Chapter 2: Theorizing through the Grapevine

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Another morning, another day, and possibly meaning another back-pain for Amelia... As she stretched her body a bit, she just sighed.

"Another morning has arrived, and I'm already in a shitty mood..." The Conspiracy Theorist grumpily said as she scratched her head a bit...

Even after a bit of sleeping, her mind still felt jumbled and all of those thoughts from what a nightmare that was yesterday couldn't even be brushed off as easily as she thought it could have been...

"And of fucking course those thoughts are still flying around me... I guess Plush-girl really meant it when she told me to really think about what I did hard enough..."

Amelia sat up from her bed and leapt off of it. She then started pacing back and forth, thinking about those past thoughts...

"Now how in the hell am I even supposed to make everything up for what I've done..?! I mean, it's extremely obvious that nobody's going to immediately forgive me. They aren't THAT dumb enough to forget all of what happened..."

That left her stuck in a rut... What WAS she supposed to do regain everyone's trust? At this rate, it seemed impossible for her to do... Everyone despises her (except MAYBE Mayu? Although she still wasn't sure on their relationship status), time was running out considering the mastermind was getting closer on being snuffed out, and she had a suspicion that the mastermind has something planned out for later...

'Damnit, damnit, damnit..! Is the only option really to think back on what SHE said to me yesterday..?!'

Amelia thought to herself, feeling very hesitant on going for that option, feeling as if there had to be other ways to help rebuild her reputation, but again... there wasn't enough time...

'Ugh... fuck it... If I keep pondering for other ways to change myself at this rate, then I'll probably be a dead duck... Now what was what Mayu said yesterday before she left?'

Amelia thought back into the previous day where she and Mayu met, and then... she remembered what she had said, as if it was echoing through her brain.

"At least show that you're genuinely remorseful for your words and actions here."

'Show the others in here that... I'm genuinely remorseful for all of that I have committed in here..? Show them that I truly have the willpower to change..?'

Amelia pondered about that idea... If she did try to show that she could be a better person... Then it'd at least take some time for everyone to be a lot more easier on her eventually. With her now having to find her own answer instead of having to depend on everyone else by now, it seemed like that answer could be the best option she could choose from...

'Alright... that settles it. I have to show everyone else that I can be a good person, no matter what it takes. No more of that snarky attitude or any dirty actions! Well, unless if the time calls for it, anyway... I'm going to go out there, and show everyone that I'm not just a two-timing bitch, and I can be a better person!'

With a newfound determination to make things right during her stay, Amelia also got a boost in her motivation in finding the mastermind. So with it, she continued to ponder on who that masterminding traitor could be...

"Okay, let's see... So far, I've already talked to Mayu about some of the evidence for the mastermind, including that person being a male, tall in size, and potentially his sassiness as his personality trait... Mayu did also mention about the daycare, and how Balhika loves children a whole lot, too..."

Amelia paced around her room, recollecting the information that she and Mayu exchanged about the mastermind from their previous meeting. She did halt for a moment after finishing collecting those memories.

"So far, all of those signs seem to be pointing right him, but... there still are some things that I need to think over on... For example, who out of all of these people would be able to afford OR steal a submarine or something along those lines to use as the setting for this killing game? Why in the hell would their mascot for this be a walrus of all critters to choose from? Granted, that piece of shit may be an aquatic animal, but there's still have to be some significance... Most importantly though... What could have been the reason why the damn mastermind joined Humanity's Lost Hope of all things? What could've happened that made him do this, and—"

Before she continued to ramble on about her concerns, Amelia paused for a moment with a bit of an annoyed face.

"..... Or on second thought... maybe my sanity-declining lamebrain's just making me overthink about all of those things..."

Amelia gave a little mental facepalm on her brain. The pressure of the game really was getting to her now that almost all of her memories have been restored.

"Okay Mitzuki, keep it all cool... let's try to think about this more logically. Now then..."

Before Amelia could continue to think about any possible questions involving the secrets behind this game, though...

She heard a booming voice from the intercom speakers...

"What's this that I can see? Oh dear, oh my! I haven't even announced the motive yet, and you guys already found a body?!? You very naughty lot must have been hungry for escape by now, haven't you? Well regardless... do report over to the Zen Garden, ASAP!"

After the intercom stopped, all Amelia could even think of when hearing the news was a lowly... 'God... FUCKING damnit, Mayu...'

Not wasting any more time, Amelia rushed over to the Zen Garden... She thought to herself while getting over to the garden...

'W-What the fuck? Already?! Could that damn tall bitch be the one who did this? I mean, it's obvious that three innocents have to see the body before the body discovery announcement went live..!'

She did stop asking any other questions in her mind. However, as she took a little peek inside the Zen Garden...

Her body began to tremble, her blood started to decrease in temperature... She didn't know why she was feeling like this, but she was... and when she saw who laid dead, she was shocked. Very, VERY shocked...

Lying on the wooden floors of the shrine, limp, lifeless, and with his once-scruff face now filled with shock... a pastel green and messy haired boy sat down right on the walls of the shrine... His hair now being messier and his muscles and organs seeming having been completely shut down. Small splashes of blood could be seen from the floor around him and his ceremonial pants, possibly being coughed out right from his mouth and body...

Leif Mitsunari, the once chill and humble Ultimate Groundskeeper, was now lying stiff and deceased... Someone among them in this facility has bloodily sealed his fate... or maybe the sick individual behind this entire killing game was the one who did this...

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