Chapter 5: The Good, The Bad, and The Lovestruck

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[A/N: Quick reminder that all characters except Hiyoko that are shown throughout the fic, and the fangan that it's based on itself, belong to DrewFrostStorm. He also helps proofread to see if his characters are being written as in-character as possible. Please check out the original Fangan on his profile if possible, and I thank him for making this whole thing possible in the first place! Now onto the story!]


It was all that occurred between the two females as they walked towards the western side of the island.

Neither of the two really had much that they could say to each other. Not even Hiyoko had anything in her mind to complain about.

Seeing as it was starting to get a bit awkward, Madison decided she'd at least try to get some small talk started between the two. After all, it could help pass out the time.

"Hmm... the scenery has been looking really nice, don't you think?"

"Meh..." Hiyoko shrugged and rolled her eyes. "It's all just typical tropical resort stuff. Well, I haven't really gone outside my country's range AT ALL, but I've at least heard experiences from other dummies who were willing to waste away their money like immature teenagers..."

"You should probably take this experience as a way to expand your horizons then." Madison advised her. "Take in on the sights and new things you could encounter. In all fairness, this whole thing could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, even if we had gotten here from shady circumstances."

"Look, let me be window clear to you, four eyes!" Hiyoko told her in a serious manner. "I'd probably bask into the sun on a blanket if I wanted to and had the time... but let's be honest here. Something about this place just seems fishy, almost as if it's too good to even be true! A resort place that's seemingly abandoned? No service around here? Everything seemingly in perfect condition despite the fact that only rando castaways have been around here? This has to be some sort of hostage situation or secret trap like the war giant and the spider fanatic theorized!"

"Hmm... Well, you do raise some good points there in all honesty..." Madison thought. "Perhaps this theory of theirs might happen to be more likely than we once thought..."

"Of course I did AND of course it could! I, at least, have a functioning brain!" Hiyoko bragged to herself, as Madison seemed to notice something. "But then again... these resorts aren't even complete without one of those random hotels lying around, and do I even see a single hotel around this place? No I have NOT! And would we probably see one at this rate? Highly DOUBT IT!"

"Ms. Saionji?" Madison alerted her, much to her irritation.

"What is iiiiit..?!" Hiyoko turned to her, and then noticed what Madison was trying to point out.

"You might want to put those doubts of yours to rest."

Taking a good look over the outside of the Hotel, Hiyoko was a tad thrown off, mostly due to jinxing herself. This Hotel seemed to be five stories high, and was decorated quite beautifully. In the front was a rather large fountain, with the architecture of the hotel looking both modern yet fancy. The front having an awning with eight supporting pillars to hold it all up. Due to the now incoming sunset, the building gave off a yellowish glow, and revealing rather fancy rooms with what windows weren't covered by curtains.

"Next time, remind me to keep my mouth shut whenever I jinx things like that..." The traditional dancer sarcastically told the therapist. "But either way, might as well see what's in there... I guess..."

The two walked inside the hotel, where they arrived at the lobby. Entering the Lobby of the Hotel, Hiyoko observed quietly at the sheer details of the room. Twin free floating spiral staircases that looked like DNA helixes led up presumably towards one of the many floors that the hotel seemed to have. The walls with finely carved and decorated wood, colored with gold leaf trim.

A stained glass window was in the back behind a front desk that showed a Black and White Cat, and a Husky/Shepard mix. The entire scene looked somewhat similar to something out of Dante's Inferno, which one would presumably guess... Hiyoko didn't though, since she wasn't particularly a fan of the fast-based combat game genres. She was more into monster-catching RPGs or cute character platformers. Aside from the overall scene, the floor was made of fine marble, with decorations such as flower vases filled with bouquets carefully placed amongst the fancy-looking furniture of the area, and busts of historical figures as well. However, the faces... strangely contained the same cat character as in the stained glass.

"Someone here seems to love cats." Hiyoko smugly chuckled to herself. "Either they're one crazy cat loser, or someone just REALLY wanted to also make this a hotel for cats..."

"A bit much, if you ask me." Madison noted.

"As a someone who..." Hiyoko sighed before admitting begrudgingly... "... loves cats a lot in all honesty... Even I thought whoever was in charge of the architecture went like a complete nut-job with them!"

She then eyed towards the service counter, which noticeably had no one occupying it.

"And don't even tell my face that no one is managing this place even with this place's details AT ALL!"

Hiyoko marched up towards the counter, tip-toeing up to reach the service bell and ring it. Much to her chagrin...

"Of COURSE I'd end up being right..." The petite dancer said in frustration. "It's official. We are DEFINITELY in an unoriginal hostage situation."

"I suppose most of the arrows do point towards that outcome..." Madison adjusted her glasses as she took a look for herself. Something did catch her attention though. A crucifix containing what was presumed to be Jesus on one of the walls of the lobby. However, it was a cat. That same cat whose head was on the artifacts, and the stained glass. The cat was a mixture of black and white across its body, with one eye being blue and catlike, and the other being a robotic eye with a blood red color.

"I've changed my mind." Madison said, looking a bit weirded out from the different crucifix. "The amount of cat decorations isn't just a 'bit' much... It's more than that."

"Yeah. TELL ME ABOUT IT!" Hiyoko said in agreement.

"Could one say it's... more pussy than you could handle?"

"A-Ah?!" Hiyoko was stunned from the sudden voice. "Who said that?!" GAAAAAAH!!!" She turned frantically, only to find the source of the voice who was right on her behind.

"Boo." He simply said playfully.

"G-GAAAH!!!" This made Hiyoko jump back a bit, almost bumping into Madison. Though, she did notice that sense of company as well.

"Wow... Is scaring people your second favorite hobby now?" Another, albeit more monotonous and sarcastic voice called out. "Way to go on ACTUALLY getting a life for yourself..."

Upon first glance, the first person had slightly long blonde hair with colored highlights that represented a flag of sorts. Containing Yellow, Baby Blue, and Pink. His eyes were pink, presumably from colored contacts. He wore a blue denim vest, with a few pins on the side of the jacket, and a yellow undershirt. Around his legs were black jeans, along with a pair of White sneakers. Around his right wrist were a blue silicone band and a pink silicone band, with a choker around his neck. The choker seeming to have a heart dangling from the center, that was patterned Yellow, Black, and Purple.

The other boy however, looked far different. He was dressed in a black beanie with what looked like a pin of a crying child on his beanie, and a red cube with a toothy smile staring back. His eyes looked to be an Amber yellow, with his hair a dark black and around his body was an open black hoodie. Beneath it, a Graphic Tee that read Welcome to the Game with a skull in the center. His pants had been torn in some places, with a chain around his left side and what looked like red sneakers around his feet.

'Of FUCKING course there would be even more of those fucking morons..!' Hiyoko agitatedly thought to herself.

"Hey there, ladiiiiies!" The colorful boy greeted whilst the other boy remained silent and a bit distant from the former.

"Oh fuck me... First I had to go through the insane idiots, now I see probably the most generic and stereotypical high school losers someone could ever encounter..!" Hiyoko said grumpily, crossing her arms.

"And first impressions here are already a bitch..." the monochromatic boy groaned with similar frustration. "Why should I even be surprised when I'm already stuck with this annoying lovey-dovey?"

"I think you meant... a CHARMING lovey-dovey!" The colorful boy teasingly corrected him.

"More-so the exact opposite of it..." He replied back... "And I doubt you two would even be better than what I had to go through him..!"

"Perhaps a polite introduction could help steer your opinion?" Madison suggested, trying to introduce herself to the two. "I'm Madison Grace, the Ultimate Child Therapist. The person next to me is Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer."

"Those are pretty nice names and talents!" The colorful boy answered. "The name's Aaron Finley, the Ultimate Matchmaker! The grumpy guppy over there's Toshiro Yamato, the Ultimate Game Designer. Don't mind his mood. He's most likely not a people person."

"Wow... That's the first time since the moment I've ever met you that you've actually said something that wouldn't give you a failing report card in school..." Toshiro commented with an eye-roll. aside from that childish guppy nickname..."

"Well hey, when I'm not wrong, I'm clearly not wrong!" Aaron chuckled which Toshiro ignored.

Hiyoko obviously didn't seem too fond of the new guys... Toshiro just seemed like your normal edgy kid who's all stuck in on his emo phase... and Aaron looked and acted the part of the ditsy himbo preppy kid you'd normally see in a high school setting... If anything, those pigs

"God, did the Matchmaker go through an easter egg coloring factory or something..?!" Hiyoko insulted him as per usual.'"There's too much reds, blues, and yellows that it's making my head spin!"

"It's just style preferences, lil' lady." Aaron said, placing his arms behind his head and looking away. "Everyone has their own tastes, and I have mine!"

Hiyoko ignored his words and looked towards Toshiro. "And you seem like the everyday Hot Topic customer who always comes in for the edgy clothing picks... and I wouldn't be too surprised if you vaped at least once at your age..."

Toshiro... didn't seem to feel that insulted at all.

"Is that seriously the best you can come up with, kid? And if that wasn't even more laughable already, what's a child doing partaking in something like traditional dancing with the attitude of an annoying crotch goblin? If you wanna be traditional with something, you can be titled the traditional stereotypical horse face brat that has to act like a bitch in order to get any and all forms of attention..."

This... surprisingly left Hiyoko speechless. It was as if her insulting game was way out of her own league! She'd try to open her mouth to strike back, but having a feeling that she'd get struck down with another big boy's insult like his, she merely backed down.

"That's what I thought you'd do... Maybe now you can take your gravity-defying hair back to the jungle trees where it belongs..?"

"Okaaaay, maybe you should put that pan of yours down before your food burns, alright?" Aaron said in-between the two, trying to ease down the situation before things could go bad.

"And waste my time continuing to listen to Angelica Pickles over there whine more?" Toshiro scoffed. "As if I'd want to still hang around with idiots like you..."

"Like I said... he's not exactly a people person..!" Aaron tried to awkwardly end the bashing.

"I... see..." Madison observed... Toshiro seemed like someone she'd have to be wary of with his attitude... "I do have to ask... if you two don't seem to like each other—"

"I like him!" Aaron interjected, before Madison continued.

"... Why did you two seem to stick together through the whole time you've been here?"

Aaron smiled cheekily at this. "I suppose he just couldn't get enough of me!"

Toshiro groaned. "I already told you that I didn't even LIKE you. I only stuck with you because it was either me or that religious whoreba—"

"My, my... Are we having a little party over here?" A male's voice spoke, walking over towards the group of four.

Upon just realizing who said that, Toshiro just stated disappointedly... "Oh, you have got to be FUCKING kidding me..."

Along with the other three, Hiyoko also took a chance to look over what the new guy was wearing. He seemed to have black hair tied up into a ponytail with bright blue eyes, and what looked like a little lily flower in his hair. His outfit consisted of Black, white, and yellow colors and looked to be that of a priest robe, with black pants and boots to match. He also wore white gloves on his hands. The others (except Toshiro) might find him normal, but to Hiyoko... something about the man's aura just struck him as suspicious to her...

"Ah, I sense some familiar faces around here, albeit there's one..." He looked over towards Hiyoko. "... that I have no clue of..."

She just stuck out her tongue at him, clearly not trusting the man.

"Ah, Dennis. Didn't expect to see you again this soon." Madison greeted him, which left both Toshiro and Hiyoko shocked.

"Woahwoahwoahwait, you already KNOW that uggo?!" Hiyoko exclaimed.

"And also, you actually TOLERATE that motherfucker?!" Toshiro followed soon after.

"I don't exactly tolerate this mother... 'f'er,' as you call him." Madison corrected Toshiro before continuing. "Merely, I woke up alongside him and Ryu earlier. Of course, Hiyoko was with us too but... she seemed to take much longer to wake up, a long enough time for Dennis to take his leave."

"Well then... it's lovely to know that we have one less foul mouth here." Dennis stated. "That said, she's correct. Since were merely strangers here, I simply tolerate and respect her existence, the same that I feel for the rest of you."

"Well we don't..." Both Hiyoko and Toshiro muttered to themselves in unison.

"Awww! Looks like our resident spiteful grumps finally found something in common with each other!" Aaron cutely said as the two just turned towards him in frustration.

"S-SHUT UP!!" Both once again stated in unison, before... "AND STOP SAYING EVERYTHING AT THE SAME TIME AS I DO!"

"Settle down, you two." Dennis interjected. "Quarreling amongst ourselves will not solve anything. After all it's like the Bible said on Proverbs 17:14, 'Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.'"

"And these are one of the reasons on why I want to shove that damn book of yours right into your cork-hole..." Toshiro groaned as he pulled his beanie down onto his face.

"I dunno, I thought it was pretty inspiring!" Aaron said. "Why fight when we could all share the love with one another?"

"And add that to my 'many reasons on why I cannot stand Aaron' list as well." Toshiro grumbled, tugging his hat further down onto his face.

"I hate to butt into this..." Madison interrupted. "... but shouldn't we let Dennis introduce himself properly to Hiyoko? She's the only one who neither have wholly greeted yet as far as I can remember."

"As much as I hate to agree... she has a point..." Hiyoko groaned. "Breakfast Club, zip it for a minute, let the Jesus freak introduce himself and watch as my already trashy slimy opinion on him doesn't change!"

"Why... thank you for the kind words, little child." Dennis stated whilst offering a handshake, which the child part grinded Hiyoko's already moving gears. "My name is Dennis Lincoln, and you may refer to me as the Ultimate Priest. It's charming to meet you, Ms. Hiyoko... and your talent is?"

"Traditional Dancer..." The angered petite rolled her eyes as she only used her fingers to shake. "But don't you judge me by my damn size, Lily-dud! Or I might as well tie your Christian tongue right on a crucifix!"

"My..! That's one attitude for a Traditional Dancer..." Dennis said... barely even trying to sound surprised. "Definitely not something I would have expected from one." This just raised more suspicious flags for Hiyoko.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever... Just go show your mediocre morals to someone who actually cares now!" Hiyoko clearly wasn't in the mood to talk to the priest any further, who he didn't seem taken aback.

"Very well then." Dennis said, backing a bit. "I'll respect your boundaries as you see fit. It was interesting getting to know you few, however."

Dennis waved before going off to explore more of the hotel himself.

"It was HORRIFYING in my eyes..." Toshiro snarked. "... and I should be thanking myself that he's gone now and I won't have to hang around with you lot any longer. You can all go do whatever the hell your minds desire. I'm out."

Toshiro soon left shortly after, heading the opposite direction of Dennis's, just to make sure he doesn't have to run into him again.

"Welp, guess that leaves me, myself, and I with you two!" Aaron said cheerfully, though the two ladies seemed to be a bit silent. "Sooo... got any thoughts you'd like to share to fill in the awkwardness?"

"Well, me and Hiyoko have been theorizing what we've been gathering here for..." Madison affirmed.

"And I ninety-nine percent believe that we're ALL being held hostage!" Hiyoko claimed in a serious tone. "The signs just all point to it!"

"Interesting choice... but you want to know what I think?"


"Go ahead." Hiyoko gave a weird look to Madison afterwards for letting Aaron present his theory as he prepared to share...

"Like I said to a certain Graffiti Artist icon, and an Ice Skaking Princess... What if... this is some dating show of sorts and we've all been gathered here to participate in it?" Aaron theorized. "I think that'd be pretty cool!"

"That... is probably one of THE most braindead theories that I've EVER heard..." Hiyoko deadpanned at him, especially with all of the evidence both seemed to have gathered about.

"Let it known that it's just a theory, hun!" Aaron winked at her in a teasing manner, which made her cross her arms and look away. "Aaaaaand judging from your looks classy Banana gal, Maddie. I think she MIGHT have repressed feelings for your you over there! Then again, can't blame her that much! You're quite the cutie, and look to be a cat person too!"

"W-What?! That's just a bunch of r-rotten BALONEY!!" Hiyoko yelled in a flustered manner. Madison, though, seemed unfazed.

"Ahh... Well, thank you for the compliment, Mr... Umm, actually, might I ask? Do you go by any specific pronouns, or..?"

Aaron simply shrugged. "Whatever makes you two the most comfortable. He, She, Them! I'm good with any of 'em! Just like I am in the field of love!"

"Love, huh..?" Madison looks down with a forelorn look. She looked as if she shuddered upon the thought of that word... "That's... mildly interesting..."

Hiyoko didn't show this externally, but she had some thoughts in the inside that seemed concerned over it...

'Man, she seems... kinda upset by the thought of love. I mean, yeah, it's disgusting in all honesty, like the identity crisis over there, but...

Who could have hurt her so much that she just shudders at the mention of the word alone..?'

Her inner, unmasked thoughts were soon interrupted by the child therapist herself tapping the deep-in-thought petite.

"Ms. Saionji? Are you alright over there? You seem to be thinking of something."

"I-It's nothing, four eyes!" Hiyoko answered, trying to hide her inner intentions. "Just trying to think over my theory a bit, that's all!"

"Hmmm... very well then." Madison chose to believe Hiyoko, much to her relief.

"Well anywho... if you're wonderin' how experienced I am in the field, you should probs ask my Ultimate talent!" Aaron winked towards the duo. "I help others on trying to find their own dream dates and even offer relationship advice when they're really in a struggle!"

She then looked a bit awkward. "I... myself... don't really have anyone yet, sadly... but I'm sure it'll change soon enough. Just gotta keep that positive attitude in check!"

"I... see... how interesting." Madison said, still feeling a little uncomfortable regarding the present topic.

"You bet your buttons it is!" Aaron said gleefully, them smiling brightly at the two. "And... come to think of it, now all of that talking might make me lose my own charming voice..." She chuckled a bit awkwardly.

"I'll go take a bit of a rest myself, but hey, it was great getting to know you two! Perhaps either one of us could become something more in the future..?"

"Over my small body!" Hiyoko remarked towards him.

"I guess only fate will find that answer out for everyone." They said. "But until then... it's all up in the air, unlike this conversation's conclusion! I'll be hanging around nearby. If ya need me, you know where to charm me!"

Aaron moved off towards one of the nearby chairs to relax herself for a few moments. While Madison tried to regroup herself from the uncomfortable situation she was put in, Hiyoko went to her own repressing thoughts...

'God, those three might have been the MOST painstakingly group of idiots that I've seen YET! It's basically like I'm surrounded by SO MANY IDIOTS in isolation! Place me in one packed location with everyone that I've met already, and I'll likely be rewarded with a free trip off to the mental ward!'

After ranting a bit about her compadres, her mind went towards a different matter.

'Though on the other hand... that theory on all of us being hostages... Why should I not be surprised that it might just come true in a second's notice? We all have our own talents, somehow gotten knocked off and soon kidnapped from the school all the way to this junk, and there had to be an explanation on why every single place here looked empty whilst everything else looked as if it was in perfect condition! Now I just hope that the Sheer-luck Holmes loser that I've met along with Madison at the start somehow finds anything else useful that could help prove my theory...'

Just as Hiyoko was finishing her thought, a loud, shrilled, and obnoxious voice came over the loudspeakers that somehow managed to chill Hiyoko to her core. That feeling overtook her body, as she felt like she was frozen in place. Unable to run from whatever potential danger could come next, or fearing more so... What or who was about to reveal themselves now. Could this also potentially link towards her already majorly proven hostage theory..?

"Attention Please, Attention!" A raspy feminine voice came over the speakers. "Oh god, my voice sounds like shit! One moment please!"

The voice disappeared, as another voice came onto the loudspeaker, but it seemed more...shrill, afraid, and timid than the previous.

"Uhm... Goo-Good day, fellow Islanders. Gosh, I-hope she doesn't hear me... Anyways, please uhm.. report to the Bakkato Island Resort Hotel for a special introduction. We here at B-Bakatto Island are... excited to... have all of you. For... a very, hopefully wonderful Island experience." The voice said, but in a rather... foreboding voice... almost like they were scared to reveal some sort of truth that was lying around.

"Well... We're already here, so that thankfully wastes less precious time on my hands..." Hiyoko muttered to Madison.

"Seems like it, although that loudspeaker announcement seems odd, especially with the two differing voices... but whatever happens throughout the meeting, let's try to remain calm and mature about it, alright?"

"Yeah... sure..." Hiyoko reluctantly nodded as the two stood to wait for the others to come over to the resort hotel to find out just what's happening... Hiyoko already had a sinking feeling about the future to come, but it can't possibly be as worse than she already thought it was... right?

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