Chapter 3: Cerebro & All Might -vs- All for One

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Back at the Fight,

Things were going south as everyone around the world are cheering All Might on to keep going inspite being at his weakest point and inpite of discovering the truth that Tomura Shigaraki and his master were related somehow. Echoes of everyone were chanting All Might's name, even Deku, Bakugo and Zona can be seen cheering All Might on, as well while All for One can be seen taking down every hero that were trying to land a hit on him, but to no avail.

After dealing with every pro-hero one by one, All for One soon turned his attention back to All Might as he decides to end things here and now with him, readying the quirks he has stockpiled within him.

All for One: Let's stop dwelling on Heroism and start focusing on Reality.

All for One said.

Hearing this, everyone across the world and All Might began to watch as All for One is beginning to combine many number of quirks, focusing them on his right arm, saying each quirk and quirks out.

All for One: Spring-like Limbs, Kinetic Boosters Time Four, Strength Enhancers Times Three, Multiplier, Hypertrophy, Rivets, Air Walk, Spear-like Bones.

All for One called out his quirks onto his right arm, for his arm to be combined and mutated by many quirks, to everyone's shock and worry for All Might's well being in battle against the villain.

(A/N: All for One's ultimate combination of quirks.)

All for One: The shockwaves until now were simply to wear you out. I knew it would take much more than that to kill you. Punch you with the ultimate combination of quirks I have stored up within me right now. This will end you.

All for One said.

All Might pulled back his good right arm, for All for One to do the same, readying for a final blow.

All for One: I wasn't certain until we exchanged blows tonight, All Might.... But now I am. One for All no longer dwells within you. What you're attacking me with is just a lingering ghost, the Embers that remains from what you have passe-

Just before All for One could continue, a powerful blast struck him, sending him flying into a destroyed building that collapsed onto him, to everyone and All Might's confusion and shock.

(A/N: Music starts here. Music Title: Ultraman belial Theme.)

Somewhere in the crowd, Deku, Kirishima, Ida, Zona and Bakugo can be seen still blending inside the crowd as they witnessed this unexpecting twist happening.

Civilian 1: Hey! W-what was that blast?!

Civilian 2: That blast literally sent that villain flying?

Bakugo: hey.... D-Deku....

Deku: h-huhh....

Bakugo: What.... what was that???

Deku: I don't know. But it literally sent that villain flying.

Ida: But whatever that was, we have to hope he or she is a Hero.

Kirishima: yeah...

Zona: But still.... that Villain is powerful. And whatever that person was who took him down at ease, he or she must be powerful than him.

Bakugo: tch!

Ida: But we know no one with that calibur. The only person we know with that calibur i-

Civilian 3: HEY!!! Someone is coming out from the clearing!

A civilian called out.

Hearing this, everyone looked at the huge screen again. 

Back at the battle, footsteps were heard for All Might, All for One and the other pro heroes who're close by to witness the fight going on to look at the source of where the sound of the footsteps come from. Looking at the source, a person in a costume can be seen emerging from a huge cloud of dust.

After seeing the person emerging out, a legion of monsters and aliens can be seen emerging out from behind the person, to everyone's shock to see that many creatures following behind the person.

(A/N: This Monster Army consisting of every Monster from then to now.)

All Might: this is.... an army....

All for One: A Revolutionary Army of some kind.....

They both said.

Back in the crowd, Deku watched in shock to see every familiar kaiju and alien on screen, for him to realize who that person is.

Deku (Inner Thoughts): oh no!!! Those monsters and aliens.... I thought he... I thought he wasn't gonna tag along?!?!

He said in thought.

Seeing this, Bakugo could tell some familiar aspects on those kaijus and aliens, for him to look on with his eyes widened in shock, also knowing who's kaijus and aliens belong to.

Back in the fight again, the person and the army of monsters stopped walking as they now look face to face with All Might and All for One while the person's legion of monsters continuously roared, intimidating the two people.

Seeing All Might at his weakest and All for One in his strongest, the person shake his head then turn his attention to All for One.

???: You know, All for One.... if you want to kill All Might, you gotta have to do a lot harder than that.

The person said.

All for One: I beg your pardon?!

???: Oh yeah. You have to do better than that. Either way, you don't have to anymore as I need to have a word with you, All for One. Or perhaps should I say.... Master. Though in accurate terms since I'm going against you, "Former Master".

The person said.

All for One, All Might and the other pros heard this and were confused when the person mentioned this, that is until the person tapped on something on his mask, opening up the upper and lower jaws sideways while the sides lowered, revealing the person's face to be you.

Seeing this, everyone who is watching this on a big screen and on their televisions at home looked in shock to see you about to go head to head with the biggest villain the world has ever known. Even All Might was shocked by this.

All Might: (Y-Y/n)???

All for One: So,.... my experiment that is supposed to defeat All Might has finally returned to his place, I see?

(Y/n): Return to you Villains? Oh, it's quite the opposite, All for One. I am here for only one reason.... to get you back after what you have done to me.

All for One: All of this for revenge?

(Y/n): Not exactly. Call it my Top Number One in my To-do-List. As after all, you and your villains are the ones who kidnapped me, experimented on me and turned me into a lab rat so that you can beat the one person you wanted me to destroy points at All Might. You.... points at All for One YOU, DID THIS TO ME!!!!!!!

You said.

Hearing this, everyone looked in shock to hear the truth on what the villains did to you.

All for One: So that's why you escaped.... you didn't want to be apart of this.

(Y/n): Not just that. Because deep inside you, you are clouded by your own SICK TWISTED Dillusions. Stuck in the past over your grudge against your brother, AND FOR WHAT?! TO BE A GOD? TO BE THE ONLY POWERFUL PERSON TO EVER EXIST?!?! POWER must is earned and achieved when you train and use them for good, not taken to do evil... and you have tainted it so!

You said.

All for One: ... and to think I ever wanted to let you to live as your own person.... once we kidnapped you from your team... if anything, I should have had the Doctor to turn you into a Nomu when I had the chance.

(Y/n): welp, good luck with that as what I'm gonna do now, is fight you, pummel you to the ground, have All Might patched up back to 100%, we pummel you, bash your face in, and we're gonna go and leave with my friends, and with you behind bars.

All for One: And how are you gonna help restore everyone's precious All Might from hi-

Just before he could finish, you raised your arm with the Giga-Battlenizer in hand, pointing your weapon directly at All for One, for several strongest aliens to blast their strongest attacks at All for One, sending him flying backwards deep into the debris that it is hard for him to emerge out.

(Y/n): Keep his name... out of your filthy mouth.

You said sinisterly.

Hearing you say that, All for One immediately shot out from where he was buried as he zoomed towards you.

All for One: Then why don't you try and stop me from doing that, then?

(Y/n): Oh, gladly!

You said.

Zooming towards you, All for One began to use his rivet and rivet stab quirk as he tried to stab you, only for you to-

(Y/n): Reign of Light. Light Manipulation.

You said.

- raise your hand above your head as a flash of light flashed before All for One, causing you to disappear, for All for One to stop as he looked around to find you. (A/N: In case you wonder, yes. He used Invisibility, as well.)

All for One: What? Where did he go?

All for One ask.

Suddenly, a surprise attack struck All for One from behind as you could be seen using all of the Quirks comprising your new Turbo quirk to gain a momentum of speed while launching heat-seeking missiles at the villain. When you were close enough, you-

(Y/n): RECIPRO.... REPULSION..... IMPAAAAACCCT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (A/N: A combination of Engine, Repulsion Quirk, Blast and Explosion.)

You yelled.

- land a back kick while a gigantic burst of explosion emitted out from your feet, striking All for One in the face while destroying his Mask Support Item entirely.

After landing a back kick, you immediately landed a few meters in front of All Might with you back facing him as you kept an eye out on the villain. While looking up ahead,-

(Y/n): Nature's Wrath plus, Gigera Vines.

You said.

- you immediately summoned a wall of vines combined with Gigera Vines as you protected All Might and some Pros behind you from All for One's Air Cannon attack combined with his Kinetic Booster. After shielding from All for One's Air Cannon quirk,-

(Y/n): Zandrias Shriek plus,..... Sonic.... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-

- you let out an ear-piercing yell, causing the wall to be destroyed as it crashed into All for One, sending him flying further backwards, to his surprise. All for One tried to use his quirks against you while being launched back, but to no avail due to the extent of your quirk powers you are delivering against him. Soon after, he crashed into a destroyed building, bringing the destroyed vine wall with it as he was soon crushed in between the wall and the debris of a destroyed building.


As soon as you were done, you stopped yelling to see the state of destruction after your combined yelling quirk attack.

After awhile, All for One shot out from the debris as he flew towards you, for you to raise your hand at him.

(Y/n): Air Cannon plus, Air Manipulation plus, Blast plus, Scatter.

You said.

Just as All for One is about to sink his rivets into you, you blasted a powerful scatter attack that not only sent him flying, but also created more debris around you as the destroyed building began to crumble down and for some to crumble down onto All for One, for you to feel a bit embarrassed, knowing you overdid it a bit.

(A/n: Ultraman Belial Theme ends here.)

(Y/n): oops. Maybe a little too loud but.... looks down at my pocket where you kept your phone he deserved it. At least I oversaw Deku, Grey and their friends saving Bakugo and Zona just in time. looks down at the other side And I hope they received my Beacon so they can get me the heck out of here soon.... But for now, since All for One is down for the time being, All Might.

You said.

As soon as you got All for One out of the way for now, you rushed to All Might as you began holding onto All Might by his shoulder and stomach.

(Y/n): All Might!

All Might: I'm alright, young (y/n).... but... coughs out blood you shouldn't... do this... coughs blood Get... out of here.... this isn't y- your fight.

(Y/n): I'm sorry, All Might... but I must. It's not a choice that I must abide. After what they have done to me, furthermore to our friends and newcomers.... this was, and is personal.... you already knew that in my facial expression when we first met, right?

All Might: o-oh. That small outburst... and the time we privately talked.... r-right...

(Y/n): Don't talk, All Might. Here. Allow me.

You said as you gently placed All Might onto the ground till he's lying down.

As soon as All Might is on the ground, you placed both hands onto All Might's wound, for you say a kaiju's ability while closing your eyes slowly.

(Y/n): Sphere Assimilation, Sphere Regeneration, Shepardon Energy Restoration, Gyeron Reformation.

You said.

Calling upon out the monsters' abilities, All Might began to wince a little as he could feel his insides slowly regenerating and new organs began to grow back inside of him. You heard and felt All Might wincing, for you to calm him down.

(Y/n): Don't worry, All Might. You're alright. The process is a bit painful but you'll be fine. Just a little more and we're done.

You assured.

All Might looks at you and slowly nods.

After a few minutes later of healing All Might from his injuries, you soon moved your hands away from where the wound is at, standing up while holding out your hand.

(Y/n): Come, All Might. On yer feet.

All Might: But.... But I'm-

(Y/n): Unable to fight? Heheh! Not anymore, actually. Have a look at where the wound's at, my friend. And notice you're not coughing out blood anymore?

All Might: Not anymore? What d- wait.... wait a minute....

All Might said, inspecting himself.

As he did so, he pulled his shirt up to see that his old injury is no longer there, and he could function and breath properly, for him to question you what you just did.

All Might: Wh-What did you do?

He asks.

(Y/n): Me? I simply regenerated and restored your damaged and destroyed organs, piecing the tissues back together again with some of the kaijus' abilities' aid. I also have this reanimation quirk to revive those organs, too. Never thought it would work but, aw what the heck, it did anyway.

You said.

Looking at your hand, All Might, knowing that he can maintain his buff mode like he used to in his prime, grabbed your hand, for you to effortlessly pulled him up. After he's back on his feet, All Might began to hop for a brief moment before patting your head.

(A/N: All Might. This time, he is fully healed and doesn't have that old injury anymore.)

All Might: Young (Y/n). Young Cerebro. Thank you,... for restoring me back to my Prime before I had this wound and time limit. Without you, I wouldn't know whether I would be able to survive All for One's attack, if it weren't for you and your intervention.

(Y/n): nods It's no problem, All Might. I could tell you are having a tough time dealing with All for One, so... I had to do what I must to keep you alive as long as possible.

All Might: I appreciate it. By the way, nice Hero Costume.

(Y/n): chuckles Thanks. I had some welded together and placed on to better suit it. To represent that U.A. and my classmates.... and my team are always close with me, where ever they are and no matter how far they are.

All Might: Always cherishing your team and us, eh? I like it in a hero.

(Y/n): nods then looks at where All for One was launched I'd say it's payback time.

All Might: Indeed it is.

(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Might+U.)

You both said, agreeing to one objective.

While they were agreeing with each other, All for One soon emerged from deep beneath the debris as he swiped the dust and small rubble off what remains of his suit.

After dusting himself down, All for One looked ahead to see you walking towards him with your mask slowly covering your sides of your face, your mouth and nose, and All Might in his buff form to walk towards him while walking alongside you, to his shock and surprise.

All for One: What?! H-How are you back in this form after I blasted a hole into you?! You were supposed to be down and out after those shockwaves!!

(Y/n): Like I said, you're gonna have to try a lot harder.

You answered.

(Y/n): Ready, All Might?!

All Might: I'm ready!

All for One: Then, DIE!!!!!!

All for One yelled, blasting a powerful air cannon at the two of you.

After that attack,-

(Y/n): Belyudra full body, all kaijus from showa to reiwa converge onto Belyudra and form Belyudra its legs, Maga Tano Orochi, be the horn and for the top of my head (A/N: For this Case, the kaiju will replace where Belial is stationed and its Maga Crystal will be a bit longer and slightly bigger with another kaiju on it probably.), Belyudra tail tentacles, All Ultra abilities from Showa to Reiwa, Spring-like Limbs, Kinetic Boosters Time Four, Strength Enhancers Times Three, Multiplier, Hypertrophy, Rivets, Air Walk, Spear-like Bones.

You said.

- All for One could hear you saying something in the explosion, to see that you are now gigantic, using your gigantic Belyudra hand as a shield to block his attack from hitting him and All Might, to All for One's shock, also indicating the kaijus and aliens watching this fight happening, are now on you as a quirk.

(Y/n): All Ultra size change from Showa to Reiwa.

You said as you shrank down to your original height, for reveal that your Hero Costume has morphed into Belyudra's body combined with All for One's ultimate quirk combination to make the monsters stand out more on your right arm and left arm, for you to have All for One's ultimate quirk combination on your right and spear-like bones, and rivets on your left.

(Y/n): Last chance, All for One. Surrender. You are outmatched by brains and brawn.

All for One: I... will never yield, to you....

All for One said, swiftly charging towards you and All Might.

Seeing him coming towards you both, you and All Might looked at each other, for the both of you to nod at each other while smirking, before charging in towards All for One for the ultimate showdown. Getting close to each other, All for One landed a straight punch at you both, only for you and All Might to dodge to the left and right while delivering their own punch and smash at All for One's shoulders, causing the villain to stagger for a moment before turning back while delivering a gigantic slap, for you both to punch (All Might) and kick ((Y/n)) All for One's hand away, forcing All for One to be sent flying, but manages to stop himself by using his indomitable will and his air walk.

Then, seeing an opening, you lunged forward towards the villain while you blasted a combination of ultra beams at him, for All for One to use his right arm to block them. As you got close, you attempted to strike him down, only for All for One to grab both your hands, pinning you down as he tried using his air cannon on you, only for All Might to send an air attack of his Texas Smash, stopping his arch enemy from blasting his attack, giving you the opportunity to control some kaijus in your arms as they blasted their attacks in his gigantic hand and his face, disorientating him while forcing him to stagger backwards while releasing you from his grip.

Disorientated, you smirked as you landed a powerful punch straight in All for One's face, causing him to be sent flying due to the immense strength that you have, with All Might to swiftly appear beside his arch enemy, delivering a Texas Smash that sent All for One flying down while crashing into the debris to form a All for One-sized hole through it. After landing a few punches, you and All Might landed further away from where All for One crashed, for you two to have a brief conversation.

(Y/n): Nice Texas Punch in the gut.

All Might: Thank you. Not bad yourself, utilizing all of your kaijus at will, including your Ultra Powers, I heard.

(Y/n): So you have been observing. Congradulations. Yes, I have been using speed and strength-based Ultra powers together with this form to land powerful blows onto this guy.... although...

All Might: hm?

(Y/n): This is the first time i'm using this new version of Belyudra form in its full power, no thanks to what I'm going through.

All Might: That means by doing so, you somehow unlocked your ultimate move?

(Y/n): Ultimate move, huh? Heheh, I like the sound of that. Yeah. I guess I unlocked that due to my rage against him.

All Might: A fine job, young (Y/n). Perhaps when we return to U.A., we can work on how to utilize this form without your rage.

(Y/n): Perhaps so. A fine idea, it is.

You said.

Then, an explosion can be heard, for you and All Might to look at where All for One crashed as a huge shockwave and explosion could be heard, felt and seen from within the villain-sized hole, causing many huge boulders and debris to be sent flying towards the both of you. Seeing this, you ran in front of All Might, for you to call forth an ability.

(Y/n): Consider this an Ultimate Move within an Ultimate Move!!!! ULTIMATE Belyudra Ability!! All Kaiju Belyudra Inferno - RAIN OF FIRE!!!!!!!!!

You yelled.

Yelling your other Ultimate Move, every single kaiju on you began to launch its signiture attacks combined with Belyudra Inferno attack directly at the flying and falling debris, destroying them completely. After destroying the debris which were meant to crush the both of you, All for One can be seen emerging out as he flew towards you while using his gigantic right arm in the attempts to utilize his ultimate combined quirk attack against you.

With All for One getting close, you smirked at him while stopping your inferno attack, reeling your right arm back, utilizing every punch and signiture attack every ultra has mustered in a form of an ultimate Ultraman Reiga punch attack.

(Y/n): ULTIMATE Belyudra Ability, Every Ultras Abilities and Ultraman Reiga Ability. Gigant Fist plus, Every Ultra Punch plus, Reiga Photon Blow plus, Reiga Acceleration.

You yelled as you disappeared in high speed, advancing towards All for One while readying to punch the villain before you.

Knowing All for One that he would boost up his quirks, you too boosted your quirks and powers by using Titas's signiture finisher punches.

(Y/n): Ultraman Titas!! Planium Buster plus, Xanadium Buster plus, Wrecking Buster!!

You said.

Just as you and All for One are about to go closer, your combined power and quirk on your right fist can be seen getting a boost and power-up by three of Titas's signiture attacks, for you to lunge your fist forward real hard, for All for One to do the same, clashing both your fists against each other, causing a massove shockwave to be created.

All Might couldn't help but brace himself when the mega shockwave is caused by you and All for One clashing punches as you both fought hard for dominance and for the battle of Good and Evil. After the punch, you and All for One can still be seen in your punching pose, still clashing punches as both your knuckles are together, still fighting to overpower each other.

All for One: I must say, I'm impressed and surprised on how much stronger you have become. But it will do you not when I'm finished with you. Let's face it, you maybe as powerful as me.... but you are nowhere powerful like me.

All for One said.

Hearing this, you couldn't help but giggle a bit, causing All for One to look at you with confusion, wondering what was funny.

All for One: What's so funny?

He ask.

(Y/n): Oh! It's nothing really. When you said I am nowhere powerful like you, it's a funny thing.

All for One: And why's that?

(Y/n): You already know that I have a hidden power within me before you placed those quirks inside of me. And thanks to some of your Quirk Enhancers that you placed inside me, you could say the quirks inside me now, have now broken down and merged together to form newer quirks, to those that are still inside of me.

All for One: Wh-What?!

(Y/n): Yes! And thanks to that, your All for One quirk has also merged with some quirks, merging them with it to become the new and improved version from your All for One quirk. So you know what that means.

All for One: no.... No.... you fool! This IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

(Y/n): Oh, it is possible! Because now, I can take you down at ease and BEAT . YOUR . AAAAASS!!!!!!!!!!

You said.
(A/N: Yes. You and All for One are having this conversation while your punches were colliding and clashing with each other.)

And to say what you are going to do, you immediately overpowered All for One by creating a pulse while doing a one inch punch by using your fist that is clashing with All for One's causing him to be sent back, leaving two trails created by his shoes as they trail backwards.

After being sent back by a shockwave, All for One used his will and his quirks to stop himself from being sent flying backwards while using his footing to stop himself, causing two trails to form on the ground. Just as he stopped himself, he immediately used his multiplier and his other quirks, sending numerous tentacles made of his limbs and his other quirks towards you.

Seeing this, you smirked as you did the same, for your version of All for One's current tentacle-like attack can be seen coiling around All for One's attack while overpowering them in the process as they struck the villain hard while some began to whip the villain by his sides. All for One growled at this as he used air cannon to destroy them, only to see them regenerate rapidly as they smashed him into the ground, holding him down.

(A/N: Something like this from the comic strip but, in your kaiju quirk style.)

(Y/n): ALL MIGHT!!!!!!

All Might: On it, Young Cerebro!

All Might said as he ran along your tentacles that you've conjured to smash and hold All for One down. Running towards the trapped All for One, All Might took a mighty leap as he flew high up in the air. As soon as he is at the highest point, he began to free fall down towards All for One while reeling his right arm backwards, readying to land a powerful punch.

All Might: As what Young Cerebro has said to you which I'll relay it BACK, as well!! Keep my name and my Master's name, out of your FILTHY MOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUTTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Might yelled.

Seeing that he's about to reach All for One, you reeled your tentacles back to you, to watch that All for One is going to block his punch, only for you to unleash Greeza Akuon out from your mouth, causing All for One to stop using his quirk to block All Might's punch as he used both his hands to cover his ears tightly due to the sheer pain caused by that ability.

While covering his ears in pain, All Might took this as an opportunity to free fall faster to gain a greater momentum for his punch. When he is extremely close to All for One, he immediately and strongly lunged in his punch directly at All for One, causing a huge shockwave and crator to be formed, sending All for One deep down into the crator and All Might to be sent flying, only for a pair of Hinabassars to grab him as they safely and gracefully flew him down next to you.

After saving All Might from crashing through a building, the pair of Hinabassars return back into the Giga-Battlenizer that resides inside you within your chest.

All Might: thumbs up Thanks for the save.

(Y/n): No problem.

All Might: All for One used his air cannon at the last second. That's how I ended up flying.

(Y/n): Heheh! Glad I noticed you.

All Might: nods Welp, we can't celebrate just yet. As he's not out.

(Y/n): Ditto, All Might.

You said.

You both went to your fight stances while All for One can be seen emerging out from the crator by using his quirks, showing an angry look on his face with his voice to give you the indication that he's pissed.

All for One: I have had enough of this! All Might! (Y/n), Cerebro, whatever you are called! WE'RE ENDING THIS NOW!!!!!!!

The villain said while being pissed.

Hearing this while witnessing the villain utilizing his ultimate combination of quirls again, you and All Might looked at each other, exchanging nods with each other as you both readied yourselves to unleash the most powerful punch you and All Might can muster, reeling your right hand and All Might to reel his left hand back while you both leaped forward, zooming towards All for One.

Seeing you both zooming in towards him, All for One zoomed in as well towards them while reeling his gigantic right arm backwards. As soon as the three got close, All for One immediately landed a powerful punch at the both of you,-


You yelled.

All Might nods at this.

- for the both of them to dodge All for One's powerful killer punch, dodging to the left ((Y/n)) and to the right (All Might). Once they dodged his punch, you both took this opportunity to strike while he's open.

(Y/n): Ultimate Belyudra Ability!!!

All Might: UNITED STATES OF.....


Fully exposed, All for One looks at this with his Search Quirk, shocked that he didn't anticipated this.

All for One: H-How.... how d-

Just as he was about to continue, two punches can be seen landing into the villain's face as you and All Might landed powerful punches into All for One's face,-


You both yelled.

- sending him flying back further away while a shockwave was created when both fists made contact with the villain's face hard.

After those powerful punches, All for One can be seen crashing through a semi-destroyed building as it could be seen collapsing on top of him after he crashed into the lobby of it, destroying most of the foundation below. Whilw that was happening, a large cloud of dust envelopes both scenes, where you and All Might are, and where All for One is, crushed inside the debris of the collapsed building. 

Seeing this on Screen, everyone across the globe can be seen having worried looks on their faces, some having tears rolling from their eyes as thdy continued to watch, observing closely at what is happening now after that gruesome fight.

(A/N: Might+U Music ends here.)

When the dust slowly clears, Zona began to notice something from within the dust.

Zona: Guys! Look! points on screen

Deku, Kirishima, Ida and Bakugo along with the citizens looked at where Zona was pointing at, for them to see the dust clearing out slowly, but eventually immediately due to the strong winds.

(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: All Might Theme.)

Once the dust has cleared, everyone's eyes widened with glad and relief as they see you and All Might standing in triumph while All for One can be seen laying unconscious while being submerged in the debris made by a building coming down upon him after that powerful blow, finally accomplishing the deed that you both were meant to do, and that's to defeat All for One.

And to signify that the battle has been victorious, All Might shoot up his left fist in the air. Seeing this, you decided to go with the flow, too as you used your muscle quirk and flexed while raising both fists in the air with your index fingers pointing in the air, also (A/N: That pose you're doing is based on Bobby Lashely's pose with with a bit of flexing.).

Reporter (In the Broadcast on board Helicopter): All Might and with the help of the Reionics Hero: Cerebro, WINS!!!!!!!! The villain's not moving! He's knocked out! All Might and Cerebro are VICTORIOUS!!!!! They saved us, yet again!

The reporter said in the helicopter, commentating this with joy while tearing up.

And so, throughout the World, everyone raised their fists, pumping it in the air while they shouted All Might's name and your Hero name, some shed tears of joy and some did your little chant from the Sports Festival seen before the Finals began. While everyone chanted with joy, your classmates (A/N: Those who saved Bakugo and Zona.), along with Bakugo and Zona looked on at the screen, feeling glad that you are okay after that perilous fight with All Might against All for One as they have smiles on their faces, knowing that the nightmare you had to endure, has ended and defeated for good.

back at the aftermath, you and All Might lowered their arms down while you both looked at each other with smiles on your faces while you deactivated your Ultimate Belyudra form aka, your Ultimate form.

(Y/n): Welp, I guess our job's done.... We finally beat him.

All Might: Yes. Indeed it is. And I guess this is the second time we both are working together to defeat a villain.

(Y/n): snickering Yeah. I remembered the first time. So, now that he has been defeated, what will you do now?

All Might: Well.... considering that you have fully regained my strength back, I will still be your teacher, with a twist of course, young man.

(Y/n): Hmm?

All Might: I will be retiring from being a Pro-Hero. But, I'll still be around to guide you and Young Midoriya, and your other classmates at U.A. High.

(Y/n): I see. nods in acceptance Well then, I'll respect your decision. I can't wait to have you by my side,.... as an ally,... a teacher..... and a friend.... knowing that you're still around to stop me when the time comes.

You said, offering out your hand to All Might.

Seeing this, All Might smiles and accepted your hand.

All Might: Thank you, once again. And I can't wait to get back to U.A., and see you, Bakugo and Zona there, knowing that you don't have to worry about All for One, anymore.

All Might said.

And so, you and All Might shook hands.

(Y/n): Thank you, All Might. Thus, the chapter closes, and a new Chapter-

All Might: - opens for a New Hero to take my Place as the Number One Hero and the Symbol of Peace.

(Y/n): And a new Chapter whereby all students of U.A. High, are safe from the baddest of the baddest of villains like All for One. 

All Might: How right, Young (Y/n).

(Y/n): Mhm!

You replied with a nod.

(A/N: Music interrupts here.)

???: It would appear, that desperate times calls for desperate measures.

A voice boomed, for everyone to stop celebrating.

Hearing this voice, you immediately recognized it from Hammer as you looked around while it began to call your name.

???: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! You cannot hide from me forever, just like how Reimon couldn't hide from me before!

The voice said.

All Might: Young (Y/n)! What is-

(Y/n): so..... you're finally back..... Reiblood.

All Might: What?! The Dark Shepard?! Here?!

(Y/n): Yes. the one and only.

You said.

To be Continued....

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