Chapter 9: The Encounter

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(A/N: There'll be some changes in this Episode. Hope you're ready for this.)


After School Hours,

It was sunset and everyone in U.A. High can be seen leaving the school. While everyone is leaving, Class 1-A can be seen discussing about the Summer Camp in the classroom.

Ojiro: This is going to be great! I'm so glad that we're all going together.

Ojiro said with a smile.

Ida: Hm. Looks like we'll be at the Training Camp the full week.

Ida said, looking at the U.A. Handbook at the page on Summer Camp, for Deku, Kaminari and you to look at the pages Ida is looking, as well.

Seeing this, you nod at this.

Deku: I've gotta find a bigger suitcase.

Kaminari: Yeah, I don't even have a bathing suit. Guess I'll need to buy some stuff.

Mineta: Like Night-vision Goggles!

(Y/n): Hmmm.... guess I'll need to buy some stuff, as well. Considering that I've only been living in this World for a few weeks now.

Deku: yeah, i know what you mean, (Y/n).

Toru: Guys! Since we're off tomorrow and we finally finished Exams I have the BEST idea! Why doesn't Class 1-A go shopping together~!

Toru suggested excitedly with an invisible grin.

Kaminari: Hey, yeah! We haven't hang out as a Class before!

Uraraka: Yeah!

(Y/n): That's a great idea, Toru!

Kirishima: Bakugo? See you there, right?

Bakugo: I can't think of anything more annoying...

Deku: Will you come, Todoroki?

Todoroki: I visit my mom on my Days Off.

(Y/n): Ah, I see. Do send her our regards. Oh! And umm, do send Shadow's regards, too.

Todoroki: smiles I'll see what I can do considering what we heard. Thanks.


Mineta exclaimed to complain.


The Next Day,

At Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall,

Most of Class 1-A can be seen gathering together as they made their way inside the Mall, excited to get their stuff for Summer Camp.

Mina: Oh man, do I love this place! It's got a ton of different stores to shop at and they're all super cool and lit! THE HIYASHI WARD SHOPPING MALL~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mina said with full of energy and excitment.

As everyone looked around, Deku can be seen muttering to himself again, for Tokoyami and you to stop him.

Tokoyami: You are going to scare the children.

(Y/n): please stop...

You both said.

Then, out of nowhere, several commuters in the mall began to notice them and you.

Person 1: Whoa! Are those U.A. Students?

Person 2: 1-A!!! 

Person 3: I saw them on TV!

All Three Commuters: The Sports Festival was so good!!!!

They said, attracting a lot of attention.

You and your classmates were surprised that the people still recognized them since the Sports Festival.

Uraraka: I can't believe that they still remember that.

Uraraka said with a nervous smile.


Person 5: Yeah, it is him! He's first place!

(Y/n): looks at the people who noticed him Hmm?

Person 6: And hold on a minute! Isn't he supposed to be the famed Superstar Reionics Master?!

Person 7: Yeah! IT IS HIM!!!

Person 8: In the flesh!!!

They said.

Some commuters said as fans began to crowd in front of you, wanting autographs while holding out a scarf and cut outs of you, for youer class to look at the scene with surprise.

Deku: Uh, (Y/n)? What's this about a Superstar zreionics Master thing?

(Y/n): Two things. Shadow, and Desire Grand Prix. I'll tell you when we get back.

Deku: Oh, I see. Okay then I'll look forward to hearing your story.

Deku said.

Hearing this, you chuckled for a moment. After that, you went into the crowd.

(Y/n): Alright alright, who wants an autograph!

Person 5: OH! I know a good place here to eat!

(Y/n): Oh yeah? Lead the way, miss.

And with that, you soon left, first along with the others who scattered to get their essentials for Camp, and Uraraka rushed off in a hurry, leaving Deku behind with a confused look on his face. 


As time flew by, you were in a restaurant that was recommended by one of the fans as you could be seen eating a deluxe bento meal, by the window, with the same fans looking at you as you eat while you are waiting for your clone to come back from his shopping spree for stuff for home at Deku's house, for going out, and for Summer Camp.

While you are eating, you looked down through the gap in between your fans to notice that someone is with Deku with his hand on his neck, as if strangling him, for you to squint your eyes in suspicion. Then, you notice Uraraka coming along back towards Deku, knowing that things are about to get messy or not, for you to stop eating as you stood up while calling for a waitress, for someone to come and serve you again.

Waitress: May I help you, sir~?

(Y/n): I'll be right back. I'll have three more of these delicious deluxe bento meals, please. In the house. I'll be paying for them. I'll be bringing some guests in.

Waitress: No problem, sir. Coming up~.

She said.

You nod as you took your leave to do something.


Shigaraki can be seen sitting beside Deku with his arm around his neck and with his hand holding onto Deku's throat real tight with four fingers only touching. Deku can be seen tearing as he struggled to breath. During that struggle, a voice belonging to Uraraka called out

Uraraka: Uh, Deku?

Uraraka called while seeing this happening with someone beside him.

Uraraka: Is that a friend?

Then, she began to feel that something's off when Shigaraki slowly turned to look at her.

Uraraka: N-No, that can't be right....

Uraraka said.

She noticed that Deku is tearing while struggling, for her to tell the person to let go of him but,-

Uraraka: H-Hey... l-l-let go of h-

Just before Uraraka could finish, someone's arms wrapped around her neck along with Deku's and Shigaraki's in a friendly kind of way, to their confusion.

Deku, Uraraka & Shigaraki: Huh?!

(Y/n): Hey, guys! I've been looking all over for you.

Uraraka: blushing a mess O-Oh!!! Uuuuh, h-hey, (Y/n).

Deku: Oh, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Yup! The one and only. notices Shigaraki Oh! Who's this? Is that your friend? Is that your fan? Nice to meet you, my name's (Y/n)!
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Why hello, Tomura Shigaraki~ Long time no see.... How's Master doing?

Shigaraki (Inner Thoughts): C-C-C-C-CRAP!!!!!!!
Shigaraki: Uuuuuuhhh.... h-hi?

(Y/n): Oh, come on now! Lighten up, you three. I know a place where we could have a nice long chaaaaaaaaaat.

Uraraka: R-really?

(Y/n): Yeah! Let's go!

You said as you bring the three somewhere (A/N: Somewhere, as in the restaurant.).

Shigaraki (Inner Thoughts): Crap crap crap crap crap! When did he notice us?! And where did he come from?! I need to find an opening to get out of here before I'm-

Back inside the Restaurant,

You, Deku and Uraraka can be seen sitting together with Shigaraki to be seated opposite you three, showing a confused look on his face inside his hood.

Shigaraki (Inner Thoughts): d-dead?

He finished his line in thought, confused what is going on.

(Y/n): Come on, my friends. I ordered three extras for the three of you! So, eat'em while it's hot!
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Deku. Uraraka. You hear me in here?

Deku (Inner Thoughts): Yeah.... we hear you....

Uraraka (Inner Thoughts): Yes... 

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Pay no mind about him. He's just getting into your head. Both of you. That's why I compromised to minimize the commotion.

Uraraka (Inner Thoughts): And what about after this?

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Don't worry about what happens after,.... all I need you both to do is to trust me. Do you both trust me?

Deku & Uraraka (Inner Thoughts): ........

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): ......

Deku & Uraraka (Inner Thoughts): ..... we do......

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Good. For now, we play along. 
(Y/n): Come on now, let's ease the tensions and the awkwardness, shall we? Food's getting cold, after all.

You said with a smile.

Uraraka: Ummm... y-yeah!! Let's eat.

Deku: Right! Let's all eat.

Shigaraki: Ummm... well, I guess? Let's eat.

They said.

And with that, they began to eat their meals that you just ordered for them. 

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): You guys just keep eating. Shigaraki and I are gonna talk..... to quote, "Catch up". 

Deku & Uraraka: silently nods while eating

(Y/n): finishes eating a spoon full Mmmm~ Good stuff. So, whispering Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: looks at (Y/n)

(Y/n): What brings you out in the open? Aren't you "L.O.V."s supposed to be discreet and silent?

You ask, saying the letters as an accronym instead of the full name to not attract any unnecessary attention.

Hearing this, Shigaraki began to set his eyes on you while eating his food before answering with a smile.

Shigaraki: Well, can't villains catch a breather, once in a while?

(Y/n): I can tell from your voice, you were stressed out by someone who ticked you off. So who was it? One of your lil' newbies?

Shigaraki: chuckles For someone who we kidnapped, you're a very insteresting person.

(Y/n): Heh! Live to please those who are curious.

Shigaraki: Well.... yes, someone newbies came in to join our cause.

(Y/n): I see.

Shigaraki: And they're extremely annoying.

(Y/n): Pffffff... seriously, Shigaraki. Don't let them get to you. They're new. And seriously, you remind me of one Member in my Team in the Space Pendragon. And let me tell you, she was like you for a moment. But soon after, she slowly started to get along with me and Rei, to what I saw and what Rei told me when he first met the team before me.

Shigaraki: Really now?

(Y/n): Obiviously. Shigaraki, I know we are of opposite sides but I know stress when I see one. 

Shigaraki: Huh. So which means I am an open book, like many others.

You nod at his question.

Shigaraki: Huh? Interesting. hears some squealing and looks at the window I see you have fans after you escaped.

(Y/n): Huh, so you didn't see the Sports Festival?

Shigaraki: Oh no no, I have. The League has. Which explains why your fans are here after that little interview of yours with a Pro, and after you won the Sports Festival. Honestly, I'm a fan of you, myself.

(Y/n): Oh really? Please, you're making me blush.
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): So it would seem.... the U.A. Sports Festival has attracted unwanted attention like Shigaraki and the League of villains... which might explain why he's also out here.... to look for us while he destresses a little. I better be careful what I say next, considering Deku and Uraraka are here. If I'm not careful, the three of us are done for.

You said in thought.

Shigaraki (Inner Thoughts): Our Experiment seems to have learnt a lot ever since we brought him here by Kurogiri's portal.... Which makes me think that his little classmates would've learnt more about him and his other world already. I also need to think of a way out of here fast, because if I don't who knows.... the Police would come to arrest my ass.... but the question is.... why hasn't the police arrived yet? Something is off.... but I can't figure out what.

Shigaraki said in thought.

Talking to themselves in thought, you and Shigaraki can be seen starring with each other for a moment with a brief moment of silence to loom around them as they stared, for Deku and Uraraka to notice this ominous moment.

Noticing this, both you and Shigaraki has a grin on their faces as they had their own stare off, for them to think that things are about to get awkward around here.

Deku & Uraraka (Inner Thoughts): Things are about to get really really awkward here!! Even to us!

They said in thought.

After a while, you soon broke silence as you fished out a piece of decorative paper with All Might imprinted on it as you began signing an autograph on it.

(Y/n): Well, can't let a fan wait for an autograph, amiright?

Shigaraki: Huh? O-Oh! Yeah, right I almost forgot. I did mention to Izuku Midoriya that I wanted his autograph.

(Y/n): Huh? looks at Deku Did he really say that now, young man?

Deku: Umm... y-yes, he did. Caught me by surprise, too.

(Y/n): Then why don't we sign our autographs for the young chap, hmm? So your compatriots can have a look at them and they can choke on their Candor. finishes with yours and hands the paper and pen to Deku Your turn, buddy.

Deku: Ah, thanks.

Deku said as he tried to make his signiture as nice as possible.

After he is done, Deku passed it back to you so you could pass it to Uraraka.

(Y/n): Your turn, young lady.

Uraraka: blushes Ummm.... s-s-sure. takes it and begins signing
Uraraka (Inner Thoughts): Did he.... d-d-d-d-d-d-d-did he j-j-just call me a-a-a-a.... young.... lady?

While Uraraka can be seen trying to figure out how to sign her autograph while blushing, you and Shigaraki began to talk some more with Shigaraki to start first.

Shigaraki: You seem to know your way around with girls.

(Y/n): I..... goes close and whispers honestly don't know how that happened. Even on my first day, I have no idea why they're being hooked and attracted on me, really.

Shigaraki: chuckles women.

(Y/n): nods while sitting yourself back down to your seat mmhmmm. Tell me about it. getting back on track So, tell me. How's our "Master" and our little Doctor doing, after my escape? As after all, I did kinda created a scene and wrecked almost wrecked whole Nomu Factory for a class joint now, didn't I?

You ask.

Hearing this, Shigaraki became silent for a moment as you began to sense dread filling the air. You thought something is about to throw down, for you to silently fish out your phone so you can call the Heroes by speed dialling them, only for you to hear an answer from Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: They're.... fine. Ever since you left.... escaped.... destroyed over half our Nomu population that we made.... stole our experimental quirks.... stole our mutated and other quirks from the Nomus you destroyed, we became desperate. We almost ran out of all our resources to regain our numbers, no thanks to you. However....

(Y/n): Hmm?

Shigaraki: Recently, before those newbies came along, someone and four others, came by to visit master. And somehow and at some point without us knowing, he knows about you.

(Y/n): Who?

Shigaraki: Well, that's one of the many reasons why I'm here. To clarify with you about him. When Master introduced him to me and the League.... I sensed.... a terrifying vibe. More terrifying than Master's. And those four monsters for their rides.... and horns for a face-

(Y/n): Wait! Did you say, horns for a face?

You questioned.

Shigaraki: Yes....

(Y/n): Are its eyes on its horns?

Shigaraki: ..... yes.....

(Y/n): Is he blue?

Shigaraki: nods

(Y/n): Then I know who you're talking about. Your Master and your League has signed a Death Contract to Alien Reiblood. The Dark Shepard who can control kaijus.

Shigaraki: I see..... So your arch enemy has come to destroy you.

(Y/n): It would seem that way. But, I will eventually have fun crushing you villains, as well as Reiblood again if I have to.

Shigaraki: Well, good luck with that. As you'll need it.

(Y/n): And by the way, the four others you mentioned. Their his horsemen. Not just any ordinary horsemen, which you can take a hint.

You said.

This made Shigaraki go into a train of thought until he realized what you meant, causing him to widen his eyes and laugh loudly.

Shigaraki: stops laughing Man! Really, good luck with that, (Y/n)! Or should I say..... Cerebro...

(Y/n): Thank you. I'll need that. Heheh! Four Kaiju Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Reiblood to be the Sleepy Hollow Moloch-look-alike is right at our doorstep and at your sight, willing to be commanded by master or you to kill me. HAHAH! That's quite the advantage on the villain side. But unfortunately, the Heroes have me so in a way, that would be an advantage for the hero side, right there. SO, Good luck, as well.

Shigaraki: Yes,.... I'm gonna need it.

(Y/n): We all do, really. Just make sure you give Master my regards, and tell him, his defeat.... is at hand.... and I'll be watching him.

Shigaraki: I'll do that. And I have a message also.

(Y/n): Let's hear it.

Shigaraki: I have a mole in U.A..... you won't be able to find him. 

(Y/n): A mole, you say? A spy, you say? Oh this person I can meet, one day.
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Fortunately for him.... I already know who his little mole is.

Shigaraki: Oh, one day, yes. But good luck finding him. As our League, Reiblood, the Horsemen and Master,.... will keep you busy so you won't be able to find him.

(Y/n): Then challenge accepted, then.

You said.

Shigaraki smirked, for you to do the same.


The four of you began to take your leave after a good meal with you paying for it as your conversation with Shigaraki is over. But just before you, Deku and Uraraka left, Shigaraki had one last thing to say.

Shigaraki: Oh, and one more thing.

(Y/n): Hmm?

Shigaraki: We'll be going after one of you soon. So, I suggest you cherish your classmates and your friends really closely.

(Y/n): nods

Shigaraki: And also, if you think of following me, you die. But.... considering you bought me a meal and talked, I'll let you three waltz out of here alive.... just this once. You won't be so fortunate, the NEXT time we meet.

Shigaraki said.

And with that, Shigaraki left, disappearing into the darkness.

(Y/n): So be it, Shigaraki.

You said with a smile.

Then, the three of you began to leave, as well, regrouping back to your classmates. As you three made your way down, you see your clone making his way down from another escalator with things you need, for the clone to see you as the clone you raised the stuff it bought, for you to give your clone a thumbs up.

While making your way down, Deku and uraraka began to talk to you about Shigaraki.

Deku: Whoa, (Y/n).... that was.... terrifying and something.

Uraraka: Yeah, how did you manage to talk your way out of this?

(Y/n): Let's just say..... I was being careful with him.

Deku: Because if you aren't, we wouldn't be here?

(Y/n): Correct.

Uraraka: So now what?

Deku: Yeah? Shouldn't we report this to the Police?

(Y/n): Not, necessarily.

Uraraka: Oh?

Deku: How come?

(Y/n): Z.A.P. SPACY in my world, we don't only just go to colonies and expand, we are also somewhat like enforcers. That means-

Deku: Whoa! That means you are authorize to keep this information and give it to the authorities of those different colonies!

(Y/n): Yes.

Deku: Smart.

Uraraka: That means you'll be giving this information you found out to the police and the prinicpal, right?

(Y/n): Exactly. Gladly, I have Mr. Nezu's number for this occasion when we get out of here.

Deku: A way to be cautious.

You nod at what Deku said.

(Y/n): I also want to thank you both.

Deku & Uraraka: Huh?

(Y/n): You trusted me in this dire situation and you were willing to sacrifice everything in case things broke down which luckily it didn't. If it weren't for both your trust in me and my trust in both of you, we wouldn't get this much information from Shigaraki, for sure.

You said.

Deku and Uraraka smiles at what you said. Seeing their smiles, this made you smile at their smiles, also.

(Y/n): Let's not tell the others what happened except for the fact that we have eaten something here, okay?

You suggested.


As time went by again, you and the class regrouped at the same spot where you all dispersed as you all began to return home, preparing for Summer Camp. While making their way home, you and Deku can be seen walking towards Deku's home when Deku asked a question.

Deku: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hmm?

Deku: About All for One? Do you think you will be able to take him on? Even after you discovered that Reiblood is here helping him?

Deku ask.

You smiled at what you heard and looked at Deku.

(Y/n): Well, I have faced many powerful foes before coming here, my friend. If I can take them, I can take Reiblood again and All for One. I know I have his quirk within me. Which means, you and I would have to combine our strength and powers to defeat him...... when the time comes. But for now, it is not the time.

Deku: And when the time comes?

(Y/n): Then Deku, you and I, One for All and All for One, shall cleanse this blight that is the evil All for One. Together.

You said, offering your hand.

Deku looks at you hand and smiles, accepting it as you both shook hands.

(Y/n): I'm glad that I made honourable members of Z.A.P. out of you, Deku. That, includes Class 1-A.

Deku: And I'm glad that you're on our side and our friend, (Y/n).

You both said with a smile.

After that awesome moment, you both began to resume walking back home.

Deku: So uh, (Y/n)? About what you said when you told Kacchan off?

(Y/n): Yeah?

Deku: How did you know so much?

(Y/n): One of my kaijus allows me to read minds, remember.

Deku: Oh yeah. But still, thanks. Though, it wasn't necessary.

(Y/n): Heheh, orighty then. Though.....

Deku: Hmm?

(Y/n): You and Uraraka make a wonderful couple, I must admit~

You said.

When Deku heard this, this caused Deku to blush a mess like Uraraka.

Deku: Wait! WHAT?!?!

(Y/n): Oh yeah~ You and Uraraka make a great couple. I saw that in your mind.

Deku: You don't have to read further!!! Also, I don't know what you're talking about...!

(Y/n): What? Really? Then you don't mind if I tell you the part where I saw in you head that you and her are on the bed na-


Deku exclaimed out loud, flustered.

Deku lunged in to cover your mouth due to you teasing him, causing you begin to laugh while your mouth is being covered while you both made your way home.

To be Continued....

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