Chapter 22: U.A. Sports Festival (PART 13)(Prize Ceremony)

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Down at the track and field,

All students who have taken part in the Sports Festival can be seen gathering in front of Midnight as the Reward Ceremony is about to begin. As everyone gathered, there was a firework show lighting the daylight sky as the Award Ceremony is starting, with Midnight at the stage as she readied herself to present everyone the winners and the first-place winner.

Midnight: The first year students have completed all the events for the U.A. Sports Festival! Now, it's time to relax and enjoy the Award Ceremony!!

Midnight said.

The crowd began to cheer as the Award Ceremony began. As it began, confetti burst out of the ground for a huge Award Stand to slowly ascend up behind Midnight for everyone to see the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed winners of the Sports Festival. Seeing the winner, Bakugo can be seen behaving like a wild animal as he was seen shackled up at his mouth and arms, and strapped onto a pillar made by Cementoss's quirk, trying to move as he violently squirmed about while he muffled out loud, looking at you.

You didn't pay any attention of his behaviour knowing that you went all out and also, you didn't even know how you even got that Reionics Form just yet, for you to keep this in thought for now as you smiled at the crowd and the competitors in front of you who participated in the Games with you.

Jirou: Ummm.... what the heck?

Kirishima: He's been going nuts since he woke up... man, Bakugo... pull yourself together...

Jirou and Kirishima said, for you to hear this.

Todoroki: ....

Tokoyami: He's acting like a feral animal...

(y/n): Tell me about it...

You replied.

As the entire media team were seen taking pictures, recording and broadcasting this entire Award Ceremony, Midnight began to speak once again as she talked about Ida not being here due to a personal family matter.

Midnight: Tenya Ida actually shares the Third Place Award with Tokoyami and Todoroki through (l/n)'s request. But unfortunately, he had to leave for family reasons. Gotta love those familial bonds~

Midnight said as she mentioned.

Hearing this, you nod at what Midnight said as he didn't want to leave Ida out of this after your fight and due to his personal matter. However, you notice several of your classmates including Deku have concern looks planted on their faces as they too share the same concerns as you for Ida.

Midnight: Now, let's break out the hardware! Of course, there is one person who's worthy of distributing the awards!

Then, everyone and you began to hear laughter, for everyone to start roaring and cheering loudly, knowing who that is, for you to look up as you sensed All Might on the rooftop of the Stadium.

(A/N: All Might.)

(y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Whoa...!!!! How in the world did he end up there?!?!

You wondered in thought.

After laughing, All Might immeidately jumped from the roof as he made his way down in front of you and the other winners.


All Might and Midnight said, for Midnight to ruin the moment by accident.

After landing before the four of you in front of the award stand, All Might looks at Midnight, knowing she ruined the epic moment.

Midnight: ruined that, didn't I.....???

She said, putting her hands together in signs of apology.

You giggled silently while listening to the crowd saying that you and the four other winners are lucky to have All Might doing this and teaching them at U.A. High.

Then, the Award Presentation began.

Midnight: So now that you're here, All Might, why don't you start the presentation.

Midnight said, holding out a tray with four medals on them for All Might to distribute them to each of you.

So, All Might went up to Tokoyami first as he placed a Bronze Medal around his neck.

All Might: Ha Ha! presents a Medal to Tokoyami Young Tokoyami, Congradulations. You've shown great strength out there.

Tokoyami: Your words humble me, sir.

All Might: hugs Tokoyami However, you've more training to do if you're going to fight against different kinds of villains. You're not gonna rely on your quirk in every battle you face. 

All Might said as he broke the hug as he made his way to the next 3rd Place Winner.

Tokoyami: looks at my Medal yes, sir.

Tokoyami said, looking at his medal.

When All Might went to Todoroki, he too present him with a medal as he said some words to him.

All Might: Young Todoroki, Congradulations. presents and places a Medal onto Todoroki I'm assuming there's a reason why you didn't use your left side that cost you the Semi-Final and Final. 

Todoroki: Midoriya and (y/n) opened my eyes during my match... but then I started to doubt myself at that final blow... I think I now understand a little on why you're so interested in Midoriya... I want to be the kind of hero like you are, but my path isn't as clear than I thought it was... I have a lot to think about. (y/n) even said to me that he's going to help me and my family get over those issues and blocked paths.... but before he can help me.... there is somethings I need to settle with someone, very soon.

Todoroki said.

Hearing this, you nod silently at Todoroki, now knowing and understanding why he hasn't woke up yet during your Triple Threat Match. After hearing what Todoroki said, All Might nods as he began to speak again.

All Might: I've never seen this sort of look on your face before. hugs Todoroki I won't ask for details. Trust yourself, I'm sure you'll work things out.

Todoroki: right.

After a brief moment, All Might broke the hug as he made his way to Bakugo.

All Might: Now, for Young Bakugo.

He said.

When All Might stood before him, he sees Bakugo shackled up and strapped up onto a pillar, for him to look in brief shock at this.

All Might: Hmm! This is a little nuts.

(y/n): He thinks I've been holding back on him, but actually, I wasn't. Even that form I took is unknown to me, too.

All Might: I see. Well removes mouth piece off Bakugo you did try your very best to do what you said you do in the pledge. But still, you're here and you gave it your all.

All Might said holding out the mouth piece and harness while gesturing a thumbs up while holding it.

Bakugo: All Might....

All Might: Hmm?

Bakugo: Winning Second Place this way.... and for that Monster Wizard to win First Place this way..... DOESN'T PROVE THAT HE IS THE BEST OR I AM THE BEST ONE HERE!!!!!!! EVEN IF THE WORLD CONSIDERS HIM THE WINNER AND ME TO BE SECOND, I REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT LIKE THIIIIIIIIIIIISSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bakugo yelled in anger, showing that intimidating look on his face in the process.

All Might (Inner Thoughts): look at that face...

All Might said in thought.

Then, he cleared his throat as he began to speak to Bakugo.

All Might: In a world constantly being compared to one another, there are very few who kept their eyes focused on the top spot. You're still one of them.

All Might said, trying to lighten the mood.

But Bakugo's face still tells All Might otherwise as Bakugo kept growling.

All Might (Inner Thoughts): Still scary!

All Might said in thoughts, afraid of Bakugo's scary look.

After that, he composed himself in his own way and presented Bakugo his Medal.

All Might: Please accept this Medal. Even if you have to think of it as a scar. Something you'll never forget.


All Might: Come on, now. struggles and tries to put the Silver Medal on Bakugo

Bakugo: tries to prevent All Might from putting that trash on me GET THAT TRASH OFF ME, YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!

All Might: There. manages to place the Medal on Bakugo

(y/n): .... that's a weird way to be placing a medal there....

You commented silently as you see Bakugo holding onto his medal by the jaws of his mouth.

All Might: Now last but not least, Young (l/n).

Hearing All Might walking to me with your Gold Medal, you stood still as you watched the Number One Hero stood tall in front of you.

All Might: Like I mentioned to Young Bakugo considering you said your own pledge. You are true to your word. I'm sure your Team in the Space Pendragon, where ever they are right now, are proud of you. And it was also noble of you to make a request for Ida to be part of our 3rd Place Winners.

(y/n): I felt it was fair.

All Might: Hmm?

(y/n): Ida was giving it his all because he looks up to his brother. He wants him to know that he wants to make him proud. That's why I requested this... because he showed promise and the example on what Heroes should be, and what Heroes are all about. That's why when I said I'll become the Top Bitch in the Sports Fesitval,.... i meant it... and I also carry my Team and my classmates with me so to winning this together with them. And.... I guess after experiencing these games, I've learnt something in this festival that no Reionics have learnt. Which is why I kept pressing forward to the end, with my friends and my Team.

You said.

All Might gesture a thumbs up at you.

All Might: What a noble and a Heroic thing to do and say, Young (l/n). Now, Please accept this Medal. Congradulations, my friend.

(y/n): Thank you for your kindness and generosity, sir.

You said, receiving the Medal around your neck.

After all the medals have been distributed out, All Might began to express his words to the crowd and to the competitors aka, students on the field.


All Might said.

The crowd began cheering for the winners.

All Might: But listen closely! Any of you first years could've end up standing on these podiums. Think about what you've done today. You've challenged each other, learn and climbed even closer toward your goals of becoming pros. I think the next generation of heroes has proven to be more promising one yet!!

All  Might said while pointing his index finger up in the air.


All Might/Crowd (At the Audience Stand): THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HARDWOOOORK!!!!!!!/PLUS ULTRAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All Might: Oh! Well... yeah! I guess bu- everyone did such a good job!

All Might said as the crowd kept jeering.

You giggled at what you're seeing and hearing. While everyone is jeering, an ominous laughter echoed all over the Stadium causing the crowd to stop jeering as they look around with confusion and fear, and for the Heroes to do the same. The students however, looked around while activating their quirks to find out who's laughing.

This ominous laugh continued to echo throughout the Stadium until a shadowy figure began to form as it could be seen walking towards the students and the media, for the media to broadcast this and for All Might to stand in front of the students, protecting them. After a moment of walking and laughing, the shadowy figure slowly showed itself while it stopped walking, revealing itself to be Alien Bat, but not just any ordinary Alien Bat, for you to smile as you recognize him.

(A/N: Alien Bat.)

All Might: Who are you? And what are you doing he-

(y/n): Been a long long time, Batto Seijin Gurashie!

You yelled.

Hearing this, your classmates including those on the Podiums look at you smiling while noticing you having a feeling that another battle is about to play out.

Todoroki: (y/n), you know this alien?

(y/n): Oh, I know plenty.

You said.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Hmm. Indeed, it has been.... a long long time.

Alien Bat Gurashie said, holding his Battlenizer in hand.

(A/N: Gurashie's Battlenizer.)

To be Continued....

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