v. miss matchmaker

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. the very best
FIVE ━━ miss matchmaker

ᵒ .༄ ࿐ ࿔* 🦁🔥🏆
⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆

     QUIDDITCH SEASON WAS FAST APPROACHING, WHICH MEANT THAT THE GRYFFINDOR TEAM WAS UP IN THE EARLY HOURS ON SATURDAY morning for the Quidditch try-outs. Charlie, their team Captain, however had muttered and cursed the whole way down to the pitch, already regretting the decision to let Flo decided on the time. He should have known the little, but mighty girl would want to start at the crack of dawn. But with both Flo and Oliver feverishly begging to keep the time at this dreadful hour even though he had the final decision, he still felt like he had no say at all. They had assured the 7th year that it would separate the people hoping to just breeze through Quidditch and the ones willing to work hard and get them the Quidditch Cup.

      With her blonde hair still a mess and with limbs begging to get back to bed, Florence managed to drag herself— already dressed in her Quidditch robes, to the playing pitch alongside Angelina Johnson, whom was cursing like a sailor under her breath when the cold morning air brushed against her cheeks.

      Florence didn't want to admit, but maybe even she had been a little bit over eager with this time slot. Especially when she had spend the previous night catching up with her friends well into the early hours of the morning.

      Bad choice on her part really.

     With the Quidditch pitch coming into view, the golden blonde noticed the small turn up, but wasn't that surprised if she was honest. A dozen or so students were patiently waiting on the bleachers while Charlie was gathering the supplies, humming a very familiar Celestina Warbeck song to keep himself awake.

     "Aren't you excited!" Oliver joyfully asked as he approached the blonde, a bright grin on his face as he almost skipped to her. "This is going to be a great year for the team, I can feel it."

     Flo mimicked his enthusiasm with a beaming smile, clutching her broom tightly in her hands, already becoming more awake by the sight of her thrilled friend. "It better be! It's Charlie's last year and he needs to go out with a bang!"

     "Speaking of Charlie-" Oliver motioned to the redhead who sat on one of the wooden benches with his gathered supplies dozing off against one of the school's Cleansweaps. "He really needs to focus more, we're wasting precious time here."

     Narrowing her eyes, Florence took in a deep breath before shouting at the top of her lungs. "Get your arse into gear Charles Weasley!"

     Charlie jumped up, and blinked in surprise, as multiple Gryffindor students looked at the blonde like she was totally bonkers and scooted a little bit further away from her.

     "Flo you're scaring our potential team members." Charlie crossed his arms over his chest before nodding towards the frightened third years gathered the furthest away from them.

     "Well Quidditch isn't a sport for the soft hearted now is it?" Flo raised a questioning eyebrow before pushing herself up from the bench and to her friend's side as everyone stepped aside for the fierce girl. "So are we going to get started or what?"

     "Uh, yeah-- let's get going guys!" The last words were directed to the people trying out. "Can all the chasers get together over there," He pointed to the far left, "And the beaters next to them."

     Oliver stepped up next the blonde and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Is it me, or is Charlie actually scared of you?"

     Florence chuckled as she watched the redhead explain what they were going to do today to the students trying out, waving his hands as he talked about the sport with adoration.

     "Just a tiny bit." She nodded before observing as the chasers of the bunch lifted of the ground and started warming up, zooming around the pitch.

     With her blue eyes fixated on the people flying around the pitch, she hovered above the group to observe their skills. She already had her eyes on a couple of people—Angelina being one of them The two might have practised together over the Summer. As the sun started to peak through the clouds, the warm light hit her face and she closed her eyes for a moment, letting out a relaxed sigh until screams of surprised echoed around the pitch.

     to her surprise— scratch that,(— it should actually be expected ), she spotted the twins as the ones causing the chaos as they apparently swung one of the Bludgers towards some oblivious students trying out for chaser, one being hit and clutching her arm, tears gathering in her eyes.

     "Oi!" She zoomed over towards the redheads and their gleeful faces fell as they saw her approach and tried to shrunk back into themselves. "What was that?"

     "Uh you see," Fred began,

     "We thought they could use a more hands on approach." George finished.

     "Who hit it?"

     Both second years pointed at the other without hesitation, as Oliver joined his best friend, a bright smile on his face. "That was bloody amazing! You hit it perfectly, erh—whoever you are!" The boy gushed, nearly bouncing on his broom as he looked at the twins.

     The redheaded twins perked up at the praise and grinned excitedly, sharing a proud look.

     "You heard that Freddie? Bloody amazing we are!" George whistled, as he looked at his brother.

     "It's all in the swing Georgie." Fred said matter of factly, as he showed the movement again.

     "Boys!" The golden blonde narrowed her eyes. "Someone could have seriously been injured."

      "Isn't that the point of being a beater?" George wondered cheekily.

      "Well yes—but..."

      "No buts!" Fred interrupted.

      "So are we on the team?" George asked.

     Florence looked between the two boys and knocked their heads together. They both yelped in surprise clutching their heads while she flew away again.

     "Does that mean we're in?" Fred called after the girl.

     Florence halted in the air and looked over her shoulder with a mischievous smirk. "Of course you dimwits! If it wins me the Quidditch Cup you can maim and injury as much people as you'd like!"

     "Hey! You can't make decisions like that Flo! I'm the team captain!"

     "Oh shut up Charles!"

ᵒ .༄ ࿐ ࿔* 🦁🔥🏆

     IN FAIR WARNING, FLORENCE HAD ALWAYS KNOWN PERCY TO BE QUITE AWKWARD AROUND THE GENRAL POPULATION OF HUMANITY. But not in the way he starts mumbling and stuttering, but more so the fact that the redheaded boy started to spew facts like there was no tomorrow. So the second hand embarrassment she felt, watching this particular train wreck during Herbology after she cleverly managed to switch spots with Penelope so Percy had the chance to work together with her was almost too much to bare.
    "Erh, you know a snail can have up to 25 thousand teeth?"

     Scratch that—it was too much.

     Of course Percy managed to make a complete fool out of himself in mere minutes before deciding to staying quiet was his best option.

     "It's official! I made a total fool out of myself! She will never like me!" Percy groaned quietly as he and Florence walked side by side towards the Great Hall.

      Flo smiled sympathetically at the boy, looping her arm through his and pulled him closer, "You don't need to worry so much." She said in a hushed voice, leaning her head on the boy's shoulder, "you didn't make a fool out of yourself." he did.

     "I just can't seem to hold a conversation with her, or any girl for that matter." He muttered irritated.

     "Perce, you do realise I am a girl right? And you seem to do just fine with me right?"

      "That's different Flo, I have known you since we were babies, babies!" He ranted.

     "It doesn't have to be." Florence promised feverishly, dragging the boy off, but instead of going towards the Gryffindor table, she directed them to the Ravenclaw table.

     "Wait, wait! Florence! Please don't." He tried to hold her back when he spotted the blonde Ravenclaw sitting amongsts her friends.

     "Hello Penelope!" Florence greeted brightly, ignoring Percy's pleading look.

     "Hello Florence." The blonde smiled at her, turning in the bench to look at her, before her gaze settled on a blushing Percy.

     "Have you given any thought about the Herbology assignment yet?" Florence question, taking ahold of Percy's knitted sweater when he attempted to walk away.

     "Not much yet, why'd you ask?"

    "Well you see, Percy here—" she pulled the boy forward, "hasn't got a partner yet for the project, and I thought maybe you two could work together perhaps?"

     "You don't have too—"

     "You'd make great partners!"

     "— if you don't want to."

     "I'd love too." Penelope smiled, a faint blush covering her cheeks as she looked up at the redheaded boy.

     "R-really?" Percy stuttered out in surprise.

     "Of course."

     "Brilliant!" Florence clapped her hands together, "I'd leave you two to it then." She pushed the redhead down by his shoulder, forcing him to sit down next to the girl before she spun on her heel, walking over towards the Gryffindor table.

     "You look mighty happy with yourself lass."

     The golden blonde turned her head to look at Oliver, "Well, Percy and Penelope are finally having a normal conversation, so that's a win in my book!" She enthused proudly.

     "Great." Oliver groaned, slouching in his seat, "I will never hear the end of that tonight."

      All Florence could do was laugh.


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