Chapter 4: Stain's Message & An Appeal

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After wondering where Kota is, Spinner began to speak to you all, introducing as the Vanguard Action Squard.

Spinner: How are you this evening, U.A. High School? We are part of the Vanguard Action Squad, the League of Villains.

Spinner said.

Ojiro: The League of Villains? What are those guys doing here? 

Ojiro asks.

Magne: I could've crushed that blue kitty's head so easily, but no thanks to you, you have to mess it up! But, I can do so right now when I try it again, and make it better when I do it on your students. How about it, dears, should I?

Tiger: You get away from her!!!!

Spinner: Now now! Hold on, Big Sis Mag.

Spinner said, stopping a brief confrontation from happening while calming Magne down.

Spinner: You too, Tiger. Calm down.

Spinner said to Tiger, also calming him down.

Spinner: When deciding if someone should live or die, we must be careful that we're abiding by Stain's Principle.

Spinner said, mentioning Stain.

Deku: Stain?

Ida: So you're the ones he ended up inspiring?

Spinner: At your service, that's us. Mm? points at Ida And you, four eyes. I believe I recognize you. You're one of the self-righteous brats who attacked Stain at Hosu City. grabs my weapon from my back Let me introduce myself. unsheathes my weapon made of many swords, knives and choppers strapped together by numerous belts and strapes Call me, Spinner. I'm here to make Stain's dreams a reality.

(A/N: At your service.)

Spinner said.

(A/N: Spinner & his Weapon.)

(Y/n): Sweet shine on'em blades.

Spinner: Thank you. notices (Y/n) Ah! You I remember really clearly points at (Y/n) You're one of the two Stain acknowledged as true Heroes, with you being acknowledged the most.

Tiger: growling

(Y/n): places hand on Tiger's arm

Tiger: Huh?

Confused, everyone began to see you walking towards the two members of the Action Squad and for Spinner to walk towards you while holding his weapon.

As soon as everyone are now seeing you and Spinner in front of each other face to face, you and Spinner began to talk, conversing with each other.

(Y/n): So you're one of the inspired Thousands that Stain inspired, Huh? Spinner your name is?

Spinner: Yes, that is my name. 

(Y/n): Then in that case, yes. I am one of the two whom Stain acknowledged. Nice weapon. Reminds me of my kaiju quirk when I amalgamate them into one.

Spinner: And so we saw on Television at the Sports Festival. You inspired me to get and make this baby right here.

(Y/n): Oh, did I really~? 

Spinner: Oh yeah!

(Y/n): Well I'm glad that my quirk has also inspired others to be like me. And speaking of Stain. He and I had a brief moment.

Spinner: Oh?

(Y/n): He sends a message.

Hearing this, Spinner began to look at you curiously.

Spinner: A message, you say?

(Y/n): nods 

Spinner: Tell me.

(Y/n): I can do more than just tell. I can show you.

You said, immediately lunging your hand onto his forehead, for you and Spinner to see your memories where it all happened.

FLASHBACK STARTS with you and Stain watching it:


Everyone heard Stain yell at the top of his voice, for everyone to be ready on guard while you slowly went in front of them as you did the same together with Yonezawa and Shadow.

Before you and everyone, you all see Stain regaining consciousness for a brief moment as he slowly walked towards the heroes, demanding that you and Stain have another go against each other again.

Hero Killer Stain: Let's.... finish this...

Gran Torino: He's still up after being knocked out twice?!

Endeavor: Be ready, everyone!!!

Walking extremely slowly and weakly, Stain looked up as he demand another match again.

Hero Killer Stain: ..... me....

He said weakly, extremely exhausted.

Hearing this, you took two steps forward as you addressed that the fight is over.

(Y/n): it's over.

You said.

Hero Killer Stain: no.... n-nothing....-

Just before Stain could continue, he fell forward for you to rush in as you caught him in his arms, gently laying him down on his back, to everyone's shock and to Yonezawa and Shadow's surprise.

Hero Killer Stain: Nothing... Ends... my defeat... will inspire.... a thousand others.... Tell them....

(Y/n): yeah?

Hero Killer Stain: T-Tell them.... I fought.... well...

(Y/n): nods

Hearing this, you nod at what Stain said before he slowly went unconscious again.

FLASHBACK ENDS for you and Spinner to see that flashback fade away as you both returned back to your consciousness:

After seeing all of that, you let Spinner go, for you to see him staggering one step backwards, shocked.

(Y/n): That was his message. That his defeat will inspire many more... and it is also my mission, to tell them, with you being one of the many, that he has fought well.

You said.

Spinner: N-Now I see why he acknowledged you.... he acknowledged you because he saw the trueness of a Hero inside of you. The drive to keep going even when you're down.

(Y/n): nods That's why I'm here. To make this World a better place, with and without quirks.

Spinner: So, you side with both, knowing the risks inspite of going against us?

(Y/n): Correct, Spinner my friend. Which is why I would like to make an appeal to you.

Spinner: .... an appeal, eh? ...... I'm.. listening.

Spinner said.

(Y/n): I am appealing to you. Stop this Hero & Villain conflict, Spinner. Really? Is this ancient fight? This war between Heroes and Villains worth fighting? When so many of our people have been lost, Heroes and Villains alike, likewise to those who are quirkless? With many future generations of us destroyed? If you want to co-exist with our quirk society Spinner, then stray from the League of Villains' path, and lead Stain's followers towards peace. There are many other ways you can carry out Stain's dreams and make them into a reality when you join us.

You said.

Grey: whoa.... since when did (Y/n) sound like a neigotiator?

Grey wondered.

Deku: Well.... there was a time with Kaachan when he got his respect after the Practical Exam.

Deku said.

Zona: .... okay.... now that's badass and heartwarming also, seeing this.

Zona said with them discussing at the background.

Spinner: As much as I want to stray from the League, but I have a job to do. Nothing personal, really. BUT!!!! whispers I'll keep your appeal in mind... the next time we meet. saying it aloud I'll still make Stain's dream a reality by taking you on while joining the League of Villains to see what you're made off that made him acknowledge you, my friend.

Spinner said.

(Y/n): So be it, Spinner.

You said.

And so, the both of them walked away from each other, returning to their factions as they are about to start the fight at the empty clearing.

To be Continued....

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