Chapter 8: Reionics Hero Cerebro -vs- Horseman of Pestilence Shilback

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After screaming, you swiftly turned your head to look around, trying to find where Bakugo and Tokoyami have been. 

Deku (Inner Thoughts): We're in Crisis Mode... And we thought we were doing well that we'd covered our bases. But-

Deku said in his thoughts, shocked and surprised.

His smile on his face turned to a face of horror when Bakugo and Tokoyami went missing. Looking at where they were and disappeared, a voice called out.

???: Nice trick, eh?

Hearing someone's voice, you all looked up at a tree branch to see another villain with his face masked up with a mask and a hat on top of his head, revealing himself to be Mr. Compress.

(A/N: Mr. Compress.)

Mr. Compress: I took the lad you're talking about with my Magic. A talent like his would be squandered were he casts as a Hero. We'll provide him with a grander stage where he can truly shine.

Mr. Compress said while holding onto a small orb containing Bakugo inside it.

(Y/n): So I see. You want to recruit him as a Villain for your own twisted cause, is that right?

Mr. Compress: Spot on, dear boy. I like that. Even if he doesn't join us, we'll be doing to him like what they'll be doing to you, as well. Turn you into an experiment. Though it is unfortunate I didn't grab you considering you are surrounded by your little friends. But it is no loss when we took the girl.

(Y/n): growls

Grey: WHAT?! You guys took Zona, too?!

Mr. Compress: Yes. We also have much use for her, too. That is why we took her as well, as our little side quest.

Mr. Compress said.

Confirming that the villains already have Zona, Deku yelled at Compress.


He yelled.

Mr. Compress: "Give him back"? What an odd thing to say. Bakugo and Zona doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person. Don't be so arrogant.

(Y/n): They may not belong to anyone of us, that maybe. But they belong to us as friends as family! As a Team!

Grey: We'll stop you!!!!!

Todoroki: Right NOW!!!!

Todoroki used his ice quirk to try and freeze the magician hero in place while Grey fished out his guns as he blasted rounds at him, only for Mr. Compress to take a huge leap as he jumped over and above them.

Mr. Compress: Why the aggression? We merely wish to show him that there are options besides the fanatical world of Heroism he's drowning in.

He said while landing on a tree.

Mr. Compress: There's a path that aligns with your core values, after all. 

(Y/n): I forgot to mention, our other friend isn't here, too. You took him, too? Plus, quite the monologue there, I commend you on thee.

Mr. Compress: How right you are. And I thank you, though it is a bad habit of mine. I was once an entertainer, y'know. Taking Tokoyami was an improv. of my part. Moonfish, our dear Blade Tooth. He may not look it but he's a dastardly death row devil whose last appeal was denied. When I saw the avian take him down so easily and violently, I decided he should join our troupe.

Deku: You bastard!!! You can't take them!!!!

Grey: You give them and my Zona BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shoji: Midoriya, grey, calm down.

(Y/n): Shoji's right, Deku and Grey. Don't let him get to you. We'll get them back!

You said.

Todoroki: Here, drops Kosei off to Uraraka take this guy for me.

Uraraka: Okay!

Running pass everyone and you, Todoroki stopped at a distance to unleash the same Ice attack did back in the Sports Festival, in the attempts to trap Mr. Compress in ice. Inspecting the ice he created by using his quirk, he still hears the villains voice, for him to notice that he somehow managed to escape his ice by merely jumping away from where he landed.

Mr. Compress: Apologies. But my slight-of-Hand and Escapology are my specialties, not combat. I'm not foolish enough to fight Hero Candidates from U.A. 

Mr. Compress said while holding up to something as he began to speak to someone.

Mr. Compress: Vanguard Action Squad. I've acquired our Target. Our little show has officially come to a close. Meet me at the retrieval point in the next five minutes for the final bow. And not to forget, Pestilence? If you would, we only have five minutes so, be quick with them, will you.

Mr. Compress said, communicating with his compatriots in the Vanguard Action Squad while getting away from you and the group.

Todoroki: They are going to take them... our friends!

Deku: HE CAN'T!!!!!

Grey: AND HE'LL NOT!!!!

Deku: You're right.

(Y/n): We'll stop them!!!

You just, for you all to give chase.

However, just before you all started giving chase, the Horseman of Pestilence Shilback and his ride, Zombayu appeared before them as he blocked their path, to everyone's shock.

Todoroki: Not good. In that cas-

(Y/n): Todoroki, NO!!!! His powers and the power of the horseman exceeds your own!!!

Deku: Then... that means this is one of the four?!

(Y/n): No doubt! Alien Shilback unleashes a plague whereby everyone's life force aka, spirits will be trapped inside that kaiju he's riding, Zombayu. Thus, its leader has given them the powers of the Horseman of Pestilence.

Grey: So, what now?

Shoji: We can't handle him unless we have the means to stop him.

(Y/n): Then you all go on ahead.

You said.

Everyone looks at you with worried looks on their faces.

(Y/n): I'll be fine. Just go and make sure that you save Bakugo, Tokoyami and Zona. They're counting on us. I'll keep him busy.

You said.

Tsu: Okay. But be careful.

Tsu said.

You gave her a thumbs up, for everyone to start running again to give chase, catching up to Mr. Compress so they can catch him and claim back their friends. After everyone left, you are the only one that is standing against one of the Four Kaiju Horsemen of the Apocalypse as you summoned an arm blade based on Zangill.

(A/N: Zangill. You'll have its arm blade based on Zangill's arm blade.)

(Y/n): Zangill, Arm Blade. forming an arm blade on your right arm and points it directly at the Horseman It's just you, and me. And no one else, Pestilence.

You said.

The horseman gets down from its ride while fishing out its katana, readying for a brawl as it made its way to you with a killer intent. Seeing him walking up to you, you immediately did the same as you both clashed swords with each other as soon as you both got close.

Clashing blades with each other, you saw an opening in front of you and headbutted the Horseman, causing it to break the clash as it staggered backwards to Zombayu. Groaning and roaring from this, it fished out its spear as it threw it towards you, for you to shift to your right, allowing the spear to fly pass you while it grazed your arm by a bit, causing you to wince slightly. After the spear struck a tree, you began to smirk at the Horseman.

(Y/n): Not bad to start the fight off.... I guess we're even after I headbutt your sorry ass face.

You said.

The Horseman walked towards you while swinging its katana, for you to block its attack as you did the same, only for it to block back as you both began to exchange blows and blocks.  Taking forever, you decided to jump over its slash, giving you the opportunity to slash its chestplate creating a long scratch mark across it.

Seeing its armour got scratched, the Horseman immediately struck back by delivering a flurry of slashes, only for you to block and deflect them as planned as it stopped slashing and began to blast its soul-extrating beam from its mouth, aiming directly at you. Surprised by this, you immediately jumped high up in the air to avoid its beam. After avoiding its extracting beam, you landed down safely to the ground, only to be introduced by numerous soul-extracting beams firing at you, for you to dodge them while moving around in circles as you slowly get closer to it.

Getting closer, you snatched the spear belonging to the Horseman as you threw it at it, piercing it through the chest, causing it to stop blasting its beam at you. As opportunity struck, you rushed in closer to it while-

(A/N: Firemons. You will equip Firemons' Sword on your left hand.)

(Y/n): Firemons, Sword!

You said.

- summoning Firemons' Sword on your left hand as you used both swords to thrust into the Hroseman's chest, only for your attack to be deflected by the Horseman's sword, to your shocked. After deflecting your attack by its sword, the Horseman kicked you into a tree, causing you to hit your back hard against it while it forcefully removed its spear from being pierced through its chest as it began to slowly walk towards you.

Dazed, you slowly got up while you shook yourself back to your senses to see your enemy walking towards you, for you to slowly pick up your Firemons Sword, preparing to fight against the Horseman again. Just as the Horseman is about to attack, a pair of purple-coloured electrical bolts struck its hand, causing it to drop its spear, to your shock. Seeing it disarmed, you looked at where the attack came from to see the same Alien Mefilas from before was the one who struck the Horseman from spearing you.

(Y/n): Mefilas?!

Mefilas: nods Just in a nick of time.

(Y/n): Yeah, indeed it is.

Mefilas: smirks at (Y/n) then looks at Pestilence You there, Spawn of Reiblood! You don't belong in this place! Leave now, or suffer the consequences!

Mefilas ordered.

There was no response from the Horseman, not a sound but a massive beam to be launched at Mefilas's face, for Mefilas to launch a grip beam from his hand as both their attacks clash. While fighting, you couldn't help but watch two aliens battling it out before your very eyes for a brief moment. Then, a thought hit you about rescuing three of your classmates, causing you to slap yourself back to reality as you quickly and silently charged towards the Horseman.

Just as the Horseman was about to overpower Mefilas, you immediately struck the Horseman by inflicting a double slash at him, causing it to stop firing its beam from its mouth, giving Mefilas the opportunity to blast its beam at it, sending the Horseman back towards its ride. After the attack, the Horseman slowly got back up as it walked towards the both of you, when Mr. Compress can be heard from a small device in its ear.

Mr. Compress (By via Communication Device): Pestilence? It's time we should bow and take our leave.

He said.

The Horseman stopped beside its spear as it picked it up and makes his way back to Zombayu. When he arrived, he hopped back on as he took his ride for a ride to reunite with the vanguard Action Squad while disappearing into the green, for you to sigh in relief.

(Y/n): Thanks. I owe you one big time.

Mefilas: No problem. For now, we can put this on hold. We can talk later. For now, you got your little friends to save.

(Y/n): Yeah, thanks for letting me go.

Mefilas: nods before teleporting away

After watching Mefilas disappear for the time being, you immediately ran towards the direction where your group has ran to chase after Mr. Compress, hoping that you're not too late to save Tokoyami, Bakugo and Zona while talking to yourself to tell yourself that you hope that they are safe and your classmates have reached them in time to save them.

To be Continued....

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