Chapter 8: Todoroki's Tragic Past

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At the other School Entrance for School Staffs Only,

Outside and around the stadium, your illusion copy can be seen walking around to find the source of the altercation as you sense it getting stronger while looking for Deku in the process as he is nowhere to be seen since after the Cavalry Battle.

(y/n): I can sense them getting stronger through the kaijus' negativity and minus energy (A/N: The kaijus you are talking about are particularly those kaijus who has minus energy.) but I can't seem to find where they are somehow.... Jeez... this Stadium is huge.

You said to yourself.

As you are still walking around to look for Deku, you heard a familiar voice exclaiming out of shock.

???: Wait?! WHAT?!?!?!?

The voice exclaimed.

(y/n): That would be him.... and I guess he's not alone.

You said as you went to the direction where Deku's voice came from.

Walking on, you then stopped in front of a tree to hide so no one can see you. There, you sneakily peeked to see that Deku is at the other entrance where the staffs are suppose to go to, but he seems to be not alone as Todoroki is there, and Bakugo, too to listen in to their conversatrion like what you are doing.

(y/n): hmmmm... let's see what's up....

You whispered as you listened in, as well.

At the entrance location, Deku and Todoroki are talking in secret about Deku's quirk and Todoroki's childhood life.

Todoroki: Have you ever heard of quirk marriages? They became a problem in the first generation after super powers became wide spread. There were those who sought out potential mates solely with the intention to creating powerful children. Many people were forced in their relationships. They were simply viewed as old-fashion arranged marriages. But clearly it's unethical... my father has not only a rich history of accomplishments, but plenty of money to throw at his problems. He bought my mother's relatives to get his hands on her quirk. And now he's raising me to surpass All Might....

Todoroki said.

Deku listened with shock at what Todoroki has to go through, for you to look in shock, as well.

(y/n): whispering What kind of a fsther does that...???

Todoroki: It's so annoying...

(y/n): hmm?

Back at the Entrance,

Todoroki: I refuse to be his tool for this scumbag... And every memory about my mother... I only see her crying... I remembered she called my left side unbearable, before she poured boiling water on my face....

Behind the tree again,

(y/n): whispering What in the actual heck?!?!?!

Back at the Entrance again,

Todoroki: The reason I picked a fight with you is to show my old man at what I was capable at doing, without having to rely on his damn fire quirk... you see.... I'm going to show him I reject his power, and I can take first place without using it.

Todoroki said.

Deku looks down, trying to absorb what he has heard from Todoroki.

Deku (Inner Thoughts): The life he has is so different than mine.... it sounds terrifying. How strange is to be aiming for the same thing despite such different childhoods.

Deku said in thought. 

Then, Todoroki left for Deku to see him leave.

Todoroki: You're obiviously connected to All Might. Even if you won't tell me about it, but no matter how fiercely you come at me in the future, I'll defeat you only using my right side. I can assure you of that.

Todoroki said as he kept walking.

Deku (Inner Thoughts): So that's why Todoroki is so focused. He's like a comic book character... a hero with a tragic backstory, fighting to rise above it.

Deku said in thought.

As Todoroki is seen talking further away, Deku emerged out of the Entrance as he caught up with Todoroki.

Deku: Hey, wait!

Deku called out.

Todoroki stopped walking as he began to hear Deku out at what he has to say.

Deku: I'm only here because others has supported me. (y/n), too even though he's new here. I've been really lucky. In fact,... I had more help since I came to U.A..

Deku said

Then, Deku began recalling the time when All Might saved him, when Uraraka helped Deku after he saved her, his mother showing him his Hero Costume, Eraserhead fighting against the villains, and many other recollections he has which includes the Rounds overcome in the U.A. Sports Festival thanks to his friends.

Deku: All Might is constantly saving people with a fearleess smile. He's the greatest hero, and I want to be just like him. In order to do that, I have to be stronger enough to become number one. I know my motivation might seem stupid compared to yours, but still, I can't lose this either. I owe it to everyone and (y/n) who's supported me to try my best. You declared war on me earlier,... well right back at you. clenches fist I am going to beat you!

Deku said out of determination, for Todoroki to look at him. 

After awhile, Todoroki began to turn and walk away, for Deku to watch him as he took his leave. Back inside, Bakugo is seen leaving after their discussion has ended.

Back behind the tree, you nod at Deku declaring his own war against Todoroki as he began to take his leave, as well, returning to his body located closeby

(y/n): Well well well... the plot thickens. Well then, it's time to boost up my 'A'-Game.

You said while returning to your body.

Unbeknownst to the four, there was someone watching them behind the green.

???: So,... You four are declaring war, I see... well let's see what happens when "I" Declare War against you and your Sports Festival, (y/n)!! laughs

It said as it laughed, wielding a Battlenizer in hand.

To be Continued....

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