Chapter 3: Summer Training Camp (DAY 3) & The V.A.S. Invasion

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The Next Day,

You, Zona and Grey went deep into the forest to train thanks to Mr. Aizawa and Mandalay's approval, but what they did not know was that Kota will also be with you three for this training, as well.

And so, deep inside the forest, Zona, Grey and Kota followed your slow-moving techniques for both Zona and Grey to feel themselves feeling calmer, Kota felt the same way while he felt his water quirk flowing around him smoothly while not making him wet, for you to smile at the site of his progress from yesterday.

(A/N: Something like this from Avatar but in a slow-mo kind of way.)

(Y/n): Very good, Kota. I see you are doing better from yesterday.

Kota: O-Oh. Thank you. I was just.... doing what you guys are doing, though it is a strain.

(Y/n): Heheh. You don't have to, silly. You can practise at your own pace. Not at our pace. Doing that will strain you. The reason we're going beyond our limits and capacity is because we have to for School, and because we have experienced tons of villain attacks. You haven't.

Kota: ...oh...

(Y/n): But don't pull yourself down, Kota. I know you're trying your best to make up for lost time. But sometimes, we have to pace it slow to progress further.

Grey: (Y/n) maybe new to me, but he has a point. Don't rush progress. Take things slow for now, then eventually, you'll get there.

Grey said, supporting your point.

Hearing this, Kota nods as he began to take things slow by not over exerting himself too much while following the flow with you, Zona and Grey.

(Y/n): That's it, keep it slow and steady. And when the time comes, you will surely enough, be One, with the Water and your Quirk.

You said.

While training, you sensed someone approaching for you to smile at this, for you to smile at this, knowing who is approaching.

(Y/n): I see you've come to check our progress... Lay. Tora.

You said.

Upon hearing this, Kota stopped while stopping himself from flowing streams of water around him, causing him to get himself drenched as he looked at Mandalay and Tiger approaching.

Kota: Aw man...!

(Y/n): Don't worry, Kota. Will teach you about this in a while. Keep your shirt drenched, okay?

Kota: Ummm... okay?

Mandalay: (Y/n)? Zona? Grey? Mr. Aizawa asked me and Tiger to see how much you hav- Kota? What are you doing with them? And... you're using your quirk?

(Y/n): Let's just say, Young Kota and I have something in common, in terms of family and relation. And you can say I opened his heart. As promised, he will slowly open up to you four at his own pace, correct Kota?

You said.

Kota slowly nodded at Mandalay and Tiger.

(Y/n): So, for now we're doing forms of exercise that helps increase our stamina and stability, as well as our chi so that in the long run, Zona and Grey will improve on their Freelance and Hero Works, Kota will improve in his personal endeavors through training, and I'll improve on my Quirks.

Tiger: Hmm... thinks about it variations and different forms of exercise does intend to boost up someone's moral and quirk. So,.... thumbs up KEEP AT IT!!!!

Mandalay: Well, we have to start somewhere. So, thank you, (Y/n).

(Y/n): nods It'll be sometime before Kota will fully accept this Quirk Society and sometime for him to open up to you four so, a small suggestion will be, give him time, my friends and teachers.

Mandalay: We'll try. So again, thank you.

(Y/n): It is no problem. Anything to return the favor for this Training Camp to help us and me.

You said, giving Mandalay and Tiger a thumbs up, earning a nod from the two before they left.

As soon as the four of you saw them take their leave as they disappear back to the where everyone is training, you four resumed back your training, for you to look at Kota.

(Y/n): Now, Kota. When you are drenched, surrounded by water and or both, it's a good thing.

Kota: It is?

(Y/n): Yes. And perhaps I shall show you why. Use your water quirk on my uniform, Kota. Don't worry, this is just a demonstration.

Kota: Umm..... o... o-okay?

Kota hesitantly said.

And so, Kota used his water quirk as he sprayed some water onto your uniform. Seeing that you're drenched, Kota stopped.

(Y/n): Alright, this is good enough. And now, bare witness!

You said.

And so, you moved your hands and your fingers slowly while closing your eyes, visualizing something in your head while Zona, Grey and Kota watched. Then, it happened as the three noticed the water that drenched your uniform is slowly coming out, for them to see that, to their shock. As soon as every single drop of water is out, everyone looked to see that your uniform is now dry and the water that used to drench your uniform wet is now in your hands in a form of a water ball.

Kota: whoa....

(Y/n): Cool, huh? In due time, you'll be able to do this, and so much more. There are many secrets to water quirks such as yours, Kota. And I'll show'em all to you. Even Class A and B's quirks, have secrets, too. 

Kota: So that means I can create a Water Monster? ... Well... not that I can bu-

(Y/n): Oh! Even better! A powerful one when you grow stronger!

You said, to boost Kota's courage and encourage him.

Zona: Wait! So that means, for Tokoyami's quirk, he can use his Dark Shadow to form armour, weapons and can phase through anything?

(Y/n): Yes.

Grey: And Bakugo can use a variety of long and short distance-like lighty duty and heavy duty attacks?! Like a cannon?

(Y/n): Yes.


(Y/n): Yes.

Grey: A machine gun?!

(Y/n): Yes.

Zona & Grey: A MAC-ROUND?!?!?!?!

(Y/n): yes.

Kota: A sword?

Kota asked.

Everyone looked at you, for you to look at Kota.

(Y/n): An excellent question, Kota. If Bakugo swings his arm at a specific speed, the explosion will not just burn you, it will also cut you. So, in a way, yes and no. This attack form is called Explosion: Slash Style.

You explained.

Hearing this, the three of their jaws dropped upon hearing what you said.

Grey: Now that's badass!

Grey said, earning a nod from you.

(Y/n): Now, enough talk, let's get to training.

Zona, Grey & Kota: Right.

The three said.

And so, the four of you resumed back on your training after you used your power to remove the water from Kota.


Back at Camp,

Around the same time as Dinner Time back at the 2nd Day,

You, Zona, Grey and Kota were making their way back to camp, for you to realize he is not used to this just yet, for you to let the two go first.

(Y/n): Zona. Grey. You two go on ahead first. I'll talk to Kota for a minute.

Zona: Oh. Okay.

Grey: Don't miss dinner.

(Y/n): nods

Nodding at them, Zona and Grey took their leave while holding hands.

Kota: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hmm?

Kota: Are they...

(Y/n): I guess with their body languages and their hands, we both can say and see that.

Kota: blushing a bit O-Oh.

(Y/n): You'll understand it when you grow older.

Kota: O-Okay.

(Y/n): Anyway, go on back to your secret hideout. I'll getcha dinner as usual as yesterday. I know you're not used to mingling around them yet so, I'm letting you be by yourself.

You said, respecting Kota's privacy due to his grudge.

Kota: Okay. Thanks... and Thanks again, for... helping me.

Kota said.

You pat his horned cap while smiling.

(Y/n): It's alright, child. Run along now.

You said.

Kota nods as he ran back to his secret hideout, before you joined the others for dinner. Joining the others, you sat with Deku, Zona and Grey as you four began to talk about what went on between you and Kota today and yesterday while having your meals for the night.

Deku: So, what did you guys talk about? You and Kota?

Deku ask.

(Y/n): Oh him? Well.... nothing much, really. He just... needs time to open up. He was just crushed because his parents left him. But, his perspective gave him the wrong idea so, I changed his perspective a bit and we began to talk a bit.

Zona: Us, too.

Grey: nods

Deku: Wow. I never thought he would come around to have a friendly conversation with you.... when...

(Y/n): Don't let this get to you. It's true other people have different opinions, but we can't let those opinions get into your head. Treat those opinions as a learning experience that there are critics around the world, and we have to live with them.

Deku: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Deku said while taking a bite, when he noticed that you are wearing something.

Deku: Hey, (Y/n)? What's that you got on your wrists?

He asks.

Grey: Oh, those? Well, (Y/n) said that these are two of the many other uh.... Rei... Reibloody?? uuuhh...

(Y/n): Reiblood Sacred Items.

Grey: Yeah! He found those when Zona-babe detected its readings somewhere.

Zona: blushes madly Grey... stop with the babe....

Grey: snickering

Deku: Any idea what it does?

(Y/n): Dunno yet. For now it's in its deactivated state since yesterday when we found'em.

Grey: Not sure why he chose to keep them, though. I could actually keep them in my collection of things. As after all, I am a Relic Hunter.

Deku: Relic Hunter?

Zona: He finds and collects Relics varying from Old to New. Past to Future.

Deku: Oh, I see. Um, Grey. There is a reason... well, a belivable and unbelievable reason why.

Grey: Oh yeah?

Deku: nods Someone from another World just like ours but not ours entrusted (Y/n) to utilize them for good and protect them with his life from a very powerful foe.

Zona: And I assume that foe is Reiblood, considering the name?

(Y/n): Yeup. One point goes to you, Zona. takes a bite

Grey: So that means, these items are powerful when it wants to be, huh?

(Y/n): A point goes to you too, Grey.

Zona: So, how many Items have you collected?

Zona asks.

Clearing his throat and swallowing his food, Deku began to answer her.

Deku: Well, there's the Sentient Cloak of Levitation, a pair of Astral Braces, a Greezocyte Eye and a Sphere of Control.

Deku said, listing them.

(Y/n): Including these Bands, that makes Five Sacred Reiblood Items we have in total. And many more across the multiverse.

Grey: I see. Very well then.

(Y/n): Hmm?

Grey: I shall help you in your quest in finding them by you and your side, Midoriya, so that they will stay in your hands, (Y/n).

Deku: Thanks, Grey.

(Y/n): The more the merrier would be nice.

Zona: Yeah! And for now, let's EAT~!

Uraraka: YEAH!!!!

Mina: YEAH!

Deku: Yeah, let's eat.

(Y/n): Yea-haaah!

You all said as you all resumed eating your fills for dinner.


At Night,

After Dinner,

Somewhere in the Middle of the Beast's Forest at a clearing,

Every student, Teachers and the Wild Wild Pussycats are there at a clearing at night as you forty-three students are about to partake on another activity which involves all of your courage and bravery.

As everyone waited, Pixiebob began to explain what you all are about to do at night.

Pixiebob: Perfect! We've filled our bellies and cleaned the dishes. It's time for~....-

Just before Pixibob could explain further, Mina began to hop about in joy knowing what they'll do next.


She said happily.

Sero, Kirishima & Kaminari: We're gonna WIN!!!!!

They said with joy.

But then, Mr. Aizawa ruined the mood as he announced that they'll be doing remedial classes with him tonight, for the five of them to stand still like statues, hearing his voice.

(A/N: This scene.)

Mr. Aizawa: Not so fast. It pains me to say it but the remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead.

He said.

hearing this, Mina yelled at the top of her voice to hear that she had to unfortunately take remedial classes at night with Mr. Aizawa.

Mina: YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Mina yelled.

Mr. Aizawa: Sorry.... wraps the five of them with my Support item Your training during the day didn't impress me, so I'll be using this time, too.

He said, pulling his scarf for the five to be pulled backwards, with the four (Mina, Sero, Kirishima & Kaminari) to be pulled back until they fall to the ground, only for Sato to still stand inspite being pulled in by Mr. Aizawa.

Kaminari & Sero: oh.... give me a break...

They whined.

Sato & Kirishima: I just wanna prove my courage....!

The other two whined as well.

As soon as the five left with Mr. Aizawa, Pixiebob and Tiger began to brief the remaining Thirty-Eight of you on what you all must do in this activity.

Pixiebob: Okay, So. Class B is going to start out as our "scarers". When they're in place, Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names on them at the far end of the route. Your goal is to collect those.

Pixiebob said.

Tokoyami: Revelry of the Dark.

Tokoyami said.

Uraraka (Inner Thoughts): Why's he keep saying that?

Uraraka wondered in thought.

Pixiebob: Now, those who are scarers aren't allowed to make physical contact. Use your quirks to terrify the others. Got it?

Tiger: The Winners are the creative students who make the most people piss their pants!!

Tiger continued and finished, giving a W.W.P. Visual.

Jirou: Did we need that visual?

Ida: I see! They're encouraging us to stoke our imaginations as we compete each other all while showing us more uses for our quirks in the process. AS EXPECTED OF UA!

Pixiebob: Alright! Everyone draw to see who your partner will be~!

Pixiebob said holding out small thin sheets of paper with numbers labelled below as she posed.

After everyone have gotten into their pairs, Deku can be seen looking at his number as he began to think hard over it.

Deku: Hm? If we're in teams of two,... wait... There are Twenty-One of us, but Five in extra lessons. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight?

Deku thinks while counting the pairs including himself. Then, he thought something wasn't right.

Deku: okay.... let's try this again, I must be thinking something....

Deku said, counting the pairs again until.

Deku: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Ei-

(A/N: This scene.)

(Y/n): Hey, Deku. Looks like fate and destiny has brought the both of us together again, huh?

You called out.

Deku looked back to see you walking up to him.

Deku: Oh, hey (Y/n). 

(Y/n): shows pairing number Heheeeeh! See? I'm with ya.

Deku: Oh! Th-That's nice. And here I thought I'm gonna be going in there alone.

(Y/n): Alone? Well, not anymore.

You said.

As you both talked, Bakugo and Mineta who's tearing blood (Mineta obiviously) from his eyes can be seen wanting to change pairs with someone else, with you and a few others to watch this happening. But unfortunately for them, they couldn't change pairs as once they are allocated with their pairs, they'll be stuck with them for the night.

(A/N: This scene.)

(Y/n): Oh yeah. We have a Ninth Pair, too. Zona and Grey will be after us.

Deku: Oh?

(Y/n): They want to get on in with the courage test before they go on with the scare fest. And I have a perfect plan for a scare.

Deku: That's nice. Maybe the four of us and some of our friends can get in on this.

(Y/n): I already have the mind to ask a few others already. But for now, let's test our courage.

Deku: Right!

Deku said.

12 Minutes Later,

(A/N: In case you guys ask about the pairings for the Courage Test, here they are.)

1st Pair - Tokoyami & Shoji
2nd Pair - Bakugo & Todoroki
3rd Pair - Jirou & Toru
4th Pair - Momo & Aoyama
5th Pair - Uraraka & Tsu
6th Pair - Ojiro & Mineta
7th Pair - Ida & Koda
8th Pair - Izuku & (Y/n)
9th Pair - Zona & Grey

(A/N: There you all are, the Nine Pairs for this Courage Test, at night....... Revelry in the Dark.)

As the last four pairs were waiting for their turn to go after the 5th Pair, screams can be heard deep within the forest, some of the screams are recognizable to you.

Zona: Whoa....

(Y/n): Those screams are from Jirou, Toru, Momo and..... Aoyama?

Grey: Aoyama can scream that high pitched, huh?

(Y/n): Guess you can say and hear that.

You said, before looking at the three remaining pairs including Deku who's in your pair.

(Y/n): Don't worry, guys! We'll ace this test of courage! And when we do, we'll karma 1B by scaring them back!

You said, encouraging the pairs.

4 Remaining Pairs (Including Deku as one pair with you): YEAH!!!!!

They all said.


Mineta said.

(Y/n): Why you LITTLE...!!!!

You speared Mineta while strangling him on the ground, letting his eyes bulge out at every tight grip.

While strangling Mineta for saying something pervy, you began to smell something off as you smelt the air, smelling something toxic, for you to utilize Mognezun's power to sniff, eat and protrude out gas from your mouth while letting Mineta go.

(Y/n): Uh, Pussycats. We've got trouble.

You alerted the four.

Ojiro, Mineta, Ida, Koda, Deku, Zona & Grey: Huh??

Wild Wild Pussycats: looks at (Y/n)

As everyone looked at you sniffing the air, Pixiebob also began to smell the same toxic smell that you're smelling in the air.

(Y/n): Yeah... something foul and poisonous. and that's not all.... there's a fire, too.

Ida: No doubt there is a fire! I can see smoke coming from there.

Ida said pointing at where the fire is coming from as there's smoke rising from the direction he's pointing, for everyone to look at that direction.

(Y/n): This is definitely an arson or an attack. But the question is.... why and what?

You said.

While looking at where the fire is coming from while smeeling that foul smell in the air, Pixiebob began to glow red, to her confusion as she began to panic as she began to fly backwards, for you and Mandalay to notice this.

Mandalay: PIXIEBOB!!!!

(Y/n): PIXIE!!!! Magnegauss Magnet Attraction Attack!

(A/N: Magnegauss. This kaiju is used for you to manipulate Magnetism.)

You yelled as you raised your hand as if reaching for Pixiebob as she began to stop flying to whoever is using his or her quirk against Pixiebob.

Seeing this as an opportunity, you dashed towards her as you grabbed her while utilizing Deltandal's speed to pull her to safety while nullifying someone's quirk on her by using Magnegauss's Sparkling Rays to manipulate the magnetic attraction that is on Pixiebob. As soon as that is done, you reeled her back to the four-person team, donning your defensive pose, with the others to do the same.

(A/N: Deltandal. This kaiju is used for you to run or fly at Mach 9 or above when more speed-based kaijus are added on.)

Meanwhile somewhere in the forest, Dabi can be seen burning a tree with his flames to engulf the forest on fire.

Dabi: We, the vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains, will tear them off their pedestals.

Dabi said while engulfing the forest on fire with his flames.

back at the starting point at the clearing, Magne and Spinner can be seen greeting the heroes and the students.

(A/N: Magne & Spinner.)

Magne: First, let's get rid of these feral cats. Starting with that blue feral one.

Magne said.

Hearing this, Mineta staggered backwards, scared shitless seeing villains here.

Mineta: What? No way....!!! I thought they made sure no one could find us! So why the heck are there villains attacking this place?!

Mineta said.

Deku can be seen running towards you but, Mandalay and Tiger are seen blocking his way, defending him and the other students aka, his classmates.

Mandalay: This is bad....

Mandalay said.

Seeing how the situation is unfolding, you and Deku realized that something wasn't right, for you both to look at each other, realizing who they're talking about.

(Y/n) & Deku: gasps Where is Kota?!?!?

You both exclaimed in thought.

Meanwhile in the Mountains, Kota is witnessing a fire and an unknown poisonous gas filling some part of the forest, unbeknownst to him, someone large was walking towards him from behind sneakily and quietly with every step he took.

To be Continued....

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