Chapter 7: Jyamato... or not??? T-I

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Outside the warehouse,

Buck and Yonezawa are seen being sent flying out in the open street by the hands of the Marrella Jyamato appaearing out of nowhere at the walls while the Shane Hunter Incarnation fusion is seen staggering after blocking an attack by the Dunkleosteus Jyamato. The three donned their defensive stances while the two Jyamatos are seen slowly walking out of the Alleyway, stalking them, readying themselves to strike.

Prepared, the Jyamatos lunged in towards the Riders, only for them to be halted by Motion Beams, a Strong gust of Wind and a Electric Discharge, for the Riders' enemies to swiftly move backwards while the three looked on with confusion.

(Y/n): Sorry for the delay!

You called out.

The Riders look up to gladly see you along with the two ladies who were formerly hostages as you landed down in front of your group, reunited.

Buck: Heh! I knew you'll come around.

Yonezawa: So, the hostages freed?

(Y/n): Yes. They're up there.

Everyone: looks up

Nejire: waves

Ryukyu: nods

Yonezawa: waves back

Everyone: nods

(Y/n): So, with waves and nods of acquaintances were in order, what's the story, guys?

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): After we dealt with everyone out here, Dunkleosteus and Marrella Jyamatos came out to greet us. We fought but... 

Yonezawa: They seem to be more powerful than previously.

Buck: Not even my Jyamato Fever can get some dents on them. So... before you and them came along, we were being pinned down.

(Y/n): I see.... well, while I was on my way out with Ms. Ryukyu and Nejire... I thought you could use some of these.

You mentioned, showing some Buckles you claimed from the Jyamato Riders and some that were scattered in the warehouse.

(Y/n): Thought they might come in handy.

You said.

Seeing these Buckles in hand, the three began to nod as Yonezawa struck you on the back a few times, with praise while chuckling.

Yonezawa: Oh, this will come in handy indeed!

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): This will be perfect for our attacks.

Buck: Nice loots.

(Y/n): Thanks. So, take your pick, guys.

And with that said, the three picked their Buckles you looted from the warehouse, for you to only have an egg in your hand, to their confusion.

Buck: Dude, what's with the egg?

Yonezawa: yeah.

(Y/n): Oh yeah. I was gonna mention that, as well. While I was grabbing the Buckles for you guys to use, I kinda noticed a glow which turned out to be this egg. Not sure what it's for, really.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): OH!!! Guys! Guys! Remember the Saboten Knight Jyamato?

Buck: Yeah? Why?

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): I think he has to protect it like our previous Game, many games ago until they are hatched. 

Yonezawa: Oh yeah....!!!

Buck: Right!!! So the question now is, what's in the Egg?

(Y/n): Not sure... But I'm sure it is something to take care of them!

You said, pointing at them.

They looked back to see Dunkleosteus and Marrella Jyamatos making their way to you four, Nejire and Ryukyu.

Yonezawa: Well, I'm ready to roll when you are. holding onto a Ninja Buckle

(Y/n): I'm way ahead of you, Yonezawa. inserts Buckles onto your Desire-Driver Henshin! transforming back to Cannon Mode

-Twin Set!-

-Take Off Complete! Jet and Cannon! Ready! FIGHT!-

After transforming back to your Cannon Command Mode, you stood with your group as you all readied yourselves to fight. In the process, you looked up as you spoke to Nejire and Ryukyu.

(Y/n): Ma'am! Nejire! Think you could give us some cover fire in the air?!

You ask.

Nejire: Why not!

Ryukyu: We can, but I'm not sure how long we can stall them so that you all can land your attacks on them!

(Y/n): Then that will most certainly do!

You replied after hearing their replies, giving them a thumbs up.

Looking back at the Jyamatos, you all charged towards them with Ryukyu and Nejire to use their quirks against the Jyamatos while flying mid-air. As the battle commenced, the Shane Hunter Incarnation fusion and Buck took on the Marrella Jyamato, for them to start shooting projectiles and vines at their enemy while you and Yonezawa took on the Dunkleosteus Jyamato, for the two of you to land punches, followed by kicks, followed by Gatlinger Rounds, followed by a flurry of slashes from your Raising Sword at the Sword-wielding Jyamato.

The Dunkleosteus Jyamato growled as it charged forward, landing a slash, only for it to be blown away by Ryukyu's wing flapping away for a gust of wind to push it backwards while Nejire charged up her attack at 30% as she launched a pair of motion beams at it, giving you the opportunity to blast the Jyamato away while the gust of wind began to blow it away and back to the wall, forming a crator. After one was dealth with, Nejire launched another pair of motion beams at the Marrella Jyamato, for her beams to go through it, making the Jyamato to look at her.

Nejire: Yikes!

Marrella Jyamato was about to do something to pull her down, but to no avail as Buck landed a powerful kick on the Jyamato, for it to stagger backwards while the area where Buck kicked it at burst into sand as the damaged area regenerated itself like it was nothing.

Buck: Eyes on me, ugly... if you have eyes or how many eyes you've got!

Buck said.

Then, he and the Rider fusion resumed their combat against the Marrella Jyamato. 

The whole scene transitioned for a moment around the combatants and Heroes in a circle to get a full 360 view of the fight showing Dunkleosteus Jyamato summoning several Dunkleosteus to attack you all, only for you to slash them, Yonezawa to blast them and Ryukyu to chomp their heads off. Marrella Jyamato turned into sand as he moved around the fusion and Buck, only for Nejire to blast where it was travelling, forcing it to emerge out of hiding, for the Incarnation fusion and Buck to see this as an opportunity as they land powerful punches on it. Everyone of you played a crucial role in defeating the last two Jyamato while Ryukyu and Nejire supported and covered fire so that you all could gain the upper hand against the enemies' strength.

As the fight continued, you, Yonezawa, Buck and the Incarnation fusion swapped enemies as they began to fight another Jyamato with Shane Hunter Incarnation fusion and Buck to fight the Dunkleosteus Jyamato, and Yonezawa alongside with you to fight the Marrella Jyamato. Fighting on with Ryukyu and Nejire to still use their quirks against the Jyamatos, the four of you can be seen using different tactics this time to combat the Jyamato after swapping targets.

After a while of fighting, you slashed the Marrella Jyamato back, making it stagger backwards while the Incarnation fusion forced the Dunkleosteus Jyamato back by blasting it by using its Laser Raise Riser. Once they are together, weakened, the four of you gathered together.

(Y/n): Let's rap this up!!!

Everyone: Yeah!!!

(Y/n): Ma'am! Nejire! Cue Even!!!

You said.

Ryukyu used every ounce of strength she had as she flapped her wings hard and strongly, forcing the Jyamato to struggle from being blown backwards while Nejire can be seen charging her attacks at 100%.

(Y/n): Yonezawa, Buck, Shanes and Hunters! Let's do this...

Yonezawa: Oh right!

Buck: Let's crush'em!

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): Let's beat them, once and for all!

(Y/n): My thoughts exactly. Now, together!

And with that, Yonezawa inserted his Ninja Buckle onto Raising Gatlinger, Shane Incarnation Fusion inserted his Monster Buckle on his GEATS Buster QB9, Buck reverts to his Jyamashin Magnum Zombie form while inserting BEAT Buckle onto his summoned Magnum Shooter and for you to insert your Boost Buckle again onto your Raising Sword.

Raise Charge!-

-Monster Booster!-


-Raise Charge!-

Once you all have charged your weapons, Ryukyu then swiftly lands behind the Jyamatos, pinning them to the ground by using her claw and her steel claw while Nejire is seen aiming her hands directly at the pinned Jyamatos.

As soon as Nejire was ready to launch her attack after a minute or two of charging her quirk up, Nejire yelled for Ryukyu to get out of the way.

Nejire: I'm ready!! Get out of the way as it is a big one!

She yelled.

Ryukyu nods as she flew back up in the sky while using her wings to blow a strong gust of wind to pin the Jyamatos down, giving Nejire the opportunity to launch her attack at them.

Nejire: Full Charge Output Level 100%!!!! Spiralling Surge!!! NEJIRE FLOOD!!!!!!

Nejire shout at the top of her voice while launching a powerful pair of beams from her hands.

Seeing her quirk zomming in towards the Jyamatos, you and your group still took aim as you fired your individual attacks at them.


You yelled.

-Full Charge!-
-Tactical Raising!-

-Boost Tactical Impact!-

-BEAT Tactical Blast!-

-Full Charge!-
-Tactical Raising!-

Hearing you yell to open fire, you and your group began launching your individual attacks of Ninja Shuriken-like Gatlinger rounds, a Railgun Monster Gauntlet-like beam, Rounds of music notes for beam projectiles and a flaming long sword slash at the two Jyamatos to combine the impact with Ryukyu's gust of wind and Nejire's Nejire Flood attack, striking our final two enemies down.

Seeing that our attacks struck our enemies, you all watched as the Jyamatos and their surrounds blew up before our very eyes, to your relief. After the barrage of attacks, Nejire floats down beside you.

Nejire: Did we uh.... did we win?

(Y/n): Well.... that's a good question. But no Jyamato or not anyone or anything can actually survive that kind of combo attack.

Shane (Suiko's Voice): Then it's official. WEDIDIT!!!!!!!!!!!

Back in the Colosseum, 

Shadow and Tsurumi watched on as you and your group including Nejire are all celebrating their victory against the Jyamato with Ryukyu joining them while reverting back to her human state. Seeing this, Tsumuri began to speak.

Tsumuri: It looks like this Desire Grand Prix is over. They won this Round.

Tsumuri said.

Awaiting for Shadow's reply, Tsumuri was puzzled as to why Shadow hasn't said anything. Usually if anything comes up or if anyone wins, Shadow would've done something, but surprisingly, he didn't, for her to look at Shadow, puzzled.

Tsumuri: Producer Shadow?

Shadow: Sorry. Was thinking of something.

Tsumuri: About what?

Shadow: This Final Round of the Prix. It's too easy... I expected these two Jyamatos to be more of a challenge but these two.... they're surpisingly weak.... for them to steal and start cultivating.

Tsumuri: What are you saying?

Shadow: I'm saying... that this might be a trap, made by someone. Or an anomally of some sorts.

Tsumuri: gulps

Shadow slowly looked at Tsumuri with a serious look on her face.

Shadow: What?

Tsumuri: speaking of.... anormallies... I found something while the round was in progress and in the first half of the Final Round.

Shadow: Go on.

Tsumuri: The Jyama-Barrier. There isn't any.

Shadow: What?!

Tsumuri: But instead, this showed up and it's getting bigger.

Tsumuri showed her tablet to Shadow.

Shadow looks at it. When he saw this footage, his eyes widened in shock.

(A/N: Choju Interdimensional Travel. Treat this as a footage Tsumuri has gotten on her Tablet with the location of it to be somewhere else.)

Shadow: Choju Interdimensional Travel.... This is the exact location Yonezawa exited the Space Bridge!

Tsumuri: Then it is likely that the crack started forming after the Jyamato exited its own portal and it remained there, even before and after Yonezawa arrived by via your Space Bridge.

Shadow: Likely. Then after he left, it is possible that it has grown bigger without his knowledge. I'll call them. This is an urgent and critical matter!

Shadow said.

Back at your Group celebrating,

While you all are celebrating, you had a gut feeling that something's off, for you to stop celebrating. The rest of the group notice this as they slowly stop while Nejire and Ryukyu looked at you, concerned as the group slowly stopped.

Buck: What's wrong, (Y/n)? The Jyamatos are all gone so, we're fine, right?

Yonezawa: Yeah, so we won.

(Y/n): No no, this is.... off.

Nejire: What do you mean by that?

(Y/n): This isn't right.... You mentioned that the Dunkleosteus and Marrella Jyamatos are toughies, right?

Buck: Yyyyyyeeeeeaaaaaahh?????

(Y/n): This is too easy... they are supposed to be tough but... this is too easy. Something's amiss...

Ryukyu: Actually, everyone. For a person who came from another World, he's right. This is FAR too easy. When I held them down, there wasn't any signs of resistance from them. Something's wrong.

???: Oh, you bet something is off...

A voice said.

You all stopped discussing about this when you all heard that voice, for you to recognize it from somewhere. Then, you all began to hear laughter while the dust and smoke slowly dissipated, revealing both Dunkleosteus Jyamato and Marrella Jyamato still alive, to everyone's surprise. However, you noticed that the DUnkleosteus Jyamato has a huge gapping hole on the right side on its face as it illuminated from within, revealing who was laughing, for you to clench your fist and your Sword tightly.

(Y/n): so... you're back.... Yapool!

You said.

(A/N: Yapool.)

Hearing his name, Yapool laughed even louder and even more maniacal for everyone around you to don their own defensive poses, awaiting for what's about to happen next. After awhile of laughing, Yapool stopped as he began to speak while raising and pointing the Jyamato's left hand and finger at you, controlling the Yapool from within.

Yapool: I told you.... you cannot run from me forever, Human Reionics!!!

He said.

When he said that, Ryukyu and the Rider Fusion turned to look at you.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): Uuuuuh, (Y/n)? You know'im

Ryukyu: You know this villain?

(Y/n): He's Yapool.... Creator and Leader of all Terrible-Monsters aka, Chojus. He's the most fearsome being in existance. He and his Choju Army almost destroyed a few Worlds through different means but was defeated by Ultraman Ace, Ultraman, Ultraseven, Ultraman Jack, Zoffy, Ultraman Taro, Ultraman Leo, Astra, Ultraman Dyna, Ultraman Gaia, Ultraman Agul, Ultraman Cosmos, Ultraman Mebius, Ultraman Ginga, Ultraman Victory, Ultraman Orb, Ultraman Z, Ultraman Regulus, Ultraman Trigger and Ultraman Decker, through different means. And in case you don't know... Seven and Zero are father and son, Ace and Z are Godfather, and Godson.

Nejire: Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut???? Ultraseven is Zero's Dad?!

Ryukyu: Anyway, go on. About the Yapool.

(Y/n): Right. So, How he got to know me was that,... as stated by him, he has been looking for several of his army that went missing due to the Reionics War, apparently. when he saw that I took down one of his Chojus who was linked to Alien Metron, he swooped by to challenge me by using his own arsenals of Chojus of his own. Rei and I defeated him.... but he always comes back after every defeat.

Yonezawa: So in others words, Ryukyu, Nejire and those Shanes who don't know, if Yapool dies, he always comes back. He's an immortal being even when death.

Nejire: Okay... that sounded creepy.

Ryukyu: I see...

(Y/n): Yes. Plus....

Everyone: looks at you

(Y/n): I've got something personal to settle with him....

Yapool: Still holding a grudge over that lowly lifeform? Pathetic!

(Y/n): Well now, look who's talking? You're in a pathetic suit if you ask me.

Ryukyu: So, villain! Why go such lengths to create an army of your own???

Yonezawa: And why are you hijacking the Desire Grand Prix?

(Y/n): And why are you trying to make Jyamatos out of people with and without Quirks?!?!

We ask.

Yapool: Simple. To observe and study the Desire Grand Prix. That's why I purposely made some Jyamatos to lure you FOOLS out when I discovered your Alternate Universe. Once my plans were set in motion, I sneak past security and stole some Buckles, I.D. Cores and Drivers and retreated here to cultivate the Jyamatos in this Fishy form. To cultivate not just Jyamatos but... Chojus, as well...

Buck: So, in a way they're Jyamato... or not???

Yapool: Close... I'm planning to create the Ultimate Being of Choju and Jyamato. Jyama-Choju, if you would. So I thought, where to begin... and when I saw you two points at Nejire and Ryukyu I thought you'd be the first two best Experiments. But when you, (Y/n) disrupted the experiment.... I never expected you to be lured into this, as well.

(Y/n): Well now. Your plan has been foiled.

Yapool: Not exactly. Because thanks to you... I came up with a back-up plan. If these two escaped, I have one candidate who's best suited for the job... and it was successful.

Yonezawa: So that means you have your first successful test subject ready to face us?

Yapool: Exactly. And you're looking right at it. hand gestures to show Marrella Jyamato

He said, using his hand to gesture at Marrella Jyamato.

Everyone looked at Marrella Jyamato as he took one step forward, then stops.

Buck: That Sandman Trilobite critter?

Buck ask.

Yapool smirks inside his Jyamato shell as he snapped his fingers for Marrella Jyamato's body to start cracking. You all watched as cracks began to form all over the Jyamato's body until it burst into sand and small bits of pieces. After the sand and dust cleared, everyone looked to see that there was a being now standing before you all clad in gold, for you to recognize this being.

(Y/n): So... we meet again... Guys,... ladies... This, is The Extradimensional-Being aka, The Extradimensional-Choju.... Ace Killer... A Choju designed to kill specifically Ultraman Ace after absorbing powers from Zoffy, Ultraman, Ultraseven and Ultraman Jack. There are two more variants of him. Mebius Killer and Victory Killer. Mebius Killer was given its powers after a Gadiba empowered it to make an attempt to kill Ultraman Mebius, and Victory Killer was given its powers by Yapool himself, introducing and implementing the KillerTrans Data into it to make an attempt to kill Ultraman Victory.

You introduced and explained.

(A/N: Ace Killer.)

Everyone are seen having their weapons ready and their quirks ready to strike when the Incarnation Fusion noticed something.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): Guys. Look what this Ace Killer has on his waist....

It said.

When everyone looked down, your eyes widened to see there is a Desire-Driver on him with an I.D. DisCore on it as it had an Ace-Killer head imprinted on the DisCore.

Ryukyu & (Y/n): That Belt!!!/That Desire-Driver!!!

You both said.

Yapool: Exactly. Obiviously Ace Killer is my first Back-Up Test Subject, and has passed flawlessly. Now, looks at Ace Killer Ace Killer!!! All of their powerful Raise Buckles have been imprinted into you, this Desa-Killer-Driver is now embedded to you, your I.D. DisCore is now encoded to you with your face symbol imprinted to you, and into these Feverslot Buckles! shows two Feverslot Buckles are altered and modified for you to use it at your own disposal!! Now, RISE, and defeat them and most importantly,... (y/n)..... PERMANENTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yapool commanded.

As commanded, Ace Killer slowly grabbed the two Feverslot Buckles as he inserted them onto his Desa-Killer-Driver.

-Killer Set!-
-Killer Set!-

Hearing this, it then pushed the levers up (Left Buckle) and down (Right Buckle), acquiring its forms to better combat all of you, for you to ready yourself for the worst.

As you all waited, you notice the slots stop at both '????' at each Buckle instead of '???', for the Shanes, Buck and Yonezawa to sense something is off about these selections.

Yonezawa: What's that slot selection you illegally implemented on the Buckles?

Yapool: Oh, something special~ Best to combat ALL of you! With the Jyamato, Magnum, Boost, Ninja, Zombie, BEAT, Monster and Powered Builder Buckles implemented in this slot, it will surely defeat all of you.... and... I've added some additional details into it.

Buck: Wait! So that means-

Yapool: YES!!!!! Behold!!!! DESIRE KILLER!!!!!!!!!!

Yapool yelled while introducing his latest creation.

-Golden Fever! Killer Jackpot! Killer Hit! Golden Fever!-
-Hybrid Fever!-

Then, two sets of armours appeared in between Ace Killer, on the left (Bottom) and the other on the right (Top) while Ace Killer slowly transformed into its own Entry Form in which its colour scheme is based on its own body. After its Entry Form is set, the two sets of Armour donned themselves onto it, for Ace Killer to now be ready for combat.

(A/N: This is what Ace Killer's so called Hybrid Fever form looks like. He will have specific powers of specfic Buckles. On the top of its armour, it will have an eyevisor of Raising Form based on GEATS's Raising Form, a Powered Builder Head Guard on its lower jaw, a Engreschester on its chestplate, a pair of Brough Arms on both shoulders, a Star Armour on its left shoulder, a Active Beat A on its right shoulder, a Shuriken Arm on its upper left arm, a Powered Builder Arm on its upper right arm, a Gunslinger Arm on its left arm, a Boost Puncher on its right arm, and a pair of Berserclaws on both is hands. For the lower part of the armour, it's the same as the top but it'll be the legs.)

Seeing this so called Hybrid Form now dubbed as Desire Killer, you and everyone looked in shock to see that Yapool has went through such lengths to create this abomination.

Buck: You see what I'm seeing?

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): Yyyyyyyup!!!

Yonezawa: Yeah....

(Y/n): It's a moonster....

Yapool: Not true!!! Desire Killer is now the Ultimate Killing Machine of you Riders and Heroes! Starting with Magnum! Desire Killer!!!! Magnum-Killer Fever Victory!!!!

Yapool said.

-Killer Fever Victory!-

As commanded, Desire Killer utilized its finishers by pulling and pushing the levers as its Gunslinger Arm, Gunslinger Leg, Boost Puncher and Boost Kicker activate with its Boosts Puncher and Kicker to configure on itself to point forward like Gunslingers Arm and Leg. Once everything was set and ready, Desire Killer leaped in the air as it began to fire mutiple rounds of homing bullets and fire rounds at you all, and then summons Two Magnum Shooters as it fires them, causing all the bullets to attack everyone.

After that barrage, the dust cleared for a bit for Yapool and Desire Killer to see Ryukyu in her Dragon form as she used her dragonic body and wings as shields. Seeing this, Yapool snapped his finger as he ordered his creation again.

Yapool: Not bad, Dragoon Hero. But it won't be enough for this combined attack! Desire Killer!!! Boost Zombie-Killer Fever Victory with twice the Poison Charge!!!!

-Killer Fever Victory!-

Yapool commanded again.

Again, Desire Killer utilized its finisher as it summoned a Boostriker to use it as a weapon, and began to boost and zoom its way to Ryukyu, striking her down while engulfing her in flames, causing her to be sent flying back to a building. Seeing that she's down, Desire Killer threw the Boostriker away while summoning two Zombie Breakers, charging their finishers up.

-Poison Charge!-
-Poison Charge!-

Once its weapons are ready, it then leaped towards the downed Ryukyu to deliver a double poison charge attack, only for Buck to stand in its way with his own double poison charge attack to double clash with Desire Killer's double finisher.

Buck: Alright, you had your fun! But you're not taking us or her down easily!!!

Buck said.

Desire Killer released on Zombie Breaker still utilizing poison charge as it raised it up high so it can swing it down hard, only for it to be disrupted by Yonezawa's attack on its back, giving Buck the opportunity to deliver a double poison charge at it instead. Feeling it despite of it not having any feelings at all, Desire Killer slowly turned towards Yonezawa as it slowly made its way to him.

Seeing this, Yonezawa began using his Tank form to launch a barrage of Tank rounds on his form and Gatlinger, only for the Choju to still keep walking towards him. While withstanding all of the attacks, it pulled and pushed the lever again as it acquired another ability for Yonezawa to land a hit.

Yonezawa: HOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I GOT'IM!!!!!!!!!

He yelled.

Then, when the everything cleared up, Yonezawa soon looks in shock to see that it was a Dummy.

Yonezawa: What?! A-A dummy?! The- OH NO!!!!

Realizing too late, Yonezawa was about to utilize Ninja Buckle on Raising Gatlinger, only for Desire Killer to be a step ahead of him as it wielded a pair of Ninja Duelers and delivered a powerful double slash, forcing Yonezawa to dehenshin while falling backwards after that backflip due to that double slash which were uppercut slashes.

Seeing this, you dehenshin, as well to toss the Command Twin Buckle to Yonezawa.

(Y/n): YONEZAWA!!!!! CATCH!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled.

Seeing the Command Twin Buckle being tossed at him, Yonezawa caught it as he transformed into his Raising Form in a Flash.

Yonezawa: HENSHIN!!!!

He yelled.

-Ready! Fight!-

After he henshin into his Raising Form, Yonezawa clashed blades with the Desire Killer.

It took awhile for Yonezawa to gain the upperhand but just as his arms were about to give way, Buck swooped by as he slashed the Choju's back, for it to retaliate. Buck notice its blades coming his way, for him to deflect them by his Zombie Breakers. After many deflections, both the Choju Rider and Buck clashed weapons again, for Buck to join in as they both began to overpower it thanks to Buck's semblance, for Yapool to notice this.

Yapool: Two verses One, I see? snaps fingers Let's give them the power to remember, shall we?

Yapool said.

Desire Killer heard this as he utilized another finisher.

-Killer Fever Victory!-

Utilizing another finisher, Desire Killer sprout out Jyamato vines as it summoned all the weapons it has analyzed by Yapool, including Command Cannon Mode's Cannons and many more, to both Buck and Yonezawa's shock.

Seeing this, the Choju Rider launched individual beams at them, rendering their semblances while forcing them to dehenshin, but thankfully due to their forms, its combo attack wasn't enough to retire them.

Nejire: Guys!!! Ms. Ryukyu!!!

(Y/n): Nejire! Shanes! Eyes sharp! It has our scent!

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): That's what we are worried about.

They said with concern.

Seeing the Desire Killer coming this way, you began to charge towards it while utilizing Boost Buckle to acquire your Boost Form, landing punches and kicks, for the Shane Hunter Incarnation Fusion to shoot from the distant by using Laser Raise Riser Mk II and for Nejire to launch Nejire Flood at the Choju.

While inflicting the Choju with everything you all had, Yapool began to laugh at the three of you remain standing.

Yapool: Don't you see, (Y/n)? Desire Killer is unstoppable! Not even your Desire Grand Prix and the Ultraman can defeat it!!! Which reminds me, once I have taken care of all of you, maybe I can go to your Worlds and destroy them, and once and for all.... rule these Worlds which I should have done, but failed because of you!!!

(Y/n): Not gonna happen, Extradimensional-boy!!!

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): This World shall stay where it should be, including ours and his original world!

Nejire: And we're not gonna allow you to create more of those so called Chojus out of all of us!!!

Yapool: I.... Disagree... Desire Killer, finish it!!!

Yapool commanded.

Hearing this, Desire Killer conjure numerous Jyamato Tentacles from its back as they lunged forward, for the three of you to start retreating and dodging them. Nejire flew pass and dodge every vine that was lunging towards her while she used her beams at a lower percentage to repel them away. However, just as she was about to launch another, a vine grabbed her and bashed her to the ground.

Meanwhile, you and the Shane Fusion are seen fighting against the Choju as you both donned your finishers.

-Boost Time!-
-Boost Grand Strike!-

-Finish Mode!-
-LaserBoost Mk II Victory!-

Acquiring both your finishers, the Shane Fusion splite into six as they jumped, doing a flying dropkick while you dash for it as you did a left hook punch on the Choju Rider. Once after our attacks struck the choju rider, the rider exploded behind the both of you, for you to think it is over. 

However, you both can hear Yapool laugh its lungs out as a beam was heading straight for you, only for the Shane Fusion to take the hit.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu, Haisha and Hunter's voices in sync): WATCH IT!!!!!!!

The Shane Fusion yelled and forcefully shoved you to the side.

Once you were shoved to safety, the fusion took the hit as the beam caused the fusion to separate back to six different incarnations, to your shock and worry.

(Y/n): EVERYONE!!!!!!

You yelled out of worry.

Just as you were about to rush to see whether everyone is alright, especially Ryukyu and Nejire, Yapool spoke up.

Yapool: Not so fast, Human Reionics.

He spoke.

You stopped in your tracks as you looked at Yapool's direction, to your shock, he has Nejire in his claw.

Yapool: A step to your friends or your Buckles, and you say goodbye to her.

He threatened.

You watched helpless as you see Nejire standing beside Yapool with a blade hand at her throat.

Nejire: nervous chuckle H-Hi.......

(Y/n): Let her go! She has nothing to do with this.

Yapool: Oh, she does. No thanks to you, your friends, this girl and the Dragoon Hero has foiled my plans. Fortunately Desire Killer is my back-up plan so.... I'm not complaining, but you.... you owe me blood for destroying some of my Chojus.

(Y/n): Unfortunately, it is to stop you. And plus, I told you, your Chojus being stolen is not my fault!!! It's the Reionics Battle that made this happen!

Yapool: YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT!?!?!?!?! I've been travelling to different planets, reclaiming what is rightfully mine, while destroying those said planets! But when I bumped onto Boris and Hammer.... I watched you destroy them...!!!

Nejire: But it's not his fault! He didn't do anything but defeat the likes of you back in his World which is also your own World, too!!

Yapool: SILENCE, WORM!!!!!!!! It's true and a fact, but let's not forget why I'm here.... I'm here... specially.... for you....

(Y/n): Then if you want me, then take me instead of her.

Nejire: (Y/n), NO!!!

Yapool: Oh? Really?

(Y/n): Yes.

You said, removing Boost Buckle from your Driver and fling it somwhere else as it starts to overheat and fly away, for Yapool to see it flew away until it disappeared, for him, Nejire and Desire Killer to see that you are now only in your Entry Form.

Yapool: How very noble of you.... as usual....

Yapool said, tossing Nejire to the ground.

Yapool: But your nobleness shall now lead you.... to your grave!!!

He hissed.

Then, Yapool raised his clawed hand at you as he fired the strongest Straight Sot he can muster, making you to be sent flying to a building where Ryukyu landed due to the attack caused by Desire Killer. Landing beside her, you slowly got up, only for Yapool to let his frustrations and revenge out on you as he struck you with his Blade Hand, sending you flying away from Ryukyu.

Just as he is about to leave to deal with you som more, Ryukyu in her human form grabbed Yapool by his right arm, for him to look back at her.

Ryukyu: You..... are not.... laying another attack.... or blade.... or hand on him.....

Ryukyu said weakly.

Yapool chuckled at this and smirked.

Yapool: You're resilient. Such strength. And such bravery. I like that..... reminds me of a specific other to (Y/n) that I just killed off.... resilient, brave, strong.... I'm impressed you managed to hold yourself together after that attack. But it is futile.

Yapool said, using his right arm to push Ryukyu down, making her lie on the ground, weakened as he went to deal with you.

At where Yapool sent you flying, you struggled to get up as you are now extremely weakened from what Yapool threw at you. After you got up, Yapool launched a Dimension Beam, sending you flying to the air, and when you are about to hit the ground, Desire Killer swooped by at the opposite direction as he landed a powerful Monster Punch directly in your face, causing me to be sent flying some more. After being sent flying seemingly to be like forever, you finally landed onto the ground as you rolled into some debris.

When you stopped, You slowly while struggling to get up, only to see yourself at the foot of Yapool who is now in front of you. Seeing you, Yapool grabbed you and pulled you up so he could see you eye to eye while Desire Killer can be seen stop walking behind you and iin front of its master.

Yapool: How does it feel now, Human Reionics? Alone again? Weakened? No one else to come save you as I almost annihilated your puny little weaklings for humans? And this, "Trophy"?

Yapool said, raising his Blade Hand.

While raising his Blade Hand to his eye level, you notice that there is something floating, for you to see another NEO Battlenizer, to your shock.

(A/N: NEO Battlenizer. Instead of Gold, it's red.)

(Y/n): That-

Yapool: Yes! It's her's. Her NEO Battlenizer.

(Y/n): It's..... not.... yours!!

Yapool: Of course it is, now. As it's my trophy.... after you defeated several of my missing Chojus. I had to get numerous Chojus searching for you.... But when they found you, I had one to kill her, and they delivered this to me. And now that I have where I want you, it's time that you join her.

Yapool said, placing the Battlenizer back to where ever it came from through the Choju Interdimensional Travel as he raised his Blade Hand up high to deliver the finishing blow, forcing you to retire and worse.

Shane: NO!!!!!

Yonezawa: (Y/N)!!!!

Buck: Get out of there!!!

Nejire: (Y/n-n)....

Yapool: He can't hear you now... as his fate is now sealed.... by ME.

Yapool said as he swung his arm downwards towards you.

Back at the Colosseum,

Shadow and Tsumuri watched with worry as one of their players, specifically you is about to be slained, for you to storm out with a Vision-Driver in hand.

Shadow: I'm going...

Tsumuri: Where?

Shadow: To face him!

He said.

Tsumuri looked as Shadow left, when a high concentrated power began to surge on you, for Tsumuri to notice this.

Tsumuri: Shadow, WAIT!

Shadow: What?!

Tsumuri: Something's illuminating within Player (Y/n).

Shadow: Huh?

When he heard this, Shadow walks back to Tsumuri to see what she is seeing.

Shadow: What is this?

Tsumuri: I don't know. But it appears to be similar to the Final Battle in the Creation Arc when Ace-sama.... you know....

Shadow: Then that means...

Shadow stopped halfway as they both began to look at the screen.

Back at the Battlefield,

Just as you were about to get slained by Yapool,-

(Y/n): whispering ... even in death... you can't tear us apart...

 - a small sphere of light began to illuminate inside you and inside the Interdimensional Travel, for Yapool to stop as he and his creation notice this.

Yapool: Hmm?!?! What's this?!

Everyone: looks on, confused

As everyone watched, the spheres of light suddenly created two pulses that repelled Yapool and Desire Killer while rebuilding everything that's damaged around you all, to your shock. You fell onto the ground on your knees after witnessing Yapool being repelled by something inside you and within the Interdimensional Travel. 

Looking on, the Spheres of Light flew out from you and the portal as one revealed the NEO Battlenizer and the oither is just a ball of light, not knowing what is going on.

To be Continued....

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