Chapter 7: U.A. Sports Festival (PART 4)(Cavalry Battle)

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Back on Stage,

Midnight: First years! Here are the rules to abide! The Game itself will last fifteen minutes. Individual point values will be added together to reach your team totals. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands! Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up! So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And another thing, even if you get your headband stoeln when your team falls down, you can keep playing until times' up!

Midnight said, stating the rules while the screen shows the audience and the contestants the example on how the Cavalry Battle is played.

You nod at this as you look at Deku.

(y/n): Well... looks like we'll have to strategize on how we're gonna protect our headbands while we're at it stealing people's band points. Just be careful with your headband alright, Deku?

Deku: Yeah.... I better come up with a very good strategy, really.... And thanks, I will.

Deku replied and said.

You smiled while listening to the contestants including your classmates muttering and talking amongst each other about the Battle Rules.

While talking, Midnight began to speak again.

Midnight: This is going to be rough! You may use your quirks as much as you like! But, there are still rules. Make a Team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card~ You'll be disqualified!

Midnight said.

Then, the screen shows a countdown at 15 minutes for you and everyone to look for a teammate to tag with for this Cavalry Battle as Midnight initiated the forming of Teams for the next 15 minutes after this current 15 minutes of searching.

Midnight: You've got 15 Minutes to form your Teams! I recommend that you get started!

Midnight stated as the countdown for searching for Teammates has started.

(y/n): Well, let the best team win.

Deku: Yeah.

As the both of you began to search for some teammates, you suddenly got called out by Midnight for some reason.

Midnight: As you all keep searching for your Teams, would (y/n) (l/n) please make your way up to the stage with me! Let's have a little, chat~

Midnight said, winking her eye at you, to your confusion.

(y/n): Wonder what that's about?

Deku: I'm not sure either. 

(y/n): Hmmm.... I'll go find out. Good luck in finding your team, Deku.

Deku: Thanks.

Deku said as he kept thinking of a strategy and teammates that can be well suited for him in this current situation while standing at one spot, as you made your way up to the stage as you walked towards Midnight.

(y/n): Ms. Midnight. You summoned me?

Midnight: Indeed I have, as I have something special planned for you for this Cavalry Battle and for the Upcoming Finals in the Sports Festival~ But before that, let's begin with a little Q'n'A Session while everyone is down there searching for their Compatible Teams! to lighten your burden~

Midnight said.

Mineta saw this as he exclaimed in the crowd.

Mineta: (y/n)!!!! YOU LUCKY BASTARD!!!!!!

Midnight: SHUT UP AND KEEP LOOKING FOR YOUR TEAMMATES!!!!!!!!! cracks crop

(y/n): ... Oooookay.... looks at Midnight I guess I can answer a few questions....

You said, having a sweat demeanor on your head.

Midnight: Wise and Pleasurable choice, (y/n)~. passes a mic to (y/n) So, young man~ share with us, what do you think of your very first experience here at the U.A. Sports Festival?

Midnight asks.

(y/n): Well, in all honesty, Ms. Midnight. This is actually my very very first time participating in this Festival. At first after, I just got offered to join U.A. High as a student so,... I never knew what it was until I got the chance to experience it first hand.... and here I am now. I'm speechless! I'm-I'm pumped! Lemme tell ya, it's fun, it's fantastic. It had me thinking that well... maybe, I can go again sometime due to the excitment and the crowd going.

Midnight: Wow, seems like you're adjusting to our environment just fine, I see?

(y/n): Very, thank you.

Midnight: Now the audience and I have noticed that you've been wearing that Jacket throughout the Festival and the Games. Does it signify anything to you? and what does Z.A.P. mean? Does it mean I can zap the pleasure out of you~

(y/n): Heh... Heheh.... eeeeehhhnnnope. It doesn't mean that.... and for the Jacket, well, as informed to my classmates which I can say it to the millions here and watching at home, I'm not being clingy to it. When I wear this jacket for a part of a uniform, it reminds me of my Team in the Space Pendragon back in my World. And, I always feel that I'm carrying my team along with me whenever and where ever I go, in spirit. The crew of the Space Pendragon and I are "Family", you see ever since they bumped into me.

You said.

After saying that, you began to hear the crowd cheering for you still and looking at you curiously after revealing that you were from another World.

(y/n)(Inner Thoughts): A positive reaction, huh? Well that's a first.... I thought they'll be scared after I said that...

Midnight: Awww~ using that jacket to carry your Team forwards? Touching~

(y/n): Well,... if you were to put it that way, sure, it is.

Midnight: Anyway, you were saying on what that means! points crop to the logo on (y/n)'s Jacket Uniform

(y/n): Oh, yes. Z.A.P., stands for Zata Astromical Pioneers. But if you haven't noticed the fine detail on the logo itself, it says Z.A.P. SPACY, in which it stands for Zata Astromical Pioneers SPACY. It's a Earth-based Organization that explores universes for other planets for mankind to inhabit. When we have nothing to do, we will simply transport cargo to various Earth Colonies around the universes, like here, for example.

Midnight: Oh, so you're from Earth?

(y/n): Yes, however... not from this Earth.

Midnight: Then don't mind telling us about your Earth, you cute lil' monster~


Midnight: cracks her crop

(y/n): Well.... on my Earth I came from, it is like this Earth, but with a major difference.... 

Midnight: And that is?

(y/n): Your villains on my Earth, are kaijus and seijins.... wanting to destroy everything in their path. 

Midnight: And I assume your own robot inferno in the race are few of the many kaijus from your Earth?

(y/n): Correct.

Midnight: And who usually stop these kaijus and aliens?

(y/n): Well.... you have my organization, and we also have our ground troops to deal with the threat, as well. Even.... them, too.

Midnight: Them?

(y/n): Yes, them. My allies. Their like kaijus and aliens but, the major difference is that they protect people from kaijus and aliens. Heck, they even protect the Earth from destruction, too.

Midnight: Wow. Your Earth sounds pretty lively.

(y/n): Heh, you say that now, wait till the big boss comes right at your door step. My allies did mention that those guys were a pain when they fought them. So believe me when I say this, they, my Team and myself know what you're going through when you handle those villains out there.

Midnight: I can tell from the sound of your concerning voice, Mr. (y/n). Now, there is one other question the audience, the pro heroes and the staffs of U.A. High want to know. That's, what's Hammer? Is it a name? Object? Thing? Cause' from the sound of your manly voice back at the Robo inferno Obstacle, you sounded like you were ready for something and you mean business.

(y/n): Well, that's true, actually, Ms. Midnight. And yes, Hammer is a name, of a Planet, as when I saw the Robo Inferno Obstacle before me, it gave me a flashback on that very Planet when a thousand to an infinite number of black gunner robots known as King Joe Black raged war against me and my Team. We fought hard until we defeated every last one of them....

You stopped halfway as you lowered your head, thinking about someone.

(y/n): ... with a heavy cost of one life...

Midnight: .... was he or she.... part of your Team...???

(y/n): .... no.... he was... part of the King Joe army.... He was used to be evil but that changed when my friend and him fought, with my friend ending up winning, proving to him that he is not like the Dark Shepard..... His name was Dail... a Reionic Hunter. He tried to convince his queen of his robot rebellion army to leave as he saw goodness in my friend and I... but instead.... his queen backstabbed him... in the end, he saved my Team that were kidnapped by the Queen's forces, causing Dail his life. After that fight against the Robot Army of King Joe Black was over.... my team and I gave him a proper burial on Hammer... and gave a tribute to him for his bravery. I even dub him as an honourary member of our Team, for which my Team agreed.

You said.

Then, this happened.

Random Person 1: Hey, come on, guys! This Dail person died saving him and his Team! 

Random Person 2: Yeah! If anything, he should be an honourary Hero, too!

Random Person 3: YEAH! Let's hear it for Dail! OOH!

A few people exclaimed as the audience began to clap while chanting Dail's name, for you to look at the audience with tears in your eyes.

After a while, you wiped away your tears and began speaking to the audience again.

(y/n): I uh.... thank you, for that, ladies and gentlemen. As a matter of fact, I should agree on that. Without Dail,... I wouldn't be here. We had our ups and down, that's for sure, but one thing we know, Dail, my friend, Rei and I have one thing in common which I can tell we all, as well have one thing in common. And that's peace throughout the Earth and throughout the galaxy. And seeing you chant his name, I'm sure Dail is watching me and you guys in the skies above, smiling at all of your tributes by your chants of his name. And I can honestly tell, that he is thanking each and every one of you for that encouragement.

You said.

This made the audience applaud to you again. After that round of applause, Midnight soon spoke once again as she began to ask one last question.

Midnight: How touching, ladies and gentlemen~ And a very touching story, (y/n)~

(y/n): Thank you.

Midnight: Now, dear, since time is running out as we only have less than a minute left, let me ask one last question.

(y/n): Shoot.

Midnight: After you graduate from U.A. High, what will you do? And what is your Hero Name? Surely you have one back in your Earth. Right, Handsome Monster~?

Midnight asks.

You kept your cool as you began to answer them.

(y/n): Well... after considering the situation, I think my team and I... if they find me, that is, we can actually make an Earth Colony on this Earth while help you guys improve a lot of things like Security for one of the many examples. And maybe,... make my own organization here? Run a Cooperation with my Team. Heh! Maybe I should. As after all, Dail once said to me in private. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery... and today.... is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

Midnight: Interesting words, i must admit.... anyway,-

(y/n): Yeah, and about my Hero Name. hmmmm... The thing here is, my World has no such things as that like what you guys have. So, it'll be time before I think of one.

Midnight: I see....

(y/n): BUT!

Midnight: Hmm?!

(y/n): After discussing it with my friend and thinking about while I sleep, I have considered of one fine name.

Midnight: Oh~?

(y/n): Reionics Hero: Cerebro. Quirk Name: Reionics

Midnight: My, I'd say~ Interesting name. Not a bad touch, too, Cerebro~

(y/n): giggles Thanks.

Midnight: nods then looks at the audience Well, there you have it, a 15 minute Q'n'A Session with our newcomer, the Reionics Hero: Cerebro. And I think it is also time to stop the clock as time is up!

Midnight said.

And with that, the timer is now 00:00, for everyone to stop finding their partners as they began to gather around the stage, for you to see different Teams are now formed around the stage.

Then, you see Midnight pointing her crop at you as she spoke.

Midnight: Now that all the Teams are formed, this is when you come in, Cerebro~ smecks my lips with my tongue You only have 20 seconds to choose which Team you want to work together with.

(y/n): looks at Midnight in shock WAIT, THAT'S ALSO WHY I'M UP HERE F-

Midnight: And your time begins now!!!

And with that, I stopped talking as I began choosing. 

However, you were pressured as the teams before you have very good quirks. So, you did the only thing that is necessary to choose your Team you want to be with, as you began pointing at each and one of them as you spoke to yourself.

(y/n): okay... here it goes..... since I  only have a few seconds left.... I have to resort to this.... starts pointing 'eenie meenie miney mo. catch Shishido by the toe. hey, gang orca, let'im go. eenie.... meenie.... miney.... mo.'

You said, closing your eyes as you held your finger in place to point at a team.

After a few seconds, you open your eyes as you see you pointed at Deku, for you to figure that you are now on Deku's Team.

Midnight: Well, there you have it folks, Cerebro is joining Izuku Midoriya's Team!

Midnight said, for the crowd to roar for you.

You sighed in relief as you made your way to Deku after Midnight ushered you down to his team. When you reached your team, you were suddenly introduced with someone you have never met before.


(y/n): Whoa! Who'r- wait, aren't you the girl with the gadgets?

Mei: That's meee~ My name's Mei Hatsume from the Support Class. And I can tell you were talking about my babies I used during the Obstacle Race! Aren't they great?!

Mei ask excitedly.

(y/n): Y-Your babies?

Deku: She's talking about her gears and gadgets, (y/n).

(y/n): O-Oh! I see.

Mei: For the record, I have spare babies just for you when you kept pointing at our Team! I even took the liberty in making them after you pointed directly to our Team of First Place!

Mei said, passing a pair of Hover Soles to you, for you to have a sweat demeanor on your head while having a nervous smirk on your face.

(y/n): Uhhh... heheheeeeeh.... why thank you. Think we can also use these equipment to our advantage and to the plan, as well.

Tokoyami: You too have a plan?

(y/n): Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Since we have Mei's babies for equipment and your Dark Shadow, as well, I can sense my plan being accelerated already.

Tokoyami: Is that so?

(y/n): Oh yeah.

Tokoyami: Then let us proceed.

Uraraka: Yeah! Let's win this, guys!

Deku: Yeah!

Mei: Let's do this!!!

(y/n): Let's bring it home, for the Team!!

You all said.

And with that, you and your chosen Team began equpping yourselves with the equipment aka, babies Mei Hatsume has supplied everyone while Midnight can be heard informing the audience and the competitors that the Cavalry Round is about to begin.

Midnight: Alright, everyone! Now that Cerebro has made himself at home with his chosen Team, the Cavalry round is about to begin! 

Midnight stated.

Meanwhile, inside the Commentary Box, Present Mic can be seen waking Eraserhead before resuming his commentary about the upcoming Cavalry Battle that will begin within a moment, for Present Mic to explain a brief

Present Mic: After 15 minutes of party forming and planning, 12 Cavalry Teams are prepared to go head to head.

Eraserhead: I see some unexpected students combinations.

Present Mic: COME ON, EVERYONE!!! GET YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!!!!! It's time for an Arena Battle Royal to remember!!!! Let me hear you scream!!!

Everyone began to cheer loudly for the competitors down at the Arena.

Meanwhile, you are seen equipping yourself with a pair of Hover Soles when Deku walked to you, for you to get up after donning them on.

(y/n): Hey, Deku. What's up?

Deku: I.... did some thinking, too.

(y/n): Eh?

Deku: Since this is your first time being in this World and you are willing to want to learn more and new things here, offers a Point Headband I want you to lead us in this battle.

When Deku held out your Team's total score headband, you look in shock at what Deku is doing, and you are unsure on what to say.

(y/n): A-Are you sure? It's everyone's first time and I don't want you all t-

Uraraka: Oh, we're fine, (y/n). The Class and I had a little discussion yesterday and we decided to help you. So, we're doing the best we can.

Tokoyami: Uraraka and Midoriya are right. SInce you are still new to our Planet, we thought you could use a hand. Or perhaps more.

They said.

When you heard this, you ended up smiling at them as you held the headband tight out of determination.

(y/n): Alright then. Let's do this. And maybe just maybe, looks at Mei and Uraraka nothing personal ladies... Maybe just maybe, we can become the Top Bitch the World has ever seen, as no matter whether it is a Teams Round or a Singles Round... I'm going to carry you four with me in spirit and win this, if I can.

You said.

Mei: YEAH!

Uraraka: Yeah!

Deku: Then let's win this, together!

Tokoyami: nods Hmm. A Person with integrity and determination despite the vulgar. I like that.

They said cheerfully with Tokoyami to say his response and opinion in his usual tone.

And with that, you can be seen wearing your Headband Total Points and wearing a Jetpack supplied by Mei while being lifted up by Tokoyami, Mei, Uraraka and Deku as you all prepared yourselves for this mayhem for a Cavalry Match. As you all waited, Deku and you began to have a brief moment with your teammates.

Deku: Uraraka.

Uraraka: Yes.

Deku: Hatsume.

Mei: giggles while turning to look at the First Place

Deku: Tokoyami.

Tokoyami: Yes.

Deku: (y/n).

(y/n): Yes.

Deku: .... Pleased to meet your acquaintance! And let's do this!

Deku said with determination.

You nod as you knew what is going on.

(y/n): chuckles and nods I see where this is going. Well then, it is pleased to meet you all, as my friends!

You said, smiling, for the rest to smile, as well.

Then, it happened.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): MY HEART IS POUNDING REALLY QUICKLY!  All parties are fixed now, right?! I don't care if you guys are ready or not!

Present Mic said.

The audience began to cheer even louder than ever as the Battle is about to begin.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): Good! Let's get this party started! One final countdown till the Game Starts!!! THREE!!!!! TWO!!!!!! ONE!!!!!! 


Midnight exclaimed.

And with that, all eleven Teams began charging towards your Team.

Tetsutetsu: It's basically one big battle for ten million points!

Hagakure: laughs I'll be taking that headband, (y/n)! Nothing personal, really!

Two of the many competitors exclaimed.

Tokoyami: Not even giving us a chance, huh? Such as the fate of the pursuit...

Uraraka (Inner Thoughts): This is it!

Tokoyami: Make your choice, Midoriya.

Mei: Here they come.

(y/n): Come on, Deku. Say the word....

Deku: That's easy... We're running away!!

Tetsutetsu: Don't think so!!!

Juzo: Yeah!

Then, Juzo began to use his quirk as his quirk caused the ground to become like quicksand, causing your Team to slowly sink into the ground below us.

Uraraka: What's happening?!

Deku: We're sinking!

(y/n): looks at the person who's the cause of all this Must be the guy in front carrying the Top Guy's doing.... looks down at Uraraka and Mei Uraraka! Mei! Watch your heads and your hair!

Uraraka and Mei braced themselves.

(y/n): Deku! Tokoyami! Hold on tight!

Deku and Tokoyami held tightly.

Seeing your teammates bracing and holding tight, you clicked on a button for your Jet Pack to activate, causing a powerful ignition to blast you and your Team high up in the air, flying pass all the Teams while freeing your teammates in the process from sinking down into the ground.


Tetsutetsu yelled, for every Team to do the same.

Hagakure: Jirou, now!

Jirou: I know!

Jirou said as she extended out her ear jacks in the attempts to steal the your band away, only for Tokoyami's Dark Shadow to intervene.

Jirou: Stupid bird...!!

Jirou said.

Seeing her attempt fail, Tokoyami praised Dark Shadow.

Tokoyami: Good work. Please keep watching over our blind spots, Dark Shadow.

Dark Shadow: Got it!

(y/n): Okay, got to admit, that's amazing how you and Dark Shadow can work together, Tokoyami.

Deku: Yeah. I'm impressed by it, too. Your Dark Shadow is just what we needed. It'll take care our 360 mid-range defenses and is more than enough to make up for our weaknesses. Tokoyami, you're amazing!

Tokoyami: You are the one who chose me.

Tokoyami said.

Uraraka: We're landing!

Uraraka gave us a heads up.

As you all landed, Uraraka then used her quirk to levitate the team for a moment before releasing so that the team doesn't crash land while using a pair of Hover Soles to hover for a smooth landing. Thankfully, it was a smooth landing as that gave them the opportunity to run for it again without a moment to lose and without rest.

Mei: So what do you think of my babies?? Aren't they just precious?

(y/n): They're useful, Mei! You are wise to come for us to supply us with your babies. We could totally use you as part of the Crew Member of the Pendragon. looks at uraraka Uraraka, thanks for the Zero Gravity as we land. If we didn't have you, we would've crashed. Amazing Quirk you have there.

Mei: Thanks!

Uraraka: Thanks!

(y/n): Tokoyami, your quirk is useful in a 360 offense and defense. We appreciate you joining us.

Tokoyami: Hmm. nods

(y/n): Deku, you're the brains for this Battle. So we're lucky to have you on our side, my friend.

Deku: Thanks, (y/n).

(y/n): No problem!!! Now, Members of Space Pendragon!!!! LET'S MOOOOVE OOOOOOOUUTT!!!!!!

You yelled as your teammates picked up the pace while you had your moment that you never felt in a long time since you were captured.

As you were having your moment briefly, you were suddenly interrupted when your teammates stopped running and when you all hear someone doing a maniacal laughter, for you to turn behind to see who that is while noticing a Team running straight for you.


(y/n): Shoji.... last I looked at the Teams up close on Stage he is with Mineta and Tsu... uses one of your kaiju quirks to see who's hiding in Shoji's arm-made tent Huh, figured as much he would be putting them in there since his arms can elongate and stretch. Guess that's allowed. looks down at everyone Guys, we need to roll out from the two teams. We don't want a collision.

Tokoyami: You're right. We can't be trapped between multiple opponents.

With that said and done, your team is about to make a run for it. However, as Uraraka was about to start running, she felt she couldn't move her feet as it was stuck onto the ground, for you to notice something was wrong.

(y/n): Uraraka, what's wrong?

Uraraka: My foot's stuck!

(y/n): Dang it, Mineta must have had us as we were about to make our get away. Luckily for me,... my plan's already in the air....

Just as you said that, a long tongue shot out from within as it headed straight for you, for you to dodge Tsu's tongue while preventing her from grabbing the headband from your head.

After awhile, a barrage of Mineta's sticky balls began launching out with Tsu to constantly keep lashing her tongue out, for you to dodge them all while you press the button, activating your Jet Pack as your team took to the skies again, with a cost of breaking one of the Hover Soles Uraraka's wearing, for Mei to freak out over it.

Mei: NOOO!!!! My babies' broken!!!

(y/n): My sincerest apologies, Mei! But at least we are out of the ditch for now! senses something and looks where you sensed that something was wrong !!!! GUYS, ON OUR TAIL!!!!!!

You yelled.

Behind your team, you saw Bakugo flying towards your team as he was going to use his quirk against you. Just as he did so, Tokoyami's Dark Shadow blocked him by using itself as a shadowy shield, blocking Bakugo's explosion from touching you and your team, to your relief.

Bakugo: The heck?

Bakugo looked in shock at Dark Shadow before being pulled back by Sero's tape quirk as he landed safely back onto his own team, and for yours to safely descend back down onto the ground safely with just one Hover Sole.

(y/n): Glad we still have that one sole. Nice landing, Uraraka.

Uraraka: Thanks. Though it's hard to control where we are going with just one foot!

(y/n): It's understandable so it's alright.

Deku: With that busted boot, our movement is limited, so we can't risk taking to the sky again. We have to rely on Tokoyami's Dark Shadow and Uraraka's Zero Gravity..

(y/n): Heh! For now, anyway.

Deku: Huh?

(y/n): You'll see what I mean. My plan is beginning to unfold at the moment.

You said.

As the Battle continues, 8 minutes have gone since the Battle started for the Team Ranking Leaderboard to pop up on screen, showing that Team (l/n) is still in first place, followed by Team Monoma being 2nd, 3rd place Team Tetsutetsu, 4th place Team Kendo, 5th Place  Team Todoroki, 6th Place Team Rin, 7th Place Team Bakugo, 8th Place Team Kodai, 9th Place Team Tsunotori, 10th Place Team Mineta, 11th place Team Shinso and 12th Place Team Hagakure.

While everyone is looking at the Leaderboard with shocked looks on their faces, you and your Team notice there was a feud between Team Bakugo and Team Monoma, for you to figure Team Monoma has taken Team Bakugo's headband.

(y/n): Sheesh! Take a chill pill, Bakugo. It's just a game.

You said.

Just as you thought the coast was clear while you were looking at the feud happening, your team suddenly came to a halt for you to see that Team Todoroki is now seen standing before you, for you to smirk at the sight.

(y/n): Well, well well well. It would appear that our chances in keeping our headband intact is about to turn.... but it'll not mind us at all.

You said, confusing Uraraka for a moment.

Todoroki: I'll be taking that headband... now...

(y/n): Funny you say that. Cause' when you take our headband, I'll be doing the same for you, too. But not now, actually. Soon~. But for now, at this moment, you're gonna charge at us with everything you got, while the other Teams will also try and get us. After that while you're charging at us, your team will shock them, freeze their feet, giving the opportunity for you to snatch ours thanks to Ida's secret move, and for us the snatch yours. After We snatch your band, we'll snatch the few others after that.

Ida: !!!

Todoroki: Wait!! H-How did you-

(y/n): You've already know what I can do. So, are you gonna stand there or are we gonna do this?!

You ask while noticing several teams catching up from behind.

Left with no other choice, your team immediately began to make their getaway, for Team Todoroki to chase after them while Ida, Momo and Kaminari began to activate their quirks. As they did so, Todoroki activated his while he unraveled a electric-proof sheet from Momo's quirk for Kaminari to shock the other Teams while Momo used her quirk combined with Todoroki's quirk to stun and immobilize the teams that were catching up from behind, giving Team Todoroki the opportunity to snatch their headbands away, to the other team's shock and surprise.

Back with your Team, you stopped in place as your team are now cornered by walls of ice surrounding your team, an out zone to be behind Mei and Uraraka, and Team Todoroki to be in front of you with several bands in their possession.

Deku: (y/n), we can't go pass the out zone!

(y/n): I can tell.

Deku: But how did you know that Todoroki's Team and our Team are gonna-

(y/n): Explanations later, my friend. For now, it's time.

You said as you called out.

(y/n): Sphere Assimulation, Mother Spheresaurus Full Body, Grigio Bone Super Speed.

You said, for Sphere Essence to appear on your legs like as if your legs are melting, but actually they are spreading its body and cells to your Teammates, taking over their legs and arms for the moment while you are seen transforming your entire body based on Mother Spheresaurus while having a red glow all over.

(y/n): Don't worry, my friends. This assimulation is temporary. You might feel a tingle after that but still, you'll be fine.

You said.

Then, you notice Ida ahving a serious look on his face as he is about to run really fast as you predicted.

Ida: Everyone... we have less than sixty seconds. I'm gonna do something that will make me useless to you. But it's worth it. 

Todoroki: What are you going to do?

Ida: Make sure you get that headband. So, brace yourselves and hold on tight!

Ida said and cautioned.

Then, Ida forcibly accelerate his Quirk, enhancing his speed for ten seconds as he rushes in towards your Team, for your Team to do the same thanks to your assimulation combined with your speed powers from Grigio Bone.

(y/n) & Ida: Mother Spheresaurus.../Torque Over....

Deku: (y/n), Watch o-

Just before Deku could finish, your Team and Todoroki's Team dashed pass each other while you and Todoroki snatched each other's bands while you and Ida finished the names of both your ult. moves.

(y/n) & Ida: SALVO HYPER SPEED!!!!!!!/RECIPRO BURST!!!!!!!!

You both yelled.

After finishing both your lines, snatching each other's headbands and dashing pass each other, your Team and Todoroki's Team came to a complete stop while you deactivate both your kaiju quirks as you got all the Sphere's assimulation off your Teammates.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): WHOA!!!!! What just happened?! That was one big blur!!! Holy smokes, folks!

Present Mic exclaimed with excitment.

While Present Mic was commentaring, Todoroki began to look at Ida with shock, so did Momo and Kaminari.

Todoroki: Ida... what was that? 

Ida: Pushed my quirk and my RPM into overdrive. Which gives me exclusive power... unfortunately the recoil stalls my engines for a while. It's a secret move I've been saving since no one in the class knew about it. But somehow and for some reason, (y/n) knows. But still, I told you, Midoriya. I'll do my best to defeat you. And you (y/n), not bad.

(y/n): You have my thanks for dethroning us and letting us dethrone one of your Headbands. It won't be enough but, it's better than nothing. looks at Ida while looking at the 70 Pointed Headband

Ida: Well, I do my best.

(y/n): And you have, my friend. looks down at my teammates Guys! Let's go!

Deku: Right!

Uraraka: Right!

Tokoyami: Hmm.

Mei: But my babies are still broken! Even my Jet Pack is overheating out of commission!!!

(y/n): May want to rethink that as it'll not be broken soon!

Mei: Eh?


You said as you press the button for the Jet Pack to sent us flying higher.

Deku: (y/n)! Where are we going?!

(y/n): For a few second Upgrade! shows key with a button I called in a few favours to Mic, Eraserhead, the Board of the Sports Festival and Midnight about this and they allowed it. If I make it interesting for the audience!

Uraraka: What's that?!

(y/n): Remember when I mentioned my former ally, Dail?!

Uraraka: Yeah?!

(y/n): He gave me a parting gift a day before the King Joe army fight!!! And now, we're using it as an unmanned upgrade/supply/cargo space dock!

You said, pressing a button on the key, for a huge Saucer to appear above the stadium, to everyone's shock as your team went inside of it.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): WHOA!!!! Is that a Flying Saucer I'm seeing here?!?!

Eraserhead (From the Commentary Box): I don't see weapons on it so,.... it could be a Fly Saucer that transports supplies or something.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): Since when do you know about Aliens, Eraserhead?!

Eraserhead (From the Commentary Box): shut up....

Inside the Dock, your team is still in a tractor beam as mini drones and lasers can be seen removing Uraraka and your Hover Soles, and your Jet pack as they began to customize them with Pedan Metal. 

As the Upgrade is going on for a few seconds, a screen viewing the upgrade process can also be seen on huge screens around the arena.


Midnight: Unfortunately, it is allowed! Cerebro called in a few favors to us a few days before the Festival. He took the liberty in connecting the cameras inside the Saucer so everyone can see what is really going on in there.

Mineta: THAT LUCKY BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!

Mineta exclaimed.

After that few seconds, your Team can be seen emerging from the Flying Saucer while it slowly disappeared as your team can be seen descending extremely fast.


You yelled while pressing the button.

Your teammates began to activate their Pedan Hover Soles as they began to descend gracefully. While landing, you notice Team Todoroki at close proximity for you to instruct Deku to take one of the bands.

(y/n): DEKU!!!!!! TAKE ONE OF THE BANDS!!!! I'LL HELP YOU!!!!!

Deku: RIGHT!!!


You exclaimed while you put your left-legged Pedan Hover Sole on Deku's back as the body of Nurse, the Space Dragon began to from and connect onto your leg and Deku, for you to kick him off while the golden dragonic body began to direct Deku towards Todoroki, giving Deku the opportunity to hover extremely fast towards him while using his quirk.

Seeing that he was close, Todoroki noticed this as he used his ice quirk against Deku, but to no avail as Deku used his quirk and swung his arm across, nullifying Todoroki from using it while using his free hand to grab one of the headbands, to Todoroki's shock while Deku can be seen being retracted back to his teammates.

Uraraka: Great job, Deku! That was amazing!

Deku: Yeah!

Deku (Inner Thoughts): My arm and my hand didn't break... thank goodness. Oh right!

Deku: (y/n)! The band! passes it to him

(y/n): Great joob. And what a way to use your quirk to prevent Todoroki from freezing ya. Nicely done.

Deku: Thanks.

(y/n): looks at the 125 point headband Better than nothing! Come on guys, 195 points, come on, baby, let's go!!!!

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): LET'S START THE COUNTDOWN!!!!!

(y/n): Whoa!!! TEN SECONDS?!?!?! OKAY THEN!!!!! GUYS!!!! TAKE US DOWN!!!!!!! WE'RE TAKING IT!!!!!

(y/n)'s Teammates: RIGHT!!!!!

And with that, they began to descend even faster tas they aim at Team Todoroki.

While doing so, you see Team Bakugo doing the same, as well.

(y/n): Them, too? Heh, looks like they got some bands from the other team he dreads a lot. Well, there's no time now.... BASSAR! MAGA BASSAR! GUE BASSAR! HINA BASSAR! RAI BASSAR! WINGS AND TALONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled.

Then, a hatch opened up at your Hover Soles for talons to emerge as you all were landing. Just as you all are hovering, you used your arms to open up your wings, revealing their bright colourful colours.

(y/n): MIGH-TYYYYY EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled as your wings lifted you up from your team as you and Bakugo were about to reach Todoroki's team.

Just as you were about to reach for one of Todoroki's headbands, Present Mic spoke up.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): AAAAAND, TIMES UP!!!!!

He said.

All of you stopped whatever you all are doing as you flapped your wings as you flew back to your teammates as they hover down to the ground and for Bakugo to fall, landing face first to the ground. 

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): And with that, the Second Round is officially over.

Present Mic said.

You smiled at the aftermath.

(y/n): Heheh, I guess that's that. looks at Team Bakugo

Sero: H-hey, Bakugo!

Kirishima: Are you okay, man?!

Bakugo: raging while banging the ground with my fist

Back in the Commentary Box,

Present Mic: Now, let's take a look at who our top Four Teams' are! In first place, we have Team Todoroki! In second place, Team Bakugo! In third place is Tetsute- wait, wha-?! it's Team Shinso! W-When did they come back from the dead?

Present Mic said.

The audience began to roar for the three Teams.

While the audience were roaring and applauding, Mei is seen removing the Jet Pack from your back while having sparkles in her eyes.

Mei: WOW! I can't believe your Flying Saucer managed to fix my precious babies in just a few seconds!!! And better yet! Upgrade them with that indestructable metal I never seen before!!!

(y/n): It's called Pedanium Metal, based on Pedan Science thanks to Dail and his people who are Pedanians, or Alien Pedans for short.


(y/n): Yes. Unfortunately this is the only one I have Dail gave me so.... sorry.

Mei: Awww... But it's alright. As long as my babies are fixed, I'm happy! At least we tried, too.

(y/n): Heheh, yeah. looks at Deku Let's go cheer him up.

You said as you and Mei went up to Deku, with uraraka being way ahead of you two.

Uraraka: Hey, Deku?

Deku: Hey guys... looks at the Team I'm really sorry...

Deku said.

However, Uraraka and Mei moved out of the way as they pointed at Tokoyami, to his confusion and yours, as well.

Tokoyami: I must apologise. Todoroki was shaken by your attack. I tried taking the ten million point headband.... but things didn't go as planned. But still, I got one. It was around his head where his guard was the weakest.

Tokoyami said, pointing to Dark Shadow holding onto the 615 Point Headband, giving you two a thumbs up, for you and Deku to look in shock.

Tokoyami: Midoriya, you are the one who created an opening for me. And (y/n), you're the one who did the same trick one on Deku onto me, gaving Dark Shadow the advantage to stretch further so Dark Shadow can grab the headband.... to ensure our advancement.

Tokoyami continued and finished.

Upon hearing this, Deku looked at you for you to smirk cheerfully.

(y/n): Well guys,... we're part of the Top 4 Teams in becoming the Top Bitch, man!

You said with determination.

Deku looked in shock at this, for him to start crying fountains of tears in the air, strong enough to push Deku into the ground with his legs being shot down into the ground while he bawled his eyes off in relief, understanding that his team has now advanced to the last round.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): And in Fourth Place is Team (l/n)! These Four Teams will advance on to the Final Round!!! NOW!!!! Let's take an hour lunch break before we start the afternoon festivities! See you soon! Hey Eraserhead, let's grab some food.

Eraserhead (From the Commentary Box): I'm taking a nap...

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): Hmph!

Meanwhile down at the Arena, 

Everyone was talking about what went on during the match while some were congradulating the Teams that advanced to the final round as they began to grab something to eat. As everyone is leaving,

Ida: (y/n), how did you know on what I was going to do?!

Mina: How did you even do that?????

Kaminari: How did you even know all of our plans?

Mineta: How did you even summon that Flying Saucer from out of nowhere?!?!

Some of the team members from different teams crowded around you as they ask you many questions.

(y/n): heheh! You guys must have a lot of questions.

Kirishima: Yeah, we do! That's nuts that you knew all of our plans. How did you do that?

(y/n): I used Alien Bat and Alien Professor Gibellus's intelligence to see through all of your plans. Some aliens do that from where I come from, for the record.

Kirishima: Whoa... that's nifty, dude...

Mineta: What about the ship?!

(y/n): The ship is also a docking station, my friend. When I press the button on the key shows the key it will appear where ever I am.

Ida: So that means it will track you and when it reaches your location, it'll stop on top of you, supplying you or something.

(y/n): Correct.

Uraraka: Whoa... so that's what you meant when you mention all those riddles to us. You knew their plans from the beginning.

(y/n): That's right.

All except Uraraka: WHAT?!?!?!? YOU KNEW BEFORE THE MATCH STARTED?!?!?!?!

(y/n): yes. nods And also, where's Todoroki and Deku?

Uraraka: Huh, yeah... speaking of which, where are they?

Uraraka asks.

(y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Hmmmm... something tells me I'm sensing an altercation nearby.... Baltan Illusions...

You said in your mind as you created a copy of yourself behind without anyone's knowledge as that copy of you ran to where you sensed that altercation happening.

To be Continued....

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