iii. mother knows best

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. the very best
THREE ━━ mother knows best

ᵒ .༄ ࿐ ࿔* 🦁🔥🏆
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WITH THE LAST SUMMER BREEZE RUSHING THROUGH HER HAIR, Flo stood between her father and mother just outside King Cross station with the Weasley family. There was excitement hanging in the air as she spotted Fred and George quietly talking (— or scheming ) to each other about, what the blonde girl assumed other pranks they planned to do this year. The two redheads had trusted her with vital information— well they were more forced to disclose their secret because she busted them red handed back in the twins first year.

A map, of Hogwarts had fallen in their possession, but more importantly— it showed where everyone was at the exact moment in time. Florence was already pitying their next unlucky victim.

Grinning from ear to ear, Florence followed after Molly Weasley when the woman and her parents started to move them along with the clock coming closer and closer to eleven o'clock. Like always, the station was packed with Muggles and witches and wizards alike as they rushed around each other to get to their destination. Falling in step with Percy who was pushing his trolly ahead, his pet rat Scabbers sitting in his cage, lazily staring around him. Not even her cooing could make the tattered beast look the slightest bit happy.

With a bounce in her step, Florence approached the wall that would led them to the Hogwarts Express. A giggle escaped her lips when the twins each looped an arm through her own and almost dragged her through the hidden passageway.

"Fred! George! Behave yourselves!"

Poor Molly was probably ready to drag the twins back by their ears at this point as she ushered all her children to follow her through the barrier.

But the three were already at the other side, looking at the magnificent Hogwarts express with large smiles. "You two just love to drive your mother mad don't you?" She raised an eyebrow at the two second years.

"It's how we show affection don't we George?"

"It absolutely is Fred." George nodded just as the others joined them.

"Are you alright dear?" Molly appeared in front of her with a look of concern.

"It's fine Mrs. Weasley, nothing I can't handle." She assured before ruffling through both of the boy's hair.

"Florence!" The two complained in sync, pushing her hands away.

"You shouldn't worry about Flo, mum." Charlie pitched in, "Her head is as hard as a rock." He turned to look at his friend—one he actually consider more a little sister. "It has to be when you keep getting hit by hurdling Bludgers."

Florence just groaned as the Weasley boy ruffled her hair affectionately.

The golden blonde shook her head, before leaving their side to join Percy again who was still looking at his younger brothers with a disapproving glare. "They can't never behave themselves properly." He muttered.

Flo giggled, knowing Percy better than almost everyone, the blonde knew he didn't mean it as an insult. Percy just always wanted to make sure they all didn't make things harder for their family than necessary. With seven children running about, the third oldest always tried to tone everything down to give his parents a moment of peace.

"They're just excited Perce, no one is getting hurt." She squeezed his arm in assurance. "If your mother is truly mad she would be dragging the twins back home."

"I know." Percy smiled, before pushing his trolly forward ready to board the train.

"Have a good year sweetheart." Florence was captured in a strong hug from both her parents as they rocked her back and forward between them.

"Mum, dad, please you're suffocating me." She whined but returned the hug nonetheless.

"Sorry darling, we're just going to miss you! It's your fourth year already! Before you know it you'll be graduating!" Caleb stated with a frown.

"Before you know it, she'll have a boyfriend!" Eleanor gushed in glee about the thought, latching onto her husband's arm.

"What?" Both Florence and Caleb turned toward Eleanor  with wide eyes.

"I just can't wait for you to fall in love!" Eleanor grabbed her daughter by the shoulders. "I met your dad when we we're in our fourth year— well talked to him, I knew who he was already of course..."

Florence blinked as her mother suddenly started to re-tell the story of how she and her father fell in love. From the corner of her eye she could see the others quietly holding their laughter.

Looking for any way to escape the tale of their parents fairy tale again, the blonde spotted her saving grace about to board the train.

"Hey Percy look! There's Oliver! Oliver misses us terrible probably. We ought not let him wait any longer. Let's go before we lose him!" Florence spluttered, startling the aforementioned boy as she grabbed her trunk from the ground and pulled Percy along by his sweater sleeve. "Bye mum, bye dad I love you see at Christmas break!"

Eleanor and Caleb blinked as the two teens rushed aboard the Hogwarts express, "What just happened?" Caleb wondered in surprise as he turned to look at his wife.

The woman had a thoughtful expression on her face as she looked at the Hogwarts Express. "Actually love, I think our sweet Florence is getting that boyfriend afteral."

"Wait what?" Caleb paled at the thought. "She can't have a boyfriend, she's so young."

"Why not? We were together at the end of our fourth year."

"Because I know boys, I know how they think." Caleb stuttered out.

"No you don't, you weren't concerned with girls at all, you head was consumed with Quidditch. You were totally obsessing about making brooms instead of wooing girls."


"I'm sure she'll be fine, the girl got a good head on her shoulders." Eleanor assured him.

Caleb sighed in defeat as his wife went to talk to Molly about their plans for Christmas when he noticed Charlie about to approach the train. "Charlie!"

The second oldest Weasley turned to the frantic man with wide eyes. "Uh, yes?"

"Watch out for my girl will you, El thinks she's gonna get a boyfriend, I don't want any boys near her."

"Uh, you do know Percy is a boy right." Charlie rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"I'm not worried about Percy, all of you are like siblings to her." Caleb countered. "Please, I just don't want her to get hurt."

"I'll keep an eye on her, I promise." Charlie nodded.

"Thank you!"

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PUSHING PASSED PEOPLE IN THE NARROW HALLWAY, Florence and Percy tried to make their way to the compartment their group of friends usually occupied for the train ride.

The two tall teens towered over all the first years who looked around nervously trying to find a place to sit. Florence chuckled at the sight thinking back to her own first year. She luckily had Percy by her side but they were both absolutely terrified about starting at Hogwarts.

"Do you think we'll be sorted in the same house?" A nervous eleven year old Florence inquired, blue eyes darting around all the half filled compartments.

Percy who had been just as nervous as her—the two hadn't slept much the night before their first Year at Hogwarts— tried to hide his worries with a smile.

"Surely." Percy promised, but his voice wavered slightly as a group of third or fourth years pushed passed them.

"You are a shoe-in for Gryffindor." Florence muttered, "All your siblings have been sorted there. My mum was a Ravenclaw and My dad was a Slytherin. What if I don't get Gryffindor?"

"You will." He promised. "And even if you weren't we'll always be best friends."

Florence smiled, a wave of relief flooding through her and the girl finally decided she had enough of walking aimlessly around and pulled the first compartment door in sight open.

"Hello." Florence greeted the boy seated inside. "I'm Florence and this is Percy. Do you mind if we sit here?"

"Not at all." His voice had a faint accent. "I'm Oliver."

"Nice to meet you Oliver." She smiled. "Now to important questions. Do you like Quidditch?"

"It is only the best thing to ever exist!"

The sound of a compartment door sliding open brought her back from her memory and she quickly smiled at the gathered group around and greeted them eagerly.

The blonde quickly fell down in one of the seats next to Angelina Johnson, a kind and fierce dark skinned third year who immediately launched into a story about her Summer.

"You won't belief what my mum told me before I made a run for the train," Florence started after Angelina finished telling how she and her dad went to France for a week. "She actually straight out told me to get a boyfriend."

Angelina giggled, "seriously?" both girl oblivious to the boy peeking over his notebook.

"I know right! Angie you should have seen my dad when she said that, he was looking like he might faint any minute. Knowing my dad he probably made Charlie my babysitter."

"But do you want to get a boyfriend?" Angie suggested with a smirk.

"No thanks, I just want to play Quidditch and have fun."

"You sound like a certain someone we know." The two girls looked at Oliver in sync and the dark blonde quickly averted his eyes downwards again, acting as if he was listening to whatever conversation was going on next to him.

"Something wrong?" He asked nervously.

"Not at all." They replied before bursting out in laughter.

Florence calmed down after moment before turning her attention to Oliver with an excited grin. "So how was the match?"

And just like that all shyness had disappeared again, the two Quidditch fanatics engaged in a thrilling—to them, not to everyone else in the vicinity conversation.

"It was bloody amazing Flo, Puddlemere was amazing!" Oliver replied, with an Scottish twang, voice laced with the same amount of enthusiasm that carried out in Florence own words as he launched into re-telling of the experience.

"I wish I could have gone." Florence frowned. "But we had to go to my grandparents for granny's birthday."

"Next time we'll go together." Oliver offered. "I'm sure my parents won't mind. They love you!"

Florence nodded in agreement," I would love to! But are you sure they won't mind, I mean I've only talked to them a couple times at the station?" She asked unsurely

"I talk about you a lot at home." Oliver admitted, his ears turning pink.

"Really now?" Angelina joined the conversation, resting her head in the palm of her hand, but the blonde beside her remained oblivious to the suggestive tone in her friend's voice.

"Well, erh, she's... she's a great quidditch player you know, so yeah— I talk about that with them." Oliver stammered out.

"I talk a lot about you too!" Florence mused with much more confidence. "All I talk about is how you will become a professional player for sure."

"Oh." Oliver smile seemed to fall a bit.

Florence did picked up on his change of demeanour and kept smiling brightly. "Yeah, I bet you're gonna be the greatest keeper in the world.


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