Chapter 3: The specific "Someone" (PART 2)

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At the Meeting Room,

The U.A. Highschool Teachers who are Pro-Heroes are seen seated down at the table with the principal who appeared to be an animal as they were discussing about what happened a few days ago in U.S.J.

Showing concerns, they all had serious and concern looks on their faces while All Might is seen in his Muscular form with his serious game face on.

Present Mic: So, what do you think of him?

Present Mic ask, starting a conversation as there was silence surrounding the room for too long.

Cementoss: Well,... he did fight off the Villains from different countries and then come back here in those few executive days till now.

Midnight: Well, I do say that it's true but, goes gaga over the person did you even see that look on his face despite that item covering his neck and his chest~ he's so handsome I have to say so myself~!

Cementoss: Please, Nemuri. Control yourself...

Vlad King: It's true that he defeated those villains and eliminated whatever that was that accompanied the League.... but there are some concerns according to Aizawa and All Might.

All: Oh?

All Might: Yes! His quirk.... his quirk is similar to the very person's quirk I fought before.... like him, this unknown person has multiple quirks.

All Might said.

Snipe: Well, true that he does have the something similar, but that doesn't mean he's... him, All Might.

All Might: But Snipe, I know All for One at the back of my hand. And I know, that person.... is also All for One. As he did said it himself, he was designed to defeat me.

All Might said.

The teachers were silent when they heard this, until Nezu spoke up.

Nezu: Though it is true that the young boy said that, but I fear that there is more to him and All for One. Until then, we must issue out a friend or foe tag on him, until we know for certain he is one of us. I know you and All for One had a history in the past, All Might. But sometimes, we must also lay out our options since we are dealing with a child, too.

Nezu said.

Hearing this, All Might nods at his response.

All Might: Hmmm... you have quite the point there.

Aizawa: Though, we can't be sure and for certain to know where he is now, if we want to know if he is one of us or against us,... he must be at that one spot for us to question him and question on his motives here.

Aizawa aka, Eraserhead said.

Everyone looked at Aizawa to see that he's sitting there, his head and arms covered completely with bandages except his eyes as he responded, with shocked looks on their faces as they never expected to be here, too due to his condition.

Nezu: Well, it's good to see you are alright and recovering, Mr. Aizawa. And yes, he is correct. He must be at a specific location so we may find him, apprehend him and question him of his motives.

Nezu said, supporting Eraserhead's response.

Then, he looks at his watch to see that it is almost time for Homeroom.

Nezu: Well, my fellow teachers, it looks like our discussion about the boy would have to wait. Homeroom awaits you all. Once our lessons and sessions are done, we may continue our discussion about him.

He said.

The teachers nod as they began to leave the Meeting Room, with Nezu following behind.

After leaving, Nezu began to detour as he made his way to the Teacher's Lounge to go grab a drink, unbeknownst to him, he was being followed silently by someone aka, you. Once arrived, Nezu entered the room while closing the door behind him as he made his way to get a drink while making his way towards the couch. Once he got his drink, he walked to the couch as he climbed up to make himself comfortable on it, beginning to drink his drink.

While drinking, he stops as he began to sense something behind him, for him to smile at what he's sensing.

Nezu: So it seems. Instead of finding you, you came to us.

Nezu said, standing on the couch slowly while holding his cup as he turn to look at the someone who was behind him.

There, you are seen in the shadows as you emerged from the darkness which began to brighten after deactivating one of your kaiju quirks aka, powers, walking towards the couch where the chimera-like person is seen standing.

You look at him closely as you nod to myself in understanding at the chimera-like person.

Nezu: Hmm?

(y/n): fear not,... for we both have something in common,... but of the different source of the cause. Which is why you are after me, yes? Because of my former master's quirk?

You ask.

Nezu: As a matter of fact, yes. When we were told about you having multitude of quirks, we have reasons to believe that your afiliations are with your Master, All for One.

(y/n): He, is NOT my Master. Not anymore, anyway.

Nezu: Oh? Explain. And oh yes. Do have a seat, too.

(y/n): But,.... you think i'm a threat. Why should I?

Nezu: Because of what you said. If you said you no longer side with All for One, then I can trust you fully, and I would like to know what happened to you that made you make that decision.

Nezu said.

You gave it a thought for a moment until you walked around as you went up to Nezu, sitting beside him on the couch.

(y/n): Tea?

Nezu: Yes. Want some?

(y/n): No thanks, but thank you. I already have a drink before I arrived here to find you.

Nezu: Very well. So, as you were saying on what happened?

Nezu said.

(y/n): Well... like you, I was experimented on. But it was a long long story... I was once in and with a Team, three years ago before I found out about U.A. and U.S.J. They were not just a Team, they are my friends, too before I became like this.

Nezu: And who are these friends of yours, may I ask?

(y/n): Me and my friends, we work for Z.A.P. SPACY aka, Zata Astromical Pioneers SPACY. An organization that is not just protecting Earth, but also explore other universes for other planets for humankind to inhabit... to that's what their motto is. My crew members are; Hyuga; my Captain, Haruna; my Sub-Captain, Oki; my Monster maniac who knows all about monsters, Kumano; my Engineering Wizard and finally the person who I call my Best Friend, Rei; like me, we both can control Monsters and we're Reionics. So in a way, we are both Monster Wizards, willing to protect the World while holding onto the curse of the Reionics. Originally we had no control of it, but now we came to accept it and controlled its berserking power. All of them, including me fight to portect the world from destruction with out ship known as the Space Pendragon. We fought countless fights across the universe to maintain peace and order, wherever they may lie. We also watch out for each other despite any kinds of situations and circumstances, too. That's what makes us strong. As the phrase saying goes we always say in our hearts; It's one for all and all for one. That's how we managed to strive through difficult situations, thick and thin.

You said.

Nezu: I see. That explains why All Might said that he overheard you saying that your former master has tainted that phrase you always use. Now I see what's going on and why you fought the League of Villains head on.

(y/n): Yes. It wasn't my intention to strike fear, furball. All I did, was to fight for my Team's rights for the sake of that phrase that he has tainted and stained by using All for One for evil.

Nezu: I see. Which now leads me to ask you; How did you get here?

(y/n): scratching your chin Well, to recall correctly, three years ago, I was with my team, looking around on a specific planet, when a portal appeared out of the blue. The portal that resembled to the portal boy I fought and inflicted harm on. The group which you named them; "The League of Villains" quoting portal me here, kidnapped me, and forced all those multiple quirks on me.... including my former master's quirk which you can guess what it is.

Nezu: All for One.... he transfused his blood and quirk,... into you?

(y/n): That's what I felt for the past three years. And since that day till now,.... I have been his lapdog... servant.... and an Experimental Subject, fighting their so called; "Nomus" to see if I'm capable in defeating and killing All Might. It was extremely painful at first but they didn't even give a toot about it until I got use to the pain... They even wanted to mind control me if I were a successful Experiement!

You said, growling. But you managed to keep your cool for the furball.

(y/n): But once I managed to discover of their intentions and objectives in store for me.... I thought enough was enough. So, I took off... escaped while I fought my way through, stealing quirks, using them as an advantage, stealing the Nomus' quirks and killing them after that.... but then it hit me.... these quirks belong to the innocents and some were created, and some didn't even have any rightful owners... so I thought-

Before you could finish, Nezu placed his paw on your should, for you to notice this, showing signs of confusion.

Nezu: We've heard in the News, young man. It is a noble and a right thing to do to return those stolen quirks to the victims who fell victim to All for One in the past. Which I must commend you on your efforts for trying to return those stolen quirks bsck to them. So, I understand the burdern you're carrying. As after all, All Might and a few others know of All for One's true agenda in this school, and believe me, it is as ugly as what you said to me just now on what he has done to you.

(y/n): nods Thank you, uuuuhhh...

Nezu: Ah, I see. Looks like we haven't introduce ourselves. I'm Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but more importantly,.... I'm the principal!

(y/n): Principal of this school?

Nezu: Yes. I am the Principal of U.A. High.

(y/n): A-A pleasure. I'm (y/n), (y/n) (l/n). A Human Reionics, like Rei.

Nezu: Well, it is nice to meet you, young (l/n).

(y/n): Yes. And thank you, Nezu... for understanding, and knowing that I'm a friend... and not like my former master which you call him, All for One.

Nezu: Well, you did give me a proper explanation on what happened to you so, you can say you having All for One's quirk is an exception in this school.

Nezu said.

This confused you when Nezu said that.

(y/n): ummm...

Nezu: Yes?

(y/n): W-Wh-W-What do you mean by that?

Nezu: What I mean is that I would like to give you an offer, young (l/n). To join U.A. High as a student.

He said.

You raised your hands with shock.

(y/n): Whoa whoa whoa, Mr. Nezu! Let's not jump the gun here. We only just met and you only just tagged me as a friend. And there is a reason why I came for you as I needed your help after I explained everything to you.

Nezu: It's true that we just first met and I just tagged you as a friend. But don't worry. We'll have much time to talk about yourself later with the teachers. As of now, I would like to offer you to join us in U.A. High as a student until we can figure a way out in contacting your Team. Will that be good enough for you?

Nezu explained and asked.

You gave it a thought as you think hard about his offer.

(y/n): hmmm.... if I don't accept you would still come after me despite me being tagged as a friend by you....

Nezu: That you are right, my boy~!

(y/n): And if I accept, I could actually learn more things on what I want to ask you later....

Nezu: That you are also correct.

(y/n): hmmmm.... scratching your chin

After a long train of thought and while Nezu is seen messaging someone,

(y/n): Alright, Mr. Nezu. I accept your offer. Only because I don't have a choice and I have nowhere else to go after I was kidnapped and experimented on for three years.

You said.

Nezu: A wise and excellent decision, young man!

(y/n): heheh, thank you. Well, looks like we're gonna get along just fine, Mr. Nezu.

Nezu: Indeed we will. And also, I had someone to come over to bring you over to your class to study. You'll also be given a uniform, too.

(y/n): I-I see.

Then, a knock was heard by the door for you and Nezu to look at the door.

Nezu: You may enter, Aizawa.

Nezu said.

The doors opened to see a bandaged up person entering with a uniform being hugged in his arms.

Mr. Aizawa: I brought the uniform as requested. I had Ms. Yaoyorozu to conjure one up.

Nezu: nods and then looks at you Young (l/n), I assume you would recognize him?

(y/n): Yes. He's one of the injured. I heard people call him, Mr. Aizawa and Eraserhead. Are you alright, sir?

You said and ask out of concern.

When Aizawa notice you, he had a serious look on his face as he slowly began to activate his quirk, only for Nezu to stop him

Nezu: Now now. We are not here to fight. Besides, we have much to talk later as he and I agreed.

Mr. Aizawa: Wait. What do you mean by that?

Nezu: I mean he will be joining us as a student of U.A. High! He will be joining your class specifically till we contact his team of allies that he calls them friends.

Mr. Aizawa: Great.... there's more of you....

Nezu: Now now, Mister Eraserhead. He has explained to me some sensitive information which is why he is here and why I tagged him as a friend despite of his villainous quirk he has. Long story short, All for One,... was given to him through an experiement after he was kidnapped.

Mr. Aizawa: I see, sir.... looks at you Then I apologise for misjudging you.

(y/n): It's alright. Like I did say to Mr. Nezu. I'm planning to do good while having this villainous quirk on me. And I will not rest till All for One.... is gone.... tainting the phrase I always use, no longer.

Mr. Aizawa: looks at Nezu confused

Nezu: We will discuss this when he's present in the Meeting Room, Mr. Aizawa. It'll be discussed there. For now, don't you have a question that requires answering about your condition and shouldn't he be in homeroom, too?

The principal ask.

Mr. Aizawa nods as he looks at you.

Mr. Aizawa: Right. I appreciate your concern. Yes, I am alright. It'll be days or weeks before I fully recover from after what happened to me.

(y/n): I'm aware. I saw how his quirk works while I was in my tube. I can explain further when we hit the meeting room later. For now, let's not keep homeroom waiting.

You said.

Mr. Aizawa nods as he passes you the uniform, for you to phase in, to immediately wear the uniform in an instant, to their shock.

Mr. Aizawa: One of your quirks?

(y/n): Mainly my own, specifically. I can actually command powers and/or parts of any monster or alien I desire on my body or use their powers as my person powers. I got it during the U.S.J. incident when the Giga-Battlenizer came to me. Will be explaining that later. This one specifically is one of Alien Baltan's abilities.

Nezu: nods, feeling interested in your quirk Okay now, you two. Chop chop. Homeroom is still in session.

Mr. Aizawa: Yes, sir.

(y/n): Yes, Mr. Nezu.

The both of you said as you and Mr. Aizawa made your way out of class and to your designated classroom.

While making your way there, you introduced yourself.

(y/n): I believe I haven't introduced myself. I'm (y/n) (l/n), member of Z.A.P. SPACY. And current student of U.A. High.

Mr. Aizawa (Inner Thoughts): hmm... this problem child won't be as problematic as the rest, after all.... is what Nezu said about him right? What did they even talk about in there without us even know that he's infiltrated the school?

Mr. Aizawa: I uhh... yeah looks back to you Nice to meet you. Again, I'm Mr. Aizawa. My hero name is Eraserhead. In other words, I can cancel out quirks by merely staring someone dead in the eye.

(y/n): which is what you were about to do, yes?

Mr. Aizawa: hmm. Observant. Yes. But, now that I know through Nezu for some reason that you are a friend, I won't use it against you. But that doesn't mean I won't take you lightly.

(y/n): Understandable. Which is why I need a favor from you.

You said.

The both of you stopped for Mr. Aizawa to turn and face you.

Mr. Aizawa: hmm? And what is it?

(y/n): I'm still well aware that All for One is a villainous quirk and I've been starting to use it to do good things. However, if my former master were to control me by any means even if I'm out of reach. I require your assistance-

Mr. Aizawa: To stop you if things go wrong, yes?

(y/n): .... Yes.

You said, knowing what Mr. Aizawa said is correct.

The teacher nods at this as he responds;

Mr. Aizawa: sighs... I know you are asking this much of me.... but, Very well... I'll do my best.

(y/n): Thank you, sir.

Mr. Aizawa: No problem. Now, let's keep going. We are almost there.

He said as you both resumed walking.

(y/n): You were also going to say something, too right?

Mr. Aizawa: Where I left off? Yes. Not only am I a homeroom teacher, but I'll also be "your" homeroom teacher in your class.

(y/n): in other words?

Mr. Aizawa: Yes. Your favor you want me to do in whenever the situation arises, I'll be there.

He said.

You nod at this, glad that there will be someone to stop you in times when you can't control it, which fortunately it's not the time, yet.

After talking and walking for quite sometime, you both have arrived.

Mr. Aizawa: Alright here we are. Wait out here so I can call you in later.

(y/n): Understood, sir. Oh! One more thing. Can I put on my Z.A.P. uniform over my uniform?

Mr. Aizawa: Hmm. Do as you like. Just as long as you're wearing your uniform inside, I won't give a crap to complain.

(y/n): Nice. Thank you, sir.

You said as you wore your Z.A.P.-issued uniform top on while your homeroom teacher entered the class.

In Class-1A Classroom,

Mr. Aizawa is seen entering the classroom to see the students making a lot of noise while discussing about the Sports Festival, not giving a toot that the homeroom teacher is here.

Mr. Aizawa: Alright, class. I have an announcement to make....

He said.

But, no one was listening, for him to use his quirks in his eyes to intimidate them, only then they listened as they returned to their seats in a matter of seconds, knowing what their homeroom teacher is capable off.

After seeing that everyone's seated at their respective seats, Mr. Aizawa deactivated his quirk as he began to give his announcement, unbeknownst to the students, they'll be having a new student in their class, for their teacher to explain things to them.

Mr. Aizawa: sighs Alright then. Apologies for leaving in such short notice at this particular homeroom. And yes, if you were wondering why I had Ms. Yaoyorozu to create a uniform, we will be having a new student who will be joining us today.

He said.

Everyone in class looked in shock at the sudden revelation that there will be someone new joining us.

Mr. Aizawa: now, before I let him in, allow me to let you know that.... you already know him back in the U.S.J. Incident a few days ago. So.... play nice with him and get along with him.... he's been through a lot.

He said.

The students look in confusion with each other, trying to find out who their teacher is talking about when their teacher opened the classroom door to signal you to come in.

Mr. Aizawa: Alright, you may come in now... introduce yourself, get along with them, and leave me alone so I can do my own thing.

He said.

(y/n): Yes, sir.

You said.

Then, the class sees you entering the classroom, to have shocked looks on their faces, one had surprised looks, some had their jaws drop and one had a curious and annoyed looks on their individual faces.

After entering, you stood in front of the class as you began to introduce yourself.

(y/n): Alrighty, Class 1-A, LET'S DO THIS!!!

You said.


Kirishima: Yeah, he is! looks at the girls Eh?

Kirishima noticed all the girls staring at you for some reason, but you didn't care so much about it as you were excited about your new life on this Earth.


Mineta whined.

You went one step in front as you began to speak.

(y/n): My name is (y/n), (y/n) (l/n). The Human Reionics and a Crew Member of Z.A.P. SPACY's Space Pendragon. Z.A.P. SPACY, also known as Zata Astromical Pioneers SPACY. An organization that is not just protecting Earth, but also explore other universes for other planets for humankind to inhabit, that's our objective and our Motto. My quirk which I discovered recently is called.... well,... hmmm... never thought of a name yet. But I can show you.

You said as you reached both your hands out.

(y/n): Nova arm whips, Mukadender whip hand arm.

You said.

Then, your right arm turned into Mukadender's whip hand arm and your left hand turned into Nova's arm extending whips, for everyone to look in shock and in awe at this.

Mr. Aizawa: Well, now that you have introduced yourself, again... go hang out with the class. Get along well and play nice.

You nod at his instructions for your remaining time for homeroom.

Then, you watched as you see Mr. Aizawa curling inside his sleeping bag as he fell onto the ground, sleeping. Seeing him asleep, you look back at the class, smiling.

(y/n): Well now, hope and let's get along, guys.

You said, placing bith your whip-like hands together, as if clapping, to show your excitement.

To be Continued....

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