Chapter 6: Two Messages, A Good News & A "Bird" News

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(Y/n): patting Kota's head I'm so glad you are alright, Kota.

Deku: Yeah. You almost scared us back there with that water quirk of yours and your dragon. But still, I'm glad you're alright.

Kota: Thanks.... that dragon from my Mom's Pendant.... that got me by surprise, too.

Kota said.

You and Deku smiled when he mentioned this. After a moment between the three of you, you three looked at the devastation in the forest that is still taking place, for you to look at Deku.

(Y/n): Deku. I need you to listen really carefully. I need you to head on back to Camp with Kota and keep him safe.

Deku: What about you?

(Y/n): I'll go to Lay and Tora to deliver a message, telling them that I know what the Villains want. After that I'll see what I can do with our classmates while dealing with them. I'll keep the Assimilation on you for a bit till I come back, okay?

Deku: Alright... be safe.

(Y/n): nods, then looks down Kota, Young Midoriya here is gonna protect you while you two make your way to Camp. Promise me, that you don't punch his balls, this time. And be good along your way back. 

Kota: i... i won't.... and i will.

(Y/n): Good kid.

You said with a smile.

And so, Kota went on Deku's back, holding onto him tightly as Deku used his quirk to make a dash for it back to Camp while you went to the other direction to where Mandalay and Tiger are, still engaging with Magne and Spinner, using Alien Sran's power to quickly make your way there.

A few minutes went by as while you were running, you notice some villains fighting against some of your classmates and those from Class 1-B, for you to make this quick as you zoomed pass them. While running pass, you notice a shadowy figure running along with you, for you to stop in your tracks to summon a katana by using your kaiju quirk (Zamsher) to point it directly at the person's neck while your face is staring at where you need to go to meet up with the Pros.

(A/N: Zamsher. You'll wield his Sword.)

(Y/n): Identify yourself! 

???: It's me!

The person said.

Recognizing his voice, you lowered your katana while making it disappear.

(Y/n): Mr. Aizawa.

Mr. Aizawa: I heard you went out of control and Midoriya had to stop you.

(Y/n): .... yeah....

Mr. Aizawa: Well, thankful that he did.... Anyway, where are you going?

(Y/n): I'm going to Mandalay and Tiger to inform them what I found out. looks back What are you doing here?

Mr. Aizawa: Same. But I'm going to tell Mandalay to let you guys know that you, 1-A and 1-B can use your quirks to fight them. I'll take the heat from the Authorities and the Press.

Mr. Aizawa said.

(Y/n): Then in that case, let me go to let Mandalay know about what you want to say and I want to say. I'll have her use her quirk to relay it out to everyone. Save your strength and head back to Camp and protect the others. I assume you bumped into Deku and Kota so, they may also know the message, too.

Mr. Aizawa: I see... well in that case, go. I'll head on back to the Campsite. Be safe. And!

(Y/n): Hm?

Mr. Aizawa: Don't forget about what happened in Hosu.

(Y/n): nods I will never forget that.

Mr. Aizawa: nods good. Then get going.

And so, the two of you went to your separate ways back to camp and where the fight is.

As soon as you were about to reach, you see Spinner about to swing his amalgamation of blades for a sword towards Mandalay, for you to-

(Y/n): Not by a long shot! Shepardon! Shepardon Saber!!!!!

You yelled.

- summon a Shepardon Saber from the ground as you zoomed in front of Mandalay and blocked Spinner's attack at ease.

(A/N: Shepardon Saber.)

(Y/n): Lay Lay! I got an Announcement and Two Messages for you!

Mandalay: (Y/n)?!

Spinner: I see you have returned.
Spinner (Inner Thoughts): And nickname basis, huh?

(Y/n): Indeed I have, Follower of Stain. A perfect time and opportunity to fight one on one has come. Now, looks at Mandalay First of, Kota is safe. He's with Midoriya back at Camp.

Mandalay: You found him?!

(Y/n): Yes. And let me tell you, Kota is surprisingly power at his age to wield the power of the gods.

Mandalay: Wait... what??

(Y/n): Anyway, we can talk later about that. For now, Here are the two messages. First! I need you to use Telepath, to tell everyone in Class A and B that they can use their Quirks against the villains. They have a greenlight to use their quirks, approved by Eraserhead.

Mandalay: Okay! 

(Y/n): Two! Tell everyone that they are going after two particular students from all of the 43 of us here. The villains are going after Katsuki Bakugo, and Me.

Pixiebob: What?!

Tiger: What?!

Mandalay (Inner Thoughts): W-What...??? They're after him....???
Mandalay: .... nods...  is that all?

(Y/n): That is all!

You said while swinging your saber to throw Spinner off guard, causing him to jump backwards.

Spinner: I see you have spoken and fought with Muscular? dons defensive pose with weapon

(Y/n): dons defensive pose with Saber Yeah. We have a fair share of chatter until we wiped the floor with him. But, the kid kinda did most of the damage.

Mandalay (Inner Thoughts): Kota did most of the Damage against a villain with him and Izuku Midoriya? What did he do that took that villain down at ease?
Mandalay: shakes my head back to reality Right! The messages!

Mandalay said.

And so, she used her quirk to announce to everyone from Class A and B about the two messages you said to her.

Mandalay (Using Telepath): Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the Pro Hero Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat! Use your training! You may fight these villains! And also, we've discovered one of the villains' targets. They are students named Katsuki bakugo and (Y/n) (L/n). Katsuki Bakugo, you should try to avoid combat and stick to a Group! I hope you can hear me!

She said.

Mandalay (Inner THoughts): I hope you know what you're doing, Eraser.

She said in thought.

Meanwhile, you and Spinner can be seen having a brief discussion on why the League wants you.

Spinner: So, what does the League even want you, anyway?

(Y/n): Oh, it's simple; Escape from being Experimented in one of their bases by the League and their Boss, Safe the Day from Villains, Returning stolen Quirks back to their rightful owners, Win the Sports Festival, and many more to list.

Mandalay: (Y/n)! You should try to avoid combat and stick with us! Pixiebob will lead you back to Camp.

(Y/n): Not happening! Cause' I have a better idea.

Mandalay, Pixiebob, Tiger, Magne & Spinner: Huh????

(Y/n): Alright, Follower of Stain. I'll give you one opportunity. You and I will fight it out. If I beat you, you and the villains that are here now, will leave me alone for the rest of the entire evening. BUT, if you win, I'm all yours for the taking.

Spinner: Well, a reasonable deal. Very well. We shall enjoy this fight to our hearts content, before we send you to the league of Villains.

(Y/n): Then it shall be done.

You said with a smile.

Then, it started, for the four of them to watch you and Spinner circling each other while staring dagger-like eyes into each other's eyes. A minute went by as you both began to slow down while slowly swinging your blades about. As soon as you both stopped,-

(Y/n): it begins.

Spinner: Yes, it has.

They said.

- they charged towards each other as they began to clash their sword against each other, causing sparks to scatter around the empty field. Every strike, every slash, every clash, both you and Spinner swung their swords with your mights without even breaking a sweat while delivering some kicks in mid-air during the fight.

Tiger: W-Whoa....

Pixiebob: I know (Y/n) is good but, I've never seen him being this good with a sword before...

Mandalay: Neither did I.

Magne: Me neither...

Three Pussycats: looks at Magne, shocked

Magne: notices this W-What?! I'm serious, guys~! I know Spinner is good with blades but I never seen him being on parr with one of our targets before! Honest!

Tiger: Then that means for (Y/n) to have plenty of experience as we have heard is no joke, then.

Magne: I don't know what that means, but pretty much. 

Mandalay: nods ... ! Oh yeah, I forgot~ Tiger? Could you um...

Magne: Could wha-

Before Magne could finish, Tiger immediately knocked Magne out, for the villain to go on her knees and then slumps forward down onto the ground.

Tiger: about time.

Tiger said as the three continued to watch the fight again which is now lasting for a few minutes.

Back in the sword fight, you and Spinner kept slashing and clashing away for more sparks to be created as they kept scattering about and around the clearing. Seeing an opening, SPinner spun around with his blade as he began to swing downwards towards you, only for you to swing your sword up, to rebound backwards, to his shock.

(Y/n): Not bad! My turn! Shepardon Saber Flash!!!!!

You yelled while forming a giant 'V' to slash Spinner, for the Giant 'V' Attack to fly towards Spinner like a projectile.

Seeing this, Spinner used his huge sword to cleave it in halve while breaking his weapon in the process. Then, you took the opportunity to lunge in towards the villain, for Spinner to quickly fish up a katana as you both clashed weapons again.

Spinner: Not bad, (Y/n). I admire your drive!

(Y/n): Well, right back at you. But, there's only room for one Victor so... let's end this now!

Spinner: for Stain....

(Y/n): For the Heroes and the Innocent...

You both said while you both backed up a few meters away.

Reaching the exact distant, you and Spinner donned your individual poses with your blades, readying yourselves to charge in and strike. You both waited while the three remaining pussycats watched on, pressured at what is happening. You both stood in your positions for a long time until-

sound of a twig snapped from a tree

- a sound of a twig snapping off a tree could be heard, for both of them to charge towards each other with incredible speed. As soon as you and Spinner were extremely close to each other while running, the scene changes to show the view of the Beast Forest with a loud sound of both swords slashing and clashing with each other to be heard throughout Camp as they echoed for a long time until everything went quiet.

Back at the sword fight, you and Spinner can be seen stopping with their back facing each other with their swords pointing forward and sideways,-

(A/N: This scene. Take this image above as an example.)

-indicating they have inflicted the final cut, for the Pussycats to wonder who struck who. A long period of silence loom around where you both stand until Spinner dropped his katana while it split in two, followed by Spinner to fall down forward, knocked out from your attack.

Hearing that Spinner has fallen, you made Shepardon Saber disappear while turning back to face the fallen Spinner.

Spinner: Y-You..... win...... knocked out

(Y/n): It was a great duel, Follower of Stain. And I respect that. Until our next fight.
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): It is fortunate I didn't cut him that much. Thanks to Mr. Aizawa, I remembered what the Comission of Police of Hosu said to us. So today, Spinner will fight another day against me.

You said.

Mandalay: (Y/n)! 

Mandalay called out.

You turned back to see Mandalay, Tiger and Pixiebob running towards you.

Pixiebob: Are you alright?

(Y/n): Lay, Pixie, Tora. nods Yes, I'm alright. That slash Spinner gave me was a surprise but I still managed to heal it up nicely.

Mandalay: Thank goodness....

(Y/n): Hey umm.... where's Doll?

Tiger: The League took her. We don't where she is and they don't know where she is either. All they said is that they were keeping us busy to take her.

(Y/n): growls
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): .... master... you are targetting Ragdoll too? So that means he must really like her Quirk so much....
(Y/n): looks at them Anyway, keep an eye on these two. I'll see if I can find our Classmates. I promise I'll be safe.

Tiger: But (Y/n)! The villains are after you!

(Y/n): NOT, Anymore!

Tiger: Huh?

(Y/n): Spinner and I made a Deal. And since I won, as he promised, he will have the League to leave me alone for the entire night.

Tiger: I.... I see... 

Mandalay: Well, considering Spinner there said that he and Stain respects you,.... I guess we can hold him on that if anything happens to you.

(Y/n): nods

Mandalay: Alright. Go look for your classmates. But be careful.

Mandalay said.

You nod at the Pussycats before you took your leave back into the forest to look for your classmates and Class 1-B. Making your way back in, you began to look for the fights where you once notice them when you ran pass them while making your way towards Mandalay, Pixiebob and Tiger to join the fight a few minutes ago. While looking for them, you turned your arms into Cyber Gomora Gauntlets as you placed them in front of you while a dark shadow claw emerged to land a claw on you, only to be blocked and deflected by your gauntlets, to your shock.

(A/N: Cyber Gomora Armour. Basically, you'll be utilizing its gauntlets only.)

(Y/n): Okay! That was WWWWWAY Too close for comfort!!!

You said, lowering them.

???: (Y-Y-Y/n)....

A voice called out.

Hearing a voice, you looked around to see someone's quirk, a hand, weakly waving at you, for you to make your way there to see Shoji and one of his arm duplicates being injured.

(Y/n): Shoji! Y-You're-

Shoji: whispering Don't worry.... I'll live. But you should find some cover, too... and keep it down a bit...

(Y/n): whispering R-Right. Anyway, What happened?! A villain did this?!

Shoji: whispering No... it was... was.... Tokoyami...

(Y/n): whispering What?! Wh-

Shoji: whispering We were ambushed by Villains... And I covered us... but the attack triggered Tokoyami's Quirk, even though he was desperately trying to hold it back. unfortunately, it was bad to the extend that Dark Shadow grew even more aggressive.

Shoji said.

Hearing this, your eyes widened, for you to recall back in the Sports Festival when Tokoyami mentioned that his quirk gets stronger and more aggresive when he's in a darker location or when it gets dark.

(Y/n): whispering I see.... that means...

Shoji: whispering Yeah. If we're going to get through here,.... we have to face Dark Shadow first.

Shoji said.

Looking ahead of you, you both could see from the distant that Dark Shadow is in its Aggresive State, a much narly, scary and gigantic version of itself with its eyes completely red. And inside of it, there is Tokoyami, unable to control his quirk as Dark Shadow roared and groan, making itself heard throughout the forest.

Tokoyami: S-Stay . Away . from ME!!! YOU'LL DIE!!!!!!!!

Tokoyami said weakly while trying to suppress Dark Shadow.

You look in horror to see Tokoyami in this state.

(Y/n): whispering t-tokoyami.... no....

You said.

(Y/n): whispring So that means when you got hurt by the hands of the villain, that kind of triggered him?! And now, he's trying to hold it back.

Shoji: whispering That's one way to sum it up, yes...

Shoji said.

Then, accidentally stepping on a branch, you moved while pushing Shoji out of the way as Dark Shadow lunged its claw over to where you two once were, destroying a tree.

(Y/n): whispering Lunging in at random by sound.... that's interesting...

You implied to yourself.

Tokoyami: forget about me!!!! GO!!!! Find your classmates... help them instead!!! looks up at Dark Shadow's giant form STOP THIS!!!!! CALM DOWN, DARK SHADOW!!!!

Tokoyami yelled as he begged while controlling Dark Shadow.

(Y/n): whispering Shoji... I have a plan. 

Shoji: whispering oh?

(Y/n): whispering I've seen this before in the Records.... I believe we can implement it to this kind of situation inspite of the situation being different. This aggressive version of Dark Shadow, is only targetting us only because we made a sound. So that means, we must lure him.

Shoji: whispering To Bakugo?

Shoji ask.

You snicker when you heard the question.

(Y/n): whispering You read my mind.

You said.

To be Continued....

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