Chapter 23: A confrontation with Gurashie

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While both you and Gurashie are seen having a brief stare down before talking to one another, the students, your classmates, the U.A. teachers and the pro heroes saw that something is going on between you and the alien as they began to enter the Arena, but to no avail as their path has been blocked by some kind of barrier blocking the way. 

The teachers, the students and your classmates however, donned their defense stances as they readied themselves for a fight against Alien Bat if it tries anything funny.

Alien Bat Gurashie: I see you have an army protecting you...

(y/n): Not army. Classmates, teachers and schoolmates. And them, too.

You said, snapping your fingers for numerous Police Officers to start running out, surrounding Gurashie as they had their guns pointed at him, to the students and teachers' surprise that the Police are here.

(y/n): So, Gurashie? What brings you here? Thought I told you to admit defeat, already?

Alien Bat Gurashie: I will not be defeated so easily, Earth Reionics! Like I mentioned to you before after you defeated me, twelve times.... this, was just the beginning!

(y/n): Dude! Last we fought you never stood a chance against my Eleking and Birdon! Though I have yet to use my primary kaiju but still, what makes you think you have a chance against me now?

Alien Bat Gurashie: Oh, but I do...

(y/n): If you have a kaiju strong enough, then.... I would like to see what its made off.

Alien Bat Gurashie: And that, you shall!!!

Gurashie said.

Then, he raised his Battlenizer in the air while fishing out a belt with three other Battlenizers on them, to your surprise as you thought Gurashie only had one.

(y/n): Those ar-

Alien Bat Gurashie: You think I only have one, Battlenizer? Well, unfortunately you're wrong! As I needed four to house all twelve kaijus and aliens I have, to carry out my Master Plan against a specific someone...

(y/n): Against someone?

Alien Bat Gurashie: GO, Robonez! Dogyuh! Izac!

Gurashie called forth.


The first Battlenizer activated.

As it activated, three cards appeared as they are seen flying around the device, with one slowly scanning themselves onto the Battlenizer one by one, unleashing a kaiju in the process before the crowd and those who are on the field, one by one.

(A/N: Robonez.)

Kaiju Name: Rat Monster Robonez 
Height: 35m
Weight: 25000t
Origin: Earth
Special Move/s: Poisonous Fangs
Attack: 2000 - 2500 - 4000
Defense: 3000
Speed: 5000

(A/N: Dogyuh.)

Kaiju Name: Taurus Monster Robonez
Height: 60m
Weight: 30000t
Origin: Taurus Constellation
Special Move/s: Super Strength
Attack: 5000
Defense: 5000
Speed: 5000

(A/N: Altes Tiger Monster Izac.)

Kaiju Name: Izac
Height: 59m
Weight: 27000t
Origin: Wormhole/Earth
Special Move/s: Flames
Attack: 7000
Defense: 8000
Speed: 8500

After unleashing his first three kaijus, Gurashie fished out another Battlenizer as he began summoning the next three kaijus, raising it in the air again.

Alien Bat Gurashie: GO, Lunatics! Deathdrago! Gargorgon!

Gurashie called forth his next three.


The second Battlenizer activated.

Then, the same process happened with the next three to reveal themselves before everyone, joining the first batch of three kaijus.

(A/N: Lunatics.)

Kaiju Name: Full Moon Chouju Lunatics
Height: 58m
Weight: 63000t
Origin: Moon → Hakone large spring valley
Special Move/s: High Heat Energy Accumilation (A/N: Something like Magma Draining or something. I tried translating it. Correct me if it's wrong, anyone and it'll be updated.)
Attack: 1000
Defense: 700
Speed: 700

(A/N: Deathdrago. Ensure it has two horns instead of one.)

Kaiju Name: Destructive Rampage Dragon Deathdrago
Height: 66m
Weight: 60000t
Origin: Earth
Special Move/s: Lightning Bolt
Attack: 1000/0
Defense: 800
Speed: 500

(A/N: Gargorgon.)

Kaiju Name: Petrification Evil Monster Gargorgon
Height: 55m
Weight: 55000t
Origin: Space
Special Move/s: Petrification Ray
Attack: 2000 (Lightning Attacks) - 3000 (Petrification Ray)
Defense: 990
Speed: 500

After unleashing his next three kaijus, Gurashie fished out a third Battlenizer as he raised and summoned the next three kaijus.

Alien Bat Gurashie: GO, Dodongo! Inculus! Alien Goron!

Gurashie called forth his next three.


The third Battlenizer activated.

The same process happened again with the next three to reveal themselves before everyone, joining the six kaijus.

(A/N: Dodongo.)

Kaiju Name: Mummy Monster Dodongo
Height: 30m
Weight: 25000t
Origin: Okutama Hills, Earth
Special Move/s: Electrical Beams
Attack: 2000
Defense: 500
Speed: 990

(A/N: Inculus.)

Kaiju Name: Illusory Magical Beast Inculus
Height: 56m
Weight: 52000t
Origin: Dream Dimension
Special Move/s: Energy Cage
Attack: 8800
Defense: 8500
Speed: 9000

(A/N: Alien Goron.)

Kaiju Name: Space Ape-Man Alien Goron
Height: 35m
Weight: 8000t
Origin: Planet Goron
Special Move/s: Brain Wave Beam
Attack: 7000 - 8000 (Brain Wave Beam)
Defense: 7500
Speed: 7000

After unleashing his other three kaijus, Gurashie fished out the last Battlenizer as he raised and summoned the last three kaijus for the last time.

Alien Bat Gurashie: GO, Kokakucho! Horoboros! Tabu Zagon!

Gurashie called forth his last three.


The fourth and last Battlenizer activated.

Then, the same and final process happened with the final three to reveal themselves before everyone, joining the batch of nine kaijus.

(A/N: Kokakucho.)

Kaiju Name: Misfortune Monster Kokakucho
Height: 62m
Weight: 52000t
Origin: Stratosphere of Mainland China
Special Move/s: Plasma Energy Sphere
Attack: 7000
Defense: 500< (If hit by an Anti-Plasma Weapon) - 8900
Speed: 7700

(A/N: Horoboros.)

Kaiju Name: Wild Fierce Monster Horoboros
Height: 56m
Weight: 44000t
Origin: Ayaka City, Earth
Special Move/s: Megante Crusher
Attack: 9000
Defense: 9000
Speed: 9000

(A/N: Tabu Zagon.)

Kaiju Name: Short-Tempered Monster Tabu Zagon
Height: 37m
Weight: 88000t
Origin: Planet Zagon
Special Move/s: Energy Rings
Attack: 999
Defense: 400
Speed: 90

After summoning his monsters before everyone, Gurashie unsheathed out his sword, raising it in the air as a purple streak of lightning struck the sword. Seeing this, you notice that Gurashie's sword is now fully charged with that purple streak of lightning's energy.

You then notice something wasn't right as you could tell you recognize some monsters you have beaten. Some were supposed to be dead, to your confusion.

(y/n): Something's wrong.... some of his recognisable kaijus are supposed to be dead....

Todoroki: What?

Tokoyami: Which ones?

(y/n): Specifically... they're Dodongo, Gargorgon, Izac, Tabo Zagon and Robonez.... how did he manage to bring them back....

Alien Bat Gurashie: Now, Earth Reionics!! Behold!!!!! MY NEW KAIJU THAT WILL DEFEAT YOU AND YOUR TWO KAIJUS!!!!!!!

Gurashie yelled.

Then, he swung his sword forward, for a huge lightning pulse of energy to strike all his twelve kaijus as they got hit while being somehow powered up by that energy that came from the sky above. After electrifying them, you notice that Gurashie's kaijus are being enveloped by a sphere made of energy and purple lightning as it shrank down into a small sphere, flying back towards Gurashie's primary Battlenizer as he packed back his extra three Battlenizers on his belt as he wrapped the Battlenizer-equipped belt around him.

Gurashie looked at his Battlenizer for a moment and then looks back at you after awhile as he raised his Battlenizer, once again, unleashing his new monster.

Alien Bat Gurashie: NOW GO!!!!!! COME FORTH, MY NEW KAIJU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gurashie called forth.


Gurashie's Primary Battlenizer activated.

As it activated, a card appeared as it is seen flying around the device while sparks can be seen emerging and flying all over where the card is flying, with it slowly scanning itself onto the Battlenizer. Once scanned and loaded, a new kaiju was unleashed before the crowd and those who are on the field, for them to see the new monster's true form as it roared loudly, causing the ground to shake.

(A/N: Daizain. Alien Goron's arms can revert to its chest mode and arm mode, Deathdrago's horns will be based on Deathdrago's large horns and extensions from the Ultraverse Trigger and Decker series, and this kaiju will have two of Gargorgon's tails, much like in the ultraverse series, not as shown above.)

Kaiju Name: Evil God Super Monster Daizain
Height: 45m
Weight: 85000t
Origin: U.A. Sports Festival Stadium, Earth (M.H.A.)
Special Move/s: Fusion Destroyer Beam
Attack: 10500
Defense: 100000
Speed: 15000


Gurashie introduced.

After he introduced his new monster to you and everyone, you began to hear the crowd standing and sitting still in fear as they began screaming out of fright. 

While listening to the amount of fear filling the Arena, you began to look at the new monster real carefully as to see that the new kaijus has Robonez's head, Dogyuh's horns, Izac's legs and mane, Lunatics's ears, Deathdrago's horns for armour, Gargorgon's tail, Dodongo's body, neck and wings, Inculus's eyes, Alien Goron's arms that can revert to arms or become the monster's chest at anytime, Kokakucho's head and lower jaw, Horoboros's hindlegs and Tabu Zagon's ear shields for its upper hindleg armour, and its back torso plus upper hindlegs itself, to your shock.

After inspecting the new kaiju aka, Daizain, you began to confront Gurashie again, questioning his motives and agenda.

(y/n): That's a powerful fusion kaiju you got there, Gurashie! But what do you get out of this???

Alien Bat Gurashie: Oh, it's simple really. Once I defeat you, I'll use you as ransom and bait for the one who took my relative down. And once I'm through with him.... you're next as I'll use this kaiju to completely end you!

Gurashie said.

When you heard this, you began to realize what he meant as you began to question his motive and agenda, understanding what is going on.

(y/n): Wait... So, you're telling me that all of this is so to get back at Zero after what he has done to you and your relative?! All of this, for a petty revenge story? Why can't you just find him yourself and be done with it instead of finding me?!

Alien Bat Gurashie: FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This isn't just simply revenge! This.... is.... RETRIBUTION!!!!!!!!!!!! After what Zero has done to my relative and myself! But luckily for me, I escaped from his dual attack which led me to find these four Battlenizers, discarded, which brought up a plan to make a powerful kaiju, POWERFUL ENOUGH to beat Zero.... 

(y/n): And that means those battles we've fought.... you.... you made use of me....

Alien Bat Gurashie: Correct, you are... I assume you know what my entire planet does after you encountered my relative's robot, Beatstar, so I will skip the details.

Gurashie said.

Todoroki: (y/n). What do you mean you know what his race does?

(y/n): Yes, Todoroki. I know what his kind can do. His entire Planet of Alien Bats tend to experiment a lot of things. His relative.... took things a little bit too far when he first created a robot and a gigantic sphere that destroyed countless of planets and universes while forming an invasion force, and wiped the planet off life.... well.... almost every life on Earth back in my World. We saved it, and life returned to the Earth... but Gurashie here, heard of his relative's demise.... and decided to take revenge on one of my allies for destroying the Earth... Trust me... you don't know half of it.... this is merely a long story short of it.

Todoroki: What?! He annihilated the entire population in your World and wanted to conquer it?!

(y/n): yeah...

Todoroki: Tokoyami... let's go. Bakugo is still shackled up so it is up to us now.

Bakugo: I HEARD THAT, ICY-HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tokoyami: Right! Dark Sha-

(y/n): No!

Todoroki & Tokoyami: Huh?

(y/n): This is my fight.... Perhaps.... it is time I educate everyone how a Reionics Fight is done.

You said as you made your way down to the field.

After making your way down, you began to slowly walk across the field as you overtook All Might, Cementoss and Midnight, standing in front of your teachers, classmates and schoolmates. Then, you look back at Cementoss.

(y/n): Cementoss.

Cementoss: Hmm?

(y/n): Get a huge Arena ready. Make sure it's bigger than the Tournament's Arena. This is a fight that only I can do. looks at All Might and Midnight Please understand this.... Gurashie is not going to rest until he gets what he wants and who knows.... he'll hurt these people around us if I don't do this now.

You said and requested.

The three teachers took a moment to look at each other as they began whispering. After awhile, they stopped as they look at you.

Midnight: Are you sure you can take him and his monster?

(y/n): I'm positive. I just need to get to my NEO Battlenizer and Giga-Battlenizer in the 1-A-designated Locker Room, and I'll be good to face him. If anything goes wrong, I trust you teachers and pros can assist me.

All Might: Then we'll stall while you get them.

(y/n): Thanks. I'll be back in a minute.

Teachers: nods

And with that, Cementoss began to walk afar as he began to create a huge Arena beneath everyone's feet, those who are on the field whilenyou called forth Grigio-Bone's speed capabilities as he dashed inside the stadium and into the locker room, for Gurashie to notice this.

Alien Bat Gurashie: HEY!!!! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!?!?!?!?

All Might: Sorry, Alien.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Huh?!?!

All Might: Gurashie, was it? If you're going after one of my students, you'll have to go through me and some of us, first.

Alien Bat Gurashie: This fight doesn't concern you!

Midnight: Oh it does. As he's one of us!


All Might: We don't! But after hearing his story, we decided to bring him in as one of our own, knowing that he deserves a chance.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Well now... since you're standing in my way, then I would have the pleasure in taking you down first. raises Battlenizer Daizain! Squash those people, if you please!!!

Gurashie said.

As commanded, the kaiju roared as it charged towards the crowd on the field in the attempts to run over the students and teachers while the media watched, only for All Might to do a Smash beneath its feet. Both Daizain and All Might clashed for a moment while Cementoss can be seen preparing an Arena and for Midnight to usher the students to keep their distance. While clashing, All Might was beginning to gain the upper hand when a powerful force swept Daizain's foot out of the way for the it to fall onto its side, to All Might's relief.

Then, the powerful force soon came to a stop in front of All Might, revealing to be you as you could be seen utilizing the NEO Battlenizer and the Giga-Battlenizer, for All Might to feel glad that you arrived.

(y/n): I'm back, All Might. Thanks for keeping him busy for a minute... even if it is just a moment.

All Might: That's not a problem, Young (l/n). And here I thought you'd chicken out.

(y/n): Oh please... smirks I would never chicken out from a Reionics Fight.

You said.

Then, you turn back to see your schoolmates and your own classmates from Class 1-A.

(y/n): Hey, classmates! Uraraka! Deku! I know you said you want to learn what I do back in my World when it comes to Reionics Battles.... Well, prepare to be educated! Grab a seat! looks at All Might, Midnight and Cementoss Teachers! Bring the students back onto the Audience Stand! You should go, too! As things are about to be messy here!

You said.

All Might, Midnight and Cementoss were hesitant at first, but they soon nod knowing that this is a fight best suited only for someone with more experience, and that was you, for them to usher the students away and back onto the audience stand.

Seeing that everyone and the media are beginning to clear out as they distance themselves by going to the upper floors of the stadium to get a better view, you raised up your NEO Battlenizer as you began to announce that you'll be presentating what a Reionics Battle is all about.


You yelled.

Then, the crowd looked in shock as they see that the U.A. Sports Festival Winner is about to go head to head with an alien.

Spectator 1: Is Cerebro going to do that?!

Spectator 2: How is he going to fight against that?!

Spectator 3: Well, things are going to get a lot interesting and a lot crazier down there....

Spectator 4: Hope he'll be alright after that Final Battle from the Sports Festival.

The spectators from the crowd began discussing amongst themselves about you out of curiosity as the rest of the crowd followed suit while the others began to cheer you on to win this, however you're going to win this, that is, to what the crowd is thinking.

Alien Bat Gurashie: I see the crowd of humans look up to you, as to what that guy said! But it will do you not once I make use of you, once again.... as BAIT for Zero!!!

(y/n): That will not happen, Gurashie.... and that "GUY" has a name, and it's All Might.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Tch!!! And I notice you have the Giga-Battlenizer in possession! I thought it was destroyed?!

(y/n): Well, it came to me so in a way, it is a new Giga-Battlenizer.

You said.

Alien Bat Gurashie: I see.... then I shall have it as a Trophy, once I kill Zero and you off.... starting with Zero, first.

(y/n): That will NOT happen, Gurashie....

Alien Bat Gurashie: Then, On Guard your Monster and show me what you've got... knowing that I'll beat you pathetic Birdon and Eleking straight!

Gurashie said.

Hearing this, you smirked at Gurashie.

(y/n): Birdon? Eleking? Who says I'm gonna use them?

Alien Bat Gurashie: Huh?!

(y/n): You called forth a fusion kaiju best suited to destroy Zero and me. So, I got something special for him!

You said.

Then, you pointed your NEO Battlenizer out in front of you as you began to call out for your kaiju.

To be Continued....

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