Chapter 2.5.2: Kota's Private Training & Secret Hideout for an Ancient kaiju

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An hour later,

It has been a few minutes since Kota has had his dinner and an hour since Kota had rested after a good meal you brought up for him as he made his way to you, seeing you sitting down in a meditative position, waiting for you. While walking towards you, you began to talk while meditating.

(Y/n): This crator at the side of the mountain, this little one points at it It's yours, right?

You wonder.

(A/N: The crator at the right side of the image.)

Looking at it, Kota silently nods at you.

(Y/n): I see. That's a good blow right there. I can tell there's a story behind it.

Kota: It.... does...

(Y/n): And I can understand it fully after what I heard from you.

Kota: I know... again, I'm sorry.

(Y/n): Don't be. That blow here.

You said, standing up.

(Y/n): That's a good start to your quirk.

You said to Kota.

(Y/n): Can you show me what your water quirk can do?

You kindly ask.

Kota: Ummm.... okay?

Kota said.

And so, he raised his hands in front of you as he began to spray some water out from his hands as they shot out from his hands and onto the ground, for you to nod at this.

(Y/n): Not bad, not bad. Now I can see what you can do, I will do my best to TEACH you, some water aquatic moves I've got from my Ultra quirk called; Ultra.

Kota: .... Ultra? confused

(Y/n): It's a new quirk I discovered recently after I came here.

Kota: O-Oh. I see.

(Y/n): One of the Water-based Ultras is my favourite as she can do this.

You said.

Then, Kota watched as you struck a bolt of water lightning down in front of you, forming a huge puddle of water below you, for you to begin dancing while a stream of water can be seen flowing around you as you danced a bit, for you to notice that this dance isn't just for show. After that, you did a pose on a wall as you blasted an Ultra Spout at a boulder, shattering it into rubble.

Seeing this, Kota couldn't help but look in awe at this.

Kota: whoa....

(Y/n): It's called water spout, Kota. And there's plenty where that came from. If you're willing to train with me.

Kota: I... I see.

(Y/n): Well, since we're here.... let's begin. Let loose your water quirk for a little bit. And we can get started from there.

You said.

And so, time went by as you and Kota can be seen moving their arms and their legs slowly (A/N: Something like Tai Chi and a reference from Avatar: The Legend of Aang but different.) so that they both could feel like as if the water around them is flowing through them at every slow movement they take. After a few minutes of that routine, you can be seen checking on Kota's progress as he can be seen firing his own version of his Water Spout, but it's a weak one at that, for you to nod at this, for you to tell him to lower his hands a bit, for him to do so as he got some results.

Minutes and an hour went by as you and Kota kept training and doing slow movements so that Kota could feel that he is one with the water, for them to slowly increase speed once you both have gotten used to the pace. After every slow-moving exercise, there were many try outs for Kota to try different variations of attacks for Kota to try some out after each routine inspite of the many mistakes Kota made, for you to be patient with him as you advised him to keep trying, never give up, be one with the water and if you think your parents, you think of your own quirk, you said to him.

After a long time of training, you and Kota can be seen laying on the ground as you both look at the night starry sky above while smiling. Looking up, Kota looks at you, for you to smirk knowing he's looking at you.

(A/N: You and Kota are looking up to this.)

(Y/n): Yeah, Kota?

Kota: Will I become a Hero someday...???

Kota asks.

(Y/n): Heheh. You will, when you heed the steps I told you. And remember it. Just remember this also.

Kota: Hmm?

(Y/n): Look up in the stars. 

Kota: looks up at them

(Y/n): They're not just merely planets. They're also great gods, kings of the pasts, they're also loved ones that we cherish. Looking down on us from those stars.

Kota: Really?

(Y/n): Yeah. So whenever you feel alone, thinking that you're trapped like now as an example, do know that those gods, kings, your parents will be up there to guide you. And so will the others before them and your parents. And so will I.

You said.

Kota: whoa.... I... never heard anyone say that before.

???: Neither did we?

A voice called out.

Hearing this, you both shot up to your sitting positions as you see Zona and Grey coming up and walking towards you both.

(A/N: Zona & Grey.)

Kota: How do you know where t-

(Y/n): Ah ah ah, Kota. Remember the Steps.

You mentioned.

Hearing this, Kota calms down and sighs.

Kota: sorry.... 

Zona: It's alright. No harm done.

Kota: What are you guys doing here?

Grey: Mandalay was worried so we trailed (Y/n)'s footsteps and your's up here.

Zona: Mr. Aizawa was worried that you took a while to come back, so we came looking for you, too (Y/n).

(Y/n): I see. Well, don't worry. I'll take the heat for you guys. Kota and I... are just warming up with each other. And since you're here, why not you come join us.

Kota: Huh?

(Y/n): It's also good to have other people to support you, as well. Even our newcomers, as well.

You said.

Kota looks at Zona and grey as they can be seen sitting with you two while looking at the stars.

Zona: Beautiful. Isn't it?

Kota: yeah.

(Y/n): Ditto, guys. And for the record there, I've seen many beautiful things like this before.

Grey: Oh yeah?

(Y/n): Yeah.

You four talked.

While star gazing, Kota began to ask.

Kota: So, Uhhh.... Zona and grey, right?

Zona & Grey: Yes.

Kota: What are your quirks?

Kota asks.

Zona: Well, we don't have any. But we're still wanting to be heroes. Simply put, we are freelancers, trying to give the message to the people that we can make this World even better with or without quirks.

Grey: That's why we are in a Freelancing Group, to make it better and be our own heroes at work.

Kota: So, even without a quirk, you still want to become Heroes?

(Y/n): A strong resolve from the both of you. I commend your spirits. looks at Kota It is their decision, Kota. Even people without quirks, they still can be heroes. Like them for example. Anyone can be a hero with or without a quirk. It's just simply how you wanted to build yourself from your lowest to the top.

Grey: That was.... the strongest thing I have ever heard. But it make sense.

Kota: I see.

Kota said, understanding what the three of you said.

A few minutes later,

It has been a few minutes now and the four of you kept talking while looking up at the stars in the night sky. While you four kept looking up, Zona's radar began to beep, for her to fish it out from her Utility Belt as she sees that the radar is detecting something really close to them.

Zona: Uh, guys.

Grey, Kota & (Y/n): looks at Zona

Zona: I'm detecting an odd signal.... spiking around this area.

Kota: Huh?

Grey: Where?

Grey asks.

Hearing his question, Zona turns to look at the cave with her radar while she is seated.

Zona: In there.

Zona said, for everyone to look at the cave.

Seeing that cave before them, you all stood up as you held Kota's hand tightly.

(Y/n): Well... there seems to be nothing in there considering Kota and I were doing some private training so, looks at everyone I think it is safe enough to go in.

Kota: It's true. I know this place at the back of my hand.... There's nothing in there.

You and Kota said.

Zona and Grey nod at you both as they readied their weapons from their Belts.

Grey: Then just to be sure, let's be ready if there is anything there.

Grey said.

(Y/n): Okay.

You said.

Inside the Cave,

The four of you can be seen walking in with you using Maga Pandon's fire to engulf your right arm in flames to act as a torch, for a certain section of the cave to be litted up as you four trekked further.

Looking around, Kota, Zona and Grey can be seen looking around at their surroundings to keep an eye out for anything that is going to harm them and Kota. While doing so, the three bumped into you as they all notice that you have stopped in your tracks, for Kota to look at you, confused.

Kota: (Y/n)?

Kota silently calls out to you.

Then, you began to say something to Kota.

(Y/n): Kota...

Kota: yeah?

(Y/n): I think you're not the only one who established this mountain as your secret hideout.

You said, for Kota, Zona and grey to look and see that they have arrived in a very big empty cave with numerous shedded skin at one corner of the cave.

Seeing the large empty cave before them, they proceeded inside as they explored the vicinity. Looking around, each of you began to see some ancient writings written and drawn around the walls of the caves, for you all to look as you all are mesmerized by them.

Zona: Look at all these.

(Y/n): Pretty much these are dated like..... ages and ages ago.

Kota: whoa.... look at those.

Kota said, running to the sheds, for you three to see Kota making his way to them, for you three to follow him.

Seeing him touching the sheds, Kota felt them as they are scaly.

Kota: Huh? Scaly. 

Grey: These scaly sheds... I've never seen anything like this before.

Zona: Me neither.

(Y/n): But I think I know where these scale sheds come from. points at the wall behind the pile of shed scales

You said while pointing at the wall with your arm torch still up.

The three looks up to see a wall painting of a kaiju with people worshipping it.

(Y/n): A... kaiju.

Kota: They're worshipping it?

Grey: Weird....

You three said, having individual opinions.

While looking at it, Zona can be seen scsnning the words on the cave, for her to get a complete scan of it.

Zona: Guys, I got something. It would seem this monster here is a monster of worship, to make rain at specific locations where the rituals will happen.

Zona said.

Kota: Rituals?

Zona: Yes. And where we are standing at, is one of them, the main Ritual Grounds to be precise. But don't worry. Due to other settlement developments and destruction of settlements that worshipped it, the ritual has began to become so scarce.

(Y/n): Then I know what kaiju we're talking about.

Grey: Oh?

(Y/n): The Rainbow Snake God. Codname; The Iridescent Kaiju - Nijikagachi. When used for good, like stated, it'll grant you rain upon the land to increase your crops and stop famine from happening. If used wrong, it's powers and its rainbow will be used for destruction. Also, it's not called the Rainbow Snake, "God" for nothing. Its body armour has the colours of the rainbow and it is also highly durable. It can create typhoons and hurricanes and other water-based disasters in ways it sees fit. And worse of all... it can launched a beam of rainbow so powerful.... you can definitely feel and taste its very MIGHT!!!! If anything, not even All Might or Endeavor can penetrate its tough armour and beat it.

(A/N: Nijikagachi. As a flashback.)

You said, briefly explained about Nijikagachi.

Hearing this, Kota, Zona and Grey look at you in shock after hearing about the snake god from you.

Kota, Zona & Grey: whooooooooooooaaaaaa.....

They said.

(Y/n): Furthermore.... you can also control it.

Grey: Control it?!

(Y/n): Yes. There are seven-coloured bracelets for you to use allowing you to have full control of the God. That's why I said there are both good and evil purposes of the Kaiju.... as it all depends on whoever uses them.

Kota: A person controlling a god? That's intense.

(Y/n): nods

Zona: I can tell that this has been an intensive discovery. But,.... looking at my radar .... I'm still picking up the same signal.

(Y/n): Where?

Zona: It's.... coming from..... looks around 

Everyone stood up as Zona looks around at where the signal is coming from until she got a lock at the other side of the cave as she points at it.

Zona: There.

She said.

And so, the four of you began to walk towards the table with a few chests on it, for you to inspect it, noticing one is closed and the others are open.

Grey: See anything in there?

(Y/n): There's one close. The others are unlocked open, a- whoa.

Kota: What?

(Y/n): G-Guys? Remember what I said about those multi-coloured bracelets?

You said.

The three nodded their heads as a response.

(Y/n): pulls the two empty chests in front of you to show them Well, looks like we have two sets of the seven, and someone must have taken it.

Kota: So.... that means Nijikagachi is being controlled by someone?

Grey: Well.... we haven't gotten any anormallies of storms so... took them to do good?

(Y/n): Who knows.... but let's hope so.

You said.

Zona: (Y/n)? That closed chest. I got the exact same readings from it. 

(Y/n): Got it. Everyone stand back.

Everyone took a step back as you utilized EX-Gomora Claw, scratching the chest as the lock breaks open, causing dust to fly about at the direction your swipe took as the dust flew down to up, hearing Kota sneeze for a moment.

Kota: Excuse me.

(Y/n): No worries, Kota.

You said, excusing Kota from sneezing.

After scratching the lock open, you slowly opened the chest. While opening it, Kota, Zona and Grey can be seen behind you, slowly peeking their heads over your shoulders to see what is in the chest. As soon as you opened it, your eyes widened as you see that the contents inside the chest are a pair of Bands in their deactivated forms, bearing Reionics Symbols on them.

(A/N: A pair of band. Ensure there's two of them. This image here is an example on what it looks like, but has a Reionics Symbol on it.)

(Y/n): So I see....

Grey: What? What is it?

(Y/n): According to my Producer of some Game Show, these relics here, are one of the many of Reiblood's Sacred Items. In the past, the Alien known as Reiblood used them to cause destruction throughout the cosmos. But he foresaw his defeat and scattered them across the world.... and here, too.

Zona: So.... then I suppose we should give them to the teachers?

(Y/n): No.

Zona & Grey: Huh?

(Y/n): Producer has entrusted me to find them and use them for a good purpose. And I trust him that his judgement is right.

Grey: Uh... Okay. So, what are you gonna do with them now?

Grey asks.

Hearing his question, you grabbed the Bands as you slowly wore them. Wearing them completely, you see them still deactivated and felt nothing from them, shrugging your shoulders over this.

(Y/n): I'll see what it does. But for now, it's an old relic from an ancient past. Come on, guys. Let's head back to camp. Lay, Pixie, Doll and Tora are worried about Kota. And I'm starting to feel friendsick without my buddies.

You said. And with that, you four began to head back to camp.

To be Continued....

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