Chapter 4: Reiblood's Return & A Short Reunion

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After stating who was that who called you out, a red cloud slowly appeared above you and All Might, while an alien-like figure appeared from within it to reveal itself as Alien Reiblood.

(A/N: This form of Reiblood above the sky being projected in its giant form.)

All Might: So, the one who started the Reionics War you stated has finally presented him to us.

(Y/n): yeah.... and usually, it's bad. very bad.

You said.

All Might: Mmm.

Looking on, everyone who had witnessed the perilous fight watched on, too with worry. This also worried Deku after his background was shared by you when you spoke to him about every kaiju and alien in his world.

Zona: Midoriya? 

Deku: This is bad...

Zona: Bad?! How bad?!

Deku: Very.... Reiblood is a very powerful Alien in existance.... it can control monsters, manipulate them.... and even.... possess anyone it pleases.

Deku said.

Hearing this, Zona looked at Deku in shock after he revealed to her on what the alien is capable of.

Back at the Aftermath, you and All Might began to don their defensive stances, readying for a fight when Reiblood began to speak to you with everyone listening in to the conversation.

Reiblood: (Y/N). You shall not run away from fate again! All for One not just a good ally of mine, but also part of your trial for both you and All Might. And now that you both have succeeded, ONLY one of you shall grasp the entire universe, to rule it! Are either of you ready to accept your destiny that is either yours? Or are you simply going to not accept it like before and choose death? Answer me once more, (Y/n).

Reiblood said, implying to not just you, but to All Might as well.

All Might took a step forward to object about what Reiblood is doing, only for you to stop him as you went up to him, confronting the Dark Shepard.

(Y/n): I said it before with Rei, and I'll say it again. Why don't you go somewhere else, Stop all this meaningless sacrifices, Take your little Destiny, and shove it straight up! Your Candy Ass!!!!!!!!!! Do you have any idea how much damage you could've cost?! And you're the one who devised this plan to kidnapping Bakugo and Zona, too?!?!

Reiblood: All for One and I devised it so we can turn them against you if they accepted. Now, I shall not ask you a SECOND time! Do you accept this destiny?!

(Y/n): For endangering my classmates and U.A. Students,... and for trying to destroy the World,.... NEVER!!!!!!!!! I REFUSE TO ACCEPT!!!! SO, YOU CAN SHOVE IT!!!!!!!

All Might: Pardon Cerebro's words, but he's still correct. points at Reiblood YOU'RE A VILLAIN the way I see it and the way the World sees it! And if you're working with All for One, it would please me and Young Cerebro to take you down as well, just like how we took All for One down. And if you're going to ask the same question to me, I'm sorry but, I have to decline that destiny which would eventually cause many innocent lives if I accept it.

All Might said, supporting you.

Reiblood: Then you two are FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!! As such, prepare to die along with (Y/n)!

Reiblood said.

Hearing this, you both went to your fighting stances while witnessing Reiblood still levitating in the sky as the red cloud around him slowly dissipated while he transformed himself into a purple energy ball-like projectile. After turning himself into energy, it flew upwards, then downwards towards All for One.

Reiblood: If you're not willing to accept this destiny, at least I already have one who does. And he can destroy Anything that HE PLEASES!!!!!!

He said.

As he said that line, you both watched as he flew downards whilst being in its energy projectile form, striking All for One in the chest, for you both to realize what he meant. He was referring to All for One himself.

Though realizing it too late, All for One's unconscious body began to glow purple and red after being struck by Reiblood in its energy form, causing the debris around him to slowly cover his entire body. After being covered by debris, you and All Might noticed that the holes and cracks throughout where All for One is covered began to glow brightly for a long while, to their worry.

All Might: Nothing good will emerge from that,.... right?

(Y/n): Yeah... that means this is really really bad news for all of us. Usually when that happened which it did before back in Hammer, that's already an omen that this is personal. 

All Might: So, what does that make now?

(Y/n): .... probably te destruction of this World, again... just like Hammer.

You said.

After briefly discussing about what is happening, the glow soon stopped glowing after awhile for a long pause of silence to spread throughout the aftermath until an armoured fist emerged from the rubble as something began to crawl out from being covered by the debris. As soon as it fully emerged, it stood tall while wielding its dual-wielding weapon in his right hand, revealing himself through All for One that he, or they, are now Armoured Darkness.

Revealing themselves as one entity, Armoured Darkness slowly turned its head to turn its attention to you and All Might.

All Might: This is...

(Y/n): Armoured Darkness. But due to the upgrades, let's call him Upgraded Armoured Darkness.

All Might: Right.

(Y/n): And remember, this isn't just All for One... it's Reiblood, too.

All Might: Hmm. Very well then, this can be an issue worse than All for One.

All Might said to agree with your point, for you to nod at what he said.

(A/N: Upgraded Armoured Darkness. Merge these two images together.)

Kaiju Name: Upgraded Dark Magic Armour Upgraded Armoured Darkness
Height: 62m
Weight: 42,000t
Origin: Camino Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Special Move/s: Giga Rezolium Wave
Attack: 25000
Defense: 25000
Speed: 1000

Seeing you and All Might at your sight, Armoured Darkness slowly began to make its way to you while Reiblood's voice boomed out from within the Armour.

Reiblood (Upgraded Armoured Darkness): Where you now stand, you shall die. And I will reborn in your body with All for One WITH ME!

He said.

All Might is prepared to get in on the fight, but you stood in his way knowing he musn't fight.

All Might: Young (Y/n)?

(Y/n): You can't fight him, All Might. I have felt first hand how strong he is. If he's capable in torturing me, it is highly and likely he would do the same with you, too!

All Might: Then how are we suppose to defeat him?!

(Y/n): fishes out my NEO Battlenizer With this. 

You said with a smirk.

Assuring All Might that you'll be fine, you turned to face Reiblood who's possessed All for One while being encased in the Upgraded Version of Armoured Darkness as you raised your NEO Battlenizer in the air. While doing so, your eyes glowed gold with blue outlines surrounding the golden glow for a split second before the glow dissipated as you called forth your kaiju in its evolved form.

(Y/n): LET'S ROCK 'N' ROLL, ZEPPAN!!!!!!!

You yelled, calling forth your kaiju.


Your NEO Battlenizer activated.

As it activated, a card appeared as it is seen flying around the device. Then, it flew towards the Battlenizer as it slowly scanned itself onto and through the Battlenizer, unleashing your personal kaiju in the process before the aftermath battlefield. After your kaiju is unleashed, it landed in front of you and All Might as it roared.

(A/N: Maga EX Zeppandon. 
- The Zetton component on Maga EX Zeppandon will be based on Maga Zetton, EX Zetton, Hyper Zetton (Imago) and Zetton Falx's body details colour scheme with all its yellow to be a Maga Crystal (Head Crystal) and blue (Chest parts) (A/N: Ensure the Zetton components will be based on EX Zetton (An extra Maga Crystal above and behind (Based on EX Zetton's two Head crystals) the big Maga Crystal (The Main Crystal will be based on Hyper Zetton with the horizontal section by the tips to slant upwards, making the Crystal like so it looks like a Trident), it will have spikes on its back, shoulders, arms and feet, it will have a pair of five-fingered claws based on EX Zetton, the Zetton body component will be based on EX Zetton, Hyper Zetton and Zetton Falx combined. and finally the Pandon heads based on Zetton will be elongated while adding in another horn (A/N: Which means instead of two at each side, you'll have three now.) on each heads with a pair of hollow eye sockets to be above the Pandon head beaks as a special gimmick.). Don't worry, it can still do the hand finger taunt from Orb and Z as it'll have movable hands and movable sharpened fingers (A/N: Something like Nosferu from Nexus but different.).
- The Pandon component on Maga EX Zeppandon will be based on Maga Pandon, NEO Pandon and King Pandon's body details and colour scheme, Pandon's spike feathers on Maga EX Zeppandon will be even more spikier and more Magma-like than its original counterpart to give it the NEO Pandon, King Pandon and Maga Pandon vibes, Maga EX Zeppandon's Pandon head horns (Three of them as stated in the Zetton Component), shoulder horn spikes will be a bit longer and spikier (A/N: Yes, in its EX form, it'll be more spikier than its original counterpart, something like Hawks' quirk but, even sharper, on Pandon's heads aka, Maga EX Zeppandon's horns, their heads will be equipped with horns at their beaks and above their heads based on NEO Pandon, their talons on their claws and feet will be a bit longer plus sharper, and their beaks will be pointy and a bit jagged based on King Pandon. Ensure that the Pandon components' colour scheme is a mix of magma and lava colours based on Maga Pandon to give it the menacing look.), and its arms and legs will be a bit bulkier (A/N: Something like EX Gomora but in this state.) for extra power and running power.
- The Maga Orochi component on Maga EX Zeppandon will be based on simply Maga Orochi and Maga Tano Orochi's details with some changes. Its tail will be longer with more segments, the spikes at each segment of the tail including the tip's end will be longer, sharper and will have two more extra spikes on each segment of the tail, and the tail will extend and close up to reveal Maga Tano Orochi's tentacles residing inside the tail itself to give it both Maga Orochi and Maga Tano Orochi's vibes (A/N: Note that Maga Tano Orochi's tentacles will have spikes based on EX Zetton, NEO Pandon's head horn, NEO Pandon's horn located at both sides of the beak, Maga Orochi's spikes and Maga Tano Orochi's spikes. Now, how Maga Tano Orochi component comes to play in Maga Orochi's tail on Maga EX Zeppandon is very simple. For Maga EX Zeppandon's tail, it has a few abilties. Down one which is obivious and that's it grows more segments to spear someone by using its spear tail. Down two is when its tail elongates but this time, exposing the Maga Tentacles in between each two segments to unleash its Maga Tentacles towards the enemy or encase its tentacles around the tail to make it more bigger and longer for more damage, and many more abilities to come.).
- Finally Maga EX Zeppandon's eyes will be Purple instead of its Maga Zeppandon's default Purplish Blue eyes.)

Kaiju Name: Super Evolved Fusion Demon-King Beast of Light and Fire Maga EX Zeppandon
Height: 70m
Weight: 50000t
Origin: Planet Boris, Planet Hammer
Special Move/s: Maga EX Final Demolition
Attack: 24000
Defense: 30000

Speed: 6100

Seeing the kaiju before you, everyone who's watching this can be seen having concern looks on their faces as another battle is about to begin.

Zona: Whoa, (Y/n) can do that?

Deku: Yeah. That's sort of his symbiotic power, not his quirk.

Zona: Oh?

Deku: You see, he received the Battlenizer at a different world. When he caught his first monster, Zeppan... a symbiotic bond was first formed.

Zona: So that means they both can grow stronger and get damaged simutaneously?

Deku: Yes. And if it gets hurt, he gets hurt, too.

Zona: That means.... (Y/n)'ll die?

Deku: If the monster dies, yes. But hey, don't worry. Knowing him, I'm sure he'll be okay.

Bakugo: He better.

Deku & Zona: Eh?

Bakugo: Cause' he and I have a rematch to settle, still.

Bakugo said to join the discussion.

Hearing this, both Deku and Zona smiled, happy to see Bakugo is back to his usual self again. Then, Zona's phone began to ring, for her to pick up the call.

Zona: Sorry. I need to get this.

Deku: Oh, it's fine.

Deku said.

Back at the fight, your kaiju is about to fight against Upgraded Armoured Darkness upon your command, for you to say the word.

(Y/n): Let's fight on! Zeppan!!!

You yelled.

Your kaiju roared as it charged towards the Armour Entity while launching Maga EX Zeppan Eldritch Beams and Empowered hand Beams at it, for Upgraded Armoured Darkness to spin its Darkness Trident in front of it, deflecting your kaiju's attack as they scattered throughout the aftermath. Firing at the armour, your kaiju soon teleported away, for the armour to stop deflecting your kaiju's attacks as it slowly looked around, trying to find your Kaiju.

Looking around, Maga Ex Zeppandon appeared behind Upgraded Armoured Darkness as it launched Maga Tano Thunderclap, with its eyes and the hollowed eyes on the two Pandon heads to to launch Maga Thunderclap, attacking the armour from behind. Initially it staggered forward however, it also turned to deliver an energy slash at your kaiju, causing Zeppan to stagger as well but backwards. Feeling Zeppan being stuck by its mid-section, you also feel its pain as you staggered, as well, to All Might's worry.

All Might: (Y/N)!!!!

He yelled.

(Y/n): It's okay, All Might!!!! holding out my arm to give a thumbs up It'll be alright. I've faced worse than this back when I fought loads of King Joe Blacks. So... this is probably nothing!

All Might: R-Right.

(Y/n): Alright, Zeppan! Let's keep going!

You yelled.

Upon command, Zeppan roared as it charged towards the armour, for it to notice this as it tried delivering jabs by using its weapon, only for the latter to grab its trident as it delivered burning slashes by using its free claw. After a while of clawing and burning its helmet and upper chestplate, Zeppan immeidately struck a powerful punch into Upgraded Armoured Darkness's face while the claw holding onto its trident to push the armour away, for it to stagger backwards.

(Y/n): Alright, Zeppan. Onto a good start. Now, let's taunt his ass.

You said.

Hearing the command, Zeppan lifts one hand up as it used one finger claw to taunt the armour to come at it. The armour obliges to its taunt as it launched a Rezolium Wave at Zeppan, for it to conjure up a pair of enlarged purple energy shields from both Pandon heads to block its strong attack. After awhile, the armour stopped firing, giving Zeppan the opportunity to launch a Trillion Dark Meteor directly at the armour in the attempts to surprise it, but to no avail when it slashed it into half, to your surprise.

After destroying one of Zeppan's strongest attacks, Upgraded Armoured Darkness began to roughly thrust his trident to point at Zeppan, launching numerous Darkness Blasts at it, but the only difference was that it was empowered by several of All for One's quirks, causing Zeppan to be sent back, causing you to feel an unbearable pain all over your body as you went on one knee. Seeing this as an opportunity, the armour charged towards you as it stabs your kaiju in the leg, for Zeppan to go on one knee so that the armour will have a better opportunity to strike its enemy with its next melee attack, only for Zeppan to grab hold of its trident.

Seeing Zeppan holding onto its weapon, Upgraded Armoured Darkness delivered numerous of powerful punches, with the last punch to be grabbed by Zeppan as it used its body heat on its arm to burn heat up its fist, but to no avail as the armour forcefully had Zeppan release its grip from its fist and weapon as it delivered a powerful slash across its torso, for Zeppan to roar painfully, causing you to hold yourself together while feeling Zeppan's pain. The armour continued delivering many attacks from its weapon to weaken your kaiju even more until it jab its weapon at the weakened kaiju's chest, tossing it above it to send Zeppan flying as it roughly lands on the ground extremely hard for you to feel Zeppan's pain even more, causing you to fall onto the ground, as well, only for All Might to catch you.

All Might: Young man! Stop this! That is enough, you did your best. Even I have to admit right now, this being is more powerful than what you have fought before! Even I will have no chance against it if I step in.

(Y/n): it's.... alright.... wincing .... I, must.... defeat him... wincing even more to save you.... hrgh!! And this world... too!

All Might: No, (Y/n). You musn't! You said it yourself! If your kaiju dies, you die as well!

Reiblood (Upgraded Armoured Darkness): All the more reason I should have him!!!

Reiblood said.

You and All Might turns to look at the armour to see it walking towards your weakened kaiju with its weapon above its head.

Reiblood (Upgraded Armoured Darkness): When (Y/n) dies, I shall be reborned in his body! And soon, the Reiblood will Rule the Cosmos to defeat challengers like you, ALL MIGHT!!!!! So enjoy your linguring moment while you can before I destroy your kaiju and end your life!

Reiblood said while walking towards Zeppan.

Witnessing this, you tried getting up, but to no avail due to the heavy damages and the heavy blows Zeppan has been receiving from Reiblood. It's like the more you struggle, the more you'll feel excruciating pain through out your body, same goes for Zeppan, especially. Realizing that this could be the end, you leaned down against All Might's arms as you began to look up in the night sky.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Is this.... the end of me...??? Will... Reiblood,.... get what he wants... N-No...!!! I... can't.... lose... like th-.... 

You said in thought.

All Might looked at you with concern over you slipping in and out for a brief moment after those many blows you felt through Zeppan, and with also with a face to tell him that he's still proud of you, knowing that you did your best.

Just as the Armour is in front of your still weakened kaiju and is also about to land its finishing blow,-

(A/N: Music starts at 0:04. Music Name: Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster battle BGM - Ray's battle.)

-two roars can be heard as two familiar kaijus can be seen with one ruthlessly shoving the armour aside and out of the way while delivering a magma punch at it, and for the other to deliver a tail whip at the armour, causing it to stagger backwards and away from Zeppan as they roared at the Armour, to everyone's confusion.

Hearing the commotion, you slowly turned looked down to see what is happening, to see two familiar EX kaijus assisting your EX kaiju as they roar at the armour, causing you to go beyond as you stood back up on your feet while looking in shock to see the kaijus in front of you. Then, a roar from a bird can be heard as you looked back to see a familiar kaiju and a ship flying towards you, for you to smile with joy at their appearances while weakly holding yourself together, standing.

(Y/n): EX Gomora.... EX Red King.... hears a flying kaiju roar for me to turn around to see some familiar faces and ship, smiling at their appearances LITRA!!!!! REI!!! GRANDE!!!

You yelled with a smile.

(A/N: EX Red King.)

Kaiju Name: 
Height: 49m
Weight: 24000t
Origin: Planet Hammer
Special Move/s: Flame Road
Attack: 1600
Defense: 800

Speed: 600

(A/N: EX Gomora.)

Kaiju Name: 
Height: 44m
Weight: 22000t
Origin: Planet Boris
Special Move/s: EX Ultra Oscillation Wave
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1100

Speed: 500

(A/N: Litra.)

Kaiju Name: Prehistoric Bird Litra
Height: 15m
Weight: 10000t
Origin: Planet Boris
Special Move/s: Fire Strike
Attack: 1100
Defense: 800

Speed: 1700

Watching them land, you notice Litra returning back to Rei's NEO Battlenizer, for Rei to land beside you. Seeing him beside you now, you and Rei exchange smiles before you both shook each other's hands.

(Y/n): Rei! Boy I'm glad to see you.

Rei: It's good to see you, too. (Y/n). We missed you.

(Y/n): So have I.

You replied back.

While exchanging smiles and shaking hands, a tractor beam from Grande's ship appears for Grande to arrive with style as per usual, for you to tilt your body to see him.

(A/N: Grande.)

(Y/n): Grande!

Grande: Yo~.

(Y/n): What're you-

Grande: I followed them. When I saw a fight going here, I knew this guy over there's gonna be more fun than the other one from Hammer. So, i decided to lend you guys a hand. 

Grande said.

You and Rei broke the handshake as you went up to Grande with a smile on you face.

(Y/n): It's good to see you again, too.

Grande: Likewise.

Rei: We also got you encoded message.

(Y/n): looks at Rei

Rei: So, that's Reiblood, huh?

(Y/n): The one and only, and he's got someone possessed to boost his power, thus the newly upgraded version of Armoured Darkness.

Grande: Tch!! smirks No wonder he looked so familiar.

(Y/n): So, you with me? Take Reiblood down once and for all?

Rei: nods Yes!

Grande: I'm ready to roll when you both are.

Rei and Grande replied.

All Might (Inner Thoughts): Well, I guess introductions can come later considering the dire situation before us... considering (Y/n) almost died from his kaiju almost dying due to Reiblood and All for One. So go get'em with everything you have, with your friends you have reunited with, Young (Y/n)!

All Might said, understanding the circumstances.

Once agreed, the three of you watched as the Armour got back up on its feet, for Zeppan to do the same as it stood in between EX Gomora and EX Red King, for everyone watching across the world to watch this in shock.

With all of your kaijus ready, you, Rei and Grande raised your NEO Battlenizers in the air.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Grande: LET'S GO, RED KING!!!!!

Rei: GO! GOMORA!!!!


You three yelled.

To be Continued....

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