Chapter 10: Report & End of Semester

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In Mr. Nezu's Office,

Mr. Nezu can be seeing doing his paperwork when a phone call came for him, for Mr. Nezu to take the call for a moment.

Mr. Nezu: Mr. Nezu speaking?..... Oh. Young (Y/n), charmed to hear you..... mhm, now what do I owe you the pleasure?...... mhm...... mhm..... shocked You, Uraraka and Midoriya what?!

Mr. Nezu ask in shock.

As you and Mr. Nezu were on the phone, you began to give Mr. Nezu the intel he has gotten from Shigaraki, including some important infromation during the meal and before leaving. Hearing this, Mr. Nezu thought hard and thought of an idea.

Mr. Nezu: Young (Y/n). I think you should come to my office after first period. I'll have someone come over to talk to you.... Nope. They don't have to since you say you vouch for them..... I'll see you later. hangs up and sighs Tomura Shigaraki, the League of Villains. They do seem to add up, mostly. picks up the phone Well, it would appear that I would need his help to investigate this.

He said as he dials a number.


It was just after first period in Class 1-A as everyone began talking about Summer Camp, once again while discussing on what's to come for the next semester. As your classmates kept discussing, you immediately left the classroom, for Ida to notice you leaving.

Ida: (Y/n)? Going somewhere?

(Y/n): Ah, yes. Mr. Nezu wanted to talk to me about something. I hope it's not too important.

Ida: I see. Then I won't hold you up, then.

(Y/n): Thanks, Class Rep.

You said as you left.

When you arrived at the Principal's Office, you knocked on the door and open it as you enter.

(Y/n): Excuse me? I'm coming in.

Mr. Nezu: You may.

???: Ah, you must be the one Mr. Nezu has been talking about. You must be, (Y/n) (L/n), the Reionics Hero: Cerebro, right?

(Y/n): That's right. And you aaaarrrree....???

Mr. Nezu: This is Mr. Tsukauchi. A Detective in the Police Force.

(A/N: Tsukauchi.)

(Y/n): Oh! Nice to meet you. looks at Mr. Nezu I assume he's here so I can give him some info about what I was told by Shigaraki, yes?

You ask.

Hearing this, Tsukauchi looks at Mr. Nezu, surprised.

Mr. Tsukauchi: He does know how to catch on quick, huh?

Mr. Nezu: nods Yes. As I did say before you arrive here, he is a special young man.

Mr. Tsukauchi: Then it is no joke you came from another world, then. I'm  a big fan.

(Y/n): Oh, it's nothing, really, sir.

You said.

Mr. Tsukauchi: Now, before we begin, do you have any questions?

(Y/n): No, sir. I am not afraid on what you ask me. But if I have any questions, I'll sound off.

Mr. Tsukauchi: nods Very well. Let's begin.

Tsukauchi said as you both got started with the investigation and some QnA.

Minutes went by since they began with Tsukauchi to ask you several questions, and for you to answer them all at ease, filling up some info you have into each answer you answered. After awhile of questioning, Tsukauchi smiled, surprised that this investigation and interrogation went quicker than expected.

Mr. Tsukauchi: Wow. This investigation was faster than I expected it to be. You really want to unravel the League's secrets, that easily, huh?

(Y/n): Not unravel. Just simply.... to break them down, slowly,.... ummm.... looks at Mr. Nezu Excuse me, sir.

Mr. Nezu: Excused.

(Y/n): looks back at the Detective As I was saying, slowly.... rips a piece off the Principal's Table  piece by piece! rips the broken piece into two half bits Bit by Bit! rips the bit into molecules Mocecule by Molecule! rips the molecules into extra tiny bits again ATOM BY ATOM!!!!!!!!!!! rips the extra teeny tiny piece again until....

The three of you heard a sizzling noise coming from the two tiny pieces as they began to blink.

(Y/n): ..... oh shrimp....

You said as you quickly ran pass Mr. Nezu as you opened the window, tossed the broken pieces out as they land inside a trash bin and close the windows in a hurry.

As soon as you closed the windows, a loud explosion can be heard outside, for the three of you to feel a loud tremor from where you threw them at. Once it was over, you calmly walk back as you sat back down in front of the Detective who has a sweat demeanor on his head.

(Y/n): You get the idea.

Mr. Tsukauchi: I... can understand that, considering they did horrible things to you.

(Y/n): I appreciate your concern, thank you, sir.

Mr. Tsukauchi: Now, before we end off today, is there anything else you would like to add besides Reiblood and his followers and what Shigaraki said to you?

(Y/n): shakes your head So far, I have revealed all my secrets about what Shigaraki said to me. So, you can say that this is as far as I could dig up without him knowing that I'm getting answers from him.

Mr. Nezu: Very well, then. Will that be all, Tsukauchi?

Mr. Tsukauchi: Yes, Nezu. That would be all. Thank you for your time, (Y/n).

The Detective said.

Both you and Tsukauchi stood up as you both shook hands.

(Y/n): It's not a problem, my good man. Now, if you excuse me. I'll be politely be heading back to class before Mineta tries something behind my back. Please excuse me.

Mr. Nezu: Excused. Oh, and another thing.

(Y/n): Oh?

Mr. Nezu: Inspite of you coming in later due to.... circumstances, allow me to first hand congradulate you in not just passing the Finals and our little test, but also getting through the first Semester~!!

Mr. nezu said with joy.

Hearing this, you smiled while giving you a thumbs up.

(Y/n): Thanks, Mr. Nezu. I'm glad I made you proud.

Mr. Nezu: It's no problem at all. Now, I won't hold you up so, chop chop. Head back to class.

Mr. Nezu said.

You nod as you took your leave back to your class.


As days went by, in the auditorium, Mr. Nezu can be seen talking to the entire school, addressing the End of the Semester and we must train harder to become great heroes when we graduate. Sitting beside Toru, you listened attentively on what Mr. Nezu said.

About an hour plus went by since Mr. nezu addressed everyone about the end of the semester as your class began to scatter, returning to their homes as they began to train up for the next semester and Summer Camp, with you and Deku to return home as you both prepared to go back to the same beach to train again.

But before you got ready to train with Deku, you fished out a device as you began to make your way to the living room, placing it onto the table for it to activate. Once activated, rays of light scanned your body sitting down on a chair. After scanning you completely, the device began to record what you are about to say.

(Y/n): This is Member (Y/n) (L/n) of the Space Pendragon. Log ****** , Day ** , Date **/**/****. Captain, everyone, Rei. Again, I hope you got all of my logs, messages and reports about this World I'm at in this present moment.

You said.

Taking a deep breathe, you began to speak again.

(Y/n): I.... managed to, pull through the First Semester, now awaiting for Summer Break and Summer Camp, and Summer Camp is about to get Wild. So, after this, I'll be tagging along with Deku aka, Izuku Midoriya so we can train for the Camp. Man... From the USJ Incident, to the League of villains Attack, the Sports Festival, our Internships, the Hosu Incident, and finally our Final Exams. Loads of things have happened. My very first semester at U.A. is over. And as stated, Summer is about to begin. Though, that doesn't mean we can laze around and rest our candy asses on our beds, heheh! All of us in 1-A, me included need to be prepared for the Evil lurking around the corner... which includes Reiblood and his four kaiju horsemen of the Apocalypse. Because that's how we'll become true heroes. We don't have time to stand around and do nothing as what Ultraman Geed said. We have to keep running towards our goals.

You said, summarizing what has happened previously.

(Y/n): OH! And in case you are wondering, I have already sent all the intel I got to a new friend I have made, Mr. Tsukauchi. A Detective of the Police Force in this World. So, things went pretty smoothly during the investigation. I uh.... almost blew up the entire school but, thankfully, I managed to find a trash bin that can restrain the blast radius so I threw it there.... nervous chuckle Though...... I...... wish, you could've seen my progress here. But, things happened. 

You said.

A long pause loomed for a moment before you spoke up again.

(Y/n): BUT!!!!! All I can say is, life must go on! I'm still here and alive giving you my status. That's good. So, I hope you will find me soon, where ever you are, my Team... my friends. Until we meet again when you find me, and hopefully, we all can be together again.

You said.

(Y/n): This is Member (Y/n) (L/n), Log ******. Signing Out.

You concluded.

As soon as you concluded, the device deactivates, for you to grab it as you place it back inside your backpack that is inside Deku's room, for Deku to look at him.

Deku: (Y/n).

(Y/n): Yep. I'm all set. 

Deku: Right. Let's go.

Deku said.

And with that, the both of you went out of the house as they ran towards the beach to start training on their quirks.


As soon as you two arrived, you see All Might at the beach, waiting for you both, for you two to smile at him as you both made you way to him as you three got started with your training for the upcoming Summer Camp.

With training with All Might started, several white birds can be seen flying above and pass them as the sun began to rise upon a new day and a new day of training for both you and Deku, harnessing the powers of One for All, All for One and Reionics.

End of Final Exams Arc.

To be Continued...

NEXT ARC: Forest Training Camp Arc


Somewhere far far away,

At a dark broken corridor that is lighted up by several candles, the candles can be seen being extinguished two by two, slowly as a black shadowy figure wearing a Nun's clothing can be seen slowly appearing from the darkness while the candles extinguished as it walked forward pass them, revealing itself to be something unholy, showing its glowing yellows eyes and its smirk, revealing its sharp teeth.

There in the darkness, something glowed in the center of the relic that it is wearing around its neck, when the scene suddenly went dark.

???: lets out a scary ominous roar that echoes throughout the darkness


Season 2 OVA (Halloween Special) Spin-Off

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