Chapter 25: A Plus One

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After the Sports Festival Ended,

After the Festival with the Stadium almost emptied out with everyone is seen going home and the students are seen heading back to U.A. High, you are seen making your way out at one of the exits to meet up with Margodon, when your classmates came from behind as they walked with you.

Kirishima: Hey, (y/n)! Wait up!

Sero: Yeah, dude!

(y/n): looks back Oh, hey guys!

Uraraka: (y/n)!! You and your monsters are amazing!

Deku: Yeah! I never thought you had a plan in store. No one else knew of it, either.

(y/n): Oh, stop.... it's nothing and it's nothing special.

Tsu: Nothing special? But you've handled yourself fine out there, ribbit.

Tokoyami: Despite the injuries from your kaijus which led you being injured yourself as well feeling their pain, she is correct, you handled yourself admirably, (y/n).

(y/n): Well, it is thanks to you guys. Without your advice and support, without Deku's book with him documenting everything down before the Festival, I wouldn't have won this.

You said.

Your classmates agreed at what you said. Then, Mina began to ask a question.

Mina: Say, (y/n). Whatever happened to that Wooly Mammoth who came to help you?

(y/n): Oh! You mean, Margodon? She.... should be waiting for me nowas I told'er to wait outside the stadium for me. She's still a wild monster, after all.

Mina: I see.

Momo: She seems to know you, considering it helped you in that fight.

Ojiro: Yeah. How did you and that Margodon met?

Mineta: And how did you even get that Erimaki thing?

(y/n): You mean, Erimaki-Telesdon.

Mineta: Yeah.

(y/n): Well.... it all started first with Margodon back in Boris....

And with that, you began to tell your classmates the full story on how you met Marge the Margodon from Boris and Erimaki-Telesdon from Hammer.

A few Minutes later,

After explaining on how you met them to your classmates, your classmates began to look at you in awe after hearing how you met them while making their way out of the Stadium with you as they kept walking out.

Momo: That Erimaki-Telesdon must be a rare find for you.... I bet Teledon, before becoming Erimaki-Telesdon must have fought really hard against Jirass.

Todoroki: same goes for that Margodon, as well considering it outgrew its herd by a bit.

(y/n): Tell me about it, Momo. And sure it has, Todoroki.

You said, replying to both Momo and Todoroki.

When Class 1-A exited the Stadium, you began to see Marge aka, Margodon sitting on fours waiting for you while some kids remained to enjoy themselves on your kaiju, to your shock.

(y/n): wow....

Tsu: Hmm. Never thought Marge would be this popular, ribbit.

(y/n): I never thought of that, either, Tsu....

Ojiro: Guys, the Principal.

(y/n): Oh yeah. Mr. Nezu. Mr. Aizawa mentioned that he was with Marge, keeping her company.

Deku: Oh, I see.

(y/n): You head on back to U.A. High. I'll go find out see what he needs. Hopefully he doesn't mind a ride back.

Uraraka: Alright. We'll see you.

Uraraka said.

And with that, you watched as your class began to head back to U.A. High and for you to make your way to Mr. Nezu who's still keeping Marge company while kids are seen playing around your monster.

When you arrived, Mr. Nezu turned to see you as he greeted you.

Nezu: Ah, our Winner of the Sports Festival. So good to see you. And congradulations for your win.

(y/n): Greetings, Mr. Nezu. And thanks. I heard from Eraserhead that you're keeping Marge company by having fun?

Nezu: Well, I have to admit, its fur is rather fluffy and as smooth as silk. Even the kids are seen enjoying her company.

(y/n): I can tell.

You said.

Then, you see the kids getting off as their parents are seen calling for them as they needed to go home. They followed instructions as they began going on home, not before noticing you as they waved at you, including the parents as they congradulate you, for you to return the greeting by waving back and saying your thanks to them before they left.

After watching them leave, you and Nezu turned their attention back on Marge as they look at her.

Nezu: So, (y/n). One of yours?

(y/n): Actually, she's a wild Margodon.

Nezu: Oh?

(y/n): When I found her back on Boris, she was a lost little fluffball. So, I took her in and trained her. When I reunited her to her herd and family at the Outskirts and Colder Regions on Boris, I released her, knowing she will handle well on her own with the herd of Margodons.

Nezu: I see.

(y/n): I guess after Boris was deestroyed, she and her herd migrated elsewhere, which led her to finding me and.... well... here we are, she's all grown up.

You said.

While admiring how Margodon has grown after so long since you found her, your NEO Battlenizer began to grow, to Nezu's confusion and for you to know what it means, smiling at the sight of your glowing Battlenizer.

You fished your NEO Battlenizer out as you raise it in the air, for Margodon to turn into a small ball of light as it flew slowly into your Battlenizer. Once inside, it closed itself up for you to look at your trinket.

Nezu: It glowed, and it took that monster in. What does that mean in your customs?

(y/n): Oh, it's not a custom, Mr. Nezu. It just means that the Battlenizer has sensed potential within a kaiju. And it also means that Marge has agreed to lend me her power.

Nezu: I see. 

(y/n): Well.... guess being the Top Bitch of the U.A. Sports Festival has its good sides and bad sides, eh?

Nezu: chuckling Indeed it does, (y/n). Indeed it does. hmmm.... again, you did well keeping All for One's quirk under wraps. Not bad, for a Human Reionics.

(y/n): Well, as I said before but to add in what I said to Gurashie, I don't want to spill anymore blood for the sake of him.... and not even for Reiblood...

You said, looking at the soon-to-be sunset with Nezu.

End of Sports Festival Arc.

To be Continued...

NEXT ARC: Hero Killer Arc

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