Chapter 12: 2nd Nomu Fight, Respect & Family F

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Shadow: That cloak... that's the cloak that some of my best said they couldn't find.... wait, no.... that cloak is not just the Cloak of Levitation.... realizes what Cloak that is .... it's Alien Reiblood's Sacred Mantle. But- what's it doing here?!

You said to yourself, realizing what it is while wondering what's it doing here in this World you are protecting, for Yonezawa to notice this.

Yonezawa: Your grace? Something wrong?

Yonezawa asks.

Shadow: Yes... I think. Look at the Cloak (Y/n)'s wearing.

Yonezawa: Yeah??? Cloak of Levitation, right?

Shadow: This isn't any ordinary Cloak or Mantle, Yonezawa. This is... the Mysterious and the said Forgotten Sacred Sentient Levitation Item stated by Ignis... Alien Reiblood's Sacred Mantle.

Yonezawa: Wait! You mean- Reiblood's Cloak?! That Cloak that is said to conjure powers of every power of every Kaiju and seijin every existed in Ultra-History?! THE one and only Sacred and Cursed Cloak?!

Yonezawa said and ask.

Shadow: Yes. The very same.... That Cloak is meant to belong to our World... but... why is it here...???

Shadow said, questioning about the cloak.

Deku: Uh, excuse me. Shadow? Don't mind if I ask. So, what's so special about this cloak?

Deku asks.

Shadow: Alien Reiblood's Cloak utilizes all the powers of every kaiju and seijin in existence.... forged by his own magics and mystical power beyond comprehension, with the help of his brother's, Alien Reibatos, as well. It is said and rumored that when Reiblood uses the Mantle, he will be unstoppable... an Immortal. It is also rumored that not even the Yapool, Alien Empera... or even Gua Specter can stop him when he uses the Mantle that has been hidden and long forgotten for many millennia.

Shadow explained.

Gran Torino: If what you say is true, then how is that the young kid over there is able to use it?

Shadow: Simple, Sir Gran Torino. The Mantle is forged by magics and mystical power. When (Y/n)'s mystical fever form is on, it would come to reason... to my guess, that the Mantle sees him in this form, worthy of its power.

Todoroki: So, in other words the Mantle has chosen its new user.

Shadow: In a way, yes.

Shadow said.

(A/N: Music starts here at 6:29. Music Title: Sanctimonious Sanctum Sacking.)

While asking himself about this, everyone including Shadow and Yonezawa watched as you can be seen levitating out from the towards the flying duplicating Nomu while summoning barriers in a form of bladed-like weapons, transforming them into fan-bladed weapons as you were about to begin to challenge the Nomu before you.

(Y/n): Okay, Nomu! Round 2 it is!

You said.

The Nomu shrieked at you while you can be seen using your magic fan weapons as you threw them at it while being connected by a magic rope at each hand, for each fan weapon to pierce through the Nomu's wrists, pulling them to make the Nomu get pulled in towards you as you used your cloak to smash (EX-Red King Knuckle combined with Hyper Zetton Power) it aside, sending it rolling onto the ground away from the others.

Seeing this, you landed onto the ground as you made your way to the Nomu while conjuring up magic swords while the Nomu can be seen advancing as it swooped towards you, for your mantle to grab its arms and wings as it pinned it down (Gargorgon Power and Gatanother Power), for you to slash its chest, making the Nomu to return fire by striking back by using its claws. Feeling some damage on your armour, you conjured a magic knuckle as you punched the Nomu to another building while ripping its wings off it, for your mantle to throw its wings aside.

Walking towards it, the Nomu used its claws to land a swipe at you in the attempts to claw your guts out, only for you and the mantle to fly backwards (All Winged Kaijus' Powers) while doing a backflip to avoid its claws. Landing down on the ground again, you grabbed the ends of the mantle for you to raise it up at your head level, for a flock of crows (Beast the One Powers) to blindside the Nomu. Seeing this as an opportunity, you began to conjure a magic blade only for the cloak to cover your hand conjuring it, for you to wonder what this is about, making you use your other hand to summon the same sword, causing the cloak to do the same to your other hand, making you struggle to free them.

Then, the cloak released your hands and gestured to you to make some sort of magic outfit, for you to utterly sigh in defeat after a while of struggling as you did what the cloak wants you to do. While conjuring up what the cloak wanted you to create, the Nomu mustered its strongest roar, scaring away the crows as it charged towards you, only for the cloak to pull you aside with great speed (All Speed-based Kaiju & Seijin Power) to give you the opportunity to finish this magic outift. Seeing this thing done, the cloak gesture you to throw it at the Nomu, in which you did.

(A/N: Sanctimonious Sanctum Sacking Music ends here.)

When the magic outfit came in contact with the Nomu, it began to forcefully make it go down on its knees, forcefully making it immobile as you watrched the outfit holding the Nomu in place from head to toe, including its newly regenerated wings.

(A/N: This scene at 4:13 to 4:22.)

Seeing this, you figured that this magic outfit turned out to be an restraining outfit, for you to be impressed by what the cloak has had you conjure.

(Y/n): A Magic Outfit that restrains things.... not bad....

You said.

The cloak gesture a thumbs up. Seeing that the Nomu is completely restrained, you turned to make your way back towards the group of heroes that were watching you fight back there, for you to gesture a thumb pointing b ack at the restrained Nomu.

(Y/n): May uhh... inhales PHEW!!!!!!!! May need to call the cops for this guy, too. He's a piece of work...

You implied to them about the Nomu.

One hero nods as he got to calling them. While calling the police, Deku began to ensure you are okay by asking a series of questions.

Deku: (Y/n). Are you okay? Are you hurt? What was that just now and how were you able to-

(Y/n): Whoa whoa whoa. Easy, Deku. Yes, I'm fine. No, I'm not hurt... well, apart from hitting my head against several display cabinets, I'm still alright. 

Deku: Thank goodness...

Ida: What's that you're wearing?

(Y/n): Oh this? shows them your cloak Well, not sure, really. All I know is before the Nomu could even lay a finger on me, it kinda protected me and kicked its ass by sending it flying. And while donning itself on me, it also gave me these pair of Bangle, too.

You said, showing the bangles to them.

(A/N: These Bangles (x2). Ensure the Reionics Symbols are on each of the bangles located at the center in between the yellow and green jewels. Also make sure the size of the bangles are bigger instead of it being thin.)

Seeing this, Shadow's eyes widened as he notice the two battle Bangles on your wrists.

Shadow: Alien Reiblood's..... Sacred Braces that fully controls kaijus and seijins alike, and can conjure any magics in his own free will including portals?!

Yonezawa: Okay... something's very amiss here. Shadow, don't you think Alien Reiblood's Sacred Mystical Weapons being in this world instead of ours is highly suspicious?

Shadow: That indeed it is.

Todoroki: Why would it be suspicious? Unless you know something.

Shadow: Yes, I do. By right these Items (Y/n) is wearing now are not supposed to b-


Everyone heard Stain yell at the top of his voice, for everyone to be ready on guard while you slowly went in front of them as you did the same together with Yonezawa and Shadow.

Before you and everyone, you all see Stain regaining consciousness for a brief moment as he slowly walked towards the heroes, demanding that you and Stain have another go against each other again.

Hero Killer Stain: Let's.... finish this...

Gran Torino: He's still up after being knocked out twice?!

Endeavor: Be ready, everyone!!! 

Walking extremely slowly and weakly, Stain looked up as he demand another match again.

Hero Killer Stain: ..... me....

He said weakly, extremely exhausted.

Hearing this, you took two steps forward as you addressed that the fight is over.

(Y/n): it's over.

You said.

Hero Killer Stain: n-nothing....-

Just before Stain could continue, he fell forward for you to rush in as you caught him in his arms, gently laying him down on his back, to everyone's shock and to Yonezawa and Shadow's surprise.

Hero Killer Stain: Nothing... Ends... my defeat... will inspire.... a thousand others.... Tell them....

(Y/n): yeah?

Hero Killer Stain: T-Tell them.... I fought.... well...

(Y/n): nods

Hearing this, you nod at what Stain said before he slowly went unconscious, for Shadow to walk over to check on Stain.

Shadow: He's alive.... just unconscious... but barely.

Shadow said.

You nod at what Shadow said as you stood up with Shadow while exchanging nods. Then, Endeavor walked up, puzzled on what has happened just now.

Endeavor: I don't understand, Cerebro.

(Y/n): Hmm?

Endeavor: The Hero Killer was a Monster. Yet, you showed him respect.... even after everything he went through.

(Y/n): Yes. As what I heard from Shadow which I can imply to this; In the end he is just a person with a quirk. Hoping he'd done the right thing. Questioning his choices. That's why he went against the League of Villains by killing off that Nomu's duplicated clone.

Endeavor: ....

(Y/n): Endeavor, my friend. All this and this Incident today, boils down to one word. As right before you right now, our two friends from a different world, Our Pro Heroes right before us, including my classmates, and you too, Endeavor.... There is something far more Greater than just being the Number One Hero that each of us have learnt and witnessed today in our own different ways, and they have grown into something greater than an army.

Endeavor: And what would that be?

Endeavor asks.

You look at the crowd of heroes and pros, for Endeavor to look, as well.

(Y/n): The answer is right before you, Endeavor. 'Family'.

You said.

Seeing this, Endeavor looked on as he reflected in his mind on what you said.

Endeavor: Then I suppose I have a lot to learn.

(Y/n): Indeed you do, so as your kin.

You said, for Todoroki to look with a puzzled expression.

While both of you and Endeavor are talking, sounds of sirens can be heard for everyone to be relieved that the police and an ambulance are on the way, for the scene to slowly zoom out further away from the scene.

At Ryukyu Agency,

Ryukyu and Nejire are seen watching the news to see that there was an attack and an incident occuring at Hosu City, for them to worry about you, when they heard flapping noises, for them to look at the Agency's Entrance.

Looking at the Entrance, they see Yonezawa dehenshin from his Tank Battleship form, Shadow folding and closing his dragon wings and for you to land gracefully onto the ground while dehenshin from his Fantasy Fever form, for both of the ladies to rush over to you as they tend to you.

Nejire: (Y/n)!!! You had us worried when you took long. How was the investigation? Did it went well?

Ryukyu: You had us worried. We thought something happened to you.

(Y/n): I'm sorry, Ma'am. Nejire. Things got too heptic along the way back. And yes, it still went well.

Nejire: Phew.... thank goodness...

Ryukyu: And what about the signal Ace Killer sensed? Did you track where it came from?

(Y/n): Yes. And it boiled down to one person.

Ryukyu: A person?

(Y/n): Yes.

Ryukyu & Nejire: Who?

(Y/n): .... the one and only infamous killer in Hosu...

When they heard this, their hearts sank, knowing who was the person you were talking about.

Ryukyu: .... the Hero Killer.... Stain....

(Y/n): Yes. I have a story on what actually happened, but.... they might change the story as by right, students aren't suppose to be in real combat just yet till we get our license.

Nejire: Then let's hear it! I want to hear all about it.

Ryukyu: smiles Me too. And also, it's good that you have returned in one piece with just a few bruises and cuts. looks at Shadow Thank you, for ensuring his safety.

Shadow: Happy to help, Ms. Ryukyu.

Shadow acknowledged.

And so, you began to explain how everything went down, from arriving at Hosu City, to the fight against Stain, to Ace Killer cloning and evolving into Hero Killer Ace after taking his blade and blood, to Shadow and Yonezawa coming to their aid against Stain, to apprehending Stain, to the small Nomu fight, to Stain saving Deku from a Nomu, to you fighting against a Nomu by using your new items you got from the shop and finally to the part where you showed Stain respect before returning to Ryukyu Agency.

Hearing this, Ryukyu and Nejire nod as they spoke to you that what you did may be reckless, but also noble that you managed to save your friends, the pros and even showed Stain respect. But now, they are worried about what is going to happen when word goes out that they were involved, as well, for Shadow to step in that he and his associates got this under control and said that you and Ryukyu should follow him tomorrow to Hosu General Hospital for this, for you, and Ryukyu to nod at this, for Shadow to also entrusting the Agency to Nejire's care, making Nejire to nod at what he says as she mentioned she will call Ryukyu's other sidekicks to come in to carry out Ryukyu's work while she is away with him and you.

With everything now in order, you and Yonezawa soon left as they began to discuss about Reiblood's Sacred Items.

Yonezawa: So.... what about Reiblood's Items that (Y/n) has on him?

Shadow: We'll talk tomorrow once the Deal is done. At the meantime, we must rest for the Deal tomorrow. So, Yonezawa. Ready my associates.

Yonezawa: Understood, your grace.

To be Continued...

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