reiblood, he will always come back.... and I'm having the feeling, he has already made contact with the Number One villain in his World.

Shadow answered.

(Y/n): Then I'll be ready to fight him, whenever he comes out of hiding.

You said.

Shadow nods at what he said.

Shadow: Right! Now that our mission has been accomplished, Roland, (Y/n). Let us have the relics depart from our two chosen.

You said.

With that said, you and Roland began to remove those powers that Ibara and Reiko borrowed as they revert back into their original forms of Relics. It took a longer time to remove them than the time they were placed into them, but they eventually got them out, with Roland to absorb the blood of christ back into the glass sphere necklace and for you to place the eyes back inside the case. Once done, the both of you returned the relics to Shadow while he was creating a wagon made of ice as you placed the relics onto it, pulling it along with him.

Receiving the Relics back from you and Roland, Shadow transformed into his snow flurry form as he did something real quick, for everyone to feel a slight tremor for a brief moment. After that, Shadow came back as he grabbed the handle of the wagon again.

Shadow: Alright, guys. Let's get you home.

Shadow said.

Everyone nods at this. Shadow nods at their nods as he opened the portal, for everyone to go through it, with the portal to close upon itself and disappears when everyone went through.

At U.A. High,

The portal opened for everyone to emerge out as they look at the entire school in front of them with Class 1-A and B, the Principal and the teachers standing there waiting for Izuku (Dante), Reiko and Ibara to come back.

Shadow: Guys!!! We are baaaaaaaaaaaaaoh my goodness!!!!!! What happened here?!?!

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Y-Yeah?!

Shadow and Izuku (Dante) ask out of shock.

Before the group, they all looked in shock to see many piles of dust and ashes, some scattered all over, along with numerous damaged around the school, as well.

Eraserhead: Well, as we suspected. There was an army of faceless Nuns that charged at our school out of nowhere. We also met a lot of...." familiar faces" from the Circus here.

Principal Nezu: We got the entire school into its level five security protocol while we all fought hard and, well.... until these creatures began to crumble on their own to ash and dust. Which begs the question, was that you?

Shadow: Yes. It was us. The entity is officially no more. The Gateway of Hell has been resealed. Dante's now officially free from his nightmares of the Circus.

Izuku Kayama (Enoch): Wait, so that tremor from earlier was you resealing it?

Shadow: Yes.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): Cool...

Midnight: So.... it's over?

Shadow: Yes, Midnight. It's officially over. The Circus. The entity. Valak. All gone.

Shadow said as he began to explain the situation to everyone who waited outside for the three.

Principal Nezu nods at what he has heard.

Principal Nezu: I see. Then we must thank you for helping him overcome and get over his nightmares, Shadow.

Shadow: It's, no problem really.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): OH!!! Mom! Wait till you hear about what we did when we became Daimon!!

Izuku (Dante) mentioned.

Midnight: Daimon?

Shadow: it's a fusion made of me, Enoch and your son, Midnight. Together we formed the Angelical Hellish Hero: Daimon.

Shadow briefly explained what the three of them did when they formed that fusion and the fight.

Everyone looked in shock as they heard that they fought a good fight.

Uraraka: Wow....

Kendo: That was amazing. A power that can combine quirks to double or triple the user's powers temporarily...

Monoma: That is a quirk I'd like to copy.

Shadow: heheh! Sure, when we meet again, of course.

Vlad King: Shadow? I assume these must be the relics that we saw on the news that were stolen? points at the ice wagon filled with relics

Vald King asks.

Shadow: Yes, yes they are.

Vlad King: Then we'll call the specific Museums' Personals to reclaim them.

Shadow: oh, and umm, you may wanna let them have this, too. And tell them to.... make sure it is blessed once a month while being in the exhibits. And keep it inside a very holy container. Trust me,.... they'll need it.

Shadow said, giving Vlad King an ice ball encasing something unholy belonging to the Nun.

Shadow: Vine managed to snag it from Valak, weakening her from her powerful state by just a bit. It was at least better than nothing as we got'er.

Vlad King: looks at it i see.... Very well, I shall do that. looks at Shadow And young man?

Shadow: hmm?

Vlad King: On behalf of the school and my class. We thank you for bringing our finest students of 1-B back to us safely from your mission.

Shadow: nods It's no problem.

Kendo: Thank you also for keeping Reiko, Ibara and Izuku safe, Shadow. It means a lot to us.

Momo: all of us.

Shadow: smiles and nods I'm happy to assist, my fellow Heroes-in-Training, and to you too, Pro Heroes. Now it is time for us to go.

Shadow said, opening another portal to Enoch's World.

Just as Shadow and the rest are about to leave, a tug can be felt for him to look down and see Eri.

Shadow: Oh! Hello there again, little one.

Eri: will we see you again?

Eri asks.

Hearing the question, Shadow lifts him up as he boops her nose.

Shadow: Maybe someday. I'll send Dante a card. And some Candy Apples.

Eri: yaaaaay~

Shadow smiled at her cheerful yays while he returns Eri to Midnight.

Shadow: Take care of Eri and Dante.

Midnight: You know I will, handsome~

Shadow: Look after your family, and always remember, be true to yourself.

Izuku Kayama (Dante): I will. 

Shadow: nods and then looks at Reiko Live the best life you ever have with Dante and be his best woman when you both graduate, Onryo.

Reiko: Will do. Also, will I see Daimon again?

Shadow: In time when we cross paths again.

Reiko: Then until we meet again.

Shadow: nods and looks at Ibara Remember to believe in god, always. Do your best, and god will do the rest.

Ibara: even without the blood of christ?

Shadow: Yes, even without it. You're still you. All you need to do, is believe in yourself and god, and you'll succeed in due time.

Shadow said with a smile.

Ibara: smiles Then may Jesus bless you and be with you always.

Shadow: And with our spirits, too.

Shadow said.

After saying their goodbyes, you, Shadow, Izuku (Enoch) and Roland went through the portal as thdy left Dante's world.

In Enoch's World, they said the same thing to All Might and Principal Nezu without the relics with them, of course and said their goodbyes, as well before Izuku could enjoy their halloween reunion party as the sun was setting in his world as the party is about to begin.

Same goes with your world when Shadow dropped you off and explained things with the Principal and the teachers, as well. Once Shadow and Roland left you in your World, your classmates began to ask you what happened for you to tell them about his adventures with the Two Izukus he met going up against the unspeakable EVIL, and after that, they also began to talk about the upcoming Summer Camp.

Back on Remnant, Shadow and Roland emerged as they walked into the Colosseum, exhausted but strong enough to carry on their duties.

Roland: Phew!!! What a crazy eventful day that was.

Shadow: I know what you mean.... the Nun aka, Valak. The Reiblood Sacred Item being there.

Roland: Man.... that was a crazy adventure.

Shadow: Heh! Reminds me of the Halloween Nightmare with Project Grimmphos.

Roland: oh man! Don't remind me of him. His minions reeks of death.

Shadow: Yeah. But, the good thing is... like Grimmphos, Valak is defeated.

Roland: Yeah.... that's a good thing. Though, I have questions.

Shadow: Go ahead.

Roland: What was Reiblood's Sacred Items doing in Dante's World? And why did you entrust (Y/n) to use and protect it? Plus, if we already know who valak is, then.... why didn't we just drag her down to hell sooner?

Roland ask curiously.

Shadow: Well, for the first question, I don't know... but something tells me that there is a reason why Reiblood did that. And I sincerely hope (Y/n) can uncover that when he and Reiblood cross paths. And for your second question, I believe they'll be in the safest of hands with (Y/n). You see, after hearing his words, they moved me, thus creating a trust and a bond between us. His words, proved that he will do anything in his power to defeat Reiblood, no matter the cost.

Roland: Even when.... Reiblood takes over All for One?

Shadow: Yes, even then.... heheh, turns to look at Roland since when can you fortell the future like I did?

Roland: Ummm... never? It was a lucky guess.

Shadow: Then a point for you, then. snickering

Roland: Thanks. Anyway, your third answer?

Shadow: Yes. For your third question, if we were to say that now while she was in her strongest, chances of her being dragged down to hell will be very slim as she was still extremely powerful, no thanks to the relics she has stolen and assimilated into her to make her powerful and whole again. She would've taken us all down one by one if we say it so earlier. That's why I waited until she was at her weakest, so we can drag her down there to the damned when she is at her lowest.

Shadow explained.

Roland: I see. Make sense.

Shadow: nods

Roland: sighs Boy, still what a day...

Shadow: Mhm. A chaotic one at that. But what could we say....

Roland: .... it was also one "Hell" of an Adventure.

Roland said.

Roland and Shadow laughed at the pun Roland said when a message notification came from Shadow's Scroll. Shadow fished his scroll out for him to see that it was his lover, Ruby Rose, wondering where he is as he is about to be late.

Shadow: Oh shoot!!!

Roland: What?!

Shadow: The Halloween Party.

Roland: Oh yeah!!! I almost forgot about that. I'll go get my costume.

Shadow: Me too. I'm thinking of using my Marionette Costume again, but with some tinkering a bit, for good ol' times. You?

Roland: I'll be using a Ultraman Blazar Damashii Costume my friends and I were working on before we left.

Shadow: Nice Nice!

Roland: And also.

Shadow: Yeah?

Roland: smirks

Shadow: OH!!! Heheheeeh!

Shadow & Roland: Happy Halloween!!

They said to each other before leaving to don their costumes.

End of Halloween Spin-Off.


Stories Used;
Angel Izuku x Mina \\ MHA TextStory \\
Demonic Quirk Izuku x Yanagi \\ MHA TexStory \\
EXPERIMENTED Reionics Hero's Academia
RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (Future)
MHA TextStories Written By - ShadowInkling
EXPERIMENTED Reionics Hero's Academia & Ex-Aid x Ruby Rose Books Written By - Shadow 264
Halloween Spin-Off Written by - Shadow 264
Halloween Spin-Off Approved & Made Possible - ShadowInkling
Links to ShadowInkling's Both Stories;
Angel Izuku x Mina \\ MHA TextStory \\ -
Demonic Quirk Izuku x Yanagi \\ MHA TextStory \\ -
Links to Shadow 264's Books used in this story;
EXPERIMENTED Reionics Hero's Academia -
RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose BOOK 1 -
RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Book 2 -
Future RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Books to come
SPECIAL BIGGEST Thanks & Shout OUT - ShadowInkling
Characters Used:
Izuku Kayama (Enoch)
Izuku Kayama (Dante)
Ibara Shiozaki (Vine)
Reiko Yanagi (Onryo)
Class 1-A (Alternate Universe/s)
Class 1-B (Alternate Universe/s)
U.A. Teachers, Faculty & Principal
Faceless Nuns
Goat Demon
Demon Army
Resurrected Circus (Cameo Mention by Eraserhead)
The Crooked Man (Formerly the Circus Ringmaster)
(Y/n) (L/n) [Cerebro]
Shadow Wrath (Shadow)
Roland Arcadia (Roland)
Yonezawa H. Hareruya (Griz) [Cameo Mention by Shadow]
Characters that makes up Angelical Hellish Hero: Daimon:
Shadow Wrath
Izuku Kayama (Dante)
Izuku Kayama (Enoch)
Characters Made by & Owned by:
Shadow 264
Warner Bros. Entertainment (Owner of Conjuring & The Nun Movies)

Words of Goodwill: I wish to thank ShadowInkling, a Youtuber who allowed me and approved to let me use his Angel and Demon Izuku TextStories, to make this Halloween Spin-Off Episode possible, and VERY Special for all of you to hype all of you up and make you all have some goosebumps. If you want to read more of his MHA TextStories, go to his youtube channel and check out all his MHA TextStories he has in store for all of you. At the bottom of my heart and with all honesty, he makes the BEST and hilarious and awesome MHA TextStories, and rest assured you will love his masterpieces on Youtube.

And so, I bid all of you fellow Readers, a very

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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