Chapter 3: Experimental Mishaps

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Hiyoko and Madison trekked further throughout the island, following where the road may take them to...

"I'm getting thiiiiirstyyyyy..!!" Hiyoko whined. "When are we gonna get to wherever's next..?!"

Madison looked at Hiyoko, slightly annoyed. "Why didn't you just grab something from the bar BEFORE we left..?"

"Because it's a bar? Who even knows if everything they have is ALCOHOLIC?! I'm not even at the legal drinking age!"

"I won't disagree with the fact that that was a fair point..." Madison sighed before continuing... "But do have an ounce of patience. I'm sure we'll find some place to check out. It wasn't that hard to do so last time..."

"Say that to my face when I eventually DIE of THIRST..!" Hiyoko retorted with a bit of exaggeration. This only made Madison slightly roll her eyes.

"Just keep your cool... We'll hopefully find some place with drinks soon..." Madison said, before thinking to herself... 'And I'm not sure how many times will I have to repeat her the first part...'

The two females continued to walk about more and more... and by then, Hiyoko seemed as if she was going to give up.

"Ghhhhhgh... It's been... 20 minutes since I complained... and still no... sign of ANY drinks anywhere..!" Hiyoko said, crawling on the floor a bit exaggeratedly... whilst Madison seemed to be eyeing at something peculiar.


She then lied down on the floor, looking at the sky with a defeated face. "This is it! I'm a dead dancer..! I'm gonna die with only one person watching beside me and nothing else!"


"M-My legacy will forever be forgotten, all because I've been stuck on an island and nobody else even knows of it!!" By then, Hiyoko started to shrivel out tears... "WAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAH!! WHY DID THIS PLACE ONLY HAVE TO HAVE ALCOHOL AS BEVERAGES?! W-WHY DID I HAVE TO GET STUCK IN THIS WHOLE STUPID S-SITUATION ANYWAAAAAAAY?!—"

"Hiyoko!!" Madison yelled, which quickly caught her attention. "Quit your act and look over there."

She pointed towards what was at the distance. What she was pointing to seemed like a wide building.

"That building could have something that could potentially satisfy your needs. It could also contain some things that we could potentially observe for anything like we did back in the bar."

"Oh... Well then!" Hiyoko quickly got back on her feet, surprisingly. "Let's get going! There's gotta be some tea or water in there, or else you might as well call me a slimy pigface!"

She grabbed Madison by the arms and dashed off to the building with her.

When they entered inside, their first sights in the inside was a brightly lit room with shelves and shelves of items. the stock ranging from FOOD, to COOKWARE, to TOOLS, TOYS, and to WEAPONS. There was even a little welcome sign.

"'Welcome to Bakatto Freshway!'..." Hiyoko read, before realizing something. "Heeeeey... didn't I see that first name before..?!"

"Indeed we have..." Madison confirmed. "We've seen that word back over at the bar's logo..."

Around there were little advertisements of companies and a magazine rack. There's a large mounted television behind the counter along with "over the counter" drugs and remotes that seem relatively useless in this situation. Boxes of "equipment", a safety alarm, and...

"Hey, what's that section over there?—" Hiyoko tried to ask before Madison turned her away upon reading the sign.

"I suggest we... just move on into one of the aisles. There's not much else to look at from the signs."

"Huuuuuuuuh!? But I thought I—" Hiyoko tried to state something before being dragged away.

"Don't look back from that. It's... best not to let your eyes get ruined..."

The two proceeded walked through the first aisle. What seemed to lie around them were many snacks and other kinds of food items on shelves.

"There seems to be quite a lot of food variety in here." Madison inquired, looking at her surroundings. "From pasta to snacks and even different meats. Whoever managed this island must have been very wealthy..."

"Of course YOU'D know that, know-it-all..." Hiyoko sassily replied. "And as if that fact wasn't already OBVIOUS enough as is!"

Madison just sighed, analyzing Hiyoko's behaviors as the two kept walking through. Eventually though, one sweet snack in particular seemed to get Hiyoko's attention...

"Wait! Do I see..." She gasped right before shrieking... "GUMMIES?!"

She ran over towards the gummy packets that hung on one of the candy section's racks.

'I know where this might go...' Madison silently thought to herself...

"There's soooo many kinds of them! From regular..." Hiyoko scrolled through the various flavors. "Berries... Peaches... Apples..." As she went on, the flavors got weirder. "T-The fuck? Cola gummies..? Jelly filled..?! Lemon..?!! Hot dog gummies?! A-And SPICY HONEY WASABI?!?"

"Okay... WHAT THE HELL WERE THOSE LAST FEW  UGLY, PIGSHITTY EXCUSES OF GUMMIES?!" She frustratedly and disgustedly asked.

Madison was equally as disgusted, narrowing her eyes.

"... Why someone thought this would be a good flavor is beyond me... especially in gummies. Our captor must be a sociopath."

"Well apparently the person who made those was... 'Balhika Taneshi.'" Hiyoko examined one of the bags. "If he made those abominations of gummies, then I wouldn't be surprised if he did something as idiotic as lacing them with drugs!"

"I... wouldn't think someone would willingly do something as dangerous as that, Ms. Saionji..." She replied whilst picking up one of the normal gummy packets, which just so happened to be one of her favorites, which Hiyoko noticed.

"H-Huh?!" She exclaimed. "How'd you know that the lemonless ones were my favorite?!"

"That's the thing. I can read some quite easily. Mostly in their interests and specific things they enjoy. Call it... one of my many quirks."

"That almost makes it sound like you're a creepo stalker..." Hiyoko commented... "But... you're gonna buy those for me, aren't yoooouu..?!"

"Heh, coincidentally, I was about to ask you if you were interested in that." Madison slightly chuckled. "I, myself, don't really like lemon gummies either. The sour aftertaste kills it for me."

"Well... at least there's at least ONE thing we have in common..." Hiyoko sighed, before saying with full honesty... "But.. thanks for purchasing those for me..."

"It's no problem." Madison replied, as she thought to herself... 'Turns out Ms. Saionji really does have a soft side to her after all... So it could be likely that there has to be something that's happened to her that ended up molding her into who she was...'

After picking the gummies up for Hiyoko, the duo arrived at the end of the aisle, where they were met with many frozen items. Some of those included microwavable foods, ice cream and cakes... and not to mention...

"D-DRINKS!!" Hiyoko exclaimed, seeing nearby refrigerators with many types of drinks inside. Ranging from juices... to water... and many more, including cider, energy drinks, and soda! That wasn't all that lied in there though, as two people were examining some of the drinks, one male and one female.

The girl seemed to have blue eyes and blonde hair with black streaks within some areas, and wore an open black jacket with a long sleeve purple shirt underneath and a long, grey scarf surrounding her neck. The jacket in particular also had a snowflake symbol on the shoulder. She also wore light blue gloves around her hands, and dark purple snow pants with blue boots.

The boy was dressed in a similar jacket to the girl, but was green, tan, and yellow, but was closed up rather than open. Like with the girl, his jacket also had a snowflake symbol on the shoulder, but he also wore a badge that had the picture of a somewhat snowy mountain. He also had black short hair, with what looked like small earrings dangling from his ears. Dark green snow pants surrounded his legs and brown, leather boots with fur up on the top outfitted his feet.

From the looks of it, they seemed to be as thirsty as Hiyoko was. While the former two took their time to examine their options, the latter however, didn't hesitate to rush over to those refrigerators.

"So, what would you like to choose, sis?" The boy asked, confirming the two to be related.

"Well... I... um... erm..." The girl stammered... "I'm... not sure... there's a lot of options..."

"OUT OF MY WAY!!" Hiyoko shouted as she rushed over...

"G-GAH?!" The boy only had a short amount of time to react towards that, until...

..... He and his sister were pushed and toppled down by her.

"A-AHHH!!" The two screamed as they fell down, whilst Hiyoko turned over to look at the drinks.

"FINAAAAAAAALLY!! Some things to ACTUALLY drink on!" Hiyoko cheered, while the boy was left dizzy and the girl... was moreso confused if anything. She got back up before her brother did.

"U-Um... excuse me... y-young lady..." She said, twiddling her fingers a tad bit and staying a bit distant. "B-But... erm... w-why did you have to push us like that?"

"Well don't blame for being oh-so desperately thirsty!" Hiyoko said her reasoning rudely. "If you were at my position, you'd do the same! Well, unless if you were a slimy scaredy-shit like the way you're acting now..!"

That insult did make big blonde freeze up in her place, shocked about what the smaller girl had said.

When the boy got over his dizziness, his first sights... weren't pleasant...

"And of COURSE you'd react like a skittish idiot..! WHY am I not even surprised..?!" Hiyoko remarked. Angered about her teasing towards the girl, the boy stepped right in front of her to stand up for her.

"What in the hell are you doing to my sister?!" He yelled at Hiyoko, who just simply replied. "And who are you supposed to be..?"

"I'm Nick Takeshi, the Ultimate Snowboarder, and you're messing with MY sister, Ayumu!!" The snowboarder introduced himself with fury.

"And what are YOU going to do about that..? You deeeefinitely wouldn't hit a small little girl like me, wouldn't yooooouuu..?" She made a mockingly cute face towards him.

This made Nick stop for a moment. "Well... I... urrgh... D-Damnit..!" He said frustratedly. "Okay, I may not want to hit any women, b-but I'm still making sure you won't go near her!"

"W-Whatever!!" She scoffed, opening the fridge. "You probably wouldn't even have your dumb snowboard with you to even try blocking her away from me anyway!"

This made Nick twitch his eyebrow slightly, seemingly trying to restrain himself. Meanwhile, Ayumu could only watch stressfully as the fire waged between the two.

"U-U-Umm... G-Guys..?—" Ayumu tried to talk to the two but to no avail.

"Oh, and what makes YOU think you have the authority to do that?!" Nick retorted.

"You're the one talking with the heiress of a powerful clan over here! I, Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer, am one not to be trifled around with, you hear?!"

"Says the person who's trifling around with my own relative! Besides, this isn't your hometown now, you know! You wouldn't even have the power to be protected by whatever-your-clan-was!"

"Nande kono baka ga..!!" Hiyoko muttered in Japanese offendedly whilst grabbing some green tea from the fridge... This situation was just too much for Ayumu to deal with...

"S-Stop you two! P-Please!!" Ayumu screamed, which drew the attention of Madison, who was busy browsing through some of the items in the area. 'Oh brother... Hiyoko got into trouble by now, didn't she..?' She thought to herself, heading over to where she heard it from... where her first sights proved her guess.

"Now why don't you back off out of my way so I can get going already, kono nurunuru shita kuso yarō...?!" She yelled at Nick angrily.

"Until you apologize to Ayumu, I'm not letting you get away with this!" He yelled back, as Ayumu was close to tears...

Seeing the chaos going on, she assertively yelled... "Okay, both of you, knock it off!!"

Nick and Hiyoko quieted down afterwards. Madison took a deep breath, cleared her throat... "I apologize for that, but given how you two are arguing and this poor girl's on the brink of tears?" She referred towards Ayumu, before going over to check on her.

"Are you alright, miss?" Madison asked her, which she slowly nodded... "Y-Yes... T-Thank you..."

Madison then turned towards both her and Nick. "And for you two, I'd like to apologize on behalf of Ms. Hiyoko Saionji's antics." Hiyoko gave her an eyeroll after she received a not-so-warm look from her. "Might we ask for your names and potentially talents too?"

Nick sighed, trying to regain his composure. "Alright..." He cleared his voice a bit, probably a bit raspy from all of that shouting. "I'm Nick Takeshi! The Ultimate Snowboarder! Pleased to make your acquaintance!... except for the blonde midget anyway..."

"HEY!" Hiyoko shouted in response. "Why I oughta—"

"Please do not start again, you two..." Madison tried to cool things between the two before they started fighting again. "Now how about you, miss?"

"O-Oh? Me? Well, um... I'm... Ayumu Takeshi... Ultimate Skier. I'm... really sorry about what happened earlier... b-between her, me, and my brother anyway..." She twiddled her fingers around nervously.

"It's alright, Ms. Ayumu. I'm just relieved we have managed to get that resolved." Hiyoko and Nick were still glaring daggers at one another. "... Mostly, anyway..."

"So, um... Who exactly... are you two and what brought you two here..?" Ayumu asked, glancing a bit away from the two.

"I'm Madison Grace, the Ultimate Child Therapist, and the girl you two had conflicted with, who you already know as Hiyoko Saionji, is the Ultimate Traditional Dancer."

"For the other part, if it wasn't SUPER OBVIOUS... I was thirsty! Duh!" Hiyoko blurted out. "Haven't you seen me rush over towards that refrigerator?!"

"Well, yeah... and you pushed us!" Nick replied, still feeling somewhat frustrated about earlier.

"Well SOOOOOORRY..! A girl can be desperate for what she wants!" Hiyoko replied with the roll of her eyes.

"I can confirm that is quite true, even with the rude toning." Madison inquired, before asking. "What about you two?"

"Me and my sis were thirsty as well." Nick replied, fanning the visible sweat off his head with his hand. "It's been pretty hot around here..!"

"U-Unbearably hot, even.." Ayumu added in.

"You know, that reminds meeeeee..." Hiyoko thought, before... "WHY ARE YOU EVEN WEARING FUCKING WINTER CLOTHES IN A GODDAMN SUNNY RESORT ISLAND?!"

"T-Thing is... we, uh... showed up at the academy with these specific clothes on..." Ayumu explained, and allowed Nick to finish for her.

"Mhm, and next thing we knew, we got knocked out cold and when we woke up, we still had these on!"

"But the thing is... Wouldn't you have ended up sweltering down to the ground by then?" Madison asked.

"We would have... but when we opened up our coats, we found these strange patches on our bodies. Take a look!" Nick explained as Ayumu proceeded to open up the left side of her coat, revealing a patch just around the hip area. It seemed to be colored white and blue, with the white being an ice cube shape.

"We, um... think that's what's causing us to not be sweltering from the summer heat..." Ayumu assumed.

"Interesting..." Madison inquired, observing the patch. "Do you happen to know who crafted those?"

"Unfortunately not..." Nick sighed. "Wish we could thank that person though... He was a lifesaver for us!"

"Well do you assume we'd have the same patches on ourselves too, brainiac..?" Hiyoko asked the therapist.

"It could be possible." She said... "After all, kimonos like yours are usually worn during the fall or winter times."

"I... guess that's true..." Hiyoko looked away for a bit as she thought to herself. 'How the hell did she even know that..?!—'

"Should we check our own clothes once we're...—" Madison tried to ask Hiyoko before she stammered a bit panicky... mostly because she couldn't even tie her own kimono. "U-Uhhh... How about let's not..?!"

"I assume you feel a bit uncomfortable? Fair enough then." Madison said. As the two talked to one another, the twins picked out their drinks from the refrigerator as originally planned. Nick took out an energy drink whilst Ayumu grabbed a bottle of milk tea.

"Anywho, I've heard your talents were the Ultimate Skier and Snowboarder respectively?" Madison asked, in which the two nodded.

"You know it! I can snowboard through any kind of mountain at high speeds, even the most dangerous ones! My sister though? She prefers to take her skills more lightly, but that doesn't mean she's a bad skier!" Nick bragged, with Ayumu nodding shyly. "She's a huge strategical prowess out there, using her agility AND not to mention some great routes!"

Ayumu, admittedly... was a bit flustered and embarrassed. "W-Well, I... um... Y-You're not wrong..."

"Interesting." Madison said, whilst Hiyoko was starting to get impatient again.

"Can we go and pay for our stuff now..? All this boring talk's making my legs itch!" She complained. "That, and I want to eat those gummies by now!"

Madison sighed, knowing that the gummies would be the only thing that would calm her down.

"Oh, alright..." Madison reluctantly said. "We'll go pay for what you have then."

"And you just reminded us we gotta pay for these too!" Nick stated, shaking his drink whilst Ayumu slowly rose her own.

"Ah, that's true. Well, come along with us then to do so if you'd like."

"Okay sure, as long as the small girl of yours doesn't start another fight..." Nick said, which prompted Hivoko to blow a childish raspberry at him.

Nick just tried to ignore that, as the group headed off with their items towards where the cash registers were at. However...

"WAAAAAAAAIIIIT!!" Hiyoko yelled, quickly stopping the group before they even went to the self-check out area. "Do any of you dummies even HAVE money in you..?!"

Realizing this, the others checked their pockets to no avail. "D-Damnit, I have nothing..!" Nick groaned.

"N-No luck here e-either..." Ayumu looked down dejectedly. "And I do not seem to have anything as well..." Madison sighed.

"S-So... you're saying... WE CAN'T ANY OF THOSE?!" Hiyoko's crocodile tears started to water out... again. "We're ALL gonna dehydrate to our deaths, aren't weeeeee?!?"

"Well... there is one other option... but that could get us in trouble..." Madison thought, and Ayumu immediately got concerned. "Y-You don't mean... s-shoplifting?!"

"I'm afraid so." Nick placed his hand on his sister's shoulder. "There are no other options available, and I don't think any authorities are present to catch us."

Hiyoko seemed a bit unsure of the decision as well, but she eventually decided... "Shoplifting's super stupid... b-but I'm doing this only for MY benefit!"

"Look likes it has been settled then." Madison said.

"Just hurry up before there's a possibility of us getting caught!" Hiyoko exclaimed, and leaving the check-outs behind, the four walked out of the supermarket, Hiyoko opening her green tea.

"G-Glad that's over with..." Ayumu sighed...

"Yeah..." Nick agreed. "And I think it might be a good time to part ways for the moment."

"Agreed..." Hiyoko said. "And thank god, too..."

"So, we shall be seeing you two soon?" Madison asked.

"Most likely!" Nick said. "Have a nice one! Oh, and make sure that girl of yours doesn't get into any more trouble next time!" He called out towards Madison.

"No promises!" Hiyoko stuck her tongue out teasingly at him, which only made Nick a bit ticked as her and Madison walked off.

"Feeling any better now?" Madsion asked Hiyoko, who was enjoying her green tea. "Definitely! Now I feel refreshed!"

"Although I'm not particularly happy on how you treated Ms. Ayumu and her brother back there..."

"Well, it's not MY fault those pig-snouted dummies were in my way!" Hiyoko gave an excuse. "When they know that they're in someone's way, they gotta get outta there! Tondemonai baka-tachi..."

Madison sighed, seeing at it'd be useless to try to change someone as stubborn as Hiyoko's opinion on her justification. "Let's just keep going..."

So the two girls kept on walking through the paved walkway, observing their surroundings. Eventually, something had caught Hiyoko's eyes...

"Hey! Madisooon!!" She tugged her jacket, who immediately turned over to her. "Look over there! There's two weirdos observing this place over there!"

Hiyoko pointed over to the boys examining the grassy area.

Taking a good look, the two girls took note of the first boy's features. Long curly and messy red/orange hair that's been tied into a small, downwards ponytail. Goggles that he put on his forehead. He had green eyes that had a small tinge of blue in them, accompanied by heavy eye bags and freckles. He looked to have oil smudged on on his face at the moment.

His outfit was a dirty lab coat over a greyish beige cardigan. There was a strange pair of glasses hooked into the collar of the coat. He wore a tool belt and had a pair of black rubber gloves on. In his pocket was multiple small pieces of scrap metal, wires, and a pocket knife. His pants were black with oil and color splashed on them. He wore black rubber boots which the design resembled a fire. Both flames were dark orange and yellow.

As for the other boy, his hair was white as snow, with blotches of slime green coloring in the front part of the hair and his eyes being a baby blue color. He looked to be of somewhat of a muscular build, and wore a trench coat with multiple amounts of pockets containing gadgets of sorts. Underneath his trench coat was a grey and green shirt of sorts, with baggy cargo pants and big beige boots around his feet.

"I say we go check out what they're doing!" She suggested. "Maybe those science looking-nerds could know something we don't..?"

"That's a good point..." Madison thought about it. "Alright then. Let's see what's up."

Hiyoko and Madison approached the two boys that were looking around.

The white-haired boy was the first of the two to see them.

"Ah! Friend Ichigo! Kenshiro found people! And they no ghosts!" He exclaimed over to the red-haired boy.

"Ah?" The boy, whose name seemed to be Ichigo, turned over to them. "Well, wasn't expecting to find any company during this time..! I assume you two also got washed up?"

"Take a wild guess..." Hiyoko commented in a bored tone.

"So that's a yes then..." Ichigo thought to himself. "That just further proves my hypothesis on that being the method of how everyone managed to arrive here! Although how we even arrived from being washed over still remains in question..."

"If it helps, we can confirm that some others have said to have also been washed up here as well..." Madison added in.

"Ah, well, how convenient then." Ichigo thought, before the white-haired boy tapped him. "Shouldn't we introduce ourselves to new friends?"

"A-Ah, right! Almost forgot about that..!" Ichigo said a bit sheepishly. "N-Now then..! I'm Ichigo Natsuki, the Ultimate Inventor! Pleased to meet the both of you!"

"And me... I'm... Kenshiro Ikari! Ultimate Paranormal Investigator! Kenshiro is happy to make new friends!" He happily greeted.

"It is nice to meet you. I'm Madison Grace, the Ultimate Child Therapist. The little-"


"... SMALL girl next to me is Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer."

"So what were you two dummies doing looking around this area anyway?" Hiyoko asked with a snarky attitude. "If an inventor like you would really think that you'd even find anything remotely useful when your own search area is in the middle of nowhere... then I'd say you're probably like a lighthouse in a desert: bright, but mostly useless!"

"Thanks for the compliment..." Ichigo sarcastically said. "But anywho, we're mainly looking here to see if there could be any valuable resources for something useful we could craft! A radio specifically!"

Kenshiro nodded. "We use radio to send signals to radio tower to seek help from authorities! Kenshiro think it's foolproof!"

"That sounds about complicated as hell..." Hiyoko said.

"Well, not unless if you have an understanding in mechanics and the right materials, it could be!" Ichigo stated. "Me and my companion here are in search of copper mainly, but we're also looking forward to find any silicon, plastic, ferrite, wires, or aluminum amongst the the island in which we're located in!"

"Friend Ichigo also look for any materials contain polypropylene polymers, for they useful to us!" Kenshiro added in. "And potentially electronics to dismantle for circuit board, too."

Hiyoko leaned upwards to get close to Madison's height and whispered to her. "Sounds like those two ironed their own brains out too much..."

Madison simply stood silent about Hiyoko's comment as Ichigo continued on. "Why, yes, that's correct. We... haven't had the best of luck of finding the required materials needed for our tinkering, but I'm sure we'll be able to find something sooner or later! Hopefully, anyway..."

"Perhaps friends found anything interesting?" Kenshiro asked, which was answered by Madison nodding slowly, and Hiyoko remarking... "Nope... Besides, we were more focused on finding answers! Which only led to more questions if anything..."

"Ah... Well that's disappointing..." Kenshiro sighed. "But guess that mean more looking around! Maybe Kenshiro could even find ghosts..?"

"Pfft, aren't those dumb things just suuuuper spooky fantasy or whatever..?" Hiyoko snickered a bit. "For someone with a big brain, you definitely seem gullible as hell!"

"You may think ghosts fake, but Kenshiro knows ghosts are very, very real!" Kenshiro said with a gleaming confidence. "Kenshiro isn't Ultimate Paranormal Investigator for no reason! If there were ghosts lying around, Kenshiro would try to get 'em to prove to you!"

"Yeah... Whatever you say..." Hiyoko rolled her eyes unamusingly.

"As for me, I have a bit of a knack for inventing a lot of different machinery to help those that are in need!" Ichigo proudly stated, fixing his goggles a bit. "Sure, some of them... don't work as well as I've hoped at times, but I'll always try to improve upon their flaws if that happens to be the case!"

Madison whispered to Hiyoko. "Those two will be useful in the case we need to formulate a plan on escaping this place..." This left the small blonde reluctantly nodding to her statement.

"We're hoping for the radio signaling to be successful. As long as if the radio towers in here are working, I'd predict we'd be out of here in approximately a few days or so!"

"That's relieving... We do hope your ventures go well, Ichigo and Kenshiro. Do update us on the radio if we get the chance to meet up again."

"Don't worry, ma'am, we won't forget! We and my friend wish you happy travels!" Ichigo wished them farewell, with Kenshiro waving as well.

"Have nice day!" The latter yelled over before the two continued to look for their needed supplies, whilst Hiyoko and Madison walked off to continue their explorations.

"Well, at least we do know of one method on getting out of this place." Madison tried to give a bright side to Hiyoko, who was drinking her bottled green tea. "I guess... b-but I still don't completely trust those two!"

"I suppose that is a bit natural, considering they were strangers and all..." Madison thought about that a bit. "Regardless, it's best if we try to find other people and get acquainted with them. Who knows if relations could be valued at some point later on."

"Yeah... sure..." Hiyoko said sarcastically, and then thought to herself... 'As if I'd be able to trust anyone else anyway..!'

The two marched onwards, but soon enough... they'll manage to find some other new faces, with some seemingly like total opposites in personality like those two were.

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