Chapter 9: The Aftermath of the V.A.S. Invasion

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While you were making your way back to rejoin your group, you suddenly hear Deku and Grey howling in grief, for you to start running extremely fast, as fast as your legs can take you. When you arrived, you soon saw a regrettable sight as you now see everyone looking at Deku and Grey griefing over their failed mission to save Zona and Bakugo. 

You even looked around to only see that Tokoyami is saved, which means one thing; you all have lost, and the villains won. 

(Y/n): Bakugo.... Zona....

You said silently with grief mixed into your voice.


At the Hospital closeby the Training Camp,

In one of the Wards in the Hospital,

(Y/n): -- Mr. Vlad King aka, Mr. Sekijiro was able to call Emergency Services. Not too long after the Villain's Vanguard Action Squad and the Horseman of Pestilence left, ambulances and firefighters arrived. Off the Forty-three students which includes me and the two newcomers that are part of the Forty-three,.... Fifteen were unconscious and in serious condition during the gases. Thankfully I have the antidote for the two variants and they're on the way to implement the antidotes on the fifteen, Nine others were injured but thankfully I too lended aid by healing them up so they're good to go. Majority of us are unharmed in both Class A and B combined.... physically. And.... two of us are missing, Bakugo and our newcomer Zona. One of the Six Pro-Heroes known as Ragdoll, to what I nicknamed her; Doll.... went missing. But it was apparent that she lost a lot of blood. Meanwhile at the Villain side, Three are caught and arrested. The other attackers from the V.A.S. managed to escape without trace thanks to Kurogiri's warp quirk. After the incident, I couldn't help but remember what Tomura Shigaraki said to me back at the mall. And thus, the Summer Training Camp we are all looking forward to,... could've been more of a disaster to what I have anticipated. Though, you need not fear about me. Cause' after the incident, we were all brought to a hospital near the training camp. After looking at our almost fallen comrades which I dub them our newest recruits when I first met them... I felt bad because... well.... I could only do so much for them and that was it.... long sigh honestly, I.... wish I could've done more but,.... for now,.... we're on break until Bakugo, Zona and Doll are rescued. So,.... until then, this is Member (Y/n) (L/n), Log ****** - A..... Signing Out.... and I pray... for their safety before and after their rescue.

You said, turning off the device as you packed them up nicely back into your backpack.

After packing them back in, you sighed for a long time before getting out of the ward as you made your way towards Deku's ward where he is being checked on due to his arms. While making your way there, you thought about how Kota is.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): I wonder how.... Kota is.... I hope is okay, too....

You said in thought.

When you arrived at Deku's ward, you see that majority of Class 1-A and grey were there to see Deku, for you to join in.

(Y/n): Deku!

You called.

Deku: Huh? stops crying Oh.... hey, (Y/n).

Ida: Good morning to you, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hey, Class Rep. Hey guys.... I see most of us are.... here....

Class 1-A (Including Deku): nods

Seeing them nod while feeling saddened from what happened, you look at Deku as you used your thumb to wipe away his tears.

(Y/n): They'll get him back. One way or another.

You said.

Deku nods at this when he heard you say that while the Sphere Assimilation on both of Deku's arms began to crawl back into you.

(Y/n): How're your arms?

Deku: They're still fine, thanks. But the doctors say they still needed to be checked.

(Y/n): Alright. Let'em check'em.

Deku: right....

(Y/n): looks at my class So, what did I miss?

Mina: Not much.... we were just talking about what happened....

Uraraka: yeah....

Jirou: Thanks for the antidotes, by the way. It did wonders to get rid of the poisons in some of us.

(Y/n): It's... no problem.

Kirishima: Anyway, continuing on before you came in, (Y/n). looks at Midoriya Let's go get him.

Kirishima said.

Hearing this, everyone including you looked at Kirishima, shocked at what he said.

Class 1-A: Huh?

(Y/n): W-What?

Kirishima: I was here yesterday, too. And so is Todoroki. We were on our way to visit you... we saw All Might and a Police Officer talking to Yaoyorozu in private.

Kirishima mentioned.

Grey: So, in other words you want Yaoyorozu make another receiver for you, right?

Grey guessed, for Kirishima to nod at this.

Todoroki: What if it does?

Todoroki added.

This caused Ida to grit his teeth before yelling at Kirishima and Todoroki, recaping after what had happened in Hosu with the Hero Killer.

Ida: You should listen to what All Might said! We have to leave this to the Professionals, it's not the right time for us to get involved! IDIOTS!!!!

Ida exclaimed.

(Y/n): Ummmm.... I maybe a student but,... i'm considered as a Professional, too?

You said.

Ida sighed while robot-points at you.

Ida: ... with you... being an exception.... considering you're from another world and you have a job....

Ida said.

Then, Kirishima began to yell back, as well.

Kirishima: Maybe, but all I know, is that in camp, I couldn't do anything! I heard my friend was targetted! And I just stood by! Helpless! So if standby and do nothing now, how am I supposed to call myself a HERO or a MAN?!?!?!

Kirishima yelled.

Kaminari: places a finger on my mouth Kirishima, calm down... we're in a hospital... there's a better time and place for this, dude.

Tsu: yeah... What Ida said is true. 

Kaminari and Tsu said, trying to lighten up the mood while calming Kirishima down at the same time.

Kirishima: all of you... just listen to me for a minute. I know what you're saying is right. BUT STILL!!!! Come on, Midoriya. He's still within your reach. We can save Bakugo!

Kirishima said, turning to Deku and reached out to him with his hand.

Momo: So, let me get this straight....

Mina: You want Momo to create another receiver, track a bad guy, then save Bakugo all by yourselves?

Momo and Mina clarified.

Kirishima: Yeah.

Kirishima confirms their clarifications.

Todoroki: The villains that attacked the Camp tried to kill some of us. But they took Bakugo alive. What we do know, is that they want to recruit him and Zona to join their side. However, what we don't know is, is how long they're going to let them live. That's why we're going after him and Zona.

Todoroki stated.

Everyone look at Todoroki with worry, causing Ida to create an outburst by yelling some more.


Shoji: stops Ida Hey, calm down. I get how frustrated Kirishima is. And how Todoroki feels since he couldn't grab Bakugo. I'm upset, too. But... we can't let our emotions get the best of us. Right?

Shoji said, calming the mood in Deku's ward.

Aoyama: Umm.... we should leave this to All Might. Mr. Aizawa only gave us permission to fight and to use quirks at the training Camp.

Tokoyami: Aoyama is correct. though I'm part of the reason we failed... So, I can't talk.

Kirishima: You guys...!!

Tsu: Listen. We're all shocked that Bakugo and Zona were taken from us. But we have to be rational. It doesn't matter how noble your intentions. If you go out there trying to find the bad guys, knowing you're breaking the rules, then you're acting like villains, not heroes.

Tsu said.

After hearing what Tsu said, silence looms around the room for a moment, until a knock could be heard by the room door, surprising Aoyama. When the Doors open, a Doctor appeared entering the room to check on Deku's injuries.

Doctor: Sorry for interrupting you guys.But I need a moment alone with Midoriya.

The Doctor said.

You nod at this, as you followed your classmates out of the Ward as they said their their goodbyes and 'get well soon's to him, while Deku can be heard thanking you all for visiting him, with Kirishima staying behind for a moment, for you to use your kaiju quirk to overhear what he's talking to Deku about, while noticing that Ida has stopped beside you, also overhearing them, as well.

Kirishima: We talked to Yaoyorozu in private, too yesterday. We're doing this, tonight... look, I know you've got some hardcore injuries. So, i don't know if you can go. But I wanted to invite you, since you probably feel the worst. We'll meet in front of the hospital after dark.

Kirishima said.

After hearing what Kirishima said, you and Ida soon made their way out of the Room.


After Dark,

At Deku's House,

In Deku's Room,

You can be seen prepping and activating the devices again to put in one more log to continue from your previous A-Log as you began to start the recording. But before you start the recording, to took a deep breathe while compsoing yourself as you tried to hold your tears in after what you have heard and what transpired hours ago.

After composing yourself, you began to state your log.

(Y/n): This is Member (Y/n) (L/n) of the Space Pendragon. Log ****** - B , Day ** , Date **/**/****. Captain, everyone, Rei. Once again but.... I'm not sure if this is the last time but,.... I hope you got all of my logs, messages and reports about this World I'm at in this present moment. This Log links up with Log ****** - A as I got some insights on what's happening.

You said.

Then, you raised your head to face the ceiling while placing your hands over your face, covering it for a brief moment. After that, you went back to staring at the Screen projected by the device.

(Y/n): Deku, Ida, Todoroki, Momo and Grey have planned and sought out to leave the city to plan and rescue Bakugo and Zona. From what I have heard, some of my classmates tried to stop them, but they were persistant. heheh! Guess some of us can be persistant, like for some in our crew back then... Anyway, they tried stopping them but, to no avail. And if anything, they should be halfway across where they are tracking down Bakugo and Zona right at this moment... and our friends are disheartened upon hearing the news of their departure to save them. sighs I have returned to Deku's house to make this final Log because one thing's for sure, if they're gonna save Bakugo and Zona, it is bound that they'll also get to meet my Former Master known as; All for One. Now, you maybe wondering what or who he is so, allow me to explain.

And so, you briefly explained about the quirks called 'One for All' and 'All for One', explaining that All Might has One for All, and All for One has All for One.

(Y/n): So yeah. That's what's been going on. And the reason why I said this would probably be my last Log, is because...... I'm going to settle with my Former Master, once and all........ tonight. I know it is reckless but.... he has caused enough sorrow and dread in this world, and it must end... here and now. I've spoken to Aunt Inko about it.... she was saddened that I'm leaving but, I assured her that I'll be fine once this is over. I miss my friends and her... I miss Deku.... and i miss you guys, too.

You said, shedding a tear.

(Y/n): This Member (Y/n) (L/n), Log ****** - B..... Signing Out.

You concluded.

As soon as you concluded, the device deactivates, for you to grab it as you place it back inside your backpack. After packing everything, you stood up as you reeached your hand out, passing an SD Card to someone.

(Y/n): please give this to my Crew, fast. They must see this.

You said.

Mefilas: Why of course.

Alien Mefilas said, emerging from the shadows as he received the card from you.

(Y/n): Thank you.

Mefilas: And what of your little friends? Your new crew? I did what you ask by sending your little letters to them. What will they think of you?

(Y/n): They'll understand.... as after all,.... I don't belong here. I belong where my world lies.... in my original world.

You said.

Alien Mefilas nods while he teleports away. Seeing him gone, you wiped your tear as you carried your backpack on you back as you used your quirk to summon a portal in front of you.

(Y/n): But, before I go there, there is one thing I must do, first.

You said as you jumped in.


In the World of Remnant,

Outside at the Temple of the Ancient Elemental Warriors,

Apollonir and Shadow can be seen walking together as the Elemental Warrior of Flames can be seen seeing his son off back to the Amity Colosseum after a long Meeting.

Apollonir: Just remember, son. This Sacred Temple will always be your Second Home.

Shadow: nods I know, dad. And thanks.

Apollonir: And thank you, for maintaining order here with Raven's Tribe.

Shadow: Oh, it was nothing really. It was a Maiden-to-Maiden kind of gig so we know how to talk things out with her. I'm just glad she's with us and not against us.

Apollonir: Heheh! My thoughts exactly.

He said as Shadow and Apollonir briefly talked about the meeting from just now.

Just then, a portal opened up before them, for them to look at it with confusion.

Apollonir: S-Son? Are you expecting company?

Apollonir asks.

Shadow: No. If anything, they would let me know.

Apollonir: Then get ready! It could be trouble!

Apollonir said.

And so, Shadow and Apollonir readied their weapons as they prepared to fight whoever is about to emerge from the portal. Preparing themselves, you jumped out of the portal while closing it behind you, for you to be introduced to weapons being aimed at your throat.

(Y/n): Producer- WHOA!!!!!

You exclaimed.

Hearing Shadow's name in formal terms, Shadow's eyes widened to see you, for him to lower his weapon.

Shadow: (Y/n)?

Apollonir: Son, do you know him?

Shadow: Yes, I do. You may stand down, dad. He's one of us.

Apollonir: Oooookayyyy???

Apollonir said, confused while lowering his weapon.

Shadow: Before we start, dad, this is the kid I was talking about; (Y/n). (Y/n), this is my dad; Apollonir. Apollonir (Y/n), (Y/n) Apollonir.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you, sir.

Apollonir: Nice to meet you too, Young (Y/n).

Shadow: Okay, so... (Y/n), what are you doing here?

(Y/n): I need your help in upgrading my Hero Costume and Support Items.

Shadow: Why? For what purpose?

Shadow ask.

(Y/n): To finish my Former Master, once and for all, and send his god-like ass to the Tartarus where he belongs. He took Bakugo, Doll and Zona. I need your help. please...

You said.

Hearing this, Shadow and Apollonir looked at each other for a brief moment, then looks back at you to see you shedding some tears.

Shadow: Hmm. Alright then. Show me your Costume and your Support Items, then we'll talk. While we're at it, I'll make a call to my brother; Yusei at Atlas.

You said while fishing out his Scroll.

To be Continued....

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