ii. a second family

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. the very best
TWO ━━ a second family

ᵒ .༄ ࿐ ࿔* 🦁🔥🏆
⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆

     IF THERE WAS A WORD TO DESCRIBE THE BURROW, FLO COULD ONLY THINK OF ONE; and that was peculiar. The strange structure that loomed over a large field looked anything but ordinary in her eyes, but despite its odd look, with the gravity-defying architecture and colourful wooden planks scartered about, it was one of the most beautiful houses Florence had ever seen. It looked nothing like her own home, a simple cottage at the edge of a cornfield, and she had always loved to go and visit the Burrow whenever she could. At one point one could say she lived their and became an official Weasley.

    Fred and George had even gone as far as turning her hair red one time during Christmas break. Molly had been in hysterics when she couldn't spot the blonde among her redheaded lot when they went out in town—until luckily, Bill the ever so responsible oldest sibling pointed her out smiling sweetly with her new hair colour on display.

     She remembered the memory fondly, and even Molly could crack a smile at the sight of the littlest O'Malley girl.

    Now on the early morning on the first of September, Flo was standing beside her parents, the golden blonde was bouncing on the ball of her heels as her mother knocked on the wooden door.

     She held her trunk in one hand, her Snow Owl Artie perched on her shoulder.

     The family of three had quickly found out the small Snow Owl absolutely loathed being inside his cage. Screeching throughout the night and day whenever the cage was even in his sight.

     It was quiet for a moment, something very unusual to the tall girl, but it peaceful demeanour was just a front because when the door was opened by Molly, loud shouts and screaming echoed throughout the cosy home.

     The redheaded matriarch looked awfully stressed out so early in the morning as she tried to get all her children ready. Her hair was frizzy and the apron tied around her waist was inside out. But Molly still greeted her parents with an exhausted, but warm smile before she pulled the young blonde in a bone-crushing hug.

     "Morning Mrs. Weasley." Flo greeted politely after she was released from Molly's tight embrace.

     "Morning dear." Molly ushered the family of three inside quickly just when another crashing sound came from the kitchen followed by the sound of breaking glass. Her face became almost as red as her hair as she turned towards the kitchen.


     "We haven't done anything mother dearest, how could you even think we would ever break something. We're complete angels!" Florence turned her head towards the living room where both Fred and George were sitting on the couch, innocent smiles on their faces as they folded their hands on their laps and sat up straight in complete sync.

     Molly blinked in surprise. "Well, I uh..." She shook her head before walking inside the kitchen to find the real culprit. Meanwhile, her parents left for the dining room where Arthur was sitting with the Daily Prophet and Florence approached the twins.

    "Gentlemen." Flo greeted the two cheerfully, dropping herself on the couch between them.

    "Florence." The two younger redheads grinned.

     "A little birdy told me you two finally gotten some brooms for try-outs this year?" She looked between them.

     "Two second hand Cleansweaps!" Fred exclaimed happily, a proud grin on his face. "They're wicked!" George added to his brother's statement.

     Florence nodded, excited for the two second years. "Think ya two can keep up with us?"

     "Keep up with them, you hear that George?" Fred turned to his brother.

     "I surely did Fred. But I think the better question is, can you keep up with us?" George pitched in confidently.

     Florence laughed, shaking her head before ruffling the boy's heads, making them protest in fake-irritation. "Oh shut it you two gits."

     "I would heed her warning little brothers." Charlie suddenly peeked around the corner of the kitchen a teasing smile on his face as he regarded the blonde sitting between his twin brothers. "She will bloody murder you in your sleep if you diminish her chances of winning the cup."

     "Like you wouldn't destroy anyone coming between you and the cup Mr. Captain man." Flo teased.

     Charlie rolled his eyes, rolling up the sleeves of his sweater threateningly and the golden blonde was quick to push herself off of the couch, eyes wide, even if she knew the boy was just messing with her.

     With that, the golden blonde rushed up the creaking stairs towards Percy's room.

     A body suddenly launched itself onto the golden haired girl, almost sending both of them to the ground if it wasn't for Florence strength and quick reflexes she had obtained from years of Quidditch.

     "Ginny." Florence laughed as she turned around to look over her shoulder to see the youngest Weasley latched on her back with a happy grin. The nine year old still dressed in her pink pyjama's and her wild hair braided messily. "Good morning to you too."

     "I missed you." The girl declared, wrapping her arms tighter around her neck. "Percy has been an absolute bore without you here. He didn't even want to play with me."

     Florence hummed, tapping her chin as if in deep thought. "Well I should probably do something about it, eh?"

     "Pretty please." Ginny smiled toothily at her, brown eyes sparkling as she slid down the older girl's back.

     "I'll go see what I can do right now." She promised, pushing the head of the girl teasingly towards the bathroom. "You should get dressed."

    The redhead gave her a fleeting smile before she disappeared in the bathroom. With a shake of her head, Flo walked up another set of stairs before approaching Percy's bedroom, already hearing two familiar voices.

     "I want to go to Hogwarts too!" Ron Weasley.

     "You're not old enough Ron." Percy Weasley.

     Florence chuckled at the exchange—the same one that happened every year with Ron and Ginny—the two youngest eager to start their own adventures at Hogwarts.

     "I am old enough!"

     She heard a door slam before a grumbling Ron came trudging down the stairs, glaring at the steps and not even noticing the blonde watching him amusedly.

     She shook her head before treading up the last couple stairs that led to her best friend's room.

     "Good morning sunshine!" She obnoxiously knocked on his door before swinging it open.

     She grinned as she caught a glimpse of the boy jumping up in surprise by her unexpected greeting, a faint blush covering his freckled cheeks. "Why are you always doing that?" He asked seriously, bending down to retrieve the fallen pieces of parchment he had dropped in fright.

     "Because I like doing that." Flo shrugged as she made herself at home in the small bedroom, falling back on Percy's bed with a sigh.

    The redhead didn't reply immediately and instead returned back to checking his trunk one last time.

     Or for the seventh time? Probably the seventh knowing the boy.

     "So...--"Florence drawled out. "—Is this the year you're finally confessing your undying love for Penelope Clearwater?" She inquired, rolling on her stomach so she could look at the boy.

     The redness of his hair was nothing compared to the colour that almost covered his whole face as he turned to her with wide eyes. "Shh! What if someone hears you!" He whisper-yelled in terror.

     "Come on Perce." Flo sighed, sitting back up. "There's nothing wrong with liking someone. Why does it have to be such a huge secret. I mean you've told me you liked her back in our second year. Second year Perce! We're starting our Fourth year!"

     "Because I don't want to give Fred and George another reason to tease me." Percy pointed out the obvious. "Plus you're my best friend, I know I can trust you with things like that."

     "They won't do that...— never mind, they would totally do that." She watched as Percy deflated and she quickly added, " but I will beat them up for you if they do!"

     "Thanks for the offer, but I am not confessing to anything anytime soon."

     "What about that letter you wrote? I bet she would love that! It was beautiful, I wish someone would do that for me." Florence encouraged, eyes following Percy as he paced back and forward, contemplating her words.

    "Maybe, I don't know— I'll think about it."

     Florence sighed, but didn't push any further. She knew that when Percy was ready, he would find his own way to tell the Clearwater girl about his feelings.

     "Alright..." she sighed defeated before changing the subject." Well are you ready for yet another year at Hogwarts?"

     "Of course! I really want to make Prefect next year so I must do more than my usual best this time you know. I mean, both Bill and Charlie made Prefect, can you imagine if I wouldn't?" Percy rambled as he finally closed his trunk.

     "Relax Percy, if anyone will make Prefect next year it will be you! You're the smartest person I know." Flo assured him as the two made their way to the door.

     "I hope you're right."

     "Didn't you know Perce? I'm always right."


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