Chapter 11: A New Power of Fantasy Awakens S

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(Y/n): S-Shadow!

You said with delight.

??? 2: Yo, (Y/n)! Don't forget about me, dude.

Another person said following Shadow from behind.

(Y/n): Yonezawa!

You said with more delight.

Deku, Ida and Todoroki looked at you in shock when you said their names.

Deku: Uh (Y/n), you know them?

(Y/n): Yeah. There was an incident that happened close to Ryukyu Agency which wasn't supposed to be in this World. It was a highly dangerous Extradimensional threat to begin with.

Todoroki: Aliens?

(Y/n): Yeah, you can say that.

Ida: Then! Has the invasion been averted?

(Y/n): Yes, thankfully it is, thanks to Shadow, Yonezawa, myself and the Team, including Ms. Ryukyu and Nejire.

You explained.

Then, you turned around to introduce Shadow and Yonezawa to Deku, Todoroki and Ida.

(Y/n): Anyway, Shadow, Yonezawa. These ar-

Shadow: Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki and Tenya Ida. I know them. They are also from that World that I'm currently ruling to what I told you about back in the Agency. 

Yonezawa: Don't forget, (Y/n). Different Worlds, Multiverses. Real.

(Y/n): Ooooh! Right!

Deku, Todoroki & Ida: Huh?


You said to the three.

After seeing them nod at you that you'll explain later, you look back to Shadow and Yonezawa again.

(Y/n): By the way, Shadow, Yonezawa. What brings you back here? 

You ask.

Shadow: Your Internship Manager aka, your Course Manager aka, your Boss aka, my Sponsor and Consultants, Ryukyu and your friend, Nejire called me as they say you were taking a long time to return from Hosu City and were worried about you.

(Y/n): oooh....

Yonezawa: But don't worry, I've already ensured your safe return, as well.

Todoroki: Wait. So that means you too, are not supposed to be here.

(Y/n): Officially, yes I'm not supposed to be here. However Technically if you heard what I explained, no I'm supposed to be here.

Ida: Oh right! That Silent Signal your kaiju sensed.

(Y/n): Yup. I gained full permission to investigate this signal with my given kaiju, Ace Killer until I found it. Which led me directly to Stain.

You said.

Yonezawa: So, you have an Ace Killer of your own?

(Y/n): Yup! And now, we have our latest edition from Stain known as the Hero Killer Ace.

Shadow: Hero Killer Ace, eh? Not bad.

(Y/n): It would appear that when Ace Killer undergoes its rebellious Cycle, it would tend to not listen to what I said upon reaching the signal. I could also guess that it may happen to my other kaijus at anytime if it arises.

Yonezawa: Then Might I suggest you be careful.

(Y/n): No problemo. Thanks.

You said.

Yonezawa nods

Shadow: Anyway, with that sorted, let's deal with that now. points at Stain

Shadow said.

Hearing this, you all turned your attention to where Stain flew, for you all to see Stain slowly getting up while unsheathing his blades, preparing to fight, once again.

(Y/n): Alright, guys. Again, let's do this right! Shadow, Yonezawa! Let's do this.

Yonezawa: Oh yeah... readies Desire-Driver

Shadow: By the way, (Y/n). Suiko, my brother Yusei and Ukiyo Ace the freakin'-self made you these.

Shadow said, handing you two Mission Boxes with your Symbol on them.

(A/N: Mission Boxes (x2). Ensure colour scheme is based on your Rider Colour and the symbols are based on your I.D. Core.)

You see the Boxes in his hands as you accept them.

(Y/n): Huh...??? Thanks.

You said.

After accepting them and thanking Shadow, you began to open each one of them, to see what's inside. As soon as they are opened, you look to see that it is a Feverslot Buckle in one box and a New Buckle in another.

(A/N: Feverslot Buckle. As usual there will be another slot inside for Powered Builder and Fantasy inside of it. In other words, all the Raise Buckles will now be inside this Buckle that you have. Ensure the stars on the Buckle are multicoloured and glittering at the same time and are also a bit longer, and bigger to indicate that this is the so-called; "Perfect" Feverslot Buckle.)

(A/N: Fantasy Buckle.)

(Y/n): A Feverslot Buckle and uhhh... huh? What's that Buckle? I uhh... never seen this one before.

Shadow: That Buckle is called the Fantasy Buckle, Used by a Father and his Daughter. This Buckle according to Ace and Neon is said to have taken down thousands of Jyamatos with its Magics inside it.

Shadow said in brief.

Your eyes widened when you heard this.

(Y/n): Wow.... then I guess it's time we give these two Buckles a whirl, then.

You said.

Fishing out the Buckles from the boxes, you then tossed them aside as you readied your Driver and your Buckles.

(Y/n): Ready, guys?

Deku: Yeah.

Todoroki: Ready.

Ida: For my brother.

(Y/n): nods then looks at Shadow and Yonezawa Ready, you two?

Yonezawa: Born ready, (Y/n).

Shadow: I'm good to go. readies Vision-Driver

(Y/n): Nice! Then I'm good to go, too.

You said.

And so, you, Yonezawa and Shadow readied yourselves as you three slot your Buckles onto both your Desire-Drivers ((Y/n) and Yonezawa) and press your finger onto the Vision-Driver (Shadow).

-Set Fever!-


-Shadow, Log In!-

Once you, Yonezawa and Shadow got your Drivers, ready, you three posed while Shadow fished out his Providence Card from the holder as he posed. Once the three are ready,-

(Y/n), Yonezawa & Shadow: Henshin.

You three said.

- You pushed the lever down and pulled the lever to the left and release, Yonezawa activated his Buckles and Shadow swiped his card down across the front of the Driver, activating their forms.

-Fantasy! Hit! Fever Fantasy!-

-Dual On!-
-Get Ready for Combat! Tank and Battleship!-
-Ready! FIGHT!-

-Install. Unite & Conquer. Shadow!-

(A/N: Fever Fantasy Form. Something like this form but replace Na-go Entry form with your Entry Form. Ensure the Fantasy Head Guard is based on Kamen Rider Gya-Go but  the mechanical side flaps will open up like GEATS Powered Builder's Head Guard, and the lower leggings are swapped over so the form's left leg will become the right and the right leg will become the left, to make the form more accurate like the rest of the other six forms when they Revolve On, otherwise it will not be accurate. The Upper Limb armour on the lower leggings will be on the outer side of the lower legging armour in reference to the upper limb armour for accuracy.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Shadow. Shadow's Rider form is a fusion of Suel Gazer and Kamen Rider Paradox's Perfect Knockout. This form comprises with the following Components:

Head - Based on Suel Gazer but will be combined with Paradox Perfect Knockout's Eye-Visors, head and hair features. The red line details will remain on the form but this time, those lines will be allocated on each eye.
Dominion Ray - Based on Suel Gazer and Gazer but with Paradox Perfect Knockout's Eye-Visors on them along with the red line details to be on each of them. Ensure there are blue, red and gold features on each of them, too to give out the Perfect Knockout Vibes.
Upper Torso & Lower Torso - You will have Suel Gazer form's Upper and Lower Torso combined with Paradox Perfect Knockout's Puzzle and Flare armour details on them. Ensure the Gold Details on Perfect Knockout is implemented on the form. The Gold Dial armour piece behind Perfect Knockout will also be implemented onto the form. This Form will also have a skirting based on Perfect Knockout implemented on the form.
Arms - The Arms will remain the same.
Legs - The Legs will remain the same..)

After acquiring your forms, you stepped forward as you held up a finger pointing upwards, motioning your finger left and right while you slowly shook your head.

Shadow: Non-Players harming or killing my Fellow Players inside or outside the Gaming Area will not be tolerated. Not even by the likes of you, as well.... Hero Killer Stain.

Shadow said while introducing that one Rule of the Desire Grand Prix.

(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Trust Last. Kamen Rider GEATS Opening theme.)

Hearing this, Stain charged forward to strike Shadow down first, only for you to summon several Golden Barriers in front of Shadow, causing Stain's blades to deflect off it and stagger backwards. Seeing this, you used your hand to call back your barriers as they shrunk while flying into your hands, extending blades out of each of them in the process, to your surprise. Looking at your small barrier which have now become throwing knife-like weapons, you threw them directly at Stain while Yonezawa launched several torpedos and launch numerous rounds from his Raising Gatlinger as every attack flew straight for Stain, only for him to use his blades to destroy several of them and deflect them while taking some hits in the process.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Deku used his quirk to rush in as he landed a few kicks, followed by Ida to do the same and for Todoroki to launch a road of ice directly at Stain, for the Hero Killer to avoid the Ice after bearing the pain of the kicks delivered by Deku and Ida. Seeing Stain mid-air to avoid the Ice, Shadow summoned his Dominion Rays as he launched a barrage of beams at him, for Stain to deflect them right back at them, only for the Dominion Rays to conjure puzzle-like barriers to deflect them back as they struck Stain where he is open. You smirked as you dashed right for Stain while calling your friends out.

(Y/n): Yonezawa! Keep Stain busy!

Yonezawa: On it!!! firing all turrets, torpedos and my Raising Gatlinger at will

(Y/n): Todoroki, Ice Ramp!

Todoroki: Got it!

Todoroki said, conjuring an ice ramp going upwards for you.

(Y/n): Deku! Jump up! Ida! Gimme a Boost!

Deku nods as he jumped high up in the air and for Ida to get behind you as he gave you a huge boost towards the ice ramp.

Seeing that you are going fast enough, both you and Ida went upwards from the ramp, for you to head towards Deku and for Ida to do a dropkick while using his quirk to land the strongest kick on Stain. As soon as you are close to Deku,-

(Y/n): Deku!!! Do the most powerful Smash you can muster!!! On the soles of my feet!!!

You yelled.

Deku: Right! One for All.... Full Cowling.... SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deku yelled, unleashing the strongest punch he can muster while using his Quirk.

- Smashed directly at you, punching the soles of your feet, sending you back down to the ground towards Stain while watching Ida, Shadow, Todoroki and Yonezawa fighting against Stain. Feeling the strong momentum as you made your way down, you pushed the lever on your Feverslot Buckle, acquiring the Fever Form's finisher.

-Golden Fever Victory!-

Acquiring your Finisher, you used your magics to summon numerous energy swords, daggers and barrier sword-like weapons for you to spin at high speed in a 360 clockwise rotation, causing the weapons you summoned to follow the motion as they spun around you.

Down on the ground, Shadow backflipped to avoid Stain's blades from touching him as you commanded the Dominion Rays to create a barrier, for Stain to slash right at it, only for his blade to bounce of it, for Stain to swiftly slash the barrier in the hopes of destroying it. While slashing his way through, one of the energy daggers landed beside Stain as it thrusted itself into the ground, for Stain to stop slashing as he looks down to notice this. Seeing this, he looks up to see you spinning with your magic weapons as you are going to spin drop him along with the weapons you have conjured, for Stain to jump backwards, only for Ida and Deku to zoom in towards Stain at both sides as they landed a kick (Ida) and a punch (Deku) on Stain's side and face. Seeing that Deku and Ida have Stain where you want him in the nick of time before he moved, you immediately rushed down as you and your magic weapons struck Stain downwards directly at his back, adding to the damage that Ida and Deku inflicted upon Stain.

Seeing this, Todoroki and Yonezawa readied his fire (Todoroki) and his arsenal of turrets and torpedos (Yonezawa), aimed at the ready.

Yonezawa: They managed to land three attacks!!! Todoroki, get ready! Stain can do anything in this kind of predictament!

Todoroki: On it!

Todoroki replied.

Taken aback from what has happened, Stain soon opened his eyes as he grabbed his blade and slashed Ida, only for him to strike Ida at the tips of his hair and the thin fabric of his Hero Costume. Then, he soon slashed you, only for you to use your barriers to block it.


Ida yelled.

Todoroki: Don't let him get away!!!!!


Yonezawa: THIS ENDS-

Shadow: NOW!!!!!

Deku: DO IT!!!!

You all yelled.

Then, you, Yonezawa and Shadow acquired all your finishers-

-Golden Fever Victory!-

-Combat Time!-
-Tank battleship Grand Victory!-


- as you summoned all your Magic Weapons again as you hurled your arms forward, for the magic weapons to be sent flying, striking Stain, Yonezawa to fire all his weapons around his body at will while firing his Raising Gatlinger aiming everything directly at Stain and Shadow to summon his Dominion Rays as they launched their beams in the center for him to use Parablade as the trigger as Shadow blasted a shot at the beams at the center, for a huge beam to be launched from the center point towards Stain.

Unable to avoid what's coming, all the rider attacks soon struck Stain all over his body. Just as the barrage of attacks and finishers were done, Ida used his quirk and did a powerful kick he could muster as he swiftly and powerfully kicked Stain in mid-air while proclaiming that he is a Hero.

Ida: - FOR I AM A HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!

He yelled.

After that kick, Stain was seen sent flying after that strong kick, giving Todoroki the opportunity to fire a huge streak of flames at Stain while conjuring ahuge pillar of ice to immobilize him. 

Seeing Deku and Ida about to fall, you summoned two barriers as they went below them, carrying them down to the ground to safety. Once on the ground, the barriers disappeared as you prepared for a long night ahead.

Todoroki: Stand up! Keep fighting!

Shadow: I don't think there is a need.

Todoroki & (Y/n): Huh?

Shadow: Look.

Shadow said.

Everyone looked up at the ice pillar for them to see Stain lying on the pillar while a portion of the pillar can be seen trapping him at his waistline, unconscious, for everyone to look in shock at this, and for Shadow and Yonezawa to look at the sight with no surprise at all, knowing they fought him before in a different world.

(A/N: Opening Music ends here.)

Seeing this, Deku made a perfect assumption on what has happened to Stain.

Deku: He's gotta be knocked out after all that. Right?

Deku said and ask.

Seeing this, Todoroki looked at Deku.

Todoroki: Then let's restain him and get him to the street.

(Y/n): He's right. We must get him apprehended by the authorities good and proper, besides apprehending him here at this quiet area where anything can happen here without us knowing. Let's find a rope to restrain him so we'll be on our way.

Deku: Yeah. And we should probably take all of his weapons, too.

Todoroki: Good idea.

Shadow: You don't have to find a rope, ya know?

(Y/n): Oh?

Shadow: Fantasy Raise Buckle allows you to do feats of Magic. Like Creation Magic, for instance.

(Y/n): Wait, so that means.... realizing what Shadow meant guys! Lemme try this.

You said as you used your magics to conjure a rope and whipped it around Stain, retraining his arms and his wrists.

Once you have him restrained, you set him down on the ground gently as you looked with surprise that a mere Raise Buckle have that kind of power within it.

(Y/n): Wow.... all magics in just a mere Buckle... amazing.

You said.

A few minutes later,

After the three of you dehenshin yoursleves while ensuring that Stain is restrained by your magic rope still and everyone has collected Stain's weapons, Native can be seen carrying Deku on his back as he is strong enough to walk and stand.

Deku: Native... can you move? 

Native: Yeah. Think I'm as good as new now. 

Deku: You sure?

Native: I saw you hurt your leg back there. At least let me do this for you. 

Deku: uuhh... thanks very much.

Native: I should be thanking you. 

Native and Deku said as they talked along the way out.

Todoroki: We're lucky you came prepared with that Buckle that can conjure things like that.

Shadow: Happy to help, Todoroki.

Yonezawa: It's fortunate we got that call from Ryukyu. Otherwise we wouldn't be here.

Yonezawa said, for Shadow to nod at what he said.

Then, just as you are about to drag Stain out of the alleyway, Ida stepped in.

Ida: (Y/n)! I can drag him from here.

(Y/n): Ummm... you sure? As your arms are pretty messed up still. Furthermore, you've went through a lot for one night. So tonight, we're gonna cut you some slack.

You said, allowing Ida to get some rest while you all made tyour way out, with the others and Ida following behind. 

As you all are walking out, you can hear Native, Deku and Todoroki talking about their experience against the Hero Killer from just now, knowing that they are right at one thing and that's the Hero Killer is too powerful when desperate or not while using his quirk to immobilize  Ida and Deku, for you to nod at what you are listening.

Time flew as you all made it out, when you heard a voice from across the streets.

???: Huh?!?! What are you doing here, boy?!

A voice called out, for Deku to look up to see it was Gran Torino.

Deku: Gran Torino! I was only-

Just before Deku could finish, Gran Torino used his quirk to swiftly flew across the street to land a kick into Deku's face, to everyone's shock that everything happened within just a second.

Gran Torino: I thought I told you to stay on the Bullet Train?!?!

Gran Torino questioned.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): wow.... for an old man... he's SUPER fast.... but why did he do that???

You said in thought.

Then, it was revealed by Deku that he's doing his Internship with this old guy, for you to be impressed that he can take his nagging and his powerful quirk at this age. And it was also revealed that someone told him to come here to check things out with all of you, but he is still glad that he is not dead at least, for Deku to feel the same way for him.

As you listened on, several Pro Heroes arrived at where you all were as they saw you all having minor and major injuries for one Hero to call an ambulance and for the other to call the police when one noticed the immobilized Hero Killer Stain, to your relief that everything is about to get under control. While you, Deku, Todoroki, Yonezawa and Shadow were talking about what happens next, Ida walked up to them as he said something.

Ida: Hey guys...

Ida called out, for you five to look at Ida.

Then, you see Ida bowing once again, as he spoke.

Ida: You are all hurt because of me.... Again... I'm truly sorry... I was just so angry that I couldn't.... see anything else... 

Ida apologized.

Hearing this, Deku spoke up, too.

Deku: I'm sorry too, Ida. You've been going through so much by yourself... that I couldn't tell anything was wrong. Even though I'm your friend.

(Y/n): Deku's right.... I too apologize for the same reason. If only I read your mind, Class Rep.,... this wouldn't have happened.... As I did say before,... we are still friends... we.... can't just suffer in silence until something bad happens....

You said, knowing Deku has a point at what he said.

Todoroki: Hey, pull yourself together. You're the class rep.

Todoroki said.

Hearing this, Ida wiped his tears off by using his arms.

Ida: Right....

Ida said weakly, composing himself.

Seeing and hearing this, you smiled that everything has been resolved between them, for Shadow to look at this, as well.

Shadow: That fight was only 10 to 15 minutes.

(Y/n): But it seemed like forever that were in that alleyway fighting our asses off against Stain... did you feel that way, too when you fought him, too in your World?

Shadow: Me? Well, seeing that fight and experiencing that fight again,... I feel like I've been through memory lane.

(Y/n): Heheh! Indeed you have.

You said, talking with Shadow as things were under control now.

Suddenly, while you were talking to Shadow, from the distance, a Nomu can be seen flying towards where you all are now, for Gran Torino to take notice of this as he yelled for everyone of you including the Pros to get down.

(A/N: This flying Nomu.)

Gran Torino: GET DOWN!!!!!!!!

He yelled.

Hearing this, you look at gran Torino's direction for you to see an oncoming flying Nomu, for you to rush in front of everyone-

Gran Torino: Kid!!!! What are you doing?!?!?!

-Fantasy! Hit! Fever Fantasy!-

- while transforming back to your Fantasy Fever form as you conjured a magic buzzsaw made of numerous number of barriers combined into one weapon as you flinged it directly at the flying Nomu, cleaving it in half, only for it to regenerate as there is now two flying Nomus as one flew higher to recuperate itself while the other one decied to come swooping down towards all of you.

(Y/n): Oh, of course this one had to regenerate while duplicating itself!!!

You yelled.

Then, the Nomu used its arms as it struck you, for you to conjure a barrier too late as you are being sent flying through a closed shophouse, causing you to crash through some glass containers and other fragile things that were inside the shop, for you to feel disorientated by that surprise attack that struck you by the head. Meanwhile outside, the duplicated Nomu can be seen grabbing Deku as it began to fly in mid-air to retreat, for the Pro Heroes to figure out what to do, only for the unexpected thing to happen when Stain awoken from his unconsciousness, licking the Nomu's blood off the female Pro Hero, sending the Nomu to fly downwards instead of up due to the effects of Stain's Quirk.

Immobilizing the Nomu, Stain ran while breaking the magic rope as he leaped up in the air to kill the Nomu by using a knife that he hid in his arm by via his scarf that were wrapped around them, saving Deku in the process while killing the Nomu while saying that the Word Hero has lost all meaning to this society, the world is crawling with fake heroes and the fakes must be purged while he creates his own stronger society.

Witnessing this, the pros were shocked to see that Stain saved Deku while killing that duplicate Nomu when Endeavor came in on time to see all this when he noticed Stain and for him to notice Endeavor, as well. Seeing each other for the first time, Endeavor began to use his quirk, only for Gran Torino to stop him, knowing that something isn't right when Stain began to stand up, releasing Deku from his grasp, turning around while his eye scarf unravelled, revealing his face, for everyone to look in shock, terrified at what they are looking at, all except for Shadow and Yonezawa as they have seen the true face of Stain before and they have seen uglier than this before.

Seeing Stain's true face, Stain spoke up at the top of his voice while slowly making his way towards the Heroes.

Hero Killer Stain: You False Hero! I'll make this right! These streets... must run with the blood of the Hypocrites! HERO!!!!!!!! I will reclaim that word!!! COME ON!!!!! JUST TRY AND STOP ME, YOU FAKES!!!!!! 

He yelled.

Everyone except Shadow and Yonezawa staggered back in fear, looking and hearing this.

Hero Killer Stain: There is only one man I'll let kill me! He is a true Hero.... ALL MIGHT IS WORTHY!!!!!!!!!!!

Stain yelled at the top of his voice, revealing his true colours.

But then, he soon dropped his dagger as everyone notice that he is knocked out cold while standing, for Gran Torino and Endeavor to notice this.

Endeavor: I think... he's... out cold...

Shadow: He's been out cold from the beginning. He only awoken now because he wants to justify something.... only he can tell what it is to us... before he knocks out again... that is now.

Shadow said.

Endeavor: Hmm. You're one with words... like Cerebro but, different.

Shadow: Heheh! You have no idea, Sir Endeavor.

Shadow said.

Yonezawa: Guys! Hate to ruin the relief you all have, but we have another duplicate of that Nomu Stain killed, that is still alive and is coming this way!

Yonezawa mentioned looking at the same direction where the Nomu was coming in for the other duplicate flying Nomu to be seen flying towards them as some heroes can be seen preparing themselves to take it down, only for them to notice that it is flying straight into the shophouse where it sent you flying into as it began to dig and crawl its way inside, making its way in to reach you, for Ida to notice this as he realized this.

Ida: That's where... That's where (Y/n) was sent flying in!!! 

Todoroki: What?!

Endeavor: If the Nomu reaches him, he's done for!!!

Shadow: oh shoot!

Gran Torino: Then we must get him out of there before that thing-

Just before Gran Torino could finish, the other duplicated flying Nomu can suddenly be seen crashing through the window as it can be seen sent flying out of the shophouse, crashing into a building, to their confusion.... when they heard your voice.

(Y/n): Okay, Nomu! Round 2 it is!

You said.

(A/N: Music starts here.)

Hearing this, everyone watched as you can be seen levitating out from the shophouse while summoning barriers in a form of bladed-like weapons, transforming them into fans as you were about to begin to challenge the flying duplicating Nomu. While levitating your way towards the Nomu, Shadow noticed the cloak you're wearing for him to see that it looked so familiar, for him to realized what it is and knowing that this isn't any ordinary cloak. 

(A/N: This cloak. Replace the black colour to blue and, ensure there are silver and black outlines on the cloak. Add two gold NEO Battlenizer symbols onto each side of the cloak below the front collar ends to give it the cloak of levitation vibes.)

(A/N: Music pauses at 0:17.)

Shadow: That cloak... that's the cloak that some of my best said they couldn't find.... wait, no.... that cloak is not just the Cloak of Levitation.... realizes what Cloak that is .... it's Alien Reiblood's Sacred Mantle. But- what's it doing here?!

You said to yourself, realizing what it is while wondering what's it doing here in this World you are protecting.

To be Continued....

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