Chapter 6: U.A. Sports Festival (PART 3)(Obstacle Race)

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The next day,

At the Sports Festival Stadium, in the Class 1-A Waiting Room,

Class 1-A are seen putting on their Gym Uniform as they get ready for the Sports Festival as it is about to begin momentarily.

As everyone are getting ready, (y/n) is seen putting your Z.A.P. Jacket over your top Gym Uniform without unzipping your jacket up, for some of your classmates to notice this as they ask.

Kaminari: Hey, (y/n). Don't you think you're a bit too... well, clingy with that jacket?

Jirou: Yeah, I've been wanting to ask that.

Tsu: There has to be a reason why you must always wear this, right? ribbit

They said and ask.

You giggle for a second before replying.

(y/n): Well, it's not that I'm being clingy to it. It's just,.... when I wear this, it reminds me of my Team in the Pendragon. And, I always feel that I'm carrying my team along with me, in spirit. The crew of the Space Pendragon and I.... are "Family".

You said.

Jirou: I see. I-

(y/n): chuckling while holding your hand up No apologies necessary, Jirou, Kaminari and Tsu. lowers hand down I know you three mean well when you ask me that question about my Z.A.P. Uniform. So, you three are alright.

Jirou: Oh. Well thank you.

Kaminari: Yeah, same. Thanks.

Tsu: Ribbit

They said.

Mina: Awww man... I was totally hoping I could wear my costume.

Ojiro: At least everyone will be in uniforms. That will keep things fair, right?

Ojiro reassures Mina.

Sato: I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round.

Sato wondered.

Tokoyami: No matter what they've prepared, we must persevere.

Shoji: Right.

Tokoyami and Shoji said.

Then, the door of the Waiting Room suddenly burst open, for everyone and you to see Ida was the one who burst the door open as he began to announce to the entire 1-A that you all are about to make our way to the arena for the Games to begin.

Ida: Everyone! Get your game faces on! We're entering the Arena soon!

Ida exclaimed to the class.

You see everyone preparing themselves for you to take a deep breathe to calm yourself, when you heard Todoroki calling Deku out.

Todoroki: Midoriya.

Deku: Hey, Todoroki. What's up?

Deku ask.

Bakugo tilt his head, watching what is going on with Deku and Icy Hot with a few others to do the same.

Todoroki: From the objective stand point, I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you.

Deku: taken aback by what Todoroki said Umm.... yeah...

Todoroki: However, you have All Might at your corner helping you out. I'm not here to pry on what's going on between you two,.... but know that I will beat you.

Todoroki said for Deku's eyes to widen from that declaration of war.

This made you uncomfortable that you left the room to wait until you all enter the Arena or the feud dies down.

(y/n): sighs Senseless conflict.... would people in this world ever learn....

You said.

A few minutes later,

It was a few seconds time before you all head out as you began to hear Present Mic commentating as the Festival began with the crowds cheering them on from where you are waiting at.

Ida: It's time, (y/n).

(y/n): It's showtime.

At the Commentary Box,

Present Mic: H-HEY!!! Pay attention, audience! Swarm, mass media! This year's High School rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the U.A. Sports Festival, is about to begin! I've only got one question before we start this show! Are you ready?! Lemme hear you scream as the students make their way to the main stage!

Present Mic exclaimed to the audience as the audience began to cheer the students on like crazy, as Class 1-A began to stream in first.

After you and your class emerged, other classes soon followed from behind while the crowd seated around the stadium kept cheering with fireworks blowing up the daylight sky as Present Mic began to commentate, once again.

Present Mic: U.A. Sports Festival! The huge battle where fledgling heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, these are the guys, right?! The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel! The Hero Course students of Class 1-A!

As you kept walking with your class, you look in awe at the audience that are watching this Sports Festival as you began looking around.

(y/n): Whoa.... that's a lot of people here....

Kirishima: When it comes to this Sports Festival, they wouldn't miss it for the World!

(y/n): I can tell from their excitement there.

You said.

Then, you began to hear Present Mic introducing the other classes from Courses B, to K as they began to stream into the center of the stadium.

After all Classes from different Courses gathered to the center, you began to see Midnight heading up the stage as she began to address you and the others. But before that,

Midnight: And now the introductory speech!

She said.

You look to see that her outfit is a bit revealing despite her outfit covering her entirely.

(y/n): ooooh great.... I'm having a Zarab Deja Vu situation here but in an awkward situation which is this.....

You said.

As you said that, Tokoyami noticed what you said as once he finished his conversation with Kirishima and Denki, he began to turn to look at you.

Tokoyami: Oh?

(y/n): yeah.... no joke.... i'll explain later but in short.... he disguised as one of my crewmates who is a girl....

Tokoyami: I.... see....

Midnight: SILENCE, Everyone!

Midnight said, whipping her crop to the side for a loud crack to be heard from the crop.

Midnight: And for the student pledge, we'll have Katsuki Bakugo!

She said.

Your class looked at Bakugo with worry knowing that he is gonna put people off at what he says.

So, Bakugo began walking up the stage for you to notice that other classes have their daggered eyes staring at your class for you to growl at this.

Then, everyone began to hear Bakugo speak.

Bakugo: I just want to say..... I'm gonna win....

Bakugo said on the mic, for your class to stare at him with shock to hear a lot of booing from other classes.

As soon as Bakugo walked down, you notice that Midnight is having her hand over her head upon hearing the other students booing and objecting to what Bakugo said. After seeing Bakugo has left the stage with Ida chopping his hands while exclaiming to him that he should have led by example since he is representing, you stormed up the stage, took the mic, and-

(A/N: The roar.)

- for everyone including the commentators and the crowd (audience) around the stadium to cover their ears from that extremely loud roar coming from you roaring at the mic.

Once you are done roaring, you calmed yourself down while tapping the mic.

(y/n): Excuse Bakugo.... he's under.... "edge" when it comes to improving his quirk. So, don't be babies about it. I'm sure you all have experienced it, too while growing up, don't you?

You said.

This made the other classes look in shock and realization as they lower their thumbs down, and look back on stage.

(y/n): Since Bakugo is currently on edge.... I'll keep this... declaration, brief. And don't mind the jacket on me, ladies and gentlemen, heroes and heroines. This jacket represents a part of me and my crew that I lost three years ago so please.... again forgive the jacket.

You said, expressing yourself and giving everyone a heads up.

(y/n): Now, no matter what background we come from, how strong or how weak you are, we are still heroes at the stand point. We don't fight villains just for glory, pride and fame... we fight villains because it is our job. Quirk, Quirkless... it doesn't matter at all. What matters, is that we are all heroes, whoever or whatever you are. So students before me, let's give it our all, and let's work for the top leagues, even if we have to face against each other. No matter what, we are still school and classmates, we learn from each other, and we work with each other. That's how things are played here and now, And THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE, IN U.A. HIGH SPORTS FESTIVAL!!!!!

You said.

The crowd began cheering loudly from what you said as the students did the same as well as your class.

You smiled at this when you had an idea, for you to speak through the mic again.

(y/n): So, there is this.... one little question for everyone here which I want to ask you this.... points at the audience Audience watching U.A. Sports Festival, including the audience watching this on Television LIVE.... are you ready?

(A/N: WWE Degeneration-X moment starts here.)

You ask.

The audience cheered loudly. You nod at this and began to pump up the crowd even more.


You yelled.

The audience cheered even louder. You look at the crowd around the stadium cheering much more louder than before.

Then, you used your Giga-Battlenizer as you summoned Aliens Zarab, Sran and Hipporito as you four went to line themselves while you all spread your legs wide, bending those knees while tilting a bit forward as you began to point at the audience while having to hold the mic in front of you.

You see Midnight looking at you with confusion for you to gesture her to join you, in which she sighed as she played along, to see what happens.

Once the five are on board, you spoke.

(y/n): THEN!!! For the thousands in attendance,.... points upwards to the upper rows for the MILLIONS watching around the world! looks at my left and right and.... well.... i'm only here because I was just trying to diffuse a feud caused by our little edgelord there.

You said.

This made the audience chuckle for a moment.


(y/n): Anyway!!!! Let's enjoy the festivities and enjoy the Sports Festival! There's gonna be a lot of fun! A lot of competitions! A lot of action! A lot of battles! SO!!!!!!!!! leans forward and downwards LET'S GET READY TO RUMBUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You said as you shot up for the Aliens to do the same as they clap, for the audience to cheer even louder, for Midnight to understand what you are doing.

Once you are done, you placed the mic back onto the stand as you raise your hands to embrace the crowd, you look down to see your class and even the other classes clapping along as you made your way down to reunite with them after what you did to difuse the matter.

(A/N: WWE Degeneration-X moment ends here.)

After a while, the Screen began to say, 'FIRST GAME', indicating that the first game is about to begin, for Midnight to address it.

Midnight: Anyway, after that heartwarming encouragement from our newcomer, (y/n), IT'S TIME TO GET STARTED WITH THE FIRST GAME! The first game is what you call a qualifier! This is where you can feeling the pain! The first qualifying game of the festival! What can it be?

Midnight said, swinging her crop to her right, for a huge screen to appear for the students to see a bingo slot machine-look-alike spinning inside the box.

After spinning for a while, the slot stops for the students to see that the first game has been chosen for the slot to read, 'OBSTACLE RACE'.

Deku: So, it's gonna be an obstacle course.

(y/n): It looks that way.

You replied.

Midnight: All eleven classes will participate in this treacherous contest. The track is 4km outside of the stadium. I don't want to restrain anyone at least in this game. licks my lips and smirks mhmm~ as long as you don't leave the course, you're free to do whatever your hearts desires!

Midnight explained.

The crowd began cheering for you and the others loudly as the first game is about to begin.

Midnight: Now then, take your places contestants!

Midnight instructed.

So, all the students and yourself began to make your way to the starting point as you see three green lights flashing above, with one of them to be turned off as the game is about to start at any moment.

As they waited, you look at Deku as you smiled.

(y/n): Hey, Deku.

Deku: Yeah?

(y/n): Let the best man win this Festival.

Deku: yeah! May the best man, win!

(y/n): nods

As soon as all the green lights are off,-

Midnight: BEGIN!!!

Mightnight exclaimed.

-the students began running into a tunnel leading outside of the stadium, with the commentators began to commentate.

Present Mic: And we're off to a racing start! looks at Mr. Aizawa How about some commentary, Mummy Man?

Mr. Aizawa: looks at Present Mic .... How did you talk me into this....?

Present Mic: What should we be paying attention to the early stages of the race?

Mr. Aizawa: .... the Doorway....

Mr. Aizawa said.

In the tunnel aka, the Doorway, you see a lot of students pushing and shoving, struggling to get through to the exit for you to see that Deku is having a difficult time, too. You see some of your classmates struggling as well to get through with many students shoving and squeezing about.

So, you turned your arms into Guyros arms while secretly using All for One in your head as you duplicate Guyros arms, hoisting yourself to the ceiling. Once on the ceiling, you began to hoist your classmates up to those classmates you could find in the crowd including Deku by using your Guyros Tentacle arms as you made your way out.

(A/N: The use of Guyros' Tentacles.)

Deku: (y/n), thanks!

(y/n): No problem! Now, let's be on our way!

You said.

As you were about to make your way out, a huge layer of ice blocked your path, for you to coil Guyros tentacle arms up into an arm as you punched it, giving you the space to exit the Doorway at ease while-

(y/n): This is when we get off to carry on the race!

-tossing your classmates and Deku back on track while landing onto icy ground, reverting your arms back to normal.

After landing, you could already tell that Todoroki used his ice powers to freeze the ground so he can run at ease while the others couldn't. So, you nod at this as your shoes began to have drill spikes as you trek and run through the icy path, secretly using more than one quirk, though you can just simply use either one of them.

As you kept moving forward, you see Mineta using his balls from his head as he placed them on the ground for him to bounce on them, to easily catch up with Todoroki, only to be struck by a robot you never seen before, stopping everyone in their tracks including Todoroki.


Deku: It's those robots from the Entrance Exam!!!

(y/n): Whoa....

Present Mic (from the Commentary Box): OOOHHH, enemies have shown up out of nowhere! I'd bet we're in for a treat here! Starting with the first barrier!! It's a Robo Inferno!!!!

Present Mic exclaimed.

As he exclaimed, more giant robots began streaming in towards the racers and you. Everyone stopped as they look at them with worry looks on their faces.

Denki: Whoa! Are these the Zero-Pointers from the Entrance Exam?!?!

Denki ask, for several students/racers to comment about the zero-pointers before them.

Todoroki looked at them as he is about to use his quirk, only for you to place your hand on his shoulder, for Todoroki to look at you.

(y/n): Save your strength. I'll deal with them no problem.

Todoroki: but.... how???

(y/n): How? By fighting fire with fire.

You said as you took a few steps ahead of Todoroki while fishing Giga-Battlenizer out for the racer to notice this.

As you stop in front of the robots, you smirk while having a serious look on your face as you yelled;

(y/n): You and this School shall do well to remember.... raises Giga-Battlenizer above my head I FOUGHT AGAINST ONE THOUSAND OVER INDESTRUCTABLE ROBOTS BACK ON HAMMER!!!!!!! GO!!!! 100-MONSLOAD!!!! ROBOT KAIJUS COME FORTH AND RISE UP!!!!!! (A/N: Yes, he's talking about the army of King Joe Blacks and a King Joe Scarlet that he fought along with Rei's kaijus.)

You yelled as all of the gigantic robot kaijus began appearing at both sides for the racers to look in shock as some roared at the zero-pointers. (A/N: You may imagine all the robots and mechas from every Ultra Series ganging up on those Zero pointers.)

Once the party has arrived, you point the Battlenizer at the zero-pointer robots with force.


You yelled as the robot kaijus advanced towards the zero-pointers, engaging them in combat.

Present Mic (from the Commentary Box): Whoa! Looks like our newcomer, (y/n) has decided to fight fire with fire by unleashing his own Robo Inferno against the Obstacle's Robo Inferno!!!

Present Mic exclaimed.

While the robots are fighting, you look at Todoroki.

(y/n): Come, Todoroki. Let us continue while my Robot Legion holds their ground.

You said.

Todoroki nods as the both of you began running, with Todoroki to slowly went up ahead of me. While the fight is still on, the other racers began to run once again as they soon caught up with the both of you from behind.

While running, you look back with concern to wonder how Deku is doing.

(y/n) (Inner Thoughts): I wonder how Deku.... is fairing....

You said.

As you ran, you look back as you suddenly stop in your tracks to see some kind of canyon before you with so many rocks and cliffs all over, with just one slight misstep, you are done for.

(y/n): Okay.... this is a small problem.

You said.

While looking down the cliff you are standing on, several students arrived to see the second course as their eyes widened with shock at the course they see before them.

You kept looking for better angles to get over to the other end until it dawned upon you about the Giga-Battlenizer as you fished it out. After fishing it out, you charged it slightly, only for a small whip to be conjured for your eyes to widened to see that you didn't know that you can do that.

(y/n): The Giga-Battlenizer can conjure whips! That means-

Mina: Hey, what are you doing?

Tsu: jumps onto a rope RIBBIIIIIIIT! lands on one Ribbit.

You see Tsu going ahead of everyone, followed by someone from the Support course to do so after Tsu, along with everyone else.

While watching, you look at your weapon as you smirked due to having an idea in mind. So, you turned around while still standing at the edge of the cliff as you did a two-fingered salute.

(y/n): Welp, adios~

You said as you leaned back, for you to fall from the cliff for everyone to see, not before watching you coming back up by using the energy whips being shot out from the ends of the Giga-Battlenizer as you went Spiderman in this course as you whip your way towards the other end.

As you were about to reach the end, you see Deku with a Zero Pointer piece carried on his back as he slowly dragged himself through canyon by canyon on one rope, for you to show sympathy on your friend as you whipped your way back to Deku. When you arrived, you swung towards him as you reached your hand out.

(y/n): DEKU!!!!!!!

Deku: looks at who was calling me

(y/n): GRAB THE HAND!!!!!!!!

You yelled.

Deku reached out as you grabbed Deku's hand while swinging away from the rope Deku was clinging on, holding onto him while you swung back to the other end of the canyon.

Deku: Thanks!!!

(y/n): What are friends for?!

Deku: smiles 

(y/n): Come on! We got a race to finish!

Deku: Yeah!

Both of you agreed as you swung your way towards the other end of the cnayon by using your Giga-Battlenizer.

As soon as you both reached the other end, you and Deku landed on solid ground as you two composed themselves after you swung about like spiderman with the help of your weapon. Then, you point your finger upwards for Deku to see this.

Deku: Yes, (y/n)?

(y/n): looks at Deku while my finger is still up Do make sure you add this whip move in your book....

Deku: Oh, sure.

After composing yourselves for a moment, you both stood up.

(y/n): Welp, again, let's carry on.

Deku: Right. Let's.

And with that, you both resumed back to running until you stumbled upon the final obstacle known as, 'The Minefield' as you both watched as several students and classmates are being sent all over while flying due to the explosions of the mines beneath their feet, to both your shocks to see this happening.

(y/n): Who the heck even comes up with these obstacles....????

Deku: Someone I wouldn't want to mess with....

(y/n): So, any ideas on how to get rhough this?

You ask.

Deku began to think of a way along with you doing the same while several students and classmates from the canyon caught up. While thinking, Deku noticed he still have that piece of the zero pointer on him, for him to have an idea.

Deku: I have an idea!

(y/n): Oh? What is it?

Deku: I'm going to dig all the mines out at one spot so I can fly all the way to the end of the course.

(y/n): Well! Sounds crazy, but I like it.

Deku: What about you, (y/n)?

(y/n): I'm gonna simply dig my way there by using the powers of Angross. But since you said digging, I have a better idea.

Deku: Oh? What's that?

While you and Deku are putting the plan in motion at the starting point of the last obstacle, Bakugo can be seen blasting through the course and passing by Todoroki. As soon as Bakugo was about to completely bypass him, he turned as he tried to blast Todoroki, not before exclaiming to him that his declaration was to the wrong person.

Bakugo: BASTARD! Your declaration of war.... WAS TO THE WRONG PERSOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bakugo yelled, blasting his explosion at Todoroki.

Todoroki saw it coming as he dodged the blast, starting up a small fight against each other in the middle of the course while the racers can be seen watching this happening, carefully making their way through the race and being blown up by the mines as they flew to the sides and back at the starting point of the course.

While the fight was still ongoing, back at the starting point of the last obstacle, you are seen placing the last landmine into a huge hole you just made for Deku as you and Deku see that the huge hole is now being covered by landmines you carefully dug up and out from underground.

(y/n): Welp, that's the last of them. 

Deku: Thanks. I have Kacchan to thank for, really. But still, thank you for helping me gather all these mines.

(y/n): No worries, Deku. Now, let's fly!

Deku: Alright. holding up the huge metal fragment in front of me Thanks for the idea.... Kacchan!!!!

Deku said, running towards the hole filled with mines as he jumped into it.

You on the other hand, focused your power in transforming into a golden bird-like kaiju as you roared out loud while flapping your wings, taking to the sky.

(A/N: This kaiju known as Rai-Bassar that you're turning into when it comes to quirks.)

As soon as you took flight and start flying ahead, a huge explosion can be seen at the starting point for everyone to look back to see Deku still holding on to the piece of metal from the zero pointer as he is seen flying pass everyone, for you to smirk as you flew in to catch up with him from the distance.

Seeing Deku losing altitude and spped, you also notice Todoroki and Bakugo using their quirks catch up with him for you to swoop in front of them as you flapped your wings, preventing them from advancing forward.

(y/n): DEKU!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!

You yelled.

With that instruction, Deku stood onto Todoroki and bakugo's shoulder to gain some footing while swinging the metal he is still holding onto as he struck the ground in front of you four, striking a landmine in front of you all, exploding several of them, giving Deku the speed and momentum to keep going faster as he was extremely far ahead, for you to see this as an opportunity as you flew in with Deku in high speed with the help of the explosion caused by Deku swinging the metal down on the mines he struck.

As the both of you kept pressing forward, the both of you began to head Present Mic and Eraserhead again, indicating to you both that you are closer to the finishing line.


Eraserhead (From the COmmentary Box): ..... this has nothing to do with me.... each of them is powered by their own drive to succeed.

Eraserhead said through the mic.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): THERE YA HAVE IT!!!! ERASERHEAD IS A TERRIBLE TEACHER!

Eraserhead (From the Commentary Box): I WHAT-?!?!?!

While the commentators are talking, you notice Todoroki and Bakugo are seen slowly catching up to Deku and you, for you to look at Deku.

(y/n): Deku!

Deku: Yeah? 

(y/n): You go on ahead! I got a Declaration of War to pick with Todoroki and Bakugo!

Deku: Bu- What about you?

(y/n): I'll be fine. I'll boost you. But take heed! This will sting your back a little!

Deku: Eh?

Deku was confused by this until you charged up your electric powers in your humanoid kaiju form as you used your wings to flap a gust of wind while emitting an electric charge for Deku to not only increase his speed and also get electric charged as he can be seen going even faster than before.

After seeing Deku going far ahead, you turned back while turning your body into half Ice Grozam and half Deathrem, utilizing the powers of ice and fire, much like Todoroki but with Bakugo's strength.

(A/N: Ice Grozam and Deathrem's Power.)

Utilizing their powers, you sent a devastating blows of Deathrem Inferno and Ice Blasts from your face and mouth, driving Todoroki and Bakugo back.

Once you were done driving those two back, you smirked.

(y/n): Sorry boys. But your Declaration of War has been answered.

You said, flying to the finishing line.

While making your way back to the stadium which is also the finishing line, you heard Present Mic introducing the person who reached back to the stadium at first place.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): The first to make it back to the stadium is the first place winner! IZUKU MIDORIYA IS OUR CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Present Mic yelled through the mic, for you to hear that and also to hear the audience cheering for Deku.

As you reached the finishing point, you land beside Deku, reverting back to normal as you smacked Deku at the back out of pure joy.

(y/n): Well now, Deku my friend! You did it!

Deku: Yeah. Thanks to you, really. Though it did sting a little.

(y/n): Heheh. Sorry.... Rai-Bassar's electric powers tend to be electrifying and stingy.

Deku: I can tell after you explained. But still, thanks. So you're second? 

(y/n): Heheh, yep. Good race.

Deku: Yeah, you too.

Deku said, with both of you shaking hands while the racers began pouring in one by one.

While the both of you have your moment, Bakugo can be seen feeling frustrated after the race while Todoroki can be seen cooling down from running all the way here while using his quirk too much while looking at Deku and you. After awhile, he soon walked off.

Bakugo: .... No..... Not again!!!

Bakugo said to himself with anger.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): The contestants are pouring in one after the other!! Let's put our round of applause for all our competitors as we prepare for our results!

Present Mic states.

While you and Deku were talking about the next round while talking about the race, Uraraka came in to congradulate you two.

Uraraka: Deku! (y/n)! That was amazing!

Deku & (y/n): looks at Uraraka running towards us

(y/n): Oh, he-hey, Uraraka! And thanks.

Deku: Oh hi. And uuuh, thanks.

Uraraka: I can't believe you two got first and second places, I'm jealous.

She said.

This flattering from Uraraka caused Deku to use his arms to cover his face out of embarrasement for you to laugh at this silently while every contestant/racer streamed in one after another.


Momo: You... are, the WORST!

You notice Momo looking back, for you to see someone hanging onto her from behind to see that it was Mineta using his balls from his hair as he is seen clinging onto her while sticking onto her uniform, for a sweat demeanor to be formed on your head as you made your way to her to help her out for a bit.

(y/n): Deku, Uraraka, I'mma go help Momo for a bit, I'll be right back. You two keep talking.

You said.

The two nod as you proceeded to Momo to help her out to get Mineta off her.

A few minutes have gone by and every contestant has returned to the stadium, for Midnight to address everyone once again to proceed on with the games.

Midnight: The first game of the first years is finally over, and what a game it was. Now let's take a quick look at the standing, shall we~?

Midnight said while posing seductively.... as usual.

Then, the leaderboard suddenly appeared on screen for us to see where you and the others stand now, with Deku being at First place, you being in Second, Todoroki being Third, Bakugo being Fourth, Ibara being Fifth, Juzo Sixth, Ida Seventh, Tokoyami Eighth, Sero Ninth, Kirishima Tenth, Tetsutetsu 11th, Ojiro 12th, Yosetsu 13th, Tsu 14th, Shoji 15th, Sato 16th, Uraraka 17th, Momo 18th, Mineta 19th, Mina 20th, Koda 21st, Jirou 22nd, Kaibara 23rd, Kosei 24th, Kaminari 25th, Kojiro 26th, Reiko 27th, Shinso 28th, Kendo 29th, Shishida 30th, Kuroiro 31st, Kodai 32nd, Rin 33rd, Shoda 34th, Komori 35th, Kamakiri 36th, Monoma 37th, Pony 38th, Toru 39th, Setsuna 40th, Fukidashi 41st, Mei 42nd and last but not least in last place, Aoyama being 43rd.

You smiled at the results while looking at Aoyama with the deepest concern and suspicion, but you paid no mind about it as you focused on the Festival that is still on.

Midnight: The top 43 from this Qualifying Round will move on!! But for those who placed lower, don't worry! We've got another way for you to show your stuff and for you to shine!! mmm~

Midnight said, licking her lips slowly and seductively.

Midnight: Now the real fun is about to begin~ The chance to fully move yourselves into the live light! Give it your best!! cracks my crop Let's see what we have in store for you next! Will your wildest fantasies come to life~? Or what could it be? The waiting is torture~ Prepare yourselves.... FOR THIS!!!

Midnight said for the slot to begin spinning.

After awhile, it the slot stopped spinning for everyone to see the screen saying, 'CAVALRY BATTLE'.

Kaminari: A cavalry battle? I'm terrible at those......

Tsu: So, this is not an individual event. I wonder how they'll split us up?

Kaminari complained and Tsu asked herself while Mineta can be seen drooling from the excitment on whoever he is gonna be teaming up, hoping they will be girls he'll be teaming up.

Midnight: Allow me to explain. The participants will form teams of two to four people as they see fit. In theory it's basically the same as a regular playground game! But there is one difference~ Each player has been assigned with a point value based on the Obstacle Course.

Midnight stated.

Everyone including Sato, Uraraka, Mina, Deku and I ebagn discussing about how to do things in this Battle when Midnight interrupted by cracking her crop and shutting you all up.

Midnight: Maybe you should shut up and let me explain things to you!!!!!!!!!!!

Midnight exclaimed angrily for everyone to stay silent while in shock from what she did.

(y/n) (Inner Thoughts): whoa, girl.... take a chill pill....

You said in thought.

After that outburst, Midnight calmed down a bit as she proceeded in stating the rules.

Midnight: Now then, the pointing assignments go up by individuals of five starting from the bottom! For example, for 43rd place is worth Five Points, 42nd place is worth Ten! And the point value assigned to the First Place contestant is,..... TEN MILLION!!!

Midnight stated.

Upon hearing this, you and Deku had a twisted and bad feeling that you both are going to get target due to the fact that first, Deku has the ten million band, and second is that, you have the 2nd place band which is probably half or three-quarter of ten million, for you both to look at each other while sweating.

Deku: Ten Million....??? w-w-we're dead....

(y/n): yyyyyeah but... this'll be fun.

You said.

Then, you see the contestants all staring at Deku with daggers in their eyes in the attempts to remove him from the top, for Midnight to look down at what's going on.

Midnight: That's right~ It's survival of the fittest and a chance to those at the bottom to overthrow the top!!!!

Midnight stated.

(y/n)(Inner Thoughts): What have I gotten Deku and myself into.....????

You said sighing to himself.

To be Continued....

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