Chapter 2: Entertainers and Soldiers, Painters and Skaters

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Hiyoko and Madison walked throughout the west side of the island, looking around for anything that's interesting or noteworthy to investigate...

"Anything of note yeeeeeeet?" Hiyoko asked, seemingly pretty impatient.

"Not quite yet, Hiyoko..." Madison replied. "... but I do have an inching feeling on my back that we're getting somewhere..."

"Well you better hurry then! My feet'll kill me if we keep walking around in circles!"

"Have patience, Hiyoko..." Madison tried to remind Hiyoko, who immediately retorted... "Well SORRY that it's hard to have patience when we've been walking for who-knows-how-long by now, you Sand-Haired Geek!"

After a bit more walking, wandering, and whining from Hiyoko throughout, the duo noticed some strangely placed cement pavement along the grass.

"T-The hell?! How is there cement here on this seemingly deserted island?!" Hiyoko immediately asked out loud. "If it was deserted, then there sure as hell isn't supposed to be activity around here!"

"That is indeed true and very suspicious..." Madison pointed out... "However, I do think this could lead us somewhere. Let's follow this path and see where it takes us."

"Well, if it cuts our trip short, then fiiiiine... Let's get it over with..." Hiyoko approved of the plan, as the two females followed the cement path.

Eventually, the two caught sight of something in the distance...

"Hey! Look! A building or sorts!" Hiyoko pointed to what she saw from the horizon.

"It's not just a building..." The Child Therapist quickly specified... "It seems to be some sort of shack when you look closely... and it has a logo of sorts up on the roof, too."

"Of course you and your four eyes HAD to notice those details..." The Traditional Dancer sighed... "But let's just go ahead and check it out. There HAS to be more people there, right?"

"That could indeed be true..." Madison nodded her head... "Let's get a closer look, shall we?"

The girls got closer over to the shack until they were exactly right in front of it. It seemed to be made of a material resembling straw, and by the side, there seemed to be a swimming pool. They read the shack's logo now that they had a closer view of it...

"Bakatto's Sunset Cabana? Is this some kind of weird bar for weirdo surfer dudes or something..?" Hiyoko stared in confusion.

"Perhaps... I suggest we enter inside, scout around, and see what's up with this place..." Madison placed her idea on the table, with Hiyoko nodding in response. With their plan of action decided, the two stepped inside the doors of the shack.

Once they headed inside, the duo noticed two other people residing in the cabana.

The first was a red-headed female who seemed to wear a tiny polka dot yellow hat on top. The many polka dots were colored red, blue, and purple. She also donned an orange shirt with the same polka dots, alongside with a yellow vest also donning them. She also had a brown bowtie, and dark yellow pants with blue, purple, and red stripes on the leggings, and her pockets seem to be inside out. Her shoes were brown, and her socks were yellow, sharing the polka dots that the other pieces of her clothing have. She seemed to be a bit tired and irritated, drinking some kind of liquid and mumbling to herself.

The other person was a bald-headed male with a black beard on his face. He wore dark green military vest on top of his long-sleeved tan shirt, and also wore brown and dark green gloves on his hands. had pants were long and camo-themed, and he wore big black boots as well. He was sitting farther away from the other girl, with a deadpanned expression.

The former person had taken Hiyoko's attention, as if she had recognized her. The Traditional Dancer's eyes shined as she excitedly went over to talk to her. Madison just looked at Hiyoko with a somewhat confused expression.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! Are you REALLY THE Evelyn Hawley?! From Penelope's Playhouse?!?" Hiyoko excitedly questioned to the redhead.

The lady seemed as uncomfortable as one would expect, in which she would only think in her head... 'OHGODFUCKWHY..?!'

"I've watched your show a whole lot ever since I was younger, and I'm a big fan of your show!! It's so cool that I actually get to see you in person!!" Hiyoko blabbered on, feeling giddy about her meeting with her childhood idol. "Can I have an autograph?!"

The stressed Evelyn didn't seem to be in the mood to deal with Hiyoko. "Ahem... Noimnottakingautographsokbye." She tried to shoo her away, but the dancer seemed persistent.

"Awwww c'moooon..! It'd make my day so great if you do iiiiiiit!" She whined. "You'd like giving your fans' moods bright, don't yoooooouuu..?" Hiyoko gave her the very adorable puppy eyes.

Evelyn sighed, having no use to continue denying if she was going to be THAT persistent. "Okay, fine... but you let me have some space after this... I appreciate your feedback and all that, but... right now, I'd just want some peaceful me time..." She said as she chugged her drink a bit.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEE!! OHMYGODTHISISSOEXCITIIIIING!!" Hiyoko shrieked out of excitement, well that was before realizing... "Oh, uh... right... I need something for you to sign..." Hiyoko remembered... She quickly looked for something, eventually grabbing a piece of paper from one of the tables. "How about this?"

Evelyn sighed as she took a nearby pencil and wrote her signature on the paper. "Here... now can you just leave me be?" She said before mumbling... "At least I didn't get called Penelope this time..."

"Well, I do hate to break it to you Hiyoko, but I think you were making her quite uncomfortable there." Madison quickly pointed out.

Hiyoko stepped away. "O-Oh, oops... um, didn't know..."

"I do apologize about her behavior there..." Madison stepped over to Evelyn to apologize on Hiyoko's behalf. "I'm sure she meant well when trying to talk with you, knowing that she's..."

"Yeah, I know... a fan..." Evelyn said, slightly looking away from the two.

"So... Evelyn Hawley, was it?" The Children's Therapist asked her, who nodded.

"Yup..." Evelyn said, drinking the Mimosas from the glass that she held onto. "I'm the Ultimate Children's Show Host... You probably already know what I do thanks to her..." She referred to Hiyoko, who looked sheepish about her fangirling. "And just to be clear, I...  don't really want to talk about my talent at the moment, alright..?"

"Hmm, I understand... Anyway, I'm Madison Grace, the Ultimate Children's Therapist, and your little fangirl is Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer. I assume you've ended up here unconscious as well?" Madison asked Evelyn.

"Mhm, lucky guess there... In fact, the guy over there also said the same." Evelyn pointed towards the bald, bearded man sitting further away from her. "I suggest you be wary around him. He seems to be pretty... well, distant and doesn't seem to want others interacting with him as far as I know."

The two eyed over to him, who seemed to be unaware of the two's presence at the area.

"G-Gah!!" Hiyoko yelped, feeling intimidated by Milo's appearance. "Baldy over there looks like a g-giant!!"

"Do not worry, Hiyoko." Madison tried to reassure her. "He might seem a bit intimidating, but I'm sure he's at least talkable... Perhaps he might know some things we don't?"

"Nnngh... f-fine... but if I end up a dead woman, then that's your damn fault!" Hiyoko scoffed as the two approached the man, with Hiyoko peeking from behind Madison.

"Excuse me, mister?" Madison called out to the man, who only looked at her with a big deadpan.

"..... What do you want..?"

"T-To question you about shit that's been going on around here, as if it wasn't obvious, you giant oaf!" Hiyoko exclaimed... which unsurprisingly gained a horrific glare from the man... which prompted her to shriek and hide behind Madison.

"I... apologize about her behavior, sir... She's been like this when we came here, and... she might have been frightened by your appearance." Madison tried to apologize to him.

"I get those intimidated responses all the time..." He said without a care. "Just make this quick. I don't really want to talk for long..."

"Before I do, could I ask for your name, and potentially your talent?" Madison politely asked him.

"Alright, fine..." He sighed before saying... "I'm Milo Smith, the Ultimate Solider... EX-Ultimate specifically..."

Madison nodded. Assuming that Milo also didn't want to talk more about his talent, Madison got straight to the point. "Do you possibly know anything about the whole situation that all of us have landed on?"

"... You want my brutally honest opinion?" Milo raised his eyebrow. "It's a hostage situation, clearly."

"A hostage situation? Considering that I've been stuck here with other talented dummies who got here practically the same stupid way that we did... I wouldn't even be surprised!" Hiyoko rolled her eyes.

Milo nodded. "One thing is clear. Like you said, kid, you got different Ultimates gathered in one place, and it's likely someone's holding us for ransom, yet trying to play nice to us. Whoever it is, they're about to have my foot up their ass in 2.5 fuckin' seconds. Is THAT a good enough explanation?"

This response from him had Madison slightly shocked. "You could perhaps tone things down with that tone, but I must agree. It is possible that this is some kind of ransom hold of sorts. Who committed this and why they have done though remains a mystery..."

Milo merely nodded again. "Well, you got the answers that you've asked for... Now would you two please do me a favor of my own, and leave me alone..?"

"Very well then." Madison obliged, as the two girls left Milo back to his own business.

"Well those two were practically anti-social..." Hiyoko pouted. "But at the very least, I got my autograph!" She quickly changed her mood as she brought the signed paper out. "I shall cherish this for the rest of my life!"

"Good for you then." Madison said, shrugging a bit. "I think we've seen and heard enough from here... Let's see where else that cement path takes us."

Thus, the two gals set off... Well, they would have had they hadn't heard any footsteps coming towards them...

"The hell?!" Hiyoko said, looking around and feeling confused. "That isn't us making those sounds... and I don't think the other two would've bothered getting up by now..!"

"Well, if it isn't either of us four making those noises, then that could potentially mean..." Madison tried to assume, before two more new faces showed up inside the bar, one male and one female.

The male wore a red beanie hat, with hair that was dyed to match a specific flag of light blue, white, and pink. It also applied to his own ponytail as well. Any spots that neither of the three colors were present at were colored black. He had white dyed eyebrows, brown eyes, and a small black beard. He donned a grey jacket with tears around the arms and with its sleeves rolled. Under the jacket was a tie-dyed shirt consisting of the colors of the rainbow. He wore baggy, light-grey sweatpants and had green light-up shoes on.

The female had dirty blonde hair, and what seemed like hazel colored eyes. Her outfit consisted of a dark blue long sleeve shirt, with a snowflake in the center. There were figure eights on the sleeves as well. A dark blue blouse was also worn by her to match the shirt, with light blue leggings with snowflake-shaped polka dots and blue buckle-up shoes.

"Huh, so this seems to be a bar of sorts?" The male asked his female companion.

"Looks like it to me... and there seems to be a couple of people here, too!" The aforementioned female pointed out.

Hiyoko and Madison both turned over to the newly arrived duo, with the former having some thoughts... 'Ugh, great... two other losers right as we're about to leave... and their fashion senses REALLY need improvements. The guy's especially, looks super uggo with those ripped jacket parts!'

"Another couple of new faces, hm... Greetings you two." Madison greeted the two new people. Hiyoko remained silent, staying behind her and keeping distance from them.

"Oh, hey there!" The girl happily waved over to the other two females, heading over towards them with the boy slowly following suit.

"So I take it that you two are Ultimates?" Madison asked, which they nodded.

"Yup!" The female said. "And admittedly, you've just answered our question for you too..!"

"I guess this is a good time for introductions then." The boy said, fixing his beanie's position a bit. "So should we go first, or..?"

"You two can go if you'd like." Madison inquired. "We can wait." That answer made Hiyoko give an annoyed look from behind Madison, although the others didn't notice.

"Okay then, I'll—" The male volunteered, before realizing... "Wait, two? I... only see one of you..."

"Oh, the other person's just hiding right behind me. She's... How should I put this..?" She thought her words over. "... Not too trusting of others, at least, that's from what I've observed. I don't think talking to her without a proper introduction would be a—"

"Oh c'mon, I'm sure she can't be that bad..!" The girl said, looking behind Madison to take a tiny peek at Hiyoko, which she did catch her by surprise.

"Awwwwww! You look so adorable!" She complimented her. "You look like a lil' cute child!" The comment though, ticked Hiyoko off.

"One, I'm NINETEEN YEARS OLD, NOT A CHILD! And two, get the fuck away from me before I'll twist your ankles into knots!!"

Needless to say, her attitude managed to back her away, leaving the female to question... 'Is she... even mentally okay..?!'

Madison sighed. "I... tried to warn you there... but anyway, you may carry on."

"A-Alright? Well, in that case..." The boy said, clearing his voice before saying... "I'm Neku Osaka, the Ultimate Graffiti Artist. Pleased to meet you and... I guess the other girl too..?"

Hiyoko just looked away with a pout.

"And... I guess it's my turn to introduce myself then." The dirty-blonde girl stepped forward. "I'm Haru Sato, the Ultimate Ice Skater! It's a pleasure to meet you two!"

Haru looked over to Hiyoko again, who was... still not too happy...

"W-Well... mostly anyway..." She nervously scratched her head a bit...

"So, you did your introductions, so as we promised, we shall do ours." Madison stated. "My name is Madison Grace, the Ultimate Children's Therapist. I'm not exactly sure if my acquaintance over here would feel comfortable enough to introduce herself, so I shall—"

"Grrr..!! I can do this myself, dummy!!" Hiyoko said, coming out from behind Madison and pushing her out of the way. "I'm not some kind of scaredy child crying for their mommy!"

"Now then..." Hiyoko prepared herself for her introduction, immediately switching her mood back to a joyful now. "I'm Hiyoko Saionji! The Ultimate Traditional Dancer!"

The immediate switching of moods made both Neku and Haru slightly more disturbed...

"G-Good... to know?" Neku said awkwardly... "So, I suppose we should talk about what info we've all got... What spot of this island did you two wake up around at?"

"Northeastern..." Hiyoko muttered. "And there was a third person with us as well, that being Mr. Private Can't-Detect-A-Brain..!"

"Um... Who?"

"She means Ryu Ikeda, the Ultimate Private Detective." Madison informed. "She's pretty annoyed with him because of some events that transpired during our meetings."

"What even happ—" Haru tried to ask before Hiyoko cut her off. "It's not important, okay..? Just tell us where you two woke up at."

"I... think it was by the southern side, if I recall correctly." Neku answered. "Can't really know for sure as we don't exactly have an entire layout of the island..."

"I was with Neku there as well!" Haru pointed out. "And I, uh... almost hit him with a stick upon our first meeting, hehe..." She then rubbed the back of her head awkwardly upon the mention of that.

"Hey, the past is in the past now." Neku placed his arm on her shoulder. "After all, you were only frightened during that moment."

"Yeah... That's true..."

"Did you wake up with anyone else?" Madison asked, in which Haru shook her head.

"Actually, no. It was just the two of us there... Say, where did he split off to anyway?"

"The eastern side." Hiyoko pointed to that direction. "He brought a hermit crab along with him... So if you see a moron with that very thing I want to trample? That's the guy we've met, got it?"

"Noted!" Haru gave a thumbs up, who then whispered to Neku. "I suppose eastward could be our next spot to look around at?"

"Probably for the best." He replied back with a shrug, before focusing his attention back towards the other two. "Anything else of note that either of you found?"

"Aside from Mr. Wartime over there about his theories of all of us being kidnapped? Our heads are practically filled with sand and seawater..." Hiyoko quipped.

"Ah, I see then..." Haru said, before taking a step back. "Wait, he thought we were all kidnapped?"

"Yeah... Long story short, the giant said that different people of different talents, thinks we're holding us in ransom, and he definitely wants to squish the captor as much as he'd probably want to squish me..." Hiyoko said, still somewhat frightened over her initial encounter with Milo.

"Seems like a logical theory to me..." Haru said, thinking it over a bit. Neku, on the other hand, remained silent about it, but from his facial expression, it seemed that he didn't believe it.

"So, are you two sticking around here, or..?" Neku asked.

"Actually, we were about to depart before you two have shown up." Madison answered. "However, you are free to talk to the other two in this area. Though I don't think they're quite as easygoing as you think..."

"Especially the bald giant!!" Hiyoko exclaimed... "And maybe not the top hat lady. She's super cool..!"

"Interesting tidbits, I suppose..." He then replied. "Thanks?"

"You are very welcome." Madison inquired. "However, I do think it's time for me and Hiyoko to go. Like with you two, there's still much to discover around this island..."

"Okay! We'll be seeing you two soon!" Haru said her goodbyes, as Neku silently waved towards the two of them as well. Neku and Haru went to interact with one of the two others residing at the bar, whilst Hiyoko and Madison went off to follow the rest of the pavement's path, heading south...

Unknowingly for the two, the path they will follow will lead them towards a bit of a brain blast itself...

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