Chapter 3: Fallen Leaves

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'..... Holy... fucking... shit...'

Those were the first thoughts that Amelia thought of when she saw the lying corpse for the first time...

'Leif... of all of the people SOMEBODY could have EVEN chosen... He was the one who was targeted on and died..?'

She thought to herself, with extreme disbelief in her mind...

'I was the most hated here due to some of those unforgivable things that I've done... yet the most liked one has bit the dust? He's practically had a clean record while I... have a long list of them...'

Amelia started to think back to the times where she has done... a lot of terrible shit, needless to say.

For example, there was that one time where she faked that diabetic attack in order to have her be lighted as innocent during Jasmine's case... It was a tiny bit foggy due to how long it's been since then, but she still had that moment in her head...

'Of all of the memories that could've popped up... THIS one had to be the one that came to my head FIRST...' Amelia thought, feeling irritated. 'God, I wasn't even wrong about this being the one that stung most for me...'

When she recollected it all completely though, she remembered how that event all played out...

Inside the Nurse's Office, back before the first murder have even occurred... Jasmine were still tending to Hiro.

'I'm hoping this whole motive mess ends soon... but if I had to guess...' Jasmine thought to herself with some dismay, 'It won't end until someone around here commits a murder...'

However, she had heard loud screaming coming from the halls... and it was only getting closer from there.

"What the?" Jasmine looked around out of some shock. "Who's even..?"

The noisemaker just so happened to be Amelia, and... from the looks of it, she definitely seem to be hurting... a lot... She slowly walked inside while screaming from the top of her lungs...


"G-Gaaaaaaaaagh!! J-Jas... miine..!!"

The Conspiracy Theorist in pain crawled over to the Surgeon, grabbing her leg as if she was feeling desperate.

"What's with the screaming? Did something happen to you?" Jasmine asked, looking concerned for her.

Amelia tried to speak, but the words that she had spoken seemed to have come muddled. Seeing her also in a shock-like condition made Jasmine realize something...

'S-She must've gotten a diabetic attack...'

This gave the surgeon quite a dilemma... Now she has to deal with not one, but TWO people that are in similar conditions... Now with a lot more pressure on her hands, she sighed...

"Okay, Amelia. I need you to remain calm while I do what I need to do. Is that clear?"

The Conspiracy Theorist nodded slowly in spite of her 'condition.'

"Okay, now if I remember correctly... In order to help curb a diabetic emergency, I have to give you a non-dieted beverage or feed you something sweet to—"

And then it immediately hit Jasmine... This shouldn't even make that much sense for Amelia to have a diabetic attack if anything, considering Monotusk already turned every edible thing into sweets!

So she had to be faking it... So now she had to fight fire with fire

"Hmm... Before I get started, I... have one quick question to ask you."

Amelia eyed over at Jasmine upon hearing that.

"If you were having a diabetic attack right now... How come you haven't considered eating anything sweet, considering... Every single edible thing here is?"

And at that moment, Amelia realized that she hadn't considered that point up until now, and now she had to cover her act up.

She scratched her head in confusion, and shrugged, attempting to tell her that she didn't know what she meant by that.

"You see Amelia, if you claimed that you had low blood sugar, then I would have considered using the circumstances of this whole motive, and utilized it in order to cure you."

It was official now. Amelia's cover has officially been blown out of the window.

"Alright, alright... I'll admit, you caught me there... However, I do have one thing you should consider."

Jasmine raised her eye in suspicion, not sure what tricks Amelia had left to pull from her own sleeve.

"Why would you focus entirely on little ol' me, when there's someone right near you who's currently in life threatening conditions, and is LITERALLY on his own deathbed in the next room?"

That definitely shocked the surgeon, realizing the time that she'd wasted focusing solely on the girl...

"Oh, what a shame! How tragic would it be if you'd just let him slip off into the afterlife just like that! How would you ever let yourself go on like that if you fail on the one thing that you've been experienced at the most?!"

"Oh, goddamnit..! I almost forgot about him!!"

In a huge hurry, Jasmine went over to the next room to check on Hiro. Amelia, rising up from the floor, could only sport one wide grin after the surgeon was gone...

"Heh, getting rid of the health expert, a possible threat in the entire game, and someone else with just one stone? Heh, that was a sharp move if I don't say so myself... All of this will just pave me towards surviving a lot easier now."

With her Grinch-wide grin now that her wonderful awful idea has succeeded, Amelia left the Nurse's Office without another word.

Back in the present, Amelia shuddered of the thoughts of her actions...

'G-God... What I did back there... was REALLY fucked up...'

However, she also had another similar memory stored within in... The time where she left that poisoned pumpkin roll for someone else... which just so happened to cause Aurora's death...

It didn't take her as long to remember that one, as that memory was already living rent-free in her head.

At the time before the murders of Aurora and Kaeo happened, BeeBee inside the dining hall's kitchen, preparing a little snack... one snack that'd end up being her little secret weapon. She sprinkled on some poison onto the roll, wanting a specific conspiracist to eat it and fall for her trap.

However, what she didn't know was that Amelia was already spying from the walls...

'Hmm... So Beatrice thinks she could outsmart me just like that?'

Amelia thought to herself, as she watched BeeBee placed the plate down and walked off with a sneaky grin on her face. After she was gone, the conspiracy NEET approached over to the pumpkin roll.

'Hmm... Well, I could just throw this shit away... BeeBee would probably just notice that it's gone and think that someone ate it already anyway...'

However, she then got a better idea... A more devilish one...

'OOOOOOr... Maaaaaybeee... I could just leave this alone and have some random unlucky idiot eat this and die... while I go on and murder someone else and get away with it scot-free?!'

She started laughing to herself... in the inside, of course. If anyone actually heard her laughing out loud, then it'd likely be a death sentence for her.

'This actually sounds better than the sugar shit that I've pulled! I mean, come on... I wouldn't even care if anyone bites the dust from eating that pumpkin roll anyway, it's just more stepping stones towards getting out of this place anyway. Plus, with BeeBee being the one who poisoned it, that would mean that stinger on my back would finally be gone for good.'

With a little grin on her face, Amelia walked off, leaving the little roll alone for someone else to dine on... and die on.

Once again, in the present time, Amelia shuddered... even more than last time... In fact, she felt really horrible about her actions. She could hardly even focus on the situation that was currently in her hands at this point... She just stood there, her mind all jumbled from the regrets and stress that she stockpiled on...

She just remained... until...

"Amelia? Amelia?!"

A voice called out to her.

"A-Amelia!! Snap out of it!"

The voice, having been yelled from Mayu Akagi herself, rung into Amelia's ears. This did manage to jolt the NEET back into reality.

"G-Gah! I-I'm awake! I'm awake!!"

"Geez, I was admittedly getting a bit worried about you over there..."

"I was just... thinking about stuff, alright? I'm FINE. You don't have to worry."

"Whatever floats your boat, I guess..." Mayu sighed, before refocusing on what's in front of her. "Anywho, we have to start investigating the case around Leif's murder. Obviously one of us had to be the one who did this to him, and I—"

"Let me guess, I'm forced to do absolutely nothing so you guys wouldn't risk myself somehow screwing shit around. How original! Daring, even!" Amelia sarcastically lamented, interrupting what Mayu was trying to say.

"..... If you didn't interrupt me, I was going to say that you'd stay behind with Luna and look after the body."

"Oh. Well I feel pretty stupid now... but I suppose I can try."

"Good... Just... don't do anything that you'll regret. Luna has a close eye on you."


It didn't look like it, but Amelia was pretty intimidated by Luna. Especially since she told her own girlfriend to roll into a lake, and... she didn't take it too well, needless to say.

"Well, I'm gonna go get some info from the others. Remember, don't try anything FUNNY." Mayu left the room after giving that warning.

'Okay... It's just me and Luna now... I just have to keep it cool and go with the flow...' Amelia thought to herself, before thinking about the victim... 'But... seeing Leif like this, though... Some part of me wants to scream and cry... Just like with the others, watching people slip from my fingers like this hurts... but I can't show that though, unless I wanna be the Mastermind's next victim. If I show weakness, that'll only let them win... which I'm not having.'

'If I want to survive this whole shitfest, then I have to keep everything cool... and if I want to start my road on redeeming myself, my first step is to find out who Leif's killer is with everyone else... just as long as if they don't shun me completely and prevent me from contributing...'

After inhaling and exhaling her breath, Amelia walked over to Luna.

"Hey there..! Soooooo... Mayu asked me to look after the body with you, so voila. Here I am, not being a hinderance for once!"

Not a word from Luna was uttered out.

"Still mad over... what I've done, I can tell?"

Once again, silence looms from Luna. Amelia sighed, letting some of her guilt show from her face...

"Look, I know that everyone's still mad about everything I've done over here... Especially with you and the whole... lake thing with your girlfriend... but look, I'm going to be truthfully and extremely honest here. I'll admit, what I've done was extremely wrong, and I take full responsibility for it. From here on out, I'm going to try my best to help you and the others out, and make things right."

Once again, Luna did not utter a word. She continued to examine Leif's body without even noticing Amelia.

'Yeesh... She's a tough cookie to crack, alright...' Amelia thought to herself as Luna continued to finish up her autopsy report.

Once she was finished with it, Luna headed off. However, before she truly exited, she turned over to a somewhat dejected-looking Amelia, finally saying something to her.

"I'd like to see more proof of this sudden change of heart, but I will admit... It is quite admirable seeing you step up as such."

Now that the only other person was gone, there really was no use on staying inside the Zen Garden any longer.

'Hmm... I suppose I could try looking for the cause of death for now. There were no weapons around here, so maybe... Leif could have died from other means? Perhaps I should check the Nurse's Office for something there? Stuff from there... have been used in the past cases anyway...'

With that in mind, Amelia headed off to the Nurse's Office to investigate. However, she did bump into someone while she was on her way...

"G-Gah! Hey! Watch where you're... Oh... GREAT. It's YOU..." The now irritated Kiryu sarcastically spat at her.

"Yeah, I know, it's me. Big surprise there..!" Amelia spouted back, showing not a single interest in trying to reason things out with him, knowing... that the boy can be really stubborn. "Now can you let me through? I have some business to take care of..."

However, when she tried to walk off, the untrusting tattoo artist grabbed her by the ear, wanting answers from her.

"And just what do you mean by THAT?"

"Agh! I was actually trying to help everyone else around here for once! Going to the Nurse's Office to investigate?"

"Or knowing your track record, you're just trying to mess everything up with everyone again. Like trying to sabotage the crime scene..?"

"Uh... hello? I've been standing there with Luna before our encounter, and I haven't messed around with it once."

"Yet that doesn't eliminate the possibilities of you doing it later, doesn't it? Hmmm..?"

"Do you seriously think I'D be planning something malicious during an investigation of all events?"

"Considering you'd be insane enough to do such an act... yes! You would! God, if I was able to do so right now... I'd sew your mouth shut with my tattooing needles!"

Needles. The memories involving them... the pain she had to go through with those from the doctors that she had endured during her childhood...

That word caused the world around Amelia and time itself... to suddenly stop moving...

She could feel her chest as if it was locking itself up, and her head slowly freezing over bit by bit...

Worst of all, though... She could hear voices... Familiar voices that she never wanted to hear from for the remainder of her life...

"Now, noooow, young one... Don't move a muscle..! You won't even feel one single thiiiing..!" A creepy low-pitched voice rung into Amelia's ears...

"N-Ngh..! N-N-No!! I d-don't wanna be treated like this any longer!! J-Just let me g-go!! I don't wanna suffer a-any looonger!!" A more younger voice yelled out of desperation...

"Hush now, little girl. I do not want any troublemakers loafing arooound. Be a good little child and do as I say."

Amelia could just hear the screams and pain from the girl as she seemed to get stabbed and injected by the needles that the man was holding...

Eventually, the little girl grew more and more rebellious of the testings... So much so that she eventually had enough of the torture completely.

"Now then... let's try this one..! Perhaps this could 'help you out a notch..!'" Footsteps could be heard, as he was seemingly approaching the girl again.

"I tried to t-tell you... I don't want to DO THIS ANYMORE!!" The little girl yelled, kicking the doctor on his knee.

This, however... was a huge mistake that she made...

"How... HOW DARE YOU?!?" The man roared at the girl with absolute fury. This scared her greatly...

"NAUGHTY PEOPLE LIKE YOU DESERVE NOT ONE... BUT TWO OF THESE FOR THAT!" The man immediately took another needle filled with a substance. The girl was only frightened from this even more... Maybe she shouldn't have fought him back...

"N-No!! P-PLEASE! D-DON'T!" The desperate girl yelled out... "I-I'm sorry for kicking you!! I-I am! I swear!"

"Oh... I'm afraid that... it's too late for apologies..!!"

The doctor approached the little girl as she screamed from the top of her lungs out of horror... and Amelia heard every decibel of it...

Even after all of those voices cleared away, Amelia couldn't even do anything at the moment... Not even mutter a single peep... All she could do was just... stand there and slightly twitch out of horror, feeling as if... everything's coming to get her.

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