Chapter 5: Protecting Kota & A Secret Water Kaiju Quirk

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As soon as you and Spinner made your way back to your specific factions, a fight soon began.

Mandalay: Tiger! I've talked to everyone. Trust the safety of the other students to Ragdoll. You and I will stay here. We'll hold them back. turns to look at the remaining groups You return to camp! Class Rep, you're in charge on the way there. Don't engage anyone!

Mandalay said and instructed.

Ida: Leave it to me. Let's go.

Ida said while letting his classmates know that they need to go now.

Just as Midoriya (Deku) is about to leave, you grabbed his wrist, to his confusion.

Deku: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): No time. I need your help with something. It's Kota. 

You said.

Hearing this, Deku understood what was going on, for him to nod at what you said.

Ida: Midoriya? (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Go on without us! We'll be fine. looks at Mandalay LAY!!!!

Mandalay: looks back at (Y/n)

(Y/n): Deku and I will look for Kota! I know where he is so don't worry! Leave Kota's safety to us! Just keep these guys busy okay, Lay? Tora?

You said.

Mandalay and Tiger nods at what you said, for you to look at Deku.

(Y/n): Deku! BIG BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG Favor. Hold tightly.

Deku: Huh? Umm, okay?

Deku said while holding onto your shoulders tightly while being confused.

Feeling Deku wrapping his arms around his shoulder and neck tightly as he held on, you began to say a name.

(Y/n): Deltandal Speed, and Ultraman Orb Origin, Ultraman Trigger Sky, Ultraman Decker Miracle, Full Body.

(A/N: Ultraman Orb Origin, Ultraman Trigger - Sky Type & Ultraman Decker - Miracle Type. You'll have Orb's body details as the main component, followed by Decker Miracle's upper body and leg details, then Trigger Sky's forearm and lower leg details. You'll have Orb's protectors on the chest, Sky and Miracle's Protectors at the center of your chest, arms and legs, and finally you'll have Decker's forehead crystal and Orb's forehead crystal in the center of Decker Miracle's star-themed crystal. This form is known to what I dub; Orb - NEO Sky Miracle.)

You called out.

Saying their names out, you can feel yourself utilizing Deltandal's Super Speed while feeling some changes around your body. Feeling the changes, you also felt your U.A. Gym Suit Uniform being donned onto you (A/N: In case you ask, it was summoned onto you by Sky and Miracle's magic.) while it too, underwent some changes as well, with the uniform transforming into Orb Origin's colour scheme with its protectors being equipped onto it. The transformation continued as Decker Miracle Type's upper body colour scheme and body details replaces Orb's upper torso details and colour scheme.

Continuing the transformation, Decker Miracle's Centerpiece Protector can be seen appearing in the middle instead at its left side along with his Arm Protector to be summoned onto the uniform's left sleeve and your arm. Trigger Sky's Protectors were then conjured and fixed onto your forearms and onto the uniform's legs with the form's dark indigo colour scheme to be on the lower legs of your uniform and on your forearms. Finalizing the transformation, your forehead has Decker Miracle's space-themed crystal on it with Orb's Forehead crystal to be at the center, coloured Cobalt Blue while having Trigger Sky's sharp ear-like features clad with gold at the top.

As soon as the transformation is complete, you did an All Might take off, for you to fly into the air extremely fast, for Deku to scream while you zoom upwards with incredible speed towards where Kota is.


At the same Mountain,

Kota can be seen staggering backwards, trying to get away from the unknown hooded villain who is walking while towering over Kota.

???: I camp up here scouting for a nice vantage point, and here I find someone who's not in our list. 

The person said.

As the person was talking, Kota can be seen having fear in his eyes to see a villain in front of him, while stopping in his tracks, not knowing what to do.

???: By the way, nice hat, kid. I like it. pointing to myself with my thumb Why don't you trade me for this lame mask, huh? They made me wear it cause' I'm new. Said they couldn't get a shipment of the good ones in time.

The person commented while trying to remove his mask.

Seeing the opportunity before him, Kota quickly turned around as he tried to run, for the person to throw his mask away while seeing the child flee.

???: Ah, well.

The person said as he used his quirk to leaped from where he stood as he landed onto the side of the mountain, then back onto the ground and in front of Kota while utilizing his quirk again, covering his left arm with many layers of muscle fibers.

???: I think you and me should have some fun up here, kid. Ready?

He said while his hood unravels, revealing his face to Kota.

Seeing the person's face, Kota immediately recognized him completely while having a flashback of him watching the news about his murdered parents, murdered by the very same person who is standing before him.

NEWS Reporter [FLASHBACK]: Water Hose. Two Heroes sharing one name. But this couple's bright future was cut short. Ended by one Criminal's heinous actions. A truly tragic story. The Villain in question is still at large, though police and heroes are on his trail, hoping to apprehend him soon. 

Thinking back on what he heard on the News on television, Kota knew who the person is that is now in front of him.

Kota: I-It's you!

Kota said.

NEWS Reporter [FLASHBACK]: The suspect is extremely dangerous and has a power-up quirk. If you see this face, contact the police immediately. Do not approach him. Additionally, the suspect has experienced a major injury to his left eye during his fight with Water Hose....

Kota: Papa.... Mama....

Kota said while his eyes began to tear.

Just as the person who's known as Muscular is about to use his left arm to land a punch onto the helpless boy, green streaks of lightning can be seen zooming pass and downwards towards Kota as a young man, revealing to be to be Izuku Midoriya immediately scooped him up as he jumped and zoom backwards, avoiding the punch delivered by Muscular, for him to punch hard down onto the ground. After saving Kota,-

(Y/n): NEO Reanboliut Wave Shell!!!
(A/N: NEO Reanboliut Wave Shell is a combined attack of Trigger Sky's Runboldt Beam Shell and Decker Miracle's Realiut Wave.)

You yelled while flying towards Muscular.

Yelling the finisher, you charged up an Energy Shockwave Bolt as you unleashed a powerful combined beam attack at the villain, giving him some hurt inspite of his muscles protecting his back.

As soon as you are done with your attacks, you reverted back to your human self while deactivating your ultra and kaiju quirks within you while making your way to Deku and Kota.

Kota: (Y-Y/n).... a-and you.... What are you doing?!

Kota said and asks Midoriya.

Seeing you and Deku protecting Kota, Muscular couldn't help but smile as he began to talk to them like nothing has happened while standing back up on his feet.

Muscular: Well, I must say. A clean hit from above. And that reminds me, you two, I recognize. You two were on the list.

Muscular said. 

Deku (Inner Thoughts): I came up here to make sure Kota got back safe.... I didn't think I'd actually run into any villains. looks at my phone Dammit.... that landing and that jump broke my phone! (Y/n) didn't tell anyone where he was going with me.... which means we can't hope for reinforcements to show up. It's just me and (Y/n)... We have to stop this guy by ourselves. But.... looks back at the Kota tearing up can I really do that while protecting Kota at the same time? N-No! I don't have time to think! looks back at the villain I just have to do it! Right now, with the power I have!

Deku said in thought.

(Y/n): And you must be one of the Newbies Tomura mentioned?! I thought you'd be scarier, but being taller makes up for it.

You said.

Muscular said nothing but kept slowly making his way towards you and Deku, for you both to don your defensive stances.

Deku: Hey. I promise everything will be okay.

(Y/n): We're going to save you, Kota. So the three of us can go back to Camp safely.

Deku: Yeah!

You and Deku said with determination, with Deku to have a smile on his face inspite of the fear being planted on his face.

Muscular: You two really think you could save this little brat? laughs That does sound like something a wannabe hero would say. Your kind sure likes to mouth off about Justice.

(Y/n): Well, they have their own issues. But for me, it's not a simple wannabe thing to say, it's just my job.

Muscular: So, your names are Midoriya and (Y/n), right?

(Y/n): Yes. Who wants to know?

Muscular: smirks Perfect. looks at Midoriya while activating my quirk on my right arm We were told we could take some initiative and kill you, looks at (Y/n) and drag your butt back for more experimentation, as they said. But first, a little torment.

Muscular said, unravelling his cloak to reveal his true self.

Muscular: SHOW ME YOUR BLOOD!!!!!

Muscular yelled as he advances towards Deku.

Seeing this,-


- you rushed in front of Deku while your uniform, your head and your arms underwent another change, turning you into a Full Body version of Orb NEO Power Strong with a bit of muscles as you used both your arms to block Muscular's punch. It did work but, you were sent flying into the side, forming a crator in the mountain side, for Deku and Kota to look in shock and worry seeing you hurt.

(A/N: Ultraman Orb Origin, Ultraman Trigger - Power Type & Ultraman Decker - Strong Type. You'll have Orb's body details as the main component, followed by Decker Strong's upper body and leg details, then Trigger Power's forearm and lower leg details. You'll have Orb's protectors on the chest, Power and Strong's Protectors at the center of your chest, arms and legs, and finally you'll have Decker's forehead crystal and Orb's forehead crystal in the center of Decker Strong's star-themed crystal. This form is known to what I dub; Orb - NEO Power Strong.)

Once the dust cleared, it is revealed that you have Decker Strong Type's star-themed crystal with Orb's crimson forehead crystal together, Trigger's gold head details at the side of your head, Decker Strong's star-themed protector at the center of your chest, Trigger Power Type's protectors at the sides, Decker Strong's shoulder armour on both shoulders, Trigger Power's protectors on both forearms, and finally Decker Strong's leg armour with Trigger Power's Protector on your legs combined.

In the crator, you can be seen still having both arms up, lowering them as you said something to the three.

(Y/n): Strong punch,..... but not..... strong..... enough.... It's gonna take a lot more than that to put, me, down.
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Fortunately enough I turned into this ultra fusion form. Otherwise, I'll sustain a lot of hurt on my arms and back from that punch....

You said, emerging from the crator while cracking your neck.

Muscular: Whoops. I wasn't intending to aim at you, (Y/n). But aw well. Anyway, I got a question. Maybe you could help me out here a little bit first. Do you know where a kid named Bakugo and (Y/n) might be around here? Well, I kinda already know you so that kinda makes my job easy.

Muscular ask.

Hearing this, you realized something about what Tomura said, for you to smirk at what he was informed and what Muscular ask, turning his attention to him, showing your smile.

(Y/n): So that's what Tomura Shigaraki meant back then. You're going after two of us? Specifically, Bakugo and me.

Muscualr: Yes. And I see you and the League talked? But that doesn't mean I will go easy on you as I still have a job to do, after all!!!!

Muscular said, charging towards you while landing a punch.

You saw it coming as you dodged to the right to avoid his punch while looking at Deku and Kota.

(Y/n): DEKU!!!!! TAKE KOTA AND RUN!!!! I GOT HIM!!!!

Muscular: Listen to your friend (Y/n), Midoriya? You wouldn't wanna know what's going to happen when he loses, cause' it's PLAYTIME!!!!!!!

Muscular yelled.

Seeing an opening while dodging, Muscular used his quirk on his legs as he swiftly kicked you, only for you to use your arms to block them, grabbing his leg as you swung him in circles before tossing him into the mountains.

After being sent into the mountain, Muscular emerged out, surprising you as he using both his arms and fists, swinging them down, knocking you down by striking you at your back, causing you to be sent down onto the ground, for you to bleed from your mouth while you smiled.

This made Muscular laugh seeing blood coming out from your mouth.

Muscular: YES!!! That is exactly what I wanted from you! What did you promise?! That everything will be okay?! How's that working out for ya?! Huh?!

(Y/n): stands back up Oh, don't tempt me~! It's still working out just fine.

Muscular: Well, I'll be darned. 

Muscular said, surprised that you are still standing.

Distracted, Deku took this opportunity to dash towards Muscular,-

Deku (Inner Thoughts): SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deku yelled in his mind.

-inflicting a punch at his side.

Muscular: What? looks at Midoriya That's all you got?

Muscular asks.

Deku looked in shock to see that his punch was blocked by his muscle quirk wrapping around his right arm, for Muscular to feel no pain from Deku's punch.

Muscular: You're fast but you're not strong enough to hurt me.

Muscular said, using his right arm to swat Deku away to the side, for you to swiftly dash at him, catching Deku before he could land onto the rocky grounds.

(Y/n): I got you.

Deku: Thanks....

Muscular: My quirk increases my speed and strength, so exponentially that  my muscle fibers can't even be contained by my skin. 

Muscular said as more muscle and muscle fibers began to add onto his arms, for his muscles to grow bigger while some ripped apart without bleeding as they act as tendrils.

Watching this, you briefly spoke with Deku.

(Y/n): I thought I told you to go on ahead with Kota...

Deku: Not... without you...

(Y/n): sighs Well, can't go back from this now... as we got company still. looks at Muscular

Deku: Yeah... looks at Muscular

Muscular: I know I'm bragging a bit, but come on!!! I guess what I'm trying to say is,... you're just an inferior version of me, BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muscular yelled while charging forward.


You yelled.

As instructed, you both dodged Muscular's attack, causing the villain to punch the ground for many giant rocks and debris to be sent scattering all over. Seeing this, you used your NEO Power Strong powers to punch them, destroying those that were flying towards you and for Deku to dodge them all, avaoiding them. However, Deku didn't notice one huge rock from the dust flying towards him as it struck his left arm, giving Muscular the opportunity jump him from behind as he sucker punched Deku, sending him down to the ground hard, making him bleed, to you and Kota's shock and worry.

After his sneak attack, the villain landed in front of him, slowly making his way to the fallen Deku while readying to use his right arm to land a final blow.

Muscular: I can't help but laugh at you, kid!!! You really think you're a Hero!!! How are you going to save him, huh?! Don't make promises you can't keep!!! Live up to your word like (Y/n) over here so they don't mean anything!!!! You're no Hero, you're just a fraud, and you'll die that way!!!

Muscular said, raising his right arm covered in his muscle fibers as he is about to land a blow at him, only to be halted by Kota throwing a small rock at the villain, for you and Muscular to notice this.

(Y/n): K-Kota....

You said with worry.

Kota: Remember Water Hose....? My mom.... and my dad.... did you torment the two of them, too?! BEFORE YOU KILLED THEM?!?!?!

Kota exclaimed while he questioned the villain.

This raised both you and Deku's attention to figure that Muscular was the one who killed his parents. This also caused Muscular to turn to face Kota as he was surprised that the Water Hose Heroes still lives within the boy aka, Kota.

Muscular: Huh? Seriously? Those losers were your parents? Well then, this must be fate. The Water Hose Heroes, points at my left eye they're the reason I have an artificial eye in my left socket, right now.

Kota: This is all your fault... Nothing in the World is right anymore and it's because of crazy people like YOU!!! 

Muscular: Little kids are always so quick to say it's someone else's fault. 

Kota: gasps

Muscular: Don't get the wrong idea, it's not like I took them out because I was mad about the eye thing. I wanted to kill people. It's as simple as that. And those two tried to stop me. What happened was the result of all of us doing our best. The real travesty is promising to do something you aren't able to do. THAT'S WHY YOUR DEAR OLD MOMMY AND DADDY DIED!!!!!!!!!

Muscular said as he was about to attack Kota first, only for a burst of bloodlust to cause him to stop as he, Kota and Deku looked at where the bloodlust is coming from, to see that it is coming from you.

(Y/n): So, it's because of you! His parents died fighting! It's because of you! His hatred upon Heroes is because of you Heinous Act!

Muscular: And what of it, kid?!

(Y/n): What of it? WHAT . OF IT?!?!?!?! THAT TEARS IT!!!!!!! YOU JUST MADE THE WORSE MISTAKE MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW, LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled.

Then, you roared at the top of your voice as you reverted back to normal whilst wearing your Gym Attire as you turned into the same form from the Finals, only this time, your form's colour scheme was darker.

(A/N: Your True Form in its Reionics Burst Form. As stated, it's something like from the Finals in the Sports Festival but the colour scheme and your Gym Uniform infused with the form are based on Reimon's Reionics Burst Form.)

Seeing this, Deku's eyes widened in shock while looking at you with anxiety to figure that this is going to be a problem.

Deku (Inner Thoughts): N-No!!!! He did mention if he turns into this form... he's going to be out of control! And there's no stopping him!!!

He said.

Muscular: I see. So this is what you look like? I thought you'd be blue?

(Y/n): This.... THIS IS FOR HIS PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled sinisterly.

Saying this, you zoomed towards Muscular as you landed a punch to his face, only for the villain to use his left hand to block your punch for you to use your other hand to uppercut his face, forcing Muscular to stagger backwards. Surprised by the uppercut, Muscular tried to land a punch at you, but to no avail as you caught his fist as you ripped the muscle-like armour off him while grabbing his face as you pulled him into the ground real hard.

On the ground, you immediately stomped your foot on Muscular's head and his muscle fiber-armoured back, forcing him to be dug deep into the ground, for Deku and Kota to watch this happening. While stomping, Muscular soon grabbed your leg as he threw you into the mountain side, giving him the opportunity to get back up. Back on his feet, streaks of electricity can be seen shocking him for a brief moment, then it stopped after a minute. Deku looked at where Muscular threw you as he noticed you emerging out slowly, noticing that you have Maga Tano Orochi's tentacles covering your arms, legs and your body, mimicking Muscular, for him to hear the villain laughing at this.

Muscular: Well now, this'll be interesting.

Muscular said with a sinister smile on his face.

You roared at Muscular, for the villain to add more and more muscle fibers all over his body while charging towards you, delivering a powerful punch at you, only to see that he is punching at nothing, to his confusion.

As soon as he stopped charging, looking around to find where you are while being open, you appeared right in front of him, face to face and extremely close to him, to Muscular's shock.

(Y/n): You want interesting?! Then allow me to GIVE YOU A TASTE!!!!!!!

You said.

Muscular still in shocked, watched you conjured more of Maga Tano Orochi's tentacles to make yourself big and ripped as you delivered a powerful punch in the face, sending him flying through the walls of the mountains while causing Muscular to be in a daze for a moment.

(Y/n): And now.... for Torment... like how you tormented Kota's parents.... And just to be sure.... I'll make sure you bleed and beg while I torment you.

You said.

And so, you walked towards the fallen Muscular, only for Deku to stand in front of you, for you to look in shock by this.

(Y/n): What are you doing, Deku? Move.

Deku: (Y/n).... stop this. this isn't how a Hero's supposed to act.

(Y/n): He killed Kota's parents.... and he must SUFFER!!!!

Deku: I know! I wanted to make him suffer, too.

(Y/n): Then move! Unless you want me to hurt you, too for his blood....

Deku: remember back in Hosu? Remember what the Comissioner said to us? We can't use our Quirks to harm or kill people!! We must use them to protect them.

Deku said.

(Y/n): P-Protect?

Deku: Y-yeah. That's how and why we want to become Heroes! To help people! To protect others,... like Kota.

Hearing this, you slowly look at Kota having a worried look on his face.

After looking at him for a while, you slowly began to shine a bright gold, for Deku and Kota to watch as you slowly revert back to your original colours on your orignal form with your eyes reverting back to normal from its red hue of darkness while regaining back your sanity. As soon as you regained your sanity back, you began to pant heavily after overusing your quirks thanks to your Reionics Burst mode.

(Y/n): D-Deku....

Deku: It's me, (Y/n). Welcome back.

(Y/n): K-Kota...

Kota: y-yeah....

(Y/n): nods then looks down after a while ..... I.... I'm sorry... about what you saw and heard...

Deku: You don't have to be sorry, (Y/n). It's those unbridal powers' negative effects are at fault. It took control of you. Plus, is this why you are always careful with us and always calm with Kaachan? And to make sure nothing happens to us?

Deku said and asks.

You slowly nodded. Seeing this, Deku couldn't help but gently hug you, to your shock.

Deku: I know you want what's best for us. But,... let's do what's best for you, too, okay?

Deku said.

(Y/n): ... nods... yeah. holds Deku, breaking the hug to look at him face to face Like what I said to Ida, let's do this right.

Deku: nods Exactly, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Mhm.

You both said to agree with your point on what you said to Ida back then.

Muscular: Now ain't that just adorable?

Muscular said.

You and Deku looked at where the villain crashed as he could be seen walking to you two, semi-recovered from that blow.

Muscular: Never knew that you both are softies. But I'm impressed with your Red Form you have on ya! It could've been an asset to the League of Villains, if you ask me! But since you ditched us, I'll show you what happens those who TURN THEIR BACKS ON THEM!!!!!!!

Muscular yelled while augmentating his muscle quirk larger.

(Y/n): Sphere Assimilation.

You said, holding onto Deku's wrist tightly.

Numerous of spheres and sphere soldiers went onto Deku's arms, assimilating them, for Deku to watch this in confusion.

(Y/n): Deku.... this fight will be the toughest. And he's bloodthirsty, too which complicates things. The Sphere's abilities to regenerate will help you heal your bones and your arms if he lands any harm on you.

Deku: O-Oh. !!! Oh right! Like in the Sports Festival.

(Y/n): Yep.

Deku: Thanks.

(Y/n): No problem. Cause' now, we have a fight to do.

You said.

And so, you and Deku don your fight stances after Deku nods at what you said as you two prepared yourselves for what's to come. All ready, Muscular rushed in as he landed a powerful punch, only for you and Deku to dodge it as they flew to the left and right while blasting the villain by Deku's shoot style and your King Joe Launcher and Hyper Zetton attacks.

Muscular got struck by those attacks but was shielded by his muscles, for you and Deku to launch more attacks at Muscular, only for Muscular to leap towards Deku as he tried to land a punch on him. Seeing this from a mile away, you teleported behind Muscular while utilizing Maga Tano Orochi's tentacles as you augmentate them to wrap your arms like, acting like muscles and muscle fibers as you send Muscular downwards onto the ground by slamming him from behind. Seeing Muscular down, Deku took the opportunity to deliver his amplified smash onto Muscular, sending a shockwave across camp from above while his fist slowly sank into Muscular's muscles by only a bit, as if creating only a small dent.

This pissed Muscular off but smiled at this knowing you and Deku are finally getting serious as he too got serious with the battle into protecting Kota resumes when Muscular grabbed Deku's fist and tossed him in the air, only for you to catch him before he could knee Deku in the gut.

While the battle continued, Kota watched helplessly as you and Deku did their best, trying to protect him from Muscular while delivering blow after blow while being pummeled by Muscular. Watching on, Kota began to tear up again as he began to see you and Deku getting pinned down inspite of them still getting up and inflicting hits on his parents' murderer.

Kota: please.... stop this.... losing my parents by the likes of you.... is already bad e- sniff e-enough... I... I.... snifff ... I CAN'T LOSE THEM, TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE YET TO THANK AND APOLOGIZE TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

Kota yelled.

Just as things were about to turn for the worse, Kota's tear drop landed on something inside his shirt, for streaks of water to emerge as they spiral around him, causing Muscular, Deku and you to stop fighting as they witness this. Witnessing this before your very eyes, Kota was also puzzled as he wondered what was happening when he realized he's wearing something around his neck.

Fishing it out from inside his shirt, he sees that his blue glittering Pendant glowing brightly with small streaks of water surrounding it, to his shock.

(A/N: This Pendant.)

Kota: That's..... Mom's Pendant.... why is it...

Just before he could finish, the large streaks of water surrounding him began to envelope him into a spehere of water while levitating in mid-air, for Kota to struggle a bit, not sure what is happening, to you and Deku's worry.

While struggling inside, a voice called out.

??? (Water Sphere): DO NOT be afraid, nor struggle. I mean no harm.

Kota: ???
Kota (Inner Thoughts): W-Who was that? Whe-where's that voice coming from?

??? (Water Sphere): I am, a Mythical Beast that remains dormant in your Mother's Mizuno Stone Pendant.

Kota: stops struggling
Kota (Inner Thoughts): Wait.... how are we talking when I'm in this ball of water?

??? (Water Sphere): I have telepathy. It's a power I have, not this so called quirk you all speak of. That means I can talk to you, inside your mind.

Kota (Inner Thoughts): I.... see?

Kota said in thought, still confused over what is happening.

??? (Water Sphere): Now that you have awakened me, I can understand your pain, understand your feelings, and know all that you see and do. As after all, this Pendant was formerly your mother's and she has passed it onto you.

Kota (Inner Thoughts): I... did that? 

??? (Water Sphere): Yes. Now, you want to save them, from your parents' murderer? Your mother's murderer? My former Master's Murderer?

It asked in Kota's mind.

Hearing this question, Kota was hesitant at first, but eventually, he answers by a nod.

??? (Water Sphere): I see.

Kota (Inner Thoughts): I don't want to lose anyone anymore.... I have yet to apologise... and thank them... I didn't mean to... and I... I want to become stronger...

Listening to Kota, a pair of water-like cyanish blue eyes glowed in front of Kota as they look at the two boys he speaks of, to its curiosity.

??? (Water Sphere): An apology goes to the green-haired boy, and a thank you to the monster-morphing boy? How interesting.

Kota (Inner Thoughts): Soo.....

??? (Water Sphere): I shall guide you through what we'll do! For now, let us proceed!

Kota (Inner Thoughts): .... nods

(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Ultraman Gaia OST Vol. 3 - 28. Photon Stream.)

After a long discussion, you, Deku and Muscular watched as the water sphere began to shape itself into something before the three of you, for you three to wonder what it is turning into while Kota is in there.

Watching on, the three of you slowly had your eyes widened as the water sphere began to grow four legs with an elongated body and neck, with it to also growing eight more necks behind as it began grow long spine-like frills on each individual neck with the main neck to tail down to its body. As soon its transformation was complete, eight heads of a dragon were formed on eight of the formed necks with the main head to form up on the main neck to reveal itself to be a water dragon made of water with each of the heads' eyes to be glowing the same colour as just now with the Pendant and Kota being as the Dragon's main head and crystal on its head now.

Shocked, you, Deku and Muscular took a few steps back while you three watched the dragon made purely out of water and Kota's water quirk roared at them very loudly.

(A/N: This is what the water dragon form looks like. Merge these two images together, and the description is stated above. Note again, the Dragon made of Kota's quirk and the Pendant he has is made entirely out of water. Let Lapis from Steven Universe as an example and reference.)

Deku: (Y/n)!!! Isn't that th-

(Y/n): The Land Emperor Kaiju..... Mizunoeno Dragon.... B-But how...???

You wondered while answering Deku's question.

With all your eyes still looking at the Water Dragon, two of the dragon's tail heads began to blast a white lightning blast which struck Muscular, causing him to be sent backwards, to both you and Deku's shock. After that strike, you both look back at the dragon and notice Kota inside at its main head while being shocked that this dragon somehow managed to land a mighty hit on Muscular, sending him backwards, for you both to don your defensive stances.

??? (Water Mizunoeno Dragon): Do not be afraid. You both are friends of the Son of my Master. And if you are friends with Kota, then by means you are my allies. Fear not for Young Master Kota. He's fine. He's safe. His mind and Mine are in sync, thus we share both our minds like how his Mother who's my former master and I did before. So, he'll be unconscious, but he can still see and hear you.

The dragon made of water spoke.

When you both heard this, you and Deku slowly let your guards down while being shocked that it spoke to them.

Deku: I-It talks???

(Y/n): looks at Deku Deku, no time, but still, it sure does, surprisingly. We can talk later.... for now, we need'im.

Deku: Right.

(Y/n): looks at the water dragon O' Great Dragon Emperor of both Land and Sea! If what you say is true that we are truly allies, please help and assist us. There is a villain in need of defeating due to a family matter the boy that you hold as your host can't let go, and he must be stopped. This villain, Muscular... he is too dangerous to be wandering around the streets, your territory. Please. Help us.

??? (Water Mizunoeno Dragon): .... As I have spoken to Master Kota, I shall help you both defeat this tyrant, for trying to kill him, kill you both, and for killing his parents with one of them who is his mother who was my former Master.

It said.

Hearing this, you nod at what it said.

Deku: Umm... excuse me. Sorry to ask at a bad time but, how do we address you, your umm.... Majesty???? I'm Izuku Midoriya. And this is (Y/n) (L/n). You are.....

??? (Water Mizunoeno Dragon): My former Master calls me Mizuno. 

(Y/n): Then Lord Mizuno, it is, your Lordhood.

Lord Mizuno: nods Now, as said to Kota, LET US PROCEED!!!!!

Lord Mizuno said with a roar.

You and Deku nods as theey turn around, for the three of you to face Muscular who has already finished climbing back up from being blasted away from the mountain that he's on to fight you and Deku.

Muscular: I don't know what's going on here... but I can tell the Heroes' Son has probably have something to do with this... As such,... he dies first...

He said, declaring that he will kill Kota first. But the issue here is, he's gonna have to deal with his Spirit Mythical Creature first.

Lord Mizuno: If you want the boy, by all means!!! Take him from me, IF YOU DARE!!!

Muscular: Heh! GLADLY!!!!

Muscular yelled as he lunged in towards the water dragon while his muscule fibers increased his body mass with muscles and fibers all over his arms, body and legs, to your worry.

Lord Mizuno: Kota relays this message to have no fear for him. As as long as he's within me, he should be fine. And that, is exactly what I'm about to deliver to this boasting tyrant!!!

(Y/n): Huh?

You wondered.

Just as Muscular was about to land a powerful punch on the dragon, inside the dragon, Kota can be seen still unconscious, but his arms moved forward, for a few streaks of water to emerge from the dragon's chest, creating a barrier, for Muscular's fist to strike the water barrier, to Muscular, Deku and your shock, and surprise.

Muscular: HOW COULD THIS BE?!?!?!?!?

Muscular exclaimed.

Lord Mizuno: Hah!!!! It would seem you have overestimated your Quirk, tyrant! Allow me to elaborate why you weren't able to penetrate our Water Barrier with that powerful punch. Normally, with your quirk at its strongest like now, it would've broke through, but now the rules have changed.

Muscular: W-What?!

Lord Mizuno: You see, tyrant! My former Master not only used me to protect this World, ever since she started highschool. She also has given me enough knowledge, skills and powers so the both of us could master better skills with her Water Quirk. And everytime she rests and sleeps, I, have been keeping myself busy inside the Pendant that Young Master Kota is wearing now, on what I have learnt from my Former Masters and the ones before her. After a while of study and training, I could feel myself getting stronger and my powers becoming omnipotent... unstoppable... unbreakable. That's why Kota's water quirk, and my powers that created this Water Barrier, is unbreakable.

Muscular: N-No... no... i-it can't be... I...I-I... I never signed up for this!!!! I never signed up to fight a Deity, or a God!!!

Lord Mizuno: Oh~ But you have. And you did. Though I have to admit, you are a real wise guy and a strong noble guy in the past before this all happened. BUT! You have made one extremely fatal mistake in front of my eyes! "You've RUINED the kid's future Career as a Hero when you killed his Parents"!

(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): whoa.... strong words... yet dark at the same time...

Lord Mizuno said.

Hearing this, Muscular didn't have a choice but to increase his buff and body by over-exerting his quirk as he charged towards the three of you while yelling out of anger with a mix of fear in his yell.

(Y/n): I HAVE HIM!!!!

Lord Mizuno (In (Y/n)'s Mind): (Y/n) (L/n), launch a powerful attack so he won't land a punch on any of us.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): No problem! Deltandal B - Deltandal Moonlight Bullet!!!

You yelled in your mind.

Dashing towards him, you blasted numerous Deltandal Moonlight Bullets at him while Deku charged in while the projectiles flew towards Muscular.

Lord Mizuno (In Deku's Mind): Izuku Midoriya. Since his entire body is encased in his own flesh like armour, why not aim for his head while (Y/n) (L/n)'s projectiles strike this tyrant.

Deku (Inner Thought): realizes it His head? I see. His head is always open! That explains the injury on his eye! Okay!

Deku said as he landed onto the top side of the mountain and jumped down straight for Muscular.

Muscular saw it as he was about to land a punch, only to be introduced by numerous impacts landed on his arms, body and legs struck by your Moonlight Bullet attack, to the villain's shock. Fully open, Izuku took the opportunity to land a powerful punch in his face for blood to spew out from his mouth while he flew backwards. 

Landing on the ground, Muscular didn't show any signs of giving up as he charged towards the three of you again, only for Lord Mizuno to blast its Violent Collision Beams from all of its heads (A/N: Including his own head.), with Kota to use his water quirk to blast a pair of water propulsions from Lord Mizuno's mouth as they combined with its Collision Beam attack, striking Muscular down while yo-

(Y/n): I have something special for Muscular... closes eyes while doing an 'X' pose with my arms, inhaling slowly, then opens my eyes swiftly GAAAAAIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled at the top of your voice, causing both red and blue lightning to strike you from the clouds above.

After the two lightnings struck you, you stood before Muscular while donning your ultra quirk with you utilizing Gaia Super Supreme form.

(A/N: Ultraman Gaia - Super Supreme Version. You will utilize this form with your Gym uniform to morph into Gaia's SSV's body details with protectors on them. You'll also have those black siding details at the sides of your outer thigh of your uniform, and the top of the side of your head will have gold features based on Gaia SSV.)

(Y/n): Gaia Super Supreme Version! Super Supreme Photon Edge!!!!!!!!!

- while bending down with your hands in front of your head, overloading them with energy, before unleashing red and blue whip-like beam blades known as the Super Supreme Blades, and Deku to use his One for All in its shoot style to do the same as the three of you to take Muscular down, defeating him.

(A/N: Photon Stream Music ends here.)

After the fight was over, the three of you could see Musuclar laying there in a crator, defeated with his muscle fibers all over the place. Still in shock, Muscular couldn't help but hyperventilate over what just happened, for Lord Mizuno and Kota to use their power and quirk to make the Pendant glow brightly to create flashes over Muscular while making him float towards the Dragon Emperor. Close enough, they stopped Muscular from getting close to them as Lord Mizuno and Kota began to look at the villain before their eyes.

Muscular: I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry....

Muscular said repetitively and weakly.

Lord Mizuno: Pathetic...!!!! opens mouth to eat him, but stops as I notice Muscular slowly inching away
Lord Mizuno (Inner Thoughts): What are you doing?

Kota (Inner Thoughts): Please... don't kill him... 

Lord Mizuno (Inner Thoughts): Why? He killed your parents and my Master. And that, he shall pay the price and that's death.

Kota (Inner Thoughts): I know he killed my parents... but we're nothing like him. These two who protected me, too... they're nothing like him, too.... If you kill him, you'll be just like those villains, and him. Please.... if you're really my Mother's friend, you would do for me, too... for her sake.... and for my two new friends, too.... My... My Heroes who protected me.... even you too....

Lord Mizuno (Inner Thoughts): ...... Kota....

Lord Mizuno spoke with Kota in Kota's mind.

Hearing this from Kota, Lord Mizuno shut its mouth for a moment, then roars in Muscular's face, as a sign to tell him how patheitc he really is. After that, he stopped as he went up an inch close to Muscular.

Lord Mizuno: You're more than fortunate, that Master Kota requested me to spare you while invoking Izuku Midoriya and (Y/n) (L/n)'s names to tell me that they're his Heroes,... including me too, tyrant!!!! If it weren't for him... your head would've been in my gut! Count your blessings that he still cares, inspite of him spiting you for killing my parents and my Master...

Muscular: frantically nods

Lord Mizuno: Now.... never set foot on these Newly-Created Sacred Grounds again.... and never.... come.... BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Muscular: frantically nods

Seeing him nod frantically, Lord Mizuno used his Psychonesis to fling him into the walls of the mountain, knocking him out.

After knocking him out, the dragon turned to you and Deku, nodding at you two, for the both of you to nod back, knowing that one foe is done. After exchanging nods, the dragon began to dribble as the dragon slowly dissipated into water.

Lord Mizuno: ..... No, Young Master Kota. This is just me returning into your Pendant. But rest assured, when you're trained enough, like your Mother, my Former Master, you'll be able to utilize me again....... in time, I shall train you, but for now, your safety comes first....

Lord Mizuno said while Kota was talking to him telepathically in its head.

When the dragon soon turned into water with the water sphere to fly into the Pendant, Kota can be seen standing before you and Deku with his eyes slowly open, shocked at what happened while feeling glad that it is over for now, for you and Deku to walk closer to Kota as you patted Kota's head, feeling glad that he's still in one piece after the whole ordeal that was halted by a Water Dragonic ally from Kota's Mother's Pendant.

To be Continued....
Cerebro Reionics Burst vs Muscular in Chapter 5.5.

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