Chapter 24: Reionics Battle for U.A. High

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Then, you pointed your NEO Battlenizer out in front of you as you began to call out for your kaiju.

(y/n): Let's go!!!!! ZEPPAN!!!!!!!

You called forth.


Your NEO Battlenizer activated.

As it activated, a card appeared as it is seen flying around the device. Then, it flew towards the Battlenizer as it slowly scanned itself onto and through the Battlenizer, unleashing your personal kaiju in the process before the crowd who's currently watching this happening. After your kaiju is unleashed, it landed at your side of the Arena as it roared.

Alien Bat Gurashie: WHAT?!?! Maga Zeppandon?! That's your first Kaiju?!?! I-Impo- That's Impossible!!

Gurashie exclaimed.

You smirked at Gurashie when you sensed fear in his exclamation.

(A/N: Maga Zeppandon. The Zetton component on Maga Zeppandon will be based on Maga Zetton's colour scheme with all its yellow to be a Maga Crystal (Head Crystal) and blue (Chest parts), Pandon's component on Maga Zeppandon will be based on Maga Pandon's colour scheme, Pandon's spike feathers on Maga Zeppandon will be spikier and more Magma-like than its original counterpart to give it the Maga Pandon vibes, Maga Zeppandon's horns and shoulder horn spikes will be a bit longer and spikier, and Maga Zeppandon's eyes will be purplish blue instead of simply blue.)

Kaiju Name: Light and Fire Fusion Lord Monster Maga Zeppandon
Height: 70m
Weight: 50000t
Origin: Somewhere on one of the Dark Locations at Planet Boris
Special Move/s: Maga Final Demolition
Attack: 20000 - 200000 (When boosted up by Reionics Boost)
Defense: 25000 - 200000 
(When boosted up by Reionics Boost)
Speed: 6000 - 200000 
(When boosted up by Reionics Boost)

At the Audience Stand, Deku saw this as his eyes began to widen with amazement over your monster.

Deku: So that's Maga Zeppandon?!

Uraraka: Deku, you know this monster?

Deku: Yeah. (y/n) gave me some insights about him. That's (y/n)'s first monster he caught. And he's been winning battles with him.

Ojiro: So that means he's going to win this fight, right?

Deku: It all depends... fishes out my Hero Notebook about (y/n)'s Monsters since (y/n)'s monster is facing a monster made out of twelve monsters, this fight can go either way...

Tokoyami: Then that means points at Daizain we have to find each of that fusion monster's monsters' weakness so to give (y/n) a better advantage.

Deku: Exactly.... let's hope we can yell to help him tip that balance of power during his fight.... starts flipping pages

Deku and his classmates began looking at Deku's Hero Notebook as he began looking for kaijus that comprises Daizain.

Meanwhile at the Arena, you looked up at Cementoss as you nod at him, thanking him for conjuring up a large Arena for this fight to happen, for Cementoss to nod back.

(y/n): Cementoss. I owe you one for this... looks at Gurashie Alright, Gurashie! Same rules! Since the crowd is involved, you leave them be, they say what they want to say, got that?

Alien Bat Gurashie: Tch! Fine! Their support will still do you not to win this fight!

(y/n): Heh! Count on it! Now, onto the Arena so we may begin.

You said.

Gurashie growled as he and his kaiju walked onto his side of the Arena before the fight began. Once Gurashie and Daizain stood on his side, both combatants and kaijus glared at each other for a moment before the fight began.

After a brief stare down, your Reionics Battle against Gurashie began as Gurashie raised his Battlenizer, pointing it at you, for you to do the same back at Gurashie.

Gurashie: Attack it! Daizain!

(y/n): Let the Reionics Battle for U.A. High begin!!! Let's Rock 'n' Roll, Zeppan!!

You both commanded your individual monsters.

Then, as commanded, Maga Zeppandon and Daizain roared at each other while they began advancing towards each other. Once they got closer, both monsters began clashing with Maga Zeppandon to grab Daizain by the sides of its upper torso as it began to use its claws to scratch and slash the opponent kaiju, for Daizain to jump and rear upwards as it used Izac's legs to claw your kaiju, causing it to get scratched by the arms which also caused you and Gurashie to wince in pain at his chest area (Gurashie) and his arms (You aka, y/n).

Once Daizain landed back on its fours after scratching your kaiju with its claw-like Izac feet, it attempted to kick your kaiju backwards, but to no avail as your kaiju didn't move an inch, for Maga Zeppandon to retaliate back by using the left side of its body to strongly slam into the opponent kaiju, for it to stagger backwards, causing Gurashie to feel that. Seeing it, your kaiju took a few steps back to keep its distance from Daizain.

Alien Bat Gurashie: well.... you've trained your kaiju well.... not bad, Human Reionics... but it will do you not when I use each of the twelve kaijus attacks against you...

(y/n): Well.... I like to see you try.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Very well! Prepare to meet your end! Daizain! Use your Plasma Energy Sphere against him!

Gurashie commanded.

Then, Daizain's Goron arm-like chest began to glow for it to unleash its arms, revealing its chest combined with Deathdrago and Alien Goron's upper body. Stretching its Goron arms out, Daizain slowly moved its arms forward for a similar streak of lightning to form at its hands while the streak slowly conjured an energy sphere at the center. Once the Sphere has been conjured, it moved its arms back to a 'T' formation and moving them back forward swiftly, to launch the Energy Sphere at your kaiju.

Seeing the sphere coming at your kaiju,-

(y/n): ZEPPAN!!! Don't let its Plasma Energy Sphere touch you!!

You yelled.

-Maga Zeppandon heard the command as it summoned two blue energy shields overlapping each other from its ears, blocking Daizain's sphere attack as the sphere exploded upon contact with your kaiju's shields. Seeing Daizain's attack has been blocked, Gurashie growled to himself as he commanded it to use another attack.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Use Deathdrago's lightning bolts from your Deathdrago horns and electric beams from Dodongo's eyes!!

Daizain roared as it launched a barrage of streaks of lightning directly at Maga Zeppandon, for you to-

(y/n): ZEPPAN!!!! Charge your lightning ray from your mouth! Don't fire it! Just let it charge in your mouth! When it reaches you, absorb it by using rebound in your mouth!!!

- charge its Lightning Ray for a moment while its ears glowed blue. Then, as Daizain's streaks of lightning came closer, your kaiju immediately opened it mouth, for the streaks to get absorbed into Maga Zeppandon's mouth, to Gurashie's shock.

After awhile of absorbing Daizain's lightning attacks, Daizain's attack stopped, giving Maga Zeppandon the opportunity to return the attacks back at its opponent kaiju by firing its own lightning ray at it, blasting Daizain's lightning attacks with it, striking the kaiju causing Gurashie to wince as certain parts of his kaiju's body got struck by the attack in which Gurashie can feel that blow on his own body, too.

Alien Bat Gurashie: You'll pay for that... Hit him with everything you have!!!

(y/n): Fight on with everything you have, Zeppan!

You both commanded.

Both Daizain and Maga Zeppandon roared in unison as they began to charge towards each other and fought as soon as they got closer to each other during the charge. When another fight began, the audience, you and Gurashie began to witness as both your kaijus are now duking it out. While watching them duking each other out as they delivered punch after punch, scratch after scratch, kick after kick and tail swipe after tail swipe, you began to see Maga Zeppandon Jackhammering Daizain, causing debris from the ground to start flying for a boulder from part of the debris to be seen falling towards you.

Seeing this, you jumped high up in the air backwards till you land in between the audience in the audience stand. Once seeing that all the debris has been grounded after awhile, you jumped back onto the Arena as you resumed the fight. While you kept fighting with your kaiju, you see that Daizain is trying to sink its teeth into your kaiju, only for Maga Zeppandon to dodge its bite. But when your kaiju is in a corner, Daizain took an opportunity to sink its teeth into your kaiju, for Maga Zeppandon to grab its opponent's kaiju. Then, you hear Deku's voice calling out.

Deku (From the Audience Stand): (y/n)!!!!

(y/n): looks at Deku from a distance huh?

Deku (From the Audeince Stand): Don't let him bite you!!!! It's fangs are still poisonous!!!

(y/n): looks back at the Battle So,.... that's why Daizain constantly wants to bite, huh?! Well.... oughta thank Deku for writing those down! looks at Zeppan ZEPPAN!!!! DON'T LET'IM BITE YOU!!! LIKE THE BACK THEN WITH DIPLAS!!!!! RIP ITS FANGS OUT FROM ITS MOUTH!

Hearing its command, your kaiju with all its strength pushed Daizain back as it grabbed hold of Daizain's Robonez's fangs, ripping them out for sparks and venom to protrude out from its teeth sockets, for it to shriek in pain.

Alien Bat Gurashie: NOOO!!!!!! Without its fangs, it won't be able to make him vulnerable!!!

Gurashie said.

You smirked as you commanded your kaiju to keep fighting as your kaiju dropped the fangs as it began to charged towards Daizain, landing a punch across its face, only for it to use Alien Goron's arms to block the punch and strike a powerful jab into your kaiju, for you to feel that in your stomach. After that attack, Daizain began to launch a barrage of Eye Bombs at your kaiju from its many eyes it has, for your kaiju to stagger backwards while you began to feel the same pain your kaiju is feeling while staggering back, causing you to go one knee for a moment, then standing back up as you and your kaiju fought on.

While you were fighting alongside your kaiju, your classmates watched with confusion as they tried to figure out why you were also experiencing the same pain as your kaiju's.

Jirou: Hey, does anyone know why (y/n) is experiencing the same pain as his monster? Or is this something new?

Deku: I'm not entirely sure, really....

Kirishima: Maybe it has something to do with that device in his hand?

Tokoyami: Maybe, and it is another thing, too.

Uraraka: Oh?

Tokoyami: It's something like Voodoo but, in an advance state. This however, is happening because his monster and him are binded by a curse from within the device that he said he stopped. If his monsters get hurt, the user like (y/n) for instant will feel its pain.

Ojiro: then if a monster dies then....

Tokoyami: Yes, the user dies, as well.... if it were true....

Tokoyami explained.

Your classmates began to worry after hearing what Tokoyami explained as the battle still raged on with your kaiju and Gurashie's kaiju to be inflicted with pain due to their individual kaijus being inflicted with scars and damage by them launching powerful attacks upon each other.

After awhile of fighting, both combatants and monsters are seen staring at each other with scars and slash marks visible all over each individual monsters' body.

Alien Bat Gurashie: What's the matter? Too weak to carry on?!

(y/n): No. I'm just warming up to you.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Hmph! Then it is fortunate you're still alive after that beat up...

(y/n): Could say the same for you. For a relative of that science guy, you're something to scheme a plan just like that.

Alien Bat Gurashie: It took me years to plan this after my defeat with Zero! But now that we're fighting, I think it is time we end this now! FINISH IT, DAIZAIN!!!! WITH THE MOST POWERFUL BEAM YOU HAVE!!!!

Gurashie commands.

Hearing this, you and your monster watched as Daizain opened its mouth wide for an energy sphere to form, slowly growing bigger at each passing second. Maga Zeppandon don its defense stance as it prepared itself to conjure a strong shield when its opponent launches it directly to it.

(y/n): Zeppan! Hold your position.... back up's on its way.

You said.

Your kaiju growled as a reply.

Once fully charged, Daizain launched a huge beam (Fusion Destroyer Beam) as it launched straight for your monster, to your classmates' worry. When the beam is about to get close to your kaiju, you immediately raised your NEO Battlenizer again.


You called forth.


Your NEO Battlenizer activated.

As it activated, a card appeared as it is seen flying around the device. Then, it flew towards the Battlenizer as it slowly scanned itself onto and through the Battlenizer, unleashing another kaiju in the process as it landed in front of Maga Zeppandon and roared.

(A/N: Erimaki Telesdon.)

Kaiju Name: Enhanced Subterranean Monster Erimaki-Telesdon
Height: 60m
Weight: 125000t
Origin: Somewhere on Planet Hammer
Special Move/s: Maga Final Demolition
Attack: 5000 - 8000 (Will be lowered when its Frills are ripped off)
Defense: 8000 - 8500 
(Matched with kaiju and/or ultra with powerful strength & Stats will be lowered when its Frills are ripped off)
Speed: 6000 - 8000 
(Will be lowered when its Frills are ripped off)

Alien Bat Gurashie: WHAT?!?!?!

Then, seeing the beam heading its way, Erimaki-Telesdon used its frills to activate a barrier as Daizain's beam halted in front of it, turning into a sphere in front of the enhanced telesdon as it hurled Daizain's attack back at the latter, striking the kaiju at the mouth, neck and the ground, for Gurashie to wince for a moment as he felt his mouth being fried for a brief moment.

After redirecting the attack back at the opponent's kaiju, Erimaki-Telesdon walked aside and backwards, allowing Maga Zeppandon to take the lead.

(y/n): Excellent job on the defense, Erimaki-Telesdon. Zeppan, take over.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Damn you...

(y/n): Eeeh?!

Alien Bat Gurashie: How.... How did you acquire that monster?! Last I heard, this monster is only created when someone threw a Jirass Medal into Telesdon's mouth!! How did you even have this kaiju in the first place?!?!

Gurashie questions.

Even Deku was wondering himself on how he acquired it.

Deku: Gurashie's right....

Uraraka: Huh?

Deku: That kaiju is enhanced by an alien who threw a kaiju medal inside of Telesdon, specifically Jirass Medal according to (y/n)...

Mina: So that means having one now is oughta be the most rarest ones yet?

Deku: yeah... so how...???

As your classmates discussed, you began to explain.

(y/n): Oh, good that you ask. You see, there were locations on Hammer that my Team haven't explored, but I did. And at some point in time, during one of my explorations, I notice a specific small Monster Fight, not Reionics Fight against Telesdon and Jirass. Kinda nosey, right? But anyway, I watched the fight until Telesdon was deemed the winner of this battle. After that fight, I notice Telesdon was eating the carcass of Jirass which caused it to enhance itself, thus turning into Erimaki-Telesdon. And in case you ask since you mentioned it, no it's made by its hands and medal. In case you weren't observant, it also has Jirass's many dorsal fins at its back, with its spin to be Telesdon's own dorsal fin to be at the center. And if you were observant enough, you can also tell that Telesdon's tail is a bit longer than usual, its feet and claw nails, as well as its teeth and frill spikes are now sharp, and as shiny as pearls. So, you can say, this Erimaki-Telesdon I have in possession is something that "THIS" alien doesn't have, in terms of appearance of its entire body structure, battle experience and its rarity, you see.

You explained.

Hearing this, Gurashie was seen shocked at this revelation as to hear that you somehow caught it after Telesdon evolved into Erimaki-Telesdon by it consuming Jirass after its victory.

Alien Bat Gurashie: You and your lucky finds.... Alien Babarue is right about you... you and that other Human Reionics are a Power Combo.... with him being the Ace at your corner, and for you to be the Lucky one at his corner.

(y/n): Well, how accurate you are, Gurashie.

Alien Bat Gurashie: growls DAIZAIN!!!!!!! DESTROY HIS MONS-

Just as Gurashie was about to finish, a roar can be heard around the Stadium, for Gurashie to look at the direction of where the roar came from, to see that something white and wooly swooping down towards his kaiju, to his surprise.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Huh?! Wha- WHOA!!!!!! DAIZAIN, LOOKOUT!!!!!!!!!

Gurashie yelled.

Daizain looked at Gurashie's direction, only for it to notice it too late as the white wooly monster immediately and swiftly rammed the kaiju to the ground while landing as it soared downwards, causing Gurashie to fall onto the ground as well due to the impact Daizain was inflicted while experiencing a very sharp pain at his side.

After ramming Daizain onto the ground, the crowd looked in shock as to see that a monster somehow entered the Arena while the stadium was sealed off by Gurashie's barrier, to their shock. Seeing this, you too looked in shock as you knew this kaiju from somewhere, for you to notice that the wooly kaiju walking towards you while emitting out cold air from its body.

(A/N: Margodon.)

Kaiju Name: Freezing Monster Margodon
Height: 80m
Weight: 40000t
Origin: Outskirts in the Colder Regions on Planet Boris
Special Move/s: Ice Mist
Attack: 9900/0 (To include in the Ice Mist Attack)
Defense: 0 (If it were to be hit by freezing gas and shattered with enough force) - 6000
Speed: 400

Stopping in front of you, it blew a cold mist out of its long nose while showing off its long tusks, for you to giggle at it.

(y/n): Why, what long tusks you got, Marge. Longer than the last I saw you in Boris.

You said.

Overhearing this, Gurashie looked in shock at this.

Alien Bat Gurashie: You.... You know this Margodon?!

Gurashie ask.

The Margodon looks back as it growled, for you to look at Gurashie.

(y/n): Yes! I know this big girl here. I knew her as a little calf Margodon who got lost from her herd. Lots of monsters came after it, so I had to intervene. Long story short of it, I raised the poor girl until I managed to reunite her with her herd so I released her once her herd was found and she was grown enough to fend for herself with the herd.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Then what's it doing here?!?!

(y/n): Hmmm... maybe her herd must have migrated before Boris's destruction and after my Team evacuated the Planet. And it would appear after migrating, she took it to herself to find me and here we are. And, it would also appear she is a rare kind of Margodon, too as you can tell her long tusks and it would seem that she's taller.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Now this is making me want to hurt you and lure Zero and the other Ultras even more!

(y/n): We'll see. As with a new kaiju I'm using and a brief reunion with a lost Mammoth Monster, I would love to see you try.

Alien Bat Gurashie: DAIZAIN!!!! GO!!!!

Daizain roared as it ran towards your kaijus.


Maga Zeppandon charged in as well, with Erimaki-Telesdon to launch numerous of Depth Splitting Heat Ray Waves from its spikes on its frills to Daizain.

While their advancement, you look at Margodon as you have a plan in mind.

(y/n): Margodon. Freeze its horns. We need to make sure it doesn't use its horns to ram and blast lightning bolts at us.

You said.

Upon hearing your command, Margodon soon charged forward while Zeppandon can be seen engating Daizain in combat with Erimaki-Telesdon firing beams from its frill spikes at the opponent kaiju, keeping it busy as Maga Zeppandon struck Daizain away while turning its attention to Erimaki-Telesdon. While being kept busy, Margodon can be seen behind Daizain as it used its trunk to blast an extremely cold mist at it, freezing its upper and lower torso, for the opponent kaiju to notice as it turned around while struggling to move as its body is almost frozen.

Seeing an opportunity,-

(y/n): ZEPPAN!!! It's body's almost frozen! Which means its horns are also frozen! So that means you know what to do!

- Zeppandon heard the command as it roared, then rushed in towards Daizain while it was preoccupied in dealing with your Margodon, but to no avail as your kaiju used its tusk to ram it away, causing Daizain to stagger backwards. As soon as Daizain was in sight and Maga Zeppandon's way, Maga Zeppandon used its big sharp talon claws, swiping Daizain's DeathDrago's horns, causing them to be swiped off as they shatter into pieces upon landing on the ground.

Daizain roared in pain feeling its horns are cleaved after that freeze mist, for Gurashie to yell in anguish.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Another one gone!!! THAT'S IT!!!! Keep fighting, Daizain!

Gurashie commanded.

Daizain roared as it rushed into Margodon and Erimaki-Telesdon, ramming them into the ground, for you to feel their pain when you noticed that its top horns from Dogyuh was shattering slowly due to those two hard rams, for you to spark an idea which causes you to feel even more pain, but in your mind, you knew it's got to work.

(y/n): Hey, Gurashie!!!!

Alien Bat Gurashie: WHAT?!?!?!

(y/n): You had an ice kaiju before! What's the difference between a Snowmen and Snowwomen?!?!

Alien Bat Gurashie: I don't know!!!

(y/n): smirks  ' "No" Balls '.

I answered.

Alien Bat Gurashie: growls I'll finish this.... DAIZAIN!!!!!! RAM MAGA ZEPPANDON, TOO!!!!!

Gurashie said and commanded.

Daizain roared loudly as it charged towards your kaiju.

(y/n): Zeppan! Let him ram you! Just be strong! 

You said.

Maga Zeppandon nods as it stood still, for your classmates to watch in worry.

Jirou: What is he doing?!

Mina: calling out to (y/n) Come on, (y/n)! You gotta beat this guy!!!

Uraraka: He's gonna get himself hurt and killed out there!

Tokoyami: Maybe not...

Uraraka: Huh? E-Explain?

Tokoyami: Look at Daizain's horns on its head. 

Tokoyami said.

Uraraka, Jirou and the class observed carefully until they noticed cracks on its horns.

Uraraka: They're-

Tokoyami: Yeah. They're cracked.

Deku: Of course! Then that means,... (y/n) had a plan all along! He had his personal kaiju and Erimaki-Telesdon to keep Daizain busy, as bait. This whole time.

Todoroki: In order for that elephant to use its trunk to freeeze its body,.... freezing its horns, as well.

Tokoyami: nods (y/n) is doing this despite the risks I mentioned,.... to win this fight.

Mineta: This is some hardcore scheme (y/n) has plotted...

Uraraka: (y/n)! Go for its horns!!!!

Your classmates discussed and uraraka said.

Then, it happened when Daizain did a powerful charge at Maga Zeppandon, ramming it into the walls of the stadium, for you to feel a strong sharp pain as you knelt down as you wrapped your stomach hard with your arms while you heard Gurashie laughing, thinking he has won.

Alien Bat Gurashie: What do you think of that?!?! Think my kaiju is weak despite you ridding two of its powers?!?! WELL NOT ANYMORE!!!! NOW, YOU SEE MY KAIJU IS ALL POWERFUL!!!! AND NOW, IT'S GOING TO END YOU RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!!!! DAIZAIN!!!! FUSION DESTROYER BEAM!!!!

Gurashie commanded.

Just as Daizain was about to pull out from its ramming position, your kaiju's arms shot out as it grabbed its opponent kaiju by the head, to Gurashie's shock and confusion.

Alien Bat Gurashie: Huh?! W-What?!

Then, he heard laughter coming from you as you slowly got up, for him to see that you're fine.

(y/n): Your kaiju? All powerful?! Well, you have a point. Your fusion kaiju is really powerful.... but you missed something.

Alien Bat Gurashie: And what's that?!?!

(y/n): Look at its head.

You said.

Gurashie looked at his kaiju's head with confusion, when he saw it all. His eyes widened in shock to see that Daizain's horns on his head were destroyed, as well.

Alien Bat Gurashie: It's horns!!!! When did y-

(y/n): Marge didn't only freeze Daizain to keep it busy or wear it down, it was also freezing its horns so that when it uses its ramming attack against my kaijus, they will simply break and will eventually fall off, with Zeppan and Erimaki-Telesdon to be bait to keep Daizain busy. It was a gamble for my life but.... it was worth it.

Alien Bat Gurashie: So.... this was all a plan all the long?!

(y/n): Yes, and no! Why so, it's because you have to understand something, Gurashie. Even the strongest of kaijus or aliens, one will either win or lose, and one will also have their flaws like your kaiju for example. Your kaiju is powerful, yes! However, it also have flaws to be exploited, with three already have been discovered on your kaiju. So, Gurashie... if you wanted to take me head on, you should have thought about the flaws your kaiju has before taking me on.

You explained further.

While Gurashie looked in shock at you, your Margodon and Erimaki-Telesdon slowly got up as they readied themselves to fight, once more.

Alien Bat Gurashie: no.... No.... NO! DAIZAIN!!!! RE-



You commanded and Deku said out loud to you.

Hearing this, Margodon charged in while Erimaki-Telesdon can be seein jumping forwards as it drilled downwards. Maga Zeppandon roared while lifting Daizain up by its head, smacking it hard, causing the opponent kaiju to fall to the ground. While it was down, Maga Zeppandon went on top of it as it delivered several punches and double punches for smashes. After that, it went off Daizain as it elbow dropped it, for Gurashie to feel that, a lot.

After the bashing, Maga Zeppandon pulled Daizain up, only for Daizain to unleash its Goron arms, delivering a powerful punch in its opponent kaiju's face, causing your kaiju to stagger back while using its spikey tail to tail whip Daizain, delivering a hard blow on Daizain's side and arm, for Daizain to stagger back, as well. While staggering back, Margodon was coming in real fast as it rammed directly at Daizain right at Izac's legs, crippling Daizain for a moment, giving an opportunity for Erimaki-Telesdon to emerge from the ground as it can be seen spinning towards the cripplied Daizain as it spun pass it, striking Daizain at the Horoboros and Tabu Zagon components, for Daizain to shriek from it.

Alien Bat Gurashie: What.... is happening... my plan.... it's meant to be flawless!!!!

Gurashie said.

Daizain slowly recovered from being crippled as it fired several energy rings at the spinning Erimaki-Telesdon, only for them to follow the flow as Erimaki-Telesdon rammed into Daizain while returning the Energy Rings back, huritng the fusion kaiju even more. Then, Maga Zeppandon did a forward roll, not before teleporting in front of Daizain as its forward roll gave Maga Zeppandon the opportunity to tail whip Daizain by the head, striking the kaiju, for Gurashie to feel a bad headache at his head.

Gurashie roared loudly, having enough of this, for Daizain to raise its Gargorgon tails, opening its mouth as it launched a pair of beams from Hakokucho's pair of eyes directly at your kaijus.

(y/n): Zeppan!!! Maga Thunderclap!

You commanded.

Maga Zeppandon opened its mouth, launching a large beam-combined lightning ray for both beams to collide with each other. During the clash and collision, you and Gurashie watched as both beams are displaying each individual feat of power while overpowering each other. Then, Maga Zeppandon began to slowly focus on its power as its beam began to overpower Daizain's Petrification Beams. When Maga Zeppandon's beam got close and into Daizain's mouth, its beam caused Daizan's mouth and Hakokucho's eyes to take damage, to Gurashie's surprise.

Seeing this, Maga Zeppandon charged towards Daizain as it rammed into it, causing Daizain to stagger backwards. Then, your kaiju grabbed Daizain, for the latter to do the same as your kaiju hurled the opponent kaiju to its right, for Margodon to ram Daizain, for Daizain to get struck at it fell before Gurashie. After that ram, Maga Zeppandon grabbed Daizain by its tails as it swung it over its head and down onto your side of the Arena, for Gurashie to feel it as he fell onto the ground.

Upon seeing Daizain down for a moment, you hear the crowd cheering for you as they began to roar loudly for you, knowing that you're winning for a moment there. Then, you raised your NEO Battlenizer while smiling, for your kaijus and Margodon to charge up their signiture attacks, for Gurashie to watch helplessly and weakly as its kaiju is about to fall.

Deku: (y/n)'s gonna win!!! 

Mina: Yeah!!! YOU GOT THIS, (y/n)!!

Mina yelled.

You watched as your kaijus are about to fire their signiture attacks at the weakened Daizain, making you look at the weakened Gurashie, for you to lowered your Battlenizer as you raised your hand at your kaijus.

(y/n): Zeppan! Erimaki-Telesdon! Marge! That's enough!

You commanded.

This caused yoyur kaijus to stop charging their attacks as they relaxed themselves, much to the crowd's confusion and Gurashie's shock that you stopped, knowing that you have that opportunity but you didn't take it. You looked at your kaijus more as you talked to them.

(y/n): This battle is over. Gurashie and Daizain knows that if they keep going, they'll end up like Reiblood's victims.... if they know about this, that is. So, we won this fight. And I want to spare him.... it's best to spare someone, rather than shed more blood like back then in Hammer...

You said.

Your monsters gently growled while slowly nodding at what you said. Then, you raised your Battlenizer up, for your kaijus except Margodon to return back inside. Once back in, you look at Margodon.

(y/n): We'll have a nice chat once this is done.

You said.

Margodon nods as it took off flying out of the stadium. Seeing it fly off, the crowd began to cheer for you once more for winning against an alien.

While watching Margodon flying out of the stadium and the crowd cheering for you, Gurashie struggled as he raised his Battlenizer for Daizain to return into its Battlenizer to get healed. Then, he slowly got up as he is still recuperating from his inner wounds, walking to you as he began to speak, for the crowd to stop as they began to worry, making you to see and notice him coming at you and stopping before you.

Alien Bat Gurashie: why..... WHHHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?! Why didn't you finish me off like last time....???

(y/n): Like what Rei said to his rival which I can say to you, as well.... I don't want to spill anymore blood for the sake of Reiblood, or my former Master. I spared you out of sympathy as I know you and Daizain couldn't continue. You want revenge on Zero, it's fine.... but just don't drag me into this. What happened to your relative, has nothing to do with me.

You said.

Then, you notice a group of pro heroes and police officers surround Gurashie as they have their arms aimed at him and the pros are ready to strike if Gurashie does anything funny. While surrounding him, you see Mr. Aizawa aka, Eraserhead and Present Mic standing before you as they protect you from Gurashie.

Present Mic: You alright, kid? That's some killer moves and monster wizardry you did here just now.

(y/n): Yeah, I'm fine. And thanks.

Eraserhead: Don't worry and don't bother. In fact, we didn't intervened because we were told by Nezu not to do so, as he said that he knows that you can handle yourself just fine against him.

(y/n): Oh? That explains no one intervening. Well, then. Send Mr. Nezu my thanks.

Eraserhead: Well.... about that, he wants to have a word with you after you return to class and my debrief.... and after his petting zoo spree with your Mammoth.

(y/n): oh....

You said, flustered knowing that Nezu is probably having fun with Marge.

Police Officer: Alien Bat Gurashie as we heard from the Sports Festival Winner, (y/n). You're under arrest! Surrender peacefully and you'll be treated properly with no force!

Alien Bat Gurashie: I'll be back, (y/n).... and when I do, I'll turn Daizain even more powerful than before! points at (y/n) YOU CAN'T KEEP THE ALIENS OUT OF YOUR REACH, THE DEMOCRATES OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE, OR PROTECT YOUR PUNY HUMANS AND FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! WHEN WE GET IN, WE'LL COME FOR ALL OF YOU, WITH ALL MY ALIEN AND MONSTER BUDDIES!!!!!!

Gurashie said, laughing maniacally as he teleported out by a purple beam of light, for them to look for him everywhere.

Eraserhead was going to use his quirk against him of course, but you intervened, telling him that he's learnt his lesson.

(y/n): Leave him, sir.... 

Eraserhead: Why?

(y/n): He's learnt his lesson. He won't be back for awhile. In fact, if my allies were to see him, they'll know what to do with him. I trust my allies, much as I trust you.

You said.

Eraserhead hearing this, sighed as he followed suit with your judgement.

Eraserhead: Alright then. For now... go enjoy yourself and be with your classmates.

(y/n): Heheh, will do.

You said.

Then, another round of cheer and applause can be heard from the crowd as you began to pump up the crowd even more. While pumping the crowd, you see your classmates for you to give them a thumbs up at them for their assistance, for them to cheer for you except for Bakugo (A/N: Of course.). You smiled at them, knowing without them, you wouldn't have won this fight.

To be Continued....

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