Chapter 6: Big Reveals When You Leash Expect Them

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Hiyoko and Madison stood around the hotel lobby, waiting for everyone else inhabiting the island to group up. Madison looked towards her, trying to think of something to converse about. She knew how Hiyoko could get impatient at times, and she didn't want the long wait to be too long for her standards...

"Hmm... I suggest with the time we have, perhaps it would be best if we could try to get to know each other before any of the others arrive here? By asking things about each other, there's a chance we could become more well-acquainted."

Hiyoko wanted to scoff at the idea... She didn't need any friends, let alone when you're surrounded by mostly insane-in-the-brain morons! That's if they even have any at all... but then again, there wasn't much she could have done without getting bored to bits. So ultimately, she didn't have much of a choice.

"Alright, fine..." Hiyoko sighed. "... but only so I don't get bored..."

She wasn't really the best at genuine social conversation, but if it means passing the time... she thought it wouldn't hurt to try. Now all she had to do was think of a good question for Madison...

"Okay... so what was up with you earlier?" Hiyoko asked, which Madison looked confused about.

"What do you mean?"

"You know! You looking sad back there? When Aaron mentioned something about love and all?" Hiyoko explained, showing a tiny bit of unmasked concern from her voice. "That obviously wasn't normal for someone as stoic as you!"

Madison immediately went silent. Hiyoko raised her eyebrow. It had to be something personal, wasn't it?

"... It was someone who I knew back home... but that is isn't important currently." Madison said, partly dodging from explaining any further.

Hiyoko's assumptions were true. It did seem to be personal...

"Alright, fine... w-whatever... keep those thoughts to yourself... but if those thoughts piles onto you emotionally later, don't come crawling back to me for that!"

Madison looked away a bit as Hiyoko tried to think of another topic to get her head off of it.

"Okay, okay... how about your favorite food? You OBVIOUSLY already know mine, so I think you should tell me yours!"

This did seem to help distract Madison from earlier, as she thought about her answer... "Well, I don't particularly have a specific favorite... but I did have a love for omelettes in all honesty. You know, like fried eggs being folded up with different fillings. Say, vegetables and mushrooms for example."

"Yeah... I've already heard of those kinda stuff..." Hiyoko stated. "I prefer mine with mirin, bonito flakes, soy sauce and the like... Just between you and I, and this is probably the ONLY time I ever tell you something like this since I've known you more than anyone else here, so be lucky..!" Hiyoko claimed before looking away a tad bit. "I... sometimes have some with fried rice, crab meat, and stir-fried yakisoba noodles..."

"That's quite an interesting combination if I've heard of one, in all honesty..." Madison nodded, listening throughly. "I do appreciate you being honest there."

"Hey, I'm honest like 110% of the time!" Hiyoko claimed. "Anyone who doesn't believe me as so should probably wash their brains around until it's all clear from all of the junk it collected over the years..!"

Madison smirked a little at that, finding that a bit amusing in her eyes.

"Hey!! What's so funny?!" Hiyoko asked her, feeling offended... because of course she would.

"It's nothing." Madison said, trying to hide the reasoning from her. "Just something in my head that made me laugh a bit."

"You better be truthful there, child-stalker..." Hiyoko looked away with pouting.

"On the topic of fried rice though, I actually did enjoy that while on a trip to Japan to deal with children that were in need of me." Madison reminisced a bit. "Tempura, takoyaki, and donburi were just a few of those examples. Though overall, I'd say I'm quite adventurous when it comes to food... probably not to the levels of Dora, probably, but I'll try anything that isn't slimy, anything that's over my standards of gross, or... let's just say things that should be out of the question. How about you, Ms. Saionji?"

"Yeesh, you really want to know my other tastes..?" Hiyoko asked her. "Just let it be known I'm a bit closeted over here..! I'm strictly Japanese-made products and delicacies only!" She boasted. "I'm not laying a finger on anything that isn't what I like! Not even icky sour or spicy stuff is gonna touch that tongue of mine! ESPECIALLY if whoever those kidnappers were are serving us food that's tainted with poison!"

'A picky eater, hmm...' Madison observed in her mind. 'Seems like an issue that might inevitably have to be dealt with soon now that we're stuck on a remote island...'

As the two continued to converse, with Aaron eventually nudging in a bit later on, the rest of the islanders began to arrive group by group. Of course, Toshiro and Dennis were the first to arrive back since they only left the area not long ago, much to the former's chagrin. The others came in as time patiently passed, until it was Evelyn who became the last to arrive inside... mostly due to being as drunk as when Hiyoko and Madison first met her.

"So this is the hotel that loudspeaker junk mumbled about..?" Evelyn commented, seemingly on hangover.

"Seems like it to me, Ms. Hawley." Dennis commented. "And..."

He then laid his eyes on the cat crucifix, which he hadn't noticed earlier. He was met with it with disgust.

"Oh, for the love of God, what is this unholy abomination..?!" Dennis asked angrily.

"Unholy abomination? Pretty sure you're speaking for yourself there." Toshiro remarked, smirking all the while.

"I don't know... Needs more Spiders in here!" Roxy shouted with enthusiasm. "Not that all of the kitties were bad or anything!"

'"U-Uhm... Nick?" Ayumu asked, tugging at her brothers sleeve. "It's... It's too loud in here, I.. I'm feeling a bit... s-scared."

"I- can agree with that, sis. One second." Nick said to Ayumu as he stood tall. "Everyone? Can we- CAN WE CALM DOWN PLEASE?!"

"You! Its my Job to yell and put everyone in their places! EVERYONE BE QUIET!" Roger shouted assertively, as Ayumu backed down in fear shaking badly.

"Jesus, if you can't handle a literal group of people talking about the usual nonsense, then I LITERALLY have no idea on how you even lived up to this point without isolating your own dumbass from the world!" Hiyoko scoffed at Ayumu mockingly, finding her cowardice of something so simple stupid in her eyes.

This made Ayumu's mood get much worse... Of course, this gained Hiyoko furious glares from some of the others, such as Nick, Haru, and Madison, the latter of which had the vibes of a mother bear preying on her enemies...

This intimidated Hiyoko that much that she managed to back away. "Alright, f-fine!! I'll take it back!!"

"That's what I thought..." Nick said coldly at her.

"That aside... I apologize, miss Roger said, bowing to Ayumu. "Please forgive my rude tone! I simply want to ensure we stay diligent and ready for any threat!"

"There's better ways to do that, Mr Davidson." Kai sighed, as he stood assertively. "Everyone, we must remain calm and figure out whats going on."

"Well, where do we even start with that?!" Evelyn asked begrudgingly. "Secondly, I'm ready to just... lay back in bed and... I don't know, sleep for the next few weeks or so..?" Evelyn yawned. "Maybe even for a month if I have to..."

"I think its safe to say that both you and Ryu would never make it out in the field of battle..." Milo spoke directly. "... and not to mention the small kid there, too."

"HEY!" Hiyoko shouted. "I'm not THAT weak, y-you giant doofus!"

Evelyn rolled her eyes. "I'm already in a battlefield with my producers who watch my ass 24/7... and with said kid that won't stop botherin' my ass... and not to mention the kid you've just mentioned..? She was EXTREMELY anno—"

Hiyoko looked at her with happy baby-doll eyes... of course, being her biggest fan and all, she had to play nice with her idol compared to... well, everyone else.

"... Extreeeemely anGELIC when I first met up with her..!" Evelyn sighed in defeat. Despite being drunk, she did think it'd be best not to hurt her feelings.

"Ay dios mío..." Dora spoke, trying to compose herself from the shenanigans of everyone else, as then... she noticed something. "Hmm.." She walked to the front desk and began ringing the bell. "¿Hola?
¿Estuvieron aquí debido al anuncio?"

"... What's she saying?" Neku asked, as Haru shook her head. "Unfortunately, I'm... not entirely sure... I may understand some Spanish, but I'm not entirely an expert at it..."

Dora turned around and to the others. "No sign of anyone, Amigos..."

"N-No sign of any humans?!" Ichigo nervously asked.

"Wow... How SURPRISING..." Hiyoko stated sarcastically, having figured out that fact earlier.

As Ichigo eyed to the material of the stairs, he took a note at something odd. "Huh. Actually, hold on a minute. This may be unrelated, but... try observing this."

"... It's a staircase." Toshiro stared back unamused. "What in the heck is so special about your usual everyday transportation..?"

"W-Wait lemme explain!" Ichigo reassured. "This staircase here goes against physics, since there's no central support to keep it together! Naturally, it'd be safe to go up, but.. you think it makes you wonder who could afford any of this?!"

"Perhaps... someone with lots of money!" Kenshiro exclaimed, as Toshiro rolled his eyes. "Yeah, no shit
Captain Obvious."

"It... is still peculiarly odd to see, though..." Ichigo said. "Hmm... May someone try opening some of the doors over on the left and right side?"

"I'll give it a shot." Dora volunteered, rushing over to the left side doors, attempting to open... but to no avail...

"It didn't budge at all." She told the others, as Kai stepped up to try it out next. He pulled... and pulled... but unfortunately, even with his muscular bod, not another budge was made. "Okay... I don't think any one of us could get that thing open..."

"... Did you dumbasses maybe consider THAT'S AN AUTOMATIC DOOR?!" Toshiro exclaimed angrily.

"Oh! Kenshiro try to help!" Kenshiro shouted, walking to the door. Clapping and then putting his hands forward, he shouted... "Open Sesame!"


"Well... Kenshiro's tried all he could." Kenshiro said sadly, as Ichigo rubbed Kenshiros arm in encouragement. "Dont feel bad Kenshiro, you tried at least!"

"God, I really am surrounded by idiots..." Hiyoko muttered to herself...

"Guys... maybe we could just wait 'till further instruction from... whoever spoke from that loudspeaker?" Ryu shrugged. "Though then again... doing that's pretty damn boring..."

"Anyone think to investigate the upstairs portions of the hotel?" Nick asked curiously. "If not? I GOT DIBS!"

Nick ran up the stairs fast until reaching out of sight, as Ayumu once more looked nervous, likely out of worries for her very impulsive brother. Fidgeting her fingers back and forth in fear, as Nick could be heard upstairs. "I found another door, but it's not budging!"

"For now, we should at least-" Kai began before suddenly... a feint voice was heard...

"Uhm... A-Attention please?" A timid voice came from behind the front desk. "P-Please... Don't try to open the doors. Uhm... orientation is first and foremost!"

"Who said that?" Kai asked with concern, as Roxy shouted. "IT'S THE PIZZA MAN! I'll have a double cheese pizza with pretzel crust please!"

"I... don't think its the pizza man, Roxy." Haru nervously chuckled. "Hmm..." She stepped forward.
"Uhm... sir? Or... ma'am? Whoever you are? What's going on here?"

"This some reality dating show or something?" Aaron chuckled. "If so, I'll take the Ginger Cupcake who knows Science."

"GYAHHH! M-MX. FINLEY!!" Ichigo stuttered.

"You can call me Mr., ya know... or Mrs... Depends on whos wearin' the dress in this potential relationship."
Aaron teased with a finger gun.

"... You can't SERIOUSLY  think that's gonna end up being the case, can you?" Dennis sighed.

"And I thought the same thing..." Hiyoko pouted.

Dennis thought to himself. "However, with the lack of other humans... It doesn't seem like that ridiculous theory could ultimately be 100% false..."

Roger stood diligently and sighed. "All we ask is for some answers! Are we allowed to be given those first and foremost?"

"W-Well... If you'd... give me some time to introduce myself? Yes." The timid voice spoke.

"Well make it quick already!!" Hiyoko whined. "We've been standing here for who knows how in the hell long, and we're getting IMPATIENT! Ugh! If you're a tour guide, I'd give you negative five stars by then... and this is coming from someone who hates tourism!"

As Nick came back from upstairs, he took a look at the front desk and narrowed his eyes. "Better yet, I think I have an idea." He smirked, as he ran over to the front desk, leaping over.

"Nick, no!" Ayumu shouted, as Nick looked under the desk and came back up confused. "Uhm... guys?"

"Anything back there, kid?" Milo asked, as Nick pointed. "There's a weird trap door of sorts under this chair... A little speaker too right under the counter. What in the world..?"

"... Uhm... Mr. Takeshi? Sir?" The timid voice spoke.
"Please move, so... I may introduce myself to all of you."

As Nick bounced back to everyone waiting up front, everyone watched on in worry fearing what was to come. The lights going out for but a moment, leading Evelyn to scream in terror. "JESUS CHRIST!'

"...Is our Lord and Saviour?" Dennis spoke a bit begrudgingly.

"Oh shut the fuck up already." Toshiro rolled his eyes, as suddenly spotlights began to shine.

"Hm? When did this become a fashion show?" Aaron asked, as he smirked. "Y'know, I'll take first—"

Hiyoko covered Aaron's mouth, getting a bit tired of her antics after hanging with them for a long while. "Save the flirting for later, pronoun hog!"

Suddenly, a noise came from behind the desk, as the trap doors began to open. Lifting up from the trap door, and peeking their head over the desk was...

A Dog?

"Is... that a dog?" Neku asked, as he approached the creature getting a good look. The dog looked to be a small animatronic of sorts, and was a Husky/German Shepard Mix. Its colors seemed to be painted a light brown, with a mix of white fur in the center of its body. Its eyes white and beady, and a strange grey shape around his eyes down to his upper mouth.

The creature looked on with curious puppy dog eyes, before lowering its ears and focusing on the 'orientation.' "U-Uhm.. Hello, fellow... participants and Ultimates. Welcome to... B-Bakkato Island Resort."

"DAWWWWWW! HE'S SO CUTEEEEE!" Haru squealed, rushing over and lifting up the robot, petting gently behind his ears. "You are just the most adorable most cutest thing I've ever seen! And woah! So fluffy as well!!"

"I- oh..! Oh, this..! B-Behind the ears, please? Miss?" The dog said, beginning to show a cute little smile with each scratch.

"Ms. Sato! We require answers from this strange creature! Please, stop getting distracted by his-" Roger stopped, ironically getting distracted himself. "D'aww, what the heck?! Who can resist such a cute little animal?"

Roger walked over petting the dog, making the animatronic happier.

Hiyoko, on the other hand... didn't really find him cute at all.

"Seriously..?!" She shouted in frustration. She... admittedly wasn't that big of a dog fan. "It's like as if this stupid island MOSTLY WANTS me to suffer!! Secondly, how can that... dog even walk on hind legs or talk, and how is it a robot in the first place?! This isn't some animated cartoon universe, obviously! Thirdly, we should be focusing on getting answers on how we even came here, not goofing around and fawning over something as weird as that!"

"I... wouldn't use as harsh words as she did, and as much as I think dogs are kind of cool, Hiyoko's right." Neku agreed with her. "WHY IS THERE EVEN A ROBOT DOG?!"

"I'm with the Grating Graffiti Guy... and unfortunately with the Traditional Whiner as well... What in the actual fuck?" Toshiro asked in confusion. "Are you all dense for not even figuring those questions out?"

"I'm in the same boat as the other three." Madison nodded along. "Although the little puppy does seem... pretty cute, this just seems odd. Why would something like this gather us all up into a remote island?"

"I-I'll, um..." The dog seemed to stammer a bit nervously, looking down... "... g-get to that later..."

Ichigo kneeled down to take a closer look at the animatronic dog. "Intriguing. It seems to be some sort of AI. Made with real fur? Gosh, I hope actual animals werent harmed in the making of this scientific discovery!"

"Kenshiro think the same!" Kenshiro exclaimed with a worried tone. "Animals are friends to humans!"

"No actual animals were harmed, I c-can say that much." Monodog said, as he then sighed. "Uhm, but... please? Can we back away so I can explain some things involving everything?"

The group that was adoring over or examining the puppy stepped back as told.

"U-Umm... Mr..?" Ayumu spoke up, but hesitated.
"Sis? You want me to—" Nick asked, as Ayumu shook her head. "N-No. I-It's fine, b-bro... I-I can do it. Uhm... so... like H-Hiyoko said before, why e-exactly are we here? What... is this island?"

"Ahh. Yes. I was kind of expecting that to be the first question..." The dog brushed itself off, as it stood. "Well, for starters, let's get my name out of the way. I know all of you, but you don't know me. My name is. Monodog."

"Monodog?" Dora asked. "A very strange name, but I believe I understand why... is it your monochrome furcoat?"

"Well, yes. That's q-quite a good observation from you Ms. Morales." Monodog said. "However, you can refer to me however you please."

"However we please?" Ayumu asked, thinking about the idea. "Uhm.. Is it okay if I... m-maybe give you a nickname?"

"You may if you'd like to, ma'am!" Monodog wagged his tail in enthusiasm.

"W-Well, I'd... need some time." Ayumu nervously twitched her fingers about. "I h-hope you understand, M-Monodog..."

"Don't worry!" He reassured her. "It's all alright with me! Take as long as you wish!"

"While I do find the idea quite cute, it'd be better if we focus on more important matters now that the opportunity has risen." Kai said. "Monodog, was it? Why exactly have we've been bought here?"

"Ahh. Yes. Well..." Monodog nervously stuttered. "I'm sure you're.. all confused as to what happened when you arrived at the Academy, and safe to say... you were- knocked out and brought here. Asleep for... l-let me count... 2 years actually."

"... TWO FUCKING YEARS?!" Toshiro shouted.

" That's... awfully concerning." Madison said, and as she looked towards her left... she could immediately tell that Hiyoko looked horrified about that fact...

'T-That ugly canine thing was saying that... two ENTIRE years of my life where I c-could have done what I've pleased...' She thought to herself, filled with astonishment and rage. "... JUST WENT UP IN FUCKING S-SHREDS?!'

She tried to repress her outer feelings... but in the inside, she just couldn't ignore how bullshit that whole revelation was. Nonetheless, she just tried to focus on the questions being asked... Hopefully that'd distract her from blowing a fuse out in public...

'W-Why did that e-even have to happen..?! I could have been doing my dream classes at school, b-but... THIS SHIT had to happen instead!! I... I only wish I was e-even able to call... d-dad by then... if lifelines even work around here..."

"Well then, Monodog? Let me ask you this." Madison asked. "Who is your master in the first place?"

"My... Master?" Monodog asked nervously.
"Im... not exactly sure... I don't remember who they were off from the top of my head..."

"Well, that's certainly not going to help us." Madison sighed.

"I bet his master could have been one of us standin' right here on this very floor!" Roxy shouted, who then chanted excitedly... "ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!"

One of them? Certainly that stupid nonsense could have been impossible, right? What was that spider freak even thinking?! Everyone had to be kidnapped here somehow, and there would've been no way someone amongst them could have just dragged everyone to some island after knocking themselves out, too! Hiyoko asked herself the question whilst trying to repress the still-present angered thought of her wasted life... Those two things combined just made her entire mindset feel as if she was spinning around in the same dance move for 24 whole hours... almost as if she wanted to vomit! Blegh!

"Better question." Evelyn asked. "Whos the one that brought us here anyway?! Cmon, we dont got all day man. Secondly, theres no- Producers of mine here with us is there?"

"No." Monodog reassured.

"OH THANK GOD!!" Evelyn shouted in reassurance.

"...Miss, why do you insist on being so vulgar and loud?!" Roger asked assertively.

"Maybe when you're living a life when you need to be Ms. Spotless all the damn time, you start to have pent up emotions?!" Evelyn asked angrily. "Maybe loosen up yourself for once, so you stop bein' a preppy ass

Hiyoko looked at her in absolute shock from her words... which did distract her thoughts for a moment.

"Oh... my... god." She said in shock. "D-Did you... just..?!"

This... made Evelyn sweat like bullets flying around, making a face that's as if an anime character was saying 'OH GOD FUCK.' Not to mention, she was extremely flustered.

"That... was..." Hiyoko started, before finishing...

"AWESOME!!" She shouted excitedly. "I didn't know you could go off like that! Heck, not even the behind the scenes featurettes from my Penelope's Playhouse DVDs showed that! DOITAGAINDOITAGAINDOITAGAAAAIIIN!!"

Evelyn just dumped her face onto her hands and screamed onto them out of frustration.

"Y'know, on the topic of that... If this is a TV show of sorts, we would most likely got cancelled." Aaron said to himself.

"Wait, that still doesn't answer anything either way." Nick said, getting tired of everything going nowhere for the group. "If this IS a TV show? What's the purpose behind it?"

"Or if this is a hostage situation like Mr. Smith was suggesting..?" Madison wondered. "From what I've gathered with Hiyoko, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if it was true."

"I'm with Madison here." Ryu agreed. "Though, what reason would they have to make us their hostages?"

"Uhm... f-for... a game." Monodog nervously spoke, shaking from the sheer mention.

"So... a game show?" Aaron asked. "Welp, is this where we're filming it? Awfully weird to be holding one on a tropical island with barely anyone around aside from us... but hey, if I'm right about it being a dating game show, I won't complain!"

"BORRRRING." A raspy voice shouted, the same second voice from the loudspeaker earlier all the while as Dennis looked up from his bible. "... Uhm. Pardon me getting distracted by this childish nonsense, but what was that?"

"Roxy, that... wasn't you was it?" Nick asked worriedly as Roxy shook her head. "Nope! Quiet as a mouse over here! Unless IF you want me to screech!"

"Yeah... how about ya DON'T?" The voice spoke again, as the group looked to the crucifix from before. That same voice coming from it, as the cat hanging on it spoke again.

"Monodog?! What the hell did I say about STAYING IN POSITION AND NOT TELLING THEM SHIT?!"

"AHH! I-I'm sorry!!" Monodog shouted. "E-ERM... BUT WHY ARE YOU—"

"Because here, I AM GOD!" The Cat shouted, as it jumped from the crucifix and landed on the Front Desk. Turning to the others, it began to smile evily showing a row of sharp teeth. "So, I believe everyone's..."

The robotic cat stopped, taking a look over the crowd. "15, 16, 17... 18?! 18 damn participants?! Jesus, I guess one of you was a last minute addition!"

"Last minute addition?" Kai asked in confusion. "I don't quite get how one of us could have been a last addition..?"

"Well, things happen, big bod! If I had to guess... It's probably the banana kid, the small one over there!" The cat pointed with a claw retracting from the finger she was using. "Preeeeeetty sure you were in Class 77-B in some other copycat school... or maybe I must've drank too much red wine last night. Oh well!"

"Excuse me..?! The hell did you mean by tha—" Hiyoko tried to ask before getting interrupted.

"Buuuuut no need to worry yourselves with those silly irrelevant details!" The cat exclaimed. "Now! Before I ultimately forget like one huge dummy. The name's Monokitty! I am your God and you will all bow to me!"

"... I refuse to do something so idiotic and immatu-" Dennis said, as Roxy was immediately seen worshipping the cat.


Dennis begrudgingly facepalmed whilst Hiyoko had a face that just looked as if she just wanted to end it all... 'It's official. All the remaining hope of this world that I've barely hung on has just been inserted inside a giant shredder...'

[A/N: Okay, so you're probably wondering why this ended in a bit of a cliffhanger. Originally, this chapter was gonna be longer, but estimating how the final would have looked like in the end... Yeah, it's probably best to just split this up into two separate chapters. I promise though, the wait for the next chapter WILL be worth it! So stay tuned... or well, read in technicality!]

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