Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: all naruto ultimate/team jutsu.

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As dailous hits the switch, the screen shows naruto as a kid.

Dailous: what the- oh I see now." He says after a moment of consideration. Catching their attention.

Kakashi: something wrong?" He asked.

Dailous: no,no nothing's wrong, it's just that this world will show naruto in different instances of his life performing jutsus and team attack moves, why this is here I don't know, do you all want to see it anyway?" He asked, mentally planning to check why this was on the list.

They all looked at eachother for a moment before nodding, rather curious about how powerful the uzumaki heir and future hokage is. Seeing their nod, dailous hits resume and the screen starts.

The screen shows naruto, sasuke and sakura facing kakashi.

Seeing team 7 when they were younger made naruto sakura and kakashi feel nostalgic.

Kakashi (in head): oh my cute little genin, look at what you have become today." He thought with strained smile, remembering how badly hurt naruto was and how heartbroken sakura was after the failure of the sasuke retrieval mission.

Team 7 jumps up into the air, with naruto in the middle, sakura to his left and sasuke on the right with all 3 of them dive kicking kakashi in the face, sending him skidding back. The 3 land on their feet, sasuke and sakura tense, eyes narrowed while naruto has his arms folded and a big grin on his face.

Naruto: ready for the challenge!" He yells as he rushes towards his opponent as his teammates look in astonishment with sasuke following soon after, leaving sakura who suddenly gains an idea.

Sasuke: that stupid little-" he said.

Naruto eye twitched, knowing that sasuke was planning to insult him.

Naruto: motherfucker." He muttered.

Naruto punches kakashi and kicks him up in the air just as sasuke jumps on the blondes back and kicks kakashi in the stomach, flipping in midair just to get next to him. Naruto with a vein popping on his head jumps up onto the other side of kakashi and both the uchiha and the uzumaki do an axe kick on their sensei sending him crashing into the ground.

Kakashi: not bad, if I saw this type of teamwork when I gave you guys the bell test, you probably would've passed it." He said.

Naruto and sakura look down with dark clouds hanging over them.

Tenten: bell test? What's that?" She asked, it was dailous who responded.

Dailous: the bell test was a team seven tradition training exam where the goal is to grab the bells on their sensei, there was a hidden meaning to the test but no one other than team 7 knew." He explained.

Kiba: that's what you guys did?" He asked surprised. "All we did was train with kurenei sensei." He said earning nods from his teammates.

Sakura: wait really?" She asked surprised.

Shikamaru: troublesome, we did the same with asuma sensei." He said with his team nodding, soon the rest of the rookies said the same. Naruto and sakura looked at kakashi with narrowed eyes who only responded with an eye smile.

Sakura tosses a kunai tied to a rope that goes around naruto, kakashi (who stands up) and sasuke before stabbing the ground. Sakura winks while sasuke is confused before a bead of sweat falls from his face figuring out what's going to happen while naruto tilts his head like a confused puppy at seeing sasuke's expression.

'Cute.' Thought some of the females in the room, wanting to squeeze the life out of the naruto on screen.

Sakura: CHA!!!" she yells while pulling on the rope, making it fly and head to sasuke who sees it and substitutes with a log. said log gets caught in it, hits kakashi and naruto looks at it with a face that spelt 'shit'.

Some of the people in the audience laughed at his face, even the stoic hyuuga hiashi cracked a smile. Kiba fell onto the floor, holding his ribs in pain from laughter. Tsunade covered her mouth with her hand, slightly giggling at seeing her God son's face while jiraiya had tears pouring down his from seeing it. Naruto looks at sakura, an embarrassed blush on his face as he narrows his eyes at a sheepish sakura.

Sakura: uhhh other me?" She asked nervously.

Naruto just sighs in defeat and looks back at the screen.

Eventually everyone calms down, and looks back to the screen as well.

The screen goes dark for a moment before instantly turning on showing naruto's deadpan expression.

Only for the audience to start laughing again.

Naruto: oh shut up! It's not funny!" He screamed, face fully red.

Zabuza: the hell it isn't brat!" He yelled while cackling.

The audience calm down and continue watching.

The screen pans out to show naruto tied to a log with kakashi on the opposite end, sakura shrugging while sasuke appears next to her.

Naruto: hey wait a minute what's going on here?!" He yelled while kicking his feet

Kakashi: it seems you get stuck to the log no matter what naruto." He chuckled out.

Naruto: screw you sensei!" He yelled, a vein appearing on his head.

The screen cuts to show naruto doing a familiar hand sign as multiple shadow clones come in and charge at their opponent which is kiba.

Kiba gulps, not liking the fact that he's being targeted while naruto smirks all the while thinking 'payback'.

3 narutos kick kiba up into the air

Naruto: NA-RU-TO!" they yell as more clones show up and surround him.

Shino: reminds me of the chunin exams." He said, his sensei and hyuuga teammate nodding.

Tsume: is this how you lost the match in the exams?" She asked.

Kiba just looked down embarrassed, remembering how he truly lost, it was humiliating and he would never tell his mother however he then remembered that hana watched them and looked to see her giving a devilish grin. Kiba whined while akamaru was confused.

The narutos on the ground as all the clones converge on kiba tossing kicks and punches.

Naruto: UZUMAKI!!" They yelled as 2 clones appeared under kiba ready to deliver the final hit. "2K!" The 2 clones send an uppercut on kiba. "BARRAGE!!!" They yelled as the inazuka gets sent flying.

Haku: impressive naruto." She said astonished. "Can you make that many?" She asked.

Naruto: not sure, never needed that many clones, I could give a try though." He said, making a mental note to see how many clones he could make.

The screen then cuts to iruka, konohamaru and naruto who are wielding demon wind shurikens.

Iruka and konohamru perk up at seeing themselves on screen, curious at what they could do with naruto at their side since they've never fought with naruto together.

Iruka: please!" He yells as he and his former academy students toss their shurikens at kakashi.

Kakashi: why me?" He asked.

Asuma: who knows, maybe you're a sucker for pain." He said with chuckle. Kakashi deadpans but doesn't respond.

The shurikens hit kakashi, sending up into the air as iruka turns to his former students.

Iruka: get it together you guys!" He yelled while pointing at the enemy however both naruto and konohamru sport grins on their faces.

Tsunade: gaki, what are you and the little gaki so happy about?" She asked an eyebrow raised.

Naruto and konohamru looked confused before figuring it out and start chuckling.

Naruto: you'll see." He said, a smile on his face. For some reason, iruka didn't like that smile.

Naruto: let's go konohamaru!" He yelled as he and his hokage rival do a familiar transformation jutsu causing smoke to appear. Once it clears it shows a female naruto and konohamaru, both giggling and doing sexy poses.





Except for dailous's quiet chuckles.

And then-

Females: eh.......EEEEEEEEEHHHHHH!?!?!" They yelled, scandalised by what they saw.

While the males stared at the screen, unmoved, until their faces erupted and blood spewed out of their noses and sent them flying like rockets, yes even the stoic hyuuga and troublesome nara were not immune. Anko fell of her seat, slamming her hand on the ground as she laughed like there was no tommorow. The rest of the females looked at the 2 who performed the jutsu and saw them busting a gut before seeing everyone looking at them and they stopped and whistled instead, trying to act innocent.

It took a while but everyone was back to normal though some wouldn't be forgetting that anytime soon.

Naruto: did you have to do that granny?" He asked as he rubbed his head after he got hit by tsunade.

Tsunade: the other you isn't here so you're the only one that could come close to it, and stop calling me granny." She said.

Iruka stared, a blush on his face and eyes wide before smoke erupts and sends him flying towards kakashi.

Naruto: our real target's over here!" He said, a smile on his face.

Konohamaru: goooooo!" He yelled a smile and fist raised in the air.

Once iruka hits kakashi, the 2 exploded into a heart shaped firework with naruto and konohamru high fiving.

The screen then cuts to naruto and konohamru kneeling on the ground, big lumps on their head as iruka stood in front of them, fist raised, a blush on his face and tissues covering his nose.

Iruka nodded with his other self although a blush was still on his face.

Konohamaru: you always take the fun out of everything." He childishly whined but was ignored.

The screen then cuts to naruto as an orange swirl of chakra surrounds him.

The konoha nin tense at seeing the chakra, already having an idea of what it is.

Jiraiya: kyuubi." He muttered.

Tsunade was worried about her godson, other world or not she always gets worried when she sees that vile chakra.

Naruto merely narrows his eyes.

Naruto crouches down, his right hand to his side as he growls before looking up sharply and rushing his opponent, his facial features changed. His whiskers were sharp, his eyes were no longer blue but blood red with slits similar to the nine tailed fox and teeth sharp. Naruto let's out a roar and thrusts a nine tailed chakra infused rasengan with a silhouette of the fox behind naruto into his opponent which was sasuke.

Team 7 frowned at seeing this version of sasuke, remembering that the clothes he wore was when they saw him again at orochimaru's hideout.

Once it makes contact, the rasengan explodes, making sasuke fly up in the air while naruto crouches down like an animal while roaring.

Tsume narrows her eyes at the stance, it was somewhat similar to the inazuka stance since they're in tuned with their animal side and are sometimes crouched so they could move quickly.

The screen changes to show 3 narutos who are making a new type of rasengan.

Jiraiya and naruto look intently at it, since they're the 2 people who can so far use the rasengan, they were interested in what this one could do.

Naruto: wind style: rasenshuriken!!" He yelled as rushes towards his opponent, akatsuki member kakuzu and slams it into him, naruto's eyes go fox like for a moment before he releases the jutsu and watches as the shuriken flies, shredding his opponent before blowing up into a sphere of tiny microscopic blades of wind, with naruto landing on the ground.

Naruto and jiraiya looked in awe at the technique.

Naruto: I made that?!" He yelled in astonishment.

Dailous: yep, that's the complete form of the rasengan." He said, gaining everyone's attention.

Neji: what do you mean complete form?" He asked.

Dailous: the naruto in this room has been using an incomplete form of the technique, so has jiraiya. Originally, the fourth hokage planned to add an element into the jutsu since all it was a ball of chakra however he was never able to do it. When naruto found out his element was wind, he trained hard until he was able to create the complete form of the rasengan, however there was a downside to the technique. Naruto didn't have complete control of the technique since he had to control the chakra in the orb and add his element, when he first used it he nearly shredded his hand and chakra coils to bits. Tsunade warned him to not use it but luckily naruto found a way to gain control." He finished.

Naruto: how?!" He asked excitedly, he wanted to creat the rasenshuriken badly, he'll be one step closer to achieving his dream.

Dailous: you'll see." He said, mentioning to the scream which he looks back at.

The screen changes to show naruto with his 2 clones, creating the rasenshuriken, however this time, naruto was wearing jiraiya's cloak and scroll on his back, his eyes were also to that of a toads.

Jiraiya: wait why's he wearing my stuff?" He asked.

Dailous sighed, he should've seen this coming, he paused the screen, having everyone look at him as he explained why.

(Mini timeskip)

To say jiraiya was shocked was an understatement, he died. As in he was not coming back ever dead. He looked at naruto who was frozen in shock, this made him wince, believing that naruto probably blamed himself for his death. Tsunade wasn't happy either, she practically sent jiraiya to his death and she was too drunk to fucking say otherwise. Everyone else was not happy about it either, jiraiya, despite hid perverted tendencies was a good ninja to konoha who's fought for his home and saved people more times than they can possibly count.

Jiraiya: hime, gaki." He said, getting their attention. "It's fine, I'm right here with you all, besides I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice when facing the akatsuki leader." He said with a grin, it put the 2 at ease though naruto swore to train harder. He doesn't plan to lose pervy sage anytime soon, he refuses to lose anyone.

After calming down, they look at the screen.

Naruto: watch this one!" He yells as he tosses it at the leader of the akatsuki pain.

Naruto/jiraiya: you can throw it?!" They yelled.

Naruto: alright, that settles it, I'm definitely training to get to that stage." He said, a fire in his eyes.

Jiraiya smiles at narutos enthusiasm before looking at yahiko or pain as he goes by now. It hurt to know that yahiko's body was being used by nagato so that he could achieve his version of peace. If only he could've saved them.

The rasenshuriken connects and continues to fly, taking pain with it before it exploded into a bigger sphere of miniature wind blades.

Naruto smiled in glee at seeing it blow up before frowning, remembering that he could hurt himself unless he gets this sage mode that helps him control it better, he looked at jiraiya. A smile appears on his face, it looks like he has a way of obtaining it.

The scene changes to naruto with his hands out as 2 clones create rasengans on both of his hands, sage mode active. He then charges at tobi (in his fourth shinobi war clothes and mask) and hits him with both rasengans, dazing him before tobi looks up to see multiple narutos with giant rasengans.

Tsunami: oh kami!" She exclaimed in surprise.

Inari: whoa!" He yelled in awe.

Konohamaru: that's guys done for!" He yelled.

Naruto: sage art: massive rasengan mega barrage!" He yelled as they all charged at tobi before impacting tobi creating a blue like smoke.

Jiraiya hummed in acknowledgement of the attack, perhaps he should train and try and recreate that type of attack, he looked at naruto and saw that gleam in his eyes when plans to do something crazy. He shook his head amused at his student.

The next scene made everyone go dead quiet.

The next scene showed naruto holding a rasengan in his hand while the 4th hokage minato and a woman with red hair and grey like eyes who's name was kushina was helping him control the rasengan.

The theatre became dead quiet at seeing who was on screen.

Kakashi looked like he'd seen a ghost, he didn't expect to see a familiar face.

Kakashi: sensei." He muttered.

Tsunade: kushina." She muttered.

Jiraiya stared, mouth agape no words coming out, the clan heads were the same, what could they say? They're seeing their dead friends by the looks of it alive and helping their son with a rasengan. Speaking of the son....

Naruto: oh hey it's the fourth hokage!" He yelled in awe before looking at the woman. "Who's she though? She looks pretty, she's got nice red hair too." He said looking at the woman, he felt a sense of longing for some reason. Unknown to him, 2 little blue fire balls started sputtering within his mindscape.

Tsunade looks at naruto with eyes that showed sadness but also a bit of confusion, wasn't he told who his parents were? She looked at the clan heads who remained silent and just stared at the screen. She narrowed her eyes, something was wrong.

Once the rasengan was complete, the hokage and kushina backed away.

Kushina: do it naruto!" She yelled as he charged at tobi (4th shinobi war) a blue force field surrounding him, once he slams the rasengan into tobi, he keeps pushing it until 2 hands overlap his, the hands belonging to minato and kushina. Everything seems to slow down as naruto utters 2 words.

Naruto: (looks at minato) dad! (Looks at kushina) mum!" He said, a smile on his face.




It was deafening.

Naruto was frozen. Eyes wide, mouth closed. His skin pale. Did he hear that right?

Naruto:.......what..... w-what did m-my other just say?" He asked, slowly stuttering, a heavy feeling weighing upon him.

No one said anything, and that was making naruto angry, so angry that he clenched his fist and unconsciously used the kyuubi's chakra, making whiskers sharp, teeth pointy and eyes that of the kyuubi's. Slowly he turned to 2 people he considered family, jiraiya and tsunade.

Naruto: care to tell me.... what that.... was about?" He growled out, his control on his rage slipping slightly.

Tsunade: naruto, calm do-" she was about to day.

Naruto: DON'T tell me to calm down." He said, the kyuubi cloak slowly seeping onto his body making everyone but dailous tense and ready to apprehend naruto. "I just heard my other call the 4th hokage 'dad' and that kushina woman 'mum', and I want answers." He states. "Are they my parents?" He asked.

Tsunade: did sarutobi not tell you?" She asked, she was nervous with the way naruto is but remained calm, she needed to know something.

Naruto: what does Jiji? Have to do with this?" He asked, eyes narrowed.

Shizune: n-naruto, sarutobi knew everyone during his time as hokage, he also knew your parents, did he not tell you?" She asked.

Naruto:......he said he didn't know them, you saying the old man lied to me?" He asked, his anger brewing at the possibility that the man he saw as a grandfather lied to him. He didn't expect to get a reply from one of the clan heads.

Hiashi: yes he lied to you about your parents." He said to the uzumaki heir.

Naruto looked at the hyuuga clan head for a moment before looking back at tsunade.

Naruto: tell me everything about them." He said, leaving no argument.

(Mini timeskip)

After finally finding out who his parents were, he didn't know what to think, on the one side he was angry at his father but on the other hand he could understand why his father did it, it was the only logical option so he can't exactly be too mad about it. His thoughts turned to his mother and a small smile appeared on his face, he looked at the screen that showed his other and his parents at his side. His sole focus only on his mother, she looked so beautiful, he wished he had her hair, long or red he wouldn't of minded. His thoughts then turned to the 3rd hokage and he couldn't help but feel angry at him. He lied to him, he could understand that his father had enemies but he couldn't just tell them who they were and tell him not to say anything about it?!?! He sighed before sitting down on his chair.

Tsunade: naruto?" She called, getting his attention, "you alright?" She asked.

Naruto:.....I don't know anymore." He said, the kyuubi's chakra cload receding and his features returning to normal. "I guess I'm just finally glad that I know who my parents are. But enough about that, let's continue this, it'll help me take my mind off of it." He said, still reeling from the reveal.

After a moment's hesitation tsunade nodded and everyone returned to their seats and continued watching the screen.

Minato: let's go!" He yelled as the 3 family members looks at their opponents with glares, the rasengan soon turns orange and the force field soon does as well, with a yell the 3 send tobi flying, before an explosion of red and orange spiral energy appears, getting bigger as blue energy blows up within the spiral.

Naruto doesn't say anything but is slightly awed at the attack.

Naruto: damn." He muttered.

The screen then cuts to naruto putting a hand over the seal on his stomach.

Jiraiya: brat what are you doing?! He yelled.

Naruto: oi! It's not me!" He yelled back.

Naruto's hand goes past it as golden chakra envelopes him.

Naruto: lets go kurama!" He yelled out as the golden chakra creates a cloak similar to that of the 4th hokage's, markings appearing on his hands as his skin becomes gold like his clothes. His whiskers bushy and his eyes red like the kyuubi's.


Jiraiya: what's that?!" He questioned.

Dailous: that's the result of naruto and the kyuubi working in harmony." He answered.

Kakashi: worked together?" He asked.

Dailous: long story short, naruto had to fight the kyuubi for his chakra, he succeeded and used a weaker version of that form. During an event that I will not say cause there's a chance you'll possibly see it. The kyuubi began to see that naruto was not like the other humans, seeing that he was a being of care and compassion, this is what forged their friendship and turned him away from his bloodthirsty ways, this allowed them to achieve synchronisation and achieve that form." He explained.

Teuchi: who was kurama though?" He asked.

Shikamaru: troublesome, it's possibly the name of the kyuubi." He answered the chef.

Shino: it is the only logical solution." He added.

Naruto said nothing but looked at the screen, staring at what was possibly, having a tailed beast as a friend could be. He looked stronger in that form compared to the other transformations he had.

Naruto: so you're name is kurama huh?" He asked only to receive no response from his tenant. "It's a nice name." He complemented, only to receive no response still. He sighed, leaning back in his seat. "In case you're wondering, no I'm not gonna say your name, I'll just stick to calling you kyuubi, I don't have the right to do so, I'll do that when we're friends!" He said, and this time got a reaction.

Kurama:.....hmph, whatever kit, you and your whole goddamn family are annoying." He said before realising what he unconsciously called naruto who was oblivious to what he called him. Kurama laid his head on his arms, looking at the screen within his cell. All he'd known is pain and suffering at the hands of humanity after guiding them along with his siblings and in return he gets sealed away. Although looking at the form and hearing what the author said made kurama wonder what it'd be like to have a friendship with the blonde uzumaki, the results were....comforting, but he wouldn't have a change of tune anytime soon. Though a small part of him thought that maybe, just maybe, he'd one day call the blonde a friend in the future.

Everyone eventually turned back to the screen.

Once his transformation is complete, he charges at tobi and kicks him away before jumping in the air as kurama appears in the similar gold cloak.

Jonin/sanin/clan heads/teuchi/zabuza: oh..."

Rookies/haku/shion/konohamaru/inari/koyuki/ayame/shizune: my..."

Naruto: kami." He finished in shock.

Naruto (who was inside kurama) then places his hands in front of him.

Naruto: tailed beast bomb!" He yelled as negative and positive chakra built up in the kyuubi's mouth. The screen cuts in half to show kurama and naruto's face.

Naruto/kurama: rrrraaaaggghh!!!" They both yell as the TBB (Tailed Beast Bomb) is launched at his opponent who can do nothing but watch as it gets closer and closer until it impacts against him and creates a huge golden explosion the size of a hidden village.

No one said anything as they were simply amazed at sheer power that naruto has/will possess.

The screen then changes to naruto still in his chakra cloak who sends a punch at tobi, sending him skidding across the ground.

Naruto: sync with me kurama!" He yells as kurama appears. Naruto raises his hands and creates chakra arms to help create a rasenshuriken while kurama builds up a tailed beast bomb.

Sakura: are you seriously making the shuriken bigger?!" She yelled, shocked by how far her teammate is.

Naruto: apparently." He muttered in shock.

Naruto: tailed beast planetary rasenshuriken!" He yelled as he threw the enlarged shuriken. Kurama fires 4 tailed beast bombs that spin around the rasenshuriken. Once it hits tobi, it explodes. The power of the attack bigger than a regular TBB.

Garra: impressive naruto." He complements his friend.

Naruto: thanks garra." He said happily to his friend.

The next scene made the 2 jinchuriki look surprised.

The scene changes to 9 feet stomping the ground as the camera pans up to reveal all 9 jinchurki with their arms folded.

The audience were confused and intrigued as to why all 9 jinchuriki were together. Garra and naruto were intrigued more than anything since the 2 of them were the only jinchuriki who associated with eachother, they were curious what the others were like.

The 9 jinchurki jumped into the air and summoned their tailed beasts.

Garra: shukaku!" He yelled as the sand tanuki attacked his opponent (which was madara), followed by matatabi, then isobu, then son gokū, kokuo, saiken, chomei, gyuki and then kurama who sledgehammered madara into the ground.

Kurama: gather your tails!" He yelled as all tailed beast slammed their tails on the incapacitated madara, creating an explosion of golden energy.

Naruto: damn." He said, then looked at his fellow container. "Hey garra do you think we should keep that as a trump card if we ever fight together?" He asked.

Garra contemplated for a moment before speaking.

Garra: it could be useful, however for an attack like that to work we'd need the trust of our tailed beasts." He said, earning a nod from naruto.

The next scene made hinata perk up and the other hyuuga interested.

Naruto: sync with me." He said to hinata as she sent an air palm to madara, sending flying. "Here I come hinata." He said as the hyuuga nodded.

Hinata: y-yes!" She said as both she and naruto held eachothers hands.

Naruto had a pink hue while hinata was full on red, twiddling her fingers while hiashi eyes slightly twitched. No one deserves to touch his daughter.

A chakra cloak similar to what naruto had before synchronizing with kurama enveloped hinata.

Hinata: my strength is flowing." She said as the 2 jumped, a rasengan in both their hands combined with the gentle fist as a chakra bird was created, diving straight to madara. Once they make contact, an explosion occurs by the gentle rasengan. Naruto and hinata appear away from the explosion with the hyuuga looking at naruto who has his fist raised and a smile on his face, which hinata returns.

Hanabi looked awed at what she saw her sister do with the unpredictable ninja. She wondered if her sister could possibly teach her some techniques, considering how that one is possibly stronger than the one in the theater. Sure their relationship wasn't the best but they're slowly building it and this could be another way of doing so.

Hinata herself was awed at what she could do in that world. She grew more determined to get that strong so that she could one day stand by her crush's side.

Naruto was amazed by the endless possibilities be could with chakra cloak, only ever using it on himself to enhance his attacks or heal himself, maybe one day when he attains that form, he could test out it's different capabilities.

The screen cuts to show sakura, naruto and sasuke standing side by side.

This surprised team 7 as they were wondering why they were back together.

Sakura was hopeful. Did her crush return to the hidden leaf village? Did naruto keep his promise? So many questions but no answers.

Naruto was a different story. While he was happy that sasuke was with the team again, there was a small part that has and still resents him for leaving the village and killing him fucks sake!! The village and everyone may have thought it was the curse mark influencing him, but he knew the truth, he experienced it afterall.

Naruto: Team 7 is on the move!" He said as the 3 use the summoning jutsu to summon their respective allies. Sakura stood a top of the slug katsuyu, sasuske on the snake aoda and naruto on the toad gamakichi.

Jiraiya: is that gamakichi?!?!" He yelled out.

Naruto: he sure grew big." He said, smiling to himself remembering how he's still a tadpole but will grow to be like gamabunta.

Tsunade and shizune were impressed at sakura being able to summon katsuyu.

Shizune: it seems she succeeded in the summoning lady tsunade." She commented.

Tsunade: it appears so." She said, glad that her apprentice made it that far.

Naruto: let's go sasuke, sakura!" He said as he slammed his fist into his palm, a smirk on his face, sakura with a determined smile and sasuke with an impassive look, all 3 looking down at tobi. Katsuyu advances to her target while gamakichi jumps into the air while aoda goes underground.

Sakura: lady katsuyu!" She yelled as the slug slammed tobi.

Sasuke: go aoda!" He yelled as katsuyu substituted and the snake rammed into tobi sending him flying to gamakichi.

Naruto: gamakichi!" He yelled as the toad pulled out 2 knives and slashed through tobi.

Sasuke: naruto, Sakura, let's end this." He said as the 3 jumped off of their summons and dived at tobi. Sasuke with a susano'o arm, Naruto with a kyuubu chakra arm and sakura with a chakra powered fist. The slam into tobi's stomach and send crashing into the ground with said ground breaking apart.

Jiraiya: looks like there's a new 3 way deadlock of konoha." He said to tsunade who just nods her head.

The next scene made sakura's hope increase while it made naruto's eyes go slitted.

Naruto: wind style: rasengan!" He yelled as sasuke slammed a chidori to the ground while naruto raised a rasengan in the air, sending a shockwave to madara. Sasuke stood up and looked at naruto.

Sasuke: I'm only going to help you this time." He said, chidori at the ready.

Naruto: yeah!" He said, rasengan prepped.

Naruto stiffened at what he saw.

Naruto and sasuke combined their attacks, making it grow uncontrollable so they used both hands to stabilize it as lightning struck around them and the wind picking up.

Sasuke: let's go naruto." He said.

Naruto: alright sasuke." He said as the 2 ran at madara and slammed the rasenstorm into madara making it explode through him before erupting in a black ball with white lines of energy spreading across it.

Ino: wow! Hey naruto did you and sasuke ever the chidori and rasengan?" She asked.

Naruto: we did." He replied in an even tone.

Choji: when?" He asked.

Naruto: when sasuke tried to ki- I mean stop me from bringing him back to the leaf village." He answered with no emotion. Ino and choji knew they stepped on a landmine when he answered them like that and when naruto's hand clenched. Haku frowned at how he was acting and grabbed his hand and stroked it with her thumb, it elevated naruto's anger but not by much. Only few caught naruto's slip up and kept a mental note on it.

The next scene had the audience intrigued and shocked.

Naruto/minato: rasengan!" They yelled as they combined their rasengans together to make a slightly larger one and slammed it into tobi.

Jiraiya: wait, minato has signs of him being resurrected with the reanimation jutsu! Did orochimaru bring him back?!" He yelled, slightly angered that his former teammate might've brought him back for some evil.

Dailous: yes, but it wasn't for anything bad, he brought him back for a reason that I will possibly get into later." He answered, not bothering to explain the 4th shinobi war to them yet.

Jiraiya frowned but said nothing and looked at the screen, happy and intrigued to see his 2 students working together.

Madara gets sent flying into the air, minato grabs some of his kunai and tosses them passed tobi.

Naruto: here we go dad!" He said raising his fist to his father.

Minato looks before bumping fists with his son, a chakra cloak similar to naruto's envelops him.

Everyone: NANI?!?!" They yelled out.

Tsunade: how is that possible?!" She yelled, shocked that minato was able to use the nine tails' power even though he didn't have it sealed in him.

Dailous: it's simple." He says getting everyones attention. "During the sealing of the nine tails, minato knew that having a full kyuubi would destroy naruto's chakra coils and kill him." He said, making naruto pale at the thought of it. "So in order to make sure naruto didn't die and that the nine tails was sealed, minato sealed half of the kyuubi into him, taking it with him to his death and sealed the other into naruto." He said.

Naruto could hear kurama growl in his mindscape, obviously remembering how painful it was to have half of his soul ripped away from him. Naruto slightly pitied the fox, having your soul ripped out of your body didn't sound pretty and frankly, he didn't want to know how that felt.

After everyone digested the info they were given, they looked back at the screen.

Minato: right!" He said as both father and son flash behind tobi and punch him in his back sending him to flying to the ground only to appear in front of the uchiha and kick him back into the air.

They yell as they repeat the process, going faster and faster as an orange and yellow sphere is slowly created from the 2 chakra cloaks leaving huge amount of chakra to create it. Once the ball hits the ground. It collapses in on itself before exploding. One of minato's kunai is shown on the ground just as minato and naruto appear before it and the 2 bumped fists without looking at the explosion.

Naruto has a look of awe at seeing his other and his father work together before frowning in slight jealousy as he can't do anything with his parents since they're dead, he discreetly looks at most of his friends (the clan heirs) and sees them being held by their parents and talking to them, making his jealousy slightly increase before crushing it down and looking back at the screen.

Naruto: it's not fair." He muttered lowly. The people near him (tsunade, haku, jiraiya, sakura and shizune) heard and began to feel concerned for the blonde, wondering what was suddenly wrong.

The next scene made everyone look in surprise and shell shock.

Naruto was enveloped in the same chakra cloak only this time, his body was covered in black with the sandals, markings on his upper chest and seal remaining gold. A chakra jacket is there instead of the cloak and his eyes are a combination of the nine tails fox eyes and sage mode, behind his back were were nine black spheres known as truth seeker Orbs.

Everyone looked at the naruto on screen in shock and awe. He looked like a younger version of the sage of six paths, only without the rinnegan. Kurama stared intently at the screen, seeing silhouettes of the sage of six paths and his son ashura.

Kurama: father..." he muttered in nostalgia.

Dailous: this ladies and gentlemen, is the pinnacle of THAT naruto's power." He said drawing everyones attention. "Baisicly naruto and sasuke died." He started getting varying reactions from the crowd, especially those who were close to the blonde who were angry sad and scared at hearing that he died and wondering where were they when it happened. "Naruto and sasuke were then put into a state of limbo where they met the originator of chakra, hagaromo, the sage of six paths." He said, making everyone's eyes widen. The sage was alive?! "The sage went on to explain that naruto and sasuke were reincarnations of his 2 sons and that they were caught in a cycle that would force them to fight eachother in ashura and indra's steed, the original brothers were madara and hashirama but they both died which passed to naruto and sasuke. Anyway, being reincarnations meant that they had connections to the brothers allowing them to access godlike power. The sage awakened narutos ashura path, allowing him access to the upgraded version of sage mode along with the power of the tailed beasts and all elemental affinities while sasuke acquired indras path which gave him a Rinne-sharingan which is the sharingan and rinnegan combined and allows the user to use both dojustsu to the fullest extent." He finished, allowing them to digest all the information before adding some more. "Bare in mind that this is an alternate world naruto you're looking at, the one currently here WILL achieve both paths in the future, how he goes about doing so is up to him." He said.

Naruto was amazed by how far his other came, he swore to himself to reach that level of power, the fact that he can achieve both sides of sages' power just made him more determined to do so. Kurama was silent through it all. Who knew his host was a reincarnation of ashura. He remembered that brat well, always playing with him and messing with his tails when he was a child, those were fond memories that he would forever cherish, but just because the brat he's currently sealed in, is the reincarnation of ashura doesn't mean he will willingly give his chakra to him, he has to earn it.

Everyone then focused on the screen.

Naruto places a hand on sasuke's shoulder.

Naruto: let's go sasuke!" He said as the 1 to 9 tailed beasts appear behind them.

Sasuke: yeah." He said as the 2 power up.

Naruti manifests kurama only this time with 3 heads and six arms, holding a rasenshuriken and a tailed beast rasenshuriken while sasuke manifests a fully powered perfect susanoo which has an arrow charged and ready.

With a yell they both fire their attacks, at their enemy which was madara.

Naruto/sasuke: six paths: almighty scream!" They yelled as the attacks impact against madara and create a gigantic explosion.

The audience were slightly pale at the magnitude of that attack, they've seen naruto do attacks that could be considered on par with his fellow team and friends but as they see his progress they can see he gradually gets stronger and more powerful than possibly imagined. It made them glad that he was on their side.

The screen showed the next attack.

Naruto: hey you two, come here for a minute." He said to sasuke and sai as he whispered something in their ears.

Sai: I see." He said as they broke away from the huddle.

Sasuke: hey, are you serious?!" He asked skeptically as he turned away from them.

Kiba: wonder what's got the teme all annoyed?" He asked only to receive no answer.

For some unknown reason the females felt like they should brace themselves.

Naruto and sai looked at eachother before jumping onto sasuke.

Sasuke: h-hey!" He yelled as a cloud appeared with sounds of hitting being heard with their opponent kaguya standing dazed.

Kurama: what the fuck?!?!" He yelled, shocked and slightly scared at seeing the mother of all chakra.

Naruto cringed slightly at the yell.

Naruto: what's got you so worked up?" He asked confused.

Instead of answering, the kyuubi shoved a bunch of knowledge into his jailors head. Naruto twitched at the information overload before paling at finally finding out who that was. He discreetly looked around to the audience who were curious about the opponent but didn't voice it out before focusing on the screen, gulping slightly.

Naruto: sexy reverse harem jutsu!" He yelled as smoke appeared before slightly dissipating, revealing multiple men half naked bringing their arms out to kaguya.







Men (minus naruto):......... WHAT?!........... WHAT THE FUCK?!" They yelled out, shock evident in their tones.

Meanwhile the females said nothing as they were staring at the screen. Their eyes fixated on the multiple "specimens" on screen before each and everyone one of them went cherry red and shot up in the air due to a guiser of blood coming out of their noses, lewd smiles present on their faces.

(Mini timeskip)

It took some time but everyone managed to calm down, naruto rubbing his head and muttering to himself after receiving hits on the head, not from the women but from the men. The women in the room looked at the ground, riddled their thumbs or whistled to themselves, the scene etched into their minds.

Kurama himself just facepalmed at his alternate jailor's attack, theres no say the goddess of all chakra would-

Kaguya stared at what was in front of her, shock evident in her face. A half naked sasuke had a tick mark on his head and through an infernal style: blade slash at kaguya.

Naruto: look out." He yelled out as the henged clones disappear and sai and naruto jump out of the way as the attack lands and explodes in black flames. Sasuke, sai and naruto have the clothes back on as the uchiha looks away from his teammates, the former ROOT nin just shrugs while naruto looks outraged.

Kurama stared at the screen, his face showing no emotion before slamming it into the ground a sigh escaping his mouth before a low chuckle escaped him, never in his life would he expect the mother of all chakra to look so speechless at the attack but then again it was an unorthodox technique. The nine tails would forever remember that scene for the rest of his life.

The next scene made sakura and naruto curious, well more so sakura while naruto just looked annoyed at seeing sasuke in the scene.

Asura path naruto, indra path sasuke and sakura were shown grouped together.

Sasuke: sakura, out of the way!" He yelled, an arm blocking her as naruto cracked his knuckles and jumped to the right in the air with sasuke jumping to the left. sakura slumps down, a depressed aura around her.

The sakura in the audience does the same, making ino laugh.

Ino: tough luck forehead." She said. Sakura glared and before she could reiterate, she screen continued to play.

Sakura looked up determined, as the jewel on her forehead glowing with power as marking appeared on her face.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow in surprise before a smile crossed her face, proud that her student was able to reach her level of strength.

Sakura: I'm strong too!" She said as sasuke had a determined look while naruto looked at her and smiled just as sakura jumped into the air.

Sasuke manifests a perfect susano'o, naruto manifests kurama and sakura creates a big ball of blue chakra from her fist.

Sakura looked starstruck while naruto looked at the sakura on screen appreciatively.

Naruto: damn sakura! Your other is awsome." He said, making sakura have a tint of pink across her face, flattered at the comment.

Sasuke and naruto raised their fists with their manifestations doing the same, sakura sent her fist down to their enemy (kaguya) as all 3 of them gave a yell before they connected their attacks. An explosion can be seen from far away, cracks appearing on the battlefield before it soon shot up into the air.

Sakura looked awed at her attack before looking smugly at ino who's jaw was dropped.

Sakura: what were you saying ino pig?" She asked, a bit of arrogance in her tone. Ino said nothing but huffed, sakura looked back satisfied and swore she'd get to that level of strength.

The next scene made everyone curious and naruto smirk, his left eye becoming a blue slitted eye while his right was a red slitted eye."

Naruto charged at sasuke before jumping in the air and manifesting kurama who spun and used his nine tails to send sasuke away and then jumps into the air.

Naruto: here we go kurama." He said as he created 2 shadow cloned kyuubi's to assist in creating a tailed beast rasenshuriken and a wind style: rasenshuriken, once their built the clones fuse with the main kurama and he charges at sasuke. With a yell naruto sends both powerful attacks hurtling towards an airborne uchiha. Once they make contact, a big explosion occurs before it becomes smaller and smaller and a hole in the fabric of reality appears and proceeds to suck everything in it like a black hole.

The audience were shocked beyond belief, sure they've seen naruto with the power of the sage of six paths pull some devastating feats, but this one was amongst one of the most insane, they then realise that naruto was not called the unpredictable ninja for nothing and with that level of power, they knew that naruto would pull some unbelievable things with it.

The next scene made everyone go wide eyed.

Naruto was stood, much older than what he was in the previous scene, wearing an orange shirt with a bit of black at the bottom, he wore black ANBU trousers and black shinobi sandals, around him was a cloak with the words "seventh hokage" written on it.

Everyone stayed quiet as they stared at the naruto on screen.

Shikamaru: troublesome, he actually did it." He muttered, a lazy smile on his face.

Choji: was there any doubt?" He rhetorically asked, a smile on his face.

Konohamaru: wow boss, your the hokage!" He yelled.

Naruto said nothing, to shocked to speak at seeing him achieving his dream, before a smile appeared and he jumped out of his seat, arms in the air.

Naruto: WOOHOO!! I DID IT! IM THE HOKAGE HAHAHAHA!!!!" He yelled out loud, laughing in joy, he did it. He became the hokage.

Pretty much most of the audience were praising the boy for his accomplishment.

Gaara was happy that his brother in all but blood had achieved his dream. It was one of the reasons why Gaara became kazekage, both he and naruto grew up with similar lifestyles and wished to be seen as more than demons, when naruto came. Gaara understood naruto more than anyone and he wanted to be a kage just like naruto would so that they would both be seen as more than weapons, build better relations with their villages and to work side by side.

All the women looked at the naruto on screen with blushes on their faces, even the emotionless hanabi was not resistant to his charms. Dailous looked at them and slightly chuckled before he too looked at the naruto on screen, more specifically the hair.

Dailous: why couldn't he just keep his hair as it was?' He thought to himself.

Yuugao noticed something about the naruto on screen.

Yuugao: it says 'seventh' on his cloak, who's the sixth?" She asked dailous as everyone calmed down and looked at him, he said nothing but pointed at-

Everyone: KAKASHI/SENSEI/HATAKE?!?!?!?" Eveyone yelled out, said copy ninja said nothing, his face betraying no emotion before giving an eye smile and raising his hand.

Kakashi: yo." He said with everyone face planting.


Kakashi: hm? You day something gai?" He asked, making everyone facepalm or sigh. Kakashi looked at the screen, interested in what he heard. Hokage huh? Honestly he can't see himself doing that.

Naruto: why do I have a bandaged arm?" He asked.

Dailous: sasuke blew it off." He answered getting everyone to looked shocked.

Tsunade and jiraiya had a gleam in their eyes, if and when the uchiha pulls a stunt like that, there will be hell to pay.

Dailous: eventually tsunade managed to gain a sample of hashirama's senju's cells and implanted them into naruto allowing him to grow his arm back, he wears the bandages to protect it from suffering stress from using attacks." He explained.

Everyone then turned to the screen.

Naruto: shadow clone jutsu." He said as 2 clones appeared next to him before he charged at an older sasuke who doesn't have his left arm (naruto: take that teme!) And kicks him in the stomach followed by 2 clones who send him up into the air and soon a bunch of naruto clones start charging at sasuke.

Eveyone: holy shit." They all said in shock.

Naruto: NA-RU-TO!" They yelled as the clones attack sasuke in a flurry of repeated punches and kicks, too fast for the eye to track.

Naruto and more clones jump into the air, their bandaged arm glowing.

Naruto: 5K UZUMAKI BARRAGE!" He yelled as he punched sasuke followed by all the other clones, the impact of the clones attack grew so powerful that it looked like a beam shot into the sky and could be seen from space.

The audience were glad that hokage naruto looked like he hadn't gotten any weaker from losing his arm and were impressed with his level of power at his base form.

The scene made him slightly nervous.

Naruto: sasuke, time to finish this." He said as he tossed a rasenshuriken at sixth hokage kakashi.

Kakashi paled and gulped, his other was in for a beating.

The attack lands and sends him flying, sasuke uses his rine-sharingan to teleport ahead of kakashi and kick him down. Sasuke creates a susano'o arm and clenched it while naruto clentches his bandaged arm as a golden aura surrounds it. The 2 charge at kakashi and both slam their fists into him, creating a big explosion that could be seen from space.

This made the people of konoha slightly nervous as the 2 were powerful in their teens, as adults they'd be impossible to beat.

The next scene made naruto and hinata look curious at what was gonna happen.

Naruto and hinata combine the gentle fist and rasengan and slam it into sasuke.

Naruto: let's go." He said as he manifested kurama.

Hinata: ok." She said. "I feel so safe right now." She said smiling with naruto smiling behind her. They both held their arms out as they combined their chakra together into the tailed beast bomb.

Naruto/hinata: go!" They yelled as the attack gets sent to sasuke as a rainbow coloured beam instead of a ball, the attack explodes upon contact and creates a dome of energy that expands. A silhouette of the kyuubi no Yoko roaring can be seen in the explosion before disappearing.

The hyuuga were shocked at the strength hinata possessed, due to her shy nature, they believed hinata wouldn't become as powerful as the one on screen. They were clearly wrong. Hanabi swore that she would get that kind of power, she would not be left behind by sister, said sister thinking the same.

Dailous: this will be the last one, prepare for a shock." He said as everyone looked at the screen wondering what he meant.

They then understood.

The screen shows a kid that looks very similar to naruto.

Anko: who's the brat?" She asked

Dailous: that." He paused for dramatic effect. "Is boruto uzumaki, son of naruto uzumaki and hinata hyuuga, student to konohamaru sarutobi and sasuke uchiha." He said.

Naruto and hinata were shocked before looking at their alternates son, taking in his features before gentle smiles appear on their faces. They then blush as they turn realise who their significant other is and look at eachother, their blushes grow deeper before hinata faints while naruto looked away, scratching his head only to see jiraiya wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner, earning a hit on the head by tsunade who congratulates him with shizune doing the same. Hiashi and neji have eye twitches, planning to have a chat with naruto.

Dailous: you also have a daughter named himawari uzumaki." He said, showing them a Mini hinata with whisker marks. Hinata wakes up and squeals followed by a couple of others who found her adorable. Naruto smiles before frowning, a feeling of protectiveness overtaking him. His other better make sure she doesn't lose her innocence, he also had mixed feelings about his son being taught by sasuke but kept it to himself.

Everyone eventually calms down and look at the screen.

Boruto: yeah." He said as a tiny rasengan appears in his hands before naruto's bandaged hand appears under his sons hands as boruto looks at his father in surprise.

Naruto: go get em." He said encouragingly as he pours some of his chakra into boruto's rasengan, making it grow. Boruto looks shocked but gains a determined smile, blinking tears away, happy that his father believes him.

Boruto: I know I can win this." He said as he jumped into the air.

Naruto/hinata: do it boruto!' They mentally yelled in encouragement.

Boruto slams the rasengan into sasuke, he yells as he pushes it further, making it fly back before going up in the air with sasuke going with it, once it's in space it explodes. Boruto barrels around uncontrollably from the backlash of the attack but naruto grabs him. Boruto looks up naruto who closes his eyes and smiles to which boruto does the same.

Naruto: aww, my son kicked the temes ass." He cooed. Getting a laugh from some of his friends.

Dailous: and that's it." He said as the screen darkens. "What do you all think?" He asked.

Overall, the audience were glad they saw this as it showed that naruto would make a great hokage and that he had the power to show it. His friends and family were glad that he achieved his dreams and that he was so powerful that he could take on people like madara.

Kurenei: so what next?" She asked as everyone looked at dailous.

Dailous: we're about to find out." He said as everyone looked at the screen.

Naruto was excited to see what kind of stuff his alternates could do before thoughts of his parents popped into his head, he wishes he could speak to them, get some answers and do all that sappy family crap that he's seen...... right after he punches his father. Unknown to him, the 2 blue fireballs residing in his mind scape flickered a bit more.

Dailous grabs his remote and hits the switch.

A/N: hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I underestimated the amount of ultimate and team attacks that naruto had but I managed to do it, anyways guys, thanks for reading this chapter and as always....PEACE✌✌

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