Chapter 10: An Extradimensional Choju's Calling & A Battle Against Stain

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The Next Day,

It is now a new day as you, Nejire and Ryukyu can be seen in Ryukyu Agency writing their reports so you three can file in up once you all are done.

(Y/n): Nejire! Ms. Ryukyu! We must ensure our accuracy on the description on the different villains we fought today. Just in case we have Audits and when we ask, at least we have something to explain.

Nejire: Alrighty!

Ryukyu: Hmm. You and your Team have Audits, too I assume?

(Y/n): Well... Yes. We just simply we have the paperwork done, logbooks to keep track from take off to landing and the Pendragon is in working order. Everything, and I mean everything, must be in order.

Ryukyu: smiles Well, at least we now have our priorities straight, then.

(Y/n): smiles back Yes.

Nejire: Welp, let's get to it. Mine's almost done.

(Y/n): Alright. Then let's finish up.

You said.

After a while of writing or typing your reports, you all began to walk out of the Agency as you three began to do your usual routine of Patrols. As you were following behind Nejire and Ryukyu, you began to feel that today was quite different than yesterday as you began to see a huge screen billboard on a Building introducing you to be a star and a Reionics Master.

Huge Screen Billboard on Building: Behold, the True Superstar and Reionics Master! (Y/n) (L/n)!

As the announcer introduced you, you see some images of you in numerous formal outfits, along with one that shows you holding out your NEO Battlenizer on screen along with your monsters inside the Battlenizer, for you to blush at this.

(Y/n): So, this is what happens when one wins the Prix... their Ideal World will come true.

You said to yourself.

Just as you said that, Nejire went up to you.

Nejire: Hey hey, (Y/n)! Except the part about you being a Reionics, I never knew you were a Superstar!!

(Y/n): Well, that's the perks on winning the Prix if you heard Shadow.

Nejire: Oh yeah, your desires will come true if you win. Make sense. 

Ryukyu: By right there should only be one winner, right?

(Y/n): Yes, but due to the Yapool snooping around as to what we saw and heard, Shadow managed to compensate us, just this once unless said otherwise.

Nejire: Ah, I see.

Ryukyu: nods Interesting.

(Y/n): Yes, Ma'am.

You said.

Ryukyu: Well now, let's resume our patrols. I can already tell soon enough that once the people notice you, they'll all start crowding around you.

(Y/n): heheh! Yeah. And I'm guessing what they're doing now is only just the start.

You mention when you three began to hear people cheering, for you all to turn to see people across the road cheering for you while fangirling and fanboying, holding signs of pictures of you and your name on it as they spout out compliments.

Seeing this, you look at Nejire and Ryukyu.

(Y/n): Let's resume our patrols, shall we?

Ryukyu: giggles Yes, we shall.

Nejire: Yeah, let's do our best today!

And with that agreed, you three resumed your patrols around the city, close proximity around Ryukyu Agency.

As time flew by during your patrols, even during mealtimes in restaurants or small eateries, you, Nejire and Ryukyu were visited by many of your fans, many of which were seen going gaga for you outside the eateries while meals were in the house, for you to begin getting used to this one minute at the time. Some fans even came to you to ask for autographs when they walk pass you and notice you, for you to oblige them with your Autograph, making the fans feel moved and happy about it, throughout the day towards the night during your patrols while stopping villainy from striking fear throughout the city where you are stationed.

After patrolling and stopping villainy for the entire day, Ryukyu, Nejire and you returned to Ryukyu Agency as you all began to sit down and rest for a moment.

(Y/n): Man... who would've thought interacting with the Members of Public while patrolling and fighting villains can be so exhausting, heheh!! sighs Might've forgotten how much exhausting this was when one must go through Internships.

You implied.

Ryukyu: Don't worry, (Y/n). This is just Day Two of your Internship. You have ways to go but, you're doing well so far.

Nejire: Despite the fans going wild for you, yeah! You're still doing great!

(Y/n): Awww, am I really?

Ryukyu: Yes, you are.

(Y/n): I... well... you have my thanks, Ms. Ryukyu, Nejire.

You said.

Ryukyu nods as she spoke again.

Ryukyu: Your welcome. And remember, praises don't come easy. They must be earned.

(Y/n): Then I shall do my best to make you and the other Pros proud with the best of my ability.

You said with determination.

While having this moment while resting, Nejire began to notice something on your Giga-battlenizer as she spoke to point it out.

Nejire: Uh, (Y/n)? Your other Battlenizer.... one spot on it is glowing.

She mentioned.

Hearing this, you began to fish out your Giga-Battlenizer as you too noticed the same glow that she saw, located at the same spot where it has always been blinking on and off repetitively, to your confusion, but this time, it was blinking in a faster rate, slowly.

(Y/n): Huh...??? Weird...

Ryukyu: Was that spot glowing a lot as of late?

(Y/n): No no... this is the first time that I'm seeing this blinking on and off like that. When I conjoured my new Raise Weapon from this, it was also blinking... at a certain spot and slot, too, but not as fast as it is now.

Nejire: What do you think that means, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): I don't know... but I hope it's not something bad...

You said cautiously.

Suddenly, the three of you began to notice the slot blinking and glowing even faster, for you to stand up as you look carefully at what thr Giga-Battlenizer is up to, when a blue energy ball flew out of it as it lands before you, to Nejire and Ryukyu's shock and cautiousness as they readied for anything.

Ryukyu: (Y/n)?!

(Y/n): I'm fine! But I never seen any of the Giga-Battlenizer's monsters or aliens do that without command before!

You mentioned.

Then, when the light dissipated, you three began to see that the one that has been glowing inside the Giga-Battlenizer is none other than Ace Killer, itself, to Nejire and Ryukyu's shock to see that it is the same one that you three fought in the Prix.

(A/N: Ace Killer.)

(Y/n): Ace Killer... the Extradimensional Choju.

Nejire: The very same that took us down during our fight when Yapool equipped it with the Desire-Driver thingy.

(Y/n): Yup! Ladies! Keep your guard up! I'm gonna try conversing with it, since it's from my Giga-Battlenizer.

Ryukyu: Okay.

And so, you stood forward as you began to converse with the Choju that emerged from your Giga-battlenizer.

(Y/n): Ace Killer! Explain yourself. Why did you create such ruckus? Is there a reason to this?

You question the Choju who summoned itself.

As you waited for an answer, Ace Killer began to grunt, growl and seer, for you to nod as if understanding what it was saying. While conversing with the Choju, Ryukyu and Nejire watched closely, ensuring the Choju doesn't try anything funny, when they notice you turning to face them.

(Y/n): I see..... turns to face Ms. Ryukyu and Nejire Okay. I got something.

Nejire: Tell me this one is with us?

(Y/n): Thankfully yes, this Ace Killer is with us and with me still.

Nejire: Thank goodness...

Ryukyu: But why was it acting this way like what we saw?

(Y/n): Yeah, about that. There's a reason. It says it's sorry about the little drama. The reason why it was restless like that is because it was answering its calling to someone.

You said.

Hearing this, Ryukyu and Nejire looked at each other with confusion as to what you meant, then looks back at you.

Ryukyu: Calling?

Nejire: You mean the...-

(Y/n): No, not the Yapool. Since the Yapool is destroyed, it'll take time for him to rejuvenate and regenerate back from that combined attack. Apparently, THIS Ace Killer, has been called by someone's Quirk.

Ryukyu: Someone's Quirk?

(Y/n): Yes. It would appear that someone's Quirk and Ace Killer's power of assasination must have resonated,.... like.... created a silent signal only it can hear, thus this situation that transpired.

Nejire: Any idea where that silent signal is coming from?

Nejire asks.

You turn to face Ace Killer as it began to grunt, growl and seer again, for you to nod at this. After hearing it, you turn back to Ms. Ryukyu and Nejire again.

(Y/n): He says he doesn't know but, he can lead me to it. AND, he promises my safe return, no matter the injuries or in one piece.

You said.

Ryukyu and Nejire again looked at each other with concerning looks, for you to walk up to them as you spoke.

(Y/n): Ma'am, Nejire, I know your concerns but this, is something that I must investigate. The three of us know it. Why else would Shadow had me become a Rider and you two to be Sponsors and Consultants? So please. It promised my safe return so I must go there to investigate where that silent signal is coming from so I may or may not be long.

You said.

The two gave it a thought to think about what dangers you will be facing when you reach the location where the signal is coming from until they nod at each other with agreement.

Ryukyu: Okay then, (Y/n). Go.

Nejire: If there is any sign of trouble, come straight back here.

(Y/n): Yes, Ma'am.

You said.

Then, you turned to face Ace Killer.

(Y/n): Take me to the Signal.

You said to Ace Killer.

The Choju nod as it immediately left to lead the way. Seeing it leave, you spoke.

(Y/n): Let our job as Sponsor and Consultants, and Rider.... Begin.

You said as you took your leave to catch up with Ace Killer.

Ryukyu: I know.

Ryukyu said with a smile.


At Hosu City,
(A/N: For a brief Overview Scene on what's happening at the moment.)

There was a villain attack and a huge fire taking place at Hosu with numerous Nomus attacking, for the Pro Heroes to take care of the threat while doing their best to brave the fire that is engulfing a handful of Buildings that caught on fire. As they were dealing with two things at one go, Manual can be seen dealing with the Villain Attack while putting out a fire while other Heroes are dealing with the Nomus while looking for Ida at the same time.

Manual: Where are you Tenya!!! Damn, I could really use some help right now!!!!

Pro hero 1: Crap! What do we do now?!

Pro Hero 2: What are those things?! Are these really men, or are they actual monsters?!

They said, struggling to deal with the threat before them.

While facing the threat, one Nomu is seen roaring at them and the other can be seen flying around holding onto someone in its grasp while a newbourne fire blazed on behind them.

In the air closer to Hosu City,

You can be seen using RaiBassar Wings so you can make your way to Hosu City in a flash while following Ace Killer as he can be seen flying ahead of you. While following your Choju, you began to think about what it said to you along the way there.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Hosu... that's where Class Rep is doing his Internship. Furthermore the Hero Killer is there, too.... and coincidentally, that's where the silent signal is pulsing. From the looks of things, Ace Killer can feel it getting stronger the moment we are getting closer to the city. I wonder why....

You said in thought.

While making your way to Hosu City with Ace Killer, you notice two blazes at the City, for you to look in worry at this.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): A fire?! Seriously?!?! That's not good... the villains must be there making their move. And I have a hunch the League of Villains are there...
(Y/n): Ace Killer, get us to those two fires!!

You commanded.

Ace Killer nods as you and Choju began to fly their way towards the fires that threaten Hosu City caused by the Villains. While making your way there with Ace Killer, the Choju informed you that not only you both are getting close, but the signal is getting stronger, too, for you to began thinking about this real carefully.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): We're getting closer. Furthermore the signal is getting stronger. What does that all even mean... Class Rep Internship in Hosu. Hero Killer Stain. Villain Attack. The Fire. Hosu City. The Signal Ace Killer is sensing and calling it. What does that all eve- .............................................................. w-wait a minute...

You said as you realized something.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): The silent signal originated at Hosu City..... Class Rep's brother was doing his Hero Work at Hosu.... the Hero Killer forced his brother to retire at that very city.... Class Rep is here while a Villain Attack is taking place becau- gasps No! No, he wouldn't! It can't be.... That's impossible! 

You said worriedly as you began to look back at the times you and Deku notice that Ida wasn't himself, for you to realize the main reason why he is not himself and like this.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): The main reason and explanation why Class Rep is doing his Internship here is because-

You exclaimed.

(Y/n): Ace Killer!!!!! Head to Hosu City and follow the Signal!!!! That Signal is a Quirk at Work!!! Specifically, Hero Killer Stain!!! Find me the Signal that is Hero Killer, NOW!!!!!

You yelled out of worry.

Ace Killer nods as he redirected to lead you directly to Ace Killer, for you to follow him from behind.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Why am I such a fool, not anticipating this?! I should have read his mind before we left for our Internship!!!! But no matter! Now I know what is going on! I'm sorry, Ms. Ryukyu! Nejire! Someone's about to be killed.... I need to help him....

You said in thought.

And with that, both you and Ace Killer got even closer to where the signal aka, Hero Killer is hiding at and probably where he's taking Ida hostage. As you made your way down towards where they are, you notice some electricity, fire and ice moving about in coordination, to your confusion at first until you realized that only two people can do that in such a speed and such coordination like that.

(Y/n): What?! Deku and Todoroki are here, too?!?! Well.... this situation has gotten a whole lot worse! But thankfully, I have several kaijus and aliens for the job specifically for Stain....

You said as you flew beside Ace Killer.

(Y/n): Ace Killer, another thing. Assist Class Rep, Deku and Todoroki while I prep myself. I too, must face this, "Stain" person, since three of my friends are involved in his... vendatta...

You commanded.

Ace Killer nods at this as he swiftly descended down towards the scene while you remained mid-air as you began to prepare yourself.

(Y/n): Now...Tri King Kaiju Components, Megelothor 2nd Form, Full body... Megalothor 1st Form, Gatanothor and Magatanothor... Body and their Multi-Segmented Body, Maga Crystal, Sphere Assimilation. And Dark Tornado....

You said.

Then, in mid-air, you slowly began to metamorphosize while a Tornado of Darkness began to engulf you as you turned into a fusion kaiju, both that are from similar but different Ultra-Ancient-Origins from their two different worlds, and one that is made of three different kaijus.


In the Dark Alleyway,

Deku, Todoroki and Ida are seen combatting the Hero Killer Stain while trying to protect a Pro Hero who is weakened from fighting the Hero Killer as they used their quirks and hand-to-hand combat to fight against him while avoiding his blades.

As they were regaining the upperhand, Stain was too fast for them but thankfully, they were still fast enough to avoid the Blades of the Hero Killer. With slash after slash, blaze after blaze, ice attack after ice attack, kick after kick, punch after punch and quirk after quirk, the trio and the villain are seen clashing with each other in the attempts to take each other out for either heroism or for self-justice as Stain used his katana to slash Deku, only for Todoroki to use his fire to avoid this while Stain leaped back to avaoid the flames and went for Ida who was preparing to jump as he is attempting to use his quirk against the villain he loathes.

Todoroki: LOOK OUT!!!!!

Todoroki yelled for Ida to watch out.

Ida knew he couldn't charge up his quirk so, he used what he had in his legs to dodge Stain's blades, only for him to throw a dagger directly at Ida after missing, slashing his blade onto the ground.

Then, just as the dagger is about to land and pierce through Ida, a being landed in front of Ida just in time as he slashed the dagger aside by using its own weapon, to Ida, Deku and Todoroki's shock, and to Stain's confusion when they all saw the being. After deflecting the blade aside, the being went into the light of the night sky illuminating one spot as it revealed itself to be an alien that Deku recognize through (Y/n)'s explanation about this one.

Deku: That's- Ace Killer?! The Extradimensional Choju!

Todoroki: Huh? You know that thing?

Deku: Yeah.... (Y/n) gave me a runthrough of all his monsters and aliens in his arsenal. This one, like the Hero Killer, they do have one thing in common: They kill. But the only difference is, Hero Killer Stain kills and harms Heroes, while Ace Killer, it harms or kills his allies while analyzing their power, using their powers as its own to better combat its opponents that it's objected to kill,... specifically I'm not sure who his allies are but... there will be a time he will tell us, he explained to me. Oh! And he also explained that Ace Killer comes in different variants! One is the one we're all seeing now, and the others are Mebius Killer and Victory Killer.

Deku explained.

Todoroki: I see. Then, if that thing is here....

(Y/n): That means (Y/n)'s here, too.

Hero Killer Stain: So, you're like me but different, huh?

Stain spoke to ask, for Deku and Todoroki to look as he conversed with Ace Killer.

Hero Killer Stain: Tell me.... "Ace Killer"... the Killer who bares different Names... How many Heroes have you harmed or killed... with and without help?

Stain ask.

Slowly, Ace Killer raised its right hand as he slowly counted them to him, for Stain to laugh with joy at this.

Hero Killer Stain: stops laughing I like you! I like you, already! Which means.... this fight is not only going to be interesting... but it is going to be, "Fun"....

Stain said, wielding his Blade and Dagger.

Ace Killer saw this as it fished out its Battle Sai, donning its battle stance, for Stain to be intrigued by its weapon.

Hero Killer Stain: Interesting Weapon you have there... so that is the weapon that singal-handedly killed and harmed your targets, huh??? Intriguing... what's it called?

???: It's called the Battle Sai. As spoken to Deku here, it can be used as a normal sai; slashing, stabbing, battery, and many others forms of attacks.

A voice boomed.

Hearing this, Stain, Deku, Todoroki and Ida looked around to see where the voice came from while the three recognized the person's voice.

Ida: That.... that voice...

Deku: It's...

Todoroki: .... (Y/n)....

Deku: But where is he?

Just as they were wondering where you were-

(A/N: Combine these two roars together (A/N: Ensure for the second video, use the roar from 0:00 to 0:05.). Ensure the combined roar is also combined with Magatanothor, Sphere Megalothor and Tri King's roar to make the form so terrifying.)

- an unearthly and terrifying roar can be heard around the dark alleyway, for everyone to stop looking around as they stood still while for some reason, they began to shiver in fear, sending shivers down their spines while Stain can be seen standing still as he looked around with his eyes to see where the roar came from.

Native: What... was that....??? It's roar.... sent fear down to my spine for some.... re-r-reason...!!!

Deku: That means he's using one or two powers of the Evil Gods along with the Combined Monster!!! Both roars are similar yet different! I can distinctively differentiate them through their roars. Those Two evil Gods, are known as Gatanothor and Megalothor... they have variations, too... their 2nd Forms, and for Megalothor, its Sphere Synthetic Form... the other is a Combined Monster named Tri King.

Ida: (Y/n).... is seriously... going to... all lengths.... to stop this...????

Ida said weakly.

Suddenly, everyone began to feel a strong wind getting closer, for Todoroki to swiftly turn back as he began to shove Deku away while going to his direction to avoid what is coming at him, for a Tornado of Darkness to be seen travelling pass them as it crawled up onto the walls of the alleyway, surrounding Stain, then stops to face him while standing in front of the weakened Ida.

When the tornado stopped in front of Stain, you then used your power to dissipate the tornado, revealing your fusion form of the variants of Gatanothor, and Megalothor, to everyone's shock except for Stain and Ace Killer.

(A/N: Gatanothor & Megalothor Fusion. This fusion is a fusion of every variant of both Gathanothor and Megalothor. Parts are as follows:

Main Body - (Y/n) (A/N: You control this fusion Form.), Megalothor 1st Form, Megalothor 2nd Form (A/N: Ensure the spike details on Megalothor 1st Form is implemented on the fusion.)
Head (Top of your Head, Sides of your Head), Maga Crystal - (Y/n), Golza, Melba, Magatanothor (A/N: Basically Golba style in a form of Tri King with Melba being the top horn with a Maga Crystal of Magatanothor on it, with magma veins of Golza aka, Fire Golza at the sides of your face.) 
Shells, Tentacles, Sphere Assimilation, Maga Crystals - Magatanothor, Megalothor 2nd Form, Sphere Assimilation (A/N: The front shell will be based on Megalothor's 2nd form while the rest of the shell will be based on Magatanothor, giving the entire shell a Maga-like darker hue. The front shells will have Sphere Crystals on them, this time lots of them along with some Maga Crystals at the side of the shells to symbolize the fusion of Maga Cystals and Sphere Assimilation. The Shells will also have Megalothor 2nd Form's tentacles coming out from the sides, this time, there will be more protruding out onto your command. There will also be Gatanothor and Magatanothor's tentacles coming out from the opening of the shells below at the front to give them each their vibes.)
Chest, Upper Torso - Gatanothor, Megalothor 2nd Form, (Y/n) (A/N: Megalothor 2nd Form will have extra tough hide armour based on Gatanothor. As you gain that, you will still bare your hero costume on. You will also have Megalothor 2nd Form's head on your chest, as well as a chest component. Ensure the gold, red and blue colour scheme including the horns that were blue are on the form's head to give out the Megalothor 1st Form vibes. And yes, all six eyes including your eyes will be red to give it the Gatanothor or Magatanothor vibes.)
Wings - Melba (A/N: Ensure its wings are bigger than its Tri King variant.)
Lower Torso - Super C.O.V., Megalothor 2nd Form, (Y/n) (A/N: FUse the Lower Torso of both kaijus together. Ensure Super C.O.V.'s head stays the same. As you gain its fused lower torso, you will still bare your hero costume on.)
Pincer Claw Arms - (Y/n), Gatanothor, Magatanothor, Megalothor 2nd Form, Tri King (A/N: In this form, you will have three pairs of Claw Arms. Your Primary pair aka, your Megalothor 2nd Form arms will become a pair of clawed arms with pincer features based on the fourth image above, but this time, add Megalothor 2nd Form details on it to give it the Gatanothor, Tri King and Megalothor 2nd Form vibes fused together, your top pair will be Magatanothor's arms and your lower pair will be Gatanothor's arms. The configuration is something like Gatanothor and Magatanothor's arms but in a fusion kind of way. Ensure Tri King Gatanothor-like Megalothor 2nd Form Three Pincered Claw-like hands and arms are a fusion of Magatanothor and Megalothor 2nd Form to give Megalothor 2nd Form's pincers the Gatanothor and Magatanothor vibes.)
Legs - (Y/n), Megalothor 2nd Form, Super C.O.V. (A/N: Ensure it has a darker hue while still having its red, blue and gold details on it to give it the Magatanothor vibes, along with some gold details on it to give it the Super C.O.V. vibes.)
Segmented Body, Legs at Each Segmented Body - Gatanothor, Megalothor (A/N: Will be making use of Gatanothor's lower body so I thought, maybe have a segmented body like a Centipede, but different, in an Evil God way. So, I implemented four segmented bodies to have Megalothor legs, two more to have Megalothor legs to have a blend of Gatanothor legs, then the last three sgements to have Gatanother legs, to make it like so it evolves when it eats, grows or wins a fight. Ensure the segments have a darker hue to give it the Magatanothor vibes and the legs have the colour scheme of Megalothor.)
Tail - Megalothor (A/N: Since both forms of Megalothor have the same tail, there is no need for change.).)

After revealing yourself in that Evil God-like fusion form, you immediately slowly made your way towards Stain, for Deku to caution you about him.

Deku: (Y/n), be careful! His Quirk activates when he drinks your blood! If he does you'll not be able to move for a specific period of time!!!

(Y/n): Really? Then let's see?

You said as you stopped in front of Stain.

(Y/n): So, you're the one called; Hero Killer Stain? The one everyone and Deku talks about?

Hero Killer Stain: You are looking right at him, boy....

(Y/n): Heh! Charmed! Ace Killer led me directly to you because your constant Quirk Activation and his power created a silent signal only he can hear. And now that I'm here... it's time to clean house.

You said.

Hearing this, Stain growled as he leaped upwards. Then, he soon land in front of you while using his blade to cut through you, only for the blade to bounce off you due to the used kaijus' tough hide that it has, making you use your pincer claw-like arms to gently swipe off where Stain struck as you made your first move, charging Dark Megalo Thunder on your right fist for you to land a straight punch directly at Stain, making him stagger backwards.

Stain tried to go for another slash again, only for you to use one of your four pincers to grab it as you launched Gol Melba Cannon directly at him, sending him a few meters away from all of you. After launching a beam to send him far, Stain dash for it as he wanted to take you all down, for you to see this coming.

(Y/n): Ace Killer!!! Intercept!!!

You commanded.

Heeding you command, Ace Killer dashed forward, as well, making its way towards Stain. Once both Killers are in front of each other, they then clashed weapons.

While Native, Deku, Todoroki and you watched the battle unfolding, Ida then spoke up.

Ida: I... I'm sorry...

He said solemnly.

You heard his apology as you turned back to see him standing up, for you to slowly make his way to him as he kept talking.

Ida: I... didn't know how to tell you all about my brother.... he's in a very bad state.... and he cannot be a hero anymore because of him.... So I had to keep this from all of you.... so I can avenge my brot-

Just before he could finish, you claw (A/N: Your primary claw.) back to your normal human hand for a brief moment to slap him across his face, for him to feel it.

Hearing that slap, Deku and Todoroki looked ahead of the fight as they notice Ida being slapped by you, to their shock and to their understanding, knowing that Ida kept this dark secret from them, including you. After that slap, Ida looked on in shock as he slowly looked at you reverting your hand back into its claw form, for you to start speaking to Ida.

(Y/n): Then tell me, Class Rep.... after that slap.... think you got everything back together now? Realized that this could have ended differently when you tell us what has happened?

You said.

Ida took a moment to think, slowly tearing up, when you slowly lunge in for a hug, to his shock and confusion.

(Y/n): It's okay not to tell us about what is happening to your family.... but it is not okay to not tell us that you're doing a revenge story without letting us know about it.... believe me.... I know...

Ida: Y-You do...???

(Y/n): nods .... I.... lost an ally in my Battlenizer by the hands of a Reionics Killer who wanted to become the Ruler of the Universe with his kaiju.... I.... totally lost it for days until.... Rei and my Team... Boss... managed to snap me out of it....

You said.

Then, you released Ida from the hug as you look at him while holding his shoulders.

(Y/n): If your revenge is too great like now.... you'll lose yourself, and you will soon be blinded by Rage and Vengence. You're lucky the three of us are around now to help and stop you... otherwise... you'll end up just like me from before....

You said.

Ida: I.... never knew revenge... would be this deep...

(Y/n): It's okay, Class Rep.... you're young. But still.... never, ever, make that same mistake I had.... when I took it too far like what you're doing.... I lost myself....

Ida: nods in understanding I.... I got it....

Ida said.

You nod at his reply, knowing that he has changed.

Ida: So uh... could you.... let me go, please? I want to go to Midoriya and Todoroki.... and tell them I'm sorry....

Ida requested.

You look back to see your Ace Killer still fighting against Stain. Seeing this, you look back at Ida.

(Y/n): Sure. I'll cover you.

You said.

Ida nods at what you said for you both to make your way towards Deku and Todoroki.

(Y/n): Ace Killer! Cover us while the previous command of interception still stands!!!

You yelled.

Ace Killer heard the command as it did as it was told, beginning to cover for you with ida while you both made your way to Deku and Todoroki. Stain saw you both as he swiftly made his way to you, only for him to be swiped by your Megalothor tail and kicked by one of your segmented body legs. Stain growled at this and began attacking again, only for him to be intercepted by Ace Killer as their fight resumed, once again.

As soon as you reached Deku and Todoroki, you and Ida immediately stopped in front of them while you both caught your breathe for a moment.

Todoroki: (Y/n)! Ida!

(Y/n): We're fine!

Deku: That fusion form... is terrifying with all the heads....

(Y/n): Heheh! I know, but you'll get used to it. Anyway, guys! Class Rep. has something to say real quick. looks at Ida and gently nudges him Go on. You said you want to do the thing.

You said.

Then, you see Ida taking a step forward as he bowed before Deku and Todoroki.

Ida: I'm so sorry.... I didn't know how to tell you this so, I didn't have a choice... I shut you out... I tried to regain back my family's honour.... but it just ended up me being almost killed! So... I'm... I'm sorry.

Ida said.

Hearing this, Deku and Todoroki looked at each other for a moment, then gave a small smile as they looked at Ida with those same smiles.

Deku: Hey, it's alright Ida. 

Todoroki: Just as long as you don't plan on doing this again.

Deku: After all, we're still friends, right?

Ida: Mmhmm. Yeah, we still are.

Todoroki: Well now. I'm glad you finally came around.

Deku: Yeah. Welcome back, Ida.

Ida: nods Y-Yeah.

They said.

You smiled at what you witness here, for you to almost forget that a battle against the Hero Killer is still on.

(Y/n): Okay, excellent you guys made up in a flash, but let's not forget, we still have a Hero Killer to deal with.

You mentioned.

Hearing you say that, the three of them soon look back behind you to see the battle still on for them to stand by your side, ready to fight, once again.

(Y/n): Ready to do this?

Deku: Yes.

Todoroki: Let's take this mad man down...

(Y/n): nods and looks at Ida Class Rep? Ready to make this right?

Ida: For my brother.... I'm ready to make it right... starting now.

Hearing this, you nod at him to hear that he is ready to make this right.

Just as the four of you are about to lend Ace Killer your aide, you all looked in shock to see Ace Killer swiping a Dagger away from Stain as it stabbed him in the arm, shocking you knowing that you didn't command it to do that.

(Y/n): This wasn't...

Deku: (Y/n)? What's it doing?

(Y/n): I don't know. I only told Ace Killer to intercept, not harm him!

Todoroki: Try to converse with it.

(Y/n): I can try.

You said.

Meanwhile, Ace Killer is seen still stabbing Stain's arm with his own dagger as it kept making him bleed, not following instructions for some reason, for you to speak to Ace Killer about his current action.

(Y/n): Ace Killer!! What the hell do you think you're doing?!?! I instructed you to only intercept! Not Harm or Kill!

You said.

Hearing you, Ace Killer removed the dagger out of Stain's arm as he flinged him to aside. Now, with a bloodied dagger with Stain's blood in hand, Ace Killer slowly looked at you with a sinister intent, for you to look with caution.

(Y/n): Ace Killer?

You called for it.

Then, what happened next blew your mind, as well as Deku's, Todoroki's and Ida's, for you all the keep watching on to witness Ace Killer raised the bloodied dagger in the air. After a few seconds later, Ace Killer then swiftly thrust the bloodied dagger into its chest while duplicating itself for the unharmed Ace Killer to go back into the Giga-Battlenizer and for the stabbed Ace Killer to remain outside, to everyone's shock including Stain's.

Hero Killer Stain: Is that fool insane?! He just stabbed me, so that he can stab himself?!

He said in a mocking kind of way.

While you watched in shock, you realized something about Ace Killer.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Wait a minute. He wouldn't be disobeying orders just for nothing. And besides, Ace Killer is meant to be a Choju that can be enhanced further to better combat specific Ultras or anyone or anything. Yapool used data to enhance him to create Victory Killer. Ace Killer stole the Ultra Brothers' powers to self-proclaim as Ace Killer, and Yapool summoned a sentient mist to create Mebius Killer. So that means.... wait.... hang on.... that means Ace Killer is enhancing himself by using Stain's blood and weapon! Which also means, Ace Killer is stealing its power to make it its own. Which that explains the signal he alone can h-

Just before you could finish what you say in your thoughts, you notice Ace Killer's body forming cracks all over, for everyone to notice this.

As you all watched, Ace Killer began to develop more cracks all over its body when a huge katana-like Battle Sai can be seen protruding out from its back, to their confusion. Then, to make things a lot weirder, numerous of Battle Sais of different sizes began to protrude out as they burst open from the cracked sides as they appear on its both sides of its body and at its outer thighs. There was even a battle Sai that burst opened a cracked area on Ace Killer's left shoulder as the weapon's appearance caused more cracks to appear.

Deku: (Y/n)! What's happening!?!?

(Y/n): I think I know what's happening! Deku! Remember the time I explained about Ace Killer when it used my allies' powers to beat one of my allies who is an expert in killing its kind?\

Deku: Yes? Why?!

(Y/n): Looks like we're witnessing the process in the making!!! This time, it's stolen Stain's weapon and blood to replicate itself to become far more powerful... to become Stain to better combat him!!

Ida: That means... this thing which is on our side, will be our own Stain?! Who fights for us???

Ida asks.

You look at Ida as you nod at him.

(Y/n): Exactly!!!

You said.

As soon as you said that, Ace Killer's body soon burst into pieces, for it to reveal a whole new Ace Killer, for you, your friends and Stain to have a good look at what the new Ace Killer looks like. Looking on, you all see that the new Ace Killer looks more armoured up compared to the original as it donned even more golden armour on its arms, legs and upper torso. Its head is noticably resemble to Kabuto the Killer but, with a red scarf covering its eyes with holes on it so it can see while wearing it. It's neck is wrapped by a long golden scarf with Battle Sais varying different sizes, one sizing of a Katana, a few others are simply normal Battle Sais and a few more others are like daggers for Battle Sais. And to make things a little interesting, you also see that its right hand has an identical claw to its left but this time, both its claws can be used for not just slashing, but also for grabbing its own weapons and other weapons.

Seeing what your Ace Killer has become, you, Stain and Deku looked with surprise as you three realized that the Ace Killer that you now own, just created its own new variation of its own kind but this time, it's dubbed;

(Y/n) & Deku: The Extradimensional Choju.... Hero Killer Ace...

You both said.

(Y/n): Boys.... think we just made ourselves our very own version of the Hero Killer... in the form of my Choju... combined with Stain's weapon.... and blood...

You said.

Seeing this, Stain began to wield his katana as he points his blade at your choju.

Hero Killer Stain: It doesn't matter whether you've created something to even the odds with me! In the end, you are still all fakes!!! Except for one or two specific other! So, when I'm done with you, Ace.... you kids are all next!!!

(Y/n): I would love to see you try, Stain!! Hero Killer Ace!!! Intercept Stain!!! Deku, Todoroki, Ida! Time to fight and make this right!!!

Deku, Todoroki & Ida: Right!

They said in unsion.

Then, the fight resumed as everyone played a part to take Stain down, with Hero Killer to use its Battle Sai Katana and Battle Sai to battle with Stain's blades, for their blades to clash with each other multiple times. While clashing, Ida used his Recipro Burst to deliver a good kick onto Stain, for him to get struck by his side, for Todoroki to see this opportunity as he used his fire quirk to blast him, only for Stain to dodge it.

Seeing him dodge, Deku used his One for All full cowling as he struck Stain at his back, delivering him directly to Hero Killer Ace as he used his katana-like Battle Sai to slash him, only for Stain to use his own Katana to do the same. When the blades clash, Your Choju's blade emerged victorious when it sliced through Stain's katana blade, breaking it in two, to Stain's shock. As the opportunity shows itself, you took to the skies while curling into a ball as you began to fall towards Stain, delivering a kaiju Cannonball at him, for Stain to dodge it, only for the Hero Killer Choju to hold him in position as you came crashing down onto him, striking him into the ground.

After that attack is done, you revert back to your human-self while wielding the Giga-battlenizer in hand as you began to jump backwards, avoiding the slash that was coming straight at you for Stain to be in hot pursuit on you, for you to turn into another variant form for yourself to use.

(Y/n): Ace Killer! Mebius Killer! Victory Killer! Hero Killer Ace!

You yelled.

The Choju sensed that its powers are being called by you as it duplicated itself again, for its other counterpart in a form of an energy ball to fly into you as you turn into a Variant of Ace Killer combined with Mebius Killer, Victory Killer and the latest edition, for you to don every Ace Killer variations' armour on you while you block Stain's blade by using your Ace Killer Claws. Blocking his weapon, you summoned--

(Y/n): KillerTrans! EX-RED KING KNUCKLE!!!! PLUS! M87 BEAM!!!!

You yelled.

- EX-Red King Knuckle while charging up M87 Beam on your knuckled arm, sending a powerful punch at Stain, for him to be sent back flying upwards. Seeing him in the air, you revert your arm back to its normal Ace Killer fusion arm as you began to charge up Mebium Shoot. 

Once charged, you shot a beam directly at Stain, only for him to block it by using his blades. Seeing this, you conjured a Mebium Blade on your right arm while launching Mebium Shoot as you began to fly towards Stain. While your beam and Stain's blades collide, and as soon as you got closer, you stopped launching Mebium Beam to deliver a surprise attack as you land a slash upon Stain, for him to block it in a nick of time as you both began to clash blades with one another. As the fight raged on, your Choju lend its assistance as it struck Stain from behind, giving you the opportunity to to conjure Eleking Tail while combining it with Mebium Shoot and Spacium Beam, whipping Stain back down to the ground. 

Seeing that he's on his way down, you and your choju swiftly flew back down to rejoin Deku, Todoroki and Ida while watching Stain fall as he hit the ground soon after. Landing down safely, the three came to you as they gathered to fight together, once again.

Todoroki: Nice reflexes.

(Y/n): Thanks. Ace Killer variants tend to have good reflexes.

Deku: That's so Ace Killer.

Ida: So, now what? We take him down, once and for all?

(Y/n): Yes! But first... looks at your kaiju Hero Killer Ace! You've done well. Now, we're gonna do this right so, Return.

You said.

The Choju nods as it dissipated into an energy sphere while returning to its usual slot on the Giag-Battlenizer.

(Y/n): Now, to answer your question, Class Rep. Yes, once and for all, let's take him down.

You said.

Ida nods at this, along with Deku and Todoroki to do the same while Stain can be seen standing back up, slowly due to his injuries.

Hero Killer Stain: I've have had enough of you, children!!!

(Y/n): Oright, guys! Let's do this! Fight till he drops unconscious!!! Till he's defeated!

Everyone: Right!!!

Hero Killer Stain: You all.... ARE NOT WORTHY!!!!!!!

Stain yelled while swiftly charging towards the four of you with his blades in both hands.

You four began to ready your quirks as Stain is about to get closer, but just as Stain was getting close enough to cut all your heads off, a powerful blast from behind can be seen sending Stain flying to the other end of the Alleyway to all of your confusions, for you all to turn back to see who that was who shot him while hearing what he said, implying it to Stain.

???: Seriously, Stain? You really need to stop saying who's worthy or not. As in the end, people with or without quirks, hero or not, pro hero or not, they are all equally people on their own terms and resolve.... tch! Idiot.

The person said.

Seeing the person, you smiled in relief to see the person donning his Nexus Muteki Millenium form as he used Parablade in its gun mode to shoot Stain away for a brief moment, for you to recognize him and for the person to recognize you back.

???: Hello, my friend. And to your friends, too, (Y/n). And also, nice Ace Killer armour you got on ya.

He said while greeting you and your friends as he propped Parablade onto his shoulder to pose for a moment.

(Y/n): S-Shadow!

You said with delight.

To be Continued....
PERSONAL 'Special Round' to Begin on Next Chapter.

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