Transformers war for Cybertron.

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A/N: I don't own anything in this story.
Inspired by KyleAlingus and ZongWeiTan9 to write my own kind of multiverse reaction story, hope you enjoy!

In a cinema room, all was quiet, not a seat touched, the screen untouched. Everything was as it should be, peaceful and-



"MY ASS!!"



".....oi, brat, not that I don't mind but could you get your hand of my ass?"


after everyone untangled themselves, they looked at eachother to see who was with them. In the room was the rookie 11 (naruto, sakura, ino, choji, shikamaru, hinata, shino, kiba, akamaru, neji, Tenten, Lee), their sensei's (kakashi, kurenei, asuma, might guy), the clan heads (hiashi [with hanabi], tsume [with hana and kuromaru and the haimaru triplets], inoichi [with his wife inojin], choza [with his wife choma], shikaku [with yoshino], shibi aburame) anko mitarashi, yūgao uzuki, konohamaru, iruka, jiraiya, shizune (with tonton) and the fifth hokage tsunade. once they saw who fell with them, they looked around to their surroundings and found themselves in a cinema room.

Tsunade: what the hell?" She asked, confused by why she along with her fellow konoha ninja and citizens were transported here.

Jiraiya: hime, what do you think is going on?" He asked, similar thoughts to the busty blonde of why they were here.

Before she could give an answer, a door at the back of the cinema opens before closing and footsteps echoing from the now silent room. As the steps get closer the ninja go separate ways and hide in the shadows, weapons and jutsu at the ready. Once the konoha nin see who walked in the room, they observe him and see him wearing a white tight suit with gold and green boots, belt with red in the middle of it, arm guards on both his arms going from his wrist to his elbow, gold bracelet like armour on the upper part on his arms, a chest plate that covers the top part of hid body coloured in the same gold and green colours with a claw symbol in the middle of the armour and a helmet coloured in gold, white and a bit of black with a red visor, (drakons amour). The figure looks around the room before sighing and shaking his head.

???: I know you guys are in here, come out and show yourselves, I promise I won't bite." He says with his arms folded and foot tapping the ground.

No one made a move until naruto dropped down in front of the armoured man.

Tsunade: naruto!" She yelled in anger before the rest dropped down, weapons still held and jutsus ready to be deployed. "What were you thinking gaki?! Just dropping down like that!" She yells while grabbing naruto by his ears and pulling on it.

Naruto: owowowowowow, stop it baachan!!" He yells out only to receive a hit to the head for calling tsunade old.

Tsunade: and don't call me that!" She yelled, her eye twitching.

The figure laughed in amusement gaining everyone attention and bringing the tension back.

???: now, now, this no need for you to attack me." He said.

Shikaku: who are you?" He asked with calculative eyes, his son doing the same.

???: in a manner of speaking, I'm a god." He says with the konoha group looking at him skeptically.

Naruto: you don't look like a god, why would a god dress like that? He asked.

???: why would a ninja wear a 'kill me orange jump suit'"? He fired back with naruto getting angry.

Naruto: hey!! I like the colour orange, besides I pulled that look off!!" He yelled, fist raised in front of him.

???: no, you really didn't." He said while shaking his head no. Those who knew the jinchuriki secretly agreed with the person in front of them. "Now then, I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here, correct?" He asked even though he knew the answer.

Kiba "well duh!" He exclaims, earning a smack at the back of his head by hana.

Hana: behave pup." She admonished.

Jiraiya walks cautiously up to the man

Jiraiya: back to the main topic at hand, I doubt you're a god, I dont recall there being a god like you in history books." He says, making the supposed God chuckle.

???: of course I'm not, I'm not a god from your universe, I'm a god from a whole different universe." He explains.

Shizune shyly walks up next to tsunade and speaks.

Shizune: why bring us here?" She asked.

???: the answer is simple." He says without emotion, making the guests on edge. "To save you." He says, making the group confused.

Ino: save us? From what?" She asked, confused by his response, the naras having multiple scenarios run through their heads making them wonder what the man meant, with the hyuga activating their byakugan to see if he is lying, after a moment they see his heartbeat beating normally.

Hiashi: he's not lying." He concluded to everyone making the others slowly lower their guard.

Hinata: w-what god a-are y-you?" The shy hyuga asked, poking her fingers together.

???: I'm what's known as an author, myself and people like me store knowledge of vast worlds in our library's, some authors even bring people from these worlds and show them the worlds that are stored." he said.

Shibi: why?" He asked, earning a shrug.

???: who knows, some do it because they're bored, some do it to show them techniques or technology that could benefit them and so on, I on the other hand, have brought you here for the reason I stated." He said.

Asuma: save us from what though? You haven't said." He asked.

The author doesn't say anything but merely raises his hand and shows the earth.

???: this is your world before you were pulled here." He said showing their world, it didn't look like anything bad happened to it. "And this is what it looks like now." He says, as the earth changed and showed a world on fire, grass and earth burnt and lava spueing in some of the hidden villages.

The konoha nin were horrified at what they were seeing.

???: if you'll look at the screen..." he says, pointing to the screen to which they do and are scared by what they say.

They saw konoha, the sky was blood red, bodies of konoha ninja and civilians dead, some with some of their flesh messing showing skeletons, building collapsed and some about to.

???: this happened to the other villages." He said.

Konohamaru eyes were slowly leaking tears, naruto noticed and pulled the young teen into a side hug with said blonde not showing any kind of expression when seeing his home the way it was.

Hanabi: d-dad? W-what happened?" The little sister of hinata asked, she was confused and scared of what had happened to her home, hiashi said nothing but gently pulled his daughter to his side, his expressionless mask breaking at what he was seeing, he looks to neji and hinata and sees the broken expression on both of their faces, wordlessly, he walks up to the 2 and brings them both into an embrace. The 2 hyuga are shocked but say nothing as they accept.

The other clan heads do the same for their children. Tsunade walks up to naruto, seeing his expressionless face and wraps him and by extension konohamaru in a comforting hug, naruto snaps out of his mood and sees tsunade holding him and returns the embrace, letting tears freely fall from his face.

After some time, the group managed to collect themselves and look solemnly at the screen before it shuts off.

Sakura: can't you do something?! You're a god right?! Can't you fix this?!?!" She asked desperately, she needs the world to be fixed, how is she supposed to bring back sasuke?!

???: unfortunately I cannot, the world as you know is about to collapse, the only thing I can do is hold it off for a while before it'll eventually fully collapse." He explains

Kurenei: why hold it off? If the world is gone, why prolong its eventual destruction?" She asked.

???: simple." He said cheerfully, shocking the others. "Due to someone in this very room, some of the people of your world are not fully dead, it is why I brought you all here, in some shape of form, this person has made his way into your souls and created a strong bond with you all, it was so strong that you were able to come to my domain along with this person. Hell he even has a whole multiverse named after him and it IS about him." He said.

Shikamaru caught something in that sentence.

Shikamaru: you said 'him' so who is this person?" He asked, though he had a good idea, so did his father.

The figure said nothing but merely pointed at....

Everyone: NARUTO/ME?!?!?!?" Everyone exclaimed.

???: eyup." He said simply.

Kiba: why him?! Why couldn't it have been me?!?!" He whined like a child, this time receiving a slap from his mother.

Tsume: behave." She growled, making him whimper in fear.

Shikamaru/shikaku: troublesome." They muttered.

???: I think it's pretty obvious, it's because of him, that the leaf is thriving." He said before beginning to list off examples. "He saved the village hidden in the waves, he beat garra during the konoha crush, he saved koyuki and the land of snow now spring, saved shion and the land of demons and last but certainly not least, he held back against sasuke." He finished off.

Those that didn't know about some of the blondes achievements were left in awe while a certain pink haired teammate caught onto something.

Sakura: what do you mean naruto held back against sasuke?" She asked suspiciously to both the stranger and naruto.

Naruto look anywhere but her while the author just looks at naruto for a moment and explains to his teammate.

???: during the retrieval mission, naruto forced himself to hold back in his fight against the uchiha, if he didn't then he would've possibly accidentally crippled the boy or possibly killed him." He says, with the audience looking at naruto to confirm what they were told but he refused to say anything in regards to it.

Tsunade: is that true naruto?" She asked.

Naruto:..... I don't wanna talk about it." He muttered.

Tsunade: we will most certainly will naruto." She says, not planning to let this go.

Neji: so what happens now? Are we stuck here?" He asked the author.

???: do not fret, as we speak, I'm currently creating a brand new world, once I get the people that are bonded to naruto, your world will cease to exist and the new world that I have created will be your new home." He said, with relief filling them, glad that they can return to a place that they can call home. The author suddenly feels some power return to himself. "And speaking of people..." his visor glows and a portal suddenly appears above them with 10 people coming out of it. The 10 people are garra, kankuro, temari, tsunami, tazuna, inari, haku, zabuza, shion, koyuki, ayame, teuchi. After standing up and seeing who's with them, garra speaks.

Garra: where are we?" He asked in his usual monotone voice.

(Mini timeskip)

After explaining everything, the newcomers were sceptical but after seeing their world, they had no choice but to accept the reality of it. Naruto wasn't paying attention to anything as his sole focus is on haku. Slowly, he walks up to the ice user who sees naruto and offers a smile at him before being enveloped in a hug by the sun kissed haired teen. Haku could hear sniffles and figures naruto was the cause of the noice, smiles tenderly and returns the hug.

Naruto: I-I thought I'd never see you again." He said through his tears, a smile on his face.

Haku: it's a surprise to be alive but it's not an unwelcomed one." Haku said with a smile.

Kakashi: zabuza." He greets.

Zabuza: kakashi." He greets as well.

Sakura: I don't understand, how are they alive?" She asked confused.

Author: the shinigami owed me a favour." He explained.

Naruto brings haku over to the other rookies.

Naruto: guys, this is haku he's a friend I made back in wave." He said, earning a giggle from the ice user, making naruto look at him in confusion. "What? What did I say?" He asked.

Haku: naruto, I lied about being a boy, I'm actually a girl." He-SHE revealed to the shell shocked jinchuriki. "Before you ask, I lied because most men who see a female would start flirting, leering and whatnot, so I said I was male just to throw people off." She finished.

Hanabi, neji, hiashi and hinata are staring at shion, surprised to see that she looks like a copy of hinata with said hyuga looking shocked at seeing a doppelganger of her, shion can feel the stares but pays no mind to them as she is staring intently at naruto. A smile placed upon her face at seeing the person who saved not only her, but her home, koyuki doing the same as the shion, glad to see her saviour alive and well. Tsunade looked at the author and asked a question pretty much on everyones mind.

Tsunade: so what now?" She asked.

???: it took me a lot of power to bring you here and it's curently being slowly drained due to me prolonging the destruction of the world and to bring the new comers here. So the only thing I can think of is to have you remain here as guests, food and rest will be provided and if you'd like, I can show you the multiverse, sure it will be revolved around naruto but obviously you and others will be seen." He explained.

Tsunade looks at the people who were listening and goes back to them and after some time conversing, they came to a decision and agreed to do so since it can pass the time.

(The seat row is 10 across and 20 down)

At the front row - shizune (with tonton), tsunade, Naruto, haku, sakura, jiraiya, garra, temari, kankuro.

Second row - shikamaru, shikaku, yoshino, ino, inoichi, inojin, choji, choma, choza.

Third row - kiba (with akamaru), hana (with haimaru brothers), tsume (with kuromaru), hinata, hanabi, hiashi, shino, shibi.

Fourth row - tenten, neji, lee, might guy, konohamaru, iruka

Fifth row: zabuza, teuchi, ayame, koyuki, shion, tsunami, tazuna, inari.

Sixth row: kakashi, asuma, kurenei, anko, yūgao.

???: everyone ready?" He asked, with everyone nodding minus naruto as he wanted to ask something.

Naruto: hey we never got your name, what is it?" He asked.

Dailous: oh how stupid of me, my name is dailous." He introduced. "Now without further ado, let's begin!" He said before teleporting himself to his own seat and hitting the  on switch to the giant screen.

The screen lights up to show a metal planet, buildings lit up, and a blue sun (maybe) shinning brightly towards the planet in space.

The audience look at the planet in awe and wonder, before observing space.

Shikamaru and shikaku felt like they could observe that for all of their lives, it was definitely a step up from cloud gazing.

The female rookies take in the sight and can't believe that such a place could exist, it looked like a planet that never slept, while the males just looked in awe at the positive glow the planet gives.

Shizune: amazing." she whispered in awe.

Koyuki: such a wondrous place, this gives me an idea for a possible movie." She said, eyes shining at the view.

Dailous lightly coughed when hearing what koyuki said, they must never know.

Yūgao: what do you think they're military structure is like?" She asked her fellow ninja.

Asuma: who knows, but just by looking at the place, I can tell it must be something complex, I mean look at it, it's highly advanced." He said while smoking a cigarette.

Naruto for whatever reason, felt pride for seeing the planet, it confused him. He didn't know the planet, so why did he feel like he did? And why did he also feel sadness as well? He frowned but kept quiet.

Konohamaru/inari: cooooooool~." They say in childlike awe, making iruka, tsunami and tazuna chuckle at their expressions, hanabi was the same as the boys but was more subdued about it though you could see the sparkle in her eyes.

Tazuna: I must say, the buildings look brilliant, that's some amazing construction." He compliments.

As the camera slowly pans down towards the planet, an epic voice is hears throughout the room.

???: cybertron.... our home." The voice states, before the screen slowly blackened.

The group are surprised to hear the voice, it was slightly deep but there was a hint of familiarity to it.

Neji: was that naruto?" He asked out loud.

Dailous: eyup." He said, popping the p at the end.

Naruto: that was me?! Damm, I sound awesome!" He exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

Hearing the voice made the females with in the room blush, who knew that the naruto of that world could have such a voice like that? Some began having little imaginations (you decide who) about naruto with that voice whispering and speaking to them sensually before suddenly grabbing them and- they snapped out of it quickly, though there was some red dusting their cheeks, though a certain pale eyed shy hyuga, her doppelganger and snake mistress were quitely laughing perversely.

Dailous: by the way, in this world, naruto doesn't go by his name, he goes by the name optimus prime." He explained.

Naruto looked up in thought.

Naruto (in head): optimus prime huh? I like that name!" He thought with a smirk.

Kankuro: that's a badass name." He said with garra giving a small nod.

Temari: it's not bad." She said.

Tsunade: who the heck has their last name as prime?" She asked.

Dailous: it's not just a name, it's a title, similar to how a kage or daimyo is a title." He explained, getting interested glances from the audience. "I'll explain a bit about this world, once we're done with the viewing." He said, with the group accepting it and looking back at the screen.

Optimus prime: for generations it has been a peaceful world." He said. "Until pride and a lust for power, divided us." He solemnly explained as the camera transitions to a view of a city (possibly iacon) and pans down slowly, revealing a fire and soon, a destroyed bridge, damaged pavements and buildings with 2 dead cybernetic bodies, one was a dark grey metal with purple lights surrounding the body while the other was a light grey with red lights, the one in red was struggling to move, his lights flickering before eventually shutting down and the body ceasing movement.

The awed looks disappeared and was replaced with horror. The jonin, anbu, clan heads, toad sage and hokage's face became neutral, just by seeing the area they could tell that this wasn't sunshine and rainbows, they've seen similar fates during the shinobi wars and read about the clan wars before the ninja villages took place. The chunin/genin, koyuki, shion, wave citizens and ichiraku rame owners were horrified by what they are seeing, those like konohamaru, inari and hanabi held onto the person closes to them while others such as the rookies, garra, kankuro and temari looked on with grim expressions, their minds suddenly flashing back to the konoha crush.

Haku: oh my kami..." she whispered, a hand covering her mouth while the other holding tightly onto narutos who blushed a little at the sudden action but gave a comforting squeeze.

Lee: unyouthful." He said, staring at the screen blankly.

Ino: "w-what could've done this?" She asked.

Zabuza: I think it's obvious brat, war." He answered, looking at dailous. "Isn't that right?" He asked.

Dailous: yeah, I'll give a bit of info. You see as optimus/naruto stated, the planet is named cybertron and is home to a species of autonomous robotic life forms called cybertronians or more commonly known as transformers." He paused to let that sink in before continuing. "The planet lived in peace for generations until one transformer started a revolution. This transformer is named megatron who initially was a laborer who had nothing but time to think while going upon his mundane daily duties. He realized he and his brethren were being oppressed and decided to do something about it. To do so he had to try and climb the social ladder, he decided to use his strength and toughness as a miner to become a gladiator. He was really good at it, and attracted a loyal following. This following included 2 cybertronians by the name of Starscream and Soundwave. As he gained a veritable army to rise up against class elitism it turned out the government itself was corrupt. To be free meant having to fight for that freedom, and to fight better one had to numb themself to the violence. The more he fought, the colder he had to become and he essentially became a ruthless killing machine, destroying all in his path to create his version of a glorified cybertron." He finished with most of the audience having various emotions to what they were told.

The hyuga thoughts went to their clan, imagining something similar happening to their clans men, if it did happen, then a civil war would happen and hyuga blood would be spilt. The other clan heads thinking the same.

Zabuza and haku thought back to the civil war happening in kirigakure, thinking how similar this megatron was to the mizukage who wanted all bloodlines purged.

Tsunade thought back to the reports she read that were locked up by the 3rd, specifically the uchiha coup, when reading the report, it said that tensions were rising within the clan and were planning to start a civil war to overthrow the kage and place themselves at the top, luckily it was stopped but at the cost of the uchiha nearly going extinct.

Naruto snarled in anger, hating the fact that cybertron, his others world, was in chaos, all because of a man who decided to slaughter his way to get what he wants. His eyes flashing red before returning to their natural blue.

Inoichi: the people of the world obviously fought back though, who leads the opposition?" She asked.

Dailous: optimus obviously, he leads a group known as the autobots, an army made up of many people of different talents who fight against megatron's group known as the decepticons." He said.

The audience calm down again and go back to watching.

Optimus prime: "now we fight.... enemies, who were once our brothers." He says before the screen cuts to the decepticon symbol and a zooms out to show Starscream (tobi) in his alt mode flying by a battle between autobots and decepticons with a seeker firing a rocket at an autobot on a rocket turret, taking him out, with a nearby medic named ratchet (shizune) who sees the downed bot and begins to administer first aid.

Shizune was surprised to see herself, she didn't think that she'd show up in this so quickly.

Tsunade: looks like you're in this shizune, and a medic as well." She says, looking at her parallel student with shizune doing the same, wondering what she's like in this world.

Jiraiya: ratchet? Why does she have a boys name?" He asked confused, before dailous could answer, shizune does.

Shizune: well this is an alternate world so I might possibly be a man, there's bound to be versions of us as different genders." She answered, holding tonton closely to her.

Jiraiya nods but narrows his eyes at the person who's starscreams counterpart, he doesn't know anyone by the name of tobi and he doubts anyone else in the room has, he made a mental note of the name.

Barricades start popping up on the field, allowing autobots to take cover just as a yellow car appears and transforms into the famed scout bumblebee (hana).

Hana blinked multiple times seeing her alternate self, wondering what she was like.

Tsume: would you look that, looks like you're in this too." She said to her daughter, petting kuromaru while she was at it.

Kiba: ha! You're a boy in this!" He chuckled before getting smacked on the head by hana.

Hana: care to repeat that pup?" She asked threateningly, making kiba clam up. Satisfied, she turned and looked at her counterpart. "Bumblebee huh? That's not a bad name, kinda sounds nice." She said, smiling a little, ignoring that she was a boy in this, like the nurse said, different world, multiple possibilities.

Bumblebee gets behind cover and starts firing at a seeker and misses before ducking in cover as Starscream makes a firing run, hitting the barricade and flying past it with bumblebee watching. Starscream goes around a building before returning to the fight. A first person view shows what a cybertronian sees, Starscream locks onto bumblebee who's giving out orders.

The inazuka mother and son and ninken stiffen, having a good idea of what Starscream was about to do. Without hana's counterpart paying attention she could probably get fatally wounded. They prayed someone stops her from getting hurt.

Little did they know, it was answered.

Right under Starscream a bridge starts forming and soon a red and blue cybertronian truck appears, moving at full speed revealing itself to be optimus prime (naruto) in vehicle mode.

Naruto brightens at seeing himself.

Naruto: alright! The hero always shows up to the save the day!" He exclaims earning various reactions from some people in the audience, tsunade and jiraiya smirk at his positive attitude, thinking of a certain red head, sakura rolls her eyes and smiles, kakashi does his traditional eye smile, inari and konohamaru have a starry eyed expression at seeing their older brother figure show up, haku, hinata, shion, ayame, tsunami and koyuki quitely giggle seeing his childlike personality was never old to them, it was rather refreshing from all the doom and gloom in the shinobi world.

Optimus kicks it into overdrive just as Starscream fires his rockets at the unknowing bumblebee, right when the bridge stops building, optimus jumps into the air transforms into his robot form and gets in between the missiles, smacking one a way and catching the other in his right hand just as it explores on impact.

Seeing the explosion, the people close to the blonde grew concerned at the state he was in for taking the hit for the former inazuka heiress, hana feeling a tad more concerned than most, she blinked a couple times, wondering why she was feeling that way when she didn't even know the brat, all she knew about him was from kiba saying he was the deadlast at the academy and seeing his battles at chunin exams.

Dailous looks at hana and then to naruto, sensing the emotions that ran through them when seeing this, he knew what was going on, it sometimes happens to others. Every person in the multiverse are somewhat unknowingly linked to other selves and depending on their relationship of their others in those worlds could sometimes be felt by the people watching. Hana and naruto being examples. Dailous keeps it to himself, he'll wait and see if someone will bite the bullet and ask.

The smoke dissipates showing optimus slowly falling on towards the platform and landing with a loud thud before rolling around on the ground then sliding across it with the prime using his hands to slow himself down. Once he stops he slowly gets up with bumblebee running over to him and providing covering fire for his leader as he gets up.

The audience calm themselves, glad that the uzumaki was alive and well, kiba turned to the naruto with them.

Kiba: hey naruto!" He yelled, getting his attention. "Other you or not, you still saved my annoying sister, so thanks." He said with a grin before being pulled in a headlock by hana.

Hana: I'm annoying huh?" She asked, gritting her teeth and giving him a noogie.

Naruto: of course I would kiba! I would do it in our world too, heck I'd do it for anyone if possible." He said, finishing with a cheesy grin.

Tsunade (in head): of course you'd say that naruto, that's why you'll reach your dream of being hokage, you'll sacrifice everything just for your comrades to be saved." She thought with a smile.

Once the 2 inazuka nin calmed down and proceeded to watch the show, though hana glanced at naruto from the corner of her eye, a minuscule smile shown on her face, recounting what he said.

Hana: he's an alright brat." She muttered before looking at kiba, "you got a good friend pup. Try not to lose him." She said to kiba while petting her 3 ninken. "Maybe I should get to know him a bit, it can't hurt." She muttered to herself though her mother heard it and a gleam appeared in her eyes before refocusing on the screen.

Optimus prime: our tragic war has ravaged cybertron." He says, while the screen shows starscream flying past autobots who are being gunned down by decepticons, with some remaining in cover. The screen cuts to show soundwave (deidara) who looks up at Starscream as the leading seeker flies past him and transforms into his robot form next to his leader megatron (madara) who's holding an autobot by the head.

Tsunade and jiraiya stiffen at seeing not only an akatsuki member, but also the uchiha who held up against the first hokage.

Jiraiya: madara fits the role of megatron so well." He said in an even tone.

Tsunade: if I had to guess, the akatsuki of that world are the decepticons." She stated.

Jiraiya: no doubt about it." He states.

The rest of the audience shiver at seeing that version of madara, he may be not an uchiha and has chakra or the sharingan, but even in this world he has the overwhelming presence.

Choma: dear kami, he's still menacing even in another world." She said with a shiver, chouza ans choji grabbing onto her and giving her some comfort.

Yoshino: it's a good thing that he's dead in ours though." She said, restraining herself from shivering.

Garra frowned at seeing deidara, he remembered him very well from when he attacked his village, his hand clenching a little at his failure and being captured. Temari sees it and puts an arm on her brothers shoulder, making him tense before calming down, knowing who's doing it.

Megatron fires at something on screen before bringing up the autobot he's currently holding by the head.

Megatron: it is a necessary war, to return us to glory." He said while crushing the autobots head to pieces, killing him and dropping the remains of the autobot.

Tsunade frowned at hearing what he said.

Tsunade: that's definitely something madara would say." She says to herself.

Naruto (in head): return to glory my ass! You're murdering your own people!" He mentally screamed.

Sakura (in head): what a monster." She thought, horror spread across her face.

Megatron looks up and narrows his eyes, his solw target in view. The screen cuts back to show optimus looking his stare with megatron, standing up fully with his right hand out.

Optimus prime: the autobots, will never sacrifice freedom." He states as an axe transforms from his hand, with the sharp parts glowing red, using both hands, he holds onto it and charges.

Tenten: what kind of weapon is that?! What are all their weapons?! I want them!!!" She shouts, stars in her eyes. Neji and lee simultaneously shiver, tenten plus those weapons is a recipe for disaster.

Optimus charges into the battlefield, cutting cons left and right with ratchet to his right proving covering fire and bumblebee following from behind. A deciptecon charges at optimus, crouches and opens fire only to get sliced in half by the last prime.

Naruto: eat that asshole!" He screamed in excitement.

Megatron smashes his mace across an autobots head, crushing it from the power of the swing.

Megatron: the decepticons will bring this world to order!" He declared as he turns to the sky and sees a meteor coming down to the surface of the planet.

Bumblebee stops and looks up at it, his optics widening at what it could possibly be with the autobots following his example as they stop and stare at it.

For some reason hana, shizune and naruto felt dread for what it could be that fell and crashed onto the planet's surface.

Optimus prime: our defeat, could mean the end of everything." He states as the meteor impacts into the surface, a big explosion and light being created from it. Cutting to the impact sight, a giant robotic hand comes out of it.

The audience pale at the hand, realising what it might be.

Kankuro: there's giant ones!?" He yelled.

The same feeling that naruto, shizune and hana had earlier increased tenfold at seeing that thing.

Shion shivered, the demon that she and naruto killed was nothing compared to what she is seeing.

Iruka: how are they gonna beat that?" He asked, worried.

Soon a whole body is seen with the head coming up showing an animal like head, white optics and sharp teeth in full view, this is triptecon (gedo statue) the decepticon's titan. Megatron looks at it before turning to face his foes.

Megatron: my victory will mark a brilliant new beginning." He states.

Optimus prime stops and the autobots follow. Prime slams his axe down just as another giant starts walking behind the autobots, slowly panning up as it a powerful orb charges up in it's right hand revealing omega supreme (kyuubi), cybertrons key to it's very core.

If seeing the decepticon titan wasn't enough, then seeing the fucking KYUUBI of that world show up and helping the autobots definitely takes the cake.

Hinata: t-t-thats the k-kyuubi?!?!" She yelled.

Tsunami: that's the demon that nearly destroyed the leaf?" She asked in fear of seeing another version of the nine tailed fox.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at the giant but could not feel angry at it, in fact he felt like he could call that version a friend, a brother in arms.

???: hmph, at least in another world I'm still powerful." A voice in the uzumaki's head states.

Naruto: hello to you too bastard." He says to his tenant. "At least this version of you doesn't hate people and wants to save the world." He says.

Kyuubi: you make it sound like I haven't done that once in my life time." He snorts before realising what he said.

Naruto: what's that supposed to mean?!" He asked angrily only to receive a snort and nothing else from the fox, bristling in anger, he turned back to screen.

With the orb fully charged, omega supreme fires a beam of concentrated energy at charging decepticons, killing them.

Optimus prime: one shall stand." He says as he and his fellow autobots charge through the smoke, his axe raised with  ratchet and bumblebee following by his side and omega supreme slowly following.

Megatron: one shall fall." He says charging with his decepticons, his Mace raised in the air as triptecon charges a beam from his mouth and shoulder cannons and fires them, blasting the ground. Megatron and optimus slightly speed up, ready to take eachother on.

Audience (in head): here it comes." They all thought.

When they're both close enough, optimus jumps in the air axe raised high while megatron prepares to swing it and jumps up to meet optimus and the 2 slam their weapons into eachother as the screen goes white.

The audience cover they're from the sudden light, before it stops and allows them to continue viewing.

As the white slowly fades, it reveals a huge explosion, presumably where optimus and megatron are as the camera slowly pans away, blinking a couple times until cybertron is shown in all of it's glory, explosions littering different areas of the planet.

It was no longer a planet at peace.

It was now a world at war.

TRANSFORMERS war for Cybertron.

The screen then slowly fades to black. Dailous faces the audience.

Dailous: so what did you think?" He asked.

Konohamaru: that was awesome! Boss was kicking so much bad guy butt!" He yelled enthusiastically.

Inari: yeah, big bro showed them!" He yelled, agreeing with the honorable grandson.

The clan heads and jonin were for the most part entertained by what they saw, though seeing a world at war made them have memories of war time, the lives they've seen taken, they blood they spilt, it was horrifying. This world made their wars look little compared to theirs.

The rookies were in awe of the weaponry and of the cybertronians, they wished they could see more and hopefully they will soon.

Koyuki liked how everything was shown in that world, she had an idea of possibly making that world into a movie, it'd be something out of this world, literally. Though she was sad at seeing such loss of life during war, it made her remember her father's death, she shook off those thoughts and thought back about making a possible movie of this world, she then glances at naruto.

Koyuki (in head): I think I've already found someone to play the lead role." She thinks, a gleam in her eyes. "Maybe there should be a live interest for the main character." She absentmindedly thought, a pink hue appearing on her face.

Hana and shizune liked the world, they were also surprised to see similar professions to what they have in their own worlds shizune being a medic and hana being a former scout before being a veterinarian, they wondered if they'll see more of themselves in this world.

Haku frowned at the world, being reminded of the bloodline wars and the death of her mother at the hands of her father however, if that didn't happen, she would've never met zabuza and later naruto, speaking of, she looked at naruto to see him grinning.

Naruto: that world was epic, can we see more?!" He asked.

Dailous: maybe some other time naruto, the multiverse is infinite, which means they're others to see." He answered, making naruto glum before peeking up at the fact there are other worlds to shows his awesomeness.

Once everyone was done conversing, they all turned to and faced the screen again.

Dailous: everyone ready?" He asked his guests, getting nods, he then grabs the remote. "Let's see what's next." And presses the play button on his remote.

A/N: what do you guys think? Bad? Good? Meh?

When I wrote this, I didn't know how many people I wanted in the audience at the beginning so I started adding people and then did a headcount and found out I put 51 PEOPLE at the beginning, I was gonna remove some but thought of the saying "you made your bed, now you've gotta sleep in it." I hope I got their characters somewhat on point to how they were in the show.

Anyway thanks for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed, and as always.....PEACE✌✌

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